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My Thesis Work

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Chapter 1- Introduction


Background of Organization

The department of Computer science and Information technology’s Research

Room is located at 1st floor, north Wing of the Women University of Multan,
Kachahri Campus, has the collection of research and thesis works in hard on the
field of IT/CS. It serves as a place to read and/or brainstorm about something.
Research room is very helpful to students and also to the faculty members of the
Women University Multan because it provides access of past thesis collection to
demonstrate that the candidate of an academic title is able to drive and
communicate independent and original research, to enhance the scientific and
technological research and invention capacity of students, give ideas and
knowledge that can be used in their own research or thesis works.

Project Overview

The project is about repository of thesis document made by the Information

Technology’s students of the Women University Multan. The main problem of the
faculty staff and coordinator was how it can be easily to access by the students who
wants to search for those Past Thesis made, how current batch will submit their
thesis online in this Pandemic Era of Covid-19 and also for futurity students.
Proponents propose to build online thesis repository system for university that is
web based so that many students can access it without going to research room.
Online thesis repository system will help student and faculty staff in their work
because it is accessible to the internet. This repository can contain pre-prints/ post-
prints of research articles, research reports, project reports, doctoral theses and
dissertations, datasets resulting from research projects etc. This „Open Access‟ has
expedited the process of dissemination of information to anyone, anytime and

Project Assumption

We see the future of reading thesis works by the students as a convenient task, this
is by the help of the Online Thesis Repository System. The increasing population
of WUM students will have no more worries reading and viewing thesis works that
they needed. More and more students are using computers so there will be no
problem on the availability of the system. We also see a more responsible way of
reading thesis among the students because of this system. Its too hard to go to
research room and search for thesis which we want to view form that huge bundles.

Problem Analysis:
Fishbone Diagram:
Problem and solution statement:

The department of CS&IT of Women University Multan’s Research Room cannot

accommodate all the readers because of the problems about the space of the room
itself and the schedule conflict between the readers and the faculty member that is
in the current system is required to accompany the readers. The proposed Online
Thesis Repository System for university can solve these problems by taking all the
process (reading), online.

In the current system of the research room, there’s a problem about the protection
of the rights of authors and the lack of records of the identity of readers. Online
Thesis Repository System will require the readers to create an account and enter
some of his/her basic information, like verified ID of WUM that will be recorded
on the system. The Online Thesis Repository System will also limit the content
that will be visible to the readers, if the reader wants to see other contents of the
research/thesis works he/she will need to sign the agreement.

The main problem this world is facing nowadays is COVID-19, which restricts
every person to home quarantine. As the impact of COVID-19 spreads across the
globe, it has left institutes scrambling to quickly adapt to a new way of doing
things, like virtual system. So, this project will benefit every FYP student of
Women university to submit their thesis to upload at one click while sit at home.
They can also view or download the thesis of previous students for making their
own thesis alluring.

Problem- Requirement Matrix:

Problem Requirement
o In this pandemic era WUM has o This online Thesis Repository
no digital library for submitting will assist WUM FYP students
their thesis online. This is a in devising of project, proffer
digital era, the age of exhibition, them cognitive proposition,
WUM is still far from having a submitting their FYP online by
student portal for FYP thesis. login using their student IDs.
They can download previous
student thesis or can read
o Some of the borrowers are
taking photos of the thesis works
which is not allowed unless the o The Thesis Management System
author approved. will limit the content that can be
seen by the user. If the user
wants to show more content,
o The identity of the borrower is he/she will be needing to sign
unknown. the agreement.
o Before the user can access the
content of the thesis works,
he/she will have to create an
ENVIRONMENT account by using WUM ID and
o The research room cannot prove that he/she is a part of
accommodate a large number of WUM.
o Online thesis repository will take
the work from the research room
and it will take it online. The
System can accommodate a huge
PEOPLE number of readers / researchers.
o In present day, If someone wants
Students will able to search,
to borrow a thesis work, there
upload at anywhere, anytime.
should be a faculty member with
him/her. o Using our system there would be
no need for that. All of the
process will be done online.


