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Is13039 External

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention

Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

Hkkjrh; ekud IS 13039 : 2014

(Reaffirmed 2019)
Indian Standard

ckgjh gkbZMuªs V~ fll~Ve — izkoèkku

rFkk j[k&j[kko — jhfr lafgrk
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External Hydrant
Systems — Provision and
Maintenance — Code of Practice
( First Revision )

ICS 13.220

© BIS 2014

Hkkjrh; ekud C;wjks

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NEW DELHI-110002
www.bis.org.in www.standardsbis.in

June 2014 Price Group 9

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
One of the methods for extinguishing fire in towns, cities and industrial buildings is by providing external hydrant
systems. Fire hydrant systems consist of suitable capacity reservoirs, arrangements to impart pressure to the
water, means to convey the water to various locations and suitable water outlets at the required locations. In order
that such system could function efficiently, it is necessary to give guidance for the provision, installation, inspection
and maintenance of this system.
Table 23 of SP 7 : 2005 ‘National Building Code of India’, governs requirements for various types of individual
buildings and small scale industries only. For other industries, requirements are to be worked out based on
relevant Indian standards namely ‘IS 9668 Code of Practice for provision and maintenance of water supplies and
fire fighting, IS 13039 Code of Practice for external hydrant systems provision and maintenance and IS 3844
Code of Practice for installation and maintenance of internal fire hydrants and hose reels on premises’ in consultation
with local fire authorities.
IS 9668 covers provisions and maintenance of water supplies for extinguishing fires in towns, cities and industrial
buildings and IS 13039 covers provision and maintenance of external hydrant systems.
Purpose of this revision of IS 13039 is to delete water supply requirements for industries from IS 9668 and bring
out an up-to-date comprehensive standard, for external hydrant systems in medium and large scale industries
(other than petroleum refining and petrochemical plants which are governed by OISD standards), which would
include water supply requirements also. IS 9668 would now cover provisions for water supplies for towns and
cities only.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values revised’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE monitor/stand post or from any portion of the hydrant
service. Hose reels can however be tapped from hydrant
This standard covers provision of installation
stand posts.
Inspection and maintenance of hydrant systems in
medium and large scale industrial risks (other than 4.4 All hydrant outlets shall be situated 1 m above
petroleum refining and petrochemical plants which are ground level.
governed by OISD standards).
4.5 The stand posts shall be 80 mm in diameter for
2 REFERENCES single headed hydrants, 100 mm for double-headed
hydrants and monitors of 63 mm or 75 mm size and
The standards listed at Annex A contain provisions 150 mm for monitor of 100 mm size.
which through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, It is recommended that stand posts be painted ‘fire red’
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are (shade No. 536 as per IS 5).
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on 4.6 Only oblique hydrants conforming to IS 5290 with
this standard are encouraged to investigate the outlets angled towards ground shall be used. The
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the hydrant couplings shall be of the instantaneous spring-
standards indicated at Annex A. lock (female) type of 63 mm diameter and valves shall
be of the screw down type.
Suitable pressure reducing devices may be provided
Water supply, pumping capacity and other features of
for hydrants where the pressure exceeds 7 kg/cm2.
the hydrant system depend not only on the size of the
risk but also on its fire growth and spread potentialities. 4.7 Double-headed hydrants shall consist of two
For the purpose of hydrant systems design the risks separate landing valves.
are to be categorized under the classes as given in
4.8 Hydrants shall be easily accessible, storage of any
Annex B.
kind on or around the hydrant being prohibited.
4 HYDRANTS/FIXED MONITORS Where hydrants are situated in remote locations, they
4.1 Before commissioning, the hydrant system shall shall be approachable by means of paved pathways.
be flushed thoroughly. 4.9 Hydrants located in situations where they are likely
Fire hydrants shall be of stand post type conforming to be damaged by vehicular traffic shall be protected
to IS 908. by guard rails on all sides.

If site conditions demand, they can also be of 4.10 Hydrants shall be located bearing in mind the
underground type conforming to IS 909, however only attendant fire hazards, at the different sections of the
where the hydrants are properly enclosed in a surface premises to be protected and so as to give most effective
box of cast iron or masonry, 750 mm square and 80 service. They shall be so distributed as to provide
mm above ground level, the top of the hydrant outlet protection for the buildings on all sides and need not
being not more than 80 mm below the top of the box. necessarily be equidistant from each other (see 4.11).
Such surface boxes shall be protected by hinged cast 4.11 Advantage shall be taken of convenient door and/
iron covers as specified in IS 3950. or window openings to place hydrants so that only a
4.2 Water shall be available immediately to all minimum length of hose is required to reach the
hydrants/fixed monitors at all times, with all cut-off openings through which fire may be attacked.
valves being kept open. In case of continuous blank walls, suitable provision
4.3 Connections for any purpose other than fire shall be made on the walls near hydrant posts for easy
fighting are not permitted from the hydrant/fixed access inside the premises.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

4.12 At least one hydrant post shall be provided for 4.18 High hazard industrial occupancies, hazardous
every 60 m of external wall measurement in case of buildings and basements exceeding 200 m2 in area shall
light hazard occupancy, for every 45 m in case of be protected by automatic sprinklers or such other
ordinary hazard occupancy and every 30 m of external appropriate systems
wall measurement or perimeter of building/unit battery
limit in case of high hazard occupancy. 4.19 Fire Escape/Fire Access Staircases

Measurements shall be calculated on the total length 4.19.1 In case of storied buildings, satisfactory access
of walls of all buildings/perimeter of all battery limits shall be provided to all parts of each floor by means of
to be protected except in the case of opposite buildings incombustible internal or external staircases.
(other than those of high hazard category) within 22.5 4.19.2 All buildings having area more than 500 m2 on
m of each other, where the measurement of the shorter each floor shall have a minimum of two staircases.
opposing wall may be omitted.
At least one of them shall be on external wall of the
Notwithstanding the above, hydrants protecting utilities building and shall open directly to the exterior, interior
and miscellaneous buildings in high hazard risks may open space or to an open space of safety
be spaced at 45 m.
4.19.3 Exact numbers, width, location, etc, of such
4.13 Where any part of a building is normally used staircases and ramps for basements shall depend on
for storage purpose or where hazardous processes are travel distance requirements given under 4.5.1, 4.5.2
carried out, there shall be two single or one double and 4.5.3 and Table 22 of National Building Code of
headed hydrant within 15 m of the building, the layout India depending on type of occupancy.
being such that two jets of water can be played
simultaneously on the highest point of the roof. 4.19.4 Internal staircases shall conform to 4.9,
external staircases shall conform to 4.11 and ramps
4.14 All hydrants and monitors should be serially
shall conform to 4.14 of National Building Code of
4.15 For light and moderate hazard risks, hydrant heads
4.19.5 All staircases (protected escape routes) shall
shall be positioned at distances not less than 2 m from
be pressurized as per 4.10 of National Building Code
the face of the building or edge of the storage plot to
of India.
be protected. Such buildings shall not be deemed to be
protected by a hydrant unless such hydrant is within 4.19.6 Internal fire hydrants and hose reels shall be
15 m of the building. provided on internal/external fire escape staircases as
4.16 In case of buildings/plants occupied for high per provisions given under 5.8, 5.10, 5.13, 5.14, 5.15
hazard process or storage areas, the hydrants shall be and 6 of IS 3844.
located at a minimum distance of 15 m from the 4.19.7 A hydrant shall be provided on every floor
periphery of storage tank or hazardous equipment landing which shall be not less than 1.25 m.
under protection.
4.19.8 Exits to the access staircases shall always be
In the case of buildings, this distance shall be not less kept open during working hours. During non-working
than 5 m and more than 15 m from the face of building. hours, the exits may be locked from the staircase side
Hydrants/Monitors shall be located along road side for only.
easy accessibility as far as possible. Locks of all exits shall have one master key, which
4.17 In case where, owing to the size or layout of the shall be available either at the main gate, or any other
building, or building being divided by internal walls, prominent and easily accessible location known to the
if any point within the building is at a distance of more fire fighting personnel. Alternatively, the key shall be
than 45 m from an external fire hydrant, an internal kept in a glass-fronted box or in the hose box on the
hydrant system shall be provided so that no portion of staircase landing.
the floor is more than 45 m from an external hydrant
4.19.9 Adequate smoke venting facilities shall be
or 30 m from an internal hydrant.
provided for safe use of exits.
Distance of 45 m indicated above shall be increased to
60 m for light hazard occupancies and reduced to 30 4.20 Monitors
m for high hazard occupancies. 4.20.1 Monitors conforming to IS 8442 shall be located
In case of large open areas like switchyards, where it at strategic locations for protection of cluster of
is not feasible to lay internal hydrants, alternate columns, heaters, gassifiers, etc, and where it may not
hydrants may be replaced by monitors of suitable size. be possible to approach the higher levels.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

