Dental Biomaterials
Dental Biomaterials
Dental Biomaterials
ISSN: 2529-816X
Series Editors:
Roger Guilard
Université de Bourgogne
UFR Sciences et Techniques
Faculté des Sciences Mirande
9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870
21078 Dijon Cedex, France
Karl M Kadish
Department of Chemistry
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5003, USA
Dental Biomaterials
Edward Sacher
École Polytechnique de Montréał, Canada
Rodrigo França
University of Manitoba, Canada
Series Editors
Roger Guilard
Université de Bourgogne, France
Karl M. Kadish
University of Houston, USA
World Scientific
For photocopying of material in this volume, please pay a copying fee through the Copyright Clearance
Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In this case permission to photocopy
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Printed in Singapore
vi Preface
About the Editorsvii
x Contents
Contents xi
xii Contents
Contents xiii
xiv Contents
Contents xv
4. Microstructure 186
4.1. Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramics 186
4.2. Zirconia-Reinforced Lithium Silicate
Glass-Ceramics 188
5. Properties of Lithium Disilicate-Based
Glass-Ceramics 191
5.1. Mechanical Properties 191
5.1.1. Fracture Strength 192
5.1.2. Young’s Modulus 193
5.1.3. Fracture Toughness (KIC) 195
5.1.4. Hardness 196
5.1.5. Wear 197
5.2. Other Physical Properties 198
5.2.1. Density 198
5.2.2. Thermal Properties 198
5.2.3. Optical Properties 199
5.3. Chemical Properties 200
5.4. Biocompatibility Issues 201
Acknowledgments 202
References 203
xvi Contents
Contents xvii
xviii Contents
Contents xix
5.5.2 Commercial Low-Shrinkage
5.5.3 Experimental Composite
6. Composite Water Sorption as a Means
for Polymerization Stress Reduction 361
xx Contents
Contents xxi
xxii Contents
Chapter 1
2 Dental Biomaterials
1. Introduction
Information on the chemistry, crystal structure, size, roughness,
etc., of a surface is often needed by the dental researcher. There are
techniques available today that will provide such information.
However, these techniques are often in the domain of chemists and
physicists, whose primary interests lie outside the area of dental
research; dental researchers, who have little background in the phys-
ics, chemistry, or mathematics of such techniques, may be loath to
use them for that reason, despite the potential benefits. It is the
purpose of this chapter to acquaint them with several of the more
common surface characterization techniques, and what they will be
able to achieve by using them.
This chapter is designed to inform the dental researcher what
information any given technique is capable of offering when carried
out by a surface scientist competent in that technique. While it is not
necessary for the dental researcher to have expertise in physics, chem-
istry, and mathematics, they are the major pillars on which biomaterial
surface research is constructed, and there is no reason why the dental
researcher should not avail himself of such aid.
4 Dental Biomaterials
2. Characterization Techniques
These techniques fall into two broad categories, physicochemical and
morphological. Physicochemical techniques elucidate the physical
and chemical properties of a material, such as its crystal structure and
chemical groups, while morphological techniques reveal the size,
roughness, and shape of a material. A schematic representation of the
techniques is given in Table 1.
There are many different characterization techniques; however,
only a few provide insights into the outermost atomic layers. The
techniques we have chosen to discuss are those readily found in
research laboratories, whose use entails reasonable costs and whose
data are readily interpretable by those in the field. Some deal with
elements at the surface, while others offer necessary information on
molecules. They run the gamut from qualitative to quantitative
analyses, wherein qualitative methods give information on only the
presence of elements or compounds, while quantitative methods
measure their amounts. Further, they vary in sensitivity, ranging from
6 Dental Biomaterials
Table 1. Surface analyses techniques
Vibrational Diffraction
Ion spectroscopies Electron spectroscopies spectroscopies methods
Depth probed <1 nm 2–5 nm Bulk 10 nm 1 nm 4 mm 0.5–2 mm 5 nm
Surface energy Yes No No No No No No No No
+++ ++ +++++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++
27-11-2018 02:56:37 PM
“9x6” b3252 Dental Biomaterials
parts per hundred (i.e. percent) to parts per billion (ppb) or parts per
trillion (ppt). Many of the techniques to be described operate under
high vacuum (UHV), whose main purpose is to extend the mean free
path (i.e. the average distance between molecular collisions) of the
information-carrying particles (e.g. electrons), so that they may be
properly treated before detection. However, using UHV can be a
challenge when working with porous materials, such as dentin.
The depth probed varies with the technique. Some techniques can
provide information on the outermost monolayer or two (<1 nm),
while others probe several nanometers. However, methods can some-
times be applied to increase or decrease the probe depth of these
techniques; e.g. changing the XPS take-off angle or progressively
etching the surface. In addition, spatial resolution can vary, from
<1 nm to several micrometers, and this feature is especially important
if chemical mapping is required.
No single technique provides complete answers to surface analy
tical questions, and therefore several complementary techniques must
be used in approaching a problem. Special attention should also be
paid to sample preservation. Some techniques can destroy the sample
by radiation or sputtering. Destructive techniques should always be
preceded by all the non-destructive techniques.
8 Dental Biomaterials
Figure 2. Example of the effect of the light curing source on the surface
energy of self-etch resin cement. Two samples of the same self-etch resin
cement were cured using a Quartz-Tungsten-Halogen light (QTH) or a
Light-Emitting Diode light (LED)
When the surface is wet by the liquid (i.e. θ = 0), γ (at the liquid–
vapor interface) is equal to zero, and γ (at the solid–liquid interface)
is equal to γ (at the solid–vapor interface). That is, in order to wet a
solid surface, the surface tension of the liquid must be equal to, or less
than, that of the surface. Wetting assures extensive contact, and is
desirable for good adhesion.
CA measurement is the least expensive and simplest technique
used to probe the surface. It is also the only one able to directly deter-
mine solid surface thermodynamics, such as surface free energy,
enthalpy, and entropy. However, they do not provide sample surface
composition and are more applicable to low-energy solids, such as
polymers, as seen in Figure 2. It is important to note that the Young–
Dupré equation applies only to smooth, homogeneous surfaces;
rough surfaces require the Wenzel or Cassie–Baxter equations.12,13,14
In dentistry, CA is commonly used for determining the hydrophi-
licity of impression materials15,16 and dental bonding agents.17,18 Some
water-drop CA values of dental materials are shown in Table 2. New
techniques, such as microdroplet approaches, and further detail infor-
mation can be obtained in specialized reviews.19,20
Figure 4. XPS survey spectra of dental enamel, dentin, resin-based compos-
ite (Filtek Supreme, 3M, St. Paul, MN, USA), and a dental implant (Astra,
Dentsply, SW)
carboxylic acid, etc.) in a given spectrum are in the same ratio as the
chemical groups in the material being tested. Moreover, the existence
of peak sensitivity factors for each element permits the evaluation of
the relative ratios of all the peaks in all the spectra being considered.
That is, to within a few percent, an XPS analysis is both qualitative
and quantitative. Newer instruments can be used to chemically map a
surface, using one of these peak components.
and peaks in the second region indicate a unique pattern from each
organic compound. The interpretation of FTIR spectra can be carried
out by comparison of each peak/band position with the large amount
of information available in the literature. Table 4 provides a selection
of frequently used functional groups of dental materials.
For materials containing many compounds, the spectral interpre-
tation can be a challenge, because peaks may overlap. As an example,
the ATR-FTIR spectra of some pulp-capping materials are shown in
Figure 10.23
Figure 10. FTIR spectra for four pulp capping materials. Symbols represent
calcium compounds: CaCO3 (Aragonite), CaCO3 (Calcite), Ca3SiO5,
Ca2SiO4, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, CaSO4, Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2, Ca(OH)2.
Adapted from [Ref. 26]
τ= ,
β cos θ
Figure 11. XRD spectra from three bioceramics for bone growing. Adapted
from [Ref. 26]
3. Final Recommendations
Now that the reader is aware of the potential information that can be
obtained from skilled surface analysis, we emphasize the following, as
the order in which such studies should be carried out:
(1) The dental researcher should first meet with the surface scientist
to discuss exactly what information is sought, whether the tech-
nique chosen is capable of offering such information, and the
time and cost of the study. The advice of the surface scientist is
extremely important to the success of the study.
(2) The samples should be prepared specifically for the study, in the
surface scientist’s laboratory, under his supervision, immediately
prior to insertion into the instrument.
1. Stangel, I.; Ellis, T. H.; Sacher, E. Dent. Clin. N. Am. 2007, 51, 677.
2. Zhang, Y. F.; Zheng, J.; Zheng, L.; Zhou, Z. R. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed.
2015, 42, 257.
3. Sakaguchi, R.; Ferracane, J.; Powers, J.; Craig’s Restorative Dental
Materials, 14 ed. Mosby, 352 p.
4. Silverstein, J.; Barreto, O.; França, R. Eur. J. Orthod. 2016, 38, 146.
5. Shen, M.; Horbett, T. A. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 2001, 57, 336.
27. França, R.; Mbeh, D.; Canh, L. T.; Mateescu, M.; Yahia, L’H.;
Sacher, E. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B 2013, 101B, 1444.
28. França, R.; Zhang, X. F.; Veres, T.; Yahia, L’H.; Sacher, E. J. Colloid
Interface Sci. 2012, 389, 292.
29. Mbeh, D. A.; França, R.; Merhi, Y.; Zhang, X. F.; Veres, T.; Sacher, E.;
Yahia, L’H. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part A 2012, 100, 1637.
30. Poulin, S.; França, R.; Moreau-Bélanger, L.; Sacher, E. J. Phys. Chem. C
2010, 114, 10711.
31. Franca, R.; Alfa, M.; Olson, N.; Yahia, L.; Sacher, E. J. Orthop. Res.
2017, 35, 240.
32. Ong, J. L.; Lucas, L. C. Biomaterials 1998, 19, 455.
33. Takemoto, S.; Hattori, M.; Yoshinari, M.; Kawada, E.; Asami, K.;
Oda, Y. Dent. Mater. 2009, 25, 467.
34. Skjorland, K. K. Acta. Odontol. Scand. 1982, 40, 129.
35. Goldstein, J. L.; Newbury, D. E.; Echlin, P.; Joy, D. C.; Romig Jr.,
A. D.; Lyman, C. E.; Fiori, C.; Lifshin, E. In: Scanning Electron
Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis (New York: Plenum Press, 1981).
36. Spyropoulou, P.; Kamposiora, P.; Eliades, G.; Papavasiliou, G.; Razzoog,
M. E.; Thompson, J. Y.; Smith, R. L.; Bayne, S. C. J. Prosthet. Dent
2016, 116, 269.
37. Bai, Z.; Byrne, T.; Filiaggi, M. J.; Sanderson, R.; Chevrier, V.; Stoffy-
Egli, P.; Dahn, J. R. Surf. Sci. 2008, 602, 795.
38. Madani, A. S.; Astaneh, P. A.; Nakhaei, M.; Bagheri, H. G.; Moosavi, H.;
Alavi, S.; Najjaran, N. T. J. Prosthodont. 2015, 24, 225.
39. Houk, R. S. Anal. Chem. 1986, 58, 97A.
40. LaHaye, N. L.; Kurian, J.; Diwakar, P. K.; Alff, L.; Harilal, S. S. Nat. Sci.
Rep. 2015, 5, 13121.
41. Kang, D.; Amarasiriwardena, D.; Goodman, A. H. Anal. Bioanal. Chem.
2004, 378, 1608.
42. He, X.; Reichl, F. X.; Wang, Y.; Michalke, B.; Milz, S.; Yang, Y.;
Stolper, P.; Lindemaier, G.; Graw, M.; Hickel, R.; Högg. C. Dent.
Mater. 2016, 32, 1042.
43. Robinson, J. W.; Frame, E. M. S.; Frame II, G. M. In: Undergraduate
Instrumental Analysis (Florida: CRC Press, 2014).
44. Araujo, L. O. F.; Barreto, O.; Mendonça, A. A. M.; França, R. Appl.
Adhes. Sci. 2015, 3, 26.
45. Robertson, L.; Phaneuf, M.; Haimeur, A.; Pesun, I.; França, R. Dent. J.
2016, 4, 37.
diffraction-3.htm (consulted in June 2016).
47. Patterson, A. L. Phys. Rev. 1939, 56, 978.
48. Jamesh, M.; Narayanan, T. S.; Sankara, N.; Chu, P. K. Mater. Chem.
Phys. 2013, 138, 565.
49. Kohorst, P.; Borchers, L.; Strempel, J.; Stiesch, M.; Hassel, T.; Bach,
F. W.; Hubsch, C. Acta Biomater. 2012, 8, 1213.
50. Zhang, Y.; Venugopal, J. R.; El-Turki, A.; Ramakrishna, S.; Su, B.; Lim,
C. T. Biomaterials 2008, 29, 4314.
Chapter 2
Nanoindentation Techniques
in Dental Biomaterials
Since tooth tissues and those artificially made to mimic them are
generally small and microscopically heterogeneous, conventional
mechanical characterization methods for testing bulk materials are
usually not applicable. Nanoindentation, which is a technique to
extract various mechanical properties of materials at small volume by
impressing a nanometer-scale probe into the surface, thus becomes
a crucial tool for characterizing dental biomaterials. In this chapter,
the basic principles of nanoindentation, the practical instrumenta-
tion of nanoindentation, the adaptation of nanoindentation tech-
niques for testing biomaterials, and some specific applications of
nanoindentation in dental materials are briefly introduced and
3 PR
a3 = , (1)
4 E*
2 2
1 (1 - v ind ) (1 - v hlf )
= + , (2)
E* E ind E hlf
in which v is the Poisson ratio. The amount of displacement of the
surface under the indenter is computed as
1 3 P r2
h= 2 - , r ≤ a. (3)
E * 2 4a a 2
Figure 1. The contact between an elastic sphere and an elastic half-space
under the influence of pressure P. Adapted from Ref. [3]
P= E * Rh 3/2 . (4)
The mean contact pressure Pm is defined as the ratio of the applied
load to the contact area, which helps to relate the load to mechanical
Pm = . (5)
Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (1), one can get
4E * a (6)
Pm = .
3p R
Equation (6) has a significant physical meaning in that it relates
a stress to a strain ratio of a/R, so it has an understanding similar to
tensile test.
Figure 2 shows a conical indenter with cone angle a penetrating
the half-space. The maximum depth of the penetration depends on
the load, the reduced moduli of the system, and the cone angle as
in Eq. (7):
2 2
P= E * tan a hmax . (7)
P= E* R (h - h f )3/2 . (8)
S= = 2E * R (h - h f )1/2 . (9)
dP 2
S= = E* A . (10)
dh p
H = . (11)
Figure 4. Schematic of the load versus displacement curve obtained from
an indentation test. Pmax is the maximum load and S is the stiffness of initial
P = a (h - h f )m , (12)
in which a and m are fitting constants which depend on the material.
To find the relationship between depth and contact area, the sink in
depth, hs , is modeled from elastic models as in Eq. (13):
hs = , (13)
hc = hmax - . (14)
Figure 5. Indentation parameters for (a) spherical, (b) conical, (c) Vickers,
and (d) Berkovich indenters. Adapted from Ref. [3]
Figure 6. Schematic comparison between contact areas of sink-in and pile-
up (a) cross-section view and (b) plan view. Adapted from Ref. [3]
1.5.3. Nanotribology
Nanoindentation can also be used for scratching and wear tests as
used in nanotribology.10 In these tests, conical tips are kept in contact
with the sample under specific loads and the sample is moved in this
condition. Based on the testing condition, properties of wear or coef-
ficient of friction can be obtained. Figure 8 shows the optical images
of impression of a probe on the surface of ta-C coatings on Si
Figure 11. (a) Human tooth anatomy and (b) Zoomed view to show the
different types of dentin. Adapted from Ref. [17]
Figure 12. (a) Schematic of enamel hierarchy, (b) and (c) SEM images of
different faces. Adapted from Ref. [19]
3.2.1. Ceramics
Ceramics are non-metallic inorganic materials which usually exhibit
high hardness and brittleness. In clinical applications, aesthetics is
the most important feature of ceramic materials.27 After ceramics
were first introduced in 1774, it took over 190 years until the intro-
duction of a porcelain-fused-to-metal system which caused the
demand for ceramic systems to increase significantly in the 1960s.27
In general, porcelain-only restoratives have two major problems; one
is the brittle fracture of ceramics which causes the porcelain to break
suddenly, and the second is the abrasive effect of the opposing tooth,
which causes the tooth moving against the porcelain to wear out.
Porcelain fused to metal e nables the system to have both the aesthet-
ics of porcelain, which is the closest material to the natural tooth
crown, and the strength of metal simultaneously.
Table 2. General properties of metals, ceramics, and polymers
Intermetallic Inorganic
Properties Alloys compounds salts Crystalline Glasses Rigid Rubbers
Hardness Medium to Hard Medium to Hard Hard Soft Rubbers
hard hard
Strength Medium to Medium Medium High High Low Low
Source: Adapted from Ref. [25].
27-11-2018 02:57:26 PM
“9x6” b3252 Dental Biomaterials
3.2.2. Composites
Resin-based composites were first used mostly as adhesive or direct
restorative in 1960s.28 Due to aesthetic problems of amalgam and by
improving the filler materials, the demand is now for resin-based
usually used when testing small samples such as a cell and larger
probes such as flat punch and spherical tips are used for tissues.
4.1.2. Creep
Creep is the phenomenon related to time-dependent behavior in tis-
sues, especially soft tissues. Creep means that the material shows defor-
mation under constant load.36 In nanoindentation with sharp loading
function, creep causes a so-called “nose” when the indenter is unload-
ing from the maximum depth, as shown in Figure 13(a). The simplest
solution to exclude the effect of creep from unloading part is to use a
trapezoidal load function which causes the viscoelastic material to
deform under constant load due to creep and upon unloading; only
elastic deformation is involved with unloading29,37,38 as shown in
Figure 13(b). Obviously, the holding time depends on the material’s
characteristics and loading rate and can vary between 3 and 120 s.29 In
4.1.3. Viscoelasticity
Biological tissues when exhibiting high viscoelastic behavior, espe-
cially for highly hydrated and organic tissues, cannot be fully under-
stood with simple elastic models. A linear viscoelastic material can be
modeled by
E = Estr + iElos,(15)
4.1.4. Adhesion
Adhesion is another issue related to nanoindentation of tissue mate-
rials. Adhesion means that the material sticks to the probe without
using force, which causes artificial negative forces during withdrawal
of the probe from the sample, as shown in Figure 14. If the adhe-
sion force is significant, the measured E-modulus is overestimated.35
If the indentation is performed with a spherical tip, Johnson–
Kendall–Roberts method can be used to improve the accuracy.40 In
this method, the load–displacement data is acquired before the
probe touches the surface, so the negative adhesion force is
4.1.5. Hydration
Hydration and dehydration also have great influence on the result of
the test. Comparison between hydrated and dehydrated bone sample
tests shows an increase of moduli between 11% and 28% from hydrated
to dehydrated.41,42 A demineralized dentin was tested using AFM
nanoindentation and showed significant increase of one order of mag-
nitude when desiccated. Even after rehydration, the E-modulus was
still bigger than the original hydrated sample.43 So, it should be noted
that sample preparation time and condition can significantly change
the properties of tissues, even hard tissues such as bone and dentin.