To propose a solution to inaccessibility of thesis via Online Thesis

Repository System. Online Thesis Repository system is a system that will
facilitate the viewing of thesis and research works and a platform for uploading
upcoming research works. The system will also provide the analytics for the
admin for them to monitor the trends in viewing the thesis documents. The
reader must first create an account and prove that he/she is enrolled on either
developing Websites or Apps related research subjects or both subjects. After
that, he/she can search the title or keyword of thesis work and view some part
of it but if he/she wish to view other contents of the thesis he/she will need to
sign the agreement.


 To identify the problems that causes difficulties for the potential readers
of the research room.
 To identify the needed analytics and/or statistics by making research
room digitally.
 To identify the lapses on security and protection of the rights of the
authors in the current system.
 To evaluate the existing system of borrowing/reading research and/or
thesis works in the research room.
 To design a system that will upload that researches and thesis works on
the research room online and solve the schedule conflict between the
readers and faculty members.
 To design a system that will identify the readers’ identity that will cause
added security for that part of the authors.
 To design a system with security features that will prohibit the reader to
access the whole thesis works unless he/she sign the agreement.
 To design a system that will provide the needed analytics for the Online
research room or a digital library.


 Thesis Management System will only be implemented for the Women

University of Multan Kachahri Campus, sub-campus of MATITAL.
 The system will only be used by the students of Women university
Multan who have been enrolled in the subject research/thesis or final year
project subjects.
 The system functions as a viewer of thesis documents to the students who
want to learn new knowledge from the said documents.
 The approach of this thesis is to build a portal that is digital
 It is an easy way for submission of thesis.
 It will make easy to keep record and maintain of thesis.
 It saves our time to go to library and find the desired thesis. In this way
we only search our desired thesis digitally by getting ourself Login to this
 It will also become beneficial for faculty to make their work easy because
it decreases there manually work.
 Multiple persons can access the thesis at a time.
 If our thesis contains sensitive information or for other reasons can’t be
disclosed, we can indicate this clearly when submitting it.

Chapter 2-Background
Key Concepts:


All departments of Women University Multan use a manual system


After this aid of online repository system, university will be able to do this online


The faculty in charge is the only peopleware in the current system. They in charge
in interacting with the students who want to use the research room.

Network infrastructure/ Architecture:

Storage, Backup and Recovery Procedure:

Thesis and research works are stored inside the research room and they have a soft
copy of those researches.
Security Procedure:

The student must first ask the faculty in charge before using the research room.
The faculty in charge must accompany the student while inside the research room
to avoid plagiarism.

Policies and Procedure:

The student must first ask in faculty in charge for permission to use the research
room. If it is approved, the faculty in charge must accompany the student while
inside the research room to avoid plagiarism or extension.

Data and Process:

Related Work or Literature Review:

Area 1;

According to https://www.document-centre.co.uk/university-thesis-repositories/,
2013, the purpose of the Academic Thesis repository System is to store Bachelor
and Master (maybe even PHD) thesis inside a University/Faculty/Institute. It
consists of two parts: candidate and the professor modules. An additional
(independent) module will be the thesis repository module.

General Feature Include:

 a calendar view until the thesis defense;

  search through past theses with the same areas of research (from that

 the system will recognize students & professors belonging to a that

institution (same e-mail and password used to login in the institution account
but with the option to include allow other members);

 the system will also verify that the final (and intermediary) submissions
respect certain (formatting, quality) standards (latex, pdf, source code

 system will store thesis in its database, will allow students to contact the
admins of website by giving their name, email and subject with a comment
if having some query.

