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Push, Pull, Go: Force and Motion: 5 Day Unit Plan-Complete Draft Kensington Elementary School Second Grade Mrs. Crocker

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Push, Pull, Go:

Force and Motion

5 Day Unit Plan- Complete Draft
Kensington Elementary School
Second Grade
Mrs. Crocker

Haley Owens
Science Unit Project - Overview

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Unit Domain, Topic, and Teaching Plan

Domain, Topic, and Teaching Plan

With your CT you have selected a focus for your integrated unit. Prepare an overview that
includes the science domain and topic of your planned unit.

Domain for Unit: Life Science Earth Science Physical Science

Topic for Unit: Exploring Pushes and Pulls: Force and Motion

Performance Indicator(s) for Unit:

2.P.4A.1 Analyze and interpret data from observations and measurements to compare the effects
of different strengths and directions of pushing and pulling on the motion of an object.
2.P.4A.2 Develop and use models to exemplify the effects of pushing and pulling on an object.

2.MDA.1 Select and use appropriate tools (e.g., rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, measuring tapes)
to measure the length of an object.
2.MDA.3 Estimate and measure length/distance in customary units (i.e., inch, foot, yard) and
metric units (i.e., centimeter, meter).

Curriculum Materials You Will Use:

Science Kit: Building Blocks of Science: Push, Pull, Go: A New Generation

Teaching Plan
On the calendar below, provide the proposed date for teaching, the planned time for your lesson,
and the length of time for each lesson. Feel free to add days to your calendar if needed.
This is your current plan, as best you and your CT know it at this time.

Proposed Teaching Plan:


4/4 4/5 4/6 4/8 4/11
Time: Time: Time: Time: Time:
12:10 to 12:45 12:10 to 12:45 12:10 to 12:45 12:10 to 12:45 12:10 to 12:45

_35_ minutes _35_ minutes _35_ minutes _35_ minutes _35_ minutes

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Science Unit Project

Part 1: Unit Science Focus and Standards

Grade Level: 2 School: Kensington Elementary School CT Name: Mrs. Crocker

Unit Focus

Contextual Factors

I will be teaching my unit in Kensington Elementary School in Georgetown County. This

is the first year that Kensington has not been considered a Title I school for several years. It

is in the city of Georgetown, which is where the district office is also located. My class has

eighteen second graders that are aged seven to eight years old. Each student is provided a

Google Chromebook, and the classroom has a projector (not a Smart Board). The projector

shows onto the dry erase and my cooperating teacher writes with dry erase markers. Parental

involvement in my class is the highest I have ever experienced. My teacher has

communicated one on one with almost every child’s family since I have been in the field. We

have one English Language Learner in the classroom, and one student with behavioral

challenges. There are four students that are very low developmentally and academically, ten

that are in the middle, and four that are very high.

These factors are very important to understand for my unit lesson so because they will

inform my instruction. I will use what I know about the contextual factors of my whole class,

and as individual students to differentiate. For example, I will give some commands in

Spanish to benefit my English Language Learner, such as “write your name” (“escribe tu

nombre”). These commands benefit the entire class because when they hear another language

used it also acts as an attention getter and they have learned the meaning of these cardinal

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

phrases. I will also provide extensions for my higher-level students, and additional supports

for my lower performing students.

Science Focus

The science focus of my lesson is Physical Science: Force and Motion. The unit will

cover two science standards. The first standard I will teach is 2.P.4A.1 Analyze and interpret

data from observations and measurements to compare the effects of different strengths and

directions of pushing and pulling on the motion of an object. The second science standard I

will cover in this unit is 2.P.4A.2 Develop and use models to exemplify the effects of

pushing and pulling on an object. During this unit we will be exploring pushes and pulls and

their effects. Students will observe, measure, and record the movement of an object that has

moved. They will also begin to build an understanding that motion is predictable.

To integrate mathematics into this unit of study I will cover South Carolina State

Standards 2.MDA.1 Select and use appropriate tools (e.g., rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks,

measuring tapes) to measure the length of an object, and 2.MDA.3 Estimate and measure

length/distance in customary units (i.e., inch, foot, yard) and metric units (i.e., centimeter,

meter). We will use our ramps to investigate how the amount of force on an object affects the

distance it travels. To do this we will measure the distance the ball rolled off the ramp each

time we change the amount of force enacted. Then we will compare the measurements.

