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Goal Path Personality With Burt Goldman

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How will
affect your
2012 Goals
and Beyond?

Personality Type Quiz for Goal Setting in 2012

It’s that time of year again, In helping you in the goal
when we set goals for the setting process, we invited
For you to discover:
upcoming year. Have you ever you to take our Myers Briggs
made a New Years resolution Theor y Indicator (MBTI)
that you didn't keep? I think personality test. Intro to Personality Types
most of us have done this (If you missed the survey, click 4 Dichotomies
one year or another. But lets here) There are many
take a step in the right different types of personality 16 Personality Types
direction before the New surveys out there, but the Goal Setting Excercise
Year even begins by making Myers Briggs Type Indicator is
realistic and achievable goals very well known, valid and
that we will be able to work reliable . This guide I’ve
with and receive many prepared will help you
blessings from throughout the understand more about your
year. personality type.

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
1 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
Tailoring the goal-setting
process to an individual’s
personality type can be a “The future
vital par t of achieving
success, and suppor ting belongs to those
someone with their goals. who believe in
Goal setting is a journey with
yourself; getting to know the beauty of
yourself and learning what their dreams.”
motivates you, and applying
those things to achieve the - Eleanor Roosevelt
success you have set out for

Before taking the test, did

you feel you had a good
assessment of your
personality type? After taking initial perception and the realistic, and amazing goals
the test, was there anything actual results. These could be for yourself.
that surprised you that areas to strengthen and
perhaps you were deceiving work on, and also pitfalls that Things to Note
yourself about? you need to avoid especially
when setting goals for 2012. There are a few important
Pay close attention to these things you should keep in
things and go back through When you know what mind when looking over your
the test to identify the areas motivates and energizes you, results:
i n w h i c h yo u fo u n d a it helps you to seek
discrepancy between your opportunities that most suit • There are 16 different
your strengths. personality types defined in
the Myers Briggs theory.
“Our goals can only Don’t Miss the Goal
• All types are equal: No
be reached through Setting Exercise type is better than another.
a vehicle of a plan, As part of helping you to The goal of knowing about
in which we must further understand yourself per sonality types is to
understand and appreciate
fervently believe, and how your personality
differences between people.
and upon which we type relates to goal setting
for 2011, we have prepared
must vigorously • The essence of the theory
an exercise for you at the
act. There is no is that much of the random
end of this repor t. Go
variation in our behavior is
other route to through and read about your
actually quite orderly and
success.” personality type results, then
consistent, due to an
take the exercise. We hope
individual’s preferences of
that after reviewing this guide
- Pablo Picasso you will be closer and closer
how to use their perception
and judgment.
to setting achievable ,

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
2 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>

The 4 Dichotomies:
There are four pairs of Extroversion (E) Introversion (I)
preferences or dichotomies.
The MBTI instrument does Sensing (S) Intuition (N)
not measure aptitude but
Thinking (T) Feeling (F)
simply indicates one
preference over another. The Judgement (J) Perception (P)
dichotomies are shown in
this table:

Attitudes : Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I)

The source of energy and preference to relating to the world and others

Extroversion (E) Introversion (I)

• Draw energy from action: tend to act, then • Expend energy through action: tend to reflect,
reflect, then further act. Motivation tends to then act, then reflect again. Gain energy from
decline if they are inactive. Energy from active dealing with ideas, pictures, memories, and
involvement in events and having a lot of different reactions in head
• To rebuild energy, introverts need time alone
• To rebuild energy, extroverts need breaks to away fro activity
spend time in reflection
• Thought oriented
• Action oriented
• Depth of knowledge and influence
• Breadth of knowledge and influence
• Substantial interaction
• Frequent interaction
• Recharge and get their energy from spending
• Recharge and get energy from spending time time alone
with people
• Reflective or reserved
• Understand problems better when they can be
talked about and hear what others have to say as • Comfortable alone

