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Women - Community Empowerment Project Proposal

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Project Proposal On Women and Community Empowerment

Women & Community Empowerment

SAPREM An Introduction

SAPREM an NGO is based at Kalyan, Dist Thane, State Maharashtra primarily engaged in education, health and community empowerment. organiations. The organistion is headed by the professionals in the field of Social Work and has engaged competent human capital base. The organization has been retained by the State Government to carry out its different projects as Project Partner. Besides organistion has started different social centers which are operational and maintained by its own. The organization is peoples movement. It adopts participative style of functioning. SAPREM undertakes need based project interventions. In overall developmental It is incorporated in the year 1998 and has been working since then at grassroots level with the help of support

process the organization believes in playing the role of facilitator than to lead. Organisation Details Date of Establishment Thane/CIT 111/Trust/2003-04/598 01.04.1998 SRA Registration No SRA/MH/166/99/Thane PTA Registration No PTA/F/7707/Thane FCRA Registration No 083990106
Social Aspiration for Participatory Reforms by Evolved Manpower

Annual Report 1999 to 2004 Audit Report 1999 to 2004 Area of Operation All India Field of Operation Health, Education & Empowerment

Women & Community Empowerment

SAPREM Support Organisation till date UNFPA IPD Society Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation [KDMC] State Local Government Ulhasnagar Muncipal Corporation [UMC] State Local Government State Government Education Mahatma Phule Shikshsan Hami Yojna Maharashtra State Social Welfare Board [MSSWB] Corporates Child Line India Foundation State Police Department Support Organisation under Process AVERT MSACS Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment De-addcition Centre The project has been recommended by State Government [Maharashtra] Water and Sanitation Department Thane District, State Maharashtra The list of project assistance obtained from various support organsiation
Agency Targeted Population Period Start Date Total Financial Outlay [TFO] 7,50,000 13,00,000

UNFPA IPD Society Women & Community Empowerment Women & Community Empowerment KDMC HIV Project DAAN Family Counselling Centre Female Feticide Gadge Babas Nagari Swachhata Abhiyan Pulse Polio Survey

KDMC Slum UMC Slum Rural & Urban KDMC - do - do Rural Population Rural Population Urban Population

05 Yrs 05 Yrs 1 Mth 1 Yr 1 Yr 1 Week 1 Week [Yrly] 1 Mth

Oct 2003 Oct 2003 Dec 2002 Dec 2003 April 2004 - do Dec 2004 May 2004 May 2001

1,00,000 1,38,000 60,000 3,050 10,000 16,000

Women & Community Empowerment

Training on SHG MSSWB Rural General Awareness Programme Creach State Government Mahatma Phule Shikshan Hami Yojna Child India Foundation Pre Intervention Survey State Police Department Training Programme on Stress Management Corporate Ranbaxy HIV Campaign Total Rural & Urban Population Rural Population Urban Slum Population Rural Population Ulhasnagar Kalyan KDMC 15 Days 1 Week Continuou s Continuou s 1 Mth 1 Day 1 Mth Nov 2004 Jan 2004 March 2004 April 2003 April, 2001 Nov 2002 Nov 2002 36,000 20,000 15,000 96,000 10,000 5,000 8,000 25,67,050

Project operated and maintained by the Organisation

Social Service Centre Bai Rukmini Bai Hospital KDMC Medical Camps De-addiction Centre HIV/AIDS Counselling Centre General Health Centre Women Resource Centre Child Guidance Clinic Local Youth Development Centre Vocational & Career Guidance Centre Manashanti Day Care Centre SAPREM Training Institute [STI] Through STI capacity building programmes for youth have been planned and executed. The following courses were designed looking at their competency building. English Speaking Personality Development Para Professional Social Work

Our Human Capital Base No of Founder Members .. No of Volunteers .. No of Staff 10 Registered Address: 11, Panchashil Building, Durga Mata Mandir Road, Katemanivali (E) Ward, Kalyan (East), Dist Thane, State Maharashtra, India 421306
Women & Community Empowerment

25 100

SAPREM Phone: +91-0251-2334725, E-mail: saprem@hotmail.com Resource Persons: Prakash Gaikwad, Head Social Work [9820929027] Sugat Gamare, Head Management & Administration [9820587893] Authorised Bankers: IDBI Bank Janta Sahakari Bank Goal Statement: Regulate impact of social problems and strive for social well-being of the human being in the society Scope of Work: We propose to take up project intervention in most needed 05 blocks of 10 communities each of Thane District, State Maharashtra

