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Oral Communication-WPS Office

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What's More

Think of communication transactions in your daily life. Enumerate situations where communication
takes place. Then, indicate the result of the communication transaction and tell whether it is successful
or not by writing the elements that made it so and specify its function on the third column.



When I entered Junior High The message was explicit that I should To inform, teach and
School, the Teachers' Directory comply to the school policies. In the clarify
has announced that every male beginning, I was well-informed to the
students must wear proper regulation, but when time is passing I
haircut every first Monday of the have forgotten it. My mistake there is
month. However one time, due that I failed to remind my self to the
to some reasons, I forgot to get a existing system of the school.
haircut. In spite of my situation, I
still go to school, but the school
guard warned me that I cannot
enter. He said that I need to go
to the barber shop. So, I
followed him and marked absent
for two consecutive subjects
since I could only enter the
school after lunch.
What I Have Learned

Activity 1: KWLH Chart

Now, based on the details above, fill in the following KWLH Chart to see your learning status in
this module.


(What I know (What concepts (What did I learn (How did I learn
before the start or ideas do I from this module?) it? Cite samples
of this module?) want to know and situations)

Nature of Communication Different types Communication Definitely, I

Communicati is a kind of of not only means learned it for I
on socializing. It communication talking and writing read the text
takes two or and how to messages. It also provided by the
more persons overcome includes gestures module then I
actually or miscommunicati to express realized and
virtually talking. on. experiences. But it observed that
It is the way of does not mean though I am not
sending letters that you send a talking, but
to a post office message then through my hand
or through communication gestures I could
technology. immediately takes send them
place. It must be messages since
understood by the gesture is included
receiver. as kind of

Process of This is simply I wonder how it I learned the ways I observed the
Communicati absorbing what works when of communicating. eavesdroppers
on you heard to the someone could The speaker when they are
sender and gives not understand encoded a message gossiping. The
reaction to what albeit I as response to his head provided
he said. repeatedly said stimulus and informations and
what my passes to the his colleagues gave
message about. receiver, then the opinions.
interpreted and
gave feedbacks.

Functions of It refers only to How to use the There are various  Listening to
Communicati good messages function of functions of the
on came from the communication communication babbling
mouth of (e.g. inform) to even negatives are mother.
speakers. the people included and they  Hearing the
whom I could served many announce
not understand purposes. ment for
the dialect they the
use. Barangay
 Watching
TV when
y is
 Etc.

What I Can Do
Activity 2: Reflections

Explain how you can use this lesson in your life. Make a reflection using the following
paragraph starters.

Today, I learned that communication is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs
or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to
someone else. It is a two-way process of connecting to both living and non-living things and it
takes place when the message is understood. It is a social interaction through messages that
maintains social relationships.

I realized that when two people are talking or gesturing they are communicating. They
interact with each other to build a relationship. They express their feelings as well as
experiences and gives opinions. Sometimes they are criticizing someone they used to be

Therefore, I will use communication in a good matter and I will exchange ideas that is
genuine to others and look to the positive side of any situations. When I interact to the person
who has this insights as mine he could help me to make a good decisions in life

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