• Outgoing & a people person

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
3 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
YOUR GPP : GOAL-PATH-PERSONALITY Perceiving Functions : Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
Information gathering functions, describe how new information is understood

Sensing (S) Intuition (N)

• Trust information that is in the present, tangible • Trust information that is more abstract or
& concrete (info that can be understood by the 5 theoretical, attention to impressions or the
senses) meaning and patterns of information

• Look for details and facts • More interested in future possibilities, think more
of future than past
• Looking for the practical use of things
• Tend to trust flashes of insight
• Learn best when it is apparent of how to use
what is being learned • Learn by thinking a problem through rather than
hands-on experience
• Solve problems by working through facts until
problem is understood • Solve problems by leaping between different
ideas and possibilities
• Start with the facts and then form a big picture

Decision-making Functions : Thinking (T) or Feeling (N)

Used to make rational decisions, based on the data received from information-gathering

Thinking (T) Feeling (F)

• Make decisions from a detached standpoint, • Make decisions by associating or empathizing
what seems reasonable, logical, casual, consistent with the situation, looking at it from the inside and
weight the situation to achieve
• Analyze pros and cons, to be consistent and
logical in deciding • Concerned with values and what is best for
people involved
• Try to be impersonal, so personal or others
desires doesn't influence decision • Look for what is important to others and
express concern for others
• Enjoy technical and scientific fields
• Make decisions with hearth and want to be
• Look for logical explanations or solutions to compassionate

• Believe that telling the truth is more important

than being tactful

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
4 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
YOUR GPP : GOAL-PATH-PERSONALITY Lifestyle & Structure : Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)
Orientation to the outside world

Judging (J) Perceiving (P)

• Prefer a more structured and decided lifestyle • Prefer a more flexible and adaptable lifestyle

• Prefer a planned or orderly way or life • Understand and adapt to the world rather than
organize it
• Like to have things settled and organized
• Stay open to new experiences and information
• Feel more comfortable when decisions are
made • Appears loose and casual, like to keep plans to a
• Like to get work done before playing
• Approach work as play and mix work and play

• Stimulated by an approaching deadline

How will
affect your
2012 Goals
and Beyond?

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
5 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
The 16 personality types* : Which Are You?
After taking the test, you now have a better insight into your personality type.
Browse below to see if how you perceive your own personality type matches what
the Myers Briggs defines. If not, where do you think the discrepancy lies? Do you
perceive yourself differently?

Flexible and tolerant, they take a Tolerant and flexible, quiet observers
pragmatic approach focused on until a problem appears, then act
immediate results. Theories and quickly to find workable solutions.
conceptual explanations bore them – Analyze what makes things work and
they want to act energetically to solve readily get through large amounts of
the problem. Focus on the here-and- data to isolate the core of practical
now, spontaneous, enjoy each problems. Interested in cause and
moment that they can be active with effect, organize facts using logical
others. Enjoy material comforts and principles, value efficiency.
style. Learn best through doing.

Quiet, friendly, responsible, and Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind.
conscientious. Committed and steady Enjoy the present moment, what’s
in meeting their obligations. Thorough, going on around them. Like to have
painstaking, and accurate. Loyal, their own space and to work within
considerate, notice and remember their own time frame. Loyal and
specifics about people who are committed to their values and to
important to them, concerned with people who are important to them.
how others feel. Strive to create an Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do
orderly and harmonious environment not force their opinions or values on
at work and at home. others.

Seek meaning and connection in Idealistic, loyal to their values and to
ideas, relationships, and material people who are important to them.
possessions. Want to understand what Want an external life that is
motivates people and are insightful congruent with their values. Curious,
about others. Conscientious and quick to see possibilities, can be
committed to their firm values. catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek
Develop a clear vision about how best to understand people and to help
to serve the common good. them fulfill their potential. Adaptable,
Organized and decisive in flexible, and accepting unless a value is
implementing their vision. threatened.