4.2.1. Enamel
Cuy et al. showed using nanoindentation mapping that enamel is not
homogenous and its properties depend not only on chemical compo-
sition but also position and the orientation of rods.45 They used
Berkovich probe and performed tests on prepared samples of enamel,
and the displacement range of the tests were typically 400 nm or 800
nm. The Poisson’s ratio was selected as 0.25. They kept the samples
in the ambient environment for long enough to avoid changing of
material properties during tests so the results are expected to be
higher than if they were conducted in wet environment. Their results
are shown in Figure 15 as maps of E-modulus and hardness.45 Based
on their results, the hardest and stiffest part of the enamel is the outer
part. Hardness and Young modulus decreases when moving to the
inside of the tooth, and it is directly correlated to the calcium content
of the enamel.44–46
Jeng et al. conducted indentation tests using AFM on enamel rods
and reported that enamel head is harder and stiffer than enamel tail and
the axis.46 Furthermore, it was shown that the enamel rods are aniso-
tropic in their axial section.47 In this work, the effect of rotating the
Berkovich probe on the sample was investigated and SEM images were
taken, which found the asymmetric pile-up of indentation impressions
due to anisotropic behavior of the enamel rod. Measured values of
hardness and E-modulus were different based on the machine which
was used, the probe, the range of load, the strain rate, and the hydra-
tion content of the sample.44,48 For example, higher loads resulted in
lower measured hardness and E-modulus.49
Figure 15. (a) Hardness and (b) E-modulus map of enamel. Adapted from
Ref. [45]
4.2.2. Dentin
Dentin has a more complex structure in comparison to enamel, and
it was the focus of several works to study its mechanical properties.
Similar to enamel, hierarchical structure of dentin has great influence
on mechanical properties. The orientation and density and mineral
content of tubules and collagen fibers are parameters affecting the
mechanical properties of dentin.44,50
Cohen et al. cut off the coronal dentin and embedded it in epoxy
and used AFM quasi-static indentation with cube corner probe.50
They examined a typical tubule in dentin which consists of a lumen
which is a hole in the middle, PeriTubular Dentin (PTD), which is the
mineralized collar around lumen and surrounding mineralized colla-
gen-rich matrix called InterTubular Dentin (ITD). Cohen et al. also
conducted indentations with same peak load in the radial lines from
lumen outward.50 The inset of Figure 16(b) shows the AFM image of
the sample and the indentation impressions. The hardness increases
from ITD with 1.2 GPa until the highest value of 4.7 GPa is seen in
PTD and then decreases slightly to 4 GPa at the lumen edge, as is
obvious from the size of impressions in Figure 16.50
Ziskind et al.51 used CSM nanoindentation with Berkovich tip to
extract hardness and E-modulus of the same sample as Cohen et al.50
Figure 17. (a) Trapezoidal load function in nanoindentation for creep and
back creep test. (b) Displacement versus time for holding time at maximum
load (creep) and minimum load (back creep). Adapted from Ref. [66]
Kc = a , (16)
H c 3/2
4.4.4. Nanotribology
The nanotribological properties of tooth is another interesting topic
to study using nanoindentation including both scratch and wear tests.
Guidoni et al. used a conical probe and an increasing load function to
perform single scratch tests on dry and wet enamel samples.70 By
comparing results of wet and dry enamels, it is shown that plastic
deformation plays an important role on the abrasive behavior of
enamels. They also performed a wear test by scanning an area with the
probe at certain loads and concluded that the plastic deformation
occurred in the first scan. After that, the probe slid much smoother
over the deformed surface and caused fatigue deformation.70 Rod and
interrod sections in enamel have also been studied under nanoscratch
tests by using a conical probe.62 It was shown that interrod enamel is
less resistant to wear. Furthermore, the wear and scratch tests have
been performed on tooth enamel to investigate the effect of bleaching
on enamel.61 The wear rate, which is the rate of volume of surface
removed during the test, and friction coefficient have been meas-
ured61 from this work by using a Berkovich probe.
This work was supported by NSERC Discovery Grant under RGPIN
430800-2013, Canada.
1. Hertz, H. J. Reine. Angew. Math. 1881, 92, 156–171.
2. Hertz, H. Verh. Ver. Beförd. Gewerbe Fleisses 1882, 61, 410.
3. Fischer-Cripps, A. C. Nanoindentation, Springer, New York: 2011.
4. Oliver, W. C.; Pharr, G. M. J. Mater. Res. 2004, 19, 3–20.
5. Oliver, W. C.; Pharr, G. M. J. Mater. Res. 1992, 7, 1564–1583.
6. Bulychev, S. I.; Alekhin, V. P.; Shorshorov, M. K.; Ternovskii, A. P.;
Shnyrev, G. D. Zavod. Lab. 1975, 41, 1137–1140.
7. Ternovskij, A. P.; Alekhin, V. P.; Shorshorov, M. K.; Khrushchov, M. M.;
Skvortsov, V. N. Zavod. Lab. 1973, 39, 1242–1247.
8. Bulychev, S. I.; Alekhin, V. P.; Shorshorov, M. K.; Ternovskii, A. P.
Strength Mater. 1976, 8, 1084–1089.
9. Li, X.; Bhushan, B. Mater. Charact. 2002, 48, 11–36.
Chapter 3
1. Introduction
The experimental tests explored in the previous chapter enable the
mechanical characterization of dental materials and the comparison
between analogous materials in standard conditions. Once the
mechanical characteristics are set, it is possible to go forward in pre-
dicting the material behavior a “quasi-real” scenario by using finite
element analysis (FEA). The real shape of the test object and actual
loading application can be represented in the FEA model.1,2 FEA has
been used to provide a better understanding of experimental tests,3
so, this chapter will focus on the “clinical scenario” studies.
In the last decade, there was a large increase in the number of
FEA papers in dentistry. It is expected that in this large pool of arti-
cles, we can find studies with important errors in model generation
and/or with fundamental flaws in result interpretation. The great
challenge for the readers is to recognize the studies with major faults
and critically evaluate the limitations of the generated conclusions.
Still, it is important to remember that finite element models are
always simplified representations of the reality. Experimental models
are also simplifications of reality. It is possible to say that all models
present some limitations. Therefore, the researcher’s challenge is to
distinguish between the necessary or required simplifications from
the misrepresentative ones, for either the experimental models or the
FEA ones.
and root canal in which the internal anatomy of the tooth is explained
in detail.
Drawing the anatomic model from this data requires the operator
to be highly skilled in CAD software. First, the outer and inner curves
are drawn, then the outer and inner surfaces are created from the
curves, and finally the solids are created, based on the surfaces.
During this process, it is interesting to divide the model in strategic
planes (for example, buccolingual or mesiodistal) to facilitate the
viewing of the details. It is also important to avoid gaps and interpen-
etration of solids. Otherwise, the operator will have problems to mesh
the model after transferring it to the FEA software.
The STL has several after-the-fact backronyms such as “Standard Triangle Language”
root extension. The ideal model will be the one in which a minimal
root length is represented for independent results.
Another important aspect related to the discretization process is
that the model must represent only compatible size structure. When
representing a thin structure, the suitable element will be very
small, because the structure should have at least three layers of ele-
ments. Therefore, if a complete large structure is represented in the
same model, the number of elements would be excessively high,
which may make it unfeasible. What is the solution? Avoid repre-
senting structures of very different order of magnitude in a single
For didactic and practical purposes, this chapter divided FEA
models for dentistry into three scale levels, according to the size of
the represented structures (Figure 3). Still, sometimes, it is impossible
or unproductive to represent all the structures of interest in a single
2.4.1. Level A
This scale refers to FEA models in which the whole maxilla, jaw, or
skull are represented. This type of model is becoming more frequent
due to the facilities in acquisition of anatomic geometry from
DICOM tomography files (see Section 2.3.3) and increased advances
in computer science. In this scale, the tooth is usually represented as
a single body, as if it was composed of a single material.10,11,17,18 In
some cases, the distinction between cortical and trabecular bone is
not represented.12,19,20 In general, only thick structures like tooth,
bone, and implants are represented in these models. Yet, in some
studies the periodontal ligament (of 0.2–0.3 mm thickness) is also
2.4.2. Level B
This scale refers to FEA models in which a tooth (or part of it) or a
group of teeth are represented. In this scale, the tooth is represented
with more details, including enamel, dentin, and pulp. Depending
on the study focus, restorations,21,22 cavities,23,24 and intraradicular
posts25 are also represented. The bone is sometimes represented
distinguishing cortical from trabecular,26 and sometimes only the
cortical layer is considered. Contrary to level A models, structures
as thin as 0.3 mm, such as periodontal ligament, are generally
2.4.3. Level C
This scale refers to FEA models in which the micro- or nanostruc-
ture of a material or a multilayer adhesion is represented. The large
increase of articles using this scale in the last decade can be attrib-
uted to the possibility of obtaining experimentally the mechanical
2.4.4. Multiscale
In a multiscale analysis, two or more models, with different scale lev-
els, are related. The results of the first one are used as an input for the
next scale level in two ways: upscaling or downscaling. The upscaling
approach has been used in studies of mechanical characterization of
enamel28–31 and bone,32 while the downscaling approach has been
used in studies of adhesion and dental trauma.33
has three nodes) has been used in the coarse model, a second-order
element (like a parabolic triangular element, which has six nodes) can
be chosen for the refined model. This is an easy and fast way to refine,
because no remeshing is needed. However, as every element and
region of the model receives the same increase in calculating power,
the computational costs increase faster than with the local refinement
previously presented. This technique is interesting for a quick evalua-
tion of a “final model” in which the convergence test has not been
performed (Figure 6).
Figure 7. Compressive stresses that have been used to predict the obstruc-
tion of PDL vessels: minimum principal stress, hydrostatic stress, and radial
stress. The coordinate system in the radial stress image exhibits the orienta-
tion of radial (rr), tangential (tt), and hoop (qq) stresses
7. Final Remarks
· FEA presents a wide range of application in dentistry. Some stress
studies can only be performed using this methodology, since
stresses are not visible experimentally.
· Simplifications are inherent to any model (even experimental mod-
els) and impose specific limitations that do not necessarily invali-
date the study. FEA is no different. The researcher’s challenge is to
distinguish the necessary simplifications from the misrepresentative
We would like to thank CNPq for Alice Jikihara’s PhD scholarship
of Capes and also for Pavel Capetillo’s PhD scholarship, which
were essential for the writing of this chapter. We would also want
to thank FAPESP for the constant financial support in our FEA
1. Ichim, I.; Swain, M. V.; Kieser, J. A. J. Biomech. 2006, 39 (10), 1903–
2. Liao, Z. et al. J. Biomech. 2015, 48 (16), 4214–4220.
3. Meira, J. B. et al. J. Dent. Res. 2011, 90, 365–370.
4. Barani, A. et al. Acta Biomater. 2015, 15, 237–243.
5. Li, H. et al. Dent. Mater. 2011, 27 (7), e125–e133.
6. Meira, J. B. et al. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 2008, 84 (2), 442–426.
7. Ash, N. Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology, and Occlusion, 9th edn.
(Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010), p. 401.
8. Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia, P.; Martinez-Rus, F.; Garcia-Orejas, A.;
Salido, M. P.; Pradies, G. J. Prosthet. Dent. 2016, 116, 543–550.e1.
9. Dejak, B.; Mlotkowski, A. Dent. Mater. 2013, 29 (9), e227–e237.
10. Ammar, H. H. et al. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 2011, 139 (1),
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13. Ausiello, P. et al. Dent. Mater. 2011, 27 (5), 423–430.
14. Meriwether, L. A. et al. Dent. Mater. 2013, 29 (5), 573–579.
15. Benazzi, S. et al. PLoS One 2013, 8 (7), e69990.
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17. Ludwig, B. et al. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 2013, 143 (3),
18. Lee, N. K.; Baek, S. H. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 2012, 141
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39. Chen, J. et al. J. Biomech. 2014, 47 (7), 1689–1695.
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41. Oyama, K. et al. Eur. J. Orthod. 2007, 29 (2), 113–117.
42. Rudolph, D. J.; Willes, P. M. G.; Sameshima, G. T. Angle Orthod. 2001,
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44. Roscoe, M. G.; Meira, J. B.; Cattaneo, P. M. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial
Orthop. 2015, 147 (5), 610–626.
Chapter 4
1. Introduction
It is firmly established that fluoride is the only therapeutic agent
known for effective caries control1 and has been attributed to the
decline of the prevalence, and severity, of dental caries in most devel-
oped countries.2–5 The routine application of topical fluoride, a well-
known preventive clinical practice within the oral healthcare profession,
reduces demineralization of tooth enamel from acid production, a
main contributing factor to tooth decay and dental caries.6 It is
expected that dental materials with the ability to release fluoride may
control the recurrence of caries to the surrounding dental surfaces,
even contributing to the reduction of caries incidence in the entire
Figure 1. Ions of a cariogenic acid attack. Adapted from Ref. [17]
Figure 3. The mode of action of fluoride on the enamel tooth structure.
(a) The mechanism of fluoride on the inhibition of enamel demineralization.
If fluoride is delivered to the biofilm or saliva from a fluoride reservoir, the
event described in Figure 2(a) is lessened; fewer minerals are lost as a slower
rate to dissolution. Fluoride reservoirs, as depicted, are fluoridated dentifrice
(left) or fluoride-releasing restorative dental materials (right). (b) The effect
of fluoride on the process of enamel remineralization, described in Figure
2(b), is enhanced by fluoride sources made available to the plaque biofilm
and saliva, precipitating the formation of the more stable and acid-resistant
fluorapatite mineral. Adapted from Ref. [1]
agent and stops the dissolution of teeth by the acidic milieu of bac-
teria causing caries.30
Even though calcium hydroxide has various practices in dentistry,
such as its use as medication during root canal treatment, until
recently, it has not been described as a product of enamel fluoridation.
Based on the current findings of recent evidence and research studies,
there is strong support to identify this compound as part of the sug-
gested structure model (Figure 4).18
Therefore, this discovery and more detailed understanding may
provide deeper insight into the mode of action of topical fluorides and
for the development of new caries treatment strategies.
3. Methods of Fluoridation
Fluoride is known to elicit an anti-cariogenic effect when available
continuously at very low concentrations in the oral cavity, by the same
mode of action irrespective of the means of fluoride delivery. The
methods of fluoride delivery that will be discussed here are meant to
continuously supply the oral cavity and environment with this ion,
thus reducing the development and progression of caries lesions.8
Very few clinical trials and systematic reviews have been conducted
that consider anti-caries effect as the outcome measure. Therefore,
it remains unknown whether fluoride-releasing restoratives signifi-
cantly reduce caries risk in comparison to non-fluoride-releasing
Based on in vitro and in situ experimental studies, fluoride-releasing
dental materials present the necessary properties to be clinically effec-
tive on caries control; however, this effectiveness is not still proven.1
In summary (Table 2),1 there is a clear need for further investigation
of well-designed, randomized controlled clinical trials to investigate
the anti-caries benefit of fluoride-releasing dental materials.
Table 2. Summary of the conclusions of presently available evidence-based research on fluoride-releasing dental
Type of dental
material Systematic reviews RCT Conclusions
Pit and fissure Ref. [73] Fissure sealing with resin-based materials has a caries preventive effect. It
sealants Ref. [79] is still not known whether F-releasing resin-based sealants provide any
additional benefit. There is still uncertainty concerning the
Bonding Ref. [90] None The evidence on the effectiveness of using F-releasing material to bond
orthodontic Ref. [88] or cement orthodontic appliances on white lesion spots development is
materials Ref. [91] still inconclusive
Prevented Facon (%)
Gel Toothpaste Varnish All Varnish Varnish Pit and
Primary Applicaons Permanent Fissure
Teeth Teeth Sealant
Figure 5. Prevented fraction (%) of decayed, missing, and filled tooth surfaces
(ΔDMFS) for various fluoride prevention methods. Adapted from Ref. [35]
Table 4. Different levels of approach for fluoride use and mode for its
delivery in the oral environment
Approach for fluoride use Mode (examples)
Community level Water fluoridation
Individual level Fluoridated dentifrice
Professionally applied Fluoride-releasing dental materials, topical fluoride
application (gel, varnish)
Combinations Fluoridated dentifrice + fluoride-releasing dental
Source: Adapted from Ref. [1].
into the daily clinical practice of all oral healthcare providers. For car-
ies prevention and therapeutic fluoride regimens in particular, this
movement of evidence-based research to the practicing oral health-
care team is crucially important.
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Chapter 5
Mercury Toxicity
1. Introduction
Dental amalgam is the most popular material for direct restoration
in posterior teeth. Silver–tin–copper–zinc alloy particles are mixed
together with elemental mercury (typically 1:1 by weight) producing
an amalgam that is inserted into a tooth cavity, and carved into the
tooth’s form. The crystallized amalgam acquires mechanical proper-
ties to resist the chewing force, and it may last in the mouth for more
than 20 years. It was introduced in 1830, and at the beginning of the
1900s, the first approved formulation was developed. Since its intro-
duction, it has been used because of its suitable physical properties,
high longevity, low cost, low technical sensitivity, and efficient sealing
at the interface to dental tissues. These characteristics make dental
amalgam highly relevant to use in large dental care programs for poor
populations. Regardless of the efficacy of this biomaterial, the lack of
esthetics and concerns about the effect of the mercury on the health
of patients and professionals, as well as environmental issues, place
dental amalgam at the center of a great debate.
2. Historical
The controversy is as old as dental amalgam. In 1848, the American
Society of Dental Surgeons stated that using mercury-based resto-
rations constituted malpractice.2 The toxicity of mercury is fairly
known, but some dentists and dental professional organizations,
such as the Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI),3 the European
Union agency “Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly
Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR),4 and the American Dental
Association (ADA),5 have considered amalgam safe for patients
because they believe that amalgam has a minimal amount of unre-
acted mercury after setting. On the other hand, these agencies recog-
nize the risks for dental staff because of mercury vapor produced
during manipulation to insert a new restoration or for removal of an
old one. In addition, mercury vapor can be released into the dental
office from spread mercury and solid fresh amalgam residue. However,
those agencies have considered that the occupational risks can be
Mercury Toxicity 127
3. Toxicology
Mercury toxicity depends on its form (elemental, mercury salts,
organic), time of exposure, and dose, which may have different target
organs. Organomercury, as ethylmercury that was widely used as a
preservative in some vaccines and especially methylmercury (MeHg)
found in seafood, is the most hazardous for human health. Elemental
mercury (Hg0) from the atmosphere or wastewater accumulates in
water and is converted into organic mercury by microorganisms,
which contaminate the food chain of aquatic organisms, particularly
fish. Even though acute poisoning is rare, chronic consumption of
contaminated fish remains relevant, especially for pregnant women
and infants. MeHg from mercury-rich food enters the human body
via intestinal absorption, and when it reaches the bloodstream, it
adheres mainly to cysteine that is delivered to the whole body. The
maximum level in the blood occurs at about 2 days after exposure.
After 4 days, MeHg is distributed throughout the body and can be
found in the brain, peripheral nerves, bone marrow, liver, and kid-
neys.7 MeHg can cross the placenta and the blood–brain barrier
(BBB), and depending on the intensity and individual susceptibility,
it may impair the growth and migration of neurons in fetal brain.8
Mercury salts may be found in cosmetics and can be absorbed
through the skin. Chronic poisoning is difficult to diagnose because
the symptoms may be confused with other diseases. In addition, acute
poisoning does not impair the neural system, but a high dose affects
the gastrointestinal tract, causing severe symptoms such as vomiting,
hematemesis, intestinal perforation, proctitis, and may evolve to car-
diovascular collapse and renal failure.9
Chronic poisoning by mercuric mercury may occur associated
with mercury vapor poisoning in workers who are occupationally
exposed. The target organs are the kidneys, which lead to renal tubu-
lar necrosis and/or autoimmune glomerulonephritis. However, mer-
curous mercury is less dangerous. It was used as a laxative and is
poorly absorbed by the intestine, but a part of it is transformed into
mercuric mercury that can be absorbed and cause some toxicity.
