Year 2 Individual Geographical Investigation An Evaluation of Housing Strategies'
Year 2 Individual Geographical Investigation An Evaluation of Housing Strategies'
Year 2 Individual Geographical Investigation An Evaluation of Housing Strategies'
Class: MN 203
Section A: Introduction:
Recently, I read an article based on the housing challenges faced by New York City’s citizens. This
made me shocked as I wondered how a hot and popular tourist destination like New York City would
be facing a dire housing problem. This led to me choosing New York City as my city as I want to not
only find out why it is facing the situation but also how the government are trying to stop it. [1]
In New York City, the estimated population is estimated at 8.5 million [6], while there
is an estimated value of 900,000 residential buildings [7] and still 247, 977 houses are
empty [8]. However, still many people spend their lives at the roads because they are
unable to afford the high rents of the houses and also because the shortage of the
different types of houses. This leads to a higher rate of homelessness.
helpful for the citizens as this allows lesser space to be taken up to build a community. In New
York City, there are many semi-detached houses, which not only take up a lot of space but
also reduces place for other high-rise apartments to be constructed. There are many singular
shopping centres as well, which are only 1 storey high. These shops have the landscape of
higher land usage and lesser height usage, preventing there to be space for houses to be built
for the citizens.
Singapore’s variety of houses for the public allows the citizens to have more options to buy
their houses based on their needs. This ensures that the citizens can live in optimum conditions
as they would live in the house most beneficial to them. There are enough houses for all the
generations, such as enough studio apartments for the elderly and enough 2-room houses for
the newly wed couples. In New York City, there are not sufficient houses for all the generations,
causing the varieties of house to be very costly for them to afford. If New York City had
apartments with all types of houses inside them, surely all the citizens could live in their desired
house without any difficulties.
Singapore has many methods of ensuring a sustainable housing that offers a good quality of life for all.
The key point to achieve this is to ensure that housing is available and affordable for the future
generation. Land is set aside for a variety of housing types to meet different needs and aspirations
of the upcoming cohort of citizens. This ranges from affordable and quality high-rise public housing,
where over 80 per cent of the population lives, to private housing that includes landed properties
and high-rise apartments.
time for the Geography Investigation as I would be able to write a better report with appropriate
[3] Build-To-Order/ Sale of Balance Flats/ Re-Offer of Balance Flats/ Open Booking.
(n.d.). Retrieved from
[8] Etherington, C. (2018, May 8). NYC's Zombie Houses: Why more homes are vacant
and abandoned. Retrieved from
1) Navarro, M., & Michael. (2014, May 5). De Blasio Sets a 10-Year Plan for Housing,
Putting the Focus on Affordability. Retrieved from
2) Uni Assignment Center. (2018, November 1). Housing Supply And Demand In
Singapore 2020 Economics Essay. Retrieved from
Annex A: Table of Comparison:
ADEQUATENESS There are currently enough houses for the There are 900,000 residential
public in Singapore. buildings and 247, 977 houses
As the population rises, more houses are being are vacant.
built for the community. There are many homeless
The population size in Singapore is estimated at people in New York City.
5,850,342, while average household is just 3.24 In November 2019, there were
based on 2018’s results, which is a good result. 63,092 homeless people,
including 14,973 homeless
families with 22,258 homeless
AFFORDABILITY The Singapore government has many methods In New York City, there are only
to help the citizens to be able to afford a house. subsidies for rentals.
The Government helps those families with low These programs are not for all
income (lesser than average). the citizens unlike Singapore,
They reduce the cost of the house for them or where all the subsidies reach
might just pay a certain amount for the house out to all the citizens.
until the low-income citizens can afford it. Some examples of these
There are also CPF Housing Grants for citizens subsidies in New York City are as
of up to $80,000. follows:
Types of CPF grants: Subsidies Information
a. Proximity Housing Grant DRIE Rent Freeze Tenants with
The Proximity Housing Grant (PHG) Programme disabilities, who
has been introduced to help more *DRIE stands qualify for the
families to buy a resale flat to live for :: Disability NYC’s Rent Freeze
with or close to each other for Rent Increase Program can have
mutual care and support. Exemption their rent frozen
and prevents it
from increasing.
People Criteria Grant amount This does not lower
Extended Houses near 4km a. $30,000 their rent but only
Families to live from their b. $15,000 stops it from
near each other parent’s house increasing.
a. Families Emergency This programme is
b. Singles Rental Assistance targeted towards
Programme people who cannot
b. Single Singaporean Citizen Scheme pay their rent due
For first-timer single Singapore to some
Citizens (SC) who is 35 years old or unexpected
above. situation or event.