The candidate features

 A candidate will be able to submit his request to be advised by a professor or

related to any query;
 A candidate will be able to submit different topic of thesis, technical reports
and papers required by a professor;

 Review professor individual and public notes/comments/resources;

 Visualize statistics of assignments, grades, reviews, community help etc.

 Allow the students to download thesis;

 Register for the thesis defense (if not register the student will not be able to
defend his thesis – thesis repository module).

The professor module

 A professor will be able to accept or deny/reject to advise certain students,

or establish a certain limit to the number of students he will coordinate;

 Give individual and public notes/comments/resources to students;

 Optional approve/deny students to register for a certain thesis defense slot

(maybe the thesis is not complete);

 Visualize statistics of assignments completed, student thesis grades, past

student grades etc.

The thesis management module

 Automatically generate the schedule for the thesis defense depending on

how many students registered;
 Allow the board reviewing each thesis to assign grades to the students;
 Visualizing statistics over a research area.
 Display the thesis for future generations.

BONUS: compare past thesis for plagiarism.

Bonus: Using semantic web technologies (RDF, microdata) and multiple ways of
visualizing data.

 Requirements: A small team of people (2-4);

 Programming Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced;

 Designer Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced;

Area 2;

The concept of Electronic Thesis and Dissertations (ETDs) is not a new one. E-
Thesis have been openly discussed by key players in the present worldwide ETD
movement since 19871, and even accepted by some universities (e.g. Virginia
Tech) since 1994. Presently, the acceptance of e-theses as a viable medium is
increasing. This is reflected in the growing number of universities that actually
require an electronic version to be submitted. At the last count the number of
universities registered with the Networked Digital Library of Theses and
Dissertations (NDLTD) that actively mandate electronic submission totaled 56,
from a diverse background including not only North American and European
institutes (e.g. California Institution of Technology, University of Texas at Austin,
Virginia Tech), but also universities from South America, Asia, and Africa. In
contrast, no universities from the UK have adopted this policy, and only a select
few are developing an e-theses capability. In order to encourage the disclosure and
sharing of content, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) initiated the
Focus on Access to Institutional Resources (FAIR) program in August 2002. It was
under this program that the Edinburgh University Library (EUL) gained funding
for the Theses Alive! project, which began its work in a national effort to promote
ETDs in November 2002. The Theses Alive! project is working with two other
JISC-FAIR projects investigating electronic theses, namely DAEDALUS, based at
Glasgow University Library, and Electronic Theses, based at Robert Gordon
University Library.

It seems that in the UK there has been a greater hesitancy to adopt e-theses and the
benefits that they offer. What are the reasons for this general reluctance?

A frequent response is that the current demand for access to thesis literature is
already well supported by the British Theses Service offered by the British
Library.3 However, as research literature becomes increasingly available through
aggregated e-journal services, offering instant access to sets of journals extending
back now often to their origins, searchable in a variety of ways across a large
online corpus, the thesis literature, by contrast, could appear antiquated and
intractable. With online dissemination now a viable option, the intuitive action, for
the researcher using thesis and dissertation literature, is to proceed directly to the
full-text at the instant they wish to. For that reason, and because web sites are now
so prominent in the communications of researchers among themselves, thesis
literature has been moving online anyway, but in a patchy and uncontrolled way. A
recent study of research material posted in the University of Edinburgh online
domain has shown that there is already over 100 full-text PhD and MSc thesis and
dissertations freely available to anyone with an internet connection. Thus, there is
‘grassroots’ pressure to provide ETDs, arguably more so than pressure from the
organizations whose research is being published.

