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DOH Menu of Assistance For LGUs For 2022

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DOH Menu of Assistance for LGUs for 2022

Office Program Commodities TA REMARKS

Pre-Service Scholarship Program (PSSP)
National Health Workforce Support System (NHWSS) Deployment
Health Human of Human Resource for Health (HRH)
Resource Scholarship, E-Learning, Fellowship
DOH Local Scholarship Program
Development and Deployment Program
Bureau (HHRDB) DOH eLearning Program
Primary Care Worker Certification
DOH Health Policy and Systems Research Fellowship Program
Infrastructure Please refer to the attached
Medical Equipment Administrative Order No. 2019-
0048 entitled 'Guidelines for the
Health Facility
Implementation of the Health
Facilities Enhancement Program
Program (HFEP) Motor Vehicle
(HFEP) FY 2019" and
Memorandum from HFEP dated

⁄ ⁄
Bureau (HEMB)
Health Promotion

Bureau (HPCB)
Disease National Rabies Prevention and Control Program (NRPCP) ⁄ ⁄
Prevention and National Leprosy Control Program (NLCP) ⁄ ⁄
Control Bureau
(DPCB) - National Filariasis Elimination Program (NFEP) ⁄ ⁄
Infectious National Malaria Control and Elimination Program (MCEP) ⁄ ⁄
Diseases for
Elimination National Schistosomiasis Control and Elimination Program (SCEP) ⁄ ⁄
DOH Menu of Assistance for LGUs for 2022
Office Program Commodities TA REMARKS
National HIV, AIDS and STI Prevention and Control Program ⁄ ⁄
DPCB - National Integrated Helminth Control Program (IHCP) ⁄ ⁄
Infectious Food and Waterborne Disease (FWBD) Program ⁄ ⁄
Diseases for National Dengue Prevention and Control Program (NDPCP) ⁄ ⁄
Prevention and
Control Division Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases (EREID) Program ⁄ ⁄
National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) ⁄ ⁄
Hypertension ⁄
Diabetes Mellitus; Cardiovascular and Diabetes Mellitus (for TA) ⁄ ⁄
DPCB - Infectious
Diseases for
Tobacco Use - Risk Factor ⁄
Prevention and Chronic Respiratory Disease ⁄
Control - Lifestyle Chronic Renal Disease Control ⁄
Related Diseases Philippine Organ Donation and Transplantation Program-Philippine
Division Network for Organ Sharing

Unhealthy Diet and Physical Inactivity ⁄
Harmful use of Alcohol ⁄
DPCB-ERDD Environmental Health - Water and Sanitation ⁄ ⁄
National Mental Health Program (NMHP) ⁄ ⁄
Violence and Injury Prevention Program (VIPP) ⁄
DPCB - Essential Prevention of Blindnes Program (PBPs )/ Health and Wellness
Non- Program for Persons with Disability

Disease Division
Prevention of Blindness Program (PBP) ⁄
Integrated Rare Disease Management Program (IRDMP) ⁄
Health and Wellness Program for Persons with Disability ⁄
DOH Menu of Assistance for LGUs for 2022
Office Program Commodities TA REMARKS
DPCB - Women Family Planning (FP) ⁄ ⁄
and Men's Health
Healthy and Productive Aging Program Geriatric ⁄ ⁄
Division Adolescent Health and Development Program ⁄ ⁄
Safe Motherhood Program ⁄
Women and Children Protection Program ⁄
DPCB - Nutrition- Micronutrient Supplementation ⁄
Children's Health
Development Philippine Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (PIMAM) ⁄
Oral Health Program ⁄

* For menu of assistance of other DOH programs, which are not in the list, CHD Program Managers/Coordinators to advise if allocation of commodities and TA
provided in 2021 may be used as basis for 2022 AOP/LGU investment needs


Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

Infectious National Rabies Purified Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine 80.00 per dose Basis: 56% of Animal Bites of 2019 Total Cost:
Diseases for Prevention and (PVRV)/Purified Chick Embryo Cell 2019 Animal Bites Cases: 1,163,691 417,066,880.00
Elimination Control Program Rabies Vaccine (PCEC)
Division (IDED) (NRPCP) Target Population: Allocation to All ABTCs c/o
1,163,691 x 56% = 651,667 CHDS

651,667 x 8 doses x Php 80

IDED NRPCP Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin 800.00 per vial Basis: 33.6% of CAT 3 Animal Bites of Total Cost: 92,057,280.00
(ERIG) 2019
2019 CAT 3 Animal Bites: 342,475 Allocation to All ABTCs c/o
Target Population:
342,475 x 33.6% = 115,072

115,072 x 1 dose

IDED National Leprosy Betamethasone Cream 5g 47.30 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 2,128,500.00
Control Program individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis
(NLCP) Kutis Campaign CHD to decide the
allocation per province

IDED NLCP Itraconazole Capsule 100 mg 17.87 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 1,463,553.00
individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis
Kutis Campaign CHD to decide the
allocation per province

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions
IDED NLCP Prednisone 10 mg Tablet 2.88 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 59,904.00
individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis CHD to decide the
Kutis Campaign allocation per province
IDED NLCP Fusidic Acid (Ointment) 106.00 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 1,447,960.00
individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis CHD to decide the
Kutis Campaign allocation per province
IDED NLCP Fusidic Acid (Cream) 52.79 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 2,639,500
individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis CHD to decide the
Kutis Campaign allocation per province
IDED NLCP Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4)+Folic 0.52 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 437,580.00
Acid Tablet individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis CHD to decide the
Kutis Campaign allocation per province
IDED NLCP Vitamin B1,B6,B12 100mg/ 0.605 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 1,960,200.00
Capsule/Tablet individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis
Kutis Campaign CHD to decide the
allocation per province
IDED NLCP Ascorbic Acid/Vitamin C 500mg/ 0.67 2019 ongoing treatment of cases and for Total Cost: 2,144,000.00
Tablet individuals with skin lesion for the Kilatis
Kutis Campaign CHD to decide the
allocation per province
IDED National Filariasis Diethylcarbamazine Citrate 0.45 Focal Survey at Filariasis-free provinces Total Cost: Php
Elimination (at 30,000 pop per area) 3,900,960.00
Program (NFEP) 20,000 per elimination hub (3 provinces)
8,668,800 tablets
IDED NFEP Filariasis Test Strips 400 Sustain the elimination status and Total Cost: Php
strengthen the surveillance 40,076,000
100,190 FTS
IDED National Malaria IRS 562.00 5 individuals per House; provision of IRS 277,082 sachets
Control and to population-at-risk (pop living in areas Total Cost:
with stable and unstable transmission); 155,720,084.00

