Anjali Vyas: M.E. Computer Science & Engineering (2015)
Anjali Vyas: M.E. Computer Science & Engineering (2015)
Anjali Vyas: M.E. Computer Science & Engineering (2015)
M.E. Computer Science & Engineering (2015)
● Raised Family at Jaya Engineering College, Chennai, with an
July 2016 - Present
aggregate of 86%.
● Fredu Tech Solutions, Chennai - B.Tech Information Technology (2013) at
Technical Writer Adhiparasakthi Engineering College,
February 2016 - June 2016 Melmaruvathur, with an aggregate of 81.5%.
HSC at Suraj Matric. HSS, Tiruvannamalai with
● Checktronix India Private Limited
(subsidiary of Burning Glass an aggregate of 82.7%.
Technologies, Inc., Boston, MA, USA) - SSLC at Suraj Matric. HSS, Tiruvannamalai with
Quality Controller an aggregate of 88.7%.
July 2015 to February 2016.
Burning Glass Technologies delivers job market
Project #1:
analytics that empower employers, workers, and
educators to make data-driven decisions. Burning Title: Identifying infrequent features in opinion
Glass is reshaping how the job market works with mining during feature extraction using
data that identify the skill gaps that keep job clustering
seekers and employers apart and tools that enable Description: Opinion mining is the process of
both sides to bridge that gap and connect more
producing a summary based on the user specified
Products include FOCUS, LENS, LABOR reviews which are usually unstructured. It is based
INSIGHT, PRISM, and NOVA. on information retrieval and NLP techniques.
TEAM: LENS XRAY - Model building Clustering the product features, for finding
Task #1: Resume Tagging for US, UK; infrequent features of a given domain which
Posting Tagging for US, Australia and New appears in the user reviews of products in
Zealand Role: Quality Controller
websites, blogs etc. E.g., FM feature, red eye
Team Size: 12
Description: Tag the resume content according removal in camera, cellphone
to certain criteria, Checking for errors. Tools and reviews are some rare
Technologies used: ActivePerl 5.16, TagEdit features which are missed
Tool 16, UniToolBox, EditPlus, Regex. usually.
Task #2: Military KeyWords Identification for
Tools used:
Role: Editor Netbeans,Stanford Parser,
Team Size: 4 Java for programming.
Tools and Technologies used: ActivePerl 5.16, Project #2:
TagEdit Tool 16. Title: An android application to search route
Task #3: Sample Resume Creation for All Locales information in metro Description: The proposed
Role: Editor & Analyst application provides an optimal route between the
Team Size: 2 given source and destination station and also
Tools and Technologies used: LENS - XRAY, shows the change of point (presence of inter
Regex, Notepad++
junction) if present any. It also provides the fare
Description: Created sample resumes for 53
locales with English and various non- and the distance between them.
English models like Spanish, French, Tools Used: Eclipse with Android SDK toolkit,
German, Chinese, Hebrew, Portuguese etc. Java for programming.
Task #4: Finding Veteran Status in resumes
Role: Analyst SKILLS
Team Size: 2 Language: C, C++, Java
Tools and Technologies used: Python, NLTK
Database: SQL basics
package, Regex, Perl
Description: Finding frequencies of various OS: Windows, Ubuntu
bigrams, unigrams; Found patterns which
ensures veteran status. AWARDS
Other Tasks: 39th University Rank Holder in degree of
∙ Have supported the development team in NLP Masters in Computer Science and Engineering.
related tasks.
∙ Have supported the testing team by Participated and won in Various co- curricular
informing the status of the demo-sites, by
generating LENS – DAILY TEST reports activities in school and college.
∙ Have worked and analyzed the End Demo
Input and varied it to analyze the output. Have English - Read, Write & Speak
presented about Machine Learning, CRF and Tamil - Read, Write & Speak
how it is applied in the company to the Hindi - Read, Write & Speak
Editorial Team members.