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S E PT E M B E R- O C TO B E R 202 2

Our Christian
Life and Ministry
S E PT E M B E R 5 - 1 1  1 K I N G S 9 - 1 0
Song 10 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

TREASURES Stop the video at each pause, and ask
FROM GOD’S WORD the audience the questions that appear in
the video.
“Praise Jehovah for His Wisdom”: (10 min.)
Initial Call: (3 min.) Use the sample conver-
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.) sation for the campaign to start Bible stud-
1Ki 10:10, 14—What evidence shows that ies. (1)
the amount of gold that King Solomon pos-
Initial Call: (5 min.) Begin with the sample
sessed was not exaggerated? (w08 11/1 22
conversation for the campaign to start Bible
studies. Start a Bible study in lesson 01 of
the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure. (13)

What spiritual gems from this week’s LIVING
Bible reading would you like to share AS CHRISTIANS
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry,
or something else? Song 80
“Find Wisdom for Daily Living on JW.ORG”:
(8 min.) Discussion. Encourage the audi-
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 1Ki 10:1-13 (5) ence to search jw.org when seeking the
Bible’s wisdom for day-to-day challenges.

APPLY YOURSELF Local Needs: (7 min.)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
Initial Call Video: (5 min.) Discussion. Play lff lesson 18 points 6-7 and summary,
the video Initial Call: Bible Study—Ps 37:29. review, and goal

 Praise Jehovah for His Wisdom

Jehovah gave Solomon extraordinary wisdom (1Ki
10:1-3; w99 7/1 30 ˚6)
The queen of Sheba was astounded by the wisdom
Jehovah gave Solomon (1Ki 10:4, 5; w99 11/1 20 ˚6)
The queen of Sheba praised Jehovah for appointing
Solomon as king (1Ki 10:6-9; w99 7/1 30-31)

Like the queen of Sheba, we can show appreciation

for God-given wisdom. How? One way is by applying
Jesus’ teachings in our life and doing our best to imi-
tate his example. (Mt 12:42; 1Pe 2:21) Another way is
to share godly wisdom with others in our ministry.

2  Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 106 and Prayer

S E PT E M B E R 5 - 1 1

 Find Wisdom for Daily Living on JW.ORG

God’s Word completely equips us to cope with trials
in these difficult last days. (2Ti 3:1, 16, 17) Still, we
may at times need help to find Bible principles that
apply to a specific situation. For example, are you a
parent seeking advice on raising children? Are you a
teenager coping with challenges to your faith? Are
you a widow or widower grieving the death of a mate?
You will find material on jw.org that will direct you to
specific Bible principles to help you in these and
many other situations.—Pr 2:3-6.
On the jw.org home page, select the BIBLE TEACHINGS
tab. (See picture 1.) From the drop-down list, select
your category of choice. Or select LIBRARY ˛ ARTICLE SE-
RIES and your category of choice. (See picture 2.) You
can find the same categories in JW Library ˙.* You
might enjoy just browsing the articles in either of
these locations. Another option is to find a specific
topic using the search feature on jw.org.
Type the following topics in the search box, and make
a note of articles that you would like to read.
˙ Raising children



˙ Teenage depression



˙ Death of a mate



* For some series, a complete set of articles currently appears only on jw.org.

˘ 2022 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; Luther W. Georges, Secretary-Treasurer; 675 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3292. Printed in Canada. 3
S E PT E M B E R 1 2 - 1 8  1 K I N G S 1 1 - 1 2
Song 137 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“Choose Your Marriage Mate Wisely”: Initial Call: (3 min.) Use the sample conver-
(10 min.) sation for the campaign to start Bible
studies. (3)
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.)
1Ki 12:21-24—What lesson do we learn Return Visit: (4 min.) Continue a Bible study
from King Rehoboam’s obedience? (w18.06 started on the initial call, using lesson 01 of
14 ˚1-4) the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure. (11)
Bible Study: (5 min.) lff lesson 07 point 4 (8)

What spiritual gems from this week’s AS CHRISTIANS
Bible reading would you like to share
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, Song 132
or something else? “Marriage—A Lifelong Partnership”: (15 min.)
Discussion. Play the video Preparing for
Marriage—Part 3: “Calculate the Expense.”
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 1Ki 12:21-33 (10) lff lesson 19 points 1-4