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions
Elimination stockpile maintained at elim hubs enough CHD to decide the
Program (MCEP) to cover 2 foci. allocation per province
IDED MCEP RDT 120.00 In highly burdened provinces, allocation 175,087 kits
of 25 test kits per health facility; Total Cost: 21,010,440.00
allocation of 25 test kits for provinces in CHD to decide the
elimination mode allocation per province
IDED MCEP LLIN 638.00 1.8 pop per LLIN; provision of nets to 154,872 nets
population-at-risk (pop living in areas Total Cost:
with stable, unstable and sporadic 98,808,336.00
transmission); CHD to decide the
stockpile maintained at elim hubs enough allocation per province
to cover 2 foci
11\ National Kato Katz 5,500.00 70% of 2022 projected population Total Cost:
Schistosomiasis endemic barangays (400 tests per kit) 28,244,128.17
Control and
IDED SCEP Praziquantel 6.00 2022 projected population in endemic Total Cost:
barangays (x4 tablets) 70,426,917.01

Disease National HIV,

HIV commodities are
Prevention AIDS and STI
allocated per regional
and Control Prevention and - - -
level only.
Bureau Control Program
Disease National Albendazole 400 mg tablet 1.06 2022 projected population of 1-19 years Total Cost: 55,947,756.67
Prevention Integrated old (x2 rounds)
and Control

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

Bureau Helminth Control Target Population: 26,390,451

(DPCB)- IDPCD Program

IDPCD Food and Ciprofloxacin 500mg tablet 16.00 Treatment for acute infectious diarrhea; CHDs to decide on the
Waterborne Endemic areas and clustering of cases allocation of commodities
Disease (FWBD) depending on:
Program Target: 25% decrease of FWBD cases of -occurrence of health
the previous year events, endemicity and

Target population: 21,375 approximate

no. of cases

IDPCD Food and Oral Rehydration Salts sachet 6.00 Management for mild to moderate CHDs to decide on the
Waterborne dehydration for fluid replacement for allocation of commodities
Disease (FWBD) diarrhea; Endemic areas and clustering of depending on:
Program cases -occurrence of health
events, endemicity and
Target: 25% decrease of FWBD cases outbreaks
of the previous year

Target population: 78,104 approximate

no. of cases

IDPCD Food and Diloxanide 19.00 Treatment/Augmentation drug for CHDs to decide on the
Waterborne amoebiasis protozoa after Metronidazole allocation of commodities
Disease (FWBD) has been administered; Endemic areas depending on:
Program and clustering of cases -occurrence of health
Target: 25% decrease of FWBD cases of events, endemicity and
the previous year outbreaks

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

Augmentation management/treatment
for acute infectious diarrhea
Clustering of cases in endemic areas
Clustering of cases reported as events

Target population: 3,816 approximate

no. of cases

IDPCD National Dengue Pyriproxifen 5gm/sachet 155.00 1 sachet= 1m3 water = 264.172 gallon Based on mosquito
Prevention and water population and expected
Control Program Dengue Outbreak season
(NDPCP) every 3 years.

Last outbreak was

declared on July 15, 2019
IDPCD National Dengue Deltamethrin 2% EW, emulsion oil 5,550.00 1 bottle = 50 houses while the epidemic was
Prevention and in H20 1L/bottle declared last August 6,
Control Program 2019. Total number of
(NDPCP) cases reported for 2019
was totaled at 430, 282
including 1,612 deaths,
and CFR of 0.37%
IDPCD National Dengue Insecticide Treated Screen (ITS) 10,425.00 There are a total of 75,155 classrooms
Prevention and that require ITS and only 7,620 schools
As for 2020 MW 30 (Jan 1
Control Program are equipped. We have based the
to July 25, 2020) the total
(NDPCP) number of added classroom to be given
number of cases is at
ITS on regions with high no. of dengue
56,654 with 213 reported
cases. In addition, 1.25 X 25 METERS = 37
deaths and a CFR of 0.4%
SQ. METER/roll of OLYSSET, therefore, a
single 37 sq. meter olysset roll will cover
about 2 classroom

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

IDPCD National Dengue Bifenthrin 562.00 1 sachet= 1m3 water = 264.172 gallon
Prevention and water
Control Program

IDPCD National Dengue IRS spray cans and Repair Kits Spray Can: Each region should have 10 units
Prevention and 14,990.00
Control Program
(NDPCP) Repair Kit:

IDPCD National Dengue Novaluron 10 % 8,925.00 1 bottle = 50 houses

Prevention and
Control Program

IDPCD National Dengue Dengue RDT(NS1) Kits 80.00 Ideally, the testing of cases is 1 test for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Proposal
Prevention and every 2 cases, however due to constraints Tier 1 – 45,825,000.00
Control Program we are going for 1:4, and it was based on Tier 2 – 35,000,000.00
(NDPCP) the previous number of cases from 2018
which is 216,190 cases

IDPCD National Dengue IgM/IgG Dengue Test 1,000.00 IgM can be used for late diagnosis of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Proposal
Prevention and acute infection, while IgG is significant for Tier 1 – 44,850,000.00
Control Program determination of previous infection. Tier 2 – 45,000,000.00

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

IDPCD Emerging and Re- Oseltamivir(as phosphate) 75 40.00 Based on EREID computation: CHD to decide the
emerging mg/capsule A. Regions with High population, High allocation per province
Infectious incidence of EREID
Diseases (EREID) B. Regions with <7 to 5M population, High
Program incidence of EREID
C. Regions with <5 M population, low
incidence of EREID

IDPCD Emerging and Re- Doxycycline 2.00 Based on EREID computation: CHD to decide the
emerging (Hyclate)100mg/capsule A. Regions with High population, High allocation per province
Infectious incidence of EREID
Diseases (EREID) B. Regions with <7 to 5M population, High
Program incidence of EREID
C. Regions with <5 M population, low
incidence of EREID