The requirement of monitors shall be established based 4.22.2 Additional requirement for water spray
on hazard involved and layout considerations. Monitors protection for storage tanks/vessels.
shall be located to direct water on the object as well as Class A petroleum storage in above ground
to provide water shield to firemen approaching a fire.
tanks shall have fixed water spray system, whether
The monitors should not be installed less than 15 m
floating roof or fixed roof.
from hazardous equipment. Also, the location of water
monitors shall not exceed 45 m from the hazard to be Adequate provision shall be made to promptly
protected. Variable flow monitors may be installed at and effectively dispose of all liquids from the fire areas
critical locations. during operation of fire protection systems in such
4.20.2 A minimum of 2 monitors shall be provided
for the protection of each such area. Water monitors 4.22.3 Fixed/semi-fixed foam system shall be provided
for protection of heaters shall be installed so that the for the following tanks:
heater can be isolated from the remainder of the plant
‘Floating roof tanks storing Class ‘A’ petroleum
in an emergency.
4.20.3 Tank wagon and tank lorry loading/unloading
bays and gantry area should be provided with alternate 5 PUMPS
fire hydrants and water cum foam monitors having
5.1 General
multipurpose combination nozzles for jet spray and
fog arrangement located at spacing of 30 m on either 5.1.1 Pumps conforming to IS 12469 shall be
sides of the gantry. exclusively used for fire fighting purposes and shall
be either,
4.20.4 Monitors should be painted with luminous
colour for ease of identification during emergency. a) electric motor driven centrifugal pumps; or
4.21 Storage of material in the open shall be protected b) compression ignition engine driven
as under: centrifugal pumps; or
c) vertical turbine submersible pumps.
Material Protection 5.1.2 Pumps shall be direct-coupled, except in the case
Non-hazardous One single hydrant for every 60 m of engine-driven vertical turbine pumps wherein gear
storage of storage periphery located beyond drives shall be permitted. Belt-driven pumps shall not
2 m but within 15 m of storage area be accepted.
Coal or Coke One single hydrant for every 45 m 5.1.3 Parts of pumps like impeller, shaft sleeve,
of storage periphery located beyond wearing ring, etc, shall be of non-corrosive metal,
2 m but within 15 m of storage area preferably of brass or bronze or stainless steel. Where
Other storages One double hydrant for every 45 m seawater is used or where the quality of water
of the storage periphery located be- necessitates the use of special metals/alloys, the use of
yond 2 m, but within 22.5 m of stor- such metals or alloys shall be insisted.
age area
5.1.4 The capacity of the pump(s) would depend on
NOTES whether or not tapping(s) for water spray and/or foam
1 In the case of open storage areas of bamboo, bagasse, grass/ protection for tanks/spheres/bullets/plants/other
hay and timber, at least 50 percent of hydrant shall be replaced
facilities is (are) taken from the hydrant service.
by fixed monitors having nozzle bore of 38 mm diameter, if
the individual stack height is more than 6 m and total storage In case there is no tapping from the hydrant service, the
exceeds 5 000 tonne.
capacity of the pump shall be as per hereunder. However,
2 Where hydrant/monitors located along one longer side of a
storage area are more than 90 m from those along the other where the water demand for water sprays and/or foam
longer side, monitors having jets of longer reach may be protection as per,,,
accepted. and is more than that required for the hydrant
system, the pumping capacity shall be based on the
4.22 Protection for Storage Tanks/Vessels higher water demand.
4.22.1 In case tanks are located more than 22.5 m from The capacity of pumps for hydrant service shall
the dyke walls, one double hydrant shall be replaced be determined by the class of occupancy and size of
by a 38 mm monitor (Every alternate monitor should installation as per Tables 1, 2 and 3.
be a foam monitor and a minimum of one such foam Where transformers are protected by high
monitor should be provided). velocity water spray system tapped from hydrant

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

system, water requirements of the spray system shall providing fire resistance of at least 2 h.
be determined as per rules for water spray system under
The water requirement of the spray system worked out
IS 15325. Water requirement of the spray system
as above shall then be loaded for supplementary hose
worked out as above shall then be loaded by 1 750
stream protection as under:
litre/min for supplementary hose stream protection. Where plants and other facilities are protected Water capacity of Bullets/ Supplementary hose
by sprinkler system tapped from the pressurized Spheres stream protection
hydrant service, water requirement of the sprinkler m3 litre/min
system shall be determined as per the rules for sprinkler Up to and including 50 m3 1 750
system under IS 15105. If the total water requirement Above 50 m3 and up to 150 m3 2 250
for sprinkler system exceeds the requirement of the Above 150 m3 4 500
hydrant service as per Tables 1, 2 and 3 the pumping
capacity shall be equivalent to the former.
If the total water requirement for spray protection and Where spheres/bullets are protected by a medium hose steam protection for spheres/bullets worked out
velocity water spray system tapped from pressurized as above exceeds the requirements of the hydrant
hydrant service, water requirements of the spray system service as per Tables 1, 2 and 3 the pumping capacity
shall be determined as mentioned under IS 15325. Water shall be equivalent to the former.
application may be reduced to 5 litre/min where the NOTE — For design criteria of medium velocity water spray
bullets/Spheres coated with approved passive materials system reference shall be made to IS 15325.

Table 1 Pump Capacity — Light Hazard Risk

Nature of Risk Number of Hydrants Pump Capacity
litre/min (m3/h)
(1) (2) (3)
Not exceeding 20 1 620 (96)
Exceeding 20 but not exceeding 55 2 280 (137)
Light hazard
Exceeding 55 but not exceeding 100 2 850 (171)
Exceeding 1001) 2 850 (171) plus 2 850 (171) for every additional 125
hydrants or part thereof.
The total pumping capacity need not be greater than 11 400 litre/min (683 m3/h) irrespective of the number of hydrant points.
NOTE — Delivery pressure at pump discharge at rated capacity shall be hydraulically designed.

Table 2 Pump Capacity — Ordinary Hazard Risk

Nature of Risk Number of Hydrants Pump Capacity
litre/min (m3/h)
(1) (2) (3)
Not exceeding 20 2 280 (137)
Exceeding 20 but not exceeding 55 2 850 (171)
Ordinary hazard
Exceeding 55 but not exceeding 100 4 550 (273)
Exceeding 1001) 4 550 (273) plus 4 550 (273) for every additional 125
hydrants or part thereof.
Total pumping capacity need not be greater than 18 200 litre/min (1 092 m3/h) irrespective of the number of hydrant points.
1 Where situation warrants, higher capacity pumps not exceeding 410 m3/h may be accepted.
2 In case of new systems where the number of hydrants is expected to be between 100 and 150; and where further extension of the
system beyond 150 hydrants is not anticipated, a single pump of 410 m3/h capacity may be permitted.
3 Likewise in case of old installations where the system is extended beyond 100 hydrants but not exceeding 150 hydrants; and where
further extension beyond 150 hydrants is not anticipated, an additional pump of 171 m3/h may be permitted.
4 In order to achieve the minimum pressure at higher elevation, booster pump(s) with a capacity of 137 m 3/h, having requisite rated
head may be acceptable. The booster pump shall be regarded as a pressure-compensating device only.
5 A higher capacity booster pump may be stipulated where considered necessary. Booster pump shall be located at ground level only.
6 Electrically driven booster pump(s) shall in addition to the normal supply be connected to the emergency power supply also and
satisfy all requirements applicable to main pumps.
7 Delivery pressure at pump discharge at rated capacity shall be hydraulically designed.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