 Choose Your Marriage Mate Wisely

Solomon unwisely married women who wor-
shipped false gods (1Ki 11:1, 2; w18.07 18 ˚7)
Solomon’s wives gradually inclined his heart
away from Jehovah (1Ki 11:3-6; w19.01 15 ˚6)
Jehovah became furious at Solomon (1Ki 11:9,
10; w18.07 19 ˚9)

God’s Word counsels single Christians to marry

“only in the Lord.” (1Co 7:39) Yet, baptism
itself does not qualify someone as a suitable
mate. Will the person help you to keep serving
Jehovah whole-souled? Has the person shown
a deep love for Jehovah over time? Before
agreeing to marry, take time to get to know
your prospective mate well.

4  Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 63 and Prayer

S E PT E M B E R 1 2 - 1 8

 Marriage—A Lifelong Partnership

Successful Christian marriages honor Jehovah and bring joy to a husband
and wife. (Mr 10:9) To have an enduring, happy marriage, Christians must
stick closely to Bible principles when choosing a mate.
Pursue a courtship only after you are “past the bloom of youth,” a time
when strong sexual feelings can distort your judgment. (1Co 7:36) Make
wise use of your years of singleness to strengthen your relationship with
God and to develop Christian qualities. Then, you will be in a far better
position to contribute to a successful marriage.
Before agreeing to marry someone, take the necessary time to get to
know “the secret person of the heart.” (1Pe 3:4) If serious doubts arise,
discuss them with your potential mate. As with other human relationships,
marriage should be more about what you give than what you get.
(Php 2:3, 4) If you apply Bible principles before marriage, you will be
laying a fine foundation for a happy married life.

˙ How did the sister’s relationship with Shane progress?


˙ What did she notice as the relationship continued?


˙ How did her parents help her, and what wise decision did she make?


( A brother who is dating a sister might

consider these questions:
( A sister who is dating a brother might
consider these questions:
What godly qualities does she possess? What godly qualities does he possess?
How does she show that she is seeking Does he put worship and his responsibilities
first the Kingdom? Does she show respect in the congregation ahead of employment,
for theocratic direction? Does she show money, sports, and recreation? How does
that she cares about other people? he treat his family? Does he show that he
cares about other people?

S E PT E M B E R 1 9 - 2 5  1 K I N G S 1 3 - 14
Song 21 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“Why Be Content and Modest?”: (10 min.) Initial Call: (3 min.) Begin with the sample
conversation for the campaign to start Bible
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.)
studies. Overcome a common objection. (7)
1Ki 14:13—What does this verse teach us
about Jehovah? (w10 7/1 29 ˚5) Return Visit: (4 min.) Continue a Bible study
started on the initial call, using lesson 01 of
the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure. (9)
Bible Study: (5 min.) lff lesson 07 point 5 (19)

What spiritual gems from this week’s AS CHRISTIANS
Bible reading would you like to share
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, Song 118
or something else? “Face Economic Hardship With Confidence”:
(15 min.) Discussion. Play the video Build a
House That Will Endure—Be “Content With
the Present Things.”
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
lff lesson 19 points 5-6 and summary,
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 1Ki 13:1-10 (10) review, and goal

 Why Be Content and Modest?

God’s prophet refused Jeroboam’s lavish gifts
(1Ki 13:7-10; w08 8/15 8 ˚4)
God’s prophet later disobeyed Jehovah’s direct
command (1Ki 13:14-19; w08 8/15 11 ˚15)
The prophet’s disobedience led to disaster
(1Ki 13:20-22; w08 8/15 9 ˚10)

If we are content and look to Jehovah when

making decisions, we can avoid many unforeseen
problems.—1Ti 6:8-10.

ASK YOURSELF: ‘How can I show that I am con-

tent with the necessities of life? How can I show
modesty when making decisions?’—Pr 3:5; 11:2.

6  Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 56 and Prayer

S E PT E M B E R 19 - 2 5

 Face Economic Hardship With Confidence

Life in the last days is full of challenges. As we near
the end of this system of things, difficulties will cer-
tainly increase. We may face shortages of one sort
or another. (Hab 3:16-18) What will help us to face
economic hardship with confidence? We must con-
tinue to trust our God, Jehovah. He has promised
to care for his servants, and he can provide for us
in any circumstance.—Ps 37:18, 19; Heb 13:5, 6.