IDPCD Emerging and Re- Personal Protective Equipment 3,146.00 Based on EREID computation: CHD to decide the
emerging A. Regions with High population, High allocation per province
Infectious incidence of EREID
Diseases (EREID) B. Regions with <7 to 5M population, High
Program incidence of EREID
C. Regions with <5 M population, low
incidence of EREID

Basis of the unit cost: 2019 awarded price

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

IDPCD Emerging and Re- Gloves 171.00 Based on EREID computation: CHD to decide the
emerging A. Regions with High population, High allocation per province
Infectious incidence of EREID
Diseases (EREID) B. Regions with <7 to 5M population, High
Program incidence of EREID
C. Regions with <5 M population, low
incidence of EREID

Basis of the unit cost: 2019 awarded price

IDPCD Emerging and Re- Surgical Mask 57.00 Based on EREID computation: CHD to decide the
emerging A. Regions with High population, High allocation per province
Infectious incidence of EREID
Diseases (EREID) B. Regions with <7 to 5M population, High
Program incidence of EREID
C. Regions with <5 M population, low
incidence of EREID

Basis of the unit cost: 2019 awarded price

IDPCD Emerging and Re- N95 Mask 1,485.00 Based on EREID computation: CHD to decide the
emerging A. Regions with High population, High allocation per province
Infectious incidence of EREID
Diseases (EREID) B. Regions with <7 to 5M population, High
Program incidence of EREID
C. Regions with <5 M population, low
incidence of EREID

Basis of the unit cost: 2019 awarded price

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

IDPCD Emerging and Re- Propan-2-ol, Propan-1ol, 1,750.00 Based on EREID computation: CHD to decide the
emerging Mecetronium Ethylsulfate A. Regions with High population, High allocation per province
Infectious incidence of EREID
Diseases (EREID) B. Regions with <7 to 5M population, High
Program incidence of EREID
C. Regions with <5 M population, low
incidence of EREID

Disease Hypertension Losartan 50mg tablet PhP 18.623/tx Consumption Report from Medicines where
Prevention pack Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
and Control System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
Bureau (DPCB) expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment
- LRDD pack
LRDD Hypertension Amlodipine 5mg tablet PhP 6.478/tx Consumption Report from Medicines where
pack Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment
LRDD Hypertension Simvastatin 20mg tablet PhP 23.60/tx Consumption Report from Medicines where
pack Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment
LRDD Diabetes Mellitus Metformin 500mg tablet PhP 29.743/tx Consumption Report from Medicines where
Pack Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment

Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

LRDD Diabetes Mellitus Gliclazide 30mg tablet PhP 31.542/tx Consumption Report from Medicines where
Pack Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment
LRDD Diabetes Mellitus Biphasic Insulin 100 IU/ML PhP 86.4/vial Consumption Report from Medicines where
Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment
LRDD Diabetes Mellitus Isophane Insulin 100 IU/ML PhP78.00/vial Consumption Report from Medicines where
Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment
LRDD Diabetes Mellitus Regular Insulin 100 IU/ML PhP103.2/vial Consumption Report from Medicines where
Pharmaceutical Management Information computed per treatment
System (PMIS) x 10% (percentage of pack (tx pack)
expected new cases/new patients) 30 tablets per treatment
Disease Environmental Water Sampling Kit Household served by improved sources The water sampling is
Prevention Health - Water (Level I, II, or III) intended for random
and Control and Sanitation a) Sampling bottle 90 Php/btl validation sampling for at
Bureau (DPCB) least once a year per
- ERDD b) Sampling chemical reagent 355 Php/pc Total number of water samples per water source.
month per municipality = Total Priority are barangays
households/5000 with incidence of water-
Total number of water samples per borne diseases
month per city = Total households/2000

10 | P a g e
Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions
ERDD Environmental Drinking water disinfection Priority target recipient -
Health - Water 6 Php/tab 15 tab/ Household/ month households in GIDA and
and Sanitation Chlorine tablet (sodium areas with high incidence
dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC), of water-borne disease
Disease National Mental Carbamazepine 200 mg tablet 2.05 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
Prevention Health Program procurement of commodities
and Control (NMHP) Formula:
Bureau (DPCB) Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
- ENCDD months
ENCDD NMHP Lithium Carbonate 450 mg tablet 4.33 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
MR procurement of commodities
ENCDD NMHP Valproate Disodium + Valproic 26.26 Formula: Maximum dose
Acid 250 ER mg tablet 2x a day x 30 days x 12 months
Quantity will be based on the Requisition
Issuance Slip of the access sites
ENCDD NMHP Valproic Acid+ Sodium Valproate 14.45 Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
500 mg MR tablet months
ENCDD NMHP Biperiden Hcl 2 mg tablet 4.78 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
procurement of commodities
ENCDD NMHP Chlorpromazine 200 mg tablet 2.13 Formula: Maximum dose
6x a day x 30 days x 12 months
Quantity will be based on the Requisition
Issuance Slip of the access sites
ENCDD NMHP Clozapine 100 mg tablet 9.75 Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
ENCDD NMHP Haloperidol 5 mg tablet 3.40 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
procurement of commodities
ENCDD NMHP Haloperidol 5 mg/mL, 1 mL amp 495.00 Formula: Maximum dose
4x a day x 30 days x 12 months

11 | P a g e
Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions
Quantity will be based on the Requisition
Issuance Slip of the access sites
ENCDD NMHP Olanzapine 10 mg tablet 6.11 Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
ENCDD NMHP Quetiapine Fumarate 200 mg 34.00 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
tablet procurement of commodities
ENCDD NMHP Escitalopram Oxalate10 mg tablet 3.80 Formula: Maximum dose
2x a day x 30 days x 12 months
Quantity will be based on the Requisition
Issuance Slip of the access sites
ENCDD NMHP Fluoxetine 20 mg capsule 4.11 Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
ENCDD NMHP Setraline Hcl 50 mg tablet 7.95 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
procurement of commodities
ENCDD NMHP Diphenhydramine Hcl 50 mg/mL, 22.33 Formula: Maximum dose
1 mL amp 1x a day x 30 days x 12 months
Quantity will be based on the Requisition
Issuance Slip of the access sites
ENCDD NMHP Fluphenazine Decanoate 25 84.98 Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
mg/mL, 1 mL amp months
ENCDD NMHP Risperidone 2 mg ODT 41.13 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
procurement of commodities
ENCDD NMHP Risperidone 2 mg tablet 3.44 Formula: Maximum dose
3x a day x 30 days x 12 months
Quantity will be based on the Requisition
Issuance Slip of the access sites
ENCDD NMHP Fluphentixol (20 mg/ml) 350.00 Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
ENCDD NMHP Valproate Disodium + Valproic 314.05 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
Syrup 250 mg/5 ml, 120 ml syrup procurement of commodities
ENCDD NMHP Olanzapine 10 mg ODT 32.00 Formula: Maximum dose