Table 3 Pump Capacity — High Hazard Risks

(other than those Governed by OISD Standards)
Sl Nature of Risk Number of Hydrants Pump Capacity
No. litre/min (m3/h)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Not exceeding 20 2 850 (171)
Exceeding 20 but not exceeding 55 4 550 (273)
i) Sub Category (A) Exceeding 55 but not exceeding 100 6 825 (410)
Exceeding 100 6 825 (410) plus 6 825 (410) for every additional 125
hydrants or part thereof.
Not exceeding 20 Two of 2 850 (171)
Exceeding 20 but not exceeding 55 Two of 4 550 (273)
ii) Sub Category (B )
Exceeding 55 but not exceeding 100 Two of 6 825 (410)
Exceeding 100 Two of 6 825 (410) plus one of 6 825 (410) for every
additional 200 hydrants or part thereof.
1 In calculating the number of hydrants in the system, a double headed hydrant shall be counted as two, a fixed monitor of 63 mm size
having nozzle bore of 32 mm shall be counted as three, a fixed monitor of 75 mm size having nozzle bore of 38 mm shall be counted
as four and a fixed monitor of 100 mm size having nozzle bore of 45 mm as six hydrant points.
In case of risks, where double headed hydrants are used throughout the system (Except light/ordinary hazard areas protected by
separate ring mains), a double headed hydrant may be regarded as a single hydrant only
2 In case of high hazard (Sub-category B) risks where the aggregate pumping capacity required in terms of the above Table or
of,,, and hereunder exceeds 1 640 m 3/h, larger capacity pumps are acceptable provided the
capacity of the largest pump does not exceed 25 percent of the aggregate installed pumping capacity.
3 Delivery pressure at pump discharge at rated capacity shall be hydraulically designed. Where the plants and other facilities are If the total water requirement for spray protection and
protected by medium velocity water spray systems, hose stream protection for storage tanks worked out
tapped from hydrant service, water requirement of the as above exceeds the requirements of the hydrant
spray system shall be determined as per rules for water service as per Tables 1, 2 and 3, the pumping capacity
spray systems under IS 15325. Water requirements of shall be equivalent to the former.
the spray systems worked out as above shall then be
loaded by requirements for supplementary hose 5.1.5 Pumps shall be capable of furnishing not less
stream protection which shall be limited to capacity than 150 percent of rated capacity at a head not less
of individual hydrant pump required had there been than 65 percent of the rated head.
no spray protection with a maximum of 4 500 litre/ The shut-off head shall not exceed 120 percent of rated
min. head in the case of horizontal pumps and 140 percent
If the total water requirement for spray protection and in the case of vertical turbine type pumps.
hose stream protection worked out as above exceeds 5.1.6 Each pump shall be provided with a name-plate
the requirements of the hydrant service as per Tables giving, the delivery head, capacity and the number of
1, 2 and 3, the pumping capacity shall be equivalent to rev/min.
the former.
5.1.7 In case of electrically driven pumps it is necessary Where storage tanks containing flammable that a compression ignition engine driven pump of
liquids are protected by a medium velocity water spray similar capacity be installed as a standby. Where the
system tapped from the hydrant service, the water hydrant service consists of two or more pumps, number
requirements of the spray system shall be calculated of standby pumps shall be equal to half the number of
as per IS 15325. The water requirement of the spray main pumps.
system worked out as above shall then be loaded for
supplementary hose stream protection as under: 5.1.8 The diameter of the suction pipe shall be such
that the rate of flow of water through it does not exceed
Sl Where the Largest Tank in a Water Requirement 120 litre/min.
No. Dyke has a Diameter litre/min
5.1.9 Fire pumps shall be provided with positive
i) Up to 10 m 1 150
suction and automatic starting devices capable of
ii) More than 10 m and up to 20 m 2 250
sequential starting of the pumps. The pumps shall be
iii) Over 20 m 3 400
connected to audible alarm such as hooter or a siren

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

located in a prominent place outside the pump house. of the surrounding buildings shall be masonry walls
Where there is a central fire station in the premises, of 355 mm thickness with door and window openings
additional alarm point shall also be provided in the if any therein, protected by 2 h fire resisting doors and
fire station. 6 mm thick wired glasses in steel framework
respectively and the roof of the pump room shall be of
The pumping arrangement shall incorporate jockey
reinforced cement concrete (RCC).
pumps to take care of system losses. Also, Installation
of jockey pumps helps to prevent hydraulic surges. The Likewise, when the pump room is attached to a
capacity of the jockey pumps shall neither be more building, a fire separating wall of 4 h fire resistance
than 5 percent of the installed pumping capacity nor shall be constructed between the pump room and the
less than 3 percent thereof (with a minimum of 10.8 attached building with wall openings therein protected
m3/h) unless the aggregate installed pumping capacity by 2 h fire resisting doors on either sides. The roof of
is in excess of 820 m3/h, in which case the capacity of the pump room shall be of RCC construction at least
the jockey pump (s) shall be not less than 25 m3/h plus 100 mm thick and access to the pump room shall be
1 percent of the installed pumping capacity in excess from the outside.
of 820 m3/h.
5.1.10 Each pump shall be provided with a non-return
valve and a sluice valve on the delivery side, the sluice 5.2.1 The sub-station(s) and/or D.G. house(s)-
valve being installed on the upstream side of the non- supplying power to the fire pump(s) shall be of
return valve. A pressure gauge shall also be provided incombustible construction and shall be located at least
between the pump and the non-return valve. The size 6 m away from all surrounding buildings.
of the non-return valve and cut off (sluice) valve shall Where this is not feasible, all door and window
not be less than the size of the initial delivery pipe openings of the surrounding buildings within 6 m of
and, in no case, less than the delivery outlet of the the sub-station(s) and/or D.G. house(s) shall be
pump. No butterfly valves shall be installed inside the protected by single fireproof doors and 6 mm thick
pump room. wired glasses in steel framework respectively. Like-
5.1.11 When the premises are also protected by wise, roof eaves, if any, of the surrounding buildings
sprinkler installation having elevated tank(s) as one of falling within 6 m of the sub-station(s) and/or D.G.
the main sources of water supply, and where the house(s) shall be cut off and wall raised as a parapet.
arrangement for filling the tank(s) is taken from the The above provisions shall also apply when the sub-
hydrant service, the connection shall be taken directly station(s) and D.G. house(s) are within 6 m of each
from the pump to the top of the tank (through a stop other.
valve) and not through the hydrant mains.
Where the sub-station(s) and/or D.G. house(s) are
5.1.12 In no case shall the pump from be sited within attached to buildings, fire resisting wall of 4 h fire
a building occupied for any other purpose. resistance with door openings therein protected by 2 h
Pumps shall not be installed in open. The pump rooms fire resisting doors on either sides shall be constructed
shall normally have brick/concrete walls and non- to segregate the sub-station(s) and/or D.G. house(s)
combustible roof, with adequate lighting, ventilation from the attached buildings and where the attached
and drainage arrangements. building is storied, the roof of the sub-station(s) and/
or D.G. house(s) shall be of R.C.C. construction of at
The pump room shall be so located as to be both easily least 100 mm thickness.
accessible and where any falling masonry and the like
from other buildings occasioned by fire or otherwise, Transformer cubicles inside these sub-stations shall be
cannot damage the pump room. separated from H.T. and L.T. cubicles and from each
other by blank walls of bricks/stone/concrete blocks
For high hazard (Sub-category B) occupancies, in
of 355 mm thickness or of R.C.C of 200 mm with door
addition to the above provisions, the pump room shall
openings, if any therein, protected by 2 h fire resisting
be located 30 m clear of all equipment where
flammable fluids having flash point below 65°C are
handled and/or stored and 15 m clear of pipes/pipe The sub-station(s) and D.G. house(s) shall also be
racks (carrying fluids other than water). separated from each other as above.
In case of light and ordinary hazard risks, pump rooms Transformers installed outdoors, which are supplying
shall be located 6 m away from all surrounding power to fire pump(s), shall be located at least 6 m
buildings and overhead structures. Where this is not away from all surrounding buildings (including sub-
feasible the sides of the pump room falling within 6 m station(s) and/or D.G. house(s).

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

Where this is not feasible all door and window openings conforming with the above distance provisions, shall
of the building(s) within 6 m of the transformer shall be run along two different routes in such a way that
be protected by 2 h fire resisting doors and 6 mm thick failure of more than one route due to a single mishap
wired glasses in steel framework respectively. would be a remote possibility.
Likewise, roof eaves of the building(s) falling within
5.2.4 A direct feeder without any tapping shall be laid
6 m of the transformer shall be cut and wall raised as a
from the sub-station to the pump house. The feeder
shall consist of an armoured cable buried underground
Baffle walls of bricks/stone/concrete blocks of 355 mm and shall not pass under any building or permanent
thickness or of R.C.C. of 200 mm thickness shall be structure.
constructed between two transformers and these walls
The cable run inside the substation from the breaker
shall be extended horizontally 600 mm beyond the
up to its point of burial or entry into cable duct/gallery
extremities of the transformers and vertically 600 mm
shall be provided with suitable passive protection of at
above the highest point of the transformers.
least 30 min fire rating.
NOTE — Where oil capacity of the individual transformer is
larger than 5 000 litres separating walls must be provided in If the feeder is laid inside an underground cable duct/
between the transformers and a clear distance as per the gallery, it shall be placed in a corner of the duct/gallery
following table shall be maintained between the transformers and shall be isolated from other cables in the duct/
and the substation:
gallery by means of fire bricks/sand packing/other
Oil Capacity of Individual Clear Separating suitable passive protection of at least 30 min fire rating.
Transformer Distance
litre m Under extenuating circumstances, overhead feeders
5 000 to 10 000 8.0 may be laid provided they do not fall within a horizontal
Above 10 000 up to 20 000 10.0 distance of,
Above 20 000 up to 30 000 12.5
a) 15 m of any process buildings/plant or tanks
Over 30 000 15
containing flammable liquids; or
Notwithstanding above, For high hazard (sub-category B) b) 6 m of any other building or tanks containing
occupancies, sub-station(s) supplying power to the fire non-flammable liquids or of storage in open.
pump(s) shall, in addition to complying with the above
provisions, be located 30 m clear of all equipment where NOTE — In case of High Hazard ‘B’ occupancies, if the feeder
to the fire pump(s) is not buried underground, two sets of feeder
flammable fluids having flash point below 65°C are shall be provided which shall,
handled and/or stored a) conform to the above distance provisions;
b) be run along two different routes in such a way that failure
5.2.2 Electric supply feeder(s) to sub-station(s)
of more than one route due to a single mishap would be a
supplying power to fire pump shall, consist of armoured remote possibility.
cables buried underground which shall not pass under
any building or permanent structures. 5.2.5 Sufficient spare power shall always be available
to drive pumping set(s) at all times throughout the year.
If the feeders are laid inside an underground cable duct/
gallery, they shall be placed in a corner of the duct/ 5.2.6 The electric supply to the pumping set(s) shall
gallery and shall be isolated from other cables in the be entirely independent of all other equipment in the
duct/gallery by means of fire bricks/sand packing/other premises that is even when the power throughout the
suitable passive protection of at least 30 min fire rating. entire premises is switched off, the supply to the pump
shall continue to be available un-interrupted. This can
Under extenuating circumstances, where it is not be achieved by taking the connection for the pump(s)
feasible to lay the feeders underground, overhead from the incoming side of the main L.T. breaker.
feeders may be laid provided they do not fall within a However, in cases where two or more transformers and/
horizontal distance of, or sources of supply are connected to a common bus
bar the connection may be taken through the bus bars.
a) 15 m of any process buildings/plant or tanks
containing flammable liquids; or 5.2.7 The fire pump circuit shall be protected at the
b) 6 m of any other building or tanks containing origin by an automatic circuit breaker so set as to permit
non-flammable liquids or of storage in open. the motor to be overloaded during an emergency to
the maximum limit permissible by the manufacturers.
5.2.3 in case of high hazard (sub-category B) Further, the under voltage release/no volt coil of that
occupancies, all sub-stations (except main receiving circuit breaker shall be removed.
station in the route of the electrical supply to the fire
pump(s) which receive power by overhead feeders shall Where cable lengths are long enough to warrant back-
be provided with two sets of feeders which, apart from up protection, such a protection may be provided.