Acute poisoning with mercury salts can also lead to death.9
Mercury Toxicity 129
Mercury Toxicity 131
Mercury Toxicity 133
Mercury Toxicity 135
Mercury Toxicity 137
for a 10-hour workday and a 40-hour work week. On the other hand,
the European Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limit
Value determined 0.02 mg/m3 for an eight-hour workday.
The concern about the impact of mercury vapor on dental staff is
an important part of the mercury debate because dentists and dental
assistants are exposed to mercury vapor during manipulation, inser-
tion, carving, finishing, and polishing procedures to make an amal-
gam restoration, as well as exposure during removal of an old
restoration. When amalgam is cut with dental burs, small particles are
produced increasing the surface area and facilitating mercury vapori-
zation. In addition to the immediate vapor generated to restore teeth
or remove amalgam restorations, the rest of the liquid mercury and
amalgam residue may increase the mercury vapor concentration in the
dental office. Warwick et al.41 measured mercury vapor levels released
in the air during amalgam removal, using simultaneous water spray
and suction, using suction only, and using neither suction nor water
spray. The authors concluded that when water spray and suction were
used, the arithmetic mean of mercury vapor was 0.008 mg/m3, which
is below the Occupational Health and Safety threshold limit value for
an eight-hour time-weighted period (0.025 mg/m3).41 However,
amalgam removal can produce particles in the range of 1–3 µm to
submicron size that are fully respirable, and may be lodged in the
lungs or ingested.42 Therefore, the use of masks to block particles and
to reduce vapor inhalation must be used during all procedures.
However, the usual masks are not able to filter these particles and
vapor. To be effective, a “half-mask” respirator with a pre-filter that is
capable of removing particles as small as 0.3 microns is advisable.
In addition to the mercury vapor in air measurements, the urinary
mercury levels should be tested periodically to identify occupational
risks. The threshold limit of the biological exposure index (BEI) has
been set to 35 µg Hg/g creatinine. Values above this limit reflect low
mercury exposure, but impairments in neurological functions have
been related to concentrations below 25 µg Hg/g creatinine.43
Studies have shown that the HgU level is not directly related to health
impairment of dental professionals. Symptoms of diseases that are
typical of long-term chronic mercury poisoning have been reported,
even for dentists and dental assistants who have HgU levels close to
the general population.
Ritche et al.44 compared health and cognitive function of dentists
to a control group with a similar university education. The mercury
vapor in the air at different places in the dental office related to the
clinical procedure (amalgam insertion or removal) was also measured,
and 68% of dental offices were shown to have mercury levels higher
than the OES stated by the Health and Safety Executive (0.025 mg/m3
for an eight-hour day). Among the psychological evaluation, there is
significant difference in memory disturbance only, but it was not pos-
sible to correlate this result to mercury exposure. Dentists showed
HgU levels over four times higher than that for the control group,
but the average of HgU of dentists was below the biological exposure
index (BEI).44 In other study, Moen et al.45 compared neurological
symptoms of dental assistants to assistant nurses and concluded that,
in the dental assistants group, the occurrence of neurological symp-
toms, psychosomatic symptoms, memory, concentration, fatigue, and
sleep disturbance were significantly higher than the reference group,
particularly with regard to memory deficit. No difference was found
concerning mood, anxiety, and perception of health status.
For removing old amalgam restorations, dentists and dental assis-
tants must use personal protective equipment (EEP). It is advisable to
use a rubber dam to help contain the amalgam grinding debris. The
restoration has to be cut by slicing with an efficient dental bur under
a constant water spray and a high volume evacuation. To overcome
uncertainty about dental staff safety regarding dental amalgam, the
FDI46 (2007) published a Mercury Hygiene Guidance, with the fol-
lowing recommendations: avoid direct skin contact with mercury or
freshly mixed dental amalgam and exposure to potential sources of
mercury vapor; train all personnel evolved with amalgam manipula-
tion; install impervious, easy-to-clean surfaces including continuous
seamless-sheet flooring extending up the walls; and work in well-
ventilated areas, with fresh air exchanges and outside exhaust. If the
work areas are air-conditioned, replace the air-conditioning filter
periodically; use pre-capsulated amalgam; use an amalgamator with a
completely enclosed arm that complies with international standard
Mercury Toxicity 139
ISO 7488; and recap single-use capsules after use, if feasible. Store
them in a closed container and dispose of them through a mercury
reclamation company that handles amalgam waste; use high-volume
evacuation systems (fitted with traps or filters) when finishing or
removing amalgam; clean amalgam contaminants from instruments
before heat sterilization or heat disinfection; avoid heating mercury or
amalgam or any equipment used with amalgam; and follow best man-
agement practices for amalgam waste.
Other dangerous sources of mercury vapor exposure are related
to improper clean-up of the dental office, lack of ventilation and air-
conditioner cleaning; porous and/or floors with cracks, such as carpet
or wood, making it difficult to remove the mercury. Moreover, even
an apparently insignificant amount of spilled mercury can produce
high concentration of mercury vapor indoors.1 In case of a mercury
spill, the FDI recommends the following protocol: pick up the drop-
lets using adhesive tape or a hypodermic syringe; mix small mercury
spills (less than 10-g) with an alloy powder to form amalgam and add
the resultant scrap to the scrap container; use a commercial mercury
spill clean-up kit to manage larger spills (10-g or more); never use a
vacuum cleaner of any type; do not use household cleaning products;
do not pour or allow mercury to go down the drain; do not use a
broom or a paintbrush to clean up mercury; and prevent people
whose shoes may be contaminated with mercury from walking around
or leaving the spill area until the mercury-contaminated items have
been removed. Handling and use of bulk mercury is to be strongly
discouraged. Check the dental surgical area for mercury vapor, prefer-
ably annually or after a spill clean-up.46
Mercury Toxicity 141
1. WHO. Exposure to Mercury: A Major Public Health Concern. Preventing
Disease through Healthy Environments, 2006, 4. Available at: http:// (Accessed 29 May 2018).
2. Heyer, N. J.; Echeverria, D.; Martin, M. D.; Farin, F. M., Woods, S.
J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 2010, 72 (9), 599–609.
3. FDI. World Dental Federation. Statement on Dental Amalgam, 1999.
Available at:
(Accessed 29 May 2018).
Mercury Toxicity 143
23. Sjursen, T. T.; Lygre, G. B.; Dalen, K.; Helland, V.; Lægreid, T.;
Svahn, J. et al. J. Oral Rehabil. 2011, 38 (11), 835–848.
24. Melchart, D.; Vogt, S.; Köhler, W.; Streng, A.; Weidenhammer, W.;
Kremers, L.; Hickel, R.; Felgenhauer, N.; Zilker, T.; Wühr, E.;
Halbach, S. J. Dent. Res. 2008, 87 (4), 349–353.
25. Weidenhammer, W.; Bornschein, S.; Zilker, T.; Eyer, F.; Melchart, D.;
Hausteiner, C. Commun. Dent. Oral Epidemiol. 2010, 38 (2), 180–189.
26. Gundacker, C.; Gencik, M.; Hengstschlger, M. Rev. Mutat. Res. 2010,
705 (2), 130–140.
27. Holmes, A. S.; Blaxill, M. F.; Haley, B. E. Int. J. Toxicol. 2003, 22 (4),
28. Zahir, F.; Rizwi, S. J.; Haq, S. K.; Khan, R. H. Environ. Toxicol.
Pharmacol. 2005, 20 (2), 351–360.
29. Al-Saleh, I., Al-Sedairi, A. A. Sci. Total Environ. 2011, 409 (16),
30. Vahter, M.; Akesson, A.; Lind, B.; Björs, U.; Schütz, A.; Berglund, M.
Environ. Res. 2000, 84 (2), 186–194.
31. Bellinger, D. C.; Trachtenberg, F.; Barregard, L.; Tavares, M.;
Cernichiari, E.; Daniel, D. et al. JAMA 2006, 295 (15), 1775–1783.
32. DeRouen, T.; Woods, J.; Leroux, B.; Martin, M., Hum. Exp. Toxicol.
2015, 34(3), 330–2.
33. Ye, X.; Qian, H.; Xu, P.; Zhu, L.; Longnecker, M. P.; Fu, H., Int. J. Hyg.
Environ. Health. 2009, 212(4), 378–86.
34. Gundacker, C.; Wittmann, K. J.; Kukuckova, M.; Komarnicki, G.;
Hikkel, I.; Gencik, M. Environ. Res. 2009, 109 (6), 786–796.
35. Goodrich, J. M.; Wang, Y.; Gillespie, B.; Werner, R.; Franzblau, A.;
Basu, N. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2011, 257 (2), 301–308.
36. Woods, J. S.; Heyer, N. J.; Echeverria, D.; Russo, J. E.; Martin, M. D.;
Bernardo, M. F. et al. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 2012, 34 (5), 513–521.
37. Woods, J. S.; Heyer, N, J.; Russo, J. E.; Martin, M. D.; Pillai, P. B.;
Farin, F. M. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 2013, 39, 36–44.
38. Woods, J. S.; Heyer N. J.; Russo, J. E.; Martin, M. D.; Farin, F. M.
Neurotoxicology 2014, 44, 288–302.
39. Guzzi, G.; La Porta, C. A. M., Toxicology 2008, 244 (1), 1–12.
40. Echeverria, D.; Woods, J. S.; Heyer, N. J.; Martin, M. D.; Farin, F. M.
et al. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A 2010, 73 (15), 1003–1020.
Mercury Toxicity 145
41. Warwick, R.; Connor, A. O.; Lamey, B. J. Occup. Med. Toxicol. 2013,
8 (27), 1–7.
42. Mark, G. Hum. Ecol. Risk. Assess. 2003, 9, 6.
43. Meyer-Baron, M.; Schaeper, M.; Seeber, A. Arch. Toxicol. 2002, 76 (3),
44. Ritchie, K. A.; Burke, F. J. T.; Gilmour, W. H.; Macdonald, E. B.;
Dale, I. M.; Hamilton, R. M. et al. Br. Dent. J. 2004, 197 (10),
625–632, discussion 621.
45. Moen, B.; Hollund, B.; Riise, T. J. Occup. Med. Toxicol. 2008, 3, 10.
46. FDI. FDI Policy Statement: Mercury Hygiene Guidance, 2007 (October),
6–8. Available at:
media/documents/Mercury-hygiene-guidance-2007.pdf (Accessed
29 May 2018).
47. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Arctic Monitoring
and Assessment Programme (AMAP). Technical Background Report for
the Global Mercury Assessment, 2013, 263. Available at: http://www.
global-mercury-assessment-2013/848 (Accessed 29 May 2018).
48. Mason, R. P.; Choi, A. L.; Fitzgerald, W. F.; Hammerschmidt, C. R.;
Lamborg, C. H.; Soerensen, A. L. et al. Environ. Res. 2012, 119,
49. Hiltz, M. J. Can. Dent. Assoc. 2007, 73 (1), 59–64.
50. Vandeven, J. A.; McGinnis, S. L. Water Air Soil. Pollut. 2005, 164 (1–4),
51. Stone, M. E.; Cohen, M. E.; Liang, L.; Pang, P. Dent. Mater. 2003,
19 (7), 675–679.
52. UNEP. Minamata Convention on Mercury — Text and Annexes, 2013,
69. Available at:
booklet_English.pdf (Accessed 29 May 2018).
53. Homme, K. G.; Kern, J. K.; Haley, B. E.; Geier, D. A.; King, P. G.;
Sykes, L. K. et al. BioMetals. 2014, 27 (1), 19–24.
Chapter 6
Zirconia in Dentistry
1. Introduction
Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) or zirconia is used in dentistry to fabricate
frameworks for anterior and posterior fixed dental prostheses (FDP)
and abutments for dental implants because of its excellent properties
such as high strength, high biocompatibility, and high chemical
The 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal
(3Y-TZP) material was first applied in restorative dentistry in 1995.1
From this year on, 3Y-TZP ceramics stood out among all other types
of dental ceramics due to the superiority of its mechanical properties
such as high fracture toughness (from 4.4 to 15.0 MPa · m1/2) and
flexural strength (1,100 MPa) compared with feldspathic porcelains,
glass ceramics, alumina, and glass-infiltrated ceramics.2–4 The superior
mechanical properties of Y-TZP result from the toughening mecha-
nism (phase transformation); however, its almost purely crystalline
composition also improved its mechanical properties as opposed to
materials with amorphous phases in their composition.
Zirconia is a material with polymorphic crystal structure that
has three crystalline forms: monoclinic (m), tetragonal (t), and
cubic (c). At room temperature, the material is stable in the mono-
clinic form until 1170°C. When heated at higher temperatures,
the transformation to the tetragonal phase occurs, and subse-
quently to cubic phase at about 2370°C, which exists up to the
melting temperature of 2680°C. During cooling, at temperatures
below 1070°C, the transformation from the tetragonal to the
monoclinic phase (t → m) takes place accompanied by a volumetric
expansion of 3–4.5%.
The addition of dopant oxides or stabilizers to the zirconia, such
as calcium oxide (CaO), magnesium oxide (MgO), yttrium oxide
(Y2O3), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), or ceria (CeO2). promote the
formation of
(i) fully stabilized zirconia (FSZ) in the cubic form by adding suf-
ficient amounts of stabilizing oxides (16 mol% MgO, 16 mol%
CaO, or 8 mol% Y2O3);
(a) (b)
i.e. the material has a high masking ability. When the material is very
translucent, the color difference will be large, indicating that the back-
ground color has greater influence on the final color of the material.
Knowing this concept, it is expected that higher values of translucency
parameter will be observed for monolithic Y-TZPs than for conven-
tional Y-TZPs. In pieces with thicknesses close to that used in mono-
lithic prosthetic restoration (1 mm), the translucency parameter values
measure in conventional Y-TZPs are approximately three units higher
than those measured for monolithic Y-TZPs.31 This difference of three
units may seem insignificant on a scale from 0 (fully opaque material)
to 18.1 (translucency parameter of human tooth enamel).32 However,
scientific studies on optical properties showed that the human eye can
see variations of translucency (i.e. color differences) in dental ceramics
restorations when differences in the range of two units are obtained.33
Table 2 shows approximate values of translucency parameter measured
for thicknesses of 1 mm of dentin and enamel, a Y-TZP brand suitable
for monolithic restorations, and two Y-TZP brands indicated for fab-
rication of fixed dental prostheses infrastructure.31
In addition to Y-TZP for monolithic restorations, other materials
are emerging in the market as a result of the association of tetragonal
There are more sophisticated simulators that allow both wear, due
to sliding between two surfaces, and the application of loads in the
vertical axis. Thus, antagonist pistons will apply the load, while a
lower support, which contains the specimen, performs horizontal
movements, compatible with sliding surfaces during mastication.55–57
These simulators also allow adjustments in its structure in order to
make the most accurate simulation of the elements present in the oral
cavity, such as use of natural teeth as antagonists and use of materials
that simulate the periodontal tissue during loading.
The “Alabama machine” (University of Alabama, USA) can gen-
erate localized or generalized wear. This machine uses springs for load
application (maximum 200 kg). The Munich Artificial Mouth devel-
oped in the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, is a machine
driven by pneumatic cylinders that apply sliding force (linear distance
of 8 mm) between specimens and antagonists. The OHSU machine,
developed at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland
(USA), uses human molars cusps that are processed to acquire the
shape of spheres with 10 mm diameter. These cusps are pressed
against the specimens with a slurry composed of a mixture of poppy
seeds with PMMA beads (polymethyl methacrylate). First, a 50 N
load is applied on the specimen, with a linear sliding of 8 mm, yield-
ing an abrasive wear and after a static load of 80 N is applied to cause
localized wear. Another machine developed by Zurich University also
uses cusps of maxillary molars as antagonists and applies loads of 50
N with a frequency of 1.7 Hz. In this case, the cusps are pressed
against the specimen surfaces, which are mounted over a rubber base,
with an angulation of 45°, allowing sliding between the surfaces.
Some chewing simulators models do not promote sliding of
antagonists or samples, and therefore were not initially designed for
wear tests. In these machines, the specimens are attached to a base and
the load is applied by pistons that perform vertical movement by
pneumatic system. These devices allow adjustments for cycling with or
without load impact between the piston and the specimen.58 The use
of chewing simulators may be considered a great resource to evaluate
the strength degradation of ceramic materials after in vitro aging.
Toxic: cells that are nearby and touch the implant die.
Biologically inert: a fibrous capsule is developed around the
implant. The fibrous tissue formed has the objective of isolating
the implant from the rest of the body. Metals, ceramics, and poly-
mers can produce this type of response.
Bioactive: a bond occurs at the interface between the implant and
the tissue. This type of interaction prevents the implant from mov-
ing and mimics the type of interface that is formed when natural
tissues are repaired.59
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Chapter 7
Rodrigo França
Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Manitoba,
780 Bannatyne Ave., Winnipeg, Canada
1. Introduction
The development of glass-ceramics in the second half of the 20th
century brought a great benefit to several areas of the ceramics field,
dentistry included. Different from a normal glass, which has an amor-
phous structure, or conventional sintered ceramics, which undergo
spontaneous crystal growth, glass-ceramics display a glassy matrix
1.1. Historical
This elegant class of materials was discovered accidentally by
Dr. Stanley. D. Stookey, in 1953, when he worked in the field of pho-
tosensitive glasses at Corning Glass, Inc.4 According to him, his inten-
tion was to produce a lithium silicate glass able to carry a photographic
image. By accident, he permitted the oven temperature to reach
850°C instead of 450°C. To his surprise, inside the oven he saw a
solid white material that had not melted, as expected. When this
sample was removed from the furnace, it fell on the ground. The
sample not only did not break like glass, but produced a “metallic
sound”. He called this new material Fotoceram and latter Pyroceram.
Since then, more than 2,000 patents were granted on glass-ceramics
only in the USA, and many products were produced using glass-
ceramics, such as cookware, telescope mirrors, and missile’s
In dentistry, several glass-ceramics compositions have been used
for dental restorations, as shown in Table 1. The first glass-ceramics
were leucite-based sintering ceramics, used for veneering metallic
structures, and mica used for inlays and crowns. Both materials
brought advances to the restorative technique. First, the leucite
crystal formation (KAlSi2O6) permitted feldspathic porcelains to
achieve a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) compatible to the
metal core, and also improved optical and mechanical properties.
Second, mica-based ceramics (KMg2.5Si4O10F2), like the Dicor
systems, launched new concepts to produce monolithic all-ceramic
restorations using either centrifugal casting technique or machining
technologies (CAD/CAM).5,6
1.2. Classification
ISO 6872:2015 classify dental ceramics into two types17:
2. Physicochemical Characterization
2.1. Chemical Composition
The chemical compositions of lithium disilicate-based glass-
ceramics can vary according to technical processing and manufac-
ture formulation. In Table 3, an approximate composition (Wt.%),
from manufacturer’s scientific reports are given for some
These amounts provide little information on the chemical compo-
sition. To obtain a more accurate analysis, our research group has
analyzed those materials, using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS) for the surface atomic composition, and laser ablation ion cou-
pled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) for bulk atomic compo-
sition. The XPS results (%) are displayed in Table 4.