12 | P a g e
Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions
3x a day x 30 days x 12 months
Quantity will be based on the Requisition
Issuance Slip of the access sites
ENCDD NMHP Lamotrigine 100 mg 18.25 Maximum dose per day X 30 days X 12
ENCDD NMHP Donepezil 10 mg tablet 18.56 Basis: 10 % increment on the 2021
procurement of commodities
Disease Family Planning Combined Oral Contraceptive 30.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
Prevention (FP) (COC) Pills y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
and Control WRA FP method users x total FP method
Bureau (DPCB) required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Progestin Only Pill (POP) 52.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Progestin Subdermal Implant (PSI) 650.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP DMPA Injectable 34.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Intrauterine Device (IUD) 74.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Condom 4.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of

13 | P a g e
Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Cycle beads 120.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP NFP charts (CMM, BBT, STM) 1.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Digital thermometer (DT) 80.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Postpartum IUD kit 3,300.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Female Sterilization (Bilateral 7,000.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
Tubal Ligation Kits) y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD FP Male Sterilization (Non-Scalpel 5,000.00 Formula to compute per WRA (age 15-49
Vasectomy Kits) y/o) beneficiary per method: Number of
WRA FP method users x total FP method
required to be protected in a year
WMHDD Healthy and Pneumococcal Polysaccharide 503.00 All senior citizens 60 years old
Productive Aging Vaccine

14 | P a g e
Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions
WMHDD Healthy and Influenza Polyvalent Vaccine 184.00 All indigent senior citizens
Productive Aging
WMHDD Adolescent HPV 708.00 30% of Grade 4 Female (9-13 years old) in
Health and public schools from Department of
Development Education enrollment data

Disease Nutrition- Vitamin A Capsules 100,000 IU 2.10 Vitamin A Capsules are given to Computation of
Prevention Micronutrient infants 6-11 months old, children 12-59 requirements per target
and Control Supplementation Vitamin A Capsules 200,000 IU 2.35 months old, sick children with diarrhea population is shown
Bureau (DPCB) and measles and postpartum women to below
- CHDD prevent Vitamin A deficiency and to boost
the immune system

CHDD Nutrition- Micronutrient Powder 1.10 Micronutrient Powder is used for home Computation of
Micronutrient fortification of foods intended for children requirements per target
Supplementation 6-23 months old to prevent micronutrient population is shown
deficiencies, especially iron-deficiency below
anemia. It contains 15 vitamins and
minerals to supply the daily needs for the
essential micronutrients

CHDD Nutrition- Ferrous Sulfate + Folic Acid 0.70 Ferrous Sulfate +Folic Acid is given to Computation of
Micronutrient pregnant and post-partum women, requirements per target
Supplementation adolescent girls (10-19 years old) and population is shown
women of reproductive age to prevent below
iron and folic acid-deficiency anemia. For
pregnant women it does not only prevent
anemia but also prevents low birth weight
and birth defects. For post-partum

15 | P a g e
Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

women it also increases the iron content

of breastmilk and thus also prevents iron-
deficiency among infants

CHDD Nutrition- Ferrous Salt Solution (drops) 30.80 Ferrous salt solution (drops) is given to Computation of
Micronutrient Low Birth Weight (LBW) infants for 3 requirements per target
Supplementation months to prevent iron deficiency anemia population is shown
as LBW babies are born to anemic below

CHDD Nutrition- Iodized Oil Fluid 60.50 Iodized oil fluid in capsule gels are Computation of
Micronutrient Computation of Supplementation given to requirements per target
Supplementation pregnant women in endemic areas for population is shown
iodine deficiency to prevent iodine below
deficiency disorders that can lead to
mental retardation and cretinism

CHDD Philippine F75 5,280 per F 75 and F100 therapeutic milk are given F75 is a therapeutic milk
Integrated carton of 24 to severely acute malnourished (SAM) with 75 calories given to
Management of cans child with medical conditions in In-patient SAM with medical
Acute Therapeutic Care (ITC) based in hospitals conditions and then the
Malnutrition F100 6,710 per to stabilize the patient’s condition patient will be
(PIMAM) carton of 24 transitioned
cans to F100 once the patient
condition has been

CHDD PIMAM Ready-to-use therapeutic foods 3,174 per Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food is used to Computation is based on
carton of 150 manage Severe Acute Malnutrition with estimated case loads that
sachets or without medical conditions in In- will be admitted in ITCs
patient and Out-patient Therapeutic Care and OTCs based on
(ITC/OTC prevalence of wasting

16 | P a g e
Unit Cost Basis/Rationale for Target
(PhP) Population/Formula Used/Assumptions

CHDD PIMAM Ready-to-Use Supplementary 20.00 Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food is used to Computation is based on
Foods manage moderate acute malnutrition in estimated case loads that
OTCs given at 1 sachet per day until the will be admitted in ITCs
child regain normal weight for height and OTCs based on
prevalence of wasting

CHDD Oral Health Fluoride Varnish (Single Dose) P55.00/dose 9.6% of Total Population ( under 5Y/O) X
Program 60%

CHDD Oral Health Glass Ionomer for Atraumatic P3,200.00/kit 12% of Total Population (5-9Y/O) x 14%
Program Restorative Treatment (ART) or pack Coverage/80 children

CHDD Oral Health Pit and Fissure Sealant Glass P5,500/kit or 12% Total Population (5-9Y/O) X 7%
Program Ionomer Based pack Coverage / 50 teeth

CHDD Oral Health Essential Health Care Package 1 P250/package 9.6% of Total Population under 5 y/o /8, Used to promote and
Program 1 pack per 8 students in class develop the habit and
importance of oral health
care in the community.