The Thesis Alive! project has been set up to investigate the technological and
cultural issues involved for UK HE institutions wishing to attain e-theses
capability, and to initiate a pilot national service through partner institutions.
Theses Alive! is not a consortium, but being based at Edinburgh University
Library, the project is working with the following non-funded partners and
agencies; suppliers of open source software (e.g. the MIT-led D-space Federation),
universities involved in piloting the system (Cranfield University, Cambridge
University, Leeds University and Manchester Metropolitan University) and theses
metadata agencies (e.g. British Library Theses Service and the Index to Theses
service) to achieve the following objectives;

 To develop an Open Archive Initiative (OAI)-compliant digital repository

and thesis submission interface suitable for the UK HE environment. ·
 To develop and support a generic metadata standard for UK theses.
 To test the value of a national support service for e-theses creation and
management in the UK ·
 To produce an institutional guide to adopting and managing ETDs

Subsection Title (Pakistan);

Not only the universities in UK promoting the e-thesis libraries but also Pakistan
has shown its enthusiasm in this field of developing their educational system
digital for making knowledge delivery at every hand in this age of exhibition.

The project will therefore work both to create the submission software required,
and to promote the take up of electronic theses production generally in

( 1 Fox, E. A., Eaton, J.L, McMillan, .G, Kipp, N.A, Weiss, L. Arce, E. & Guyer,
S, (1996), Weisser, C., Baker, J., & Walker, J.R. (1997))

Electronic document repository system (EDRS) helps in submitting documents

electronically (Women university Multan, 2013). Moreover, EDRS provides
security of information while it still allows easy access of the users to the
electronic document (Oakleigh Consulting Ltd, 2007). The process of EDRS has to
do with capturing, storing, indexing and retrieval. It improves the accessing of
information by the users of the organization wherein they can easily search and
retrieve the documents needed. Also, there will be security in such a way that the
only authorized users are allowed to access the particular documents. (ND
Information Technology Department, 2014) With these concepts, the proponents
were able to come up with a system that incorporates EDRS into a portal which is
the CCS IT Thesis Portal with Electronic Document Repository System. The portal
would be handling the entire thesis process, which starts from after passing the
proposal stage up to the submitting of the final thesis project, as well as the
managing of the thesis documents, which involves the storing, indexing and
retrieving of thesis documents, in the IT department under the Women University
Multan, Kachahri Campus. (Natasha Rubab, Marwa Batool, Arooma Hussain,
May 2021)

Nowadays document producing has increased rapidly, still there is a large number
of traditional paper documents, but also the electronic form of the documentation
has increased. There are a number of different kinds of electronic documentation
like e-mails, web pages, memos, worksheets and drawings, which have been stored
in workstations and servers. Controllable information has increased rapidly and it
has created problems to individuals and companies. Partly this is a consequence of
fast information spread provided by e-mail messages and web pages. When the
information spreading is easy, also the amount of irrelevant information has
increased. The biggest problem seems to be the finding of relevant information
from the array of all irrelevant information (Anttila 2001, 1).

For the last 25 years organizations have been fascinated by structured database
applications. Yet according to James Martin, a famous information engineering
guru, fewer than 10 to 15 percent of an organization’s information assets are being
managed as databases. Indeed, 60 to 80 percent of an enterprise’s information
assets are tied in documents and forms (Sutton 1996, xiv). Growth of electronic
documentation is mainly result from computer-based text edition becoming
common in offices. Since the beginning of the last decade there have been many
forecasts that traditional paper documents will be compensated with electronic
documents and consumption of paper will decrease and finally disappear. Even
though the electronic documentation has increased rapidly these forecasts haven’t
fulfilled. The consumption of paper in the offices hasn’t decreased; it has even
increased approximately by one quarter from the beginning of the past decade.
This can be partly explained by the fact that people desire to read documents in
paper form. In many cases documents have been distributed in electronic form
through e-mail or in web pages. Because people want to read the documents in 6
paper form, they usually print the documents on paper. Documents are usually
more easily stored in electronic form and in many cases paper form of document
will be disposed after reading and printed again when it is needed next time. (Prof.
Afshan , 2021).