Science and Engineering Practices

This unit supports students learning of force and motion by giving them concrete, hands-

on learning experiences. These experiences are more meaningful and impactful to students

which helps them develop a deeper understanding. While I feel that this unit could cover

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

many of the Science and Engineering Practices, I have chosen to focus on two. The first is

2.S.1A.2 Develop and use models to (1) understand or represent phenomena, processes, and

relationships, (2) test devices or solutions, or (3) communicate ideas to others, and the second

is 2.S.1A.3 With teacher guidance, conduct structured investigations to answer scientific

questions, test predictions and develop explanations: (1) predict possible outcomes, (2)

identify materials and follow procedures, (3) use appropriate tools or instruments to collect

qualitative and quantitative data, and (4) record and represent data in an appropriate form.

Use appropriate safety procedures.

During this unit I plan to use many different types of informal assessment. We will have

questions and discussions each day that help assess students’ learning and understanding of

force and motion. We will have whole group, small group, and partner discussions to use a

variety of assessments. I will monitor and guide each of these to gain an understanding of

student knowledge. I will also observe throughout this lesson. Since this unit includes

activities that are hands-on and can be done without my direct supervision, I can use this

opportunity to observe and take notes on student participation and knowledge.

I will also use activity sheets daily as part of a formal assessment that will be combined

to create a packet that demonstrates student knowledge about force and motion. Having a

paper and pencil formal assessment will give me a way to evaluate student knowledge when

they are not actively working in front of me. Often the classroom gets busy with hands on

activities, so I like to balance it with a paper assessment so that I can be sure all students’

knowledge is represented, not just the ones who spoke out the most in class.

Guidelines at National and State Levels

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

This unit will be covering South Carolina science state standards 2.P.4A.1 (Analyze and

interpret data from observations and measurements to compare the effects of different strengths

and directions of pushing and pulling on the motion of an object), and 2.P.4A.2 (Develop and use

models to exemplify the effects of pushing and pulling on an object. I will integrate mathematics

into this unit by covering standards). We will meet these standards by taking inventory of our

building materials, building a ramp, and investigating the effects of force on the distance the ball


Guiding Questions

To guide student learning I have developed some questions that are critical thinking

questions that can be investigated throughout the unit. There are no yes or no questions and will

require explanations. They are:

 What is force?

 What is motion?

 How does the amount of force on the ball effect the distance it traveled?

 How does the ball move when it leaves the ramp after each test?

Science Unit Project - Part 2

5-Day Unit Calendar



Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

4/4 4/5 4/6 4/8 4/11
Inventory On a Roll Ramping Up Measuring Swing Squad
Investigators Motion
_35_ minutes _35_ minutes _35_ minutes _35_ minutes _35_ minutes

Students will be Students will Students will Students will Students will
partnered up, take help create a build a ramp the apply different build a swing to
inventory of their “know” and see the effect it amounts of force investigate the
materials, and label “want to know has on the motion to the ball and number of times
their supply chart” about of the ball and measure the it can swing
buckets. force and motion how different distance it moves before stopping
and investigate amounts of force to explore based on the
movement of the affect the relationships force applied to
ball in the kit. movement of the between force it.
ball. and motion.
I can take I can explore I can create a I can measure the I can build a
inventory and force and ramp that distance an swing to
evaluate my motion. demonstrates object travelled. demonstrate
materials. force and motion. force and motion.

Science Unit Project – Part 3

Lesson Log

Day 1: Inventory Investigators

Investigation: In partners students will explore their building materials and learn to take
inventory of the supplies in their buckets. They will be given a card that shows each piece and

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

the basics of using them to familiarize themselves with the materials. The math emphasis will
be focusing on students sorting materials and counting.
Extension/Homework: Identify attributes that make some pieces similar and/or different.
Assessment: I will monitor students as they sort and count their building materials. They will
check off the materials as they verify that all pieces in their set are accounted for. I will take up
the inventory sheets and check that all students checked off all materials in their bucket.

Day 2: On a Roll
Investigation: As a class we will create an anchor chart about the things we already know about
force and motion. Then I will present some of my guiding questions (What is force? What is
motion? How does the amount of force on the ball effect the distance it travelled? How does the
ball move after it leaves the ramp on each test?) for students to consider throughout the
remainder of our unit/investigation. Students will then look at the ball and study how the force
they apply to it effects its motion (ex. if you apply no force there is no motion or the more force
you apply the farther it moves).

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Extension/Homework: Students will turn and talk to a different partner to discuss what they
learned with their partner.
Assessment: I will monitor students and use a checklist to note students who understand how
force and motion are related to one another. We will also have a class discussion at the end of the
lesson to summarize what we learned and help students who have not grasped the topic.

