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Apti 01

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Questions: 40 Marks: 160
i) Verbal Reasoning
a) Completing a series
- Number series (2)
- Letter series (2)
- Analog test (2)
- Coding and decoding (1)
- Arithmetical reasoning (3)
- Vocabulary test (2)
ii) a) Facts about Nation (3)
b) Facts about Punjab (3)
c) Sports (3)
d) Health (3)
e) Environment (3)
f) Media and Entertainment (3)
iii) Non-verbal reasoning
a) Odd one out (1)
b) Completion of series (2)
c) Analog test (1)
d) Completing an incomplete pattern (1)
e) Spotting hidden pattern (1)
f) Identical and similar pattern (2)
g) Lateral inversion (1)
h) Folded and unfolded pattern (1)
2 General awareness and Aptitude test
1. COMPLETING A SERIES. Multiple Choice Questions
(a) Number Series.
Find the missing number in the following
Hints for answering the questions
series out of four options.
In these questions the series consists of
numbers(digits). Number series are formed in 1. 1, 2, 5, 7, 11,______,17
many ways a. 12 b. 13
1. Addition of figures given in row c. 14 d. 15
2. Subtraction of figures from one another
3. Division of figures by one another 2. 1, 8, 27,____,125
4. Multiplication of figures a. 37 b. 47
5. Logical transportation of figures c. 54 d. 64
6. Increase/decrease of numbers in a 3. 6, 12, 21, 33,____
specific pattern a. 38 b. 40
EXAMPLE: c. 45 d. 48
Write down the number which will complete 4. 2, 20,____,110, 182
the sequence and replace the ? a. 56 b. 72
a. 6, 12, 18, 30, 48, ? c. 90 d. 96
b. 3, 12, 48, 192, ? 5. 81, 9, 64,____,49, 7
c. 48, 24, 72, 36, 108, ? a. 8 b. 9
d. 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, ? c. 10 d. 11
e. 10, 15, 19, 22, 24, ?
6. 15, 20, 30,_____,65
f. 905, 576, 329, 247, ? a. 35 b. 40
g. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ? c. 45 d. 50
h. 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, ?
7. 18, 30, 48, 72, 96,______
ANSWERS: a. 106 b. 115
a. 78,each term is obtained after adding c. 120 d. 96
two to the previous number 8. 12, 32, 72, 152,_______,632
b. 768, multiply each term by 4 to get the a. 515 b. 613
next number c. 815 d. 312
c. 54, divide by 2 and multiply by 3
alternatively. 9. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,______,13
d. 22, constant difference of 3 in each a. 8 b. 9
subsequent number. c. 10 d. 11
e. 25, decreasing difference of 5,4,3,2,1 10. 3, 8, 22, 63, 185,_____
between subsequent numbers a. 285 b. 295
f. 82, interval between each pair of c. 310 d. 500
numbers becomes the succeeding term
11. 4, 5, 7,_____, 19
in series
a. 56 b. 66
g. each term is square of natural number c. 11 d. 17
h. 22, interval is alternatively 1 and 6
General awareness and Aptitude test 3