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IS 13039 : 2014

5.2.8 It is recommended that telltale lamps, which 5.2.19 It is recommended that equipment throughout
would continuously glow when power is available to be painted fire red and suitably marked for
the fire pump(s) circuit, be provided and fixed in a identification.
prominent position, both in the substation and in the
5.2.20 Necessary spare parts including a set of fuses
pump room.
shall be kept in readiness in a glass-fronted box in the
5.2.9 Where there is more than one source of power pump house.
for the operation of pumping set(s) every electrical
circuit shall be so designed as to ensure that when 5.3 Compression Ignition Engine Driven Pumps
necessary, the set(s) will continue to operate without
5.3.1 Pump Room
the manual operation of an emergency switch.
In sub-zero conditions, the pump room shall be
5.2.10 The pumping set(s) shall be securely mounted
artificially heated to maintain the temperature of the
on a robust bedplate, if of the horizontal type, and shall
room above 10°C.
be free from vibration at all variations of load.
5.2.11 The motor shall be of continuous rating type Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the air
and its rating shall be at least equivalent to the required for aspiration and to limit the temperature rise
horsepower required to drive the pump at 150 percent in the room to 10°C above the ambient temperature
of its rated discharge (see when the engine is on full load.

5.2.12 The motor shall be of totally enclosed type or 5.3.2 Engine

drip proof type, the latter having their air inlets and The engine shall be,
outlets protected with meshed wire panels to exclude
rodents, reptiles and insects. a) able to accept full load within 15 s from the
receipt of the signal to start;
5.2.13 The motor windings shall be vacuum
b) naturally aspirated, supercharged or turbo-
impregnated with heat and moisture resisting varnish
charged and either air or water-cooled. In the
(preferably glass fibre insulated) to withstand tropical
case of charge air cooling by means of a belt-
driven fan or of a belt driven auxiliary water
5.2.14 Motors wound for high tension supplies shall pump there shall be multiple belts such that
have a suitable fixed warming resistance to maintain should half the belts break, the remaining belts
the motor windings in a dry condition at all times. The would be capable of driving the fan or pump;
resistance shall be connected to the lighting or other c) Capable of operating continuously on full
equivalent circuit. load at the site elevation for a period of 6 h;
Heating apparatus shall also be provided, for medium d) Provided with an adjustable governor to
tension motors where they are located below ground control the engine speed within 10 percent of
level, in order to maintain the motor windings in a dry its rated speed under any condition of load
condition. Adequate drainage arrangements shall also up to the full load rating. The governor shall
be provided in the pump house in such cases. be set to maintain rated pump speed at
maximum pump load; and
5.2.15 Wiring in the pump room shall be in accordance
e) Provided with an in-built tachometer to
with IS 1646. The incoming cable to the fire pump
indicate r.p.m. of the engine.
room shall terminate in an isolating switch fuse unit
incorporating HRC fuses and provided with a Engines, after correction for altitude and
distribution system, where necessary. ambient temperature, shall have bare engine
5.2.16 It is preferable to have direct on line starters horsepower rating equivalent to the higher of the
for the fire pump motors. However, star delta starters following two values:
are also acceptable. Any other arrangement would a) 20 percent in excess of the maximum brake
require prior approval of authority having jurisdiction. horsepower required to drive the pump at its
5.2.17 The starting switchgear for the fire pumps shall duty point; and
incorporate an ammeter with a clear indication of the b) The brake horsepower required for driving the
motor full load current. Remote controlled starting pump at 150 percent of its rated discharge.
arrangements are also acceptable.
5.3.3 The coupling between the engine and the pump
5.2.18 Cables for motors and switchgear shall be shall allow each unit to be removed without disturbing
armoured type. the other.

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IS 13039 : 2014

5.3.4 Air Filtration d) A filter between the fuel tank and fuel pump
mounted in an accessible position for
The air intake shall be fitted with a filter of adequate
cleaning; and
size to prevent foreign matter entering the engine.
e) Means to enable the entire fuel system to be
5.3.5 Exhaust System bled of air (Air relief cocks are not allowed;
The exhaust shall be fitted with a suitable silencer and screwed plugs are permitted).
the total backpressure shall not exceed the engine 5.3.8 Starting Mechanism
maker’s recommendation. When the exhaust system
rises above the engine, means shall be provided to Provision shall be made for two separate methods of
prevent any condensate flowing into the engine. engine starting namely:

5.3.6 Engine Shut-Down Mechanism a) Automatic starting by means of a battery

powered electric starter motor. The battery
This shall be manually operated and return capacity shall be adequate for ten consecutive
automatically to the starting position after use. starts without recharging with a cold engine
5.3.7 Fuel System under full compression.
b) Manual starting Fuel
NOTE — The starter motor used for automatic starting
There shall be kept on hand at all times sufficient fuel may also be used for manual starting provided there
to run the engine on full load for 6 h, in addition to are separate batteries for manual starting.
that in the engine fuel tank. 5.3.9 Battery Charging Fuel tank The means of charging the batteries shall be by a The fuel tank shall be of welded steel, 2-rate trickle charger with manual selection of boost
constructed to relevant Indian or Foreign Standard for charge and the batteries shall be charged in position.
mild steel drums. The tank shall be mounted above the Where separate batteries are provided for automatic
engine fuel pump to give gravity feed unless otherwise and manual starting, the charging equipment shall be
recommended by the manufacturer. The tank shall be capable of trickle charging both the batteries
fitted with an indicator showing the level of the fuel in simultaneously. Equipment shall be provided to
the tank. enable the state of charge of the batteries to be
determined. The capacity of the tank shall be sufficient
to allow the engine to run on full load for: 5.3.10 Engine Exercizing
The test shall be for a period of at least 5 min each day.
Class of Hazard Capacity Where closed circuit cooling systems are used, the
h water level in the primary system shall be checked and
Light hazard 2 if necessary, water shall be added during the course of
Ordinary hazard 4 procedure.
High hazard (A) 6
5.3.11 Tools
High hazard (B) 8
NOTE — where there is more than one compression ignition A standard kit of tools shall be provided with the engine
engine driven pump set there shall be a separate fuel tank and and kept on hand at all times.
fuel feed pipe for each engine.
5.3.12 Spare Parts Fuel feed pipes The following spare parts shall be supplied with the
Any valve in the fuel feed pipe between the fuel tank engine and kept on hand:
and the engine shall be placed adjacent to the tank and a) Two sets of fuel filters, elements and seals;
it shall be locked in the open position. Pipe joints shall b) Two sets of lubricating oil filters, elements
not be soldered and plastic tubing shall not be used. and seals; Auxiliary equipment c) Two sets of belts (where used);
d) One complete set of engine-joints, gaskets and
The following shall be provided:
a) A sludge and sediment trap; e) Two injector nozzles;
b) A fuel level gauge; f) One complete set of piston rings for each
c) An inspection and cleaning hole; cylinder; and