CHDD Oral Health Oral Health Family Package P350/package 9.6% of Total Population X 15%
Program coverage/5


17 | P a g e
18 | P a g e

CY 2022


(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease National 1. Support for the hiring of technical program ℅ CHDs

Prevention Integrated assistant, encoders and administrative staff for M &
and Control Helminth E activities.
Bureau Control Program 2. Integrated Advocacy and Communication in the
(DPCB)- (IHCP) Promotion of the Deworming and MDA campaign
IDPCD and other related activities for STH and SCH
3. Pre-Post MDA Program Implementation Review
(PIR) & Mid-Term Evaluation
4. Training of lab personnel in public and private
health facilities (RHUs/ Hospitals) on KKT

Disease Food and Training of health care workers (e.g., midwife, BHWs, 360,000 Per LGU
Prevention Waterborne nurses, etc.) on Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Php 1,800 x 50 pax x 2 days x 2 batches
and Control Disease (FWBD) Infectious Diarrhea, Manual of Procedures for Food and
Bureau Program Waterborne Diseases and other FWBD Policies and Total Estimated Cost: 360,000.00
(DPCB)- Guidelines (A.O. Guidelines on the Implementation of
IDPCD FWBD Program, ORT Corner, M&E, Use of Cholera RDT)

19 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease Food and Reproduction of FWBD Program IEC materials (MOP, 17,000,000.00 Per Region
Prevention Waterborne Flipchart “Pagtatae”), Media placement (TV/Radio ads) Php 50 per IEC x 20,000 copies
and Control Disease (FWBD)
Bureau Program Total Estimated Cost per Region: 1,000,000.00

Disease Food and Monitoring on the ff. indicators: 10,000.00 Monitoring visits expenses
Prevention Waterborne 1. Surveillance, Recording and Reporting of FWBD
and Control Disease (FWBD) cases
Bureau Program 2. 25% Reduction of Cases on FWBD Mortality and
(DPCB)- Morbidity
IDPCD 3. Trained health workers on CPG presence of ORT
Corners in all health facilities

Disease Food and Inclusion of FWBD/Food Safety issues to the Local 10,000.00 TWG meetings (1 per quarter): meeting cost Php
Prevention Waterborne Interagency Committee on Environmental Health 2,500
and Control Disease (FWBD) (LIACEH) in aid of the development of policies and
Bureau Program ordinances

Disease National HIV, For all regional offices 19,674,792.00 Hiring of Case Managers (CM):
Prevention AIDS and STI 1. Establish Treatment Hubs in all DOH hospitals, Salary per month – 20,754.00
and Control Prevention and provinces and HUC Number of hired CMs: 79
Bureau Control Program 2. Establish rHIVDA sites
(DPCB)- 3. Support to Community-based Screening Costing: 79 x 20,754.00 = Php 19,674,792.00

20 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

4. Hiring of Case Managers (probably Nursing

graduates) for HIV treatment hubs

For High HIV Prevalence Cities

1. HIV counseling in all DOH-accredited
laboratories (public and private)
2. HIV Testing Services in ALL hospitals and Social
Hygiene Clinic
3. Conduct of rapid HIV Diagnosis in Social
Hygiene Clinics
4. Setting-up Primary HIV Care Facilities
5. Partnership with NGO on Community-based
screening (CBS)
6. Hiring of HIV Case Managers
7. Promotion of condom availability in the STI
8. Engagement of Peer Educators
9. Provision of condoms to key population in key
strategic locations (e.g. vending machines

For Other Cities

1. HIV Testing services in All STI-designated
clinics/Social Hygiene Clinics
2. Partnerships with non-government
organizations on PMTCT
3. Provision of condoms thru peer educators

21 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

4. Condom access in all health center for STI

5. Inclusion of HIV treatment hubs in the Service
Delivery Network
6. HIV education and awareness campaign in the
7. Promotion of HIV testing and treatment
services in workplaces, schools and religious
organization thru LHIVFree Campaign
8. Community-based HIV awareness campaigns to
reduce stigma and discrimination at the
barangay level
9. HIV Testing Services (HTS) training
10. Training on Community-based Screening
11. HIV Clinical Management Training for
Treatment Hubs and satellite treatment hubs
(provincial hospitals)

Disease National Dengue Support to the Conduct of Training for the use of NAAT- 1,500,000.00 Assumption that the NAAT-LAMP Technology
Prevention Prevention and LAMP Technology would roll-out beyond the pilot implementation
and Control Control Program sites (CHDs I, VI, IX) and extend to other regions.
Bureau (NDPCP)

22 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease National Dengue Support for the Conduct of Training for Dengue Clinical 1,500,000.00 Assumption that the Clinical Management
Prevention Prevention and Management Guidelines has been approved by late 2020 and
and Control Control Program modules are developed by 2021
Bureau (NDPCP)

Disease National Dengue Support for the Conduct of Training in Developing 1,500,000.00 Assumption that Criteria for Selection of
Prevention Prevention and Criteria in Selection of Insecticides Insecticides have nearly been completed by 2021
and Control Control Program
Bureau (NDPCP)

Disease National Dengue Support for the Conduct of Training in for Targeted 1,500,000.00 Assumption that this is preparation of projected
Prevention Prevention and Residual Spraying Dengue Outbreak Season
and Control Control Program
Bureau (NDPCP)

Disease National Dengue Support for the Conduct of Dengue Mortality Review 2,000,000.00 Assumption that the Dengue Mortality Review is
Prevention Prevention and conduct and finalized in 2020 and 2021.
and Control Control Program Guidelines for the Conduct of Dengue Mortality
Bureau (NDPCP) Review to have been published by 2020 or 2021.

Disease Emerging and Augmentation Support to 17 CHDs for EREID 9,666,000.00 Release funds to (17) CHDs for EREID
Prevention Re-emerging preparedness and response activities preparedness and response

23 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

and Control Infectious

Bureau Diseases (EREID)
(DPCB)- Program Continuous TA support to CHDs for the EREID
IDPCD preparedness and response activities

Disease National Expand chest X-ray voucher system Project cost. No cost Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis for GOP.
and Control Program (NTP) For GOP this will be
Bureau provided thru
(DPCB)- PhilHealth Konsulta
IDPCD package.