12. 27, 24, 30, 27, 33,______ 24. 8, 10, 14, 18,_______,34, 50, 66
a. 48 b. 27 a. 28 b. 27
c. 30 d. 24 c. 26 d. 25
13. 4, 10, 22, 46,_______ 25. 29, 36, 44, 53,_______
a. 56 b. 66 a. 55 b. 63
c. 76 d. 94 c. 65 d. 69
14. 4, 1, -8,_______,-20, 29, -32, 43 26. 10, 22, 27,_______,44, 56, 61
a. 15 b. 16 a. 32 b. 39
c. 17 d. 18 c. 40 d. 42
15. 2, -2, 7, 3, 17,_______,32, 13 27. 2, 10, 60, 420, 3360,_________
a. 70 b. 10 a. 30240 b. 27840
c. 9 d. 8 c. 25140 d. 222240
16. 9, 15, 23, 33,_______ 28. 5, 8, 12, 17, 23,_______,38
a. 44 b. 36 a. 26 b. 28
c. 38 d. 45 c. 30 d. 29
17. 12, 8, 14, 6,________,4 29. 4, 9, 20, 43, 90,______
a. 5 b. 21 a. 180 b. 182
c. 24 d. 16 c. 179 d. 185
18. 16, 12, 64, 16,_____,20, 256 30. 5, 9, 16, 29, 54, 103,________
a. 18 b. 144 a. 102 b. 294
c. 20 d. 196 c. 203 d. 200
19. 2, 6,_____,120, 720, 5040
a. 12 b. 18 1 b 11 c 21 d
c. 24 d. 60 2 d 12 c 22 c
20. 9, 6, 16, 10, 30, 18,____,34 3 d 13 d 23 c
4 a 14 a 24 c
a. 36 b. 60
5 a 15 d 25 b
c. 58 d. 60 6 c 16 d 26 b
21. 10, 18, 34,_______,130, 258 7 d 17 d 27 a
a. 32 b. 60 8 d 18 b 28 c
9 c 19 d 29 d
c. 68 d. 66
10 d 20 c 30 d
22. 30, 23, 17, 12,________,5
a. 6 b. 7
c. 8 d. 9
23. 285, 253, 221, 189,_______
a. 173 b. 167
c. 157 d. 146
4 General awareness and Aptitude test
a. MP b. MN
Letter series contain only letters of the c. MO d. MQ
alphabet placed in a specific pattern . They may
consist of terms with one , two , several letters. 6. B, I, P, W, D, K,_________
In such series the successive elements are a. Q b. R
obtained from the previous element according to c. S d. T
a definite rule.
7. AZ, BY, CX, D________
Example: U,B,I,P,________
a. E b. W
Answer : If you study the pattern carefully c. R d. V
you will find that every seventh letter is taken
alphabetically. After U the letters VWXYZA are 8. A, C, F, J, O,____________
omitted and B is taken. After B , CDEFGH are a. U b. C
omitted and I is taken. After I , JKLMNO are c. D d. F
omitted and P is taken to follow the same pattern
naturally. After P, QRSTUV should be omitted 9. C, J, P, U, Y,____________
and W will be the next letter in the series. a. C b. D
c. B d. A
Multiple Choice Questions
Each of the term in the questions belong to 10. AZ, BY, CX, DW, ______
letter series. One of the term in questions belong a. EX b. EU
to letter series. One of the terms of the series is c. EY d. EV
missing. Find the missing term from amongst the
four alternatives. 11. aa HI cc, cc JK ee, ee LM gg, ____
a. ff NO ii b. gg NO ii
1. J,L,N,P,R,T,________ c. gg ON ee d. ee ON ii
a. V b. X
c. Y d. Z 12. aBEf, bCFg, cDGh, _______
a. dEGi b. dHIg
2. C,F,I,L,O,R,_________ c. dEHi d. dHEi
a. V b. U
c. W d. X 13. A, C, B, E, C, G, D,___ ____
a. M,N b. L,M
3. B,F,J,N,R,V,_________ c. I,E d. G,H
a. X b. Y
c. Z d. C 14. CD, GH, KL, OP, ST, ________
a. RS b. QR
4. E,J,O,T,Y,D,_________ c. GH d. WX
a. J b. K
c. I d. F 15. WZI, EHJ, XAK, _____, YBM, GJN
a. ZCO b. IFL
c. FFL d. FIL
General awareness and Aptitude test 5

16. BHL, DJN, FLP, ___________ 27. AGMS, agms, _______________

a. HNR b. HOS a. ABCD abcd
c. IOS d. INR b. abcd ABCD
c. BHNT bhnt
17. B,E,I,N,T,___________ d. bhnt BHNT
a. R b. U
c. S d. A 28. aa, bbb, cccc, ______________
a. ddd b. ddddd
18. BC, FG, JK, _________, RS, VW c. dddd d. DDDD
a. LM b. OP
c. QR d. NO 29. ACF acf G_______
a. IL gil b. JL gil
19. XD, WC, _________, YA c. IL gjl d. LL gli
a. XY b. CD
c. ZB d. WV 30. aB bB cD dD _________
a. ef b. gH
20. AI, BJ, CK, _________ c. fG d. eF
a. LM b. DL
c. GH d. SE Key
1 a 11 b 21 a
21. AM, BN, EI, FJ, CO, DP, GK, ________ 2 b 12 c 22 b
a. HL b. PQ 3 c 13 c 23 d
c. QR d. HG 4 c 14 d 24 a
5 a 15 d 25 b
6 b 16 a 26 d
22. Z,W,S,P,L,I,E,___________ 7 b 17 d 27 c
a. F b. G 8 a 18 d 28 b
c. B d. K 9 c 19 c 29 a
10 d 20 b 30 d
23. BD, EH, IM, NS, ______
a. UY b. UZ
c. TY d. TZ

24. AC, EG, BD, FH, IK, _________

a. JL b. OP
c. IJ d. JK

25. m NN o PP q _________
a. rr b. RR
c. ss d. QQ


a. W b. X
c. V d. U
6 General awareness and Aptitude test
ANALOGY TEST j) Sequence relationship
k) Numerical relationship
Analogies Test your ability to see the l) Association relationship
relationship between types of relationships and
recognize which relationship are similar. Multiple Choice Questions

