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The # 1 Investment of The World's Wealthiest 1% and It's Now Available To You

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What Investment was up

145% in the last 3 years of the bull market
470% in the last 7 years
And is up 140% since the bear market began?


The # 1 Investment of the World's

Wealthiest 1%
And It's Now Available to You
Dear Puzzled Investor:

One of the most profitable-and formerly most exclusive-investments in the world just became

There are certain qualifications you still have to meet in order to participate, but you no longer
have to be a multi-millionaire with up to a million dollars laying around to buy in.

The main hurdle now is finding out about it. That's why I'm writing you today.

This investment has more than doubled in the last year, and it's up more than five-fold in the last
seven years. It has handily beat the market during the best years of the bull market, and it's
making people rich during the bear.

It's been able to do this because it invests in different markets (stocks, bonds, commodities,
domestic and foreign). And it uses sophisticated methods to play both sides of those markets

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(buying and selling). In professional terms, it's 'market neutral.'

But it's not neutral on profits...

Late last year, in a rare press write-up, Worth Magazine took a look at the performance of this
insider's investment over the last seven years, and said:

'Remarkably, its trading has demonstrated a positive correlation to the S&P 500 when the index
rises and a negative correlation when the index falls.'


When stocks go up, this investment goes up.

When stocks go down, this investment goes up...

Since that article appeared, the S&P 500 has rallied 9%. This investment is up another 24%.

Total returns for the last 12 months are now 68%. But, I believe the next 12 months will be even
better, for reasons I'll reveal in a moment.

First let me explain why you've never heard of this investment. Apart from this letter, in fact,
you may never hear of it again-even as it continues to be one of the most consistently profitable
investments in the world for decades to come...

Why Hasn't Your Broker Told You About

The Best Performing Investments of All Time?

Three years ago, if you asked anyone what the best place to make money was, 99% chance he
would have said stocks. Even in the bull market, he would have been wrong.

Ask anyone today, and the chances are maybe 50% they'll say stocks and 50% they'll say
something like bonds or real estate. They'd be wrong again.

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The best investment class by far over the last 30 years is an investment class most people don't
even know exists. They're called Commodity Trading Advisors, or 'CTAs.'

CTAs are a very unique breed of hedge fund which typically go long and short the market at the
same time. They aim to limit risk, while profiting from rising and falling sectors of the market at
the same time.

CTAs specialize in trading futures and options markets with high leverage. That means they
invest in commodity 'futures' (agreements to buy or sell a particular commodity at a certain
price by a certain date.) CTAs can invest in futures on everything from oil and gold and other
metals to agricultural commodities, currencies, and stock market indexes and bond indexes.

Since each of these markets go through bull or bear phases at different times, CTAs have the
flexibility to buy into rising trends and sell falling ones. As a result, they've trounced the
performance of stocks even after the greatest equity bull market of all time.

Stock-Crushing Returns

Since 1980, CTAs as a group have posted 2003% returns, according to the University of
Massachusetts's Center for the Study of International Securities and Derivitives. That's 43%
better than the roughly 1400% returns posted by the S&P 500.

What's more, as I'll explain in a moment, top-level studies show CTAs can provide these higher
returns while reducing the risk of your overall portfolio.

The best CTA investments are what are called 'single-manager' CTA portfolios. They're not a
'fund of funds' or hodgepodge of the latest top-performing CTAs. They're managed by a single
group with experience making money in bull and bear markets. They also follow strict rules for
diversification and limiting risk by cutting losses and protecting profits.

Let me tell you about what, in my opinion, are the three top CTAs in the world. The third one is

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the oneI believe you should seriously consider for your portfolio.

The Best CTAs Have Multiplied Investors' Capital Up to 412 Times

Dunn Capital is one of the oldest CTAs. It's been around since 1974 and its leading portfolio has
posted an incredible annual return of 24% since that time. That's enough to double your money
every three years. Every thousand dollars invested in this portfolio in 1974 would be worth over
$412,000 today. And yet, Dunn doesn't even have the best track record among CTAs...

Another CTA is headed up by the owner of a major professional sports team. And it's so
exclusive that he even forbids the use of its name to 'non-qualified' investors. So, for now, I can
only refer to it as 'Investment X.'

In fact, you might consider that X to stand for 'exceptional,' since this CTA's flagship fund has
produced truly astronomical returns over nearly the past two decades-30.55% annually since its
inception in October of 1984!