Disease National Health-care worker surveillance LGU will provide for Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis this
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Adoption of ICF approach in hospitals Project cost. No Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis GOP
and Control Program (NTP)

24 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease National Outsourcing chest X-ray provider, or deployment of Project cost. No Service delivery either per province or
Prevention Tuberculosis one-stop mobile chest X-ray with RDT (1 per province GOP city/municipality
and Control Program (NTP) wide/citywide health system)

Disease National Social and behavior change campaign for ACF Project cost. No Advocacy and health promotion
Prevention Tuberculosis GOP
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Formation and capacity-building of patient support Project cost. No Capacity-building
Prevention Tuberculosis groups GOP
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Community-based sputum collection and transport Project cost. LGU to Service delivery either per province or
Prevention Tuberculosis adopt this strategy. city/municipality
and Control Program (NTP)

25 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease National Expand and scale up pharmacy referral for identified Project activity, no Service delivery either per province or
Prevention Tuberculosis presumptive TB cost for GOP city/municipality
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Integrate contact investigation in ACF and ICF Project cost. LGU to Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis adopt this strategy.
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Utilize NDPs and TB navigators for contact Project cost. LGU to Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis investigations and sputum collection adopt this strategy.
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Use of TST (or IGRA) for screening of LTBI Cost/PPD vial Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis (2020): Php 680/10
and Control Program (NTP) patients

26 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease National Enhancement of referral mechanisms between facilities Project cost. LGU to Service delivery either per province or
Prevention Tuberculosis adopt this strategy. city/municipality
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Engagement of professional societies, private hospitals Project cost. LGU to Service delivery either per province or
Prevention Tuberculosis and private physicians adopt this strategy. city/municipality
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National Sustain and establish additional RTDLs through Xpert cartridge unit Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis procurement and placement of RDT machine and cost (2020): Php
and Control Program (NTP) consumables (e.g. cartridges) 45,911.80
(DPCB)- Xpert machine unit
IDPCD cost (2020): Php

Disease National Capacity-building of health providers (public and Estimated Capacity building
Prevention Tuberculosis private) cost/session:
and Control Program (NTP) P176,000
Bureau MOP Training (30
(DPCB)- pax, 3 days): meals,
IDPCD accommodation,
training materials

27 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease National Capacity-building of laboratory workers Estimated Capacity-building

Prevention Tuberculosis cost/session:
and Control Program (NTP) P90,500
Bureau DSSM Training (15
(DPCB)- pax, 3 days): meals,
IDPCD accommodation,
training materials

Disease National Integrated monitoring and evaluation of facilities to Total cost estimate: M&E
Prevention Tuberculosis assess the over-all implementation of the program Php 30,000
and Control Program (NTP) (cascade of care, recording and reporting and cross- *5d/4n, 3 pax, with
Bureau cutting issues) accommodation,
(DPCB)- meals and
IDPCD transpo/fuel cost
*minimum of 2
facilities per day

Disease National SBCC for providers and patients Project cost. LGU to Advocacy and health promotion
Prevention Tuberculosis adopt this strategy.
and Control Program (NTP)

Disease National TB screening in PLHIV (may be integrated in Chest xray: Php 250 Service delivery per facility
Prevention Tuberculosis screening/ICF) per PLHIV
and Control Program (NTP)

28 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease National Rabies 1. Program Review/Planning Workshop and c/o of Center for Health Developments (CHDs)
Prevention Prevention and Consultative Meeting
and Control Control Program 2. Training on Bite Management (ABTCs & ABCs)
Bureau (NRPCP) 3. Program Orientation/ reorientation (to include
(DPCB)- Manual of Operations)
IDED 4. NARIS Training (ABTCs & ABCs)
5. Provision of Information Education and
Communication Materials (soft copy) on Rabies
Prevention and Control
6. Monitoring and Evaluation for the declaration of
Rabies Free Zone (c/o DA-BAI & DPCB-IDED)
7. Monitoring and Evaluation for the certification of
Animal Bite Treatment Centers (c/o CHDs)
8. Implementation of the Multi Agency Rabies
Elimination Plan

Disease National 1. Procurement of leprosy supportive drugs for c/o of Center for Health Developments (CHDs)
Prevention Leprosy Control leprosy new cases and “Kilatis Kutis” campaign
and Control Program (NLCP) 2. Provision of financial assistance to Sanitaria and
Bureau selected Medical Centers
(DPCB)- 3. National implementation of the post exposure
IDED prophylaxis (PEP)
4. Technical assistance on contact tracing, active
case finding and post exposure prophylaxis
Program (NFEP) (PEP)
5. Consultative meeting with Local Government
Units (LGUs)
6. Coordination meeting with stakeholders
29 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

7. Monitoring and Evaluation

8. Orientation and reorientation on Harmonized
Schedule on Combined Mass Drug
Administration (HSCMDA), TAS, and Post MDA
9. Implementation of Triple drug Mass Drug
Administration (Ivermectin-Diethycarbamazine
10. Preparation of provincial Dossier
11. Orientation/reorientation on Border
12. Roll-out of Trainings on MMDP and Integrated
Training on Disability Management for LF and
13. Orientation and Training on Neglected Tropical
Diseases-Management Information System
14. Implementation of Integrated Elimination Hub

Disease National Malaria 1. National Evaluation of Malaria free in the c/o of Center for Health Developments (CHDs)
Prevention Control and Philippines
and Control Elimination 2. Review of existing policies and roll-out of new
Bureau Program (MCEP) NMCEP Policies, strategies, forms, information
(DPCB)- system
IDED 3. Malaria Basic/ Intensive Microscopy Training
4. RDT Training
5. Malaria Elimination Training

30 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

6. OLMIS Mentoring/Refresher Course

7. OLMIS Data Review
8. Management of Malaria and other mosquito-borne
diseases Vector Control
9. Reproduction and distribution of NMCEP IEC
materials, forms and references
10. Celebration of Malaria Awareness Month

Disease National 1. Regional Malacological and Environmental

Prevention Schistosomiasis Sanitation forum for the control of Schistosomiasis,
and Control Control and STH and Food and Water-Borne Diseases for LGUs
Bureau Elimination Rural Sanitation Inspectors (RSIs)
(DPCB)- Program (SCEP) 2. Partnership forum and advocacy orientation to
IDED promote schistosomiasis awareness and Preventive
Chemotherapy activities with LGUs, DepEd and
other NGAs.
3. Technical Support to program (human, animal and
snail) implementation, advocacy, communication,
social mobilization and health promotion activities
includes hiring of program and administrative
assistants and encoders, provision of
communication cards or airtime expenses and
procurement of advocacy materials (e.g. T-shirts,
bags, hats, etc)
4. Program and Policy Review on snail control and
surveillance (Malacology)

