English Writing Rubrics
English Writing Rubrics
English Writing Rubrics
Some attempt at using linking words and Mostly simple compound structures based on a
phrases and a limited attempt to include an variety of connectives.
introduction and/or a conclusion.
Grammar and punctuation are usually correct;
Paragraphs/sections may be used but not there may be evidence of comma splicing.
2–3 2–3
Some basic sequencing of material grouped by Simple sentence structures are used
content is evident. successfully.
[Turn over
Writing (Fiction) Rubrics
The response has limited relevance to task/ Spelling is generally accurate over a reasonable
purpose, and the appropriate degree of formality range of words.
is sometimes used, but is inconsistent.
Some polysyllabic and more difficult words in
There is a limited range of material. frequent use are spelled correctly.
A simple, repetitive vocabulary is attempted with
Simple words are attempted successfully.
limited awareness of audience and purpose.
There are frequent errors in commonly occurring
1–2 1
No creditable response. No creditable response.
0 0
Writing (Fiction) Rubrics
Clear, well-organised paragraphs are linked The use of sentence features contributes to the
to structure the narrative and contribute to fluency and development of the text.
controlling the pace of the story.
Almost entirely accurate grammar (tenses,
agreement and word order) with a range of
devices to enhance and emphasise meaning.
Paragraphs/sections may be used, but not Mostly simple compound structures based on a
consistently, accurately or appropriately. variety of connectives.