This CTA hasn't been around quite as long as Dunn. Yet, nevertheless, those returns would have
turned each thousand dollars you invested in 1984 into over $138,000 today.

The only trouble with these two CTAs is you can't invest $1,000 into them... or $10,000... or
even $100,000. The minimum investment for Dunn is $1,000,000 and for Investment X it's $2.5
million. Other than that, the 'most affordable,' top-performing single-manager CTA fund
requires a minimum investment of $250,000 and a 7-figure net worth to qualify.

That's why it's likely you've never heard of them. And it's why CTAs are not written up in the
press often. Most investors are so far form qualifying for these opportunities that it is not the
stuff of mainstream media.

In fact, by SEC regulations, your broker couldn't breathe a word of this to you unless you had at
least a million-dollar net worth or income of at least $200,000 for three years running. And

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chances are, your broker doesn't even know about them in the first place.

CTA portfolios have truly been an investment only for the very rich and the very well
connected. Until now ...

Meet the New Kid on the Block:

Just As Dunn Multiplied Investor Capital 400-Fold,

This CTA Has the Potential to Turn Your $5,000 into $2 Million

Imagine if you could have found a loophole to get past the million-dollar investment minimum
and high net worth requirement of Dunn Capital back in 1974. Just $5,000 put into that CTA in
1974 would be worth over $2 million today!

There's now one CTA that offers you that potential. And it's the only one of its kind.

They've been around for seven years and have more than established themselves by
outperforming even Dunn and Investment X. Their flagship portfolio is up 409.49% since
inception, blowing right through the bear market, including more than doubling in the last 12

Their amazing performance is partially due to the fact that they take a similar approach to the
best performing CTAs in history, including Dunn and Investment X.

This CTA can invest in more than 100 different futures contracts-from livestock to precious
metals, currencies, global stock market indices, bonds and more. And since it has no bullish or
bearish bias, it can take full advantage of clearly developing trends.

But what makes this amazingly consistent and profitable investment a truly unique opportunity
is you don't need anywhere near a million dollars to participate.

For years, the managers of this CTA also required elite 'qualified investor' status of their

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investors. (I have bought these restricted shares for my wealthiest clients.) But the high-net-
worth, high income, and high minimum investment requirements changed when they introduced
the first single-manger CTA shares for the retail investor.

Now, all you need is a financial net worth of $45,000 (joint or individual) and annual income of
just $45,000. In a few states, the requirements are a $60,000 net worth and $60,000 in annual
income. Still very affordable. After that, your minimum investment is just $5,000.
The Secret to Making More Join the Club of the World's Wealthiest and
While Risking Less
Shrewdest Investors
CTAs consistently produce far greater
returns than stocks. But they are not Years ago, if you wanted to invest with Warren Buffett, you
gamblers' investments. Intel, General
Electric and IBM, for instance, mix CTAs into
had to pay the full freight of the Berkshire Hathaway A
the portfolios of their enormous pension shares. With a single A share trading at about $70,000, that
funds. They do that because CTAs have put the expertise of the best stock picker in the world out of
been proven-in rigorous academic and
industry studies-to reduce risk and increase reach for all but the wealthiest of investors. But then Buffett
performance in the typical stock and bond introduced B shares-offering the same returns, but selling
portfolio. for about 1/35th the price of the A Shares.
Dr. John Lintner of Harvard University, for
instance, conducted a landmark study on Similarly, the best CTA in the world over the last seven
the effects of adding CTAs to traditional years has now made the most profitable investment class in
portfolios. He concluded,
the world available to most individual investors. But most
' including judicious investments in will still never learn about it-simply because it's not the
leveraged managed futures accounts [CTA kind of thing the mainstream press tends to write about or
funds] show substantially less risk at every
possible level of expected return than
brokers get told to push by their bosses.
portfolios of stocks (or stocks and bonds)
alone.' The M.O. on Wall St. is to sell people whatever they've
been reading about... whatever the latest fad is... net stocks,
Lintner's research was substantiated by a telecom stocks, pharmaceuticals, financial shares, REITs...
12-year study by Managed Accounts
Reports (MAR). MAR found that allocating whatever has been going up lately... even if its bull days are
about 1/7th of your stock and bond portfolio surely numbered.
to CTA funds was the 'ideal' ratio to achieve

