Apti 01
Apti 01
Apti 01
12. 27, 24, 30, 27, 33,______ 24. 8, 10, 14, 18,_______,34, 50, 66
a. 48 b. 27 a. 28 b. 27
c. 30 d. 24 c. 26 d. 25
13. 4, 10, 22, 46,_______ 25. 29, 36, 44, 53,_______
a. 56 b. 66 a. 55 b. 63
c. 76 d. 94 c. 65 d. 69
14. 4, 1, -8,_______,-20, 29, -32, 43 26. 10, 22, 27,_______,44, 56, 61
a. 15 b. 16 a. 32 b. 39
c. 17 d. 18 c. 40 d. 42
15. 2, -2, 7, 3, 17,_______,32, 13 27. 2, 10, 60, 420, 3360,_________
a. 70 b. 10 a. 30240 b. 27840
c. 9 d. 8 c. 25140 d. 222240
16. 9, 15, 23, 33,_______ 28. 5, 8, 12, 17, 23,_______,38
a. 44 b. 36 a. 26 b. 28
c. 38 d. 45 c. 30 d. 29
17. 12, 8, 14, 6,________,4 29. 4, 9, 20, 43, 90,______
a. 5 b. 21 a. 180 b. 182
c. 24 d. 16 c. 179 d. 185
18. 16, 12, 64, 16,_____,20, 256 30. 5, 9, 16, 29, 54, 103,________
a. 18 b. 144 a. 102 b. 294
c. 20 d. 196 c. 203 d. 200
19. 2, 6,_____,120, 720, 5040
a. 12 b. 18 1 b 11 c 21 d
c. 24 d. 60 2 d 12 c 22 c
20. 9, 6, 16, 10, 30, 18,____,34 3 d 13 d 23 c
4 a 14 a 24 c
a. 36 b. 60
5 a 15 d 25 b
c. 58 d. 60 6 c 16 d 26 b
21. 10, 18, 34,_______,130, 258 7 d 17 d 27 a
a. 32 b. 60 8 d 18 b 28 c
9 c 19 d 29 d
c. 68 d. 66
10 d 20 c 30 d
22. 30, 23, 17, 12,________,5
a. 6 b. 7
c. 8 d. 9
23. 285, 253, 221, 189,_______
a. 173 b. 167
c. 157 d. 146
4 General awareness and Aptitude test
a. MP b. MN
Letter series contain only letters of the c. MO d. MQ
alphabet placed in a specific pattern . They may
consist of terms with one , two , several letters. 6. B, I, P, W, D, K,_________
In such series the successive elements are a. Q b. R
obtained from the previous element according to c. S d. T
a definite rule.
7. AZ, BY, CX, D________
Example: U,B,I,P,________
a. E b. W
Answer : If you study the pattern carefully c. R d. V
you will find that every seventh letter is taken
alphabetically. After U the letters VWXYZA are 8. A, C, F, J, O,____________
omitted and B is taken. After B , CDEFGH are a. U b. C
omitted and I is taken. After I , JKLMNO are c. D d. F
omitted and P is taken to follow the same pattern
naturally. After P, QRSTUV should be omitted 9. C, J, P, U, Y,____________
and W will be the next letter in the series. a. C b. D
c. B d. A
Multiple Choice Questions
Each of the term in the questions belong to 10. AZ, BY, CX, DW, ______
letter series. One of the term in questions belong a. EX b. EU
to letter series. One of the terms of the series is c. EY d. EV
missing. Find the missing term from amongst the
four alternatives. 11. aa HI cc, cc JK ee, ee LM gg, ____
a. ff NO ii b. gg NO ii
1. J,L,N,P,R,T,________ c. gg ON ee d. ee ON ii
a. V b. X
c. Y d. Z 12. aBEf, bCFg, cDGh, _______
a. dEGi b. dHIg
2. C,F,I,L,O,R,_________ c. dEHi d. dHEi
a. V b. U
c. W d. X 13. A, C, B, E, C, G, D,___ ____
a. M,N b. L,M
3. B,F,J,N,R,V,_________ c. I,E d. G,H
a. X b. Y
c. Z d. C 14. CD, GH, KL, OP, ST, ________
a. RS b. QR
4. E,J,O,T,Y,D,_________ c. GH d. WX
a. J b. K
c. I d. F 15. WZI, EHJ, XAK, _____, YBM, GJN
a. ZCO b. IFL
c. FFL d. FIL
General awareness and Aptitude test 5
25. m NN o PP q _________
a. rr b. RR
c. ss d. QQ
Hints for Answering Questions: In each of the questions below, a related pair
of words(in capital letters) is given. Select the
1. Establish the relationship lettered pair out of four pair of words (in capital
Before you see the available answers try and letters) is given. Select the lettered pair out of
establish what is the relationship between given four pair of words that expresses the relationship
pair. that is most similar to that of the capitalized pair.
Author : Book 1) SCISSORS:CLOTH ::
a. Poem : poet a) Axe:Wood b) Stone : Grinder
b. Ring : goldsmith c) Knife: Stone d) Gun: Hunt
c. Carpenter : hammer
d. Composer : song 2) FOOD:HUNGER ::
a) Axe:Wood b) Stone : Grinder
The relationship is that author creates a book. c) Knife: Stone d) Gun: Hunt
Take the keyword ‘create’ and try to fit this in 3) BIRD : NEST ::
all given choices a) dog : doghouse
Poem ‘create’ poet wrong b) squirrel : tree
Ring ‘create’ Goldsmith wrong c) beaver : dam
Carpenter ‘create’ hammer wrong d) cat : litter box
Composer ‘create’ song right e) book : library
So ‘d’ is the correct answer. DALMATIAN : DOG ::
2. Sequence of items is important a) Nightingale : bird
Like in above example person ie ‘Author’ b) horse : pony
comes first and the item ie ‘Book’ comes second. c) shark : great white
So in the answer also the person comes second. d) ant : insect e) stock : savings
The only answer that satisfy this condition is (d). 5) DOCTOR : HOSPITAL ::
Following types of relationship are possible. a) sports fan : stadium
b) cow : farm
a) Purpose relationship c) professor : college
b) Cause and effect relationship d) criminal : jail
c) Part and whole relationship e) food : grocery store
d) Part and part relationship
e) Action and object relationship CUB : BEAR ::
f) Synonym and antonym relationship a) piano : orchestra
g) Place relationship b) puppy : dog c) cat : kitten
h) Degree relationship d) eagle : predator
i) Characteristic relationship e) fork : utensil
General awareness and Aptitude test 7