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Social Science II

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Narcisa – known as Dona Sisa and can recite

PART II from memory all the poems of Jose Rizal married
to Antonio Lopez
JOSE RIZAL 4. Olympia – married Silvestre Ubaldo, a telegraph
operator in Manila
- Taft Commission – chose Rizal out of several
5. Lucia – married Mariano Herbosa who died in
great Filipinos as the number one hero of his
cholera and was denied a Christian burial
6. Maria – married Daniel Faustino Cruz, the only
- Republic Act 1425 – the Rizal Law authored by
sister of Rizal who lived up to 50s
Sen. Claro M. Recto signed on June 12, 1956
7. Jose – our national hero
- Born on June 19, 1861, between 11 and 12 in the
8. Concepcion – known as Concha who died at age
evening, a few days before the full moon;
of 3
- Baptized on June 22, 1861 by Fr. Rufino
9. Josefa – a spinster
Collanes, while Fr. Pedro Casañas stood as his 10. Trinidad – also a spinster
godfather. 11. Soledad – youngest and married Pantaleon
Quintero. Studied at La Concordia College where
I. Jose Rizal’s Genealogy she and Leonora Rivera where classmates
Genealogy – study of ancestry and family histories Hereditary Influences
Chinese Ancestry - Father – profound sense of self-respect, habit of
- Domingo Lam-co – Rizal’s paternal ancestor independent thinking and love for work
native of the Chinchew district in China, baptized - Mother – scientific ability, religious nature, spirit
in the Parian Church of self- sacrifice and passion for arts and literature
- Inez dela Rosa – wife of Lam-co, half of Lam-co’s - Malayan Ancestors – love for freedom, innate
age. Her parents were Agustin Chinco and desire to travel and his indomitable courage
Jacinta Rafaela - Chinese Ancestors – serious nature, frugality,
patience and love for children
Mercado Clan
- Spanish Ancestors – elegance of bearing,
Francisco Mercado y Chinco sensitivity to insult and gallantry to ladies
- Rizals’ father, a prosperous landowner, sugar and
rice planter, of Chinese-Filipino descent II. Rizal’s Early Childhood
- Born on April 18, 1818 in Biñan and lived to be 80
years old the youngest in a family of 1 siblings. A - At the Age of 3 – learned alphabet and prayers
well-educated farmer who studied Latin and from his mother Teodora, his first teacher
philosophy at Colegio de San Jose in manila - Other early teachers were Maestro Celestino,
- His parents were Captain Juan Mercado and Maestro Lucas Padua and Leon Monroy who
Cirila Alejandra gave Jose introductory lessons in Latin
- He was called “Ute” by his brother and sisters and
Alfonso Clan “Pepe or Pepito” by townspeople in Calamba
Teodora Alonso - At Age 5 – read although not fluently, the Spanish
- Rizal’s mother, one of the most-highly educated family bible called historia sagrada
woman in the Philippines, an Ilocano-Tagalog - At Age 7 – wrote a comedy which highlighted his
- Chinese-Spanish descent, possibly even having literary talent for the local fiesta and was
Japanese blood rewarded 2 pesos
- Born on November 1, 1827 and lived to be 84 - At Age 8 – wrote the poem “Sa Aking mga
years old. Studied in Colegio de Santa Rosa, Kababata”
gifted woman with insights into literature, art, - At Age 9 – wrote the poem “Mother’s birthday”.
music and other forms of Filipino culture Sent to a boy’s school in Biñan and his teacher
- Daughter of Brigada de Quintos was Dr. Justiniano Aquino Cruz

Claveria List III. Rizal’s Formative Years

- Royal decree of 1849, a new family name was Years in Ateneo
adopted upon the order of governor- General
Narciso Claveria y Zaldua - At Age 9 – wrote the poem “Mother’s birthday”.
- List of approved family names can be referred Sent to a boy’s school in Biñan and his teacher
from the Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos was Dr. Justiniano Aquino Cruz
- Rizal, a shortened form of Spanish word “second - June 10, 1872, Paciano accompanied Jose to
crop”, seemed suited to family of farmers. matriculate at the Ateneo de Municipal Manila.