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a 'reduction in standard deviation' (lower And most people will never understand that CTAs-
risk) and 'better return/risk characteristics.'
especially this CTA-can actually reduce your overall risk in
Until now, the snag has been that to get that your portfolio. Here's why I say that...
'ideal' mix with a CTA like Dunn or
Investment X would require you to have a
portfolio worth millions of dollars. With Dunn,
Safer than the S&P 500
the minimum investment is $1 million. So to And Far More Profitable
allocate 1/7th of your portfolio to it would
mean you'd have to have a portfolio worth
Separate studies by Harvard University and Managed
$7 million at a minimum!
Accounts Research have shown CTAs as a class are proven
Investment X, meanwhile, has a minimum to reduce risk in the typical stock and bond portfolio.
investment of $2.5 million. So it would
require a $17.5 million portfolio to correctly This particular single-manager CTA portfolio, however-the
allocate it into your portfolio!
only top-performing one in the world you can buy for less
With those kinds of balancing requirements, than $250,000-is at the head of the class for reducing risk.
you can see how this class of investment
has been restricted for decades to large
institutions and very wealthy individuals.
It limits initial risk per trade to no more than 1.5% of total
fund assets. It also uses an automated system to monitor
Now, however, you can use one of the volatility in all the sectors in which it invests. This allows
world's top CTAs to reduce risk and the managers to immediately adjust exposure when market
increase expected return in your portfolio-
even if you're not a multi-millionaire. conditions change to limit risk.

It's the only top-performing, single-manager This same automated system assures the fund is invested in
CTA portfolio in the world with an investment
minimum below $250,000. In fact, you can
a mix of non-correlated investments-so it's never
buy into it for as little as $5,000! That means overexposed to any one commodity or market. Finally, the
you can easily incorporate it into your CTA employs daily stop orders to limit loss and protect
portfolio even if your total investment
account is just $35,000. profits.

And don't forget: this CTA is also a proven The result, as noted by the Worth article I mentioned a
winner. Its flagship portfolio is up 409% in
the last seven years, including 68% gains in
while ago, has been a maximum drawdown-from peak to
the last 12 months! trough-of just 20%. That's over the entire seven years.
Compare that to the S&P 500's drawdown of 46% or the
You'll get the full details of how it could fit

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very nicely into your portfolio in my report, NASDAQ's 79% drop.

'The # 1 Investment of the World's
Wealthiest 1%.' Read on for information on
how to receive your Free copy of this report.

And, of course, the other result has been consistent, very large profits. Over 145% in the last
three years of the bull market. 121% in the first three years of the bear market. 409% profits
since inception in 1996, and 68% profits in the last 12 months.

And you can participate in this truly elite investment for just $5,000...

If You Live in Any One of the Following States, Don't Hesitate...

Take Advantage of This Elite Opportunity As Soon As You Can

As I said, this is an investment that used to be the exclusive domain of multi-millionaires. But
since the managers of this CTA introduced their $5,000 share demand has been booming.

At first they registered to sell in just a few of the major states, New York, California, and
Illinois, among others (they are also registered for investors outside the US). Now, thanks to
growing demand you can buy into this remarkable investment if you live in any of the following

Arizona Illinois Missouri South Dakota

California Indiana Nevada Texas
Colorado Iowa New Jersey Utah
Connecticut Kansas New York Virginia
Florida Maine North Carolina Washington
Georgia Michigan Oregon Wisconsin
Hawaii Maryland Pennsylvania

Filing is being pursued in:

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Alabama Louisiana South Carolina

Arkansas New Mexico Tennessee

If you live in any of these states, you owe it to yourself to find out about this truly unique,
incredibly profitable investment. If you don't, there are a number of similar investments under
the radar of most investors that I'll tell you about in a moment. Plus, I'll tell you how you can
find out the moment this extraordinary single-manager CTA becomes available in your state...

Get the Details of this Extraordinary Investment

And Learn the True Reasons for Its Phenomenal Success

My name is Eric Roseman. I'm writing to you today because I'd like to send you my full report
on this amazing, little-known investment. And I'll provide it to you Free of charge-if you try a
guaranteed, no-risk introductory subscription to my investment advisory service, Commodity
Trend Alert.

The moment you, do I'll send you the full report on this uniquely affordable CTA fund. In this
subscribers-only report, you'll learn:

 The name and contact information of this CTA.

 Why its leading fund has produced such high returns through bull and bear markets.
 How it's the only top-performing single-manager CTA portfolio in the world you can buy
for just $5,000 and easily incorporate into your IRA.
 Why I expect it to continue to post high returns in the short term as well-including the
potential to double again in the next 12 months.

