Of Ebucatton: Jaepartmt T
Of Ebucatton: Jaepartmt T
Of Ebucatton: Jaepartmt T
No. s.2022
1. In preparation for the opening of classes for School Year (SY) 2022-2023, the
schools division offices (SDOs) are expected to ensure that all DepEd schools will
have an adequate teacher workforce.
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 §;/ 8633-7208/8633-7228/8632-1361 • 8636-4876/8637-6209 4 www.deped.gov.ph
way, be given extra points or credit in the selection process, nor shall
guarantee priority in hiring. This is consistent with the equal
opportunity principle that DepEd as an organization is committed to
implement in order to select tJ:e most qualified candidates based on
their qualifrcations and competence.
i. In view of the one year validity of the RQA, the SDOs shall
establish a new RQA for SY 2022-2023. Based on the usual
teaching hiring process, the SDOs are allowed to commence
the call for applications and undertake the recruitment arrd
selection process in advance to establish the RQA for
SY 2o22-2o23 in anticipation of the timely appointment and
deployment of teachers to newly created items this year.
ii. To expedite the recruitment and selection process as well as
to augment the number of applicants in light of the COVID-
19 situation, the SDOs that have yet to exhaust the
Sy 2O2l-2O22 RQA Eay conaider the remaining qualifred
applicants to be included in the SY 2022-2023 RQA;
provided that said applicants should have expressed their
intent to apply in SY 2022-2023 by submitting the following:
3. For further queries and clarifications, please contact the Bureau of Ifuman
Resource aad Organlzatlonal Developmetrt-Humea Resource Development
Dlvlslon, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue,
Pasig City through email at bhrod.hrdrt@deped.gov.ph or at telephone number (02)
ndersecretarSr and Chief of StaJf
DepEd Order No. (019, s.2O22l