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IS 13039 : 2014

g) One inlet valve and one exhaust valve. the top of the fire pump casing in case it is higher than
the low water level) and the general water tapping is at
6 WATER SUPPLIES least equivalent to the requirements indicated in
6.1 Water for the hydrant services shall be stored in Table 4.
an easily accessible surface/underground lined
reservoir or above ground tanks of steel concrete or
masonry. The effective capacity of the reservoir above 7.1 The hydrants mains shall normally be laid
the low water level (defined hereunder), or above the underground or in masonry culverts with removable
top of the pump casing in case it is higher than the low covers of incombustible construction according to the
water level for the various classes of occupancies and provisions given in IS 5822 and shall be of any one of
size of hydrant installations shall be as indicated in the the following types:
Table 4.
a) Cast iron double flanged pipes conforming
The low water level is a point at least three times the to the following standards:
diameter of the suction pipe above the draw-off point. Type of Pipes Class of Ref to,
6.2 Large natural reservoirs with water capacity Pipes Indian
exceeding 10 times the aggregate water requirements Standard
of all fire pumps there from may be left un-lined. Horizontally cast iron pipes B IS 7181
Vertically cast iron pipes A IS 1537
6.3 The fore bay supplying water to the thermal power
Centrifugally Cast (Spun) A IS 1536
station fed by canals from perennial water sources like
Iron Pipes
rivers, rivulets, dams, etc, may be accepted as firewater
Centrifugally cast (Spun) A IS 8329
reservoirs provided the availability of 2 h pumping
ductile iron pipes
capacity is ensured. The cooling water pond(s) may
also be accepted as firewater reservoirs provided the NOTE — In case of vertically cast pipes, where the
nominal diameter of the pipes exceeds 300 mm or where
availability of 2 h pumping capacity is ensured. the pump delivery pressure exceeds 7 kg/cm2, Class B
Cooling water basins shall not be acceptable as pipes would be necessary.
equivalent to cooling water ponds. b) Centrifugally cast (Spun) iron class A pipes
6.4 Reservoirs of and over 225 000 litre capacity shall with tyton joints — (Rubber gasketed).
be in two interconnected equal compartments to c) Wrought or mild steel pipes (un-galvanized)
facilitates cleaning and repairs. of Medium grade conforming to IS 1239
(Part 1 and Part 2) or IS 3589 having welded
6.5 Fire pump(s) tapping shall be taken from both the joints and coated and wrapped as per IS
compartments and shall be connected through sluice 10221. Galvanized pipes with flanged joints
valves to a common suction header. The pumps, in turn, and fittings can also be used. MS pipes may
shall draw their suction from the common header be allowed for extension of existing systems
through sluice valves. In case of dual purpose reservoirs which are laid with CI pipes
catering to fire water and general water requirements,
the tapping for the general water pumps shall be taken Holiday testing for wrapping and coating is
at a higher level such that the capacity of the reservoir essential. Holiday testing may preferably be
between the low water level as defined heretofore (or carried by flexible and detachable ring probe,

Table 4 Size of Hydrant Installations

(Clauses 6.1 and 6.5)
Sl No. Nature of Risk Capacity of Static Storage Exclusively Reserved for Hydrant Service
(1) (2) (3)
i) Light hazard Not less than 1 h aggregate pumping capacity with a minimum of 135 000 litre
ii) Ordinary hazard Not less than 2 h aggregate pumping capacity.
iii) High hazard (A) Not less than 3 h aggregate pumping capacity
iv) High hazard (B) Not less than 4 h aggregate pumping capacity
NOTE — The capacity of the reservoir for ordinary and high hazard class occupancies may be reduced by the quantum of inflow of
1 h in case of ordinary hazard, 90 min in case of high hazard (A) and 2 h in case of high hazard (B) occupancies, from a reliable
sources (other than town’s main), but in no case shall the reservoir capacity be less than 70 percent of that mentioned above.
In case of light hazard class occupancies the minimum capacity of the reservoir shall be increased to 225 000 litre, if the highest floor
of the building is more than 15 m above the surrounding ground level.

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

which will enable the entire 360°of the surface 7.6 The system shall be capable of withstanding for
of the pipe to be scanned. 2 h a pressure equivalent to 150 percent of the
maximum working pressure. While hydro-testing.
At least 10 percent of all the welded joints
Inclusion of cut-off valves in the mains to be tested
shall be radio graphically tested and half of
can be avoided.
the joints radio graphed shall be the ‘field
joints’. 7.7 All boltholes in flanges shall be drilled. The drilling
of each flange shall be in accordance with the relevant
d) CPVC pipes conforming to IS 16088, un-
Indian Standards.
plasticized PVC Class 4 pipes conforming to
IS 4985 and HDPE pipes conforming to 7.8 Flanges shall be faced and have jointing of rubber
IS 4984 are permitted for use in light hazard insertion or asbestos compound.
occupancies for underground mains only.
7.9 Fittings installed underground shall be of cast iron
Depth at which such pipes shall be laid shall
‘heavy’ grade conforming to IS 1538 whereas those
conform to relevant standards
installed above ground shall normally be of medium
7.2 Underground mains shall be laid such that the top grade wrought steel or mild steel conforming to IS 1239
of the pipe is not less than 1 m below the ground level (Part 2) or malleable iron fittings conforming to
and masonry or equivalent supports shall be provided IS 1879.
at regular intervals which shall be suitable for soil
7.10 Mild steel stand post may be accepted even in
conditions. In case of poor soil conditions, it may be
cases where underground mains are of cast iron.
necessary to provide continuous masonry or equivalent
supports. 7.11 It is recommended to provide semi-circular RCC
pipes fore cast iron pipes at road crossings.
7.3 Mains above ground shall be medium grade
wrought or mild steel (galvanized or un-galvanised) 7.12 Mains shall be laid in rings (except as specified
conforming to IS 1239 (Part 1 and Part 2) or IS 3589 in 7.13) and the size of the initial pipe shall not, in any
with welded, threaded or flanged joints, adequately case, be less than the internal diameter of the delivery
supported at regular intervals on masonry or RCC outlet of the pump.
stools or pedestals and not on pipe racks. The mains
Flushing connections with isolation valves should be
shall be supported at regular intervals not exceeding 6
provided at suitable locations in the firewater ring main.
m. It should be supported at every 3 m for pipes less
than 150 mm diameter. 7.13 In the case of riser mains in storied buildings and
in locations where it is not feasible to lay a ring main, a
Such pipes shall be run at least 6 m away from the face terminal main may be provided, but in no case shall the
of the buildings and open storage areas in case of light number of hydrants on such terminal mains exceed 5.
and ordinary hazard occupancies and 15 m in case of A terminal main of 80 mm diameter shall not feed more
high hazard occupancies than one hydrant that having a diameter of 100 mm shall
In case of practical difficulties in maintaining the not feed more than two hydrants that having a diameter
stipulated distance from the face of the building, for of 125 mm shall not feed more than three hydrants and
example between boiler house and T. G. building and a main of 150 mm shall not feed more than five hydrants.
between transformer and T. G. building in thermal Where number of hydrants on a riser exceeds 5, 200
power plants, the same may be permitted to be laid mm terminals can be used subject to satisfactory pressure
overhead provided the mains installed in such areas being available at the topmost point.
form part of sub-ring only. 7.14 The hydrant system shall be hydraulically so
7.4 Except for internal mains, mains shall not be laid designed that when half of the aggregate pumping
under buildings. Where, however, circumstances capacity is being discharged at the farthest/
necessitate laying of mains under buildings, the portion hydraulically most remote point and the other half in
of mains falling under the buildings shall be laid in the most vulnerable area enroute, a minimum running
masonry trenches with removable covers and cut-off pressure of 5.25 kg/cm2 is available at the former point
valves shall be provided at points of entry and exit. and the rate of flow of water does not exceed 5 m/s
anywhere in the system (flow through one hydrant can
As far as possible, mains shall not be laid under large be taken as 600 litre/min for this purpose).
open storages, railroads and roads carrying heavy traffic.
In case the hydraulically most remote point is the area
7.5 The mains shall not traverse ground that is not fed by other systems tapped from hydrant system, the
under the control of the owner of the installation nor entire aggregate pumping capacity shall be considered
under a public roadway. as being discharged at this point at a minimum running

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

pressure of 5.25 kg/cm2 and the hydrant system shall NOTE — Locations and number of hose stations will depend
upon several factors such as fire loads, accessibility and
be so designed that the rate of flow of water does not
positions of watch posts. Such locations shall be finalised in
exceed 5 m/s anywhere in the system. consultation with authority having jurisdiction.