Originated from the word Ricial, which literally - Fr. Magin Ferrando the registrar refused Jose to
means rice field admit two reasons (a) he was late for registration
and (b) he appeared sickly and undersized for his
Siblings age.
Jose was the 7th of 11 children and younger of the 2 - Upon the intercession of Manuel Xerez-Burgos,
boys. nephew of FR. Burgos, he was admitted in
1. Saturnina – oldest, married to Manuel hidalgo Ateneo
and published Pascual Poblete Tagalog - Students in Ateneo is divided into 2 empires to
translation of Noli Me Tangere fight for academic supremacy the Roman and
2. Paciano – oldest boy, 10 years older than Jose, Carthaginian and Jose became the “Emperor of
A major general in the revolutionary army and Carthaginian”
married Severina Decena
- Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas is - Jose continued to write Noli and finished it on
the first foreign book Jose read Berlin on Feb. 22, 1887. Maximo Viola helped
- Travels in the Philippines by Dr. Fedor Jagor that Jose in the printing of the book and one of its first
criticized Spanish regime in the Philippines. It is copies was sent to Ferdinand Blumentritt
the book that intrigued Jose and inspired to - On July 5, 1887 he took a ship from Marseilles
educate his countrymen and started his journey back to the Philippines
- Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez is Jose’s
teacher in Ateneo VI. Rizal’s Romances
Rizal’s Writings Miss K
- A La Juventud Filipina (To the Philippine Youth) - On July 5, 1887 he took a ship from Marseilles
– won a special prize in poetry when Jose was still and started his journey back to the Philippines
in Ateneo - Also known as Segunda Katigbak, his first love
- Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria - Jose met Miss K when he was accompanied by
(Through Education Our Motherland Receives his friend, Mariano Katigbak when he visited his
Light) – poem Jose wrote while he was in Ateneo maternal grandmother
which suggested that education is an integral part - She was also a close friend of Olympia (Jose’s
of national character sister) in school at La Concordia College
- Alianza Intima la Religion y la Educacion (The - Fixed marriage was arranged between her and
Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Manuel Luz and Miss K
Education) – in which Jose expressed the Leonor Rivera
importance of religion in education and to him, - Jose’s cousin from Camiling and also a La
education without God is not true education Concordian.
- A la Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary) - 1st sad - A daughter of Antonio Rivera, his uncle in whose
poem Jose wrote house lived during his junior year at UST
- Al Niño Jesus (to the child Jesus) – an ode to - Engaged with Jose but married another man
Jesus was short and consisted of 8 verses only Henry Kipping,
classified as octava real - Jose’s great love
- In Memory of My Village – Jose recalled his
Gertrude Beckett
joyous days of his childhood in Calamba
- Blue-blooded Englishwoman who was the oldest
- Council of the Gods – an allegory tha was
daughter of London church organist in whose
awarded as 1st place in competition however,
house Rizal lodged when he went to visit London
decision was reversed
Josephine Bracken
IV. Journey to Madrid - A 19-year old lady Rizal met in Dapitan
- Jose wanted to marry her but because of church
- May 3, 1882 – Jose secretly left the country
requirements the just simply lived together
abroad SS Salvadora.
- Jose called her his “wife” and “dulce estrangera”
- He enrolled medicine at the Unibersidad Central
- Married to a Filipino named Vicente Abad and
de Madrid on Nov. 3, 1882 with Prof. Marquis
died in Hongkong due to tuberculosis
- He studied painting and sculpture at the Academy Consuelo Orita y Perez
of San Carlos and drawing at the Academia de - A daughter of liberal minded Spanish official who
Bellas Artes de San Fernando Haes once served in Manila during the Spanish era. It
- Free Masonry – a worldwide fraternity where was just a casual relationship
Jose was a member in the Acacia lodge No. 9 and
O Sei San
his symbolic name was Dimasalang
- Daughter of a Japanese nobleman who had a
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
brief affair with Rizal when she was 23 and Rizal
and The Wandering Jew by Eugene Sue
was 27. Her real name was Seiko Usui.