* They can be available for the This programme
Enhanced CPF Housing Grant (EHG)
would pay their
rent for the months
that they are
Average Monthly EHG (Singles) Amount missing. Emergency
Household Income assistance is
Not more than $750 $40,000 provided for, but
$751 to $1,000 $37,500 not limited to, the
$1,001 to $1,250 $35,000 following
$1,251 to $1,500 $32,500 situations:
$1,501 to $1,750 $30,000
$1,751 to $2,000 $27,500 Homelessness
$2,001 to $2,250 $25,000
$2,251 to $2,500 $22,500
$2,501 to $2,750 $20,000
$2,751 to $3,000 $17,500 Utility
$3,001 to $3,250 $15,000 disconnected or
$3,251 to $3,500 $12,500 pending
$3,501 to $3,750 $10,000 termination
$3,751 to $4,000 $7,500
Fire disaster
$4,001 to $4,250 $5,000
$4,251 to $4,500 $2,500 Domestic
c. Enhanced CPF Housing Grant (Singles)
$2,500 - $40,000
Amount that affect the
Assistance for Lower to upper-middle health and
income applicants of the safety of the
Singles Grant individual or
Applicant must have worked
continuously for the 12
months prior to the flat
application, and still be
Office for People OPWDD has some
working at the point of the
with programs for
Developmental individuals with
flat application
Disabilities developmental
(OPWDD) disabilities to find a
who need Managed
ii. 3-room house
Long-term Care due
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subsidy provides
rent assistance for
one year with the
possibility of
renewals. Some
individuals who are
able to sign up for
this subsidy are
those who faced
domestic violence,
who have served in
the military, who
have been evicted
or are staying in a
Living in This program is a
Community limited rental
(LINC) assistance program
for low-income
families and single
adults living in
homeless or
domestic violence
shelters. This is a
first-come and first-
serve basis, so
priority will be
given to those
households who
have lived in
shelters the
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APPROPRIATENESS There are enough houses for all the people in There are a lot of residential
Singapore. apartments in New York City
There are also different types of houses for Here is the tabular format on
people to choose from. the types of residential
Here is tabular format on the types of HDB flats properties and how many of
and how many of each of them are, based on each of them are.
2018’s results. Type of Number of
Type of house Number of houses buildings apartments
1-person 185400 1-unit, 3198486
household detached
2-person 306300 1-unit 379,926
household Attached
3-person 276900 2 units 836,907
household 3 or 4 units 559,886
4-person 284500 5-9 units 407,106
household 10-19 units 327,624
5-person 160700 20 or more 1,755,984
household units
6-person 111600 Mobile Home 207,378
household or Boat, RV, van, 5,980
larger etc.
There are even more types of houses but here There are even more types of
are just a few to mention… houses but here are just a few
a. Private apartments/ Condominiums to mention…
b. Landed properties a. Private apartments/
c. Executive condominiums Condominiums
d. 3Gen Flat b. Landed properties
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e. Shophouses c. Shophouses
f. Semi-detached Houses d. Semi-detached Houses
g. Town House e. Attached houses
h. Cluster Home f. Row houses
g. Town House
h. Cluster Home
SUSTAINABILITY In Singapore, most citizens live in HDB flats. In New York City, they are
There are many subsidies given out by the constantly improving the
government, such as the BTO flats and the housing situation.
many CPF housing grants, which are very They have started building
beneficial to the citizens. different types of apartments so
I think that most of the citizens were able to that the people can live in a
buy their dream house only because of these house that caters to their needs.
subsidies. They have stopped building their
These strategies are not only reducing the usual row-houses or the 1-unit,
number of homeless people living on the detached houses and had
streets but are also improving the lives of the recently started building high-
citizens as they can easily and cheaply improve rise apartments.
their small flat to a bigger one. If they are able to reduce the
By doing so, they are improving their quality of cost of these houses or add
life. some subsidies to buy
Given that these strategies would continue to apartments or even increase the
be carried out or improved, I think that in a average income rate, the
matter of years, Singapore would be named the number of homeless people on
‘best place to live in’. the streets would surely
decrease as they would surely
get a home for themselves.
These ideas might also improve
the state of living of New York
City’s citizens.
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Annex B: Evaluation Table
a. Singapore’s evaluation table
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option! Use it for grants to pay
cheaper houses.” with, the
This shows that strategy is very
people like the effective and
CPF housing efficient.
grants as they
are very helpful.