Lithium was first isolated from the sheet silicate mineral petalite,
LiAlSi4O10, and afterward, from spodumene, LiAlSi2O6.19 This alkali
metal was originally used as a flux in porcelain formulations and in
toughened glass production, as a Na ion exchange-strengthening
agent. Besides the types already mentioned, other lithium compounds
found on lithium disilicate-based glass-ceramics include lithia (LiO2),
present in the initial glass, and lithium orthophosphate (Li3PO4), an
inductor for LM and LS2 growth.22
Aluminum is frequently found in natural silicates (e.g. kyanite,
andalusite, mullite, sillimanite, and kaolinite). Kaolinite rocks produce
the well-known china clay or kaolin (Al2Si2O5(OH)4). Sillimanite and
mullite are also found in porcelain, as a refractory material, due to
their high melting points and chemical stability.5 Lithium aluminosili-
cates (LAS) can have two crystalline phases, b-spodumene and
b-eucryptite, and these phases have a low coefficient of thermal
Another compound that plays an important role includes phos-
phorus pentoxide (P2O5), which is added as the main nucleating
agent.21,22 Other nucleating agents include ZrO2, CaO2, and ZnO2.23
Ceria (CeO2) can work as a nucleation agent, and also produces fluo-
rescence, a desirable feature to mimic natural tooth.5
3. Fabrication
3.1. Nucleation Process
The control of the crystallization mechanism permits manufacturers
to design and produce glass-ceramics with desirable properties. The
main factor that rules crystal formation and growth is the nuclea-
tion process. Figure 3 schematizes the procedure (temperature/
time cycle) to obtain a glass-ceramic body.1
In the first step, a base glass is produced at high temperature by
melting the components. Then, the material is cooled to room tem-
perature. At this point, normally, the base glass is very homogeneous;
it can be completely amorphous or can contain very small crystals.
In the next step, the material is heated to a holding temperature, at
which the nucleation phase occurs. This phase can last 2 or 5 h. In the
final step, the nucleated glass is heated even more, to permit crystal
growth. The maximum temperature and the duration of this phase are
controlled by the manufacturer to increase the kinetics of growth of
all crystalline phases. This process can crystallize more than 90% of
the original glass. For instance, in dentistry, manufacturers provide
LS2 glass-ceramics for the pressing procedure, with approximate 70%
process starts. The kinetics are very complex, but the thermodynamic
driving force involves the increase of the Gibbs free energy of a very
small region (including its surface energy) for interface boundary
formation. In this mechanism, critical nuclei can be formed on the
surface or in the volume of the glass.1,5,8
Figure 4. The phase diagram of the Li2O–SiO2 system according to Ref.
[35]. Reprinted with the permission of Elsevier Science Publishers B.V
4. Microstructure
4.1. Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramics
Lithium metasilicate (Li2SiO3), as an inosilicate, have a single chain
structure. In addition, Li2SiO3 epitaxial growth produces a dendritic
structure, with an orthorhombic crystal shape.5,22 Figure 6 displays a
SEM image from an IPS e.Max CAD ingot sample (blue block) after
etching with 5% HF.
In this intermediary stage, the Li2SiO3 ingot can be easily milled
by a CAD/CAM machine because its mechanical strength is lower
than the final LS2 phase.
After thermal treatment at 820°C, Li2SiO3 undergoes a transfor-
mation to Li2Si2O5 (Eq. (2)), which provokes a structural modifica-
tion of the crystalline phase. This transformation was well explained
by Zhang et al.39 and the mechanism is illustrated in Figure 7.
According to these authors, after the temperature reaches 820°C, the
dendritic structure of LM decomposes to rod-like crystals. As the Li/Si
molar ratio becomes lower than the base glass, Li+ ions migrate from
LM crystal to the glassy matrix and react with the silicate frame-
work, forming LS2. In addition, the LM structure probably tends to
Figure 6. SEM image of e.Max CAD (blue stage) after etching with 5% HF
Figure 9. SEM image, high magnification of e.Max press after etching with
HF 5%. (100,000×). “Corn-like” structure of LS2 crystals
study,43 using XRD, showed Suprinity also has aluminum silicate and
tetragonal zirconia.
Related to the crystallization process of ZLD glass-ceramics, Belli
et al.37 noticed an increase of peak intensity for Li3PO4 and Li2SiO3
after thermal treatment at 840°C for Suprinity. This finding may indi-
cate a crystal growth of these phases that would contrast with the
process of conventional lithium disilicate glass-ceramics (IPS e.Max
CAD). They also detected a decreased intensity of the Li2Si2O5 peak
for Suprinity and Celtra Duo, compared with IPS e.Max CAD.
SEM images showed that after etching with 5% HF acid, Suprinity
and Celtra Duo display rod-like crystals, different from the needle-
like crystals found in LS2 samples.37,43 Apel et al.44 demonstrated that
a content of about 4% wt ZrO2 can prevent Li2Si2O5 crystal growth.
Our XPS and LA-ICP-MS results (Table 4) confirm a high content of
ZrO2 in both ZLS glass ceramics but no crystalline zirconia structure
was found by XRD.37
Figure 12. Flexural strength of e.Max press using different testing meth-
ods. Adapted from Ref. [11]
In vitro cyclic fatigue tests have been introduced to fill this gap
because they try to reproduce intraoral conditions. However, the
lack of standards for cyclic fatigue testing and the different setups
preclude the possibility of comparing results from different articles.
Nawafleh et al.57 reviewing several studies on the fatigue resistance
of LS2 dental restorations, concluded that the range of loadings
(30–1400 N), the frequency of cycles (10.000–3.6 million), and
thermocycling (4–60ºC) do not reproduce the normal mastication
or the thermo-fluctuations inside the mouth. For more details about
cyclic fatigue tests, consult the following references.53,57–61
Eu = V2E2 + (1 − V2)E1,(3)
where Eu is the upper bond, and El is the lower bond, V2 is the volume
fraction of the phase with modulus E2, and E1 is the modulus of the
other phase. The first model, Eu, assumes that the strain is the same
in each phase, and the second model, El, assumes that the stress is the
same in each phase.1
Several studies have assessed Young’s modulus of lithium
disilicate-based glass-ceramics.37,38,43,54,58,63,64 As shown in Table 5, the
mean can fluctuate from 95 to 107 GPa. Some of these articles pre-
sent standard deviation values, such as those of Ivoclar Vivadent for
e.Max systems.11 Nevertheless, more studies are needed to determine
the elastic moduli accurately for multiphase ceramics, such as the LS2
and ZLS systems.
5.1.4. Hardness
In lithium disilicate-based glass-ceramics, hardness testing is fre-
quently used to determine the resistance to deformation, densifica-
tion, and fracture.68 The measurement techniques commonly employed
in the dental literature are those of Vickers52,58,66,69 and Knoop.70,71
These hardness tests can have many pitfalls, especially when testing
polycrystalline materials, such as like glass-ceramics. Factors such as
crystal size, grain boundaries, the hardness of the glassy phase, and the
hardness of the crystalline phase may be responsible for the large scat-
ter of results.68,72 Nanoindentation testing has been introduced, in the
ceramic research field, as a powerful tool for providing more accurate
results.73,74 The small indentations used in this technique may be on
the order of 10 nm to 1 mm, and the loads may be 10–100 mN. The
nanoindentation technique can provide the Young’s modulus and the
hardness values continuously, along different crystalline phases of
lithium disilicate-based glass-ceramics.38,63,74 Figure 14 shows nanoin-
dentation results for some commercial products. For more informa-
tion, please consult the chapter on Nanoindentation.
5.1.5. Wear
Wear and other tribological properties are directly related to hardness.
Ideally, it is expected that restorative ceramic materials have wear rates
as low as that of natural enamel. Further, it is not suitable that they
cause attrition and abrasion of opposing teeth.58,75,76 In one study,75
the results of which are found in Figure 15, the wear rates of LS2 and
ZLS glass-ceramics showed no statistical difference from that of den-
tal enamel after 120,000 cycles. However, the author called attention
to a detectable reduction in the wear rates when Celtra DUO under-
goes the optional glaze step. Another in vitro study76 showed that
LS2 glass-ceramics increased the wear rate 1.7 times when the pH of
the solution decreased from pH 7 to pH 3. In another study, the
abrasion of LS2 glass-ceramic by toothbrushing was studied.77 The
authors pointed out that all the glass-ceramics studied had a reduction
of the superficial gloss by the high abrasivity of the toothpaste slurry.
permitted for a class 3 ceramic is < 100 mg/cm2. Table 6 shows that
the chemical solubility of the lithium disilicate-based glass-ceramic
assessed is < 50 mg/cm2, far below the standard limit. However,
clinical reports have mentioned patients’ complaints due to overglaze
Table 7. Systemic effect of lithium intoxication according to Ref. [106, 109]
Symptoms of lithium intoxication
The author acknowledges Dr. Edgar D. Zanotto and Dr. Edward
Sacher for reviewing this chapter. Also, thanks are due to the students
Muna Bebsh, Ana Carla Carvalho Fernades, and Miguel França for
performing some of the experiments and for doing some of the art-
work. Thanks to Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. for allowing to the
use of some figures. This chapter was made possible due to the fund-
ing received from College of Dentistry Research Grant from the
University of Manitoba.
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Chapter 8
Susanne S. Scherrer
Division of Fixed Prosthodontics-Biomaterials,
University Clinic of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva,
1, rue Michel-Servet, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
1. Introduction
Fractography is described by the ASTM C1322 as the means and
methods for characterizing fractured specimens or components.1
It involves a meticulous surface failure analysis, searching on its frac-
tured surface specific crack features, indicating the overall crack
propagation direction, the final breakthrough zone, and pointing
back to the crack origin (flaw) or area in which fracture started.
It is applied to laboratory specimens with controlled fractured
conditions as well as to in-service failures. Fractography is part of
fracture mechanics and failure analysis to locate and characterize frac-
ture origins, crack sizes, and surface crack pattern and has been docu-
mented in several key standards1–3 and reference books.4–8 The ability
to read cracks and understand fractured surface are routinely used in
the field of mechanical engineering and R&D laboratories. It however
created an impact on the dental ceramic field only in the 1990 with
the very first papers published using fractography for clinically failed
ceramic parts.9–11 The major breakthrough of using fractography in
Dentistry occurred with the free e-book NIST Recommended Practice
Guide: Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses by George Quinn,5 for
which a second edition is now available and downloadable from This book has pro-
vided the needed practical tools and guidance with a wealth of infor-
mation (over 500 illustrations) to perform good fractographic failure
analysis and includes many examples of dental ceramics.
Currently, a large variety of dental ceramic materials is available
with different chemical compositions (K, Na alumina-silicates, lithium
disilicates, alumina, zirconia), reinforcing microstructures (leucite,
sanidine, mica, fluorapatite, lithium disilicate, alumina, zirconia), and
fabrication process (i.e. porcelain-fused-to-metal, heat-pressing, glass-
infiltration, polymer-infiltration, layering and sintering, CAD-CAM of
ceramic blocs). Due to their chemical and microstructural differences,
fracture surface analysis can be quite challenging, and thus a good
knowledge of fracture surface features is needed. The type of ceramic,
mode of failure, processing in the laboratory, sintering schedules, coef-
ficients of thermal expansion (CTE), and ceramic surface treatments
2. Qualitative Fractography
2.1. Key Fractographic Features
Qualitative fractography, also called descriptive fractography, is per-
formed on the fracture surface of broken parts to identify all charac-
teristic features regarding crack propagation and crack origin. There
are many fractographic markings that have been described for ceram-
ics and glasses.1,5 A selection of the most common fracture surface
features in dental ceramics is shown in Figures 1–11. The nomencla-
ture and definitions of fracture surface features (or markings) used
and described below are reproduced from the NIST Recommended
Practice Guide: Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses.5 Typical surface
crack features seen in ceramic parts that failed clinically such as hackle,
wake hackle, and twist hackle are radiating outward from an origin
(usually a critical flaw), indicating the crack propagation direction
(dcp). These features when closely monitored on the entire fractured
part will trace back to the fracture origin.
By definition, Hackle is a line on the surface running in the local
direction of cracking (dcp), separating parallel but non-coplanar por-
tions of the crack surface (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Hackle (h) in a 3Y-TZP ceramic. The direction of crack propaga-
tion (dcp) is indicated by arrows. A couple of arrest lines are temporarily
stopping the crack front
Figure 5. Wallner lines (wl) and Gull wings (gw) shown in two fractured
surfaces of veneering ceramics. Figure (a) is a lower magnification of
Figure 3 showing Wallner lines (wl) twist hackle and an arrest line above
the Wallner lines. Figure (b) has many sequentially following ripples which
are Wallner lines (wl) and a few gull wings, emanating from pores and
often combined with a wake hackle
Figure 6. Fracture mirror centered around a surface flaw (origin) in a bro-
ken zirconia bend bar. Hackle are radiating from the mirror region outward
toward the compression zone. The direction of crack propagation (dcp) is
indicated by the black arrows
Figure 8. Load-to-fracture test and schematic of a zirconia bend bar bro-
ken in 3-point bending. A compression curl is easily recognizable as the crack
path deviates from its direction of crack propagation (dcp) while entering the
compression zone of the ceramic bend bar specimen
Figure 16. Critical surface flaws (pores) in 3Y-TZP bend bars introduced
during the powder compaction step and reaching the surface after specimen
shaping to the requested dimensions
Figure 19. Pre-crack in an SCF broken bend bar. The critical crack depth
a and width 2c are measured for determination of the maximum Y stress
intensity shape factor (either Y depth or Y surface) based on Newman and
Raju equations
KIc = Y σf√a,(1)
where a is the crack depth, σf the flexural strength, and Y the stress
intensity shape factor (based on Newman and Raju).
This SCF standard has been applied to several dental ceramics
including mica glass-ceramic17 and leucite-based porcelains with vary-
ing composition and leucite crystal content.18,19 The identification of
the critical crack boundary by fractographic means is dependent on
the microstructure of the ceramic and the final fracture surface rough-
ness. Coarser microstructures increase the difficulty to correctly inter-
pret the crack size as reported for mica glass-ceramic.17 An example of
such crack size identification after SCF testing in liquid nitrogen is
shown in Figure 20 for a feldspathic dental porcelain.18
Quantitative fractography is also used to obtain fracture tough-
ness estimates from strength-tested specimens by determining the
Figure 20. Dental porcelain fracture surfaces in an SCF test.18 The critical
pre-crack size (width and depth) from a Knoop indentation is marked with
size and location of the critical crack and correlating these flaws with
ceramic processing issues. Examples of such application to strength-
tested ceramic specimens is provided in Figure 21 on zirconia bend
bars in which the critical flaws on the surface responsible for failure
is related to excessive grain growth at the surface due to a localized
concentration of CaO as a sinter additive.15 Fracture toughness
estimates can be calculated from critical crack size measurements
(width and depth). In Figure 21, the flexure strength was 680 MPa.
The critical flaw size is 37 µm wide and 13 µm deep. Based on
Raju–Newman equations, the Y factor is 1.4 for this specimen,
which gives a KIc estimate of 3.4 MPa√m. This is far lower than clas-
sic dense 3Y-TZP which has a fracture toughness around 4.5–5.0
MPa√m. Other work using fracture mechanics relationships and
Newman and Raju Y calculations have been successfully applied to
moisture-assisted subcritical crack growth effects on alumina glass-
infiltrated ceramic and alumina porcelain.20
Fracture toughness estimates were also calculated based on quan-
titative fractography for other dental ceramics such as lithium disili-
cate and amorphous glass,21 and 3Y-TZP22 using calculations of the Y
factor based on Randall’s23 interpretation of Irwin’s work.24
Alternatively, the researcher can use approximations of stress
intensity shape factors (Y) as provided in the ASTM-C13221 for
surface flaws that are semi-circular (c = a) or semi-elliptical cracks
depending on the c length with respect to a. Figure 22 is adapted
from the ASTM C1322,1 reproducing examples of Y factor values
for small surface crack shapes in flexure test bars. Such rapid
A higher depth of field and power of SEM (Figure 25) are needed
to visualize in greater detail smaller crack features such as hackle, wake
hackle, and twist hackle. Each zone of interest (1–4) is viewed at
higher magnification, and key features indicate the direction of crack
propagation (dcp), which is then mapped locally.
In zone 4 of Figure 25(a) is the compression curl which was
already identified as such in the stereomicroscope. Several wake
hackles (Figure 25(b)) confirm the dcp exiting on that distal crown
side. The glassy veneering ceramic of zone 3 (Figure 25(d)) shows
again wake hackle, indicating that the crack moved toward the com-
pression curl. Zone 2 (Figure 25(c)) may confuse a beginner frac-
tographer as it shows cracking of the crown from the occluding
surface downward to the alumina framework as shown by the mul-
tiple arrest lines and wake and twist hackles. However, a big arrest
line stops the crack and no further hackles are entering from there
inside the alumina framework. This is a secondary event and should
not be confused as the fracture origin. Zone 1 (Figure 25(e)) is of
key interest. It shows a series of hackles and wake hackles within the
veneering ceramic (Figure 25(f)), with the crack path going straight
up toward the occlusal side. The origin is to be searched at the
Figure 25. SEM of the broken part following a systematic approach. Zones
of interest (1–4) illustrate key features for the dcp. Zone 4: Compression curl
(cc) (a) and wake hackle (b). Zone 3 (d): Hackle in the veneering ceramic.
Zone 2 (c): Surface crack arrested at the border with the alumina framework.
Zone 1: Wake hackle (e, f). Margin ceramic chip and fracture origin (g). (h):
Summary of the overall dcp and crack origin (circle) located at the mesial
Figure 26. Fracture origins starting at the inner side (intaglio) of the alu-
mina crown framework at the cervical margin
Figure 28. Chip fractures of veneering ceramics. Contact wear origins are
illustrated in Figures (a–d). Diamond grinding damage origin associated
with brittle fracture failure mode is shown in Figures (e,f)
5. Conclusions
The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the fractographer with
dental ceramic issues regarding fracture analyses. The most powerful
This work is a result of years of invaluable personal teaching received
by Janet and George Quinn with respect to the application of fractog-
raphy to ceramic fractures of dental restorative materials. Janet was a
leader within the dental materials community, working at the
American Dental Association — former Paffenbarger Research Center
focusing on failure analysis of dental materials. Very sadly, she passed
away in 1998.39 George Quinn, her husband, has worked most of his
life for the National Institute of Standards and Technology develop-
ing standards related to strength testing, fracture mechanics, and
fractography. His NIST recommended practice guide on fractography
of ceramics and glasses5 was the kick off for the dental materials
community to get more involved in using fractography on in vitro
and in vivo ceramic dental materials.
1. ASTM-C1322-15, Standard Practice for Fractography and Char
acterization of Fracture Origins in Advanced Ceramics (ASTM
International, 2015).
2. ASTM-C1421-16, Standard Test Methods for Determination of Fracture
Toughness of Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperature (ASTM
International, 2016).
3. ASTM-C1678-10, Practice for Fractographic Analysis of Fracture
Mirror Sizes in Ceramics and Glasses (ASTM International, 2010).
4. Fréchette, V. D. In: Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 28. (Westerville, Ohio:
The American Ceramic Society, 1990).
5. Quinn, G. D. A NIST Recommended Practice Guide: Fractography of
Ceramics and Glasses. Special Publication 960-16e2. (Washington, D.C.:
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2016). Available at: 2016.
6. Hull, D. Fractography: Observing, Measuring and Interpreting Fracture
Surface Topography (Cambridge University Press: 1999), 366 (pp.).
