CP 673
CP 673
CP 673
Permanent firestopping
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■ of blank openings
■ of any type of cable and cable trays of any diameter acc. to
DIN 4102 p.9 (S90/S30)
■ of non combustible pipes (steel, stainless steel, cast-in up to
x 168 mm and copper up to x 88,9 mm)
■ of combustible pipes x 32 mm up to x 160 mm in
conjunction with CP 644 Firestop Collar
■ of cables, steel pipes, copper pipes, cast-in as well as plas-
tic pipes running through the opening at the same time
acc. to DIN 4102 p.9
üfanstalt f.
Not for use:
Amtl. Ma
a u n s c h w ei
British Standard ■ Paint over the coating
Überwacht BS 476 ■ Outside
Installation Instructions
Performance Data Hilti CP 673 Firestop Coating Performance Data Hilti CP 673 Firestop Coating Mastic
Color: White Color: White
Chemical basis: Acrylate dispersion Chemical basis: Acrylate dispersion
(silicon-free, waterbased) (silicon-free, waterbased)
Density: 1.42 kg/dm3 Density: 1.45 kg/dm3
pH-value: 8– 9 pH-value: 8–9
Curing through time: 1 mm in 7 hrs Curing through time: 1 mm in 4 hrs
Skin forming time: 140 min. Skin forming time: 120 min.
Required wet film thickness: 1.1 mm Application temperature: +5°C to +40°C
Required dry film thickness: 0.7 mm Storage/transport temperature: +5°C to +30°C
Acoustic insulation acc. to DIN EN 20140-10 Shelf life after production: 13 months (see imprint)
2u50 mm mineral wool panel Temperature resistance
(drywall): D n,w : 52 dB CP 673 Firestop Coating Mastic
2u60 mm mineral wool panel In cartridge: –10°C to + 70°C
(solid wall): D n,w : 44 dB Dry film: –40°C to +100°C
Age testing: years (acc. to DAfStb, part 4, Content: 310 ml
§, fire test acc. to Construction materials class: B2 acc. to DIN 4102-1
DIN 4102-9)
Explosion tests: EPR2 (NS)
Application temperature: +5°C to +40°C
Storage / transport temperature: +5°C to +30°C
Shelf life after production: 13 months (see imprint)
Temperature resistance
CP673 Firestop Coating
in pail: –10 °C to + 70 °C
Dry film: –40 °C to +100 °C
Content: 17.5 kg
Construction materials class: B2 acc. to DIN 4102-1
Installation Instructions
General instructions
Please always refer to the DiBT approval when applying Hilti
CP 673 Firestop Coating:
■ Cable penetrations seal S30
■ Multiple penetrations seal S90
*Zulassung lag zum Zeitpunkt des Drucks noch nicht vor. 1
Following dimensions must be observed when making the
Solid Wall / Drywall
Floor (mm)
S90 S30 S90 S30
a Min. thickness of building component
– Wall: 100 75 100 75 2 1
– Floor: 150 — — —
b Min. distance to next opening: 200* 200 200* 200
Alternative mineral wool panels
Min thickness of dry layer
CP 673: 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Designation of constructions material
Classification of
Min. thickness of mineral wool constructions material
panel: 2u50 1u60 2u50 1u60 Rockwool Dachdämmplatte HARDROCK II DIN 18 165-1 - A1
Max load (in % of opening size): 60 60 60 60 Rockwool Brandschutzplatte RPB-15 DIN 18 165-1 - A1
Rockwool Brandschutzplatte RPI-15 Z-PA-III 4.571 - A1
Heraklith Heralan-BS-15 DIN 18 165 - A1
*For S90 openings 200u200 mm in size a min. distance of Heraklith Heralan-DP-15 Z-PA-III 4.321 - A1
100 mm is sufficient. Saint-Gobain ISOVER Metac FLP 2 DIN 18 165 - A1
Combustible pipes
■ Combustible pipes have to be firestopped by using CP 644 Fire-
stop Jackets. As far as walls CP644 Firestop Jackets have to
be installed either side of the wall; in floors one CP 644 Firestop
Jacket only has to be installed from the bottom side. The Fire-
stop Jackets are fixed by using a continuous threaded bar M8.