I consider this CTA to be the ideal investment for any market because the managers of this CTA
play short-term trends with precision and great risk-control techniques. That's why it's my top
recommended investment to subscribers of Commodity Trend Alert.

But even a great investment like this one doesn't make up a whole portfolio by itself. So each

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week I'll send CTA subscribers email or fax alerts, updating them on all CTA recommendations,
evaluating the market, and-as opportunities dictate-recommending new investments.
Exclusive Profits from an Expert on Global Trends
Eric N. Roseman is the president of ENR Asset Management, Inc. in Montreal, Canada, where
he manages tens of millions of dollars in assets for wealthy clients all over the world. His views
on the market are frequently quoted by CNN, Canadian Moneysaver, The Oxford Communiqué
and other leading financial outlets.

Eric is also the editor of a private investment advisory, Commodity Trend Alert. He has
specialized in helping subscribers profit from investments that are almost completely overlooked
by Wall Street-yet are among the top performers in the world.

These include:

 One of the top-performing single-manger Commodity Trading Adviser funds in the world over the last seven years
(up 409%) and the only top-performing one you can buy for less than $250,000. (The minimum investment is just
 A rock-solid mutual fund that has doubled in value, on average, once every 5 ½ years for the last 102 years-yet it
will not advertise in The Wall St. Journal or Money Magazine.
 An overseas telecom company that's as easy to buy as AT&T (it's listed on the NYSE) yet can be far more
profitable. It produced 400% returns for Eric's subscribers in 24 months.
 An investment that's perfectly legal to own, yet the SEC won't let your broker tell you about it. This idiotic
bureaucracy means you couldn't take advantage of this fund's 1,765% gains in the last seven years! Until now...
 A century-old oil company that owns no stations in the US under its corporate name, yet produced 137% profits in 2
½ years for Eric's subscribers.
 A fund to protect your portfolio against the US bear market in stocks-up 85% since Eric recommended it 12 months
 An emerging markets investment that produced 53% returns in two months.
 A little-known fund that capitalized on the EU's recent expansion and produced solid profits of 155% following Eric's
 A leading national bank that's up 250% since Eric recommended it.
 A special fund of funds up 69% since Eric recommended it in July of 2000.
 115% gains on one of Europe's largest oil companies.
 A fund you can't find on E-Trade, Ameritrade or Schwabb. Yet it has produced 1,064% profits for Eric's subscribers

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over the last 11 years!

 And much more, including gains on other recommended investments of 42%, 50%, 22%, 34%, 35% and 41% in the
last 18 months.

Making Profits 'Outside the Box'

Like the CTA I've just told you about, there are other highly profitable investments your broker
won't tell you about simply because he's not paid to. They don't fit into the category of a typical
stock, bond or mutual fund. And yet they're just as easy to buy and usually far more profitable,
especially in current market conditions.

The key to these 'alternative' investments is they capitalize on the strongest trends at work in the
world today-whether they're happening in or outside of the stock market.

When you invest with powerful trends, you're following the path of least resistance. That means
less risk and greater potential reward. When you invest against major trends, you face enormous
risk and the chances for success are slim. This is precisely why most investors are still losing
money today.

Most investors are familiar the idea of trends-but they're still investing in yesterday's trends.
They fail to accept the fact that the trends that drove the 1990s have completely reversed. As a
result, they're investing against the tide-a formula for disaster.

Spread the Word: The 1990s Are Dead

The 1990s were the best ten years ever for US stocks and bonds for one principal reason. There
were three very strong trends that reinforced each other throughout the decade: falling interest
rates, rising stock prices and a booming dollar.

Anyone of these trends could have made you a fortune. Yet, the smartest investors realized
these trends reinforced each other and capitalized on all three.

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Booming Bonds: Falling interest rates made existing, higher-yielding bonds that much more
valuable. This led to over 15% compounded annual gains even on blue-chip bonds during the
last decade.

Soaring Stocks: Falling rates also reduced the cost of doing business, and spurred a consumer
borrowing and buying binge. This led to a profit bonanza for leading blue-chip companies.
Cheap interest rates also led to surging speculation in tech stocks. Together, these factors kept
the S&P 500 rising 16% a year and the NASDAQ soaring 26% a year.