Hints for Answering Questions: In each of the questions below, a related pair
of words(in capital letters) is given. Select the
1. Establish the relationship lettered pair out of four pair of words (in capital
Before you see the available answers try and letters) is given. Select the lettered pair out of
establish what is the relationship between given four pair of words that expresses the relationship
pair. that is most similar to that of the capitalized pair.
Author : Book 1) SCISSORS:CLOTH ::
a. Poem : poet a) Axe:Wood b) Stone : Grinder
b. Ring : goldsmith c) Knife: Stone d) Gun: Hunt
c. Carpenter : hammer
d. Composer : song 2) FOOD:HUNGER ::
a) Axe:Wood b) Stone : Grinder
The relationship is that author creates a book. c) Knife: Stone d) Gun: Hunt
Take the keyword ‘create’ and try to fit this in 3) BIRD : NEST ::
all given choices a) dog : doghouse
Poem ‘create’ poet wrong b) squirrel : tree
Ring ‘create’ Goldsmith wrong c) beaver : dam
Carpenter ‘create’ hammer wrong d) cat : litter box
Composer ‘create’ song right e) book : library
So ‘d’ is the correct answer. DALMATIAN : DOG ::
2. Sequence of items is important a) Nightingale : bird
Like in above example person ie ‘Author’ b) horse : pony
comes first and the item ie ‘Book’ comes second. c) shark : great white
So in the answer also the person comes second. d) ant : insect e) stock : savings
The only answer that satisfy this condition is (d). 5) DOCTOR : HOSPITAL ::
Following types of relationship are possible. a) sports fan : stadium
b) cow : farm
a) Purpose relationship c) professor : college
b) Cause and effect relationship d) criminal : jail
c) Part and whole relationship e) food : grocery store
d) Part and part relationship
e) Action and object relationship CUB : BEAR ::
f) Synonym and antonym relationship a) piano : orchestra
g) Place relationship b) puppy : dog c) cat : kitten
h) Degree relationship d) eagle : predator
i) Characteristic relationship e) fork : utensil
General awareness and Aptitude test 7


a) snacks : breakfast a) arm : leg b) stage : curtain
b) Tomato : gravy c) recline : chair d) key : piano
c) beans : coffee e) art : sculpture
d) thread : cotton
8) INK:PAPER :: a) spring : elasticity
a) Pen: pencil b) marketing : advertising
b) Paint: painting c) person : success
c) Chalk: blackboard d) radio : broadcast
d) Carbon paper: ballpoint
9) ROCKGARDEN:CHANDIGARH :: a) scale : weight
a) Delhi: RedFort b) length : width
b) Film Studio:Pune c) inch : foot
c) Chicago: USA d) mileage : speed
d) India: Asia e) area : size


a) Exercise:Strength a) pencil : eraser
b) Heat:Coil b) ball pen : notebook
c) Power:Battery c) typewriter : paper
d) Automobile:Engine d) blacksmith : hammer
e) gun : hunter
a) Death:Sorrow 18) PEDAL : BICYCLE
b) Rock:Sand a) inch : yardstick
c) Delta:River b) walk : skip
d) Fault:Earthquake c) tire : automobile
d) buckle : belt
12) SCALES : FISH :: e) oar : boat
a) Lady : Dress
b) Skin : Man 19) RIBS : LUNGS
c) Tree: Leaves a) ball : sphere
d) Bird: Feather b) hand : finger
c) shell : nut
13) PETAL : FLOWER :: d) coat : tie
a) salt : pepper
b) tire : bicycle
a) animal : zoo
c) base : ball
b) thief : prison
d) sandals : shoes
c) antique : museum
e) puppy : dog
d) crime : punishment
8 General awareness and Aptitude test
a) fire : burn b) court : justice a) doctor : diagnosis
c) water : drown d) food : hunger b) actor : role
c) driver : truck
22) YEN : CURRENCY d) teacher : school
a) brass : metal e) author : book
b) flower : fragrance
c) paper : book 29) FINCH : BIRD
d) karnataka : state a) frog : toad
b) elephant : reptile
23) BINDING : BOOK c) Dalmatian : dog
a) criminal : gang d) collie : marsupial
b) display : museum e) ant : ladybug
c) artist : carpenter
d) nail : hammer 30) RAIN : DRIZZLE
e) frame : picture a) swim :dive b) hop : shuffle
c) juggle : bounce d) walk : run
24) EXPLORE : DISCOVER e) run : jog
a) read : skim
b) research : learn 31) EGG : OMELETTE
c) write : print a) dam : river
d) think : relate b) student : classroom
e) sleep : wake c) clay : pottery
d) onion : salad
a) butter : churn
a) scheme : agent
b) wine : ferment
b) edit : manuscript
c) paper : ream
c) revise : writer
d) curd : cheese
d) mention : opinion
e) beef : steak
e) architect : building
a) chair : table
1 a 11 d 22 d
b) carpenter : chair
2 a 12 b 23 e
c) foot rule : yardstick 3 b 13 b 24 b
d) glass : cup 4 a 14 d 25 c
5 c 15 a 26 c
27) LAWN : GRASS 6 b 16 a 27 c
a) wool : sheep 7 d 17 d 28 d
b) skin : goat 8 c 18 e 29 c
c) fur : animal skin 9 b 19 c 30 e
d) rice : farm 10 c 20 b 31 c
21 a 32 e
General awareness and Aptitude test 9

