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ICP-OES Manual

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PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

High-Resolution Array ICP OES

Operating manual
Service: Analytik Jena AG
Customer Service
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1
07745 Jena

Phone: Hotline: + 49 (0) 3641 / 77-7407

Fax: + 49 (0) 3641 / 77-7449
E-mail: service@analytik-jena.de

General information about Analytik Jena AG

on the internet: http://www.analytik-jena.de

Copyrights and trademarks

PlasmaQuant is a registered trademark of Analytik Jena AG.

Microsoft, Windows 7, MS Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
The identification with ® or TM is omitted in this manual.

Documentation number: 13-5850-002-23

Edition – May 2014
Implementation of the Technical Documentation:
Analytik Jena AG

© Copyright 2014, Analytik Jena AG



1 Basic information 7
1.1 User manual notes .................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Intended use ........................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Warranty and liability ............................................................................................... 8
2 Safety instructions 9
2.1 General notes.......................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Symbols and signal words used ............................................................................. 9
2.3 Safety markings on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 ..................................................... 9
2.4 Requirements for the operating personnel ........................................................... 10
2.5 Safety instructions, transport and commissioning ................................................ 11
2.6 Safety instructions - operation .............................................................................. 11
2.6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 11
2.6.2 Safety instructions relating to ambient conditions................................................. 11
2.6.3 Safety instructions - electrical equipment ............................................................. 11
2.6.4 Hazards caused by plasma operation .................................................................. 12
2.6.5 Behavior in case of ring plasmas .......................................................................... 13
2.6.6 Safety instructions relating to the formation of ozone and toxic vapors ............... 13
2.6.7 Safety instructions relating to compressed gas containers and systems ............. 13
2.6.8 Handling of samples, auxiliary and operating materials ....................................... 14
2.6.9 Safety instructions relating to cleaning and decontamination measures in
case of biological contamination ........................................................................... 14
2.6.10 Safety instructions - maintenance and repair ....................................................... 15
2.7 Behavior during emergencies ............................................................................... 15
3 Specification 16
3.1 Technical data ....................................................................................................... 16
3.1.1 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 data ................................................................................. 16
3.1.2 Control computer data .......................................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Cooling system data ............................................................................................. 18
3.1.4 Automatic sampler data ........................................................................................ 18
3.2 Guidelines and standards ..................................................................................... 19
4 Installation conditions 20
4.1 Environmental conditions ...................................................................................... 20
4.2 Energy supply ....................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Gas supply ............................................................................................................ 21
4.4 Exhaust unit .......................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Recirculating chiller ............................................................................................... 22
4.6 Device layout and space requirements ................................................................. 23

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 1


5 Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 25

5.1 Physical functional principle of ICP-OES .............................................................. 25
5.2 Setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 .................................................................... 25
5.3 Automatic sampler ................................................................................................ 29
6 Installation and commissioning 30
6.1 Supply and control connections ............................................................................ 30
6.2 Connections in the plasma compartment and in the sampling compartment ....... 33
6.3 Installing the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 .................................................................... 34
6.4 Connecting the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 ................................................................ 34
6.4.1 Installation of the torch, nebulizer with spray chamber and sample supply ......... 34
6.4.2 Initial operation of the automatic sampler ............................................................. 37
7 Operation 40
7.1 Switching on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and igniting the plasma ....................... 40
7.2 Switching off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 ............................................................. 41
7.3 Using the plasma deactivation switch in the event of faults ................................. 42
7.4 Starting a measurement routine............................................................................ 42
8 Maintenance and care 44
8.1 Maintenance intervals ........................................................................................... 45
8.2 Base device maintenance ..................................................................................... 46
8.2.1 Cleaning the demountable torch ........................................................................... 46
8.2.2 Replacing the torch body ...................................................................................... 48
8.2.3 Cleaning the one-piece torch ................................................................................ 50
8.2.4 Cleaning the nebulizer .......................................................................................... 52
8.2.5 Cleaning the sampling compartment and the plasma compartment .................... 53
8.2.6 Replacing pump hoses ......................................................................................... 53
8.2.7 Changing the plasma compartment windows ....................................................... 53
8.2.8 Checking the gas system for leaks ....................................................................... 56
8.2.9 Changing fuses ..................................................................................................... 57
8.2.10 Replacing the air filter of the PQ 9000 .................................................................. 58
8.3 Maintenance of the automatic sampler ................................................................. 59
8.3.1 Replacing the cannula and the sample hose ........................................................ 59
8.3.2 Replacing the pump hose ..................................................................................... 59
8.3.3 Clean-up after cup overflow .................................................................................. 60
8.3.4 Replacing the fuses .............................................................................................. 60
8.4 Maintenance of the recirculating chiller ................................................................ 61
8.4.1 Cleaning the dust filter .......................................................................................... 61
8.4.2 Cleaning the foam sieve ....................................................................................... 61
8.4.3 Changing the cooling water .................................................................................. 61

2 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000


9 Fault removal 63
9.1 Fault removal ........................................................................................................ 63
9.2 Equipment faults and analytical problems ............................................................ 66
10 Transport and storage 70
10.1 Preparing the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 for transport .............................................. 70
10.2 Ambient conditions for transport and storage ....................................................... 71
10.3 Recommissioning after transport or storage ......................................................... 71
10.4 Installing the recirculating chiller ........................................................................... 72
11 Index 73

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Figure 1 Dimensions of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 - front view..................................... 24
Figure 2 Dimensions of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 - top view ....................................... 24
Figure 3 Sampling compartment and plasma compartment in the
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 4 Concentric nebulizer and spray chamber ......................................................... 27
Figure 5 Schematic structure of the torch with gas flows .............................................. 27
Figure 6 Demountable torch ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 7 One-piece torch................................................................................................. 28
Figure 8 Automatic sampler ............................................................................................ 29
Figure 9 Overview of connections on the left side of the device.................................... 30
Figure 10 Interfaces and fuses on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 .......................................... 31
Figure 11 Connections for cooling water and gases ......................................................... 31
Figure 12 Plug-in connectors for gas connections ............................................................ 31
Figure 13 Ventilation openings and air filter on the rear of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 .. 32
Figure 14 Data on the type plate ...................................................................................... 32
Figure 15 Serial number of the device in the plasma compartment ................................ 32
Figure 16 Plasma compartment ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 17 Sampling compartment with torch holder, spray chamber, nebulizer and
hose pump......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 18 Automatic sampler - overview .......................................................................... 37
Figure 19 Connections on the right side of the automatic sampler ................................. 37
Figure 20 Nebulizer cleaning tool with installed nebulizer ............................................... 52
Figure 21 Plug-in connectors for gas connections ............................................................ 56
Figure 22 Gas distribution during pure argon operation .................................................. 57
Figure 23 Automatic sampler cannula and sample hose dismantled ............................... 59
Figure24 Automatic sampler pump.................................................................................. 60

4 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000


Summary 1 Environmental conditions for operation ........................................................... 20
Summary 2 Power supply ..................................................................................................... 21
Summary 3 Gas supply ......................................................................................................... 21
Summary 4 Exhaust unit requirements ................................................................................ 22
Summary 5 Cooling circuit requirements ............................................................................. 22

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 5


6 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Basic information

1 Basic information
1.1 User manual notes
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is intended for operation by qualified specialist personnel observing
this user manual.
The user manual informs about the design and function of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and
provides the necessary know-how for the safe handling of the device and its components to
personnel familiar with analysis. The user manual further includes notes on the maintenance
and service of the equipment and potential causes and remedies of any faults.

Instructions for actions which occur in chronological order are numbered and combined in
action units.
Lists which are not in chronological order are shown as itemized lists, sub-listings as bullet
Safety notes are indicated by pictogaphs and signal words. The type and source of the danger
are stated together with notes on preventing the danger. The meaning of the pictographs and
signal words used is explained in the chapter "Safety notes".
The elements of the control and analysis program are indicated as follows:
 Program terms are identified with SMALL CAPS (e.g., Menu FILE).
 Buttons are shown by square brackets (e.g., [OK] button)
 Menu items are separated by arrows (e.g., FILE  OPEN).

1.2 Intended use

The ICP Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is used in a chemical
analysis laboratory for the analysis of liquid - mainly aqueous - samples to determine the
concentrations of up to 75 elements up to the trace range.
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 may only be used for the measurement solutions described in this
user manual. Additional modules also allow for the analysis of gaseous substances or solids
(e.g., laser ablation). Any other use is not as intended! The operator is exclusively liable for any
damages as a result.
The PlasmaQuant PQ is not suitable for solutions containing hydrofluoric acid if the nebulizer or
spray chamber are made of glass or quartz. Use hydrofluoric acid-resistant components for this
purpose. Special provisions must be made for operations involving organic solvents. In addition
to apparatus-related and methodical aspects, fire and health protection for the particular organic
solvent must be observed here.

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Basic information

1.3 Warranty and liability

The warranty and liability periods comply with the legal requirements and the provisions in the
General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.
Deviations from the intended use described in this user manual will result in limitations of
warranty and liability in the event of damage. Damage to wearing parts or breakage of glass are
not included in the warranty.
Warranty and liability claims are excluded for personal injury and property damage if resulting
from one or several of the following causes:
 use of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 other than intended
 improper commissioning, operation and servicing of the device
 modifications to the equipment without prior consultation with Analytik Jena AG
 operation of the device with faulty safety equipment or improperly fitted safety and
protection equipment
 inadequate monitoring of the equipment components subject to wear
 use of other than original spare parts, wearing parts or consumables
 improper repairs
 faults due to the non-observance of this user manual

8 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions
2.1 General notes
For your own safety and to ensure error-free and safe operation of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000,
please read this chapter carefully before using the appliance.
Observe all safety notes listed in this user manual and all messages and notes displayed by the
control and analysis program on the monitor.
Besides the safety instructions in this user manual and the local safety regulations that apply to
the operation of the device, the general applicable regulations regarding accident prevention,
occupational health and safety and environmental protection have to be observed and complied
References to potential dangers do not replace the work protection regulations which must be

2.2 Symbols and signal words used

The user manual uses the following symbols and signal words to indicate hazards or
instructions. The safety instructions are always placed before an action.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which might cause fatal or very serious injuries

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which might cause light or minor injuries.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which might cause damage to property.

Indicates application hints and other especially useful information without any resulting
hazardous or damaging situations.

2.3 Safety markings on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Warnings and notice symbols have been attached to the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 which must
always be observed.
Damaged or missing warning and notice symbols can cause incorrect actions leading to
personal injury or material damage! The symbol labels must not be removed! Damaged symbol
labels must be replaced without delay!

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 9

Safety instructions

Warning Meaning Remark

Warning of a hazard − At the extractor device:
location Warning of optical radiation. If no exhaust
air hose is connected, it is possible to look
indirectly (by mirror) into the radiation of
the plasma.
− At the sampling compartment:
Warning of moving parts; warning of hot
− At the plasma compartment:
Warning of hot surfaces.
− At the power inlet:
Caution when connecting the media
(gases, cooling water and power)
Warning of a hot surface − At the plasma compartment:
Warning of hot surfaces. Immediately after
extinguishing the plasma, the surface of
the plasma compartment and in particular
the torch and the plasma chamber window
components and the induction coil are hot.
There is a risk of getting burnt!
Notice symbol Meaning Remark
Observe the operating − At the power switch:
manual Before starting work, read the operating

Before opening the − On the side wall at the power inlet:

device, always Before opening the device cover, switch
disconnect the mains off the device and disconnect the mains
plug plug from the mains socket.

The following notice sign is attached to the rear of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000:

2.4 Requirements for the operating personnel

The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 must only be operated by qualified specialist personnel instructed
in the use of the device. The instruction must also include conveying the content of this user
manual and the user manuals of other system components.
In addition to the safety at work instructions in this user manual, the generally applicable safety
and accident prevention regulations of the respective country of operation must be observed
and adhered to. The operator must ascertain the latest version of these regulations.