What you can do:

˙ Beg Jehovah for guidance, wisdom, and his
support.—Ps 62:8
˙ Be willing to accept work that you may not have
done before.—g 1/10 8-9, boxes
˙ Maintain a good spiritual routine, including
reading God’s Word daily, attending congregation
meetings, and participating in the ministry

˙ What challenges have some families faced?



˙ What is the most important thing in life?



˙ How can we help those who face economic hardship?



S E PT E M B E R 2 6 – O C TO B E R 2  1 K I N G S 1 5 - 1 6
Song 73 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“Asa Acted Courageously—Do You?”: Initial Call: (3 min.) Use the sample conver-
(10 min.) sation for the campaign to start Bible stud-
ies. Overcome a common objection. (12)
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.)
1Ki 16:34—How does this verse strengthen Return Visit: (4 min.) Begin with the sample
faith in Jehovah’s prophetic word? (w98 conversation for the campaign to start Bible
9/15 21-22) studies. Introduce (but do not play) the vid-
eo Why Study the Bible? (16)
Bible Study: (5 min.) lff lesson 07 point 6 (6)

What spiritual gems from this week’s Song 133
Bible reading would you like to share Courageous Soldiers of Christ: (5 min.)
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, Discussion. Play the video. Then ask the au-
or something else? dience, What do you learn from the exam-
ples of Benjamin and Sruthi?
Organizational Accomplishments: (10 min.)
Play the Organizational Accomplishments
video for September.
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 1Ki 15:25–16:7 (5) lff lesson 20

 Asa Acted Courageously—Do You?

Asa zealously defended pure worship (1Ki
15:11, 12; w12 8/15 8 ˚4)
Asa courageously put his worship ahead of
family ties (1Ki 15:13; w17.03 19 ˚7)
Asa’s good qualities evidently outweighed
his mistakes (1Ki 15:14, 23; it-1 184-185)

ASK YOURSELF: ‘Do I show zeal for pure

worship? Do I stop associating with anyone,
including a family member, who turns his
back on Jehovah?’—2Jo 9, 10.

8  Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 103 and Prayer

O C TO B E R 3 - 9  1 K I N G S 1 7- 1 8
Song 32 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“How Long Will You Be Limping Between Initial Call Video: (5 min.) Discussion. Play
Two Different Opinions?”: (10 min.) the video Initial Call: The Bible—2Ti 3:16, 17.
Stop the video at each pause, and ask the
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.)
audience the questions that appear in the
1Ki 18:1—Why did Jesus say that the video.
drought in Elijah’s day lasted “three years
and six months”? (Lu 4:25; w08 4/1 19, Initial Call: (3 min.) Use the sample conversa-
box) tion topic. (12)
Talk: (5 min.) w14 2/15 14-15—Theme: What
We Can Learn From a Widow’s Faith. (13)
What spiritual gems from this week’s

Bible reading would you like to share AS CHRISTIANS
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
or something else? Song 111
Local Needs: (15 min.)
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 1Ki 18:36-46 (10) lff lesson 21

 “How Long Will You Be Limping Between

Two Different Opinions?”
Elijah challenged the Israelites to act
decisively (1Ki 18:21; w17.03 14 ˚6)
Baal was a lifeless god (1Ki 18:25-29;
ia 88 ˚15)
Jehovah proved his own godship in
a dramatic way (1Ki 18:36-38; ia 90

Elijah called on the people to prove

their faith by obeying Jehovah’s Law.
(De 13:5-10; 1Ki 18:40) Today, we
prove our faith and godly devotion by
strictly obeying Jehovah’s commands.

Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 83 and Prayer 9

O C TO B E R 1 0 - 1 6  1 K I N G S 19 - 2 0
Song 33 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

TREASURES Stop the video at each pause, and ask
FROM GOD’S WORD the audience the questions that appear in
the video.
“Look to Jehovah for Comfort”: (10 min.)
Return Visit: (3 min.) Use the sample con-
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.) versation topic. (18)
1Ki 19:19-21—What does this account teach
Bible Study: (5 min.) lff lesson 07 point 7
us about accepting a new assignment of
and Some People Say (7)
sacred service? (w97 11/1 31 ˚2)

What spiritual gems from this week’s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Bible reading would you like to share Song 145
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, Maintain a Positive Viewpoint: (15 min.)
or something else? Discussion. Play the video. Then ask the
audience: What Bible principles can help us
to maintain a positive viewpoint? How did
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 1Ki 19:1-14 (12) Jehovah comfort Elijah? How does Jehovah
comfort and care for us?