Day 3: Ramping Up
Initiating Investigation: Students will use their materials and their partner to build a ramp
(according to the ramp demonstration card) and push their ball down with varying amounts of
force to see the effect it has on the ball’s motion.
Extension/Homework: Students will think of other things that they could use as a ramp to roll
the ball down and how that would affect the force and motion of the ball.
Assessment: Students will complete a worksheet to draw a model of the ramp they built. We will
then have a class discussion about how the ramp changes the balls movement. We will also talk
about what force makes the ball move, what force stops the ball from rolling away, and if we
think there is a way to change the ball’s movement after it leaves the ramp.

Day 4: Measuring Motion

Initiating Investigation: With their science partner,
students will use the ramp previously constructed to roll the ball down with different amounts of
force. They will then select a tool to measure the distances, record them, and analyze the
relationship between force and motion.
Extension/Homework: Students can measure using different units or tools if they need an
additional challenge or have additional time.
Assessment: Students will complete a worksheet that shows the
three different amounts of force enacted on the ball, and then record
the distance travelled for each.

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Day 5: Swing Squad
Initiating Investigation: With their science partner, students will build a swing (according to the
swing set building card) to explore force and motion. Students will use what they know about
force and motion to make the swing move. We will have a class discussion about force and
motion, revisiting our guiding questions from the beginning of the unit and adding to our anchor
Extension/Homework: Students will turn and talk to a different partner about what they learned
during our force and motion unit if they finish early and need further extension.
Assessment: I will monitor and guide conversation while taking notes and using a checklist to
verify which students mastered the “I can” statement for the day.

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Name Take Explore force Build a Measure Build a
inventory and motion ramp movement swing

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Science Unit Project – Part 4
Lesson Plan

Contextual Factors
Your Name
Haley Owens
District School
____HCS __X_ GCSD Kensington Elementary School
Grade Level
____CD ____Kindergarten ____First Grade __X_ Second Grade ____Third Grade
Cooperating Teacher University Supervisor
Mrs. Crocker Ms. Fusco
Observation Date and Time (if applicable) Observer (if applicable)
4/6/22 12:10-12:45 Mrs. Crocker
SC Content & Process Standards
1) Science Standard 2.P.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the effects
of pushes, pulls, and friction on the motion of objects.
Indicator 2.P.4A.1 Analyze and interpret data from observations and
measurements to compare the effects of different strengths and directions of
pushing and pulling on the motion of an object.
Practice 2.S.1A.2 Develop and use models to (1) understand or represent
phenomena, processes, and relationships, (2) test devices or solutions, or (3)
communicate ideas to others.
2) Science Standard 2.P.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the effects
of pushes, pulls, and friction on the motion of objects.
Indicator 2.P.4A.2 Develop and use models to exemplify the effects of
pushing and pulling on an object.
Practice 2.S.1A.2 Develop and use models to (1) understand or represent
phenomena, processes, and relationships, (2) test devices or solutions, or (3)
communicate ideas to others.
3) Math Standard 2.MDA.1 Select and use appropriate tools (e.g., rulers, yardsticks,
meter sticks, measuring tapes) to measure the length of an object.

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Mathematical Process Standards
5. Use a variety of mathematical tools effectively and strategically.
a. Select and use appropriate tools when solving a mathematical problem.
Key Concept Measurement and Data Analysis
Learning Objective
I can create a ramp that demonstrates force and motion.

This objective will be after the preassessment in which the class discuss what they know
about force and motion. There will also be a prior activity exploring force and motion by
rolling a ball, so students will be familiar with the concept.

Planning for Assessment

Addressing Students’ Misconceptions
Misconception Accurate Conception Student-centered Instructional
Force and motion are the Force changes the speed or Ask students for the
same thing. direction of an object like a definition of force and
push or pull. Motion is the motion and have them
way an object moved based address misconceptions in a
on the force enacted on it. group conversation.

All force creates motion. Force does not create Ask students what forces
motion, an imbalance in might be acting on the ball
forces creates motion. when it is stationary. Ask
why there is no motion if
there is a force.
Force, motion, push, pull, ramp
Measuring and Defining Criteria for Students’ Learning
I will assess learning throughout the lesson by observing and taking notes to identify which
students understand how to build a ramp and how it effects the motion of the ball. I will
also use a checklist to look at ramps after class to see which groups successfully built their
Explain how you will assess and document students’ learning at the conclusion of instruction in
reference to (a) the lesson and (b) the unit.
(a) The Students will complete an activity sheet in which they draw the ramp they
Lesson: built. This page will be taken up and compared to each group’s ramp to
verify that it was built correctly.
(b) The Unit: The activity sheet of the day will be taken up and stapled with other
activities from the unit to for a force and motion packet.