10 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Safety instructions

The user manual must be accessible to the operating and service personnel at all times!

2.5 Safety instructions, transport and commissioning

Observe the following notes:
 The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is always installed by the service engineers of Analytik Jena
AG or its authorized and trained specialist personnel. Independent assembly and
installation are not permitted. Incorrect installation can create serious hazards.
 The device weighs 170 kg. Use a lift truck to transport the device.
 Four people are required to move the device in the laboratory by holding the device on four
firmly screwed-in carrying handles.

2.6 Safety instructions - operation

2.6.1 General

Observe the following notes:

 The operator of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 must make sure before each commissioning
that the condition of the device including its safety equipment is sound. This applies in
particular after each modification to or extension of the device or its repair.
 The device may only be operated if all protective equipment (e.g., covers and doors) are in
place, properly installed and fully operational. The sound condition of the protection and
safety equipment must be checked regularly. Any defects must be corrected as soon as
they occur. Protective and safety equipment must never be removed, modified or
decommissioned during operation.
 During operation, free access to the connections, the power switch and the manual plasma
deactivation switch on the left housing wall must always be ensured.
 The ventilation equipment on the device must be in good working condition. Covered vents
or ventilation slits etc. may cause the device to break down or may cause damage to it.
 Caution when handing quartz glass and glass parts. Risk of broken glass and therefore risk
of injury!

2.6.2 Safety instructions relating to ambient conditions

Explosion protection

 The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 must not be operated in explosion-hazard areas. Smoking or

open flames in the operating room of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 are prohibited! Keep all
combustible materials away from the device.

2.6.3 Safety instructions - electrical equipment

Work on the electrical components of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 may only be performed by a
qualified electrical technician according to applicable electro-technical regulations. Lethal
voltages may occur in the device! Contact with live components may cause death, serious injury
or painful electrical shock.
Observe the following notes:

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 11

Safety instructions

 The mains plug must be connected to a proper CEE power socket to ensure that the
device meets protection class I (ground connector). It may only be connected to power
sources whose nominal voltage is the same as that on the type plate of the equipment. The
protective effect must not be invalidated by the use of an extension line which does not
have a protective conductor (→ section "Energy supply" p.20).
 The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and its system components must always be switched off
before being connected to the mains.
 Before opening the device, it must be switched off at the device switch and the mains
connector must be disconnected from the mains outlet! Any work on the electronics
(behind the device enclosure) may only be carried out by the service engineers of Analytik
Jena AG and specially authorized technicians.

2.6.4 Hazards caused by plasma operation

Plasma is extremely hot (up to 10,000 K) and it emits electromagnetic and UV radiation. The
induction coil is operated with 1500 V RMS and 40.68 MHz. High-frequency radiation and UV
radiation can cause serious injuries to skin and eyes. Contact with the torch (plasma torch)
shortly after operation will cause skin burns. An electrical discharge may also occur across
larger distances and cause fatal injuries, electrical shock and skin injuries.
Observe the following notes:
 To ensure safe torch operation, you must not ignite the plasma unless the following
conditions are met:
− The plasma compartment door is closed.
− The torch is in working position.
− Sufficient cooling is supplied.
− The extractor device is connected and switched on.
− Argon supply is ensured.
Note: The above mentioned components are backed up by hardware safety circuits.
Unless the reliable functioning of these components is guaranteed, the plasma will not be
ignited or it will be extinguished automatically if a component reports a malfunction.
 The safety circuits must not be bridged.
 Before opening the plasma compartment door, extinguish the plasma in the ASpect PQ

program. To do this, click on the button in the program toolbar.

 Wait for the compartment to cool down for at least 5 min and avoid touching any hot parts
of the torch and its environment immediately after extinguishing the plasma.

12 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Safety instructions

2.6.5 Behavior in case of ring plasmas

The manual plasma deactivation switch is located on the left-hand side of the device (red).
 In the following situations, press the deactivation switch without delay to prevent the torch
from melting:
− The plasma produces loud noises (rattles).
− The shape of the plasma changes considerably and a shining ring is visible on the
inside of the coil.
− Torch parts begin to glow.

2.6.6 Safety instructions relating to the formation of ozone and toxic vapors

The interaction between the UV radiation from the torch and the surrounding air results in the
formation of a high concentration of toxic gases such as ozone and nitrogen oxides.
Additionally, toxic byproducts may escape from the samples and during sample processing.
Observe the following notes:
 The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 may only be operated with an active exhaust unit.
 The exhaust unit must be switched on before igniting the plasma.

2.6.7 Safety instructions relating to compressed gas containers and systems

Observe the following notes:

 Argon is taken from compressed gas containers or local liquid gas systems. The required
purity of the gases must be ensured.
 Work on compressed gas containers and systems must only be carried out by individuals
with specialist knowledge and experience in compressed gas systems.
 For compressed gas container or gas plant operation, the safety instructions and
guidelines which are valid at the operating location must be strictly complied with.
 High pressure hoses and pressure reducers may only be used for the assigned gases.
 All pipes, hoses and screw connections must be checked weekly for leaks and externally
visible damage. Possible pressure losses from closed systems and lines under pressure
must be determined. Leaks and damaged must be repaired without delay.
 The gas supply must be closed prior to servicing and repairs!
 After successful repair and servicing of the components of the compressed air containers
or system, the device must be checked for sound operation prior to recommissioning!
 Independent assembly and installation are not permitted!

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Safety instructions

2.6.8 Handling of samples, auxiliary and operating materials

Observe the following notes:

 The operator is responsible for the selection of substances used in the process as well as
for their safe handling. This is particularly important for radioactive, infectious, poisonous,
corrosive, combustible, explosive and otherwise dangerous substances.
 When handling dangerous substances, local safety codes and guidelines must be
 Warnings on the labels must always be observed. Only use clearly marked containers as
well as protective goggles and rubber gloves. Use suitable body protection (coat, safety
glasses and rubber gloves) when handling samples. Ensure sufficient ventilation.
 Cleaning with hydrofluoric acid must be carried out in an exhaust chamber. When
handling hydrofluoric acid, rubber aprons, gloves and face masks must be worn.
 Biological samples must be handled according to local guidelines regarding the handling
of infectious material.
 When measuring material containing cyanide, you have to make sure that prussic acid
cannot be generated in the waste bottle, i.e., the waste solution must not be acidic.
 Ensure that all residue liquid from the nebulizer and the automatic sampler is directed into
the waste bottle supplied.
 The operator is responsible for ensuring that waste materials such as drained coolant and
residue liquid from the waste bottle are disposed of in an environmentally responsible
manner and according to local regulations.

Examples of dangerous organic solvents

Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Flammable, highly volatile, noxious-smelling
Toluene Flammable, hazardous to health
Kerosene Flammable, hazardous to the aquatic environment,
hazardous to health
Methanol, ethanol, propanol Flammable, partly acutely toxic
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Flammable, hazardous to health, extremely volatile,
dissolves polyethylene and polystyrene
This list is in so far incomplete that other solvents could also come into consideration for use in
the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000. In cases of uncertainty about an unnamed fluid, this may only be
used when the manufacturer has confirmed that there is no danger to safety.

2.6.9 Safety instructions relating to cleaning and decontamination measures in

case of biological contamination

Observe the following notes:

 The operator is responsible for carrying out suitable decontamination should the device be
contaminated externally or internally with dangerous substances.
 Spots, drops or larger spillages should be removed and cleaned using an absorbent
material such as cotton wool, laboratory wipes or cellulose. The affected areas must then
be wiped with an Incidin Plus solution.
 Before using a cleaning or decontamination procedure other than that prescribed by the
manufacturer, the user is required to check with the manufacturer that the intended
procedure will not damage the device. Safety labels attached to the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000
must not be wetted by methanol.

14 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Safety instructions

2.6.10 Safety instructions - maintenance and repair

Observe the following notes:

 The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is always serviced by the service engineers of Analytik Jena
AG or its authorized and trained specialist personnel. Independent servicing can maladjust
or damage the device. Therefore, the operator may only carry out the tasks listed in the
chapter "Service and care".
 The exterior of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 may only be cleaned with a damp, not dripping,
cloth. Use only water and, if required, commercial surfactants.
 For cleaning the sampling compartment and transport channels (hose system) of the
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 the operator is responsible for establishing appropriate safety
precautions – particularly in terms of contaminated and infectious materials.

2.7 Behavior during emergencies

Observe the following notes:
 If there is no immediate danger of injury, you must extinguish the plasma immediately by
using the deactivation switch in case of danger or accidents.
 If possible, switch off the device at the power switch after allowing a cooling down period of
30 s. Then disconnect the mains plugs of the device and the system components from their
power sockets!
 Close the gas supply as soon as possible after switching off the devices.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 15


3 Specification
3.1 Technical data

3.1.1 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 data

Optical system

Monochromator Echelle grating double-monochromator with a focal length of F=380 mm and variable
gap; pre-monochromator with quartz prism, wavelength selection via additional
reflected neon radiator
Wavelength range 160 – 900 nm
Wavelength accuracy < 0.4 pm
Spectral resolution 0.002 nm at 2 nm
Grating Mechanically ruled grating, 79 grooves/mm, blaze angle of 74°r
Optical bank Optics in modular construction on compact cast base plate for stability and
encapsulation endurance;
photometer protection against moisture, exhaust fumes and chemical environmental impacts
Detector Two-dimensional FFT backside illuminated CCD with high quantum efficiency and
increased UV sensitivity

Display modes

Emission Counts (ct)

Intensity Counts/seconds (ct/s)
Concentration Value range: 5 characters (0.0001 to 99999), unit freely selectable

Signal evaluation

Spectrally resolved Specters of 20 pixels to a maximum of 200 pixels in width

Power supply

Supply voltage 230 V ±10%

Frequency 50/60 Hz
Mains fuse installation in the 35 A
Typical average power Base device: 4500 VA
Overvoltage category II according to DIN EN 61010-1
Degree of contamination 2 according to DIN EN 61010-1
Protection class I
Protection type IP 20

16 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000


Instrument fuses

Fuse number Type Protected circuit

S1 10 A NFC 10x38 gG AC 400 V Spectrometer
S2 6 A NFC 10x38 gG AC 400 V Tubular heating generator
S3 25 A NFC 10x38 gG AC 400 V Power supply unit generator

Safety circuits

Monitoring of Plasma compartment door closure

Torch working position
Waste air
Argon supply
Plasma (optical monitoring)

Gas supply

Recommended gas Inlet pressure Consumption

Argon 4.8 or superior 6 bar (5 – 7 bar) 13 L/min
Permitted components:
Oxygen ≤ 3 ppm
Nitrogen ≤ 10 ppm
Hydrocarbons ≤ 0.5 ppm
Humidity ≤ 5 ppm
Additive gas (optional) 6 bar (5 – 7 bar) 0.02 L/min
Oxygen 4.5 or superior

Environmental conditions
According to DIN ISO 9022-2:2003/01

Corrosion protection The device is corrosion-proof against the samples used in the analysis
Operating temperature +15°C to +35°C, at best +20°C to +25°C
as constant as possible during measuring
Humidity 20 to 90% at 20°C
Storage Temperature: -40°C to +70°C
Use desiccant

Dimensions and weights

Mass 170 kg
Dimensions (WxDxH) 987 mm x 853 mm x 937 mm

Analytic data

Type of sample Liquid

Type of nebulizer Concentric nebulizer
Spray chamber Cyclone chamber

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3.1.2 Control computer data

Computer PC Pentium 1 GHz with 512 MB RAM

(minimum requirements) Hard disk with 40 GB,
43 cm color monitor (17")
VGA graphic card
Resolution 800x600 pixels or higher
CD-ROM drive
2 x USB port (USB 2.0 Highspeed)
USB cable length shorter than 3 m
Operating system Windows 7 Professional or later

3.1.3 Cooling system data

Tank capacity 4.2 L

Dimensions (height x width x depth) 576 mm x 368 mm x 702 mm
Supply voltage 100 - 240 V AC
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Cooling performance 3 000 W
Mass (empty) 89 kg

3.1.4 Automatic sampler data

Dimensions H x W x D 510 mm x 285 mm x 490 mm

Mass 15 kg
Supply voltage 100 - 240 V AC
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Fuse 5A
Typical average power consumption 75 VA
Racks 3 for sample cups
Sample cups 2 for special cups
Wash bottle 2L

18 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000


3.2 Guidelines and standards

Safety class and safety type
 The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 belongs to safety class I.
 The housing has safety type IP 20.