7. Freiman, S. W.; Mecholsky, J. J. J. The Fracture of Brittle Materials:
Testing and Analysis. First Edition. (Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: The
American Ceramic Society. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012).
8. Varner, J., In: Engineering Materials Handbook, Metals Park, Ohio,
Schneider, S. J. (ed.), Vol. 4 (Ohio: ASM International, 1991),
pp. 635–644.
9. Kelly, J. R.; Giordano, R.; Pober, R.; Cima, M. J. Int. J. Prosth. 1990,
3 (5), 430–440.
10. Thompson, J. Y.; Anusavice, K. J.; Naman, A.; Morris, H. F. J. Dent.
Res. 1994, 73 (12), 1824–1832.
11. Quinn, J. B.; Quinn, G. D.; Kelly, J. R.; Scherrer, S. S. Dent. Mater.
2005, 21 (10), 920–929.
12. Quinn, G. D.; Eichler, J.; Eisele, U.; Rodel, J. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2004,
87 (3), 513–516.
13. Quinn, G. D.; Hoffman, K.; Quinn, J. B. Dent. Mater. 2012, 28 (5),
14. Scherrer, S. S.; Cattani-Lorente, M.; Vittecoq, E.; de Mestral, F.; Griggs,
J. A.; Wiskott, H. W. Dent. Mater. 2011, 27 (2), e28–e42.
15. Scherrer, S. S.; Cattani-Lorente, M.; Yoon, S.; Karvonen, L.; Pokrant, S.;
Rothbrust, F.; Kuebler, J. Dent. Mater. 2013, 29 (9), e180–e190.
16. Newman, J. C.; Raju, I. S. Eng. Fract. Mech. 1981, 15 (1–2), 185–192.
17. Quinn, J. B.; Lloyd, I. K. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2000, 83 (12), 3070–3076.
18. Scherrer, S. S.; Kelly, J. R.; Quinn, G. D.; Xu, K. Dent. Mater. 1999, 15
(5), 342–348.
19. Cesar, P. F.; Yoshimura, H. N.; Miranda, W. G.; Miyazaki, C. L.;
Muta, L. M.; Rodrigues, L. E. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B 2006, 78b (2),
20. Taskonak, B.; Griggs, J. A.; Mecholsky, J. J., Jr.; Yan, J. H. Dent. Mater.
2008, 24 (5), 700–707.
21. Della Bona, A.; Mecholsky, J. J., Jr.; Anusavice, K. J. Dent. Mater. 2004,
20 (10), 956–962.
22. Ramos, C. M.; Cesar, P. F.; Bonfante, E. A.; Rubo, J. H.; Wang, L.;
Borges, A. F. S. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 2016, 57, 215–223.
23. Brown, W. F.; Strawley, J. E. Plain Strain Crack Toughness Testing of
High Strength Metallic Materials (ASTM STP 410, 1966), pp. 88–126.
24. Irwin, G. R. J. Appl. Mech. 1957, 24, 361–364.
25. Scherrer, S. S.; Quinn, G. D.; Quinn, J. B. Dent. Mater. 2008, 24 (8),
26. Scherrer, S. S.; Quinn, J. B.; Quinn, G. D.; Kelly, J. R. Int. J. Prosth.
2006, 19 (2), 185–192.
27. Lohbauer, U.; Amberger, G.; Quinn, G. D.; Scherrer, S. S. J. Mech.
Behav. Biomed. Mater. 2010, 3 (8), 623–629.
28. Lohbauer, U.; Belli, R.; Arnetzl, G.; Scherrer, S. S.; Quinn, G. D. Case
Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis 2014, 2, 100–106.
29. Belli, R.; Scherrer, S. S.; Reich, S.; Petschelt, A.; Lohbauer, U. Case
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30. Oilo, M.; Quinn, G. D. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 2016, 53, 93–103.
31. Basilio Mde, A.; Delben, J. A.; Cesar, P. F.; Rizkalla, A. S.; Santos Junior,
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Chapter 9
the types of bioactive glass and how these materials have been
applied to the development of new dental restorative materials.
1. Introduction
The development of bioactive materials in dentistry has been a domi-
nant topic in recent publications in the field of dental materials. At
present, there are different groups of researchers in the world in quest
of an objective: to include bioactive glasses in restorative materials
with the intention of developing “smart materials”. We searched the
PubMed database using the keywords “glass + bioactive + dental +
materials”. This figure definitely shows an increasing trend toward
research related to bioactive materials, indicating that the use of bio-
active materials in Dentistry has been a “big” research topic in the
past two decades.
Figure 1 shows that in the last 20 years, scientific publications
involving bioactive restorative materials have increased considerably.
Basically, bioactive particles are included in restorative materials with
a view to bringing about benefits such as neutralization of acid pH,
bacterial inhibition, action against metalloproteinases enzymes, and,
particularly, stimulation of enamel and dentin remineralization.
Today, there are innumerable bioactive glasses available to
researchers. The first bioactive glass was invented by Larry Hench at
the University of Florida in 1969. The main discovery was that a glass
with the composition 46.1 mol.% SiO2, 24.4 mol.% Na2O, 26.9 mol.%
CaO, and 2.6 mol.% P2O5, later termed 45S5 and Bioglass, exhibited
notable properties of interaction with live tissues. The name ‘‘Bioglass’’
was trademarked by the University of Florida as a name for the origi-
nal 45S5 composition. It should therefore only be used in reference
to the 45S5 composition and not as a general term for bioactive
glasses.1 This glass exhibits the highest bioactivity index and is still
considered the gold standard of bioactive materials.
Recently, a new bioactive glass, denominated Biosilicate, was
developed by a group of researchers at the University of São Carlos,
under the guidance of Prof. Edgar D. Zanotto who worked in col-
laboration with Prof. Larry L. Hench. The purpose of developing this
biosilicate was to find a glass that would have a high bioactivity index,
and simultaneously present superior mechanical properties that would
favor better obtainment of particles.2
Bioactive glasses containing niobium have also drawn attention.
Researchers at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (“Instituto de
Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares — IPEN”), under the guidance of
Prof. José Roberto Martinelli, have developed a bioactive niobium
phosphate glass with high mechanical strength and great chemical stabil-
ity for use in bone grafting. The precursor of the bioactive glass devel-
oped by Martinelli was the vitreous system P2O5–PbO–Nb2O5–K2O,
also called niobium phosphate, containing lead, developed by Prof.
Oswaldo Luiz Alves of the State University of Campinas.3
In spite of the large number of bioactive glasses on the market,
this chapter will be devoted to these three bioactive glasses only:
(i) 45S5, (ii) Biosilicate, and (iii) niobium phosphate.
2. Bioactive Glasses
2.1. Bioglass (45S5)
There are diverse glasses and glass-ceramics containing silica in their
composition used in biomedical applications. The chemical composi-
tions, morphological characteristics, and mechanical properties of
these glasses may be adjusted according to the interest of the research.
2.2. Biosilicate
Today, we know that other materials may also be bioactive, such as for
example, new compositions of glasses, glass ceramics, and the family
of calcium phosphate ceramics.16 Thus, a new bioactive glass, called
Biosilicate, was developed. The inventors had in mind the develop-
ment of a material that would preserve the high bioactivity index
shown by bioactive glasses and would simultaneously have superior
biomechanical properties. Its composition is very close to that used in
45S5, with a microstructure controlled to prevent crystallization dur-
ing the production of the glass ceramic. Thus, in 1997, after promis-
ing results, a patent was deposited about the obtainment of highly
bioactive glass ceramics.17 An important characteristic of Biosilicate is
the possibility of obtaining more regular and less abrasive particles
without cutting surfaces, therefore, less aggressive to gingival and
mucosal tissues. Some researchers have shown that this material is a
high-strength, high-toughness glass-ceramics with bioactivity equiva-
lent to that of the grandfather 45S5 bioactive glass.18–20
In a recent review of studies developed with Biosilicate, this
product was shown to present a high potential for use in restorative
material. The authors described, “Biosilicate has been evaluated in
28 theses and dissertations and in more than 30 scientific papers over
the last 20 years. These studies have demonstrated its efficiency
for regenerating bone tissue and treating dental hypersensitivity.
linked to the Ca2+ released from the bioactive glass to form carboxy-
late salt leading to an increase in the degree of polymerization in the
silicate network.53
However, innumerable studies have shown that the incorpora-
tion of bioactive glasses could reduce the mechanical properties of
GICs.51,54,55 But, their clinical use ought to be restricted to applica-
tions where their bioactivity can be beneficial, such as root surface
fillings and liners in dentistry, and where high compressive strength is
not necessarily needed.54
The addition of bioactive glasses to GIC may not compromise the
mechanical performance of the material, but provide a bioactive
potential. Matsuya et al.53 evaluated the bioactivity of the new GIC in
the SBF and found no apatite formation on the surface of the newly
set cement at least within 4 weeks. This may perhaps have been due
to the presence of polyacrylic acid that inhibited the apatite forma-
tion, and concluded it might be difficult to obtain a bioactive glass
ionomer cement. These results indicated that polyacrylic acid sup-
presses the apatite forming ability of bioactive glass.56
Choi et al.57 found that an addition of sol–gel derived glass with
a bioactive composition (70SiO2·25CaO·5P2O5) added to the com-
mercial GIC did not significantly alter the diametral tensile strength
and induced the precipitation of an apatite bone-mineral phase
on the surface after immersion in a SBF, showing in vitro bone
With the purpose of evaluating the impact on the mechanical
properties of demineralized dentin in contact with modified-
GIC+45S5, Khoroushi et al.58 demonstrated that resin-modified glass
ionomer (RMGI) containing bioactive could compensate for this loss
of strength of demineralized dentin. They found the mean FS of dem-
ineralized dentin increased by almost 20% after contact of modified-
GIC with 45S5.
These characteristics make it possible to use GICs with the addi-
tion of bioactive glass on carious dentin, or with partial removal of the
carious tissue, which would make it possible for dentin remineraliza-
tion to occur. These results are very encouraging for the use of this
potential combination for the mineralization of dentin capping.59
Table 3. Results of the flexural strength (MPa) test of RMGICs with the
addition of niobium phosphate (NbG) bioactive glass in different
Materials Control 5% 10% 20%
Vitro Fil LC 28.41 ± 7.95 33.06 ± 8.4 25.70 ± 4.4 29.16 ± 7.82
Resiglass 45.67 ± 9.31 46.77 ± 9.95 46.73 ± 9.95 52.49 ± 8.98
Table 4. pH values of two RMGI with 20% NbG over 7 days*
Mixture pH 24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h 120 h 144 h 168 h
Resiglass pH 7 5.2 6.0 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.8
pH 4 4.8 5.0 4.9 5.0 4.7 4.8 4.8
Vitro Fil LC pH 7 6.0 6.9 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.3
pH 4 5.7 5.9 6.0 6.1 5.8 5.9 5.9
3.2. Composites
Some studies have been published, with the inclusion of bioactive
glasses in composites, and some fields of Dentistry, such as restora-
tive dentistry, Orthodontics and Endodontics. These researches have
reported success with the inclusion of bioactive glasses in resin com-
posites, orthodontic bracket bonding materials and endodontic fill-
ing materials.
The bioactive glass incorporated into an endodontic sealer con-
tributed to an increase in ion release, promoting an alkaline pH in the
Although the antimicrobial effect of bioactive glasses has not yet
been completely understood, it may be related to the elevation of pH
in aqueous suspensions. It has been reported the bioactive glass
S53P4 had a greater antiseptic effect than that observed for calcium
hydroxide, and apparently this effects would not be related to pH
Another important finding was that the addition of 45S5 particles
to resin cements for endodontic filling made this material a powerful
inhibitor of MMP and collagen degradation.66 The reduction of
MMPs has been shown to have a positive effect on bone formation.67
On the market, it is possible to find an endodontic filling material
called BC Sealer (calcium silicates, monobasic calcium phosphate,
zirconium oxide, tantalum oxide), which the manufacturer suggests
has bioactivity, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial capacity, without
post-operative complications. Zhang et al.68 demonstrated that this
material has a high pH, close to 12, and that this contributed to the
elimination of bacteria such as Enterococcus faecalis.
In the same study, the authors demonstrated that the small parti-
cle size and hydrophilic nature of the BC Sealer allows it to flow into
all aspects of the canal anatomy, and this favors a high bond strength
to root dentin.69 Shokouhinejad et al.70 compared the bond strength
of the EndoSequence cement, BC Sealer, and AH Plus either in the
presence or absence of a smear layer. In conclusion, the bond strength
of this new bioceramic cement was equal to that of AH Plus with or
Figure 4. Radiopacity of human tooth and two adhesive systems: control
(no addition of glass particles) and an experimental adhesive containing 40%
Along the same lines, the addition of the same NbG glass did not
change the degree of conversion, increased the hardness, and pro-
vided the commercial adhesive systems (Prime Bond, Dentsply) with
radiopacity, but it was not capable of preventing the reduction in
bond strength after 6 months of storage. However, it was possible to
observe particles of NbG glass obliterating the entrance of dentinal
tubules and within the adhesive layer (Figure 5) (Unpublished data).
The use of an adhesive system doped with bioactive glasses would
be of greater use in deep cavities and/or under carious tissue. Up to
now, new studies have been found in the literature with bioactive
adhesive systems under carious dentin.
A bioactive glass impregnated in carious dentin could interrupt
the process of demineralization,124 bacterial growth,125 and the
enzymatic action of metalloproteinases.11,50,106,126–128 The application
of bioactive glass in caries-affected dentin creates a smear layer rich
in minerals,129 which could remineralize dentin and recover the
Figure 5. Presence of NbG particles at the entrance of the dentinal tubules
(white arrow) and within the adhesive layer
Figure 6. NbG microparticles in dentinal tubules (white arrows) after air-
borne particle abrasion with bioactive glass
The authors are grateful to Foundation for the Support of Scientific
and Technological Research of Maranhão (FAPEMA–BEPP 6527/
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Chapter 10
Dental Adhesives
1. Introduction
1.1. Mineralized Dental Tissues
Human teeth contain two mineralized tissues called enamel and dentin.
Enamel is the hardest tissue of the human body and is composed of
minerals, which make up 96% of its composition.1 The remainder of its
composition is water and some proteins, such as amelogenins and
enamelins. The main mineral component is the hydroxyapatite, which
is formed by calcium phosphate crystals. The enamel has high Young’s
modulus (approximately 83 GPa) and high tensile strength (approxi-
mately 42 MPa) because of its high mineralization level. However,
when enamel is stressed transversally to its prismatic orientation, the
strength is significantly weaker (approximately 11 MPa).2,3 Enamel rod
or prims are the basic units of dental enamel (Figure 1), which is formed
by ameloblast cells during the early stage of enamel formation.1
The amelo–dentinal junction is the interfacial area between
enamel and underlying dentin (Figure 2) which has biomechanical
Figure 1. SEM images showing the human dental enamel (R: rods; Arrows:
interrod area) from a transversal cut (a) and from a longitudinal cut (b)
(5,000× magnification)
Figure 3. SEM images showing the structural units of dentin (Arrow: den-
tinal tubule, IT: Intertubular dentin and Intratubular dentin: whitish aspect
around the tubules) for occlusal superficial dentin close to enamel (a) and
deep dentin close to pulp chamber (b) (2,000× magnification)
Figure 4. SEM images showing the resin–enamel interfaces with etch-and-
rinse (a) and self-etching adhesive systems (b). Arrows show the enamel–
adhesive interfaces (E: enamel; AL: adhesive layer; CR: composite resin)
(2,000× magnification)
Figure 5. TEM image (a) showing the resin–dentin interface of an etch-
and-rinse adhesive. The hybrid layer (HL) corresponds to the infiltration of
adhesive resin monomers into dentin with exposed collagen by acid etching
(1,100× magnification) (Vermelho PM and Giannini M, 2011). Confocal
laser microscopy image (b) showing the resin–dentin interface of an etch-
and-rinse adhesive. The rhodamine dye (red) was incorporated to the bond-
ing agent (25× objective lens). (*: resin tags; AL: adhesive layer; D: dentin;
CR: composite resin)
2. General Composition
Contemporary bonding agents contain resin monomers (hydropho-
bic and hydrophilic ones), organic solvents (such as acetone, alcohol,
and/or water), chemical initiator system, inhibitor, fillers (such as
colloidal silica, pyrogenic silica, and silicate glasses), and other com-
pounds (such as copolymers, desensitizing agents, sources of fluoride,
and antibacterial agents). Alcohol and acetone are monomers sol-
vents, indispensable for a good penetration of the monomers, while
water is important for the hydrolysis of functional monomers and to
re-expand the collapsed collagen network for the etched dentin tech-
nique. The fillers increase the polymer’s intrinsic strength and also
promote fluoride release depending on its composition. Initiators are
responsible for polymerizing the monomers, while inhibitors increase
the shelf life of the adhesive systems.22
Regarding hydrophilic resin monomers, they can be wetting
agents, responsible for penetrating into etched tooth surface and
3. Adhesive Systems
3.1. Etch-and-Rinse Adhesive Systems
This category of adhesives involves a previous etching with phos-
phoric acid, rinsing with water, and applying the adhesive on a wet
demineralized dentin. Etch-and-rinse adhesives can be used following
two or three steps; the first step being the acid etching for both types
of these adhesives. After etching for 15 s, the dentin is rinsed with
water to remove the acid gel and the mineral dissolved. The deminer-
alized dentin must be wet, and water occupies the spaces of the
removed mineral by the acid etching step.34,35
The acid etching removes the smear layer and smear plugs, dem-
ineralizing the dentin 5–10 mm in depth. In this demineralized area,
the resin monomers are able to infiltrate forming the “hybrid layer”
or “resin–dentin interdiffusion zone”,6 which represents the replace-
ment of mineral with adhesive resin monomers (Figure 6). When a
three-step etch-and-rinse adhesive is used, an adhesive solution
known as primer is applied before hydrophobic bonding resin (third
step), while for two-step etch-and-rinse adhesives, a single combined
solution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers is used. The
primer is a solution containing basically HEMA and a solvent such as
water or ethanol. The bonding resin is less hydrophilic and contains
Bis-GMA, TEG-DMA, UDMA, other hydrophobic resins, and other
components. The two-step etch-and-rinse adhesives are often used in
Restorative Dentistry and represent a combination of primer and
bonding resin in a single but complex mixture.17,21
If the demineralized dentin is poorly infiltrated with resin mono-
mer or if it slowly hydrolyses and leaches resin monomers from the
hybrid layer due to poor polymerization, the intrinsic matrix metalo-
proteinases (MMP) activity of dentin matrix can be expressed, leading
to an attack on the denuded collagen. This behavior could weaken the
hybrid layer, accelerating the loss of resin and collagen degradation.
