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CHE 311: Corrosion HW # 5

Q1. Shade the correct answer (T for True and F for False) – (24 points)

S# score
The electrode potential of a metal is the potential which exists at inner face between the
1 T F
metal and the electrolyte.
Electrode potential is a quantity of unknown absolute value and can’t be measured
2 T F
directly. It can be measured with respect with a standard electrode.
To measure the standard electrode potential, a galvanic cell with a standard electrode,
3 T F
standard solution and standard conditions is used.
4 The common standard electrode is SHE. T F
5 The SHE uses pure O2 in its construction. T F
6 The standard potential of the SHE is arbitrarily zero. T F
The disadvantage of the SHE is that it is at standard conditions of T, P and normality of
7 T F
the solution.
One of the applications of the SHE is to produce the e.m..f. series for pure metals and
8 T F
The feature of the e.m.f. that it ranks the metals in decreasing order from the most noble
9 T F
metals to the most active metals.
10 The e.m.f. series may help in predict the whether a metal will corrode or not. T F
11 The limitation of the e.m.f. series are overcome by the galvanic series. T F
The galvanic series is an arrangement of metals and alloys in order of their corrosion
12 T F
potential in the specific environment.
In galvanic series, instead of potentials, the relative positions of the metals and alloys
13 T F
are indicated.
The galvanic series is based on practical measurement of corrosion potential at
14 T F
The peculiar feature of the galvanic series is the grouping of metals and alloys which
15 T F
have similar composition.
16 In galvanic series, metals and alloys in brackets can be coupled without being corroded. T F
17 In galvanic series, some alloys exist in two places; active state and passive state. T F
18 Each environment requires a different galvanic series. T F
The galvanic series in static seawater can be used to predict galvanic corrosion in
19 T F
turbulent seawater.
Although the galvanic series is widely used by corrosion engineers, nevertheless it
20 T F
suffer from certain limitations.
The potentials in the galvanic series for seawater are measured against a reference
21 T F
22 In galvanic series, a galvanic coupling between brass and tin is disastrous. T F
23 In galvanic series, a galvanic coupling between monel and copper is disastrous.. T F
24 The energy change may be used to predict the tendency of corrosion of a metal. T F

Q2. Make a comparison between the e.m.f. series and the galvanic
series. Tabulate your answer in a table Q2 below (12 points).

Table Q2: Comparison between the e.m.f. series and the galvanic
S# e.m.f. series Galvanic series

Q3. Make a comparison between the SHE and the reference

electrode. Tabulate your answer in a table Q3 below (12 points).

Table Q3: Comparison between the SHE and the reference electrode.
S# SHE Reference electrode

Q4. Draw one design for the SHE. Show all elements in this design.

Q5. Draw one design for the SSSCE. Show all elements in this design.

Q6. Draw one design for the SCE. Show all elements in this design.

Q7. Draw one design for the Copper/Copper Sulphate Electrode.

Show all elements in this design.

Q8. Draw a complete electrochemical cell that you may use to

measure the standard electrode potential of a metal.
Q9. Draw a complete electrochemical cell that you may use to
measure the corrosion potential of a metal.
The score for Q 4 to Q 9 is 5 points each = 30 points.

Q10. Write the relation between the energy changes for an

electrochemical cell and its potential ( ), operating reversibly
(no current flows), (3points).


Q11. Repeat Q10 but under standard conditions, (3points).


Q12. What does it mean when the energy change of a reversible

electrochemical cell is negative?
Ans.Q12/ The reaction will proceed from left to right (as written) indicating a spontaneous

Pr.1 If you have a mixture of

And you provide electrons for both mixtures, which ion will take the electrons
in each mixture? (8 pints)

In part (a): Cu+2 will plate out as the reaction proceeds in reverse (right to left), so Cu+2 will
be the one taking the electrons.

In part (b): H+ will plate out as the reaction proceeds as written (left to right), so H+ will pick
up electrons.

Details and calculations for both parts are shown blow:

Pr.2 Calculate the standard free energy of reduction of the following
ions in aqueous solution, using the respective standard reduction
potential for each (15 pints):

Tabulate your results In Table P2.

Ion Reaction (Volt) (KJ/mol)

0.800 -77.188
0.337 -65.03089
0.0 0
-0.440 84.9068
-0.763 147.23611

Pr.3 Indicate the tendency for corrosion to occur for(12 pints):

a) Tin in HCl acid.

b) Nickel in silver nitrates.
c) Lead in stannous chloride.

Ans.5 .


Overall reaction:

2H+ + 2e H2 , = 0V

Sn+2 + 2e Sn , = -0.136 V

= 2H+ + Sn Sn+2 + H2

= 0 – (-0.136) = + 0.136 V

Reaction will proceed as it is so, yes Tin will corrode in HCl acid.


Overall reaction:

2Ag+ + 2e 2Ag , = 0.8 V

Ni+2 + 2e Ni , = -0.250 V

= 2Ag+ + Ni 2Ag + Ni+2

= 0.8 – (-0.250) = +1.05 V

Reaction will proceed as it is so, yes Nickel will corrode in silver



Overall reaction:

Sn+2 + 2e Sn , = -0.136 V

Pb+2 + 2e Pb , = -0.126 V

= Sn+2 + Pb Sn + Pb+2

= -0.136 – (-0.126) = -0.01 V

+ev value

Reaction will proceed from left to right so, no Lead will not corrode
in stannous chloride.
Pr. 4 The potential of a cathode at which H 2 discharge at 0.001 A/cm2 is –1.0
volts. against Ag/AgCl in 1.0 in KCl at 25 C. What is the cathode
potential on standard hydrogen electrode? (4 pints):

So , = -1 V

= 0.2353 V

= 0.2353 + (-1) = -0.7647 V


Pr.5 Given ` versus SCE. What is the potential versus? (4 pints):

a) SHE b) Ag/AgCl c) Cu/ sat. CuSO4


, = 0.242 V

= 0.242 + (-0.3) = -0.058 V


= 0.197 V

= -0.058 – (0.197) = -0.255 V


= 0.318 V

= -0.058 – (0.318) = -0.376 V


Pr.6 A corrosion potential of a -0.229 volts versus SCE was measured for a
corroding alloy. What is the alloy potential versus? (4 pints):
a) SHE b) Saturated Ag/AgCl c) Saturated Cu/CuSO4

= 0.242 V

= 0.242 + (-0.229) = 0.013 V


= 0.197 V

= 0.013 – (0.197) = -0.184 V


= 0.318 V

= 0.013 – (0.318) = -0.305 V

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