Device safety
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 conforms to the safety standards
 DIN EN 61010-1 (VDE 0411T.1; IEC 61010-1)
 DIN EN 61010-2-061 (IEC 61010-2-061)

EMC compatibility
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 has been tested for radio interference elimination and interference
immunity and fulfills the requirements stipulated by
 DIN EN 61326

Environmental compatibility
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 has been tested for environmental compatibility and fulfills the
requirements stipulated by
 DIN ISO 9022-3:2000
 DIN ISO 9022-32-03-0
 DIN ISO 9022-2:2003/01

EC directives
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is built and tested according to standards that fulfill the
requirements stipulated by the EC directives 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC. Each device leaves
the manufacturer in a pristine and technically safe state. To maintain this condition and to
ensure safe operation, the operator must strictly observe the safety and operating instructions
contained in this manual. For accessories which have also been supplied, and system
components from other manufacturers, their operating instructions should be referred to.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 19

Installation conditions

4 Installation conditions
4.1 Environmental conditions
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 may only be operated in closed rooms. The location must have the
character of a chemical laboratory. The location must meet the following conditions:
 It must be free of dust, drafts, vibrations and caustic fumes.
 Do not place the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 near sources of electromagnetic interference.
 Avoid direct sunlight and heater radiation on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000. Air conditioning is
recommended at the location. The cool air emanating from the air conditioning unit should
not be directed at the device.
 A separate room is recommended for sample preparation and storing liquid chemicals.
The following requirements are placed on the climatic conditions in the operating room of the
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000:

Temperature range +15°C to +35°C, at best +20°C to +25°C

as constant as possible during measuring
Max. humidity: 90% at 20 ℃
Air pressure 0.7 bar to 1.06 bar
Max. permissible altitude 2000 m

Summary 1 Environmental conditions for operation

4.2 Energy supply

WARNING! Observe the mains connection!

During electrical installation, observe the VDE (German Association for Electrical Engineers)
electrotechnical guidelines and local regulation requirements!
The mains supply must be correctly earthed.
Do not use an adapter in the mains cabling.

The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is operated on single-phase alternating current. Optimum device

function strongly depends on a correct mains connection with adequate cable cross-section.
The mains connection must be protected on the input (building) side with a 35 A slow-blow fuse
and is required to be installed prior to delivery of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 near the assembly
point. The instrument cable is 3 m long. The CEE surface socket
(2 pole + E Blue 5UR 3 206-2 220/32) is supplied according to the terms of delivery.
To avoid sudden voltage fluctuations, do not connect the
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 to the same electrical circuits as other power-intensive devices.

20 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Installation conditions

Switching-on conditions

Voltage 230 V ±10%

Frequency 50/60 Hz
Typical average power consumption 4500 VA
Maximum current consumption 35 A
Fuse provided (mains side) 35 A

Summary 2 Power supply

4.3 Gas supply

CAUTION! Ensure that a gas connector is available!

The operator must ensure that the connector type used on the outlet side of the gas pressure
controller is adequate for the national requirements that apply.
The operator must carry out the necessary safety leakage tests weekly on all gas supplies up
as far as the device. For this, possible pressure losses from closed systems and lines under
pressure are to be determined. Any leak is to be localized and corrected immediately.
If the gas is supplied by pressure cylinders, these must be secured to the wall in an upright
position with cylinder mounts outside the laboratory space.

The following gases are used in conjunction with the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000
 Argon as the gas for the torch (plasma gas, additive gas, nebulizer gas)
 Argon as the purge gas for the spectrometer and as the cone gas
 Oxygen as the additive gas (oxygen can be optionally used as the additive to the nebulizer
gas for selected applications (some organic solvents))
The standard hose length is 5 m. If other hose lengths are preferred, please contact the service
department at Analytik Jena AG.

Recommended gas Inlet pressure Consumption

Argon 4.8 or superior 6 bar (5 – 7 bar) max. 13 L/min
Permitted components:
Oxygen ≤ 3 ppm
Nitrogen ≤ 10 ppm
Hydrocarbons ≤ 0.5 ppm
Humidity ≤ 5 ppm
Additive gas (optional) 6 bar (5 – 7 bar) max. 0.02 L/min
Oxygen 4.5 or superior

Summary 3 Gas supply

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 21

Installation conditions

4.4 Exhaust unit

CAUTION! Switch on the exhaust unit during device operation!

Switch on the exhaust unit prior to igniting the plasma.
Direct the waste air into the atmosphere and avoid blockages!

Correct exhaustion requires the connection of an extraction hose to the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000
The exhaust unit is meant to remove hazardous gases generated during plasma operation,
such as ozone or nitrous gases. Use an exhaust unit made of heat and corrosion-resistant
material. The first 6 m of the exhaust unit should be made of metal.

Parameters Properties
Material Heat and corrosion resistant (recommended: V2A steel)
External pipe diameter ∅ 125 mm
Extraction output Min. 3.5 m3/min, max. 5.5 m3/min (at best 4.5 to 5 m3/min)
Adapter using flexible aluminum pipe Internal pipe diameter ∅ 125 mm
Length: approx. 1000 mm

Summary 4 Exhaust unit requirements

4.5 Recirculating chiller

The HF generator is cooled by a cooling circuit of the external recirculating chiller. Please
observe the information provided in the recirculating chiller operating instructions.
The system must be filled with a coolant which is composed of distilled/deionized water with a
corrosion inhibitor and a biocide The preparation of the coolant is described in the section
"Maintenance of the recirculating chiller" p. 61.

Parameters Properties
Length of water tubing 2.0 m
Length of mains cable 2.7 m
Water rate 1.0 – 1.8 L/s
Cooling water temperature range at device cooling 17 – 24°C
water inlet
Cooler target temperature 18°C
Cooling performance 3 000 W
Pressure setting 3.7 bar (53 Psi)

Summary 5 Cooling circuit requirements

22 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Installation conditions

4.6 Device layout and space requirements

The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is a compact device conceived for table-top operation. The space
required is a function of all components needed for the measurement.
The automatic sampler is installed next to the base instrument. Additional space may be
required for a PC and possibly a printer. The PC and printer may also be placed on a separate
The workbench must meet the following requirements:
 The dimensions of the workbench for the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and the automatic
sampler must be at least 2000 mm x 800 mm. The height should be chosen according to
ergonomic aspects.
 The workbench must be capable of bearing a load of at least 300 kg.
 The workbench surface must be wipe, scrape and corrosion resistant and must not absorb
 It must be freely accessible from all sides.
 A bottle for receiving non-nebulized sample liquids and automatic sampler wash liquid is
placed underneath the bench.
The recirculating chiller requires a footprint of approx. 400 mm x 600 mm. For unimpeded
cooling air circulation and effective cooling, the surfaces of the housing sides of the recirculating
chiller require a minimum distance of 15 cm from adjacent objects. Due to the dissipated heat
from the recirculating chiller and possible noise it should be placed outside the laboratory. An
extension of the cooling water hoses is permitted if the minimum pressure and the flow volume
are maintained.

Component Width [mm] Height [mm] Depth [mm] Mass [kg]

On the workbench
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 990 940 855 170
Automatic sampler 285 510 490 15
Outside the laboratory / (or next to the workbench)
Recirculating chiller 368 576 702 86
Under the work table
Waste bottle ∅ 200 mm 400 mm

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 23

Installation conditions

Figure 1 Dimensions of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 - front view

Figure 2 Dimensions of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 - top view

24 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

5 Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

5.1 Physical functional principle of ICP-OES
ICP Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) makes use of plasma with temperatures of up to 10 000
K. This high temperature is focused on a very small area of approx. 5 cm . The sample is
introduced to this plasma in the form of aerosol (small droplets in a glass). The droplets dry,
melt, vaporize and atomize or ionize. During this process, the analysis channel of the plasma
through which the sample is flowing cools down to approx. 6 000 to 7 000 K.
Atoms and ions are excited to emit light at these high temperatures. The light is broken down by
the device optics into wavelengths ("colors") whose intensity is measured to indicate
concentrations. A detector is used to measure the intensity of the emission line and its spectral
environment. The net intensity of the measured signal is used as a measurand ("peak").
The inert gas argon is used as the operating gas. This gas flows inside a plasma torch made up
of three concentric pipes. The plasma gas (also called cooling gas) flows at a rate of approx. 12
L/min on the outside to cool the external torch pipe. The sample aerosol is injected in the
plasma in the internal pipe, hence its name "injector". The sample aerosol is created shortly
before with a nebulizer and a downstream spray chamber in which larger droplets are
The exhaust heat of the plasma is dissipated partly by the recirculating chiller and partly by the
exhaust unit.

5.2 Setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Essentially the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 consists of the following components
− Components for plasma generation (HF generator, induction coil, torch)
− Sample supply system with hose pump, nebulizer and spray chamber
− Optical system with transfer optics, spectral photometer and detector

Sampling compartment and plasma compartment

The sample introduction system is freely accessible in the sampling compartment. The torch
and the induction coil, however, are located in the shielded plasma compartment to protect the
user from the high-frequency radiation and the UV radiation from the plasma. The spatial
separation between sample supply and plasma also prevents the heat radiation from the
plasma being transferred without obstruction to the spray chamber and causing a drift there.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 25

Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Figure 3 Sampling compartment and plasma compartment in the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

HF generator
The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 uses a free-running 40 MHz HF generator (High-Frequency
Generator). The HF generator transfers power ranging from 700 to 1700 W into the plasma
assisted by the high-performance coil. Fully automated matching of the power output to the
actual sampling loads in the plasma enables ultimate consistency of plasma conditions. This
means the plasma is very robust and is able to master even challenging sample matrices such
as organic solutions or salt loads. The HF generator is located immediately behind the plasma
compartment and is shielded separately because of the high intensity of high frequencies.
The power for maintaining the plasma is transferred by means of an induction coil with four
windings in the torch in the plasma compartment. The induction coil is water-cooled.
During the initial plasma ignition period, a high voltage spark is passed from the conducting
spring located in the vicinity of the induction coil through the high-frequency field in the torch.