TO THE FIELD MINISTRY Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ lff lesson 22
Return Visit Video: (5 min.) Discussion. Play
the video Return Visit: The Bible—Job 26:7.

 Look to Jehovah for Comfort

Elijah became afraid and ran for his life (1Ki
19:3, 4; w19.06 15 ˚5)
Jehovah gave him practical assistance and
showed him awe-inspiring displays of power
(1Ki 19:5-7, 11, 12; ia 103 ˚13; 106 ˚21)
Jehovah gave him work to do (1Ki 19:15-18;
ia 106 ˚22)

Jehovah speaks to us today through the pages

of his Word, reminding us that he truly cares
for us and that he gives us meaningful work to
do in his service.—1Co 15:58; Col 3:23.

10 Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 57 and Prayer
O C TO B E R 1 7- 2 3  1 K I N G S 2 1 - 2 2
Song 134 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

TREASURES Return Visit: (4 min.) Begin with the sample
FROM GOD’S WORD conversation topic. Offer the Enjoy Life
Forever! brochure, and start a Bible study
“Imitate How Jehovah Exercises Authority”: in lesson 01. (6)
(10 min.)
Talk: (5 min.) w15 3/15 9-11 ˚10-12
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.) —Theme: What Do We Learn From Naboth’s
1Ki 21:27-29—How do we know that Ahab’s Integrity? (14)
actions did not indicate true repentance?
(w21.10 3 ˚4-6)

Song 116
What spiritual gems from this week’s
Bible reading would you like to share “Love Is Patient and Kind”: (10 min.) Dis-
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, cussion. Play the video. Then ask the audi-
or something else? ence: How did Alexandru show patience and
kindness as a family head? Why did Dorina
eventually respond favorably? What lessons
does this experience teach us?
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 1Ki 22:24-38 (2)
Local Needs: (5 min.)

TO THE FIELD MINISTRY Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ lff lesson 23
Initial Call: (3 min.) Begin with the sample
conversation topic. Offer a Bible study, us-
ing the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure. (4)

 Imitate How Jehovah Exercises Authority

Jehovah has supreme authority (1Ki
22:19; it-2 21)
Jehovah honors those subject to him
(1Ki 22:20-22; w21.02 4 ˚9)
Jehovah blessed the work of an angel
(1Ki 22:23; it-2 245)

Especially must elders and family heads

try to imitate the way that Jehovah
wields authority. (Eph 6:4; 1Pe 3:7; 5:
2, 3) When they do so, those under
their authority will be happy and

Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 50 and Prayer 11

O C TO B E R 24 - 3 0  2 K I N G S 1 - 2
Song 79 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

TREASURES Return Visit: (4 min.) Begin with the sample
FROM GOD’S WORD conversation topic. Explain our free Bible
study program, and give the person a Bible
“A Fine Example of Training”: (10 min.) course contact card. (13)
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.) Bible Study: (5 min.) lff lesson 07 summary,
2Ki 2:11—Where did Elijah go when he “as- review, and goal (14)
cended to the heavens in the windstorm”?
(w05 8/1 9 ˚1)

Song 53
What spiritual gems from this week’s
Bible reading would you like to share “Helpful Features of Enjoy Life Forever!”:
regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, (15 min.) Discussion. Briefly interview a
or something else? publisher who is conducting a Bible study
using Enjoy Life Forever! Ask the publisher:
What have you enjoyed about using this
study tool? How are the videos and view-
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 2Ki 2:1-10 (10)
point questions affecting the student?

APPLY YOURSELF Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
Initial Call: (3 min.) Use the sample con-
versation topic. Overcome a common
objection. (12)

 A Fine Example of Training

[Play the video Introduction to 2 Kings.]
Elisha watched as Elijah performed a
miracle (2Ki 2:8; w15 4/15 13 ˚15; see
cover picture)
Elisha humbly used the fine training he
received (2Ki 2:13, 14; w15 4/15 13 ˚16)

In the congregation, Jehovah entrusts

the elders with the responsibility of
training others. (2Ti 2:2) If the elders
offer you training, be willing, reliable,
and humble.

12 Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 66 and Prayer
O C TO B E R 24 - 3 0

 Helpful Features of Enjoy Life Forever!