inspired Jose to fight for the Filipinos
- They Ask Me For Verses – a poem Jose wrote Suzanne Jacoby
when his mother ask him to write a poetry. A - A Belgian woman Jose met when he stayed with
poem that is Jose’s product of all the melancholy the Jacoby’s. One of the contributing factors that
of his aching soul. led Jose to continue writing El Filibusterismo
- Hymn to Work – a song Jose wrote when he Nelly Boustead
asked to write a song to celebrate the raising of - Intellectual, sure of herself, attractive and serious
Lipa, Batangas into a villa with her religious belief. Jose almost married her
when he knew Leonor Rivera’s love affair
V. The Scholar’s Journey
- From Madrid he went to Paris in 1885 and VII. Rizal’s Novels
continued his medical studies under the farmed Noli Me Tangere (Touch me Not)
French ophthalmologist Dr. Louis de Wecker - Story of Philippine condition during the last
- Jose wanted to perfect the German method of decades of Spanish rule
diagnosis so he opted to continue studying in - Inspired by Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s
Germany. He had a special training under Dr. Cabin
Otto Becker - Dr. Maximo Viola – savior of Noli Me Tangere
- Jose attended lecture courses in the Old - Elias and Salome – deleted chapter of Noli
university of Heidelberg for months only. He lived
with Dr. Karl Ullmer with whom he took delightful
walks every afternoon
El Filibusterismo 2. Labor – can be defined as any kind of work, either
- Dedicated to Gomburza mental or manual in nature, which has the sole
- Valentin Ventura – savior of El Fili purpose of receiving rewards
3. Capital – refers to the stock of goods made by
the people to help them in the production of goods
- Rizal’s unfinished Tagalog novel
and services
4. Entrepreneur – usually the organizer in a
ECONOMICS company, he is responsible for arranging how
production should take place
What is Economics? Opportunity Cost
- Oikonomia: Greek word meaning – management - Cost of something in terms of an opportunity for
of the household gone
- Is a social science concerned with how - The most valuable forgone alternative
individuals and society choose to use its scarce - Second best alternative
resource to achieve maximum satisfaction of Competition
human material wants
- Economics is the social science that studies the - Perfect Competition – homogenous products,
production, distribution, ad consumption of goods buyers and seller are price takers
and services - Monopolistic Competition – one seller controls
Two Major Divisions of Economics - Oligopolistic Competition – few sellers, not
1. Microeconomics: the branch of economics that aggressive competition
examines the functioning industries and the Market System Demand – refers to a schedule of the
behavior of individual decision-making units different quantities of commodities which an individual is
2. Macroeconomics: branch of economics that willing and able to buy
examines the economic behavior of aggregate.
Looks at the economy as a whole Law of Demand – as the price of commodity increases,
all factors being constant, the quantity demanded for that
Three Basic Economic Questions commodity decreases
The problem of scarcity forces each economy to
address three basic economic questions: Determinant of Demand
1. What will be produced? 1. Population
2. By whom will it be produced? 2. Income
3. For whom will it be produced? 3. Taste and Preferences
4. Price Expectation
Economic Systems 5. Price of Related Goods
1. Capitalist system / Market Economy Supply – refers to a schedule of the different quantities
2. Command Economy / Planned Economy of commodities which sellers are willing to sell at different
3. Mixed Economy alternative prices
4. Traditional Economy
Law of Supply – as the price of commodity is increased,
Capitalist System – it is an economy in which people the quantity of the product that sellers are willing to sell
and firms pursues their own self-interest without any also increase, all other things being constant
central direction or regulations. This is also known as
Determinants of Supply
laissez faire economy, free enterprise, price mechanism,
of free market economy 1. Technology
2. Number of Sellers
Command Economy – It is an economy in which a 3. Cost of Production
central authority or agency draws up a plan that 4. Price Expectation
establishes what it will produce and when, and makes 5. Taxes and Subsidies
rule for distributions.