Pump, nebulizer and spray chamber

A hose pump conveys the measurement solution at the same rate to the nebulizer. The
rotational speed of the pump and the diameter of the pump tubing used determine the amount
of sample delivered. By using the pump, sample introduction into the nebulizer and thus also
the sensitivity of the measurement signal is independent of the viscosity of the measurement
The aerosol of the measurement solution required for atomization/ionization in the plasma is
generated by a pneumatic concentric nebulizer. An argon flow is directed past the sample
nozzle of the nebulizer as nebulizer gas. The gas flow continuously tears the surface of the
liquid at the nozzle and produces small sample droplets. The sample aerosol that is formed is
transported with the nebulizer gas through the spray chamber to the plasma. On the way
through the spray chamber, large droplets in the spray chamber are separated by the
centrifugal force and flow out via the waste outlet. A cyclone chamber is used as the spray

26 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Figure 4 Concentric nebulizer and spray chamber

The torch has a three-shell construction and comprises an outer tube, an inner tube and the
inner injector tube.
The outer tube, in conjunction with the bonnet inserted into the coil, electrically insulates the
plasma from the induction coil and shields the plasma from the ambient air. The plasma gas
flows between the outer and inner tube. This gas is ionized at the induction coil and converted
to a plasma state. The tangential flow of the plasma gas into the space between the outer and
inner tube cools the outer tube and prevents it from melting due to the high plasma
The auxiliary gas flows in the intermediate space between the inner tube and the injector. It
pushes the aerosol of the sample solution away from the injector.
The injector has the task of injecting the sample aerosol into the plasma. The measurement
solution is transported by the nebulizer gas from the spray chamber through the injector into the

Figure 5 Schematic structure of the torch with gas flows

The torch is available as a demountable version in individual parts (demountable torch) or as a

single unit (one-piece torch). The demountable version offers the possibility of replacing worn
individual parts, such as the outer tube, which are subjected to extreme thermal loads. During
assembly, however, care must be taken to ensure the individual parts are inserted gas-tight into
one another and especially to check that the injector is seated correctly. The cost of purchasing
a one-piece torch is slightly lower. It is cleaned as a whole, making disassembly and

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 27

Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

subsequent assembly unnecessary. On the other hand, this torch has to be completely replaced
when worn.

Figure 6 Demountable torch

Figure 7 One-piece torch

The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 includes a special V Shuttle Torch design. The up-right
arrangement of the torch reduces clogging and soot formation.
The torch is mounted with the holder (shuttle) onto the rail guide. Doing so automatically
connects the internal gas inlets for the plasma and auxiliary gas. The torch is then moved by
hand along the rail guide to the plasma compartment where it locks in the adjusted operating

Optical system
In the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000, analyte emission in plasma is observed from two directions, axial
and radial (DualView PLUS). The emission radiation is selectively coupled via the transfer
optics from one of the two directions to the monochromator. The working range is increased by
attenuating both directions of observation.
The selectivity of analysis is implemented by the high-resolution double monochromator on the
basis of a prism and an echelle grating monochromator (High-Resolution Optics). This achieves
a very compact design and a high spectral resolution which corresponds to a spectral resolution
of < 2 pm per pixel at 200 nm. The monochromator is wavelength-stabilized by the use of an
integrated neon source. Wavelength reproducibility is achieved by the internal Ne-line
calibration of the monochromator when approaching a wavelength.
A low noise, UV-sensitive semiconductor detector (CCD line detector) is located at the exit slit of
the monochromator. This detector not only registers the intensity of the analysis line, but also its
spectral neighborhood. In this way, a spectral range of up to 1 nm in the vicinity of the analysis
line is detected simultaneously and at a high resolution.

28 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Function and setup of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

5.3 Automatic sampler

Figure 8 Automatic sampler

The automatic sampler allows fully automated routine analysis. It can be equipped with three
sample racks and two racks each with 6 special samples, e.g., standards. The following sample
racks are available:

Rack/number of samples Cup volume (mL)

6 (special samples) 50
21 50
24 30
40 20
60 14
90 7

The purging vessel is installed at the automatic sampler. A hose pump at the automatic sampler
delivers the wash liquid from the diluent bottle into the wash cup – this action cleans the dipped
cannula by washing it inside and out. Excess wash liquid flows into the waste container during
purging. The wash liquid between the measuring breaks or for purging steps within a measuring
routine is also taken from the wash cup.
A mains connection supplies operating voltage to the automatic sampler.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 29

Installation and commissioning

6 Installation and commissioning

CAUTION! Prevent any unauthorized interference!

The device may only be assembled, installed and repaired by the service engineers from
Analytik Jena AG or by technical personnel authorized by Analytik Jena AG.

6.1 Supply and control connections

The supply lines are connected during the installation of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 by service
engineers from Analytik Jena AG.
The green power switch and the red plasma deactivation switch are located on the left-hand
side of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000. Also on the left side, under a cover plate, there are the
connections for PC and accessories as well as the media connections for gas and the cooling
water inlet and outlet.
A pair of carrying handles are fastened to the left and right for transport and installation. The
handles are unscrewed and removed after installation. The carrying handles must be stored in a
safe place in case the device has to be transported again or moved within the laboratory.
1 Manual plasma
deactivation switch
2 Power switch
3, 4 Openings for carrying
5 Gas connectors and
connections for water
6 Power cable
7 Fuses
8 Interfaces
9 Type plate

Figure 9 Overview of connections on the left side of the device

30 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Installation and commissioning

1 "USB/B"
2 "PC"
3 "RS 232"
4 "Autosampler"
5 "Hydride System"
6 "I/O"
7 Fuse S3 25 A
8 Fuse S2 6 A
9 Fuse S1 10 A

Figure 10 Interfaces and fuses on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

1 Connections for argon

2 Cooling water inlet "IN"
3 Cooling water outlet "OUT"
4 Connection for oxygen as an additive gas (optional)

Figure 11 Connections for cooling water and gases

In the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000, argon is used as a gas for the torch, the nebulizer and for
purging the spectrometer. The purge gas is then directed via the cone for axial observation as a
counter gas to avoid a heavy load being placed on the cone and plasma window by the plasma
torch. Oxygen can be optionally connected as an additive gas.
Plug-in connectors are used for the gas connections of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000. Hoses are
pushed into the connector as far as possible and are thus securely fastened. To release the
connection, you have to push the blue ring inwards and pull the hose out at the same time.

Figure 12 Plug-in connectors for gas connections

The hoses for cooling water are also equipped with quick couplings. When connecting the
hoses, the connecting pieces on the hoses are pushed into the sockets all the way until they

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 31

Installation and commissioning

engage with a click. When releasing the connection, you have to push the ring on the socket
back and pull the hose out of the connection. The valves in the quick couplings prevent the
cooling water from flowing out.
1 Air filter
2 Exhaust vent
3 Fan

Figure 13 Ventilation openings and air filter on the rear of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

The electrical connection data can be found on the type plate on the terminal strip.
1 Device type
2 Voltage
3 Frequency
4 Typical average power consumption
5 Serial number of the device
6 Disposal instructions (Do not dispose of as domestic
7 CE marking
6 Manufacturer

Figure 14 Data on the type plate

The serial number is also printed behind the door in the plasma compartment.

Figure 15 Serial number of the device in the plasma compartment

32 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Installation and commissioning

6.2 Connections in the plasma compartment and in the sampling

1 Quartz window for
radial observation
2 Cone for axial
3 High voltage (HV)
conducting spring
4 Negative pressure
5 Photo detector for
optical plasma
6 Information plate
containing device serial
7 Induction coil with
bonnet and torch

Figure 16 Plasma compartment

1 Torch 6 Drip tray

2 Mechanical height adjustment 7 Argon hose connector on the nebulizer
3 Fork clamp 8 Waste hose connector on the spray chamber
4 Sample aspiration hose on the nebulizer 9 Argon hose
5 Hose pump 10 Spray chamber with nebulizer connected

Figure 17 Sampling compartment with torch holder, spray chamber, nebulizer and hose pump

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 33

Installation and commissioning

6.3 Installing the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is delivered directly to the final instrument location by a
transportation company. The delivery by this company requires the presence of a person
responsible for instrument installation.
It is imperative that all persons designated to operate the device are present during the briefing
by the service technician.
Check that all requirements are met at the installation location (see the section "Installation
conditions" p. 20).

6.4 Connecting the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is installed and connected by service engineers from Analytik Jena
AG or by technical personnel authorized by Analytik Jena AG.
Sample supply systems, the torch, the nebulizer with spray chamber and the automatic sampler
have to be installed by the customer during maintenance operations. Descriptions of these
installation procedures are provided in the sections below.

6.4.1 Installation of the torch, nebulizer with spray chamber and sample supply

CAUTION! Risk of glass breakage!

Use special glass handling gloves during torch assembly! They will protect your hands against
broken glass.

1. Place the bonnet into the induction coil.

The beveled edge of the bonnet must rest on
the topmost coil winding.

2. Attach the sample hose (4) and the carrier gas

hose (5) to the nebulizer.
3. Loosen the plastic nut (2) on the spray
chamber (1). Push the nebulizer (3) into the
spray chamber as far as possible and tighten
the plastic nut hand-tight.
The connector to connect the carrier gas with
the nebulizer should point down.
4. Attach the waste hose (6) to the bottom
connector of the spray chamber.

34 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Installation and commissioning

5. Attach the torch to the carriage on the adjusting

rail in the sampling compartment and screw it
Tighten the screws firmly so that the gas
supply is connected leak-proof.

6. Fit together the spherical joint connection of the

torch and the spray chamber and secure the
connection with the fork clamp.
7. Push the torch on the adjusting rail upwards
until it engages in the height adjustment.

8. Adjust the torch with the manual height

adjustment (2) so that the tip of the injector in
the torch (1) is situated approx. 1 – 2 mm
below the lowermost winding of the induction

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 35

Installation and commissioning

9. Cut the sample and waste hoses to the

required length, ensuring they are long enough
so that the torch with nebulizer unit can still
move freely on the adjusting rail. Slightly
chamfer the ends of the hoses.
10. Connect the sample hose to the pump hose
with the black stoppers and the waste hose to
the pump hose with the red stoppers. Push the
ends of the sample and waste hoses into the
pump hoses by several millimeters.
To improve the grip on the hoses, you can use
a piece of fine sanding paper.

11. Clamp each of the pump hoses between two

stoppers into the pump.
Note the pump direction! The pump rotates in a
counterclockwise direction!
12. Place the hose guides over the hoses. Make
sure the pump hoses are in the groove of the
hose guides. Fasten the guides with the
clamping levers; the clamping levers must snap
in audibly.

13. Connect the sample pump hose to the hose of the automatic sampler (for automatic
operation) or a hose leading directly into the sample (manual operation).
14. At the waste pump hose, connect the waste hose to the waste container.
The waste hose must not dip into the liquid! This prevents waste material from being
pumped into the nebulizer system in case of faulty pump hose connection.

Notes on the pump hoses

Different materials can be selected for the pump hoses depending on the sample. The inside
diameter of the waste hose is 1.5 times as wide as the sample pump hose to ensure that the
sample solution separated from the aerosol is evacuated quickly and the spray chamber does
not fill up.

Pump hose Inside diameter Designation (stopper)

Sample supply 0.762 mm/0.03 inch black/black
Waste 1.143 mm/0.045 inch red/red

36 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Installation and commissioning

6.4.2 Initial operation of the automatic sampler

Connections at the automatic sampler

1 Automatic sampler arm
2 Automatic sampler with
cannula holder
3 Cannula
4, 5 Rack for special
6 Base plate for racks
7 Sample racks
8 Wash cup
9 Wash cup pump
10 Controller for wash cup
11 Mains LED
12 Sample aspiration hose

Figure 18 Automatic sampler - overview

1 Connection to the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 "HOST"

2 Power switch
3 Fuse holder
4 Mains connection

DIP switch 5 is set to "ON".

Figure 19 Connections on the right side of the automatic sampler

For the use of the automatic sampler on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000, only the connections
described in Figure 19 are required. All other connections and displays are for service purposes
or not in use.

Installing the automatic sampler

The automatic sampler must not be connected to the mains during installation.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 37

Installation and commissioning

1. Place the tray on the automatic sampler foot

and on it the base plate for holding the sample
In this case, the place for the wash cup must
be located at the rear on the left. The base
plate is correctly mounted if it fails to move
after light shaking.

2. Install the wash cup. Insert the wash cup into

the rear left recess and turn it by 90° in a
clockwise direction.

3. Fit the racks for special samples (1) in the base

plate and attach the required sample racks (2).
In the ASpect PQ program, the sample
positions are coded with a three-digit number
(e.g., 108). The first number indicates the
sample rack, the following numbers the
position on the rack. The first sample rack is
located in front of the wash cup, followed by
the second and third. In the program, the
positions are only shown for illustration.