HDB flats After Singapore To allow citizens Many citizens Citizens could
got separated to have a better opt to live in HDB get an upgrade
from Malaysia, place to live in, flats. In fact, from their
there were still to improve their more than 80% previous houses
many quality of life, of the citizens and these houses
overcrowded and to reduce live in HDB flats are more
slums and the over- as these flats are hygienic and
squatter crowdedness of affordable. These aesthetically
settlements. the places where HDB apartments beautiful to see
These places are the citizens are also have a as well. Thus,
unhygienic, and living. variety of flats, this strategy is
many people which are very ingenious
could easily specially and useful.
contract illnesses designed to the
there due to citizens’ needs.
their poor quality Thus, majority of
of living. the citizens opt
to live in HDB
Usage of There was little To increase the The underground This strategy is
Underground land for the space for the facilities have very helpful as
building of building of increased the there would be
residential infrastructure space for other lesser space
properties for and houses. recreational taken up by the
citizens to live in activities by a amenities,
15 | P a g e
because most of huge percentage. allowing there to
the space was Many HDB flats be more space
taken up by MRT are also being for housing
(Mass-Rapid- built at these apartments, and
Transit) tracks, areas as more thus more place
playgrounds, houses are for people to live
storage units and required for in.
highways. sustainable
efforts of
BTO flats Buyers were The BTO flats Nearly 17,000 The BTO flats
unable to predict allowed the BTO flats have allows buyers to
their flat’s buyers to know been approved, plan according to
completion date when their showing that the place they
and some buyers downpayment many people are are going to live
did not have was expected. satisfied with this in soon, which
means to pay the The buyers also system as BTO allows them to
downpayment had the chance flats are only have a
when their flats to select the approved if there comfortable time
were completed location and are enough when they move
earlier than their desired people signing into their desired
anticipated. type of house up for it. home.
Some buyers
were also
unhappy with
the final location
of their flat
High-rise There was little To increase the Many countries, These buildings
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buildings space for houses population such as India, not only increase
and population density and to have taken the population
was increasing utilise space to inspiration from density, but it
tremendously its maximum Singapore for its also increases
high-rise the aesthetic
apartments, beauty of the
showing that this place as there
strategy is very would be more
effective. room for
designing of
17 | P a g e
house each. they are too homeless people
exorbitant to be cannot even
able to afford. afford to rent
Thus, the there. The
number of government
homeless people should take note
in New York City of how much the
had barely homeless people
changed. can afford and
based on that,
they could build
a house. Thus,
this strategy is
not very
Subsidies for Many citizens are To reduce Many people are These subsidies
rents struggling to pay financial stress reliant on these are helpful to
their rents due to upon these subsidies. These many citizens.
their citizens and subsidies are Some even rely
developmental allow them to very helpful to on these
disabilities, low- live comfortably. those families subsidies.
income, family who only have However, it
members being one would be better
in jail or their ‘breadwinner’. if these were
disabilities. There are nearly also for buying a
100,000 people house, it would
who had signed be more efficient
up for these as many renting
subsidies. This tenants are
shows that these wishing to buy a
subsidies are house, but they
very helpful, and just do not have
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most people find enough money
it useful, thus to do so.
these subsidies
are very
Types of houses Many citizens do To help the [1]There are [1] In New York
not have the citizens get a different City, there are a
house they house which is varieties of variety of
require as their most suitable to house, but the houses, but still
current house them. most required the required
might not be types of houses houses are not
catered to their are studio present. The
needs. apartments. elderly folks in
There are New York City
approximately would rather live
only 10,000 in a studio
available for rent apartment than
and there are a normal 1-unit
nearly 1,002,208 house, because
old folks are the studio
present in New apartment caters
York City. Hence, to their needs
this strategy is more. However,
not very these studio
efficient. apartments are
the ones in
[2] There are also short. It would
a lot of 1-unit be better if the
houses, of up to government
3,198,486 of would actually
them, and these build the houses
apartments take highest in
19 | P a g e
up a lot of space. demand first
The land is only than to build all
best used when the types at
the population once. Luckily,
density area of they had planned
that area is the to build around
highest and at its 300,000 studio
optimum. Since apartments
these 1-unit recently.
houses have very
little population [2] It would be
density, these better if the
lands are used government
very would tear down
ineffectively. these 1-unit
apartments so
that there would
be more space
for the
government to
build 20-units or
apartments for
the citizens.
These 1-unit flats
are very
inefficient and
removing them is
the best idea.
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Annex C: ATL Skills Table
RESEARCH 1) Collecting Data 1) I used data from
2) Organising Data renowned websites
and cross-checked
them using different
2) I presented my data
clearly in my essay and
indicating each country
by each paragraph.
SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS 1) Time Management I made a timetable for 2
weeks and made sure I
followed it.
THINKING SKILLS 1) Evaluation 1) I evaluated the data I
2) Analysis gathered and wrote
essay required. I also
used evaluation to
make strategies on the
2) I analysed the
information and made
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sure they sounded
realistic but not fake
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