Explain how the assessment results will be used to inform future instruction.
I will use this assessment to inform future instruction for the remainder of the unit. The
ramp built will be used to experiment with force and motion the following day. If students
struggled to build the ramp, we will slow down the pace of the unit and work on correcting
our ramps. If they were successful, we will begin trials of pushing the ball down the ramp

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

using different amounts of force.

Students’ Interests and Cultural Heritage

I will incorporate students’ interests into this unit by allowing them to use Knex pieces to
build their ramp. Students love these pieces, and many students have experiences with the
building pieces that they thoroughly enjoyed.
Accommodating, Modifying and Supporting Students’ Instructional and Assessment Needs
I will differentiate for students with an IEP or 504 plan by providing additional scaffolding
to help students construct their ramp. The use of science partners will also help scaffold for
students who struggle to assemble the pieces. I will also provide the ramp construction card
for a visual to help them build their ramp.
English Language Learners (ELL)
For English Language Learners I will use his science partner to help him read in English
and understand the task. I will also give some basic commands in Spanish. (The class is
already used to these commands.) An example is, “Escribe tu nombre” which means, “write
your name.”
Gifted and Talented (GT) Learners
For gifted and talented learners, I will ask students to consider how they could modify their
ramp and how it would affect the ball’s movement. I will also ask what other types of force
could be applied to the ball.
Learners Receiving Tiered Services
I will stay close to students receiving tiered services to help them scaffold and be successful
in completing the construction of the ramp. I will also give them preferential seating.
Grouping Students
Students will be randomly assigned to a science partner that they will remain with
throughout the five-day unit.

Grouping will maximize learner understanding and efficiency. To keep groups mixed students are
each assigned a number. I then draw number cards randomly and students are allowed to sign up for
the “rotation station” they chose. This means the same students rarely work together every day and
prevents ability grouping.


I will be using activity sheet 1B and the ramp construction card.

Students will also be using their construction kit (pictured below) which includes 19
segments (of varying size and color), 10 connectors (of varying shape and color), three joint
pieces (of varying shape and color), and one ball.
Kit contents:

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

I will be using K’Nex building pieces in this lesson.
Using APA style, cite the references used in the development of your lesson plan and materials.
Discuss how you modified materials obtained for outside sources (not created by you) to meet your
students' needs and interests as learners and the demands of the state standards. 

Jones, M. W., & Thompson, K. (2016). Push, pull, go: A new generation. Carolina
Biological Supply Company.

Instructional Procedures
Classroom Management
My CT’s classroom management heavily relies on intrinsic motivation. Students are allowed an

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

opportunity to self-correct before being addressed by the teacher, and they often do so. When
students must be corrected it often just by calling their name and asking politely that they return
their attention to the lesson. Another management plan that I love is when she reminds the class, “If
you know better, then do better.” This reminds students that they know the right thing to do and that
they should make the conscious effort to make good choices.
Describe the techniques (intrinsic motivation, social approval, contingent activities, and consequences)
you will use to maintain appropriate student behavior throughout the lesson.
I plan to use intrinsic motivation during my lesson to maintain appropriate behavior. One technique
that I have found effective is giving a compliment to a student who is exhibiting appropriate
behavior. For example, “I love the way that Sue is sitting so quietly and paying attention!” I will
also use proximity to correct behaviors. Moving closer to a student who is showing inappropriate is
a good way to correct him or her without disrupting the lesson.
Launch (12:10 – 12:15) 5 minutes
Introduce and make sure all students have access to the task. Include key questions and expected
student responses in each category.
Describe how you I will incorporate students’ interests into this unit by allowing them to
will gain students’ use Knex pieces to build their ramp. Students love these pieces, and
attention. many students have experiences with the building pieces that they
thoroughly enjoyed.

Describe how you I will have students read the “I can” statements from the board. We
will explicitly will connect to the pre-assessment given earlier in the week and what
communicate the we learned about force and motion.
learning objective.
How will you
connect to what
students have
previously learned
and/or know from
life experiences?