4. Connect the waste hose (2) to the upper outlet

connector of the wash cup. Guide the hose into
the waste container on the floor.
5. Connect the pump hose to the lower inlet
connector (1). Connect the pump hose with a
hose coupling to the aspiration hose for the
wash solution.
6. Clamp the hose between two stoppers in the
hose block of the pump.
Note the pump direction! The pump moves in a
clockwise direction.
7. Fasten the clamping bracket with the locking
arm (3) over the pump hose.

38 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Installation and commissioning

8. Insert the cannula into the holder on the

automatic sampler head. Move the holder
along the Z-axis (down and up) and check
whether the cannula fits through the guide at
the lower end of the head. Fasten the cannula
with the nut on the holder (arrow in figure on
the left).

9. Guide the sample hose initially in a loop

through the eyelet on the cannula holder (1).
10. Thread the hose from the left side through the
eyelet (2) at the lower end of the head.

11. Place the hose at the rear in the eyelets at the

rear of the automatic sampler arm.

12. Connect the hose to the sample hose of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
13. Connect the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and the automatic sampler to the interface cable
("Autosampler" on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and "Host" on the automatic sampler.
14. Connect the mains cable first with the mains connector of the automatic sampler and
then with the mains socket.
15. Set the pump speed on the automatic sampler so that the liquid level remains constant
and not too much wash liquid overflows.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 39


7 Operation

7.1 Switching on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and igniting the plasma

Switch on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 as follows:
1. Switch on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 at the power switch.
2. Switch on the PC at the power switch and start the operating system.
3. Open the gas supply and ensure a preliminary pressure of 6 bar.
4. Switch on the exhaust unit.
5. Switch on the recirculating chiller at the power switch.
6. Check if the torch is in the start position. The injector tip must be situated approx. 1 – 2 mm
below the bottom edge of the induction coil.
7. If necessary, close the door to the plasma compartment.
8. Check the pump hoses. Replace any hoses that are no longer flexible or show signs of
heavy abrasion.
9. Clamp each of the pump hoses between the stoppers in the pump on the PlasmaQuant PQ
Place the hose guides over the hoses and attach the guides with the clamping levers.
Make sure that the clamping levers snap into place!
Note the pump direction. This pump rotates in a counterclockwise direction.
10. Check whether there is sufficient wash solution in the bottle for the analysis.
The wash solution should have the same acid content as the samples and standards. Use
a 2% nitric acid solution unless specified differently.
11. Empty the waste bottle.
12. Dip the sample aspiration hose into the wash solution in case of manual operation without
an automatic sampler. No air must follow during the plasma ignition process.
For automatic operation, switch on the automatic sampler at the power switch and clamp
the pump hose for the wash solution.
The pump on the automatic sampler moves in a clockwise direction.
13. Start the ASpect PQ program.
In the MAIN SETTINGS window, select the ROUTINE or METHOD DEVELOPMENT option.
14. If the system has been out of service for a longer period (more than a week) or the spray
chamber has been dismantled, the spray chamber and the torch should be purged with
carrier gas to evacuate any air from the sample introduction system:

– Open the PLASMA / CONTROL window by clicking on .

– Wait for [RINSE SPRAY CHAMBER] 60 s until plasma ignition.
15. Ignite the plasma:

Click on to open the PLASMA / CONTROL window and click on [IGNITE PLASMA].
After a cooling phase of the detector the plasma will be ignited.
16. Verify that the plasma forms correctly, i.e., the plasma extends in a cone shape beyond the
induction coil and tapers upwards.
If a ring plasma forms (plasma is formed only inside the induction coil) or a rattling sound

40 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000


can be heard, press the red plasma deactivation switch on the left side of the device.
Before the next ignition attempt, verify that the sample hose is immersed in the wash
solution and that the gas supply and the recirculating chiller are working properly.
 The plasma ignites and the hose pump starts. The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is ready
for measurement after a brief plasma warm-up period.

Before plasma ignition, the following conditions are checked via internal safety circuits:
− Gas flow, cooling and exhaustion are switched on and comply with the specified
connection conditions.
− The torch is in working position.
− The plasma compartment door is closed.
If a fault is detected in one of the components the plasma will fail to ignite.

7.2 Switching off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

ATTENTION! Wait for the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 to cool down before switching it
After extinguishing the plasma, wait for at least 2 min. before switching off the device at the
power switch.

Switch off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 as follows:

1. After the end of analysis, allow wash solution to flow through the system for approx. 3 min.,
followed by water for 1 min.
Allow the device to run dry after this, until there is no more liquid in the hoses. If any hoses
need to be replaced, they will be drained of acid as a consequence!

2. To extinguish the plasma in the ASpect PQ program, click on in the toolbar.

Alternatively, use to open the PLASMA window and click on [PLASMA OFF].
3. Select the FILE  EXIT menu item and end the ASpect PQ program.
4. Confirm the query about switching off the purge gas for the detector with [YES] if the purge
gas should be switched off.
If work is only interrupted for a short period (up to 30 min.), do not switch off the purge gas.
This will save time during the ignition process until the detector is sufficiently purged.
5. Wait for the message stating that the device and the cooling can be switched off to appear.
6. Switch off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and, if applicable, the automatic sampler at the
respective power switch.
7. Release the pump hoses at the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
− Release the pressure levers to ensure that the hose guide no longer exerts pressure
on the hoses.
− Pull the hose stoppers on the left-hand side of the pump from their lock.
8. In case the automatic sampler is used, release the pump hose in the same way as with the
hose pump on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
9. Close the gas supply after switching off the devices.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 41


10. Switch off the recirculating chiller at the power switch.

11. Switch off the exhaust unit.
12. Close Windows and switch off the PC.
 The analysis system is now switched off.

7.3 Using the plasma deactivation switch in the event of faults

Immediately switch off the plasma using the plasma deactivation switch on the left-hand side of
the device if one of the following faults occur:
 A rattling sound can be heard
 A ring plasma forms (plasma forms only in the induction coil)
 The quartz glass of the external torch tube is red-hot
 No communication with the PC
Wait 2 min. for the device to cool down before switching off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 at the
power switch.
After the plasma has been switched off manually or an automatic shut-down caused by one of
the device safety circuits, check if all switch-on conditions are met before reigniting the plasma.

7.4 Starting a measurement routine

A method must be developed before a measurement can be made. The Analytik Jena AG
application team is on hand to offer support. Please observe the information provided in the
operating instructions for the ASpect PQ program.
1. Switch on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and ignite the plasma, as described in the section
"Switching on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and igniting the plasma" p. 40.
2. Select a method.
In the toolbar, click on the folder symbol next to the METHOD field and select the method in
the database window.

3. Create or load a sequence:

– Perform a calibration at the beginning of the sequence.
– When loading a sequence, make sure that the calibration is compatible with the
method. Analysis lines of the calibration standards must match the calibration in the
– After calibration, measure a QC sample in order to verify the correctness of the
4. Create a sample ID table.
5. Start the measurement.

– Start the measurement routine by clicking on or selecting the ROUTINE  START

SEQUENCE menu item.
– In the START SEQUENCE window, select or enter a file name for the results file.

42 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000


 After you select the file name, the measurement routine will start according to the
settings made in the method and the sequence.
6. If you use an automatic sampler, the measurement runs automatically. In the case of
manual sample feed without an automatic sampler, follow the instructions for the provision
of samples displayed on the screen.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 43

Maintenance and care

8 Maintenance and care

This chapter contains all the instructions for care and maintenance which users can and must
perform themselves. All maintenance work and repairs beyond this scope must only be
performed by service engineers from Analytik Jena AG or persons authorized by Analytik Jena
AG. To guarantee perfect functioning, the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 should be inspected on an
annual basis by service engineers from Analytik Jena AG. Only use replacement parts from
Analytik Jena AG. Laboratory parts required for routine operation can be ordered from Analytik
Jena AG.

CAUTION! Observe the safety instructions!

Any unauthorized interference limits warranty entitlements. When installing and starting up your
device, please observe the instructions provided in the section "Safety instructions" p. 9.
Compliance with these safety instructions is a requirement for error free installation and the
proper functioning of your ICP-OES measuring environment. Always observe all warnings and
instructions which are displayed on the device itself or which are displayed by the control
program of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.

CAUTION! Electric shock!

It is mandatory to switch off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and pull the mains plug prior to all
maintenance and care work. The safe disconnection of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 from the
mains can only be achieved by pulling out the mains plug. Power is still supplied to certain
areas of the device after the device has been switched off at the main switch.

CAUTION! Risk of eye and skin injuries due to UV and electromagnetic radiation!
Plasma emits UV radiation and high-frequency electromagnetic radiation which can cause
serious eye and skin injuries as well as other health problems. Therefore, the plasma
compartment door must be closed before igniting and operating the plasma. Safety circuits must
not be bridged by the user during maintenance work!

CAUTION! Hot surfaces!

Plasma is extremely hot! The torch is still very hot after the plasma has been extinguished.
Contact with these hot surfaces can cause burns. Therefore, wait 5 minutes after extinguishing
the plasma before touching the torch.

44 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

8.1 Maintenance intervals

The following maintenance tasks must be performed:

Maintenance item Action Reason, frequency

Base device
Wash solution bottle Check filling level, Daily
Waste bottle Check filling level, empty Daily
Sampling Remove contamination Daily
compartment Check pump hoses for Daily,
flexibility and tightness replace hoses if necessary
Plasma Replace windows for beam − If streaks and burnt-in residues are
compartment entry and exit in the plasma visible
compartment − If losses in energy occur
Rear air filter Check for soiling Monthly,
replace if necessary
Gas connectors Check for leaks − After renewing connections
− If the manometer indicates a
distinct pressure loss
− If the plasma fails to ignite or is
accompanied by loud noise
Torch and nebulizer
Torch Remove and clean − If visible soiling can be seen
(particularly a metallic film or if the
quartz glass appears very milky and
Intervals may vary largely in dependence
on the investigated sample material
(from daily to annually).
Nebulizer Clean − If reproducibility deteriorates
significantly or a drift is observed
− In dependence on the investigated
sample material (e.g., samples with
a high salt content or with
suspended sediments)
Inside glass body of Replace − If cracked
the holder
Automatic sampler
Surfaces Clean Daily
Collection tray Remove residue liquid from If there are residues in the tray
Sample hose/ Check that they are free of Daily
cannulae sediment build-up Sediments can falsify measurement
Wash cup Clean Weekly
Pump hose Check for flexibility and Daily,
tightness replace if necessary

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 45

Maintenance and care

Recirculating chiller
Coolant tank Check coolant level at the After replacement, otherwise monthly
tank level indicator and Replenish on reaching the minimum
replenish level
Air filter Clean Check monthly for soiling,
cleaned if soiled
Foam sieve in the Check for deposits and Monthly
tank clean
Coolant Replace Annually

8.2 Base device maintenance

8.2.1 Cleaning the demountable torch

CAUTION! Breakage of glass!

Wear glass handling gloves while dismantling and assembling the torch. You will have a better
grip on the glass parts and minimize the risk of injury due in case of breakage of glass!

CAUTION! Risk of burns!

Plasma is extremely hot. Wait for approx. 5 min after extinguishing the plasma before you
dismantle the torch!

The torch must be cleaned in case of visible soiling (deposits or scaling). Depending on the
sample matrix, this may have to be performed on a daily basis or in much longer intervals

1. Pull out the spring bolt at the height adjustment

and allow the carriage with the torch on the
adjusting rail to slide carefully down.

2. Remove the fork clamp and take off the spray

Carefully place the spray chamber to one side.