31 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

5. Development of assessment parameters of

elimination of SCH and planning guidelines
6. Policy and guideline development on animal
7. Training on integrated KKT and serology among
Medical Technologists
8. Technical assistance to LGUs for Basic and Advance
Malacology and Snail Control and Surveillance
orientation with guided endemic mapping of
transmission sites using Geographic Information
System (GIS)
9. Orient Regional and Local SCH Coordinators on the
Neglected Tropical Diseases-Occupational Health
(NTD-OH) WASH package

DPCB-LRDD Tobacco Use - Capacity Building of Primary Care Providers on Tobacco None Maintenance of online platform c/o by HHRDB
Risk Factor Cessation Counseling (Online Brief Tobacco
Intervention (BTI) Training)
Chronic Orientation/ dissemination of guidelines on the Php 297,000.00
Respiratory screening and management of COPD and asthma at the (Php
Disease Primary Care Level (CHDs only) 2,200x3daysx45
Tobacco Use - Orientation on FHSIS service and outcome indicators on None Dissemination will be done through online
Risk Factor Tobacco Cessation (CHDs level only)
Tobacco Use - Orientation on the updated CPG on the Diagnosis and Php 297,000.00
Risk Factor Treatment of Tobacco Use & Nicotine Dependence (Php
(CHDs only) 2,200x3daysx45

32 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Tobacco Use - Online dissemination of results of Research on the None Dissemination will be done through online
Risk Factor Economic Burden of of Tobacco-Related Diseases in the
Philippines (CHDs only)
Chronic Monitoring and Evaluation of select UHC – Integration Php 73, 200.00
Respiratory Sites on service delivery for tobacco cessation and CRD (Php 10,000
Disease and ( 1 UHC IS in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) airfare/accommoda
Tobacco Use - tion x 2 pax x 3
Risk Factor UHC-IS = Php 60,
000.00 Plus Php 2,
200 DSA x 2 pax x 3
DPCB-LRDD Development of CPG on Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Renal 1,000,000
Prevention and Control
Disease Control
National Kidney Month None DM and Social media cards
DPCB-LRDD Implementation of “The Healthy Hearts Project” None
Monitoring and evaluation of the following policies:
● National Policy Framework on the Prevention,
Php 92,000.00
Control and Management of Acute Stroke in the
(10,000 airfare x 4
regions = 40,000; 2
Cardiovascular ● Implementing Guidelines on the Organization
regions in luzon, 1
and Diabetes of Health Clubs for Patients with Hypertension
region in visayas, 1
Mellitus and Diabetes in Health Facilities
region in
Implementing Guidelines on the Institutionalization of
Mindanao,plus 2,
Philippine Package of Essential NCD Interventions (Phil
200 DSA x 3days)
Pen) on the Integrated Management of Hypertension
and Diabetes for Primary Health Care Facilities
Heart Month None DM and Social media cards

33 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

May Measurement Month None

World Diabetes Day None

DPCB-LRDD Philippine Organ National Organ and Blood Donation Awareness Week None
DM, Social Media Cards and Publication materials
Donation and (Proclamation No. 185, s. 1993)
Transplantation Advocacy Campaigns and Technical Assistance on 300,000.00 x 17
Program – Ethical and Legal Organ Donation and Anti-organ Regions =
Philippine trafficking 5,100,000.00
Network for (RA 7170, RA 7885, RA 9208)
Organ Sharing
DPCB-LRDD Unhealthy Diet Monitoring of the Implementation of Sweetened None
and Physical Beverage Taxation
Inactivity Monitoring of the Implementation of the National None
Policy on the Elimination of Industrially Produced Trans
Fatty Acid for the Prevention and Control of NCDs
Nutrition Month None DM and Social Media Cards
Obesity Prevention and Awareness Week None DM and Social Media Cards
Php 825,000.00
National and Regional Trainers’ Course on Counseling
(75pax X Php 2,200
on Diet and Physical Activity (National and CHD levels)
X 5 days)
DPCB-LRDD Harmful use of Monitoring of the Implementation on Screening None
Alcohol Guidelines and Brief Intervention Tool on Alcohol Use
Disease Environmental Basic Orientation Training on Environmental and Php 2,000 per
Prevention Health - Water Occupational Health for Newly Appointed Sanitation person per day
and Control and Sanitation Inspectors. (3 days)
(DPCB) -
34 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease Environmental Technical updates for local Sanitary Engineers and Php 2,000 per
Prevention Health - Water Sanitation Inspectors on Environmental and person per day
and Control and Sanitation Occupational Health (3 days)
(DPCB) -
Disease Violence and Orientation on the Emergency Medical Service System 60 pax x 4 days x Activity: orientation and planning
Prevention Injury (EMSS) Guidelines in coordination with Health 2,200.00 = Target participants: Regional HEMS and VIPP
and Control Prevention Emergency Management Bureau (HEMB) program, managers / coordinators (34 pax),
Bureau Program (VIPP) Php 528,000.00 selected LGUs (16 pax), and organizers (10)
(DPCB) - Duration: 4 days
ENCDD *in coordination with HEMB
Training on Violence and Injury Prevention and Safety 27 pax x 6 days x Activity: training and planning
Promotion Core Modules (localization of WHO TEACH- 2,200.00 = Target participants: Regional VIPP managers (17
VIP Modules) pax), organizers (10)
Php 356,400.00 Duration: 6 days
Prevention of Integrated Training on Primary Eye Care and Disability 90 pax x 5 days x Activity: training and planning
Blindness Inclusive Health 2,200.00 = Target participants: Regional PBP and HWPPWD
Program (PBP)/ program managers / coordinators, selected LGUs
Health and Php 990,000.00 (80 pax), organizers (10)
Wellness Duration: 5 days
Program for
Persons with
Prevention of Expansion of Community Eye Health Program 50 pax x 4 days x Activity: orientation and planning
Blindness 2,200.00 = Target participants: 15 provinces (40 pax),
Program (PBP) organizers (10)
Php 440,000.00 Duration: 4 days

35 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Integrated Rare Capacity Training for Regional Hospitals (Fam Med, 50 pax x 4 days x Activity: Orientation and Planning
Disease Pedia, Internal Med) regarding Referral Flow, Reporting 2,200.00 Target participants: Regional Hospital (Family
Management of Cases, Validation of Cases Honorarium: Med, Pedia, Internal Med)
Program Facilitator: 1,400 x (50 pax)
(IRDMP) 12 hrs = Duration: 4 days
Resource Person:
1,400 x 12 hrs. = 16,