7.15 Isolation Valves 8.2 Requirements of Hose Pipes

7.15.1 Isolation valves shall be provided in the network 8.2.1 If hose is kept in central hose stations, for each
to enable isolation of any section of the network without of the first ten hydrants in the compound of the
affecting the flow in the rest. These valves are premises (a double headed hydrant counting as two
distributed according to the general layout of the except where they are provided as a standard practice
installation. The isolation valves shall be normally throughout the system), two lengths of hose 15 m each
located near the loop junctions. Additional valves shall and an additional 15 m length for each hydrant in
be provided in the segments where the length of the excess of ten, shall be provided.
segment exceeds 300 m.
In case of system having more than 55 hydrant outlets,
7.15.2 Cut-off valves shall conform to IS 780/ the total number of hose lengths required may be
IS 14846, Class 2. limited to 55 plus 20 percent of the number of hydrant
7.15.3 In case of system having working pressure in outlets in excess of 55.
excess of 7 kg/cm2 PN-1.6 rating would be necessary Where a fire engine is maintained on the premises
for valves conforming to IS 780 and Class 3 for those manned by a whole time fire brigade, the number of
conforming to IS 14846. Cast steel valves of class 150 hose pipes required (including those on the engine)
are, however, acceptable irrespective of the working would be 55 plus 10 percent of the number of outlets
pressure of the system. in excess of 55.
7.15.4 Other types of valves like rising spindle valves 8.2.2 If hose is kept in hose boxes alongside hydrants,
may also be used. each box shall contain two lengths of 15 m each.
7.15.5 Butterfly valves can be accepted subject to the 8.3 All hoses shall be of 63 mm diameter of either of
condition that the valves of diameter exceeding 150 the following types:
mm shall necessary be of gear operated.
a) Unlined flax canvas complying with IS 4927;
7.16 All cut-off valves shall be of the right-hand type b) Rubber lined woven-jacketed as per IS 636;
and enclosed in properly constructed surface boxes, at and
least 1 m2 in area so as to allow for broken joints being
c) Controlled percolation type complying with
easily remade. The top of the surface box shall be 80
IS 8423.
mm above ground level, except where it is located on a
road. Valve wheels shall have an arrowhead engraved or 8.4 All couplings shall be of the instantaneous spring-
cast thereon showing direction for turning open and close. lock type and the nozzles shall be of not less than 16
mm in diameter, or more than 25 mm in diameter
It is recommended that the position of the surface box
except in case of high hazard occupancies where the
be indicated by an iron plate painted fire red with
maximum nozzle diameter may be 32 mm.
distinct lettering. Such plates shall also show the open
and close direction as cast or indicated on the valves All couplings, branch pipes and nozzles shall otherwise
and the serial number of the sluice valve. comply with IS 903.
7.17 In case of installations in earthquake prone zones, 8.5 Hose shall be attached to the coupling in such a
flexible couplings shall be used for jointing purposes. way that each half of the coupling shall have two 5
mm diameter holes drilled in the tail. The hose shall
be first fixed to the tail of the coupling with copper
8.1 In the case of yard hydrants, hose pipes and nozzles rivets then served or bound with 1.5 mm galvanized
shall be installed either in central hose stations which mild steel or copper wire for a length of 50 mm which
shall be of the type which enables the condition and shall extend to the outer ends of the grooving on the
quantity of hose, nozzles, etc. to be checked over at a coupling tail. Over the galvanized mild steel or copper
glance and ensures that other useful equipment is ready wire a leather or equally protective band shall be
at hand in the event of a fire or near each hydrant in bound with four strands of 1.12 mm galvanized mild
glass fronted hose boxes of suitable design. In case of steel or copper wire at each end of the band. The
hydrants on upper floors or internal hydrants, hosepipes protective band shall be carried beyond the tail of the
and nozzles shall necessarily be installed near each coupling to prevent leaking. Copper wire, if used,
hydrant in glass fronted hose boxes of suitable design. shall be softened before being used. Couplings

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

attached to the hose otherwise than by copper rivets operatives trained in the operation of the fire service
shall not be accepted. shall be maintained on the premises round the clock.
The number of personnel constituting the squad shall
8.6 Spare hose to the extent of 10 percent of the above
necessarily depend upon the size of the risk, but in no
requirements, with a minimum quantity of 30 m shall
case shall less than eight trained persons be available
always be kept readily available. Such spare hose shall
at any time during the day or night.
be in 15 m lengths, readily attached to couplings.
Minimum number of trained persons required may be
8.7 It is recommended that a system of marking and
further reduced to six in case of automatic pressurised
numbering hose be arranged so that the various lengths
hydrant systems.
are easily recognisable.
11.2 Squad leaders shall be trained by government
8.8 In central hose stations and hose boxes a tin
recognized institution and their usefulness would be
containing a set of spare rubber rings packed in french
considerably enhanced, if they reside on the premises.
chalk shall be kept.
11.3 Squad personnel shall be provided with clothing
8.9 Central hose stations and hose boxes shall be so
and equipment including helmets confirming to
arranged that hose is not exposed to the sunrays.
IS 2745 or IS 2925, belts and boots preferably fire
8.10 All central hose stations or hose boxes, when fighter’s boots.
provided with locks shall have one master key which
11.4 A muster roll showing the duties allocated to each
shall be available either at the main gate or any other
member of the brigade shall be prepared and copies
prominent and easily accessible location known to the
supplied to each squad leader as well as pasted in
fire fighting personnel.
convenient places throughout the premises, so as to be
9 REQUIREMENTS OF NOZZLES quickly available for reference in case of emergency.

9.1 The number of nozzles to be provided shall be 11.5 Practice drills shall take place weekly and wet
equivalent to half the number of hose pipes installed drills shall be carried out at intervals of not more than
on the premises. a fort-night

9.2 In locations where a jet of water directed from a 11.6 During wet drills, hydrants (including those of
normal type nozzle is likely to cause more harm than upper floors), hose pipes and nozzles, shall be taken
good or where a gentle spray of water is essential for into use in rotation, so that the efficacy of these
the extinguishment of a fire, a fog type or a spray type appliances would be automatically checked and any
of nozzle complying with IS 2871 shall be used. defects observed, set right.

9.3 Spare nozzles to the extent of 10 percent of the 11.7 A register signed by fire marshal and works
above requirements, with a minimum of two, shall manager shall be kept showing Information such as
always be kept readily available. names and designations of the persons attending the
drill, type of drill dry or wet, serial number of hydrants
10 FOAM COMPOUND operated, duration of operation of pumps, defects
observed, if any is useful.
10.1 Foam used should be compatible with hazard
involved. Foam systems shall conform to IS 12835. 11.8 The services of the pump man could be profitably
utilized for the maintenance of all fire fighting
10.2 Stock of Foam Compound appliances including hand appliances. He shall also
10.2.1 Quantity of foam compound to be stored shall be thoroughly conversant with the locations of all
be equal to 100 percent of requirement of largest fixed appliances, particularly of hydrant cut-off valves so
roof or floating roof tank, plus that required for one that in an eventuality he can be of assistance to the
portable foam monitor of 4 500 litre/min foam solution factory’s fire brigade or the town’s fire brigade.
capacity and two hose streams of foam each with a
11.9 Keys of all doors in the factory premises shall
capacity of 1 140 litre/min of foam solution.
always be available at the main gate.
10.2.2 Foam compound should be tested periodically
11.10 It is recommended that fire pump room(s) and
for ensuring its quality and the deteriorated quantity
the main gate(s) of all factory premises be connected
to all manufacturing sections through the internal
11 FIRE FIGHTING PERSONNEL telephone system.

11.1 A squad consisting of watch and ward personnel, Telephones interlinked to this system may also be put
fire pump men and departmental supervisors and/or up in proper cubicles at convenient locations near