46 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

3. Unscrew the torch from the carriage on the rail


4. Pull first the outer and then the inner tube from
the holder.
Caution! Breakage of glass!
The quartz tubes are very fragile and are firmly
mounted in the ground glass connector of the
holder. Put on glass handling gloves to
dismantle the torch.

5. Unscrew the connecting piece from the holder

and pull out the injector.

6. Take the quartz bonnet out of the induction


7. Place all glass components for approx. 12 h in aqua regia.

8. Rinse the glass components under deionized water (<1 µS/cm) and dry them with
compressed air or argon.

9. Push the O-ring (2) about 1 cm onto the wide

side of the injector.
10. Push the injector (4) in the holder (3) and
screw the connecting piece (1) on as far as it
will go.
This will seal and adjust the injector properly.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 47

Maintenance and care

11. Carefully push the inner tube into the torch

body of the holder as far as it will go. Lightly
turn the tube while doing so to make sure that
the ground glass joint is sealed.
The injector tip must then be exactly flush with
the outer edge of the inner tube. If this is not
the case, pull the inner tube from the holder,
release the screw connection of the connecting
piece and push the injector into the holder as
far as it will go. Hereby a slight resistance
caused by the O-ring seal must be overcome.
Afterwards reinsert the inner tube and check
that the injector is seated correctly.

12. Insert the outer tube into the torch body. Make
sure that the ground joint seal is tight.

13. Install the torch and bonnet according to the section "Installation of the torch, nebulizer
with spray chamber and sample supply" p. 34.

8.2.2 Replacing the torch body

The torch body of the demountable torch only needs to be replaced if it is cracked. It does not
need to be cleaned together with the other glass components of the torch.

1. Dismantle the torch as described in the section "Cleaning the demountable torch" p. 46.

2. Unscrew the white Allen screw on the front of

the holder which secures the torch body in the
correct position.

3. Unscrew both connections for the argon gas

supply at the rear of the holder.
4. Pull the torch body from the holder. Remove
any shards if necessary.

48 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

5. Push the new torch body in the holder. Align

the torch body to make sure that the individual
bore is visible centered in the front opening of
the holder.
If this is achieved, the two slanted bores for the
argon inlet are located in the openings at the
rear of the holder.

6. Check the O-rings and renew any worn rings.

Place O-rings in all three screw holes and
carefully press onto the torch body.

7. Screw the white Allen screw into the front

opening. The closure pin must protrude into the
bore of the torch body and thus center the
torch body.
The upper edge of the closure must be flush
with the surface of the holder. Do not screw the
screw any further under any circumstances!

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 49

Maintenance and care

The connections are of different lengths and
must not be swapped. The torch body may
otherwise break when the connections are
screwed in!
8. Screw in the longer gas connection into
opening 1 (bottom) and the shorter gas
connection into opening 2 (top).
Tighten the connections alternately.
The connections must also be flush with the
upper edge of the holder. Do not screw in any
further under any circumstances!

8.2.3 Cleaning the one-piece torch

CAUTION! Breakage of glass!

Wear glass handling gloves when you pull the quartz torch from the white holder. You will have
a better grip on the quartz torch and minimize the risk of injury due in case of breakage of glass!

CAUTION! Risk of burns!

Plasma is extremely hot. Wait for approx. 5 min after extinguishing the plasma before you
dismantle the torch!

The torch must be cleaned in case of visible soiling.

1. Pull out the spring bolt at the height adjustment and allow the carriage with the torch on
the adjusting rail to slide carefully down.
2. Remove the fork clamp and take off the spray chamber.
Carefully place the spray chamber to one side.
3. Unscrew the torch from the carriage (see the section "Cleaning the demountable torch"
p. 46).

4. Unscrew the clamp screw from the torch


5. Unscrew the stopper from the gas connection.

50 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

6. Carefully pull the one-piece torch from the

holder while turning it slightly.
The torch may be firmly stuck in the holder. Wear
glass handling gloves to be able to grip the torch
When pulling out the torch, ensure it does not
become jammed.

7. Remove the small O-ring and the retaining ring

from the holder and, if necessary, clean with
water and a commercial surfactant.

8. Take the quartz bonnet out of the induction


9. Place the glass components for approx. 12 h in aqua regia.

10. Rinse the glass components under deionized water (<1 µS/cm) and dry them with
compressed air or argon.

11. Push the torch in the holder as far as it will go.

At the same time, turn it so that the gas inlet
opening of the torch is centered in the opening
for the gas connection of the holder.

12. Insert the O-ring into the gas connection of the

holder and press it lightly against the torch wall.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 51

Maintenance and care

13. Screw in the stopper into the gas connection.

The upper edge of the stopper must be flush
with the upper edge of the holder.
Do not screw in any further under any

14. Insert the pressure ring into the holder and

firmly screw the clamp screw into the holder as
far as it will go.
To ensure gas tightness in the lower part of the
torch, the gap between the clamp screw and
the holder must not exceed 0.5 mm in width.

15. Install the torch and bonnet according to the section "Installation of the torch, nebulizer
with spray chamber and sample supply" p. 34.

8.2.4 Cleaning the nebulizer

The nebulizer must be cleaned if particles or high concentrations of salt in the samples have
clogged it up. An indicator that the nebulizer has clogged up is increased carrier gas pressure:

1. Use to open the PLASMA / CONTROL window.

2. Compare the current percentage (pressure) of the CARRIER GAS parameter with the value
achieved after installation of the new or cleaned nebulizer.
3. Clean the nebulizer as described below if the percentage has increased significantly (by
more than half the original value), at the latest however if 75% is reached.
Wash the nebulizer using the nebulizer cleaning tool. This tool can be ordered from Analytik
Jena AG.
1 Nebulizer
2 Nebulizer holder
3 1st red O-ring
4 Syringe

Figure 20 Nebulizer cleaning tool with installed nebulizer

1. Unscrew the nebulizer holder from the syringe and fill the syringe with methanol. Pull the
plunger out to the first red O-ring.
2. Screw the nebulizer holder on the syringe.
3. Push the nebulizer with the tip first into the holder until the lateral carrier gas connection
comes to rest in the holder groove.

52 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

4. Hold the nebulizer cleaning tool over a receptacle and push the plunger into the syringe.
The methanol should flow out of both connection pieces.
To remove stuck particles from the nebulizer cannula, you can increase the pressure by
closing the carrier gas connector with a finger. Use the same method to increase the
pressure by closing the sample inlet to remove particles from the carrier gas connector.
5. Gently shake the nebulizer cleaning tool to remove the methanol from the nebulizer.
6. Remove the nebulizer from the holder. Shake any remaining methanol from the nebulizer
cleaning tool.
7. Place the nebulizer once again in the holder and move the plunger three times quickly in
and out to remove the methanol also from the nebulizer.
8. Remove the nebulizer from the holder. Connect the nebulizer to the spray chamber. Let
argon flow through the nebulizer for at least three minutes before using it for the next

8.2.5 Cleaning the sampling compartment and the plasma compartment

Clean the sampling compartment and the plasma compartment daily with a damp (not dripping!)
cloth. To remove stubborn contamination a commercial surfactant may be used.
Spots, drops or larger spillages should be removed and cleaned using an absorbent material
such as cotton wool, laboratory wipes or cellulose.

8.2.6 Replacing pump hoses

Check the pump hoses daily before starting work and replace any hoses if they are discolored,
no longer flexible or even porous (see the section "Installation of the torch, nebulizer with spray
chamber and sample supply" p. 34).

8.2.7 Changing the plasma compartment windows

The windows situated in the plasma compartment in front of the transfer optics must be
replaced if their transmission has greatly deteriorated, especially in the UV range. Cleaning the
windows does not usually completely restore UV permeability; the cleaning effect varies with the
wavelength. Average losses of around 30% have to be expected in the UV vacuum. In the
visible range, transparency can generally be fully restored.

Cleaning the windows

1. Clean the windows with a cotton pad using water and a commercial surfactant.
2. Rinse with water.
3. Dry in the gas flow (argon or compressed air).

Checking permeability
To check permeability, use a method that you routinely use.
1. Select 3 lines, one line each in the low UV range, in the medium and in the high
wavelength range.
2. For a QC sample, determine the intensities at these 3 wavelengths and record the results
in a QC card or a table.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 53

Maintenance and care

3. If the intensity has fallen to such an extent that the required detection limits can no longer
be reached, clean or replace the windows.

The quartz windows are sensitive. Use clean gloves when installing the new windows and avoid
touching the new quartz windows with your hand. Wipe away any fingerprints with pure alcohol
and dry the windows.

Cleaning/replacing the horizontal window (radial observation)

1. Unscrew the window holder in a

counterclockwise direction.
2. Press the window from the holder.
3. Clean the window if necessary:
Use a cotton pad with water and a commercial
Rinse with water and dry in the gas flow (argon
or compressed air).

4. Check the sealing rings for wear and replace if


5. Insert a new or cleaned window into the holder.

See the note on the seating of the window
Do not touch the end faces of the quartz
window with your fingers. Wipe off any
fingerprints immediately with ethanol.
6. Screw in the holder into the plasma
compartment opening.

Note on the seating of the horizontal window

The window can be inserted variably in its holder.
Slide the window to the rear as far as possible to keep the window fogging up from the
plasma as low as possible.
Only slide the window as close to the torch as possible if you want to achieve the lowest
possible detection limits in the vacuum UV with radial observation. There is then a risk of the
window fogging up more quickly, causing a drift as a result.

54 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

Replacing the window in the cone (axial observation)

1. Move the torch from the working position

2. Take the quartz bonnet out of the induction
These precautionary measures prevent the
glass parts from becoming damaged during
installation of the cone.

3. Clean the cone with a damp cloth and dry it.

4. Unscrew the cone with the supplied hook
If the window sticks in the frame, it must be
pushed out from the top. This requires the
deflection mirror of the transfer optics to be
dismantled (see below).

5. Clean the window if necessary.

6. Insert a new or cleaned window into the cone
and fit a sealing ring.
Replace the worn sealing ring.
7. Screw the cone back into the cone opening in
the plasma compartment.

If the window has not been unscrewed with the cone, but remains in the window opening, it
must be pushed down from above. This requires the deflection mirror to be dismantled.

1. Unscrew the two cover retaining screws.

2. Remove the cover and set it aside.

3. Unscrew the 4 screws on the deflection mirror.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 55

Maintenance and care

4. Remove the deflection mirror and carefully set

it aside.
On no account touch the surface of the mirror
with your fingers.
5. Hold one hand with glove under the cone
opening and carefully push out the window
from the top using a (wood or plastic) rod.
Catch the window as it falls out.

6. Attach and tighten the deflection mirror.

7. Screw on the cover.
8. Replace the cone window and screw the cone in the opening (as described above).

8.2.8 Checking the gas system for leaks

Check for leak tightness in the scope of the weekly safety check or before placing the
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 into operation if the device has been previously disconnected from the
gas supply system.
For this purpose, close the shut-off valve of the gas supply system and check the pressure at
the downstream manometer. If the pressure drops sharply, search for leaks in the gas supply:
1. Open the shut-off valve.
2. Brush connections with a heavily foaming liquid (e.g., soap solution). If foam bubbles form
at the gas connections when starting up, disconnect the gas supply.
3. Unscrew the gas connections and check for correct fitting. If there are sealing rings, check
them. Replace worn out sealing rings.
4. Tighten the gas connections, observing the correct positioning and check again for gas

Figure 21 Plug-in connectors for gas connections

56 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

Figure 22 Gas distribution during pure argon operation

8.2.9 Changing fuses

A red lamp lights at the fuse holder if a fuse is damaged. Use only fuses of the following type:

Fuse number Type Protected electrical circuit

S1 10 A NFC 10x38 gG AC 400 V Spectrometer
S2 6 A NFC 10x38 gG AC 400 V Tubular heating generator
S3 25 A NFC 10x38 gG AC 400 V Power supply unit generator

The fuse holders are located on the terminal strip on the left-hand side of the device.

