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Never Alone

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Never Alone

By Renan Apolonio de Sá Silva, Pernambuco, Brazil

The sick man was a stranger to me but not to Heavenly Father.

W e six Brazilian missionaries

had just landed in Argentina
and were awaiting flights to our
faith? Do you believe in the power
of the priesthood? Do you know The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
missions. As soon as we entered Saints?”
the waiting area for our departing Somewhat confused by my ques-
flights, we wanted to take photo- tions, he responded, “I am a mem-
graphs of the airport runway with ber of the Church, Elder. I am from
the city in the distance. While the Salta, in the north. I am alone, I am
other five went to take pictures, I ill, and I need a blessing.”
stayed nearby watching our luggage. I went to get the other mission-
After they returned, I looked aries. We introduced ourselves and
around and saw a place from which visited with the man for a minute.
I wished to take a picture. “I’ll be Then my companion and I took him
right back,” I told the others. to the restroom, where we gave him
After I had taken the picture, a blessing.
I heard someone call, “Elder.” I On that occasion, I had no time to
quickly looked around but did not think much about what the man had
see anyone. Then the call came a said to me other than that he needed
second time: “Elder.” a blessing. But later, his words “I am
When I looked around again, I alone” deeply touched my heart. He
saw an old man seated on a nearby felt alone, but he had a Heavenly
bench. When I approached him, he Father who knew where he was and
said, “Elder, I would like to receive a that he was ill. Rather than forsake

priesthood blessing for the sick.” him, Heavenly Father sent mission-
His request startled me. A man I aries to comfort him, give him a
had never met had asked me for a blessing, and remind him that he
blessing on my first day in a coun- was not alone.
try where I could hardly speak the That experience strengthened my
language. testimony that we have a Heavenly
In fumbling Spanish, I asked him Father who knows us and will never
several questions: “Do you have forsake us. ◼

April 2022 13

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