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

godown ranges and other strategic points. This would 12.3.2 Spare washers shall be kept for hydrant valve
affect saving of valuable time in an emergency to alert seats.
the fire fighting personnel and the pump man.
12.4 Hose Pipes and Nozzles
11.11 Pump repeater panel should be provided in guard
house. 12.4.1 All hose boxes/hose stations shall be inspected
externally once every week to ensure that the
12 MAINTENANCE equipment installed therein is intact. Further, the hose
boxes/hose stations shall be cleaned internally and
12.1 Pumps externally once a month.
12.1.1 General 12.4.2 When the hose gets worn out at the tail end of A trained pump man shall be available on all the coupling(s), it is permissible to cut the end(s) of
shifts and at all hours of the day and night to operate the hose. However should the lengths of the hose after
the pumps as and when required. cutting(s) fall below 90 percent of its original, the hose
shall be discarded. Pump sets shall be run for at least 5 min every
day. 12.4.3 A hose register shall be kept showing
Information such as date purchased, date brought into All pump glands shall be maintained in use, date cut (if reduced in length), is useful.
efficient working condition and the packing renewed
as required to maintain efficiency. 12.4.4 Any hose becoming inefficient through use,
neglect or from any other cause, shall be discarded. Suction and delivery valves shall be examined
once every six months, particularly where sand or other 12.4.5 Fire protection hose shall not be used for
objectionable matter is liable to be drawn through the purposes other than fire protection and drill.
pump suction.
13 MEASURES TO BE TAKEN WHERE THE All working parts shall be kept clean and INSTALLATION IS FOR ANY REASON
lightly oiled. Any necessary repairs shall be put in hand TEMPORARILY INOPERATIVE
and carried out immediately.
13.1 If any component of the hydrant system is to be
12.1.2 Electrically Driven Pumps replaced for any reason whatsoever, the entire system
shall not be rendered inoperative but the particular The bearing grease cup shall be checked once
section shall only be isolated by closing the necessary
every week and refilled with fresh grease, if necessary.
cut-off valves. If, however, it is not possible to complete Starter contacts shall be cleaned once every the replacement before nightfall, the cut-off valves shall
week. not be left closed overnight. Instead, blank flanges shall
be provided at the point where the component has been Insulation resistance of pump motor circuit
removed so that the entire system, other than the
shall be examined once every six months and record
component, which has been removed, would remain
of results shall be maintained.
operative through the night.
12.2 Mains 13.2 Only one compartment of the reservoir shall be
12.2.1 Hydrant mains shall be tested once a fortnight emptied out at a time of cleaning or repair work.
with a pump delivering at its maximum pressure. 13.3 If the pump is expected to be inoperative for more
A running test with two or more hose lines each 30 m than 72 h, every effort shall be made to connect the
long operating shall be carried out. service water supply to the hydrant system for the
12.2.2 All cut-off valves shall be operated and oiled, duration the pump is inoperative.
if necessary, once a month. 13.4 If the hydrant service is to be extended, the
12.2.3 Cut-off valves shall be thoroughly overhauled extended portion shall be first laid and, thereafter, the
annually to remove sludge and other foreign matter connection between the existing system and the
collected in the valve seating. extension shall be carried out expeditiously, so that the
entire system is not left inoperative overnight.
12.3 Hydrants
12.3.1 All hydrants shall be examined systematically
once a week to ensure that valves and spring catches Fire flow tests are conducted on water distribution
are maintained in good condition. systems to determine the rate of flow available at

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

various locations for fire-fighting purposes. A certain e) A special hydrant cap tapped with a hole into
residual pressure in the mains is specified at which the which a short length of 6.35 mm brass pipe is
rate of flow should be available. Following definitions fitted; this pipe is provided with a
shall apply for acceptance test: T connection for the 14 bar gauge and a cock
at the end for relieving air pressure.
a) Rated capacity — The flow available from a
hydrant at the designated residual pressure 14.3 Test Procedure
(rated pressure) either measured or calculated.
In a typical test, the 14 bar gauge is attached to one of
b) Residual pressure — The pressure that exists
the 64 mm outlets of the residual hydrant using the
in the distribution system, measured at the
special cap. The cock on the gauge piping is opened,
residual hydrant at the time the flow readings
and the hydrant valve is opened full. As soon as the air
are taken at the flow hydrants.
is exhausted from the barrel, the cock is closed. A
c) Static pressure — The pressure that exists at
reading (static pressure) is taken when the needle comes
a given point under normal distribution system
to rest.
conditions measured at the residual hydrant
with no hydrants flowing. At a given signal, each of the other hydrants is opened
in succession, with discharge taking place directly from
14.1 Flow Testing the open hydrant butts. Hydrants should be opened one
For the purpose of uniform marking of fire hydrants, at a time. With all hydrants flowing, water should be
the ratings should be based on a residual pressure of allowed to flow for a sufficient time to clear all debris
1.4 bar for all hydrants having a static pressure in excess and foreign substances from the stream(s). At that time,
of 2.8 bar. The procedure consists of discharging water a signal is given to the people at the hydrants to read
at a measured rate of flow from the system at a given the pitot pressure of the streams simultaneously while
location and observing the corresponding pressure drop the residual pressure is being read. After the readings
in the mains. have been taken, hydrants should be shut down slowly,
one at a time, to prevent undue surges in the system.
14.2 Test Layout
14.4 Pitot Readings
After the location where the test is to be run has been
determined, a group of test hydrants in the vicinity is When measuring the pitot pressure of a stream of
selected. One hydrant, designated the residual hydrant, practically uniform velocity, the orifice in the pitot tube
is chosen to be the hydrant where the normal static is held downstream approximately one-half the
pressure shall be observed with the other hydrants in diameter of the hydrant outlet or nozzle opening, and
the group closed, and where the residual pressure shall in the centre of the stream. The centre line of the orifice
be observed with the other hydrants flowing. should be at right angles to the plane of the face of the
hydrant outlet. The air chamber on the pitot tube should
This hydrant is chosen so it will be located between be kept elevated. The valve for the flowing outlet should
the hydrant to be flowed and the large mains that be wide open to give a more streamlined flow and a
constitute the immediate sources of water supply in more accurate pitot reading.
the area. The number of hydrants to be used in any test
depends upon the strength of the distribution system 14.5 Determination of Discharge
in the vicinity of the test location. Sufficient discharge
At the hydrants used for flow during the test, the
should be achieved to flow the total demand necessary
discharges from the open butts are determined from
for fire-fighting purposes.
measurements of the diameter of the outlets flowed, the
The equipment necessary for field work consists of pitot pressure (velocity head) of the streams as indicated
the following: by the pitot gauge readings, and the coefficient of the
outlet being flowed If flow tubes (stream straighteners)
a) A single 14 bar bourdon pressure gauge with are being utilized, a coefficient of 0.95 is suggested
0.068 9 bar graduations; unless the coefficient of the tube is known.
b) A number of pitot tubes;
The formula used to compute the discharge, Q, in US
c) Hydrant wrenches; gpm from these measurements is as follows:
d) 3.5 or 4.0 bar bourdon pressure gauges with
0.068 9 bar graduations, and scales with 1.6 3 = ?@ 2 F
mm graduations (One pitot tube, 3.5 or 4.0
bar gauge, a hydrant wrench, a scale for each
hydrant to be flowed); and c = coefficient of discharge (see Fig. 1);

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

d = diameter of the outlet in inches; and desired pressure drop is

p = pitot pressure (velocity head), in psi.
0 40.54
34 = 3.
14.6 Determination of Discharge Without a Pitot 0 .0.54
If a pitot tube is not available for use to measure the
hydrant discharge, a 3.5 or 4.0 bar gauge tapped into a QR = flow predicted at desired residual pressure;
hydrant cap can be used. The hydrant cap with gauge QF = total flow measured during test;
attached is placed on one outlet, and the flow is allowed
HR = pressure drop to desired residual pressure;
to take place through the other outlet at the same
HF = pressure drop measured during test.
14.7 Calculation Results
Results are usually carried to the nearest 380 litre/min
The discharge in US gpm for each outlet flowed is for discharges of 3 800 litre/min or more, and to the
obtained by the formulae given below: nearest 190 litre/min for smaller discharges, which is
as close as can be justified by the degree of accuracy
3 = 29.84 ?@ 2 F of the field observations. The data secured during the
If more than one outlet is used, the discharges from all testing of hydrants for uniform marking can be
are added to obtain the total discharge. valuable for other purposes. The form show in Annex C
may be used to record information that is taken and
The formula that is generally used to compute the the results of the flow test should be indicated on a
discharge at the specified residual pressure or for any hydraulic graph.

Outlet smooth and nounded Outlet square and sharp Outlet square and into borrell
(coef. 0.90) (coef. 0.80) (coef. 0.70)


Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

(Clause 2)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

5 : 2007 Colours for ready mixed paints and 3589 : 2001 Specification for steel pipes for water
enamels (fifth revision) and sewage (168.3 to 2 540mm
636 : 1988 Specification for non-percolating outside diameter) (third revision)
flexible fire fighting delivery hose 3950 : 1979 Specification for surface boxes for
(third revision) sluice valves (first revision)
780 : 1984 Sluice valves for water works 4927 : 1992 Specification for unlined flax canvas
purposes (50 to 300 mm size) hose for fire fighting (first revision)
903 : 1993 Specification for fire hose delivery 4989 (Part 4) : Specification for multipurpose
couplings, branch pipe, nozzles and 2003 aqueous film forming foam liquid
nozzle spanner (fourth revision) concentrate for extinguishing
908 : 1975 Specification for fire hydrant stand hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires.
post type (second revision) 4984 : 1995 Specification for high density
909 : 1992 Specification for underground fire polyethylene pipes for potable water
hydrant sluice valve type (third supplies (fourth revision)
revision) 4985 : 2000 Specification for unplasticized PVC
1239 Specification for steel tubes, tubular pipes for potable water supplies
and other wrought steel fittings : (third revision)
(Part 1) : 2004 Steel tubes (sixth revision) 5290 : 1993 Specification for landing valves
(Part 2) : 2011 Steel pipe fittings (fifth revision) (third revision)
1536 : 2001 Specification for centrifugally cast 5822 : 1994 Code of practice for laying of
(spun) iron pressure pipes for water electrically welded steel pipes for
gas and sewage (fourth revision) water supply (second revision)
1537 : 1976 Specification for vertically cast iron 7181 : 1986 Specification for horizontally cast
pressure pipes for water, gas and iron double flanged pipes for water,
sewage (first revision) gas and sewage (first revision)
8329 : 2000 Specification for centrifugally cast
1538 : 1993 Specification for cast iron fittings for
(spun) ductile iron pressure pipes for
pressure pipes for water, gas and
water, gas and sewage (third revision)
sewage (third revision)
8423 : 1994 Specification for controlled
1641 : 2013 Code of practice for fire safety of
percolating hose for fire fighting (first
buildings(general): general
principles of fire grading and
8442 : 2008 Stand post type water and foam
classification (second revision)
monitor for fire fighting —
1646 : 1997 Code of practice for fire safety of
buildings (general): Electrical
10221 : 2008 Code of practice for coating and
wrapping of underground mild steel
1879 : 2010 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings _ pipelines (first revision)
Specification 12469 : 1988 Specification for pumps for fire
2745 : 1983 Specification for Non-metal helmet fighting system
for firemen and civil defence 12835 Code of practice for design and
personnel (second revision) installation of fixed fire extinguishing
2871 : 2012 Specification for branch pipe, system
universal for fire fighting purposes (Part 1) : 1989 Low expansion foam
(second revision) 14846 : 2000 Specification for sluice valves for
2925 : 1984 Specification for Industrial Safety water works purposes (50 to 1 200
Helmets mm size)
3844 : 1989 Code of practice for installation and 15105 : 2002 Design and Installation of Fixed
maintenance of internal fire hydrants Automatic Sprinkler Fire
and hose reels on premises (first Extinguishing Systems — Code of
revision) Practice