1. Switch off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 at the

power switch.
2. Pull the cover in front of the side connections
from the upper mounting and lift it up from the
bolts on the floor plate of the device.
3. Open the fuse holder to the front.
4. Replace the fuse.

5. Close the fuse holder.

6. Reattach the cover. Place the cover plate on the bolts on the floor plate and press it into
the mounting at the top.
7. Switch on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 at the power switch.

In case of repeated fuse failure, inform the service department at Analytik Jena AG.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 57

Maintenance and care

8.2.10 Replacing the air filter of the PQ 9000

The air inlet filter of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is located at the rear of the device. Replace the
filter if it is very dirty.

Pull the dirty filter from the holder and insert

a new filter.

58 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

8.3 Maintenance of the automatic sampler

Contamination on the sample tray and the housing can be removed with a dry cloth on a daily
basis as required. In addition, if required:
 Replace the pump hose
 Replace the cannula and the suction hose
 Clean the wash cup after overflow

8.3.1 Replacing the cannula and the sample hose

The cannula and sample hose can be ordered ready for use. However, it is also possible to
replace both separately.
1. Switch off the automatic sampler at the power switch.
2. Disconnect the connection between the sample hoses of the automatic sampler and the
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
3. Carefully pull the sample hose from the hose guides on the automatic sampler.
4. Unscrew the cannula from the holder on the automatic sampler.
5. Unscrew the banjo bolt at the cannula and the sample hose from the connecting piece.
6. Only use a straight-cut, round and unpinched hose end for the connection when replacing
the sample hose. First push the banjo bolts and then one sealing cone with the conical side
onto the hose and the cannula. The sealing cone and the hose or cannula end must be
flush (see the figure below).
7. Screw the banjo bolts into the connecting piece hand-tight.
8. Install the cannula in the automatic sampler holder and thread the sample hose through the
hose guides at the automatic sampler (also see the section "Installing the automatic
sampler" p. 37).
1 Cannula
2, 6 Banjo bolt
3, 5 Sealing cone
4 Connecting piece
7 Sample hose

Figure 23 Automatic sampler cannula and sample hose dismantled

8.3.2 Replacing the pump hose

1. Switch off the automatic sampler at the power switch.

2. Release the clamping arm at the pump and fold the hose guide down.
3. Remove the pump hose from the pump.
4. Pull the pump hose from the connection on the wash cup and from the connection to the
suction hose for the wash solution.
5. Attach the new pump hose at the lower connection on the wash cup and connect it to the
suction hose for the wash solution.
6. Clamp the pump hose between two stoppers into the pump.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 59

Maintenance and care

7. Place the hose guide over the hose and fix it with the clamping arm.
1 Hose guide
2 Clamping arm
3 Speed controller
4 Pump hose
5 Mixing cup
6 Connection to suction hose for
wash solution
7 Connection to pump hose wash
8 Block for clamping the hoses
9 Pump rolls

Figure24 Automatic sampler pump

8.3.3 Clean-up after cup overflow

If the wash cup has overflowed during an analysis run, immediately interrupt the workflow and
clean the device.
1. Stop the workflow immediately.
2. Take up the liquid with cellulose wadding or a cloth. Wipe the surface dry.
3. Ensure that the outlet can be drained, i.e., remove any sharp bends in the draining hose or
make sure that the draining hose does not dip into the liquid in the waste bottle.

8.3.4 Replacing the fuses

Replace the fuses of the automatic sampler as follows:

1. Switch off the automatic sampler at the power switch and pull the mains cable from the
connection on the automatic sampler.
2. Pull out the fuse holder. To do so, insert a screwdriver blade into the slot in the fuse holder
and carefully pry out the holder.
3. Replace defective mains fuses.
Use only fuses of the type T 5A H 250V, 5 x 20mm.

60 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Maintenance and care

8.4 Maintenance of the recirculating chiller

8.4.1 Cleaning the dust filter

The stainless steel air filter behind the front panel must be checked monthly and cleaned if
1. Pull out the filter to the side.
2. Remove fluff and dust.
3. Clean the filter with water. A mild commercial surfactant may be added to the water. Then
rinse the filter with clean water.
4. Dry the filter carefully.
5. Slide the dried filter back behind the panel.

8.4.2 Cleaning the foam sieve

The stainless steel foam sieve is located in the filler neck. Clean the foam sieve once a month.
1. Unscrew the sealing cap on the filler opening and remove the foam sieve.
2. Rinse off all foam thoroughly from the sieve with distilled/deionized water.
3. Fit the foam sieve into the filler opening and close the sealing cap by screwing hand-tight.

8.4.3 Changing the cooling water

CAUTION! Biocide!
Observe the safety data sheet of the biocide used.

Required equipment:
− 10 L of distilled/deionized water
− Biocide / corrosion protection set for recirculating chiller (order no. 418-13-5850-015-
− A suitable appropriately sized vessel made of glass, plastic or stainless steel for mixing
the coolant
− A bucket to catch the drained coolant

1. Dissolve both bottles of the biocide / corrosion protection set in 10 L of water.

2. In ASpect PQ, start the wizard for changing the coolant and follow the instructions in the
− Switch off the recirculating chiller.
− At the recirculating chiller remove the inlet connection and hold the hose in the
receptacle (bucket).
− Switch on the recirculating chiller again and allow to run until the coolant flow ends and
only spray comes out.
− Reconnect the hose to the inlet connection on the recirculating chiller.
− Unscrew the sealing cap from the filler opening of the tank and insert the funnel.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 61

Maintenance and care

− Pour the prepared coolant into the tank until the MAX level mark is reached.
− Switch on the recirculating chiller and observe the level indicator. The level drops when
the pump is operating.
− Continue to slowly fill the tank with the coolant until the level stabilizes slightly below
the MAX mark.
− Remove the funnel and seal the filling opening with the screw cap.
− Confirm the closing step in the wizard.
3. Wait for the message in the wizard indicating that the coolant has been changed. Exit the

62 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Fault removal

9 Fault removal
9.1 Fault removal
The following chapter describes a number of possible problems that the user can partially
remedy independently. If such problems occur frequently, the service department of Analytik
Jena AG must always be informed.
System monitoring takes place as soon as the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is switched on. Any
errors that occur are displayed in a window after start-up.
The user must acknowledge the error messages by clicking on the [OK] button.

ATTENTION! Risk of damage to the device!

If the errors below cannot be remedied using the corresponding fault removal notes, the service
department of Analytik Jena AG must always be informed. This also applies for the repeated
occurrence of individual faults.

Error Error message

3762 Wavelength correction error!
3765 No neon correction peak found!
3766 Correction range exceeded!
3782 No neon peaks found!
3783 Too many neon peaks found!
3783 Cause Remedy
− The neon or prism correction is − Switch the device off and on again
incorrect − In the event of repeated occurrence,
determine which correction is faulty in the
− Inform service
5206 Status: One or more safety interlocks are open!
Cause Remedy
− There is no cooling water flow − Switch on the recirculating chiller; check
whether the cooling water flow is > 0.85
− The plasma compartment door is open L/min
− The torch is not in measuring position − Close the plasma compartment door
− No Ar gas pressure is present − Check the torch position
− The extraction output is not sufficient − Check the Ar gas pressure
− The generator has been shut down by − Check the extraction
pressing the red plasma deactivation − Reignite the plasma

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 63

Fault removal

3811 No factory data found in instrument storage (FINFO)! Please restart instrument and
software. If the problem persists, contact service!
Cause Remedy
− There is no production data for line − Contact service for line offsets
offset present in the device memory − Inform service
− The RAM memory is incorrect
3870 No purge gas available!
Cause Remedy
− No Ar gas pressure is present − Check the Ar gas pressure
3871 No cooling water available (detector cooling)!
Cause Remedy
− The recirculating chiller is not switched − Switch on the recirculating chiller
on − Check the cooling water flow for
− The cooling water flow is too low > 0.85 L/min
3872 CCD cooling is inactive!
Cause Remedy
− A termination occurred during plasma − If the plasma is burning, in the
ignition SPECTROMETER window, activate the
CCD COOLING option and then click on
5208 Status: CCD cooling error! Please check purge gas flow!
Cause Remedy
− No Ar gas flow is present − If the plasma is burning, in the
SPECTROMETER window, activate the
CCD COOLING option and then click on
3874 Spectrometer purging is still active!
Cause Remedy
− The Ar purging of the spectrometer is − Wait until the error message disappears
not yet complete and purging is complete
4003 Plasma shut-down because emergency switch has been activated!
Cause Remedy
− The red plasma deactivation switch on − Reignite the plasma
the left side of the device has been
4004 Plasma shut-down by plasma sensor!
Cause Remedy
− Air is present during the ignition of the − Before ignition, close the cartridge of the
plasma in the spraying chamber pump hoses, dip the hoses in water,
− The plasma is flickering and unstable purge the spraying chamber with Ar via
due to the sample matrix nebulizer gas
− Dilute the sample matrix
− Adjust the plasma conditions

64 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Fault removal

4005 Plasma shut-down! Torch positioning error.

Cause Remedy
− No torch is installed − Install a torch
− The torch has not been pushed up to − Push the torch to the working position
the working position
4006 Plasma shut-down because water flow is too low!
Cause Remedy
− The recirculating chiller is not switched − Switch on the recirculating chiller
on − Determine the cooling water flow
− The cooling water flow is too low − Service the coolant
4007 Plasma shut-down! Generator error (enable)
Cause Remedy
− Communication has been interrupted − Restart the device and PC
− The generator is faulty − Inform service
4009 Plasma shut-down because cooling water temperature is too high (in)!
Cause Remedy
− The cooling temperature setting at the − Set the recirculating chiller to a cooling
recirculating chiller is too high temperature of max. 18°C
4010 Plasma shut-down because cooling water temperature too high (out)!
Cause Remedy
− The cooling water flow is too low − Determine the cooling water flow, service
the coolant
− The cooling temperature setting at the − Set the recirculating chiller to a cooling
recirculating chiller is too high temperature of max. 18°C
4011 Plasma shut-down! Cooling water temperature!
Cause Remedy
− The cooling water temperature is > − The cooling water flow is too low,
24°C (inlet) or < 20°C (outlet) determine the cooling water flow, service
the coolant
− Set the recirculating chiller to a cooling
temperature of max. 18°C and min. 16°C
4013 Plasma shut-down: gas flow control error (MFC)!
Cause Remedy
− No Ar gas flow is present − Open the Ar gas cylinder
− Set the Ar preliminary pressure to 5 –
7 bar
4031 Cooling water stopped because temp. is too low (<20 °C out). Please wait and try
Cause Remedy
− The cooling temperature setting at the − Set the recirculating chiller to a cooling
recirculating chiller is too low temperature of min. 16°C, wait briefly
and repeat ignition

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 65

Fault removal

4032 Plasma shut-down: not stable!

Cause Remedy
− The plasma is unstable due to the − Adjust the plasma conditions (increase
sample matrix or entry of oxygen (leaks) performance)
− Reduce the nebulizer gas flow
− Reduce the pump speed
− Increase the distance of the torch to the
cone; reduce the distance to the
induction coil; search for leaks in the Ar
gas line, if necessary
4301 Firmware update communications error
4302 Invalid checksum of firmware application!
4303 Invalid firmware block!
4304 Invalid firmware block sequence
4305 Write-error firmware update
Cause Remedy
− The firmware update has failed − Repeat the firmware update
− Inform service
5204 Status: Plasma error!
Cause Remedy
− Device communication error − Restart the device (and PC if relevant)
− The step motor for grating, prism, − Inform service
shutter is faulty

9.2 Equipment faults and analytical problems

Other problems that are not detected by system monitoring can also occur. Starting a
measurement is possible. Such errors are usually detected on the basis of implausible
measuring results (analytical problems) or are clearly visible in the equipment technology.
If the suggested solutions are not successful, inform service.

