English 8 - 3rd Quarter Examination
English 8 - 3rd Quarter Examination
English 8 - 3rd Quarter Examination
Department of Education
Name: _____________________________________________
Grade & Section: _____________________________________
6. Which of the following best describes an opinion?
Multiple Choice: Please follow the directions and fill in the entire A.Something that can be proven
circle (like this ) that corresponds to your answer for each B.Making good choice
question. C.A person’s thoughts or feelings about something
D.A person who can prove something
1. A B C D 7. Which of the following is an opinion?
2. A B C D A.Jose won the race at field day
3. A B C D B.Gary was unhappy that his team lost.
C.Todd is wearing a blue tie
4. A B C D
D.Sheila woke up 7:30 in the morning
5. A B C D 8. Which of the following is a fact?
6. A B C D A.I received a 98% on the reading test.
7. A B C D B.I’m the student in the 11th grade
8. A B C D C.Gary Paulsen is my favorite author.
9. A B C D D.Reading is very easy.
10. A B C D 9. “My son's girlfriend is very rude. She calls so late So
disrespectful. Today she came over for lunch and brought
11. A B C D
cookies – without even asking if it was okay. What if I had
12. A B C D already made cookies?”
13. A B C D The author is biased against…
14. A B C D A.Rude children C. Her son’s girlfriend
15. A B C D B.Her son D. Dating
10. Which of the underlined words help show the author’s bias? My
son’s girlfriend is very rude. She calls so late at night-
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the right answer among choices sometimes as late as 9:00 at night. Last week she called me
given. Sara instead of Mrs. Olson – I quickly corrected her.
1. Uses words that appeal to the emotions rather than common A. Girlfriend C. week
sense… B. Rude D. Called
A. plain folk C. loaded words 11.An author writing about Mustang Convertibles uses words such
B. red herring D. snob appeal as: performance, speed, fuel-efficiency, wind, luxury. What
2. Highlights a minor detail to draw attention away from the can you infer about the author’s bias?
important information… A. Dislikes sports cars C. Mustangs are for old people
A.snob appeal C. red herring B. Likes Mustang Convertibles D. Mustangs are dangerous
B.loaded words D. plain folk 12.What does it mean to show bias?
3. “Love” and “peace” or “cheap and war”. Others are “luxury”, A. To be angry C. to refuse to take a side
“beautiful”, “paradise”, and “economical” are an example of what B. To favor one side over another D. to show knowledge
techniques? 13.Which statement is NOT an example of author’s bias?
A.Faulty cause and effect C. loaded words stop A. The best new song is Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself”
B.plain folk D. bandwagon B. The #1 song on the Billboard Top 100 this week is Rhianna’s
4. Makes you feel that you will be one of the elites if you do “Work”
something C. “One Call” is the worst song
A.either fallacy C. red herring D. The song is sang by Justin Bieber
B.snob appeal D. false analogy 14.______ is the preference or opinion that prevents one from
5. Uses a folksy approach to convince us to support someone or approaching a topic with a neutral point of view.
something A. Loaded Language C. Preference
A.Glittering generality C. bandwagon B. Credibility D. Bias
B.Plain folk D. Name calling 15.The degree to which a source is trustworthy and believable.
A. Loaded Language C. Preference
B. Credibility D. Bias
____ 23. The junior college is a better place to attend school for the
first two years than is a university or a 4-year college.
____ 24. In Arizona, smoking in public places is against the law.
II.Write if it is a fact. Write if it is an opinion. ____ 25. Nicotine in cigarette smoke makes the heartbeat faster.
____ 16. Harry S. Truman was a president of the United States. ____ 26. Gold was discovered in California in 1848.
____ 17. Truman was one of the best presidents the United ____ 27. Charles Dickens’ fascinating novel A Tale of Two Cities
States has had. was published in 1840.
____ 18. Movies are generally more interesting than books. ____ 28. Israel and Egypt will never have a permanent peace
____ 19. The unemployment rate in the U.S. today is higher than it settlement.
was in1935. ____ 29. There is currently a shortage of science teachers in the
____ 20. Non-poisonous snakes make delightful pets. state of Florida.
____ 21. Business sets outrageously high prices on its products. ____ 30. In 1970, over 30,000 children were enrolled in day-care
____ 22. Time is a better magazine than Newsweek. programs in Miami-Dade County.
IV.Break down each of the following words into its word parts.
Ex. prevention pre – before vent – come ion – state/act of an act before something comes