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

IS No. Title IS No. Title

15325 : 2003 Code of practice for design and 16088 : 2012 Specification for chlorinated polyvinyl
installation of fixed automatic high chloride (CPVC) pipes for automatic
and medium velocity water spray sprinkler fire extinguishing system
system SP 7 : 2005 National Building Code of India

(Clause 3)

Light Hazard Occupancies Moderate Hazard Occupancies High Hazard Occupancies

Abrasive Manufacturing Premises Airport and other Transportation Terminal SUB-CATEGORY (A)
Aerated Water Factories Aluminium Factories Aircraft Hangers
Agarbatti Manufacturing Atta and Cereal Grinding Aluminium/Magnesium Powder Plants

Areca nut slicing and/or Betel nut Bakeries and Biscuit Factories Bituminised Paper and/or Hessian Cloth/
Factories Tar Felt Manufacturing

Analytical and/or Quality Control Beedi Factories Cotton Waste Factories


Asbestos Steam Packing and Lagging Bobbin Factories Celluloid Goods Manufacturing

Battery Charging/Battery Service Stations Bookbinders, Envelopes and Paper bag Chemical Manufacturing using raw
Manufacturing materials having flash points below 2 3 C

Battery Manufacturing Cable manufacturing Cigarette Filter Manufacturing

Breweries Camphor Boiling Cinema Films and T.V. Production Studios

Brick Works Candle Works Coal and/or Coke and/or Charcoal Ball and
Briquettes Manufacturing

Canning Factories Carbon Paper/ Typewriter Ribbon Collieries


Cardamom Factories Cardboard Box Manufacturing Cotton Seed Cleaning or De-linting


Cement Factories and/or Asbestos or Carpenters, Wood wool and Furniture Distilleries
Concrete Products Manufacturing Manufacturing

Ceramic Factories and Carpet and Durries Factories Duplicating / Stencil Paper Manufacturing
Crockery and Stoneware Pipe Cashewnut Factories Fire-works Manufacturing.

Clay Works Chemical Manufacturing using raw Foam Plastics Manufacturing and/or
materials having flash points above 2 3 C Converting Plants

Clock and Watch Manufacturing Cigar and Cigarette Factories Godowns and Warehouses (storing
combustible/flammable goods).

Coffee Curing Roasting and grinding Coir Factories Grass, Hay, Fodder and Bhoosa (chaff)
Premises Pressing Factories

Condensed Milk Factories, Milk Coir Carpets, Rugs, Tobacco, Hides and Industrial Gas Manufacturing (other than
Pasteurising Plant and Dairies Skin Presses Inert/ halogenated hydrocarbon gases)

Confectionery Manufacturing Cold storage premises Jute mills and jute presses

Educational and Research Institutes Cork products manufacturing Linoleum Factories

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

ANNEX B — (Continued)
Light Hazard Occupancies Moderate Hazard Occupancies High Hazard Occupancies
Electric Generating Houses (Hydro Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Laundries LPG Bottling Plants (Mini)1)

Electric Lamps (Incandescent and Electric substations/ Distribution stations Man Made Fibres (Acrylic fibres/yarn
Fluorescent) and TV Picture Tube mfg)

Electro Plating Works Electric Generating stations (other than Match Factories
Underground power houses)

Engineering Workshops Enamelware Factories Mattress and Pillow Making

Fruits and Vegetables Dehydrating and Filter and Wax paper Manufacturing Metal or Tin Printers (where more than 5 0
Drying Factories percent of floor area is occupied as
Engineering Workshop; this may be taken
as Ordinary Hazard Risk)

Fruit Products and Condiment Factories Flour Mills Oil Mills

Glass & Glass Fibre Manufacturing Garages Oil Extraction Plants

Godowns and Warehouses Storing non- Garment Makers Oil Terminals/Depots handling flammable
combustible Goods only liquids having flash point of 2 3°C and
Paints & Varnish Factories

Green houses Ghee Factories (other than vegetable) Paper and cardboard mills having raw
material yards

Gold Thread /Gilding Factories Godowns and Warehouses (other than Piers, Wharfs and Jetties — handling
those under light and High Hzard A extra hazardous materials
Grain and/or Seeds Disintegrating and/or
Crushing Factories

Gum and/or Glue and Gelatine Grease Manufacturing Printing Ink Manufacturing.

Ice, Ice Candy and Ice-cream Hosiery, Lace, Embroidery and Thread Rosin Lamp black and Turpentine
Manufacturing Factories Factories

Ink (excluding Printing Ink) Factories Incandescent Gas Mantle Manufacturing Saw Mills

Mica Products Manufacturing Industrial Gas Mfg. (Inert/ halogenated Sponge Iron Steel Plants (Gas Based)
hydrocarbon gases)

Multiple block apartment buildings Man-made Yarn/Fibre Manufacturing Surgical Cotton Manufacturing
(other than Acrylic fibres/yarn mfg)

Multiple block business buildings Manure and Fertiliser Works. (Blending, Tarpaulin and Canvas Proofing Factories
Mixing and granulating)

Multiple block star hotel buildings Mineral Oil Blending and Processing Turpentine and Rosin Distilleries

Places of worship Museums Tyre Retreading and Resoling Factories

Pottery Works Oil and Leather Cloth Factories. SUB-CATEGORY (B)

Poultry Farms Oil Terminals/Depots other than those Ammonia and Urea Synthesis Plants
categorised under High hazard A

Salt Crushing Factories and Refineries Open storage of flammable liquids in CNG Compressing and Bottling Plants
drums, cans etc

Stables Oxygen Plants Coal based methane plants

Sugar Candy Manufacturing Paper and Cardboard Mills. without Raw Explosive Factories
Material Yards

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

ANNEX B — (Concluded )
Light Hazard Occupancies Moderate Hazard Occupancies High Hazard Occupancies
Sugar Factories and Refineries Piers, Wharves jetties and Dockyards other NOTE — In case of complexes having
than those categorized under High separate plants having varying degrees of
hazard A hazard, authority having jurisdiction shall
be consulted to decide on level of
protection to be provided

Tanneries/Leather Goods Manufacturers Plastic Goods Manufacturing

Umbrella Assembling Factories Plywood /Wood Veneering Factories

Vermicelli Factories Printing Press Premises

Water Treatment/ Filtration Plants and Pulverising and Crushing Mills
Water Pump Houses

Zinc/Copper Factories Rice Mills

Rope Works

Rubber Goods Manufacturing

Rubber Tyres and Tubes Manufacturing

Shellac Factories

Silk Filatures

Soaps and Glycerine Factories.

Spray painting

Starch Factories

Tea Factories

Textile Mills

Tobacco (Chewing) and Pan-Masala


Tobacco Grinding and Crushing

Tobacco Redrying Factories

Woollen Mills

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Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 13039 : 2014

(Clause 14.7)
Location Date
Test made by Time
Representative of
State purpose of test

Consumption rate during test

If pumps affect test, indicate pumps operating
A1 A2 A3 A4
Flow hydrants:
Size nozzle
Pilot reading
Dishcharge coefficient Total GPM
Static B psi Residual B psi
Projected results @20 psi Residual gpm; or @ psi Residual gpm

Location map: Show line sizes and distance to next cross-connected line. Show valves and hydrant
branch size. Indicate north. Show flowing hydrants — Label A1, A2 ,A3 A4.. Show location of static and residual —
Lable B.
Indicate B Hydrant Sprinkler Other (identify)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Directorate State Fire Prevention
Services - Gandhinagar(dir-sfps-gnr@gujarat.gov.in) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 22 (7808).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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