Studies have demonstrated that the hydrophilic characteristic of the
adhesive monomers could compromise the long-term bonding effec-
tiveness and that insufficient resin infiltration or an incompletely
Figure 6. SEM images showing the resin–dentin interfaces with two-steps
(a) and three-steps (b) etch-and-rinse adhesives (HL: hybrid layer; *; resin
tags: D: dentin; AL: adhesive layer; CR: composite resin) (1,000× magnifica-
tion) (Carvalho et al., 2013)
the resin monomers, which are in contact with dentin, giving a more
hydrophobic outer surface to bond with the restorative composite.22
The all-in-one or single-step self-etching adhesives are the most
simplified bonding agents. They are a complex aqueous solution
containing hydrophilic and hydrophobic resin monomers, organic
solvents, initiators, and other components, depending on the com-
mercial product. Studies have indicated that this category of self-
etching system, as well as two-steps etch-and-rinse adhesives produced
less durable composite restorations, according to clinical and labora-
tory investigations.21,50,51
Based on the acidic aggressiveness of self-etching adhesives, they
are classified as “mild” (pH around 2) and “strong” (pH < 1). For
mild pH self-etching adhesives, the collagen fibrils are only partially
exposed, with residual hydroxyapatite still attached to the collagen
fibrils and available for chemical interaction with functional mono-
mers (Figure 7). For strong self-etching adhesive solutions, the dentin
etching is similar to the effects found with 37% phosphoric acid
In order to reduce the hydrophilicity and increase the bonding
durability, some single-step self-etching adhesives are free of HEMA
This book chapter was partially supported by the São Paulo Research
Foundation (FAPESP #2013/22823-9 and #2009/51674-6), the
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
(CAPES #1777-2014 and #1778-2014) and The National Council
for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq #307217-
2014-0). The authors are grateful to Dr. Adriana Oliveira Carvalho
and Dr. Paulo Moreira Vermelho for providing SEM and TEM
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Chapter 11
Carmem S. Pfeifer
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Oregon Health
and Science University,
2730 SW Moody Ave., Portland, OR, 97201, USA
1. Introduction
Dental composites have become the most popular choice for direct
esthetic restorations and are ubiquitously used in dental offices across
the globe. Their basic composition consists of an inorganic phase
(mostly glass fillers) and an organic matrix. Most of the developments
that translated into commercial products since the introduction of
the first iteration of direct restorative composites have involved the
filler phase. The organic matrix remains mostly based on meth-
acrylate chemistry, since BisGMA was patented by Rafael Bowen in
the late 1950s. Even though new monomers have been introduced
in the market, more notably in the last 15 years, the basic polymeriz-
able functionality still relies on methacrylates, for a number of dif-
ferent reasons. The main advantage of this chemistry is the fast
polymerization rate under mild conditions, usually at room tempera-
ture and using photoinitiation. This allows dentists to polymerize the
materials on demand, and allows for pigmentation and other types of
characterization, making it an excellent choice for highly esthetic res-
torations. However, in the current state, composite restorations only
last an average of 10 years in service, with the main reason for failure
being secondary decay, post-operative sensitivity, and fracture.1
Secondary decay is usually brought about by failure of the adhesive
interface. This can be caused by polymerization stress generation that
leads to separation of the material from the substrate, in a phenome-
non analogous to the delamination due to stress generation in the
coatings industry.2–4 In addition, the adhesive and composite materials
are prone to degradation by hydrolysis or enzymatic action via the
ester bonds present in the methacrylate.5,6 This leads not only to the
breakdown of the material over time but also acts as the source for
potentially toxic leachates.
In spite of the many efforts to replace or aggressively modify
methacrylate monomers, very few examples have come to commercial
relaxation opportunities (Figure 3). The exact gel point is very dif-
ficult to determine solely from the reaction kinetics curve, so other
tools, such as an oscillating rheometer coupled with an infra-red spec-
trometer, are often used to determine the conversion at the onset of
gelation.34 As the reaction further progresses, the decrease in mobility
affects even small molecule movement, and therefore the rate of
propagation also starts to decrease, in a phenomenon known as auto-
deceleration, observed after the maximum rate of polymerization is
recorded (Figure 2). That point marks the onset of vitrification of the
VS = [C = C] × DC × k,
The coefficient defines the amount of volume loss taking place from
the reaction of each polymerizable functionality.
From this equation, it becomes clear that higher molecular weight
monomers lead to less shrinkage for the same amount of conversion.
This can be easily visualized in Figure 4.
A few examples of monomers with higher molecular weights have
made it into commercial products, with notable examples being the
dimer acid dimethacrylate (800 g/mol, used in N’Durance®,
Septodont-Confidental) and the DX-511, originally a patent from
Dupont (895 g/mol, used in Kalore, GC). These monomers’ molec-
ular structures are shown in Figure 4. The shrinkage of these com-
mercial materials has been compared to conventional methacrylates,
and it has been shown that they indeed produce values 10–30% lower
than the controls.41,42 The resulting stress, however, follows a differ-
ent ranking, as it depends not only on the nominal shrinkage, but also
on the final conversion and stiffness of the resulting network.41
Also from the theoretical shrinkage equation, one can predict that
some monomers with intrinsically lower molar shrinkage coefficients
also lead to less shrinkage. That is the case of ring-opening mono-
mers, such as SOC’s and epoxides,43–45 for which a few examples are
shown in Figures 5 and 6. In the case of epoxides, the opening of the
ring results in a much lower molar shrinkage coefficient.46 In other
words, even though it is a ring-opening polymerization, there is still
net shrinkage, albeit smaller than for methacrylates.
For SOCs monomers, there is actually net expansion of the
network. In the case of the only commercial example using epoxide
chemistry (Filtek Silorane or Filtek P90, 3M-ESPE), in vitro stud-
ies have shown that the shrinkage and stress values are indeed lower
than for conventional methacrylates (including examples from the
same manufacturer), with comparable mechanical properties.41
SOCs monomers have also shown great promise, with signifi-
cantly reduced shrinkage values, on the order of 30% lower than
through chain growth.57 With the aim of delaying gelation and reduc-
ing stress while still maintaining good mechanical properties, ternary
thiol-ene/methacrylates compositions have been proposed.58,59 In
this case, there is competition between chain and step growth mecha-
nisms as the methacrylate can undergo both homopolymerization and
chain transfer with the thiol, in addition to the thiol-ene reaction,60,61
which disturbs the stoichiometric balance and may result in incomplete
consumption of the thiol62 and/or ene.63 For a series of thiol-ene/
methacrylate systems, it has been demonstrated that the ene con-
sumption is delayed until the methacrylate-thiol reaction is largely
complete.64 In turn, methacrylate conversion still progresses at a
slower rate, indicating that the chain transfer reactions to thiol are
determinant in delaying gelation.
Interestingly, the stress reduction obtained in the ternary system
is also achieved with thiol-methacrylates.65 In those instances, thiols
are capable of reducing the kinetic chain length by introducing chain-
breaking events.66 Chain transfer is a chain-breaking mechanism in
which the new radical formed through the transfer is considered to be
a new initiation site.34 The addition of chain-transfer agents (thiols
being very efficient in this role) in amounts as low as 0.1 wt.% signifi-
cantly reduces the rate of polymerization and the radical chain
length.66,67 As the thiol concentration increases, the reaction with the
methacrylate monomer becomes a more important factor in network
development.62,63 Previously reported data shows, for thiol-meth-
acrylate systems with high thiol concentrations, that the transfer rate
constant (ktr) is significantly higher than the propagation rate con-
stant (kp).62 This was accompanied by a delay in the auto-acceleration,
which in turn was optimized for methacrylate functional groups
molar fractions of 60% and 80%.62 The mechanism through which
methacrylate gelation is delayed by chain-transfer to thiol has also
been described in studies on thiol-acrylate systems intended for sur-
face functionalization.68–70 In these cases, amine catalysts were effi-
ciently applied to avoid polymerization through addition to the vinyl,
which leads to the advantageous predominance of chain-transfer from
carbon-thiol radicals. However, this can also be achieved without
resorting to the addition of catalysts by tailoring the reactivity,
Figure 8. (a) Loss tangent, tan d, of a trifunctional thiol system plotted as
a function of UV exposure time for different frequencies (as labeled in the
figure). The intersection of tan d at a single point (t = 1,480 s) determines
the gel point. (b) Evolution of the elastic (G ′) and viscous (G ″) moduli as
a function of exposure time for a trifunctional thiol system. The frequency
of oscillation is 10 rad/s. G ″ is initially larger than G ′, but as the photo-
cross-linking progresses, G ′ supercedes G ″. From Chiou et al., 1996,
Figure 10. (a) Polymerization stress and (b) Fracture toughness values for
the 25wt% filler BisGMA/UDMA/TEGDMA cement and for the commer-
cial cement (RelyX Ultimate) with 0 (control), 10% and 20 wt% of thio-
urethane oligomer added. Adapted from Ref. [95]
10. Final Considerations
In spite of the effervescent research on alternative chemistries for
restorative dental materials, most monomers and organic matrices in
commercial products are still based on methacrylates. As previously
mentioned, they polymerize under mild conditions to relatively high
degrees of conversion and produce glassy materials, with a reasonable
lifetime. Compared to amalgams and other metal-based restorations,
nevertheless, esthetic composite restorations still fall short. New and
improved materials are necessary to avoid costly re-treatments and to
preserve natural tooth structure. The future seems to lie with materi-
als that interact well with the environment surrounding them, which
means that, besides presenting low polymerization stress and good
mechanical properties and chemical stability, the search is for a com-
position that will simultaneously be able to resist biofilm formation,
be antibacterial, and be bioactive, both in terms of mineralization and
in terms of epithelial cell attachment (in the case of class II and V
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160. Haleem, Y.; Song, P.; Liu, D.; Wang, C.; Gan, W.; Saleem, M.;
Song, L. Mater. 2016, 9 (7), 507.
Chapter 12
Development of Polymerization
Contraction Stresses in Resin-Based
1. Introduction
Resin-based composites have become the material of choice for direct
restorations, both in anterior and posterior teeth. Besides being aes-
thetically appealing, it presents the advantage of “cure on command”.
Moreover, despite the lack of sound scientific evidence on health-
related issues caused by dental amalgams, resin composites have virtu-
ally replaced them in posterior restorations. However, the use of resin
composites is not without its limitations. Its placement technique is
more time consuming and technique sensitive, and longitudinal clini-
cal studies report higher annual failure rates compared to amalgam.1
One of the main causes of composite restoration failure is the recur-
rence of caries lesions at the tooth–restoration interface.2 Though
caries development has multiple causes, there is some scientific
evidence linking this occurrence to the presence of gaps at the tooth–
restoration interface.3 Interfacial debonding may occur due to defi-
ciency in the adhesive system application, degradation of the adhesive
layer, or as a consequence of polymerization stress development.
During polymerization, stresses arise as a result of composite
shrinkage and elastic modulus development.4 Though its occurrence
has been reported by Bowen, the inventor of dimethacrylate-based
composites, in 1967,5 it was not until the late 1980s with the studies
by Feilzer et al. that this topic gained wider attention.6 To date, there
is no definite evidence linking polymerization stress with the clinical
performance of resin composite restorations. However, the abun-
dance of laboratory studies relating polymerization stress with failure
of the bonded interface makes it almost impossible to deny its
detected by the load cell.8 There has been some debate on which
compliance level provides the most clinically meaningful results. While
low-compliance systems represent the most critical situation in terms of
stress generation — in other words, the composite “full stress-generat-
ing potential” — the biological substrates on which composites are
applied (enamel, dentin, cement) are relatively compliant. Therefore, in
theory, data gathered from high-compliance systems would be more
representative. In any scenario, the elements of the testing system with
a direct effect on compliance and, consequently, on stress magnitude
must be taken into consideration when comparing data from different
studies. They are described in the following sections.
1. Rasines Alcaraz, M. G.; Veitz-Keenan, A.; Sahrmann, P.; Schmidlin, P. R.;
Davis, D.; Iheozor-Ejiofor, Z. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2014, 3,
2. Brunthaler, A.; Konig, F.; Lucas, T.; Sperr, W.; Schedle, A. Clin. Oral
Investig. 2003, 7 (2), 63–70.
3. Nedeljkovic, I.; Teughels, W.; De Munck, J.; Van Meerbeek, B.;
Van Landuyt, K. L. Dent. Mater. 2015, 31 (11), e247–e77.
4. Ferracane, J. L. Oper. Dent. 2008, 33(3), 247–257.
5. Bowen, R. L. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 1967, 74 (3), 439–445.
6. Feilzer, A. J.; De Gee, A. J.; Davidson, C. L. J. Dent. Res. 1987, 66
(11), 1636–1639.
7. Ferracane, J. L.; Hilton, T. J. Dent. Mater. 2016, 32 (1), 1–10.
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Braga, R. R. Dent. Mater. 2008, 24 (5), 645–652.
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J. Dent. Res. 2011, 90 (3), 365–370.
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12. Yamamoto, T.; Ferracane, J. L.; Sakaguchi, R. L.; Swain, M. V. Dent.
Mater. 2009, 25 (4), 543–550.
13. Yamamoto, T.; Nishide, A.; Swain, M. V.; Ferracane, J. L.; Sakaguchi,
R. L.; Momoi, Y. Acta Biomater. 2011, 7 (1), 417–423.
14. Park, J. W.; Ferracane, J. L. Dent. Mater. 2005, 21 (9), 882–889.
15. Kinomoto, Y.; Torii, M. J. Dentist. 1998, 26 (2), 165–171.
16. Kinomoto, Y.; Torii, M.; Takeshige, F.; Ebisu, S. J. Dentist. 1999,
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17. Braga, R. R.; Koplin, C.; Yamamoto, T.; Tyler, K.; Ferracane, J. L.;
Swain, M. V. Dent. Mater. 2013, 29 (10), 1026–1033.
18. Witzel, M. F.; Ballester, R. Y.; Meira, J. B.; Lima, R. G.; Braga, R. R.
Dent. Mater. 2007, 23 (2), 204–210.
19. Boaro, L. C.; Meira, J. B.; Ballester, R. Y.; Braga, R. R. Dent. Mater.
2013, 29 (10), 1034–1039.
20. Condon, J. R.; Ferracane, J. L. Dent. Mater. 1998, 14 (4), 256–260.
21. Charton, C.; Colon, P.; Pla, F. Dent. Mater. 2007, 23 (8), 911–920.
22. Boaro, L. C.; Goncalves, F.; Braga, R. R. Acta Biomater. 2010, 6 (2),
23. Ferracane, J. L.; Mitchem, J. C. Am. J. Dent. 2003, 16 (4), 239–243.
24. Calheiros, F. C.; Sadek, F. T.; Braga, R. R.; Cardoso, P. E. J. Dentist.
2004, 32 (5), 407–412.
25. Boaro, L. C.; Froes-Salgado, N. R.; Gajewski, V. E.; Bicalho, A. A.;
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27. Lovell, L. G.; Newman, S. M.; Bowman, C. N., J. Dent. Res. 1999,
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31. Watts, D. C.; Cash, A. J. Dent. Mater. 1991, 7 (4), 281–287.
32. Braga, R. R.; Ferracane, J. L. Crit. Rev. Oral Biol. Med. 2004, 15 (3),
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Versluis, A.; Braga, R. R. Dent. Mater. 2010, 26 (12), 1144–1150.
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C. S.; Braga, R. R. Dent. Mater. 2013, 29 (4), 398–404.
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36. Goncalves, F.; Kawano, Y.; Braga, R. R. Dent. Mater. 2010, 26 (7),
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Chapter 13
Charlene S. Solomon
Department Restorative Dentistry, University of Manitoba,
780 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3E 0W2, Canada
1. Introduction
Flexible impression material forms a foundational and integral
component of everyday clinical dental practice. Dental practitioners use
flexible impression materials to make accurate impressions of the oral
tissues to make a gypsum stone model, which serves as a positive replica
of the oral structures. The gypsum stone models can be easily and con-
veniently manipulated on a bench top to evaluate, modify, and be used
to fabricate an indirect oral prosthesis. Indirect prostheses can be fixed,
meaning crowns or bridges that are permanently fixated to the natural
teeth or implants or it can be removable referring to complete or partial
dentures, mouth guards, bruxism splints, and orthodontic appliances.
Impression materials have evolved over time as the esthetic and
implant realm of dentistry saw new technologies and techniques
emerge for the fabrication of intricate and often complex indirect
prostheses. More specifically, dental impressions evolved from labor-
intensive, technique-sensitive procedures to simplified-impression
techniques with user-friendly and accurate impression materials.
Clinical practice demands impression materials with high accuracy,
dimensional stability, and hydrophilicity. In addition, the clinical prac-
tice setting benefits from materials that can be manipulated and han-
dled with efficiency. This relates to the dispensing technique, patient
acceptance, and ease of cleanup of the materials.
Research on flexible impression materials has focused mainly on
in vitro material properties testing as a function of its clinical require-
ments.1–4 This chapter provides a broad overview of flexible impres-
sion materials, its classification, history, and its physical properties as
it relates to impression making in clinical dental practice.
1.1. History
The history and development of flexible dental impressions started in
the 20th century, known as the era of innovations and technology.
This era in the dental realm started with the introduction of the
porcelain jacket crown by Charles Land in 1903, and the introduction
of the lost wax technique by William Taggart in 1907. This was
the start of fabrication of direct and indirect fixed restorations. The
historical development of impression materials was founded in the
development of impression materials for mostly complete dentures.5
The first successful flexible impression materials introduced to
dentistry were the aqueous reversible agar hydrocolloids in the 1930s.
The agar material sets in a flexible gel form and allowed for accurate
recording of undercuts. The agar hydrocolloids were an improvement
to the waxes, plaster, and compound materials that were available at the
time.6–8 Sears introduced agar hydrocolloids into fixed prosthodontics
in 1937,9,10 and it became the standard of excellence for impression
making. The agar material was the same material that bacteriologists
used in their petri dishes.6 The making of an agar hydrocolloid impres-
sion requires equipment such as a conditioning unit9 to convert the agar
gel form to a liquid state and special water cooling impression trays.6
Its clinical application was initially limited to removable partial dentures
until Sears introduced a different technique whereby reversible hydro-
colloids can be used for inlays, crown, and bridges.7
A second aqueous, but irreversible alginate hydrocolloid flexible
impression material was introduced during World War II, at a time
when agar hydrocolloids were scarce. This was due to the fact that
most of the processing of the algae used for the manufacturing of
agar-agar at the time was done in Japan.5–7 The processing of a native
brown algae yielded a new flexible aqueous impression material with
an alginate base. The introduction of alginate impression materials
became a desirable and convenient alternative impression material.
In contrast to agar hydrocolloids, the making of an alginate impres-
sion requires no special equipment or special impressions trays, and it
involves a simple mixing of powder and liquid components. Its physi-
cal properties allowed a controlled setting process with the material
exhibiting toughness and resiliency.7
The first non-aqueous flexible material introduced was the poly-
sulfides in 1953.11 It provided greater strength and stability than the
hydrocolloids and was popular in its application for completed
denture impressions. The 1960s saw the introduction of two more
2. Classification
Flexible dental impression materials can be classified according to its
chemistry, mechanical properties, viscosity, or applications. Dentists
learn and identify dental materials mainly by their chemical composi-
tion. Different chemistries bring about a specific set of characteristics
that may be suitable for a specific dental application. Figure 1 catego-
rizes flexible materials by chemistry, broadly classified into aqueous
and non-aqueous impression materials including the newer hybrid
impression material varieties.
The aqueous impression materials are natural polymers and
consist of two main groups, the reversible and irreversible hydro
colloids. The non-aqueous impression materials are synthetic p olymers
and also referred to as elastomers. The term elastomer refers to a
polymer that has viscoelastic properties. Both aqueous and non-
aqueous impression materials groups are elastic and flexible, but only
the synthetic polymers are referred to as elastomers.
