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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris

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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d

1. We use a pencil to .… It means ….

a. pen a. gaun
b. ruler b. jaket
c. writing c. kalung
d. coloring d. kerudung
2. Samuel has …. ruler. 7. What does the “gloves” means in
a. a Indonesia?
b. an It means ….
c. some a. piyama
d. three b. gelang
3. “Bolehkah aku meminjam rautanmu?” c. sarung tangan
The English sentence is …. d. dasi
a. shall we borrow the notebook? 8. What does the “tie” means in Indonesia?
b. can I have your ruler? It means ….
c. can I use your pencil? a. piyama
d. may I borrow your sharpener? b. gelang
4. What does the “raincoat” means in c. sarung tangan
Indonesia? d. dasi
It means …. 9. It’s so cold outside. Fahmi is wearing a
a. kaos ….
b. kemeja a. t-shirt
c. jaket b. shirt
d. jas hujan c. jacket
5. What does the “necklace” means in d. raincoat
Indonesia? 10. What does the “camel” means in
It means …. Indonesia?
a. gaun It means ….
b. jaket a. singa
c. kalung b. unta
d. kerudung c. kucing
6. What does the “veil” means in d. harimau
II. Translate the words below into English!

1. Penghapus : .......................................................................................................................
2. Kamus : .......................................................................................................................
3. Penggaris : .......................................................................................................................
4. Tempat pensil : .......................................................................................................................
5. Cairan pengoreksi : .......................................................................................................................
6. Meminjam : .......................................................................................................................
7. Piyama : .......................................................................................................................
8. Celana Panjang : .......................................................................................................................
9. Rok : .......................................................................................................................
10. Gelang : .......................................................................................................................

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