Describe how you I will introduce the task by having students take inventory of the
will introduce the pieces in their construction kit. I will then show the ramp construction
task for the lesson. card and ask students why they think we will be building a ramp and
What are the what it will be used for.
instructional steps
you will use to allow
all students access to
the task without
doing the work for

Describe how you I will begin by telling students that I will be teaching language arts and
will establish clear small group today and ask them to show me their very best behavior.
rules and
expectations for
learning and

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Describe your To transition I will pass out the ramp construction cards and tell
strategy for students to collect the pieces that they think they will need from their
transitioning into the construction kit.
next lesson phase.
Explore (12:15 – 12:40) 25 minutes
What is the task Students will explore the construction of the ramp and begin to
students will be contemplate the reason we are building the ramp and how it will
exploring? affect our unit.

How will you I will support students by monitoring and helping when students get
support students as stuck with the construction. For the most part, however, students will
they engage in the be left to work with their partner to build the ramp. I will provide
task you have plenty of wait time and let them think critically without a lot of
introduced? support, unless needed to accommodate certain learners.

Describe how you I will plan to select students to share who got stuck with certain parts
plan to select of the ramp construction. They will be able to explain their roadblocks
students who will and how they navigated around them. I will also call on higher
share in the Discuss performing students who have predictions about how and why we will
Phase and what use the ramp.
order you will plan
to have them share.

Questions to Elicit Student Thinking

If students have What am I asking you to do? What are we trying to learn? How are
trouble getting you going to begin construction? What resources can you use if you
started: get stuck?

Eliciting thinking Do you expect the ball to move the same way every time? What
after students have makes you think so? What words can we use to describe how the ball
completed the task: moves? What force starts the ball moving? What force will stop the
ball from rolling away? Will the ramp change how the ball moves?
How so? How not?
How does the ball start moving on the ramp?
Is there a way to change the ball’s direction after it leaves the ramp?

Supporting students I plan to use a lot of student lead discussion for this unit. I will allow
with incorrect or other students to help correct misconceptions. For example, if a
incomplete student has a misconception, I will ask who agrees or disagrees and
solutions: then have students with an accurate conception explain their thinking.
“Can you explain your model to me? How do you think the model
will help us learn about force and motion?

Supporting students I will have students share their thinking to help students see
in listening to alternative viewpoints of force and motion using our ramp.

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

others’ solutions: “You both had different strategies for how you built your ramp. How
were they different? Did you get the same result?”
Questions to Extend Student Thinking
Supporting students Before transitioning to the end of the lesson I will have students talk
to explore additional to another set of science partners to ask how their ball moved and how
strategies: force affected it. This will promote scientific discussion and help
develop academic vocabulary. “How did your building strategies
differ? How were they similar?”

Supporting students I will use guiding discussion questions to have students consider
to consider different different contexts. I will ask them to consider their ramp, and how we
contexts: see ramps used in the real world. I will ask them to also consider
different ways we see evidence of force and motion in the real world.
“How would your ramp be affected if we used longer or shorter pieces
to build with?”

Supporting students I will use group discussions to encourage students to consider other
to explore different representations of thinking. By having groups share their different
representations of strategies and thinking they can begin to consider that problems may
their thinking: have multiple solutions.
Discuss (12:40 – 12:45) 5 minutes
Describe how you will structure time for students to reflect on the content taught and relate this
information to everyday experiences and future learning.
How will you I will revisit the context by asking students to consider how our
revisit the context? activity for the day relates to what we have been discussing about
force and motion.

Describe how you Students will have a group discussion about the findings of their
will have students science experiment. Some guiding questions I will ask will be:
discuss their  Did the ramp change how the ball moved? If so, how?
findings? Include
 How does the ball start moving on the ramp?
questions you will
pose to guide the  What is the force that starts the ball’s motion?
conversation toward  What force stops the ball’s movement?
the stated learning

Describe how you Students will summarize their findings at the end of the lessons. I will
will help students ask students if they recognize any patterns or relationships between
summarize their force and motion of the ball on the ramp.
learning? Include
questions you will
pose and how you
will encourage
student questions.

How will you I will use the K’nex to show students that science and learning can be

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

encourage a positive fun. I will also point out that students got to be creative and enjoy
disposition toward working together to solve a problem.
science and
Include what
strategies / behaviors
you anticipate
highlighting and
conducive to
Extension (12:45 – 12:55) Indicate beginning and ending time for this phase.
Describe how you If time permits, I will have students modify their ramps to see if the
will extend this force and motion is affected by the height and/or size of the ramp.
lesson if time Students can shorten or lengthen the height and slope of the ramp as
permits. What an additional experiment. I will also ask extending questions like,
specific tasks might “What other types of force could be applied to the ball to make it
students do to
continue practicing
and building

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Science Unit Project – Part 4

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview
Spring 2022 Unit Plan Overview

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