Flexible Impression Hybrids
Materials Elastomer-Elastomer
Loading of impression tray Suitable viscosity
Flow & Flexibility
Flow and flexibility
Intraoral positioning and seating of Hydrophilicity/Wettability
the loaded impression tray Accuracy
Dimensional stability
Elastic recovery
Removal of the set material
Tear strength
Dimensional stability
Dimensional stability
Pouring of a stone model
Dimensional stability
Elastic recovery
Removal of set stone model
Tear strength
Dimensional stability
3.2. Accuracy
Accuracy of dental impressions is measured in two ways. First, it has
to meet a specific standard as determined by the American Dental
Association (ADA) and the International Standards Organization
(ISO). The ADA specification #19 for elastomeric materials states
that this materials should be able to record fine details of up to
25 μm.17 The International Standards Organization (ISO) for dental
elastomeric materials classifies a Type III impression material as one
that can produce a line of 0.020 mm in width.18
Second, accuracy is measured as a function of dimensional stabil-
ity by measuring tooth-to-tooth dimensions within the same arch and
in the cross-arch.17 This is a function of how accurate the material can
produce a copy of the oral structures. The majority of impression
materials today provide excellent accuracy when used correctly.
into microspaces in the oral cavity and record minute details such as
grooves, tooth–gingiva interfaces, and beveled tooth margins. A low
viscosity impression material flows readily to accurately capture intri-
cate details. A medium body or heavy viscosity impression materials
flows less, but accurately captures macrostructures such as tooth con-
tour and arch form. When used in combination, the medium or heavy
viscosity materials provide the overall support for the impression,
while the light body records finer details.
3.4. Flexibility
Flexibility refers to the stiffness or rigidity of a material. Ideal flexibil-
ity allows the dental impression material to be easily removed from
undercuts in the mouth without any discomfort. It should also have
sufficient rigidity to withstand any tearing or distortion. At the same
time, it should support the ease of removal of the gypsum stone cast
when separated from the impression.
3.5. Wettability/Hydrophilicity
The mouth is a moist environment, and the properties of wettability
and hydrophilicity are important for accurate impressions.
Hydrophilicity is the affinity for water, and the wettability of an
impression material is the ability to flow and adhere onto solid sur-
faces. Wettability allows for ease of flow and an intimate contact
between tooth structures and the impression material.21 At the same
time, also allow ease of wettability by water-containing gypsum mate-
rial when pouring a stone cast. Inadequate wetting of an impression
is characterized by the incorporation of voids and bubbles in stone
casts.22,23 Voids are typically seen on critical areas of stone cast such as
preparation margins and grooves.
Wettability of an impression material is a function of the contact
angle formed between the surface of the wetted solid and tangential
to the curved drop at the point of contact. A small angle (less than
90°C) indicates good wettability22 and large angles indicate a poor
affinity24 or low wettability.
3.6. Biocompatibility
Biocompatibility refers to a material’s ability to maintain accuracy and
dimensional stability when coming into contact with other materials.
This would include operator gloves, disinfection products, gypsum
stone, and clinical medicaments.
4.1.1. Composition
Agar hydrocolloids are complex polysaccharides that are extracted
from seaweed. The agar hydrocolloid materials exist in two forms; a
gel and a sol form. The sol form comprises a random arrangement of
polysaccharide chains, and the gel form represents organized and
4.2.1. Composition
Alginates are extracted from seaweed and supplied in a powder form.
The alginate powder is the sodium or potassium salt of alginic acid
that is easily soluble in water. It has calcium sulfate as a reacting
agent and sodium phosphate as a retarder. The bulk of the powder
contains inorganic fillers (zinc, talc, diatomaceous earth), which
determines the flow properties and strength of the set alginate. The
diatomaceous earth contains silica particles that can become air-
borne during fluffing of the powder, risking inhalation of fine silica
particles.20 A dustless alginate is available with additional glycol
components that make the alginate powder denser and less able to
become airborne.
The final alginate impressions consist of approximately 80% of
water, which makes it susceptible to distortion if water is lost
(by syneresis) or water is absorbed (by imbibition).27 The time delay
between making the impression and pouring a gypsum cast and the
manner of storage is critical to avoid these two phenomena of
syneresis or imbibition from occurring.
4.3.1. Composition
The term hybrid denotes the combination of alginate and silicone
elastomers, providing the ease and economics of alginates but with
the quality and stability of an elastomer. Due to the presence of vinyl
5.1. Polysulfides
Polysulfide impression material was the first elastomeric impression
material to be introduced in the 1950s and was also referred to as
mercaptan or thymol.
5.1.1. Composition
The base of this two-paste system contains a polysulfide polymer that
contains a multifunctional mercaptan (–SH) polymer, a suitable filler
to provide strength, a plasticizer to provide appropriate viscosity, and
a small quantity of sulfur (0.5%) to accelerate the reaction. The cata-
lyst paste contains an inert oil to form the paste, sulfur as a catalyst,
and lead dioxide that allows for cross-linking and polymerization
5.2. Silicones
Silicones are the vinyl polysiloxanes (VPS) of the elastomeric impres-
sion materials group. Silicones are generally hydrophobic by nature,
and its chemical structure exhibits hydrophobic aliphatic hydrocarbon
groups surrounding the siloxane bonds. The addition of surfactants
to the elastomeric impression materials changed it from a hydropho-
bic to a hydrophilic material.23,40 There are two main types of silicone
materials; a condensation-type silicone referred to as C-silicones and
an addition-type silicone also referred to as A-silicones. Composition
The formation of condensation silicones (C-silicones) occurs
through cross-linking between terminal groups of silicone polymers
and an alkyl silicate to form a three-dimensional network.20 The
polymerization process of C-silicones produces ethyl alcohol as a
by-product of the condensation setting reaction. The evaporation of Composition
Addition silicones (A-silicones) set by means of an addition reaction
with no by-product formation. The base paste contains a polymethyl-
hydrosiloxane and a divinylpolysiloxane. The catalyst paste contains
divinylpolysiloxane and a platinum salt. The addition reaction occurs
between a siloxane with a terminal hydrogen and a siloxane with a
5.3. Polyethers
Polyether impression material is another popular elastomeric impres-
sion material for precision impressions. It terms of accuracy and
dimensional stability, it is often compared to VPS in many research
papers. Polyethers and A-silicones are the only two elastomeric
impression materials recommended for implant impressions.43
Polyether impression material is a single consistency impression-
ing system. It is available as a two-paste base and catalyst system that
can be hand mixed or it can be delivered by means of a cartridge
system or automixing devices for consistent results.
5.3.1. Composition
The baste paste contains liquid polyether and fillers with inert oils.
The activator paste contains a sulfonate ester in hydrocarbons.
5.4.1. Composition
The exact formulations of this impression material is proprietary, but
it is suggested to consist of 5–20% of PE content.46 As both compo-
nent materials are elastomers, this hybrid material allows for a chemi-
cal bond between VPES and VPS.45
1. Nayar, S.; Mahadevan, R. J. Pharm. Bioallied. Sci. 2015, 7 (Suppl 1),
2. Cho, S. H.; Schaefer, O.; Thompson, G. A.; Guentsch, A. J. Prosthet.
Dent. 2015, 113 (4), 310–315.
3. Menees, T. S.; Radhakrishnan, R.; Ramp, L. C.; Burgess, J. O.; Lawson,
N. C. J. Prosthet. Dent. 2015, 114 (4), 536–542.
4. Nowakowska, D.; Raszewski, Z.; Saczko, J.; Kulbacka, J.; Wieckiewicz,
W. J. Prosthet. Dent. 2014, 112 (2), 168–175.
5. Starcke, E. N., Jr. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. (1939) 1975, 91 (5), 1037–1041.
6. Reed, H. V. Quintessence Int. 1990, 21 (3), 225–229.
7. Hansson, O.; Eklund, J. Swed. Dent. J. 1984, 8 (2), 81–95.
8. Hamalian, T. A.; Nasr, E.; Chidiac, J. J. J. Prosthodont. 2011, 20 (2),
9. Nemetz, H.; Tjan, A. H., J. Prosthet. Dent. 1988, 60 (3), 267–270.
10. Sears, A. W. Sci. Edu. Bull. 1970, 3 (1), 55–62.
11. Schulein, T. M. J. Hist. Dent. 2005, 53 (2), 63–72.
12. Keck, S. C. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1985, 54 (4), 479–483.
13. Soh, G.; Chong, Y. H. J. Oral Rehabil. 1991, 18 (6), 547–553.
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15. Wilson, N. H.; Cowan, A. J.; Crisp, R. J.; Wilson, M. A. SADJ 2001,
56 (5), 233–236.
16. Nam, J.; Raigrodski, A. J.; Townsend, J.; Lepe, X.; Mancl, L. A.
J. Prosthet. Dent. 2007, 97 (1), 12–17.
17. Donovan, T. E.; Chee, W. W. Dent. Clin. North Am. 2004, 48 (2),
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18. Mandikos, M. N. Aust. Dent. J. 1998, 43 (6), 428–434.
19. Lawson, N. C.; Burgess, J. O.; Litaker, M. S. J. Prosthet. Dent. 2008,
100 (1), 29–33.
20. Anusavice, K. J.; Shen, C.; Rawls, H. R. Phillips’ Science of Dental
Materials, 12th ed. (Amsterdam: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013).
21. Rupp, F.; Axmann, D.; Jacobi, A.; Groten, M.; Geis-Gerstorfer, J. Dent.
Mater. 2005, 21 (2), 94–102.
22. Pratten, D. H.; Craig, R. G. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1989, 61 (2), 197–202.
41. Lawson, N. C.; Cakir, D.; Ramp, L.; Burgess, J. O. J. Esthet. Restor.
Dentist. 2011, 23 (3), 171–176.
42. Lampe, I.; Hegedus, C. Fogorvosi szemle 2002, 95 (6), 249–252.
43. Lee, H.; So, J. S.; Hochstedler, J. L.; Ercoli, C. J. Prosthet. Dent. 2008,
100 (4), 285–291.
44. Perakis, N.; Belser, U. C.; Magne, P. Int. J. Periodont. Restorat. Dent.
2004, 24 (2), 109–117.
45. Enkling, N.; Bayer, S.; Jöhren, P.; Mericske-Stern, R. Clin. Implant
Dent. Relat. Res. 2012, 14 (1), 144–151.
46. Nassar, U.; Chow, A. K. J. Prosthodont. 2015, 24 (6), 494–498.
47. Nassar, U.; Oko, A.; Adeeb, S.; El-Rich, M.; Flores-Mir, C. J. Prosthet.
Dent. 2013, 109 (3), 172–178.
48. Kotsiomiti, E.; Tzialla, A.; Hatjivasiliou, K. J. Oral Rehabil. 2008,
35 (4), 291–299.
49. Connor, C. Int. J. Prosthodont. 1991, 4 (4), 337–344.
50. Owen, C. P.; Goolam, R. Int. J. Prosthodont. 1993, 6 (5), 480–494.
51. Miller, C. H, Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Material
for the Dental Team, 5th ed. (Amsterdam: Elsevier Mosby: St. Louis,
Missouri, 2014).
52. Demajo, J. K.; Cassar, V.; Farrugia, C.; Millan-Sango, D.; Sammut, C.;
Valdramidis, V.; Camilleri, J. Int. J. Prosthodont. 2016, 29 (1), 63–67.
53. Hamedi Rad, F.; Ghaffari, T.; Safavi, S. H. J. Dent. Res. 2010, 4 (4),
54. Muzaffar, D.; Braden, M.; Parker, S.; Patel, M. P. Dent. Mater. 2012,
28 (7), 749–755.
55. Kwon, J. S.; Lee, S. B.; Kim, K. M.; Kim, K. N. Acta Odontol. Scand.
2014, 72 (8), 618–622.
56. Shetty, S. R.; Kamat, G.; Shetty, R. Eur. J. Prosthodont. Restor. Dent.
2013, 21 (3), 98–104.
57. Lad, P. P.; Gurjar, M.; Gunda, S.; Gurjar, V.; Rao, N. K. J. Int. Oral
Health: JIOH 2015, 7 (6), 80–83.
Chapter 14
Resilient Liners
for Removable Prosthesis
Igor J. Pesun
Division of Prosthodontics, Department
of Restorative Dentistry,
College of Dentistry, University of Manitoba,
780 Bannatyne, Winnipeg, MB, R2E1J6, Canada
1. Introduction
In the United States, one out of every five person in the age group of
18–74 years wears some type of removable prosthetic appliance. The
population of the United States has a complete edentulism rate of
10.5%. Current demographics indicate that nearly 61 million people
in the United States will wear some sort of removable appliance by
the year 2020.1 The dental profession has advanced in restoring the
function and esthetics of the completely edentulous, but 60% of
the patients who wear dentures have some problem with them.2–5
Statistically, there is no difference between males and females when
comparing satisfaction of their prosthesis.2
The use of resilient denture liners started as early as 1943, but
only since the 1960s have resilient liners been effective.6 Resilient
denture liners are often used in the hope of minimizing pressure and
reducing trauma to denture-supporting mucosa.7 These patients
have difficulty in adapting to the hard surface of the denture material
due to: (1) bony ridges with thin, non-resilient soft tissue coverage,
(2) persistent denture-sore mouth, (3) knife-edge ridges resulting
from advanced resorption of the residual alveolar ridges, (4) ridges
with tissue undercuts where surgical intervention is contraindicated
due to medical history, (5) relief for maxillary tori or other heavy
bony prominences, and (6) prosthetic restorations for congenital or
acquired oral defects.
As such, these materials should exhibit a low level of plastic
deformation and elasticity, and their level of rigidity should be
such as to enable them to act as and energy-absorbing layer during
usage. The ideal resilient liner should have the following properties:
(1) ease of processing, (2) cushioning effect upon the mucosa,
(3) no adverse effects on the denture base, (4) inhibit mycotic
growth, and (5) ridge adaptability. The physical properties should
include, (1) permanent resilience, (2) dimensional stability during
and after processing, (3) low water sorption and solubility, (4) ade-
quate bond strength to the polymethyl methacrylate, (5) high abra-
sion resistance, (6) color stability, and (7) no changes over different
3. Physical Properties
Ideal physical properties are achieved by having a polymer that has an
appropriate glass transition temperature (Tg). Temperature plays a
significant role in the observed physical properties of a polymer used
in the formation of a resilient denture liner. Glass transition tempera-
ture is defined as: a range of temperature for each individual polymer
where the behavior of the material changes from hard and brittle to
soft and flexible. A glass transition temperature needs to be lower
than mouth temperature. Mouth temperature is approximately 32°C
(range 0–55°C). Acrylic-based polymers have a glass transition
processed have some resiliency to them. These remain soft by the use
of ethyl or butyl methacrylate in combination with methyl meth-
acrylate to produce the soft copolymer. Another technique involves
the addition of external plasticizers to the monomer. These materials
did have the disadvantage of the plasticizer leaching out, especially in
the presence of alcohol, thus resulting in hardening of the resilient
Silicone elastomers materials are also available for lining denture
prosthesis. They have been found to be significantly more stable and
are currently the material of choice for a permanent soft lining mate-
rial. Silicone elastomer resilient denture liners are more elastic than
liners made of soft acrylics. Tests on the wear of silicone elastomer-
based materials showed that elastic materials, especially heat-cured
single-component materials are less likely to deform and lose resil-
ience over time, with no changes over different temperatures, or after
prolonged soaking.20–22 Heat-cured single-component materials have
long-lasting serviceability for their physical and mechanical proper-
ties. Molloplast-B is a methacryloxy propyl trimethoxy silane heat
polymerized silicone elastomers rubber. The curing agent reacts with
reactive groups of the polymer, leaving methacrylate groups available
to bond with the PMMA denture base material, (e.g. Lucitone199).23
The chemical properties of heat-cured silicone elastomer rubbers
account for compatibility with oral tissues, dimensional stability, resil-
iency, and compliance. However, there are still problems reported
with the clinical use of silicone elastomer rubber resilient liners. For
instance, Molloplast-B has shown some loss of compliance with long
periods of use in the oral environment.24
The resilient liners fail because of the degradation of the material,
which leads to both hardening and color changes, sorption of odors,
bacterial growth, and breakdown of the bond between the resilient
liner and the polymethyl methacrylate.15,25 Considering the cost
involved in replacing these materials and the harm that a degraded
material inflicts on the soft tissue, there is a compelling need for
improved soft lining material.
Researchers have concentrated on improving the tensile strength;
tear strength, percent elongation, and Shore-A hardness of the
5. Color
Color stability is a required characteristic of denture soft lining mate-
rials, with national and international standards specified by the ADA
as Specification No. 12 (American Dental Association 1975). The
ADA recommends the use of the CIE Lab color differential system.
In this system, all colors are obtained from the blend of three basic
colors; red, blue, and green at varying proportions. Patients are more
satisfied when their denture resilient liners are indistinguishable from
the acrylic base, and the motivation to maintain the dentures is
dependent on the ease of cleaning of the materials and the design of
the denture. Maintaining color stability of the resilient liner is not
often a problem with silicone elastomer-based liners, yet a displeasing
liner color may constitute a reason for its replacement.23 Unlike most
other soft lining materials, the silicone elastomers-based liners are not
easily discolored, though they can incorporate colorants from ingested
foods, drinks, or tobacco products.
Color analysis is normally done using a reflectance spectropho-
tometer; however, because of the size of most dental prostheses, this
technique is not practical. A second method of color analysis was
reported by Haug et al.41 The Minolta Chromameter (Minolta
Camera Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan) was used to measure the color of
elastomer samples. It used the CIE Lab tristimulus values: L*, a*, and
b*. In the L*a*b* color system L* is the Value of the sample, a* is the
red–green axis, and b* is the yellow–blue axis. Color change (DE) is
calculated with the formula DE = (DL*2 + Da*2 + Db*2)1/2. A value for
DE = 1 or larger is considered visually detectable. This method is non-
destructive and can measure time dependent change color.
Silicone elastomer rubber materials are composed of polymers
of dimethyl siloxane, which is a viscous liquid cross-linked with
good elastic properties. Silicone elastomer rubbers, in particular
Molloplast-B, are especially resistant to initial water absorption.
Clinically, the material became darker, possibly due to the addition
of ingested colorants by water diffusion.42
1. Douglass, C. W.; Ostry, L.; Shih, A. J. Dent. Res. 1998, 77 (Special
Issue A), 209.
2. Marcus, S. E.; Drury, T. F.; Brown, L. J.; Zion G. R. J. Dent. Res. 1996,
75, 684–695.
3. Redford, M.; Drury, T. F.; Kingman. A.; Brown, L. J. J. Dent. Res.
1996, 75, 714–725.
4. Langer, A.; Michman, J.; Seifert, I. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1961, 11, 1019–1031.
5. Yoshizumi, D. T. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1964, 14, 866–878.
6. Von Fraunhofer, J. A.; Sichina, W. J. Int. J. Prosthodont. 1994, 7 (2),
7. Graham, B. S.; Jones, D. W.; Sutow, E. J. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1989, 62 (4),
8. Lewis, D. H.; Castleberry, D. J. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1980, 43, 426.
9. Bell, D. H. Jr. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1970, 23 (4), 394–406.
10. Makila, E.; Hopsu-Havu, V. K. Acta Odontol. Scand. 1977, 35 (4),
11. Travaglini, E. A.; Gibbsons, P.; Craig, R. G. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1960,
10 (4), 664–672.
12. Jepson, N. J.; McCabe, J. F.; Storer, R. J. Dent 1993, 21 (3), 163–170.
13. Holt, R. A.; Zylinski, C. G.; Duncanson, M. G. Jr. Int. J. Prosthdont.
1991, 4 (2), 164–168.