Php 473,600.00
Capacity Training for Rural Health Physicians, Municipal 50 pax x 4 days x Activity: Orientation and Planning
Health Officers (Municipal Level) regarding the 2,200.00 Target participants: Rural Health Physicians,
regarding Referral Flow, Reporting of Cases, Issuance of Honorarium: Municipal Health Officers
PWD IDs Facilitator: 1,400 x (50 pax)
12 hrs = Duration: 4 days
Resource Person:
1,400 x 12 hrs. = 16,
Php 473,600.00

Health and Forum on Health and Wellness for Persons with 200 pax x 1day x Target pax : Government Organization, Non-
Wellness Disability in celebration of National Disability and 1,100.00 = Government Organizations, Persons with
Program for Prevention Week Disability Organization, Local Government Units
Persons with Php 220,000.00
Disability Training on Philippine Registry for Persons with 60 pax x 3 days x Activity: orientation and planning
Disability 2,200.00 = Php Target participants: Regional Offices: HWPPWD
396,000.00 program manager coordinators, Cluster Head,

36 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Programmer. Information Technology Officer

organizers (9)
Duration: 3 days
National Mental Training on Mental Health Gap Action Programme 50 pax x 4 days x Activity: Training and Planning
Health Program (MHGAP) 2,200.00= Target Participants: Municipal Health Officers (20),
Public Health Nurses (5), Rural Health Physicians
Php 440,000.00 (10), Regional and Provincial Program
Coordinators (20)
Duration: 4 days
Training on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support 30 pax x 4 days x Activity: Training and Planning
(MHPSS) 2,200.00 Target Participants: Municipal Health Officers (20),
P264,000.00 Public Health Nurses (5), Rural Health Physicians
(10), Regional and Provincial Program
Coordinators (20)
Duration: 4 days
Training on Community Based Crisis Intervention 60 pax x 4 days x Activity: Training
Programme: “Tulong, Alalay and Gabay” 2,200.00= Target Participants: Youth Groups (15), Non-
Php 528,000.00 Government Organization Representatives (30),
Government Agency representatives – DOLE,
DSWD, DILG, CHR, etc. (15)
Duration: 4 days
World Mental Health Day Celebration (Advocacy) 500 pax Activity: Advocacy
Php 5,000,000.00 Target Participants: Mental Health Advocates
(200), Psychiatrists (100), Psychologists and
Psychometricians (50), Youth Groups (50), Non-
Government organizations (100)
Duration: 2 days
*live-in pax Php 2,200.00 per day
*live – out pax Php 1,100.00 per day

37 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease Safe BEMONC Trainings (MDs, RNs and RMs) • MDs & RNs:  11 days training for Doctors and Nurses
Prevention Motherhood 30,353.15 x 21pax =
and Control Program 637, 416.15  7 days training for Midwives
(DPCB) - • RMs: Note: The 21 participants is an
WMHDD 23,953.15 x 21pax = assumption/maximum that training centers can
503,016.15 accommodate, thus, they have an option to reduce

Conduct of Maternal Death Review 144,000.00 20 pax x 1,800 x 4 days = 144,000.00

The 4 days death review coaching includes

already the check-in and checkout

Disease Family Planning FPCBTL 1 and 2 Trainings 162,000.00 30 pax x 1800 x 3 days = 162,000
Prevention Program
and Control
Bureau MISP Package of services during disasters 162,000.00 30 pax x 1800 x 3 days = 162,000
(DPCB) -
Progestin Subdermal Implant (PSI) insertion and 162,000.00 30 pax x 1800 x 3 days = 162,000
removal training

Disease Adolescent Training on Adolescent Health Program MOP 162,000.00 30 pax x 1800 x 3 days = 162,000
Prevention Health and
and Control Development
Bureau Program Training on Comprehensive Adolescent Care (AJA, 216,000.00 30 pax x 1800 x 4 days = 216,000
(DPCB) - ADEPT, HYO and Foundational Course) for Primary
WMHDD Health Service Providers

38 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease Women and Training on Recognizing, Recording, Reporting, 162,000.00 30 pax x 1800 x 3 days = 162,000
Prevention Children Referring (4Rs) VAWC cases for LGU Hospitals (MD,
and Control Protection RSW) and RHUs (MD, PHN)
Bureau Program
(DPCB) -

Disease Healthy and Geriatric training for health care providers 162,000.00 30 pax x 1800 x 3 days = 162,000
Prevention Productive
and Control Aging Program
Bureau Geriatric
(DPCB) -

Disease National Rabies 1. Program Review/Planning Workshop and c/o CHDs

Prevention Prevention and Consultative Meeting
and Control Control Program 2. Training on Bite Management (ABTCs & ABCs)
Bureau 3. Program Orientation/ reorientation (to include
(DPCB) - Manual of Operations)
IDO 4. NARIS Training (ABTCs & ABCs)
5. Provision of Information Education and
Communication Materials (soft copy) on Rabies
Prevention and Control
6. Monitoring and Evaluation for the declaration of
Rabies Free Zone (c/o DA-BAI & DPCB-IDED)
7. Monitoring and Evaluation for the certification of
Animal Bite Treatment Centers (c/o CHDs)

39 | P a g e
(capacity-building, advocacy & health promotion, ESTIMATED COST REMARKS
workshops, consultations, M&E, trainings and (PhP)
scholarship, others)

Disease General Public Health activities 84,500,000.00 Consolidated budget of Children’s Health
Prevention 1. Conduct of fetal, Newborn and infant death review Development Division
and Control 2. Screening of infants and children for malnutrition
Bureau - and development disabilities
CHDD 3. Provision of preventive and promotive and health
education services
4. Mobilization of community volunteers and support
groups for child health and nutrition, ECCD

1. National Nutrition Survey
2. National Demographic and Health Survey
3. Assessment of EBF using radioisotopes (FNRI)
4. Health Promotion
5. Breastfeeding Awareness Month
6. Breastfeeding TSEk
7. National Oral Health Awareness Month Training
8. Capacity development on essential maternal and
newborn care and LMT
9. EO 51 Monitoring
10. IYCF counseling for primary health care Facilities
11. IMCI Training
12. MAM/SAM Training
13. Safe Settings
14. Oral health capacity skills enhancement

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