A Skyrocketing Dollar: Rising prices of financial assets drew money into the US from abroad
in record numbers. Foreign flows into the US rose from $110 billion in 1991 to $1.02 trillion in
2000. This helped push the dollar to record highs. From its low in 1995 to 2002, the US dollar
shot up 42% against the Fed's Major Currencies Index.

In turn, the strong demand for the dollar helped keep interest rates low and pushed US financial
assets even higher. It was a 'virtuous cycle'... until these trends overextended themselves and
turned into bubbles that began to burst in 2000.

Now, we have well-established trends in the opposite direction. But not just in falling stock and
bond prices, but a falling dollar, rising gold prices, the resurgence of oil and a new commodity
bull market.

Eight Powerful Trends for the Next Five Years

And 14 Investments to Profit from Them

If you take away just one idea from this letter, please take the following to heart:

You cannot invest today as if the bull market of the '90s is going to resume tomorrow. It will
not happen.

There are brand new trends in place. They are just beginning and will last years-some may last

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decades. And none of these trends are friendly to the old 'buy stocks and hold them' investor.

Let me tell you what I believe are some of the most powerful of these trends right now... and
how subscribers to Commodity Trend Alert have been able to profit from them.

Trend and Trade # 1: The Dow Will Hit 6,000 before It Hits 12,000 Again

Stick a fork in them. Stocks are done. At least until 2005. If you haven't accepted that fact yet,
you could be making the biggest mistake of your investing career.

Stocks began their record bull run in 1982. Today, after falling by 40% to 75%, equities still sell
at more than 30 times earnings. That's more than twice the long-term average. The end of the
bear market will be marked by low P/Es not record-high P/Es.

At the same time, mutual funds still have a very small portion of their assets in cash. You'd have
to go back 30 years, to the beginning of the '70s bear market, to find a time when funds were
this heavily invested. This bear market will also end only after fund managers have dumped a
much larger share of their money-losing stocks for cash.

The smart money knows this. Jimmy Rogers, instance, was the co-founder with George Soros of
the Quantum Fund. This fund posted 30% annualized returns over the course of nearly 20 years
that Jim Rogers co-managed the fund! What is Rogers doing with his money? He sees market
rallies as opportunities to sell stocks.

I've interviewed Jim Rogers myself and have shared his bearish views on stocks for three years
now. And that's why I've been able to steer my clients to a little-known mutual fund that has
returned 85% in the last 12 months by shorting stocks in the bear market.

But I expect even bigger profits are yet to come from this fund and other investments that have
nothing to do with short-selling because of a number of other reinforcing trends...

Trend and Trade # 2: Goodbye Bonds

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Interest rates on bonds are no longer falling. They remain stuck at the level of four years ago-
even after the Fed cut short-term interest rates a record eleven times in 2001-02.

What's more, senior corporate debt downgrades outnumbered upgrades nearly 9 to 1 in 2002!
And one out of every six junk bonds defaulted during the year. According to Fitch Credit Rating
Services, the outlook isn't getting any better.

Also, 'goodwill' is bad news for corporate bonds. Goodwill is mostly the excess companies paid
for shares of other companies during the bull market. Already, AOL and JDS Uniphase have
written off $135 billion of this worthless asset-causing their shares to plummet. But it's far from

Hundreds of billions of dollars of goodwill is still on the balance sheets of major corporations.
And new accounting rules mean much of it will have to be written off in the next 18 months.
This will further devastate the stock and bond markets.

All the Fed's lower interest rates have succeeded in doing is to weaken the dollar.
The Real Truth about Wall Street Trend and Trade # 3: Dollar Disaster
And Why Most Investors Lost the Profits
They Made in the Bull Market
The US dollar rose over 40% between 1995 and 2002. Yet,
Wall Street has two very dangerous flaws. at the same time, America's trade deficit was getting
First, Wall Street deals almost exclusively in completely out of hand. Today, it stands at $525 billion-
stocks and bonds. This means you will
almost certainly lose money (often years of
over $1 billion a day pouring out of the country.
previous gains) when the trends in these
asset classes turn negative. The federal budget, meanwhile, has gone from surplus to
deficit in record time. It's on track to hit $530 this year.
Wall Street also has a notoriously bullish
bias. At the market peak, The Wall Street That's more than twice the fiscal deficit under the Reagan
Journal reported, Wall Street issued 29 buy administration. And the Reagan deficit was very bad news
recommendations for every sell recommen- for the dollar, as it fell by half between 1985 and 1995.
dation. Two years later, in the middle of a
bear market, that ratio hadn't changed!
Aggravating matters, falling stock prices are drying up

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Brokers and Wall St. financial analysts tell foreign inflows of capital. Add it up, and what do you have?
you to buy because selling is their job. The
result is that even when markets begin to
fall, even as they're plunging, they're telling Massive trade deficit + Massive fiscal deficit + Massive
you to dig yourself into a deeper rut. equity bear market
= Absolute disaster for the dollar.
But there is a much better option...