*"The Myers & Briggs Foundation." The Myers & Briggs Foundation. Web. 18 Dec. 2010. <http://www.myersbriggs.org/>.

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
6 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
Have original minds and great drive Seek to develop logical explanations
for implementing their ideas and for everything that interests them.
achieving their goals. Quickly see Theoretical and abstract, interested
patterns in external events and more in ideas than in social
develop long-range explanator y interaction. Quiet, contained, flexible,
per spectives. When committed, and adaptable. Have unusual ability to
organize a job and carry it through. focus in depth to solve problems in
Skeptical and independent, have high their area of interest. Skeptical,
standards of competence and sometimes critical, always analytical.
performance – for themselves and

Quiet, serious, earn success by Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact.
thoroughness and dependability. Decisive, quickly move to implement
Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and decisions. Organize projects and
responsible. Decide logically what people to get things done, focus on
should be done and work toward it getting results in the most efficient
steadily, regardless of distractions. Take way possible. Take care of routine
pleasure in making everything orderly details. Have a clear set of logical
and organized – their work, their standards, systematically follow them
home, their life. Value traditions and and want others to also. Forceful in
loyalty. implementing their plans.

Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Warmhear ted, conscientious, and
Exuberant lovers of life, people, and cooperative. Want harmony in their
material comforts. Enjoy working with environment, work with
others to make things happen. Bring determination to establish it. Like to
common sense and a realistic work with others to complete tasks
approach to their work, and make accurately and on time. Loyal, follow
work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, through even in small matters. Notice
adapt readily to new people and what others need in their day- by-day
environments. Learn best by trying a lives and try to provide it. Want to be
new skill with other people. appreciated for who they are and for
what they contribute.

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
7 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. Warm, empathetic, responsive, and
See life as full of possibilities. Make responsible. Highly attuned to the
connections between events and emotions, needs, and motivations of
i n fo r m a t i o n ve r y q u i c k ly, a n d others. Find potential in everyone,
confidently proceed based on the want to help others fulfill their
patterns they see. Want a lot of potential. May act as catalysts for
affirmation from others, and readily individual and group growth. Loyal,
give appreciation and suppor t. responsive to praise and criticism.
Spontaneous and flexible, often rely Sociable, facilitate others in a group,
on their ability to improvise and their and provide inspiring leadership.
verbal fluency.

Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and Frank, decisive, assume leadership
outspoken. Resourceful in solving new readily. Quickly see illogical and
and challenging problems. Adept at inefficient procedures and policies,
generating conceptual possibilities and develop and implement
then analyzing them strategically. Good comprehensive systems to solve
at reading other people. Bored by organizational problems. Enjoy long-
routine, will seldom do the same thing term planning and goal setting. Usually
the same way, apt to turn to one new well informed, well read, enjoy
interest after another. expanding their knowledge and
passing it on to others. Forceful in
presenting their ideas.

Missed taking the personality test? Take the test now >>>

One of the most beautiful things about this world is there are no two people that are
the same. Embrace your character, personality and take an introspective look into
yourself and get to know YOU better. You know yourself the best. Resist conforming
to others expectations of you and just be yourself! Everyone is different and we have
our own ways, our own goals, and even with guidelines such as these, you are
ultimately the one who decides your future.

The following exercise will help you to set out a plan for yourself to achieving your
New Year resolutions. You will do amazing things in your life, and make a commitment
to starting to do more of those things in the new and beautiful 2011. Use what you
learn to help make this next year the best year of your life.

