Linear programming is heavily used in microeconomics and company management, such as
planning, production, transportation, technology and other issues, either to maximize the income
or minimize the costs of a production scheme. In the real world the problem is to find the
maximum profit for a certain production. In "real life", linear programming is part of a very
important area of mathematics called "optimization techniques". In this paper, it is to be
investigated two different solving graphical methods for some real life problems. Then we may
introduce a new program for linear programming which is my own invention software. This
system is computerized system using Microsoft Visual Basic Programming Software. This
software may be helpful to solve the linear programming problems to get quickly and easily
optimal solutions for any user.
Linear programming is used to find the best or optimal solution to a problem that
requires a decision or set of decisions about how best to use a set of limited resources to
achieve a state goal of objectives.
Many real world problems lend themselves to linear programming modeling. Many real
world problems can be approximated by linear models.
There are well-known successful applications in: manufacturing, marketing, finance
(investment), advertising and agriculture.
History of Linear Programming
It started in 1947 when G. B. Dantzig design the “simplex method” for solving linear
programming formulations of U.S. Air Force planning problems. It soon became clear that a
surprisingly wide range of apparently unrelated problems in production management could be
stated in linear programming terms and solved by the simplex method. Later, it was used to
solve problems of management. Its algorithm can also be used to network flow problems. On
Oct.14th,1975, the Royal Sweden Academy of Science awarded the Nobel Prize in economic
science to L.V.Kantorovich and T.C.Koopmans ”for their contributions to the theory of
optimum allocation of resources” The breakthrough in looking for a theoretically satisfactory
algorithm to solve LP problems came in 1979 when L.G.Khachian published a description of
such an algorithm.
The Linear Programming Model
Let: X1, X2, X3, ………, Xn = decision variables
Z = Objective function or linear function
Requirement: Maximization of the linear function Z.
Z = c1X1 + c2X2 + c3X3 + ………+ cnXn …..Eq (1)
Subject to the following constraints:
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Dagon University
112 Dagon University Research Journal 2012, Vol. 4
The total amount of raw material available per day for both products is 15751b. The
total storage space for all products is 1500 ft2, and a maximum of 7 hours per day can be used
for production.
Developing LP Model (3)
Example Problem
All products manufactured are shipped out of the storage area at the end of the day.
Therefore, the two products must share the total raw material, storage space, and production
time. The company wants to determine how many units of each product to produce per day to
maximize its total income.
The company has decided to maximize its sale income, which depends on the number
of units of product I and II. Therefore, the decision variables, x1 and x2 can be the number of
units of products I and II, respectively, produced per day.
Dagon University Research Journal 2012, Vol. 4 113
LP Formulation: Example
Maximize Z = $40 x1 + 50 x2
Subject to
x1 + 2x2 £ 40 hr (labor constraint)
4x1 + 3x2 £ 120 lb (clay constraint)
x1 , x2 ³ 0
Solution is x1 = 24 bowls x2 = 8 mugs
Revenue = $1,360
116 Dagon University Research Journal 2012, Vol. 4
Linear programming has proven to be an extremely powerful tool, both in modering
real-word problems and as a widely applicable mathematical theory. Linear programming
theory falls within convex optimization theory and is also considered to be an important part of
business and economics, but may also be used to solve certain engineering problems.
I wish to thank Dr. Hla Htay, the Rector or Dagon University and Dr. Aye Aye Htun, Pro Rector of
Dagon University for permitting the opportunity to present this paper. I would like to express my sincere and
healthful gratitude to U Toe Aung, Professor and Head of Mathematics Department, Dagon University for his
permission to carry out this paper. My thanks also go to Daw Yin Yin Hla, lecturer Department of Mathematics,
for her invaluable suggestions and encouragement.
Strayer, J. K. (1989). “Linear Programming and Applicatioons”
Vasek Chv et al. (1983). “Linear Programming”