You can profit from the strongest trends in

The dollar has already dropped 20% against the euro in the
any market any time-US and foreign last year. Look for it to fall an additional 50% in the next 24
investments, gold, commodities, oil, months.
currencies and more. And it's as easily as
buying stocks or bonds. In two Free special
reports, you can learn about the best of Trend and Trade # 4: The Great Gold Bull Market
these investments for 2004.
The flip side of a plunging dollar is a rising gold price. The
The first report covers the world's top-
performing asset class over the last 30 yellow metal is up 25% since the bear market in stocks
years, CTAs (Commodity Trading Advisors). began. Yet leading gold companies like Newmont and
The best of these have returned as much as
412 times investors' capital. Yet, with
Freeport McMoran are up between 110% and 175% from
investment minimums of $250,000, their recent lows. But that's only the beginning.
$1,000,000 even $2.5 million, these top
performers have been reserved only for the
very rich... until now.
When the dollar began to fall in the late eighties, gold rose
66% in two years. When the dollar and US stock and bond
In this report, you'll learn about a CTA prices fell in the '70s (like today), gold soared nearly 800%!
portfolio that has posted 409% returns in the Leading gold companies soared well over 2,500%.
last seven years, including 68% gains in the
last 12 months, that you can buy for as little
as $5,000! Gold could easily rise another 100% to 200% from here,
providing investors in leading gold shares with profits many
Your second Free special report details the
strongest trends at work in the world today, times those amounts. You'll learn the names and stories of
and gives you 14 little-known investments to the best major gold-mining company and one leading
capitalize on them, including investments 'junior gold' that could deliver profits of up to 500% to
that have provided our readers with gains of
85%, 250%, 137%, 155%, 1,064% and 600% over the next two years.
Trend and Trade # 5: Oil Companies Gush Profits
These reports are your Free with a

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guaranteed, no-risk trial subscription to

Oil prices are up 30% in the last six months. At current
Commodity Trend Alert. Read on for details
levels, oil companies will rack up major profits. But major
on getting your reports rushed out to you
today. geopolitical and economic forces will push prices higher
While the war in Iraq is over, the War on Terror continues. Global instability, terrorist attacks
and threats to supply lines will keep upward pressure on oil prices.

At the same time demand is booming.

China has been the fastest growing economy in the world for the last 20 years. Its 1.2 billion
people now consume twice as much oil than they did 10 years ago. That demand is rising at an
even faster pace today as the country pushes its industrial expansion into its massive interior.
Chinese oil consumption is expected to double again-to 7% of total global demand-by 2010.
And it's expected to continue to rise from there.

In the US, SUVs remain the vehicle of choice for soccer moms and middle-class families. An
oil-friendly US President will put the breaks on plans to reduce fossil-fuel consumption. And
because the US Congress recently shot down plans to drill in the Arctic Reserve, existing oil
stocks are now more valuable than ever.

The result? Oil consumption in America, already the world's largest oil market, is expected to
rise 50% by 2020, according to the Energy Information Agency. Yet supply is only expected to
rise 14%!

Together, these massive geopolitical and economic trends will mean triple-digit profits for
investors in the right oil companies. I'll give you my favorite low-cost producers whose already
fat profit margins are set to explode. They're cash-rich, selling for rock-bottom prices and
starting to move up 5% a month...

Trend and Trade # 6: Physical Commodities Rise as Stocks Sink

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When stocks were in a bull market, physical commodities were in a bear market. Now they're
trading places.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia began dumping its huge stores of commodities on
world markets in a desperate bid for cash. By the late '90s, this led to a major commodities bear
market, with the Dow Jones Commodities Index falling 56% between 1997 and 1999.

Today, Russia is 'market-neutral' on commodities, as its currency, economy and even stock
market (up nearly 200% in the last two years!) have drastically improved. At the same time,
booming demand from developed and industrializing countries is pushing up the prices of key
commodities including gas, oil, and select agricultural commodities.