WUM thesis repository is a system that will facilitate the viewing of thesis and
research works, and will used to keep the records of them. In the system the
student and faculty first login in the WUM thesis repository by their id or
enrollment that is assigned by the admin to them and database at backend will
verify them. WUM thesis repository will help student and faculty for their work at
any time because it accessible to internet.
Chapter 3- Methodology, Result and Analysis
Requirements Analysis

Requirements Features

 Can accommodate more students  Make it a web-based so students

who wants to research thesis. can access it even without going
to research room.
 Before students can download
 Prevent unwanted student from the thesis from the website
plagiarizing thesis in research he/she need to sign in that it will
room by taking picture to it. protect the author of the thesis
intellectual property. Because
this is only available for WUM.

 Faculty staff want to supervised  The system will store login

who are visiting the website members data that will help admin
to view who are student visiting the
site without checking it in a regular

 Students face problem while  This system will provide facility not

binding pages in bookish form only to send file in soft form but
also can upload large data,
containing numbers of file in zip
form which can be downloaded at
just one click

 Separate department has to made  It is a single platform for all

university students to submit their
separate research room for thesis thesis at one site by selecting their

 

Chapter 4- Conclusion


WUM thesis repository is a system that will facilitate the viewing of thesis and
research works, and will used to keep the records of them. In the system the
student and faculty first login in the WUM thesis repository by their id or
enrollment that is assigned by the admin to them and database at backend will
verify them. WUM thesis repository will help student and faculty for their work at
any time because it accessible to internet.

Contributions/Potential Impact /Significance

In this age of technology and competition we need a system that will be used to
avoid the submission and reading of thesis and research work in Women
University physically. We made a thesis repository for this purpose. WUM thesis
repository will make the thesis submission digitally. It will solve our many
problems. This thesis contributes to the women university in a number of ways.

In the current manual system of library, there’s a problem about the protection of
the rights of authors and the lack of records of the identity of readers. The WUM
thesis repository will also limit the content that will be visible to the readers. It will
increase the security of your research work content.

As in a library it is difficult to borrow the same thesis or research work by many

students and faculty at a time. Make records digitally updated will help library
management. The repository can accommodate a huge number of readers /
researchers at a time.

It will increase the number of borrowers of a work at a time. We have a WUM

thesis repository to submit our work online and search thesis for reading. Keep the
records automatically updated.

It will help us to access thesis at anywhere any time by access the internet.
It will save the time of both author and reader.
Future Work
We see the future of reading thesis works by the students as a convenient task, this

is by the help of the WUM Thesis repository. The students will have no more

worries reading and viewing thesis works that they needed. The repository

automatically keeps the records in this digital world. We also see a more

responsible way of reading thesis among the students because of this repository.

While this WUM thesis repository provides the basic framework for submission
the thesis and research work online to increase the availability of thesis and

research work for all the university student and faculty.

Use Diagram:


Use case Name Signup

Use case ID 1

Priority high

Source This is the first step student need to

fulfill before using the website.

Primary Business Actor Student

Other Participating Actor none

Other Interested Stake Admin, Develop and manage the

HOLDER: website

Description This use case will allow student signup

to the system.

Precondition The student should be the student of

WUM, should enrolled in FYP and

research subject before allowed to sign

up to the system.

Use Case Name Invalid Account

Use Case ID: 2


SOURCE: This will prevent invalid email or

password from using the website.



DESCRIPTION This use case will trigger if the student
input wrong email or password.

PRECONDITION The student needs to input correct

email or password to login to the

Use Case Name: Login


SOURCE This will allow student and admin to

login to the website.



DESCRIPTION This use case will let the Student and
Admin to enter to the online thesis
repository system
PRECONDITION The student needs to input correct
email or password to login to the

Use Case Name Home Page



SOURCE: This is the only page after student

successfully login to the system



DESCRIPTION: This use case will let student use

different activities in the system.
Gives an overview about the whole site
PRECONDITION: The student needs to input correct
email or password to login to the
system and to view user homepage.

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