Supply and Demand Together
Mixed Economy – It is a regulated market economy. It
usually defined as economy that contains both private- Equilibrium – refers to a situation in which the price
owned enterprises and that combines elements of has reached the level where quality supplied equals
capitalism and socialism, or a mix market economy and quantity demand
command economy characteristics. Equilibrium Price – the price that balances quantity
Inputs and Outputs supplied and quantity demand. On graph, it is the price
at which the supply and demand curves intersect
Inputs – are commodities or services that are used to
produce goods and services Equilibrium Quantity – the quantity supplied and the
- Ex.) Land, labor, capital entrepreneur quantity demanded at the equilibrium price. On a
graph it is the quantity at which the supply and
Outputs – are various useful goods or services that demand curves intersect
result from production process and either consumed
or employed in further production. Gross National Product (GNP) – the total market
- Ex.) Rent, wages, income, interest value of all final goods and service produced by
citizens in one year
Factors of Production
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – sum of the money
1. Land – Includes all resources founds in the sea values of all final goods and services produced in the
and on land


domestic economy along a specified period of time, - Kawal – GomBurZa
usually one year - Katipon – Anak ng Bayan
Taxation Teodoro Patino
- Is the inherent power of the state to demand - A traitor of Katipunan who revealed the existence
enforced contributions from its people for public of KKK to the Spanish authorities through Fr.
purposes Mariano Gil because of a conflict he had with
- A levy imposed by government on the income, Apolonio dela Cruz
wealth and capital gains of persons or Eight Rays of the Sun
businesses on their spending on goods, services - Brain of the Katipunan
and properties - Batangas
Classification of Tax System - Bulacan
- Cavite
- Progressive Tax – the higher the income, the
- Laguna
higher the tax rate
- Nueva Ecija
- Proportional Tax – the tax rate is constant and
- Pampanga
unaffected by the level of income
- Maynila
- Regressive Tax – the higher the income the
- Tarlac
lower the tax rate
Gen. Mariano Nuñez Llanera
Types of Taxes
- One of the three Fathers of the Cry of Nueva
Direct Taxes Ecija, along with Panataleon Valmonte and
- Taxes levied by the government on the income Manuel Tinio
and wealth received by households and
Gen. Severino Tirona
businesses in order to raise government revenue
- A general who led in saving the town of Laguna
and are used as instruments of fiscal policy
during the Revolution
- Ex.) Personal income tax and corporate income
tax Gen. Miguel Malvar
- Filipino general who served during the Philippine
Indirect Taxes
Revolution and helped saved Batangas
- Taxes levied by government on goods and
services in order to raise government revenue Two Factions:
and are used as instruments of fiscal policy - Magdalo – officially led by Baldomero Aguinaldo,
- These are not taxes on people but on the goods but his cousin Emilio Aguinaldo was its most
and services that we purchase and consume famous leader
- Ex.) Sales tax, import tax. VAT / eVAT - Magdiwang – led by Mariano Alvarez
Characteristics of a Sound Tax System Tejeros Convention
- Meeting held between the Magdiwang and
1. Adequacy – the taxes should be just enough to
Magdalo factions of the Katipunan at San
generate revenue required for provision of
Francisco de Malabon
essential public services like health, education,
 President – Emilio Aguinaldo
and national defense and police protection
 Vice President – Mariano Trias
2. Efficiency – must generated revenue greater
 Captain General – Artemio Ricarte
than the amount of money the government must
 Director of War – Emiliano Riego de
spend to collect taxes.