14. Jepson, N. J.; McCabe, J. F.; Storer, R. Br. Dent. J. 1994, 177 (1),
15. Makila, E.; Honka, O. J. Oral Rehabil. 1979, 6 (2), 199–204.
16. Schmidt, W. F. Jr.; Smith, D. E. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1983, 50 (3), 308–313.
17. Schmidt, W. F. Jr.; Smith, D. E.; J. Prosthet. Dent. 1983, 50 (4),
18. Wright, P. S. J. Prosthet. Dent. 1994, 72 (4), 385–392.
19. Graham, B. S.; Jones. D.W.; Sutow, E. J. J. Dent. Res. 1991, 70 (5),
20. McCabe, J. F.; Basker, R. M.; Murata, H.; Wollwage, P.G. Eur. J.
Prosthodont. Restor. Dent. 1996, 4 (2), 77–81.
21. Jepson, N. J.; McCabe, J. F.; Storer, R. J. Dent. 1993, 21 (3), 171–178.
41. Haug, S. P.; Andres, C. J.; Munoz, C. A.; Okamura, M. J. Prosthet. Dent.
1992, 68 (5), 820–823.
42. Canay, S.; Hersek, N.; Tulunoglu, I. J. Oral. Rehabil. 1999, 26,
43. Wright, P. S.; Clark, P.; Hardie, J. M. J. Dent. Res. 1985, 64 (2),
44. Zarb, G. A.; Bolender, C. L.; Carlsson, G. Boucher’s Prosthodontic
Treatment for Edentulous Patients, 11th ed. (St. Louis: CV Mosby,
1997), p. 23.
45. McMullen-Vogel, C. G.; Jude, H. D.; Ollert, M. W.; Vogel, C. W. Oral.
Microbiol. Immunol. 1999, 14 (3), 183–189.
46. Murray, P. R.; Boron, E.; Pfaller, M.; Tenover, F.; Yolken, R. Manual of
Clinical Microbiology, 7th ed. (Washington DC: ASM Press, 1999),
pp. 1184–1194.
47. Koehler, A. P.; Chu, K. C.; Houng, E. T.; Cheng, F. B. J. Clin. Microbiol.
1999, 37 (2), 422–426.
48. Powell, H. L.; Sand, C. A.; Rennie, R. P. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.
1998, 32 (3), 201–204.
49. Brosky, M. E.; Pesun, I. J.; Morrison, B.; Hodges, J. S.; Lai, J. H.;
Liljemark, W. J. Prosthodont. 2003, 12 (3), 162–167.
Chapter 15
3D Printing — Additive
Manufacturing of Dental Biomaterials
1. Introduction
3D biomaterial printing is considered as one of the foremost revo-
lutionary technologies to date. As famously quoted by the previous
President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, 3D
printing technology has “the potential to revolutionize the way we
make almost everything”.1 It is a methodology using 3D tooling
for producing 3D models. Called Additive Manufacturing, it is
also referred to as rapid prototyping, solid free-form, computer
automated, or layered manufacturing depending on the kind of
production method used.2–4 In the recent years, the medical com-
munity has just begun to explore the many benefits of employing
3D printing technology to realize human bodily implants never
before possible.
The process of generating a 3D-printed device for a patient begins
with a patient’s visit to a doctor. Computer-aided design software is
utilized to generate a virtual model of the dental device that matches
the patient’s internal anatomy exactly. In collaboration with the
design engineer, the doctor specifies the type of manufacturing tech-
nology, that is, the type of material and the structure that is to be
desired for the end product. Once agreed upon, the device is printed
and a physical dental appliance is produced in rough shape and form.
Most devices require additional finishing, such as cleaning, coating,
and most certainly always sterilization prior to being delivered to the
operating room.
The most outstanding advantage of 3D-printed biomaterials is
the ability to produce patient-specific devices that can be engineered
to exactly match the requirements set forth by the patient’s anatomy.
Although a giant leap for the production of medical devices, 3D
printing suffers from the major limitation arising from the printability
of materials, in particular the lack of advancements relating to print-
ability of a larger variety of biomaterials.5,6
complex technology, and the lack of dental materials available for dif-
ferent 3D-printing techniques.
In the past, porous bone structures have been mimicked via tech-
niques such as chemical/gas foaming, solvent casting, particle/salt
leaching, freeze drying, foam gels, etc.; however, these techniques did
not allow for the selection or control of pore size, shape, or scaffold
interconnectivity.16 3D printing allows for the direct control of pore
size, shape, or scaffold interconnectivity because it is an additive
manufacturing technique, and extremely thin layers are printed one
atop another, layer after layer, until an overall complete structure is
formed. By this method, it is possible to design, slice by slice, the
exact internal composition of each and every aspect of a bone tissue
implant so as to match precisely with the surrounding tissues present
in the individual’s body. Internal channels or hanging features that
often cause difficulty with traditional manufacturing techniques are
realized with ease utilizing 3D printing since surrounding unbound
powder material acts to support the structure until fabrication is
complete.2 Common techniques for 3D printing of bone tissue
include extrusion (deformation and solidification), polymerization,
laser-assisted sintering, and direct writing processes.16
3D printing of bone tissue can be done with a variety of differ-
ent ceramic, metallic, polymeric, and other natural or synthetic com-
posite materials. Powdered forms of tricalcium-phosphate (TCP),
hydroxyapatite (HA), alumina (Al2O3), zirconia, polylactic acid
(PLA), polypropylene (PP), and countless other types of high-
strength, man-made synthetic substrates,2,16 and any mixture of
them can be used as a substrate for the 3D printing process, each
of which has a long list of advantages and disadvantages relative to
one another. Calcium phosphate-based ceramic materials stand out
among the crowd and are widely used as substrate for bone-tissue
implant production via 3D printing as these materials possess excel-
lent bioactivity, osteoconductivity, and generally are very similar in
composition to human bone structure.16 Other tests have shown
HA-printed materials to support the formation of capillaries and
blood vessels within.17
As an aside from substrate selection, binder selection, that is,
the choice of material used to bind and hence solidify powder mate-
rial, is incredibly critical for successful implant fabrication as well.
3. Bioprinting
The shortage of replacement organs is still an ongoing issue in the
medical and biomedical fields, and researchers are constantly
Figure 4. Overview of an SEM image that shows the dental pulp stem cells
adhering to the surfaces of the hierarchical microspheres, expanding their
processes and grasping the microspheres to form cell/microsphere aggre-
gates. Adapted from Ref. [66]. Reprinted with the permission of Elsevier
Science Publishers B.V
Figure 5. Regenerated pulp-like tissue filled both the apical and middle third
regions and reached the coronal third of the canal. Adapted from Ref. [66].
Reprinted with the permission of Elsevier Science Publishers B.V
hyaluronic acid,78 and PEG78 are suitable for this kind of reaction.
Peptides containing thiol groups have been used to create hydrogels
with biofunctionality, which have improved cell adhesion and extra-
cellular matrix production.86 Generally, these types of hydrogels dem-
onstrate good mechanical strength and mild gelling time between 0.5
and 60 min. The hydrogel’s properties can be changed by alteration
in functional group reactivity and cross-linker concentration which
affects cross-linking density. Because of moderate circumstances in
the Michael addition method, cells are not affected notably in hydro-
gel preparation and can normally sustain their viability for days to
months.87 However, excess concentration of thiol functional groups
could lead to cell damage, which acts as restricting factor in their
Another strategy for chemical cross-linking is the reaction of
azides and terminal alkynes using a copper catalyst.88,89 Modified hya-
luronic acid and gelatin have been used to synthesize biological
hydrogels via click chemistry, mimicking the natural cartilage extracel-
lular matrix.90 Faster gelation, no by-products, and stability under
physiological conditions are the most important advantages of this
method. However, due to copper toxicity for mammalian cells, click
chemistry catalyzed by copper may put end users in danger of death.88
As removing the copper catalyst from the hydrogel is difficult and
complicated, copper-free click polymerization methods have attracted
researchers’ attention as a new method in hydrogel preparation for
biomedical applications. Table 1 summarizes the advantages and
drawbacks of different cross-linking methods through the reaction of
functional groups.
3.3.2. Permeability
In 3D bioprinting, hydrogels not only serve as bioinks to deliver cells
or support cell growth, but also provide cells with access to oxygen
and nutrients which are essential for differentiation and proliferation.
Therefore, hydrogels used in 3D printing should possess another
important characteristic: a porous structure that allows filtration of
oxygen and other such nutrients.102 Besides, an interconnected pore
network is essential for the effective mass transfer of gas, nutrients,
and waste to achieve satisfactory cell viability.103 When the engineered
constructs are thicker than 1 mm, oxygen and nutrients perfuse with
difficulty into the constructs, which may result in cell death.36,104
Additionally, it is undeniable that structures with enough porosity
are proper to be used for functional tissues and organs with high
thickness and metabolic activities because they have the ability to
provide an integrated vascular network.99 In fact, the internal archi-
tecture of tissue constructs plays a crucial role as it provides a porous
environment for media exchange, vascularization, tissue growth, and
engraftment. Recently, researchers have taken advantage of an innova-
tion to prepare gel-like structure with hollow channel embedded
arrays and utilized the resulting structure as a potential substitute for
blood vessel networks. To fabricate several kinds of hollow nanofila-
ments, researchers have used a core–shell electrospinning technique.
In this innovation, two immiscible solutions were electrospun
through a coaxial, two-capillary spinneret.105,106 Inspired by this con-
cept, some researchers used a coaxial nozzle, which plays a key part in
electrospinning equipment to fabricate microfluidic channels.107–108 A
commercially available, affordable, open-source 3D bioprinter modi-
fied with a microfluidic print-head was used by Attalla et al.108 to
create a system for generating a perfusable vascular network inte-
grated with the cell. The print-head consisted of an integrated coaxial
nozzle that provided the ability to fabricate hollow tubes based on
3.3.3. Degradation
The main objective of bioprinted constructs is to allow the body’s
own cells, over time, to produce their own extracellular matrix and
eventually replace the implanted scaffold. So, the first criterion for
selecting an appropriate material for the bioprinted structure is their
biodegradability, either by enzymes or hydrolysis.109 Most synthetic
biodegradable polymers are degraded by hydrolysis, which will lead
to accumulation of acids in the local area, therefore altering the
environment’s pH and causing toxicity. Secondly, due to the body’s
immune response by macrophages, some hydrogels are destroyed
by enzymes, which results in an inflammatory reaction around the
implanted scaffold.110
The degradation properties of a hydrogel play a crucial role in
the success of a bioprinted implant. Though, most of the by-prod-
ucts of polymers that are biodegradable are known to be non-toxic;
there is limited data that shows acidic by-products depend on the
rate of hydrogel degradation.110 Kang et al. reported that the acidic
by-product of PLGA can cause the degeneration of neocartilage
Natural polymers are mostly biodegradable, and the degradation
products are non-toxic. For example, metalloproteases normally
degrade collagen, and hence cells in bioprinted hydrogels can control
the procedure of degradation.112 Gelatin has been modified to pro-
duce a photopolymerizable hydrogel via methylacrylate group addi-
tion to create methylacrylated gelatin (GelMA) for bioprinting
applications.46 Fibrin has been recently utilized within injectable
hydrogels and cell delivery vehicles. Due to autologous cells derived
from plasma, the degradation products of fibrin are biocompatible
and the risk of inducing a foreign body reaction is low.112 Alginate has
low toxicity, and gels formed as a result of divalent cations such as Ba+
or Ca+ cooperatively interact with alginate to produce ionic links
between chains of polymers. Studies show that the alginate hydrogel
cross-linked by means of ions represents uncontrolled and slow dis-
solving behavior instead of demonstrating a particular trend of degra-
dation.113 Cao et al. studied the effect of Ca+ concentration on cell
viability and alginate hydrogel biocompatibility. Calcium ions can be
used for cross-linking and improving printability; however, it has been
demonstrated that higher Ca+ concentrations have a higher probabil-
ity of inducing cell death.114 Chitosan can be degraded by human
bodily enzymes and its structure is similar to glycosaminoglycan,
hence it has good biocompatibility and non-toxic behavior. Chitosan
is able to dissolve easily in diluted acids and form a gel like structure
by pH enhancement, which are good features for chitosan. Lysozyme
facilitates the degradation of chitosan, and the degradation kinetics
proportionally depend on the degree of its crystallinity. Hyaluronic
acid is a glycosaminoglycan and is present in most of the mammalian
tissues. Its degradation process naturally takes place due to the pres-
ence of hyaluronidase, and it has been extensively applied for wound
healing and skin regeneration and in various joint disorders such as
osteoarthritis. Different methods like covalent cross-linking with
hydrazide derivatives, annealing, and esterification have been used to
prepare hyaluronic acid hydrogels. In addition, hyaluronic acid can be
incorporated with other polymers like alginate, collagen, and gelatin
to create composite hydrogels.115,116
Polyethylene glycol (PEG), a hydrophilic polymer, has a high
water content, which can be incorporated into other polymer net-
works by cross-linking. By not eliciting a host immune response and
being an easily modifiable polymer, PEG is a suitable polymer for
biomedical applications. To achieve hydrogels which are able to
degrade hydrolytically with physiologically acceptable degradation
time scales, PEG is conjugated and functionalized with ester func-
tional groups utilizing lactide or glycolide groups. As PEG chains
have hydroxyl functional groups, they can be modified to form differ-
ent PEG derivatives. PEG is not able to be adsorbed by the human
3.3.4. Viscosity
Viscosity plays a key role in the properties of bioinks, and the ability
of a hydrogel to be printed is partially controlled by its viscosity.
Printability, or the hydrogel printing effectiveness, was studied by
means of using compressed oxygen in order to drive hydrogels
through a tube which delivered the bioink to print-head nozzles.119
The software controlled the deposition by opening the print-head
nozzles with precise timing while simultaneously configuring their
movement over the printing surface. Bioinks in this system needed to
have similar viscosity to be effectively steered via the tube and ejected
from the nozzles.110
The viscosity of bioink is primarily influenced by the bioink con-
centration and is easily controllable. In addition, cross-linking pro-
cesses can affect the viscosity of the bioink. It is important to control
the extent of cross-linking within the biomaterials to obtain a suitable
printing viscosity. Pre-cross-linked polymers could be too viscous to be
used in the bioprinter. This issue has been addressed in the study by
small nozzle tip diameter. A similar result was obtained by Nair et al.,
which showed a more significant effect of dispensing pressure than
the nozzle diameter on cell viability.122
Aside from the fact that viscosity affects the printability, it can
influence other parameters like dispensing pressure within the noz-
zle.124 A more viscous hydrogel would require a higher dispensing
pressure, and this increment in dispensing pressure was shown to
induce a significant decrease in cell viability. It is obvious that at
higher dispensing pressure highly viscous bioinks can eject easily.
However, the shear stress could be increased by higher viscosity, lead-
ing to reduced cell viability and increased cell damage. Referring to
Yu et al., the cell-laden conduits direct the fabrication ability utilizing
an extrusion-based bioprinting technique.100 They reported that
due to variation in dispensing pressure, quantifiable cell death could
be induced by the bioprinting procedure. In their study, most of the
dead cells were distributed along the edge of the printed structure
walls, where shear stresses were at the highest level. In another rele-
vant effort by Tirella et al., the shear stress influence on cell viability
and functionality endured during the process of deposition were sys-
tematically investigated.125 They employed a method that provided
low shear stress extrusion of viscous hydrogel solutions consisting of
cells. By process parameter optimization, like modifying the bioink
concentration, nozzle diameter, pressure, and speed, they could over-
come limitations created by viscous bioink.
4. Future Perspective
Additional progress for 3D printing technologies is needed for the
ability to increase the resolution without sacrificing shape and
the strength of the device. For both SLS and 3DP, there is a chal-
lenge with creating stronger structures without increasing dimen-
sions.126 To create small features which survive the fabrication
process, powder particles must be bound together tightly. Additional
work is needed to move to SLS and 3DP with smaller resolu-
tions.126,127 Advances of SLA have been made to synthesize new bio-
degradable moieties; however, these materials have not been FDA
5. Conclusion
Although there has been recent progress in the field, medical
research has already benefited from rapid prototyping providing a
new vision into physiological and pathological processes. Several
technical challenges have yet to be overcome. In cases where materi-
als can be printed, 3D printing is particularly advantageous for one-
of-a-kind, customized complex devices that are not cost-effective in
conventional manufacturing methods. However, current biomaterial
availability does not adequately represent the physical, chemical, and
biological complexity and diversity of tissues and organs within the
human body. The invention of a greater variety and complexity of
printable materials is a key aspect that requires large developments
for the more widespread acceptance and use of 3D printing to take
place. Still, for the materials currently available for bioprinting appli-
cations, biocompatibility is an essential factor that poses many chal-
lenges yet to be overcome. The dream of printing a complete living
tissue that can be readily implanted into the body and can replace
damaged bodily organs with complex functions, sadly, is still a dis-
tant dream. Nevertheless, at least some of the limitations presented
within this chapter might be overcome by future technological
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acetone, 280 3D biomaterial printing, 422
acidulated phosphate fluoride, base glass, 181
103 biocompatibility, 5, 381
ACTA equipment, 162 biocompatibility issues, 201
addition type silicones bioglass (45S5), 247
(vinylpolysiloxanes), 374 bioinks, 438
additive manufacturing, 422 bioprinting, 426
adsorption, 4 biosilicate, 250
agar, 373 BisGMA, 296
alabama machine, 163 bisphenol A diglycidyl ether
alcohol, 280 dimethacrylate, 297
alginate, 373, 433 boundary conditions, 82
alginate alternatives, 385 Bragg angle of diffraction, 23
alginate–silicone, 374 Brinell, 34
all-in-one, 285 Buonocore, 278
alumina, 177, 425
aluminum silicate, 191 C
amalgam safety, 131 3D computer models, 424
antimicrobial monomers, 320 calcium fluoride, 98
arrest line, 218 calcium hydroxide, 100
attenuated total reflectance, 19 Candida albicans, 413
Auger electron spectroscopy, 12 Candida glabrata, 413
auto-mixing, 378 carbonated hydroxyapatite,
azide-alkyne, 319 249
464 Index
Index 465
epitaxy, 185 H
ester bonds, 300 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate
ester functionalities, 319 (HEMA), 281
esthetic restorations, 296 hackle, 213
etch-and-rinse, 282 hardness, 196
extracellular matrix (ECM), 432 Helmholtz free energy, 4
heterogeneous nucleation, 182–183
F high angle annular dark field
failure criteria, 83 (HAADF), 24
fan-beam-CT, 73 Hooke’s law, 347
fatigue, 159 hoop stresses, 235
fibrin, 433 hyaluronic acid, 433
finite element analysis, 337, 340 hydration, 55
flexibility, 380 hydrocolloids, 373
flowable composites, 352 hydrogels, 433
fluorapatite, 98 hydrogen gas, 391
fluoride, 92 hydrophilic monomers, 279
fluoride varnish, 104 hydroxyapatite, 425
fluorinated monomers, 317 hydroxyethyl methacrylate, 4
fracture mirror, 219
fracture strength, 192 I
fracture toughness, 195 incremental layering, 356
free-radical mechanism, 297 initiator systems, 319
fused filament fabrication (FFF), 451 interface, 3
interfacial gaps, 299
2D geometry, 68 K
gelatin, 433 Knoop hardness tests, 34
gel effect, 348
gel point, 348 L
Gibbs free energy, 4, 183 laser ablation inductively coupled
glass fillers, 296 plasma mass spectrometry, 16
glass ionomer cements, 108, 252 leucite, 174
glass transition temperature, 404 linearly variable displacement
glutaraldehyde, 284 transducer, 410
griffith, 192 linear voltage displacement
grinding damage, 236 transducer, 410
gull wings, 219 lithium aluminosilicates, 180
466 Index
Index 467
468 Index