Solid Wall / Drywall
Floor (mm)
S90 S90 10
Max. opening size
– Wall width: 1200 1200
height: 2000 2000
– Floor width: 1000
height: y
j Min. distance 11
k – combustible pipe/building 0 0
– combustible pipe/combustible 0 0
pipe (measured inbetween
firestop jackets):
Installation Instructions
Wall Floor
(mm) (mm)
Types of pipes:
– B1 pipes (PVC, PVC-U, dA: 32–160 dA: 32–160
PVC-HI, PVC-C, PP) s: 1,8 –11,9 s: 1,8–11.9
– B2 pipes (PE, PE-HD, PE-X, dA: 32–160 dA: 32–160
HDPE, LDPE, ABS, ASA, PB) s: 1,8 –14.6 s: 1,8 –14.6
– Special pipes (Z-42.1-217, dA: 32–160 dA: 32–160
-218, -220, -228, -265) s: 1,8–14.6 s: 1,8–14.6
Clean penetration. Thoroughly mix CP 673 Cut mineral wool panel Coat all sides of building Put mineral wool panel into Coat cables and cable tray
Do not premoisten sides Firestop Coating. to size. component with CP 673 penetration. Pack mineral with CP 673 Firestop Coating
of building component. Firestop Coating. wool into spaces. Coat min- as per the approval (dry film
eral wool panel as well as thickness: 0,7 mm). Fasten
packed gaps with CP 673 identification plate if required.
Firestop Coating (dry film
thickness: 0,7 mm).
Notes Re-penetration
● Cables and cable supporting structures must be dry and free from ● If single cables are subsequently installed, a hole can be drilled
dust, grease or oil, and installed in compliance with local building through the coated mineral wool panel and cable passed through;
and electrical standards. the remaining annular space has to be either sealed with CP 673
● If non-combustible or combustible pipes passing through the Firestop Coating mastic or packed with mineral wool and coated
opening possibly present insulations have to be removed. with CP 673 Firestop Coating.
● The sides of the building component and the cable tray have to be ● Potential damages on the surface of the coated mineral wool panel
coated according to the thickness of the mineral wool panel only. have to be corrected.
● As far as sealing cable penetrations in S30 drywall constructions ● Floor penetrations have to be secured by e.g. reinforcement for
an additional piece of 12.5 mm thick plasterboard has to be fixed load reasons.
bottom and top to the sides of the building component.
● In order to achieve the required dry film thickness of 0.7 mm only
one layer of coating has to be applied.
Consumption guide:
● Both non-combustible and combustible pipes do not have to be ● Consumption of CP 673 Firestop Coating based on 0.7 mm dry film
coated. thickness either side of the penetration.
● Consumption of CP 673 Firestop Coating depending on number of
Identification plate cut edges, opening size, cable arrangement and number of cable
● As per the approval the penetrations seal has to be permanently ● Please note that shown consumption values are reference points
marked by an identification plate. not considering cable coating (remaining gaps and voids have been
● The identification plate has to be filled in and fixed visible next to packed with mineral wool and coated with CP 673 Firestop
the opening. Coating).
● Fill in certification of compliance and hand out to the competent
authority if required.
Opening (m2) L uB in mm 0% 10% 30% 60%
CP 673 (kg) CP 673 (kg) CP 673 (kg) CP 673 (kg)
0.1 100 u1000 0.30 0.28 0.22 0.12
0.5 500 u1000 1.50 1.34 1.04 0.60
0.8 800 u1000 2.40 2.16 1.68 0.96
1.0 1000 u1000 3.00 2.70 2.10 1.20
1.5 1000 u1500 4.48 4.00 3.20 1.80
2.0 1000 u2000 6.00 5.40 4.20 2.40
2.4 1200 u2000 7.20 6.40 5.00 2.90
Installation Instructions
Ordering designation Item no. Packaging
contents (pcs.)
CS 201-P1 Manual Dispenser CS 201-P1 225555 1
Hilti Corporation
FL-9494 Schaan
Principality of Liechtenstein
Hilti = registered trademark of Hilti Corporation, Schaan, Liechtenstein W 2913 0204 00-e 1 Printed in Liechtenstein © 2004 Right of technical programme changes reserved S.E.& O.
ight of technical and programme changes reserved S.E.&O.
One quick coating and it’s done.