3. Equity – individual and groups belonging to the
 Director of the Interior – Andres
same bracket must be taxed equally while
belonging to different income groups must be
taxed differently Disclosure of Katipunan
4. Convenience – to set up measures and Cry of Pugadlawin
procedures that will make it more convenient for Tejeros Convention
taxpayers to pay Pact of Biak-na-Bato
5. Neutrality – taxes should not favor any one group Declaration of Independence
or sector over another, and should not be
Spanish – American War
designed to interfere with or influence individual
decision making Battle Ship Maine
- American naval ship that sank in Havana Harbor
during the Cuban revolt against Spain. The main
ADDITIONAL KEYPOINTS IN HISTORY reason why Spanish American was started
KKK Mock battle of Manila
- August 13, 1898
Andres Bonifacio
- Only General Wesley Meritt, Commodore George
- Father of Philippine Revolution
Dewey and Gov. General Fermnin Gaudenes
- Supremo of Katipunan
know that it was a planned battle to transfer
- Made the Decalogo
control of the city center from the Spanish to the
Emilio Jacinto
- Brain of the Katipunan Philippine-American War
- Made the Primer of the Katipunan - San Juan Bridge known as “Calle Sociego”-
marked the start of the Philippine-American on
Passwords of KKK
- Bayani – Rizal
Feb. 4, 1899 when William Walter Grayson fired  Apolinario Mabini – brains of the Revolution;
his gun and killed one Filipino “sublime paralytic”; referred to as the dark
Chamber of the President by enemies
Battle of Tirad Pass
 Trinidad Tecson – Mother of Biak-na-Bato; later
- December 2, 1899
called as the mother of Philippine Red Cross
- Brigadier General Gregorio del Pilar vs. Troops
 Melchora Aquino – Mother of the Katipunan;
of American Major Peyton March
famously known as “Tandang Sora”; cured
- Januario Galut – a Tinnguian Igorot, led the 33rd
wounded Katipuneros who were hurt during the
infantry regiment under Major Peyton March so
they could surround and defeat 60 Filipinos led by
Gen. Gregorio del Pilar in the Battle of Tirad Pass Lapu-lapu
Cecilio Segismundo - 1st great hero of the Philippine Island
- A messenger arrested by American soldiers - King of Mactan
that leads to Aguinaldo’s arrest Gabriela Silang
- Turn coat and a key participant in Aguinaldo’s - 1st Filipina to led the revolt during Spanish
capture colonization
Balangiga Massacre - Wife of Diego Silang
- An accident happened in Sept. 28, 1901 at Hilaria Aguinaldo
Balangiga, Samar led by General Vicente - Wife of Emilio Aguinaldo
Lukban that killed more than 40 American soldier - Established “Hijas de la Revolucion” daughter of
General Miguel Malvar Revolution that later in became “Associacion dela
- Ended the Filipino-American was when he Cruz” or the Red Cross Association
surrendered to the Americans Geronima Tomelder Pecson
American Period - 1st female senator of the Philippines
- 1st woman in the world to become a member of
Universities Established the executive board of United Nation’s
 Philippine Normal School (1901) Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
 Siliman University (1901) (UNESCO).
 Centro Escolar University (1917)
 Unibersidad ng Pilipinas (1908)
 Unibersidad ng Maynila (1914)
 Philippine women’s University (1919)
 Far Eastern University (1919)
- The town where the 1st local election happened
Cayetano Arellano
- The first chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the
Philippines under the American Civil Government
Japanese Period
- Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Anti-Japanese
Army), was a Communist guerilla movement
formed by the peasant farmers of Central Luzon
headed by Luis Taruc
Filipinos Who Fought for Our Independence
 General Emilio Aguinaldo – 1st youngest
president; Filipino general, politician and
independence leader
 General Antonio Luna – commander-in-chief in
Aguinaldo’s regime; one of the greatest generals
 General Gregorio del Pilar – youngest general
at age of 24; Hero of Tirad Pass
 General Miguel Malvar – became he head
general of Batangas during the revolution
 Macario Sakay – established the “Tagalog
republic” at the mountains of Sierra Madre; last
general to surrender on July 14, 1906
 General Francisco Macabulos – fought and led
the town in Tarlac during the revolution;
established the branch of Katipunan in Tarlac
 General Vicente Lukban – govern Samar and
Leyte during he 1st Philippine republic; led the
famous Balangiga Massacre
 General Mariano Llanera – one of the three
fathers of the Cry of Nueva Ecija


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