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
8 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>


I hope you have found the personality type - and don't EVER doubt that it will come
test to help you stop for a moment and true.
reflect. In the busy commotion of the
holidays, sometimes we forget to stop and It may take time for you to manifest
take time for ourselves. Take another 10 something for the first time, but every
minutes for you, and work through our time you achieve success, it will build up
goal setting exercise. your belief systems. The next time you try
to manifest, it will come faster and faster
In this exercise, you will set out the and then you suddenly find that you can
foundation for achieving your goals, not manifest anything rapidly. Not in weeks or
only in the long term, but also all the short months but in a matter of days or even
term goals and successes you manifest in hours!
your life.
So let’s get started with the 5 steps. You
H ow mu c h d o yo u r e a l ly d e s i r e might want to print out the following 4
something? You know you are desiring pages, and write things down so you can
something and that you are going to make refer to them later. Maybe post them in a
it work because you keep thinking about place that you are frequently reminded as
it, ALL THE TIME, constantly, until it a way to keep yourself on track.
manifests. The focus should keep you going

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
9 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
Pretend you have just been granted unlimited wishes for 5 minutes! Anything you write
down will be granted to you! There are NO restrictions. Write down anything you

would like to achieve, create, give, have, do and/or experience in the next 10 years!


Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
10 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>

Review your list, and next to each item or goal, write how long you will take to
achieve each one. Categorize into 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years.

Picture yourself in 5 years time having achieved your goals. Reflect back on what you
have done to this point, to have gotten to where you are today.

Write down the actions you took throughout this 5 year journey. Write them in the
timeline below, and work through the exercise in the reverse chronological order that
has been set up for you. Repeat this step for as many 5-year (or long term) goals as
you have written from Step 1.





Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
11 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>

Review your list from Step 1 again. Choose your TOP FIVE 6-month or 1-year goals.
Write out the goal as a confirmation - as something that you will do. (Ex: “I WILL learn
to play

the piano” or “I WILL travel to 3 new countries”) Write down WHY you MUST
absolutely achieve this goal in the next 6 months or 1 year. Reflect on the goal and
write down how it makes you feel.


Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
12 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>


Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
13 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>

Write down what kind of person it will take to achieve all that you want. What do you
have to become? Or are you fully equipped to handle the challenge? Describe the
character traits, values, beliefs and virtues this person will embody.


Now refer back to your personality type and review the characteristics that are
associated with your type. Do you feel that with your personality type the 5 Goals
listed above can be achieved? What extra efforts will you have to make to ensure
these goals are manifested in your life? Write down a couple notes for yourself as a


Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
14 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>

Visualize that all your goals have already been accomplished. How do you feel about
it? Imagine your life, how you look, what your friends and family say, the comforts you
enjoy, and the adventures you’ve experienced all in vivid detail. Feel the joy of
success so that you know the journey is worth the effort!


Lock It In!
Find an “accountability buddy”. Someone who wants for you what you want for yourself
and vice versa. Take turns to do this exercise.
1. Take turns to share your Top five 1-year goals with passion and enthusiasm. The
person listening must shower the sharer with encouragement and enthusiasm to
support him/her towards obtaining the goal.

2. Share with each other why it is an absolute must for you to achieve these goals.

3. Share with them what kind of person you are committed to becoming to achieve
these goals, and the things you need to give more attention and thought to in your
personality and character.

Stomp on ANTs (Automatic Negative Responses)

Any time you catch yourself or your friends saying something negative instead of a
solution, STOMP on it. Keep your 5 year goals and your top five 1-year goals somewhere
where you will see them often to remind yourself of the amazing direction you are taking
in your life.

Follow Up:
Repeat the exercise once in a while to make sure you stay on track towards achieving
your true desires.

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
15 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>
Burt Goldman’s Jolly
Generous 2012 Giveaway
Thanks for reading. May your goals for 2012 be accomplished with ease.

By the way, at the start of every year we offer the single best deal you'll ever get on the
Quantum Jumping Program.

We're talking about substantial discounts and 2-for-1 offers.

It only happens once a year and ends on January 25th 2012.

Visit this special page to learn more >>>

Quantum Jumping I
+ FREE Quantum Jumping II

May the Rest of your Life,

Be the Best of your Life.

Burt Goldman

Every year on January we make available the Single Biggest and Best Deal on Quantum Jumping products.
16 We're talking about lowered pricing and 2 for 1 passes. Check this incredible offer HERE >>

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