No signal
Cause Remedy
− The pump does not deliver any − Check the hose / hose pump
− The nebulizer is clogged; the If necessary, check with Na solution (1 g/L) – if no plasma coloring
mass-flow rate is very high (in (orange) is observed:
the PLASMA REPORT window) − Check the nebulizer nozzles for obstructions and clean them
(see "Cleaning the nebulizer" p. 50)
− If the sample nozzle is clogged filter the solutions
− If the argon nozzle is clogged  dilute the measurement
solutions or use an argon humidifier
− The injector is clogged Check with Na solution (1 g/L) – if no plasma coloring (orange) is
− Check the injector tip for deposits and clean it
− Increase the distance between the injector and plasma
(move the torch down on the height adjustment or increase
auxiliary gas flow)

66 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Fault removal

− The nebulizer gas is set too low − Optimize the carrier gas flow
− Adjustment on the analyte − Adjust the x/y offset for the method parameter in the PLASMA /
channel ADJUST PLASMA VIEW window (see the online help or the
ASpect PQ operating instructions)
− There is a leak in the sample − Check the sample and pump hoses and their plug connectors
introduction system (sample and
pump hoses)
− The windows in the plasma − Replace the windows
compartment are dirty
− The transparency in the UV − Check the duration of the purge gas flow; wait until the purge
vacuum is missing gas has completely purged the spectrometer compartment
The sensitivity is too low
Cause Remedy
− The cause and remedy are the
same as for the error indication
No signal
The measured value is too low
Cause Remedy
− Calibration is incorrect − Check the calibration solutions
− Low solubility substances lead − Optimize sample preparation
to low concentrations
− Low solubility substances are
not completely digested
− Volatile substances escape − Optimize sample preparation
during sample preparation
− There is a spectral interference − Use another analytical line
in the calibration standard
− Error in the background − Select background correction points that are not spectrally
correction disturbed
− Better adjustment of a curved background by a non-linear
correction function
− When using an internal standard − Wrong dosage
− The internal standard is not in the linear range  select a
lower concentration for the internal standard
− The adjustment of the response to changes in the plasma
temperature is inadequate 
1. Adjust the matrix
2. Find a better adjustment between the behavior of the
analysis line and the internal standard
− Contamination/carry-over in the − Remedy the cause of carry-over/contamination
cal/zero solution
− The sample solution is viscous / − 1. Adjust the matrix (add to calibration solutions or dilute)
has a higher density than the − 2. Use one/several internal standards
calibration solution
− The pump hose is new − Wait until hose delivery is stable
− The spray chamber is filled − Empty the spray chamber
− Check the pump hose for drainage; if necessary, select a
larger cross-section

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 67

Fault removal

The measured value is too high

Cause Remedy
− Calibration − Check the calibration solutions
− The peak position has slightly − The spectral interference was overlooked  use another
shifted or measurement takes analysis line or activate an interference correction
place on a peak shoulder
− Contamination/carry-over − Find and remedy the cause for contamination/carry-over
− Concentrations appear higher − Optimize sample preparation
due to volatile substances
− The analyte is an alkali metal (or − Alkali effect  optimize the plasma temperature (nebulizer
an easily excitable atomic line) gas flow and/or performance) and plasma observation
− When using an internal standard − The standard dosage is wrong
− The adjustment of the response to changes in the plasma
temperature is inadequate 
1. Adjust the matrix
2. Find a better adjustment between the behavior of the
analysis line and the internal standard
− The warm-up phase is not − Wait for the warm-up phase to complete before commencing
observed calibration
− The sample foams when shaken − There are surface-active substances in the measurement
solutions 
1. Optimize sample preparation
2. Also add the surface-active substances to the calibration
Precision is poor
Cause Remedy
− The pump fast mode was − Limit the fast mode to the time that is required to pass the
activated up to shortly before the measurement solution up to the nebulizer
− The prewash time is too short − Extend the prewash time
− The nebulizer or injector is If necessary, check with Na solution (1 g/L) – if no plasma coloring
clogged (orange) is observed:
− Check the nebulizer nozzles for obstructions and clean them
(see "Cleaning the nebulizer" p. 50)
− If the sample nozzle is clogged filter the solutions
− If the argon nozzle is clogged  dilute the measurement
solutions or use an argon humidifier
− The nebulizer gas flow is not − Optimize the nebulizer gas flow
− There are leaks in the argon − Seal the leaks

68 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Fault removal

Cause Remedy
− Change in the temperature in − A change of 1°C causes a drift of approx. 1%
the spray chamber − Thermostatically control the spray chamber or ensure air
conditioning in the laboratory
− The transparency in the UV − Check whether the argon purging of the spectrometer is
vacuum is not sufficient complete (activate the purge gas flow long enough)

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 69

Transport and storage

10 Transport and storage

10.1 Preparing the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 for transport

Use suitable transport packaging!
Unsuitable packaging material and cooling water residues may cause damage to the device!
Only transport the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 in its original packaging! Ensure that the device is
completely empty!

Equipment: 4 handles

1. Switch on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and start ASpect PQ.

2. Remove cooling water from the system:
− In ASpect PQ, start the wizard for changing the cooling water.
− Drain the cooling water as described in the section "Changing the cooling water" p. 61
and exit the wizard.
3. Switch off the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000. End ASpect PQ and switch off the PC.
4. Disassemble the torch, spray chamber and nebulizer and pack them.
5. Remove the cover plate in front of the connections on the left rear side of the device. Pull
the cover plate from the upper mounting and lift it up from the bolts on the floor plate of the
6. Disconnect the mains power connection of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000, PC and automatic
sampler from the mains.
7. Disconnect the cooling water hoses from the device.
− Place an absorbent cloth underneath the connections to catch dripping liquid.
− Press the ring on the quick-release connector inwards and pull the hose from the
8. Disconnect the argon hose from the device. On the quick-release connector on the rear left
side of the device, press the blue ring inwards and pull out the hose.
9. Pull the plugs of the electrical components (automatic sampler, PC) from the connections
on the left rear side of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
10. Attach the cover plate in front of the connections on the left rear side of the device.

Risk of injury if the device falls!
Handles which are screwed in loosely may result in damage during transport. Screw in the
handles up to the end stop!

11. Screw in the carrying handles.

12. Pack the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 in its original packaging.

70 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

Transport and storage

10.2 Ambient conditions for transport and storage

Risk of damage to the device due to the cooling water freezing!
The ambient temperature may fall below freezing when transporting the device. Therefore,
make sure the cooling water is completely drained before transport.

Observe the safety instructions in the section "Safety instructions, transport and commissioning"
p. 11. Transport the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and its components very carefully to prevent
damage from impact or vibration. The device should be transported in such a way that major
temperature fluctuations are avoided and the formation of condensate is thus prevented.
The following requirements are placed on the climatic conditions during transport of the
PlasmaQuant PQ 9000:
Temperature range: -40°C to +70°C

If the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and add-on devices are not installed immediately after delivery or
are not required for a prolonged period of time, they should best be stored in their original
packaging. A suitable desiccant should be added to the packaging to prevent damage from

10.3 Recommissioning after transport or storage

Check that all requirements are met at the installation location (see the section "Installation
conditions" p. 20).
Observe the safety instructions in the section "Safety instructions" p. 9.

1. Unscrew the handles and keep them in a safe place.

2. Install the extraction hose on the extractor device of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
3. Remove the cover plate in front of the connections on the left rear side of the device.
4. Install the gas supply:
− Insert the argon hose of the gas supply into the Y-distributor of the argon connections
up to the stop.
− If oxygen is used as an additive gas, insert the hose for oxygen into the O2 connection.
5. Connect the automatic sampler and PC to the connections on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000
(see Figure 10 p. 31).
6. Electrically connect the automatic sampler, recirculating chiller and PC (see Figure 10 p.
7. Electrically connect the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
8. Install the torch and the sample supply system (see the sections "Installation of the torch,
nebulizer with spray chamber and sample supply" p. 34, "Initial operation of the automatic
sampler" p. 37).
9. Install the recirculating chiller (see the section "Installing the recirculating chiller" p. 72).
10. Attach the cover plate in front of the connections on the left rear side of the device.

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 71

Transport and storage

11. Switch on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and start ASpect PQ.

10.4 Installing the recirculating chiller

Observe the operating manual of the recirculating chiller!

1. Connect the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and the recirculating chiller with the cooling water
Mobile cooling unit "Outlet"  PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 "In"
Mobile cooling unit "Inlet"  PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 "Out"
For better allocation of the connections, one of the hoses is marked with hose clips at both
2. Electrically connect the recirculating chiller and switch it on.
3. Prepare the cooling water (see the section "Changing the cooling water" p. 61).
4. Start ASpect PQ and open the wizard for changing the cooling water.
5. Switch on the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000.
6. Fill cooling water with the assistance of the wizard. Skip item (2) "Draining the cooling
water" in the wizard.
7. Set the following parameters at the recirculating chiller:
Temperature: 18°C
Pressure: 53 psi

72 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000


11 Index
Maintain 56
Guidelines 18
Air filter 31 H
Recirculating chiller 60
Replace 57 High-Frequency Generator 25
ASpect PQ error message 62 High-Resolution Optics 27
Automatic sampler Hydrofluoric acid 5
Fuse 59
Replace cannula 58
Replace pump hose 58
Setup 28 ICP-OES
Auxiliary gas 26 Physical principle 24
Induction coil 25
C Injector 26
Compressed gas container 12 Automatic sampler 36
Conducting spring 25 Torch 33
Cooling system 21 Installation site 19
Cooling water Interfaces 30
Change 60
Prepare 60
Cooling water connection 30
Liability 7
D Liquid gas systems 12

Detector 27
Device layout 22
Device safety 18 Mains connection 19
DualView PLUS 27 Maintenance intervals 44
Maintenance tasks 44
E Measurement 41
Monochromator 27
EMC compatibility 18
Environmental compatibility 18
Equipment fault 65
Exhaust unit 21 Nebulizer 25
Clean 51
F Nebulizer cleaning tool 51
Nebulizer gas 25
Foam sieve 60
Bonnet 26
Generator 25 Operating gas 24
Induction coil 25 Operating temperature 19
Injector 26 Ozone 12
Nebulizer 25
Pump 25
Spray chamber 25
Torch 26 Personnel 9
Transfer optics 27 Plasma
Fuse Extinguish 40
Change 56 Faults 41
Ignite 39
G Plasma compartment 24
Clean 52
Gas connection 30 Clean windows 52
Gas flows 26 Connections 32
Gas supply 20 Replace windows 52
Gas system Plasma gas 26

PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Edition 05/2014 73


Problems T
Analytical 65
Protection class 18 Technical data
Protection type 18 Automatic sampler 17
Pump 25 Computer 17
Pump hose 35 Cooling system 17
Environmental conditions 16
Exhaust unit 21
R Fuses 16
Recirculating chiller Gas supply 16
Maintain 60 Optical system 15
Wizard 60 Power supply 15
Repair 14 Temperature
Ring plasma 12 Operation 19
Torch 26
Clean 45
S Clean one-piece torch 49
Safety circuits 11, 16 Demountable 26
Safety instructions One-piece torch 26
Exhaust unit 12 Replace torch body 47
Gas supply 12 Transfer optics 27
Ring plasma 12 Type plate 31
Transport 10
Sample racks 28 U
Sampling compartment 24
Clean 52 Use 5
Connections 33 User manual conventions 5
Serial number 31 UV permeability 52
Space requirement 22
Spray chamber 25 V
Device 8 V Shuttle Torch 27
Manual 8
Warranty 7

74 Edition 05/2014 PlasmaQuant PQ 9000

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