英文試題 解答
英文試題 解答
英文試題 解答
二年____班____號 姓名:
※ 請將答案填寫在答案卷上,否則不予計分 B 部分:書寫測驗 :85 %
A 部分:聽力測驗:15 % 一、英文雜誌:配合題:根據內容填入適當的字,請填代號
一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片或符合 (每題 1 分,共 5 分)
圖片的描述。(每題 1 分) (A) lend a hand (D) on hand
1. (A) (B) (C)
(B) available (E) out of hand
3. (A) (B) (C) 5. I with all these meetings today, so can I call you back
最適合的問句。(每題 2 分) 4. My grandparents like to live in the country because the air there
1. (A) The watermelon is the heaviest. is much f her than that in the city.
(B) Jason is the heaviest of the three students. 5. Sophia runs a shoe store well and sells any kinds of p ts like
(C) The strawberry is the most delicious. sports shoes, boots (靴子), sandals (涼鞋), etc.
2. (A) It comes after summer. 6. If you want to make a sweet and sour fish, you have to put some
(B) You can say that again. Fall is the third season.
v r on it.
(C) We need to wear more clothes.
7. With smartphones and the Internet, people can send and
3. (A) I’ll pay for it for Lisa’s birthday.
r e e-mails anytime.
(B) In cash, please.
8. During the lunch b k, people can have lunch and take a nap.
(C) My dad bought it for me last week.
4. (A) Banana milk shake is. 9. Alan got up late and h ied to school this morning.
(B) Drinking is very dangerous. However, he was still late for school.
(C) Papaya juice is the most famous drink in the world. 10. A: Do you want to a d some sugar or milk to your coffee?
5. (A) I think it’s free. B: No, thanks. I like black coffee.
(B) Thank you. I bought it last week.
(C) Hurry up. Let’s go inside.
三、填空 (填入正確的介系詞):(每題 1 分,共 7 分) 9. To me, studying math is harder than playing the
1. Jenny sings very well. I can’t think anyone with (有) piano.
a better voice. (A) more (B) very (C) too (D) much
2. Central Park is the best place kids to play in New York
10. Choose the CORRECT sentence.
(A) Miss Green doesn’t need to spend much time coloring the
3. You can take pictures this new camera.
4. A: Do you like the bread?
(B) Who is the healthiest, Harry or Andy?
B: Not at all. It tastes a stone (石頭)!
5. Lisa, the yellow T-shirt looks good you! (C) What does the cake look like? Well, it looks like delicious.
6. The man next to the car looks older my grandfather. (D) I want to try special something to paint my bedroom.
7. Pudding is the most delicious all my favorite sweets (甜點).
五、依提示作答:(每題 2 分,共 6 分)
四、文法選擇:(每題 2 分,共 20 分) 1. Ben’s bedroom is dirty.
1. David lost his pens. He looked everywhere but just couldn’t Vicky’s bedroom is very dirty.
find , so he has to buy new . (以 Vicky’s bedroom…開頭,並用形容詞比較級合併改寫句子)
(A) it ; one (B) them ; ones 2. Mary is taller than Lucy. Lucy is taller than David.
(C) one ; them (D) ones ; ones (David……three.,用形容詞最高級合併改寫句子)
2. We are having a big sale today. You can buy everything at a 3. The juice tastes too sweet. (依劃線部分造原問句)
price. Come and have a look!
(A) lower (B) cheap (C) lowest (D) cheaper 六、中翻英:(共 8 分)
3. The movie club is student club in our school. Many 1. 我們喜歡把蛋塗上美麗的顏色和參加尋蛋活動。
students want to join it. 2. 這支白色的智慧型手錶比灰色的那支輕。
(A) popular (B) more popular (C) the least popular 3. 它聽起來像是個好主意。我感到有一點興奮。
(D) the most popular
4. We’re going to the art museum this Sunday. Would you like 七、閱讀測驗:(每題 2 分,共 12 分)
with us? 【A】
(A) going (B) go (C) to go (D) to going The White House is holding its 2018 Easter Egg Roll on the
5. Alice is of my twin daughters. She should eat more south lawn on the first Sunday of April. There will be games,
vegetables and less fast food. stories, food and of course the most famous Easter Egg Roll and
(A) thinner (B) the heavier (C) thinnest (D) the heaviest Easter Egg Hunt on the lawn. This year, our new eggs for the egg
6. Elisa didn’t go to work because she didn’t well. hunt look really special. Besides the traditional “famous-people”
How did she on the phone? eggs, we also prepare the First Dog Easter eggs for you. It sounds
(A) smell ; look (B) look ; felt (C) feel ; sound like a lot of fun, right? You are welcome to join us. So, what are
(D) get ; listen you waiting for? Hurry up! Joining our activity is only a call or
7. do I look the blue dress? an e-mail away.
Do I look ? Does the color go with my shoes? 0912-800-625
(A) How ; on ; great (B) What ; on ; beautiful easter@whitehouse.com
(C) How ; in ; heavy (D) What ; in ; amazing Opening Hours: 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM
8. The restaurant sells beef noodles in Taichung. Ticket Price: Adults (20+): $20 ; Children (6-19): $10
You can’t find beef noodles here. ※ Children under 6 years old don’t need a ticket.
(A) the best ; the most delicious lawn 草坪;traditional 傳統的;adult 成人
4. Ethan and Kate shared the pizza together and they both paid
less than two hundred dollars. What did they eat?
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
二年____班____號 姓名:
A 部分:聽力測驗:15 %
一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片或符合圖片的描述。(每題 1 分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
二、基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應或最適合的問句。(每題 2 分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
B 部分:書寫測驗:85 %
一、英文雜誌:配合題:根據內容填入適當的字,請填代號 (每題 1 分,共 5 分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
【A】中翻英:(每題 1 分,共 7 分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7.
【B】文意字彙:(每題 2 分,共 20 分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
四、文法選擇:(每題 2 分,共 20 分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
五、依提示作答:(每題 2 分,共 6 分)
七、閱讀測驗:(每題 2 分,共 12 分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
二年____班____號 姓名:
A 部分:聽力測驗:15 %
一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片或符合圖片的描述。(每題 1 分)
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
二、基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應或最適合的問句。(每題 2 分)
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
B 部分:書寫測驗:85 %
一、英文雜誌:配合題:根據內容填入適當的字,請填代號 (每題 1 分,共 5 分)
1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. C
【A】中翻英:(每題 1 分,共 7 分)
6. tool 7. prize
【B】文意字彙:(每題 2 分,共 20 分)
四、文法選擇:(每題 2 分,共 20 分)
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. A
五、依提示作答:(每題 2 分,共 6 分)
七、閱讀測驗:(每題 2 分,共 12 分)
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A
一年____班____號 姓名:
A 部分:聽力測驗:15 %
一、 辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片或符合圖片的描述。
1.錄音稿:The music sounds terrible.
2.錄音稿:The refrigerator is more expensive than the washing machine.
3.錄音稿:It’s difficult to set up the new computer.
4.錄音稿:The weather became colder this morning.
5.錄音稿:Jackson has green fingers.
二、 基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應或最適合的問句。
1.錄音稿:What is the heaviest fruit of the three?
2.錄音稿:It’s fall now. It’s getting cooler and cooler.
3.錄音稿:The total is NT$2000. How would you like to pay?
4.錄音稿:Which is the most expensive drink in the store
5.錄音稿:I like your T-shirt. It looks nice on you.