(Product Solution) : Empower 3 Software Apextrack Integration Algorithm
(Product Solution) : Empower 3 Software Apextrack Integration Algorithm
(Product Solution) : Empower 3 Software Apextrack Integration Algorithm
ApexTrack™ is a powerful integration algorithm that forms the foundation of Waters® Empower® 3
Software integration package. ApexTrack effectively detects and integrates shouldered peaks, providing
more reliable detection of low-level peaks on noisy or sloping baselines. Peak detection using ApexTrack’s
curvature approach is much more sensitive than the slope criteria used in traditional integration, and
requires less manual integration and fewer adjustments of integration parameters.
The figures below show three different examples of peaks containing shoulders in a progression.
From left to right: optimized traditional integration, ApexTrack integration with default parameters
and Detect Shoulders event; ApexTrack integration with default parameters, and Detect Shoulders
Gaussian Skim events.
Figure 1. Peaks
containing shoulders
integrated using EXAMPLE 3
traditional integration
and ApexTrack
Waters Corporation
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Milford, MA 01757 U.S.A.
Waters , The Science of What’s Possible, and Empower are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation.
ApexTrack is a trademark of Waters Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
T: 1 508 478 2000
F: 1 508 872 1990
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