are assigned to the numbers. The candidate is

required to analyze the code according to the
What is Coding Decoding :
A ‘Code’ is a system of conveying a message
Ex. In a given code SISTER is coded as
through signals. It is a method of sending a
535301. UNCLE as 84670 and BOY as 129. How
message between sender and the receiver in
is RUSTIC written in the code ?
such a way that only the sender and the receiver
can know its meaning. However ‘Coding’ is done (a) 633185 (b)
according a certain pattern in the mind of the (c) (d)
sender. Therefore, its meaning can be deciphered (e) None
by a third person. Only if he carefully studies this
Sol. In this code the alphabets are coded as
pattern. This process is called ‘Decoding’. This
capability is important in many fields of application.
The ‘Coding- Decoding’ test is set up to
judge the candidate’s ability to decipher the
If we apply this method , the code comes out
pattern which goes behind a coded message or
to be 185336
statement. There are many types of coding:

A. LETTER CODING Multiple Choice Questions

In such questions, code values are assigned 1) In a certain coding system MOTHER is
to a word in terms of the alphabets. There are coded as PQWJHT, how will you code
following types of letter coding. SISTER?
Type 1 : In this category, one word is coded c) VKVVHT d) VKVVHS
according to a particular pattern and the candidate
is asked to give the code letters for another word 2) In a certain coding system PRICE is coded
following the same pattern of coding. as SVNIL, how will you code COST?
a) F SXY b) FSWY
Ex. The word MAN is coded as NBO. c) FTWZ d) FSXZ
Which of the following should be the code
for SKY? 3) In a certain coding system FLOWER is
written as SEXOMF, how will you code
Sol. The first letter of the code N comes after GARDEN?
M. the first letter of the word in question. Similarly, a) OEERBH b) OFESBH
the second letter B comes next to A of the c) OEESBG d) OEERBG
question, and the third letter of code O comes
after N of the main word. Following this pattern 4) In a certain coding system TRAIN is written
we can say that TLZ is coded as SKY. as GIZRM, how will you code FIGURE?
In these questions either numerical values
are assigned to a word or alphabetical code values
10 General awareness and Aptitude test
5) If SINGLE can be given a code number of 12) In a certain language ‘526’ means ‘sky is
66, what code number can be given to blue’, ‘24’ means ‘blue colour’ and ‘436’
WINKLE? means ‘colour in fun’. Which digit in that
a) 76 b) 66 language means ‘fun’?
c) 78 d) 74 a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 6
6) If REASON is called as 5 and BELIEVED
as 7, what is the code number for 13) If a rectangle is called a circle, a circle a
GOVERNMENT? point, a point a triangle, a triangle a square,
a) 10 b) 8 then wheel is a:
c) 9 d) 6 a) rectangle b) circle
c) point d) triangle
7) If PRATAP could be given a code number
1618120116, what code number can be given 14) If the letters is PRABA are coded as 27595
to NAVIN? and THILAK are coded as 368451, how can
a) 73957614 b) 24639125 BHARATHI be coded?
c) 14122914 d) 19274651 a) 96575368 b) 57686535
c) 96855368 d) 37536689
8) If CENTURION is coded as 325791465, and
RANK as 18510, what will the figure 78510 15) If JAILAPPAS is coded as AIJAPLASP,
represent? ECONOMICS will be coded as:
9) If WORK is coded as 4567 and MAN 328, d) OECOMNCIS
then WOMAN is coded as
a) 45328 b) 43528
c) 32845 d) 35428 Key (Coding and Decoding)
1. c 9. a
10) If spider is written as PSDIRE, how would
2. d 10. b
COMMON be written in that code
3. d 11. c
4. c 12. b
5. d 13. c
6. c 14. a
11) If (a) ‘gnr tag zog qmp’ stands for ‘Seoul
7. c 15. b
Olympic organizing Committee’, (b) ‘hyto gnr
8. a
emf’ stands for, ‘Summer Olympic Games,
and (c) ‘esm sdr hyto’ stands for ‘Modern
Games History’, What would ‘summer’
stands for?
a) gnr b) hyto
c) emf d) zog

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