Women & Community Empowerment

SAPREM Woman and Community Empowerment Activities Objectives To achieve the outputs related to raising community demand for quality RH services through women and community empowerment Enabling Environment To mobiles women group and build their capacity of women and community-based groups to act as a change agents in the community Capacity Building and Mobilization To ensure sustainability of the process of woman and community empowerment Sustainability To enhance level of understanding and maturity of woman in respect of their role in social system Woman Development [Knowledge, Aptitude, Skill Role Strengthening] To involve woman and community-based groups for joint action programmes which will be conducted at Ward and Corporation level Woman Participation in Programme implementation Strategies The Project work will be concentrated in five needy slum of the UMC . Each slum will be distinctly marked and its jurisdiction will be decided. The primary information about the slum geography and demography in respect of key persons/institutions/groups and their locations will be collected and studied. In each slum 10 women groups [WG] will be formed, these woman group members will be united. They will further be guided and motivated in one day orientation programme that will be held at community level. They will be given IEC material that they will distribute among their communities. This will be further be cascaded from woman group to their respective communities. In this programme, one leadership from each group will be identified as Group Representative [GR]. Hence 50 GR will be nominated. These 50 GR will be given 3 days intensive orientation programme in a two batch. They will also be provided with training material. As these representative are really drivers of the programe activities they will be equipped with thorough knowledge, understanding and will be motivated to take up the challenging role in the process of woman and community empowerment. The sharing of 03 days orientation will be further be cascaded by WR to their respective WG and further WG to their communities.

Women & Community Empowerment

SAPREM The knowledge of GR will be periodically updated, revived and shared by 01 day refresher orientation programme that will be held at every quarter. This will further be cascaded from GR to WG and from WG to their communities Once the community is fine tuned and they are geared up for the project activity. A Co-ordination Committee [CC] of GR of each slum will be formulated. This will act as a steering committee and there will be one CC at each slum. The CC, which will work like steering committed will meet every month to plan out their action plan in respect of project activity for their community. This will be further be cascaded to WG. Besides this WG the programme effectiveness will be achieved through other stakeholders of each communities such as representatives of CBOs, Community Leaders, School Teachers, Anganwadi Workers and Health Workers. A Community Mobilization Team [CMT] will be formed for this diverse section of the society including the members of the GR. This will lead to community participation in the programme activities. The team will strive to mobilize all available community resources for collective action. This would be first step forward towards collective voice. The periodical meeting of CMT will be held to plan out their action plan. They will meet quarterly to deliberate on the issues related with mobilizing community resources in line with programme activity. The CMT of each slum will establish their network with other CMTs for collaborative efforts. They will form a collective voice for common issues to all 05 slums at the ward level and the corporation level. As it is imperative to have interaction with GR of each slum for joint action, the formal set up is made for forming a Network Committee [NC] at Slum level. Hence there will be one NC at each slum. The NC will have 03 representatives each from respective CC. Thus NC will have 15 members committees having representation of each slum. Quarterly meeting of the NC will be held to discuss the action plan and also to share their experience. They will also take up major issues at the corporation level. In order to create a conducive environment, it is required to strengthen other support system particularly Health System. Therefore one-day orientation programme for entire health system at each slum will be held. They will be motivated and trained to support woman and other clients. The WG will make continuous effort to form a linkages with local level service delivery points by their participation in health activities and events like RH Camps and NSV Camps.

Women & Community Empowerment

SAPREM In order to have a forum to plan community awareness activities, advocacy events and also to address quality of care issues a quarterly meeting of CC with Health Post Staff will be held. It will further strengthen Health System in delivering quality output. As a continuous process the respective WG or United WG will organize awareness activities and events on RH, Gender, Population and development issues at the slum level. This would be a grass-root level intervention. In a similar way NC will strive to take up events and activities at the Corporation level to organize and mobilize demand for RH services In order to establish intersectoral linkages at the corporation level, NC and CMT in collaboration will have bi annual meetings with Sr Officer from the Departments of Education/ Health/ ICDS/ Police/ Legal and Social Welfare Department. This will lead to a joint action on a common cause. Work Methodology: Community Reach-out Meetings Focused Group Discussions Training/ Workshops Documentation Flow Chart/ Activity Plan/ Budget/ Work Plan is hyperlink in Excel Spreadsheet.

Women & Community Empowerment

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