Do you appreciate the videos and viewpoint the overall theme of the lesson. To return to the
questions in the Enjoy Life Forever! book? How digital edition, tap the three dots again and select
about the features “Some People Say,” “Goal,” “Digital Edition.”
and “Explore”? What other features might you
“Am I Ready?”: These boxes near the end of the
find helpful as you participate in the disciple-
book outline the basic qualifications for preaching
making work?—Mt 28:19, 20.
with the congregation and getting baptized. (See
Media: If you prefer to conduct a Bible study picture 2.)
using a printed book, how can you easily access
Endnotes: Endnotes provide explanatory material
all of the videos and other media in one place? In
regarding certain important subjects. The digital
the digital book, select one of the four main sec-
book includes a link at the end of each endnote
tions. At the bottom of the list of lesson titles,
that will take you back to where you left off in the
you can select all the media for that particular
lesson. (See picture 2.)
section. (See picture 1.)
“Printed Edition” setting: If you are studying
with someone from an electronic device, you may
find it helpful to use the “Printed Edition” setting Be sure to study Enjoy Life Forever! to completion with
at various times during the study. While in the progressive Bible students, even if they get baptized
lesson, tap on the three dots in the toolbar at before you finish. You may continue to count the time,
the return visits, and the study even after the student is
the top of the page and select “Printed Edition.”
baptized. If a publisher accompanies you and partici-
This layout may help you to keep clearly in mind
pates in the study, he too may count the time
how the material you are discussing relates to

1 2
O C TO B E R 3 1 – N OV E M B E R 6  2 K I N G S 3 - 4
Song 151 and Prayer  Opening Comments (1 min.)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“Pick Up Your Son”: (10 min.) Initial Call: (3 min.) Use the sample con-
versation topic. Overcome a common
Spiritual Gems: (10 min.)
objection. (17)
2Ki 4:38—Who likely were “the sons of the
prophets”? (it-2 697 ˚2) Return Visit: (4 min.) Begin with the sample
conversation topic. Introduce (but do not
play) the video What Happens at a Bible
Study? (20)
Talk: (5 min.) w13 8/15 28-29—Theme: How
Might You Imitate Elisha’s Humility in Sa-
cred Service? (15)
What spiritual gems from this week’s
Bible reading would you like to share

regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, AS CHRISTIANS
or something else? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Song 129
“Until the Resurrection Becomes Reality”:
(15 min.) Discussion. Play the video When a
Loved One Dies.
Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
Bible Reading: (4 min.) 2Ki 3:1-12 (5) lff lesson 25

 “Pick Up Your Son”

The Shunammite woman showed excep-
tional hospitality to Elisha (2Ki 4:8-10)
Jehovah blessed her with a son (2Ki
4:16, 17; w17.12 4 ˚7)
Jehovah used Elisha to resurrect her
son (2Ki 4:32-37; w17.12 4 ˚8)

Are you grieving the death of a child?

Jehovah feels your pain. Very soon, he
will bring your loved one back to life.
(Job 14:14, 15) What a glorious day
that will be!

14 Concluding Comments (3 min.)  Song 139 and Prayer
O C TO B E R 3 1 – N OV E M B E R 6

 Until the Resurrection Becomes Reality

When a loved one dies, we find
comfort in the resurrection hope.
Even so, sin and death are like a
suffocating shroud that weighs
heavily on all of us. (Isa 25:7, 8)
This is one reason why “all creation
keeps on groaning together and
being in pain together.” (Ro 8:22)
How can we cope with the loss of
loved ones until the resurrection
becomes reality? God’s Word con-
tains principles that can help us.

˙ What pain have Danielle and Masahiro and Yoshimi experienced?


˙ How did five practical suggestions help them?






˙ Who is the ultimate Source of comfort?—2Co 1:3, 4



Campaign to Start Bible Studies

(September 1-30)
Question: Is it possible to enjoy life
Scripture: Ps 37:29
Link: Can we really believe what the
Bible promises?

Initial Call Return Visit

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Question: Where can we find practical advice Question: Why can you trust the Bible?
for daily living? Scripture: Job 26:7
Scripture: 2Ti 3:16, 17 Link: What are some questions that the
Link: Why can you trust the Bible? Bible answers?

16 Cover picture: Elisha watches as Elijah performs a miracle Vol. 7, No. 9

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