Overall, commodities are up 30% in the last year. Yet they've only just begun their move.
They're still more than 25% below their price of 20 years ago! There is still enormous upside.
And, just like gold, the right investments can provide returns many times the rise in price of the
underlying commodity itself.

If you know the simplest, most cost-effective and low-risk ways to play these markets, you
could make a killing in commodities over the next one- and five-year periods.

I'll tell you the smartest way to invest in this trend...

Trend and Trade # 7: Commodity-Based Currencies Soar

The euro has made a strong comeback against the dollar, soaring more than 20% in the last 12
months. And since Europe has far lower fiscal and trade deficits than the US, the prospects for
the euro through 2004 are excellent. Yet, longer term, there are currencies that offer even
greater appreciation potential against the US dollar.

These countries have stable, developed economies that are in far better shape than the US. And
they have massive amounts of commodities that are quickly rising in value.

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These mutually reinforcing trends will help US-based investors double and triple their money in
the right natural resource companies in these countries, as their commodities and currencies soar
against the US dollar.

I'll tell you the three best investments to buy to take advantage of this powerful, dual trend.

Trend and Trade # 8: Falling Stock and Bond Prices Mean Soaring Volume in Derivitives

Options and futures contracts were originally used to guard against sharp price swings in
commodities, currencies and financial assets. With stocks and the dollar plunging and
commodities rising, trading volume in these derivatives has reached an all-time high.

A single public company is the primary beneficiary of this trend. Investors who buy into it stand
to make huge profits in 2004. You'll learn exactly how to do that.

Profiting from the World's Strongest Trends

In addition to the report on the special CTA portfolio, I'd like to send you a Free report on 14
exclusive, yet easily affordable investments to help you profit from the eight trends I've just

I reveal these and other special opportunities exclusively to subscribers to my advisory service,
Commodity Trend Alert. By trying my service on a risk-free basis, you can receive both reports
free of charge.

Plus, every week you'll receive a private memo detailing developing trends, updating you on
current trades, and-as events dictate-recommending new investments.

These are elite opportunities most investors never hear about. You don't need a lot of money to
buy them. But you have to be willing to go where the money is-to profit from the strongest
trends in the world today, and not tie your fate to a plunging stock market.

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Two Free Special Reports and a Rock-Solid Guarantee

Commodity Trend Alert normally sells for $999 a year. Once you learn of this unique CTA and
our other special investments, I believe you'll consider it the best investment value you've ever
received for your money.

Yet, through a special offer arranged by my publisher, you can receive three months of
Commodity Trend Alert for just $249. And the offer is completely risk-free.

Read your two Free special reports, monitor my recommendations in the weekly alerts, and keep
an eye on the trends I've been telling you about... if you're not making more money in the next
three months than you've made in the last three years, cancel and you'll receive a complete
refund. Every penny you paid, no questions asked.

But if you like what you see... if your portfolio is growing rather than shrinking... if you find
yourself making bull market profits despite a bear market in stocks... you don't need to do
anything else other than enjoy the profits.

Your subscription will be automatically renewed and your credit card will be billed just $249
every three months as long as you wish to remain with the service.

But in order to take advantage of this special offer, you must act now. We want to keep these
little-known elite investments 'our little secret' for our subscribers because they offer the most
explosive returns that way. Because of that, we can accept no more than one new subscriber for
every hundred who receive this limited-time special offer.

Your subscription is 100% guaranteed. But in order to guarantee a spot for you with Commodity
Trend Alert, I need to hear from you within the next 10 days. So please don't delay.

Click on the 'subscribe now' button below today and you'll immediately receive your two Free
special reports available only to CTA subscribers. Then get ready to take advantage of the

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strongest trends at work in the world today and profit from the most exclusive, top-performing
investments your broker never told you about.


Eric N. Roseman
Editor, Commodity Trend Alert

PS: Because of its huge returns in bull and bear markets, its flexibility and its tremendous
reward/risk characteristics, I believe the CTA portfolio I've been telling you about is the best
addition you can make to your portfolio. Even a conservative portfolio. Also, the investment
minimum is just $5,000-one-fiftieth the minimum for the next 'most affordable,' top-performing
single-manager CTA portfolio! I urge you to accept your Free Special Report on this remarkable
investment. You have nothing to lose. The report is Free with your risk-free subscription to
Commodity Trend Alert, and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Note: Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike
and actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the
trades have not actually been executed the results may have under or over compensated for the
impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity.

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