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Genesys Events and Models

System Level Guides Current

Table of Contents
Genesys Events and Models Reference 5
Genesys Events 11
T-Library Events 12
General Events 16
Registration Events 20
Call-Handling and Transfer/Conference Events 23
Network Attended Transfer Events 42
Call-Routing Events 45
Call-Treatment Events 49
DTMF Events 53
Voicemail Events 55
Agent-State and DN Events 60
Query Events 83
User-Data Events 95
ISCC Events 96
Special Events 99
Negative-Response Events 106
Agent States and Work Modes 107
Unified Call-Party States 110
Event Attributes 117
TEvent Structure 129
T-Library Call-Based Notifications 131
Call Definition 132
T-Library Call-Based Events 133
Multi-Site Call Scenarios 138
ISCC Transaction Monitoring 145
The Subscription Type 146
Subscribing to Transaction Monitoring 147
The Transaction Monitoring Event 149
Transaction Monitoring States 151
Transaction Monitoring Elements 157
T-Library Unstructured Data 160
User Data 161
Extensions 165
Reasons 170
IVR Protocol Messages 173
General Messages 174
Routing Messages 177
Call Treatment Messages 178
External Routing Messages 179
Transfer/Conferencing Messages 180
Call Information Messages 182
Statistics Messages 183
User Data Messages 184
Outbound Messages 185
Genesys Interaction Models 186
Call Models and Flows 187
Basic Call Models 192
Releasing Calls 212
Holding, Transferring, and Conferencing 215
Handling User Data 250
Special Cases 252
Predictive Dialing 276
Monitoring Calls 286
Working With Queues 294
Network T-Server Attended Transfer Call Flows 301
Shared Call Appearance 314
Basic Interaction Models 322
Registration 323
Media Server Submits Interaction 326
Agent Submits Interaction 328
Stop Processing 330
Change Properties 335
Place Interaction in Queue 339
Place Interaction in Workbin 340
Deliver Interaction to Agent 342
Agent Pulls Interaction 346
Transfer 349
Conference 353
Workbin Operations 359
Snapshot Operations 362
Intrusion 365
Login/Logout 369
Reporting Engine Connects 371
Disconnection and Failover 373
Invoke Autoresponse 376
IVR Call Flows 378
Routing Call Flow 379
Call Treatment Call Flows 382
MakeCall Call Flow 385
Conference Call Flow Diagrams 386
Transfer Call Flow Diagrams 392
Genesys Events and Models Reference

Genesys Events and Models Reference

Welcome to the Genesys Events and Models Reference. This document introduces you to many of the
call and interaction events and models that you may encounter in a Genesys deployment. This
document is valid for the 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x releases of products related to these models.

In brief, you will find the following information in this guide:

• A full list of call and other interaction events and their descriptions.
• A collection of common call and other interaction models and flows.
• Some specialized information on call and other interaction state.

Genesys Events Genesys Interaction Models

T-Library Events Call Models and Flows

T-Library Call-Based Notifications Basic Interaction Models
ISCC Transaction Monitoring IVR Call Flows
T-Library Unstructured Data

User Data
About this Document
IVR Protocol Messages
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for application developers who are familiar with Genesys deployments and
need to do gain greater insight into their workings. Experienced system administrators might also
use this Reference for advanced configuration issues. For instance, you might use this Events and
Models Reference and its sample call models to help you handle and anticipate events for a custom
application you are designing to work in a Genesys deployment. Or you might look at the important
values associated with certain events in a model, and use that information to specially configure a
routing strategy.

This document provides detailed information on the workings of interactions in a Genesys


It assumes that you have a basic understanding of:

Genesys Events and Models Reference 5

Genesys Events and Models Reference

• The underlying concepts of CTI technology.

• A familiarity with the workings of Genesys Interactions.
• Genesys environment deployment and operation.
• Your own Genesys configurations.

You may also find that a familiarity with messaging-compliant programming gives you greater insight
into issues as you read this document. A solid understanding of client-server implementations is also

Usage Guidelines
The Genesys developer materials outlined in this document are intended to be used for the following

• Creation of agent desktop applications associated with Genesys software implementations.

• Server-side integration between Genesys software and third-party software.
• Creation of a specialized client application specific to customer needs.

The Genesys software functions available for development are clearly documented. No
undocumented functionality is to be utilized without Genesys's express written consent.

The following Use Conditions apply in all cases for developers employing the Genesys developer
materials outlined in this document:

1. Possession of interface documentation does not imply a right to use by a third party. Genesys conditions
for use, as outlined below or in the Genesys Developer Program Guide, must be met.
2. This interface shall not be used unless the developer is a member in good standing of the Genesys
Interacts program or has a valid Master Software License and Services Agreement with Genesys.
3. A developer shall not be entitled to use any licenses granted hereunder unless the developer's
organization has met or obtained all prerequisite licensing and software as set out by Genesys.
4. A developer shall not be entitled to use any licenses granted hereunder if the developer's organization
is delinquent in any payments or amounts owed to Genesys.
5. A developer shall not use the Genesys developer materials outlined in this document for any general
application development purposes that are not associated with the above-mentioned intended
purposes for the use of the Genesys developer materials outlined in this document.
6. A developer shall disclose the developer materials outlined in this document only to those employees
who have a direct need to create, debug, and/or test one or more participant-specific objects and/or
software files that access, communicate, or interoperate with the Genesys API.
7. The developed works and Genesys software running in conjunction with one another (hereinafter
referred to together as the "integrated solutions") should not compromise data integrity. For example, if
both the Genesys software and the integrated solutions can modify the same data, then modifications
by either product must not circumvent the other product's data integrity rules. In addition, the
integration should not cause duplicate copies of data to exist in both participant and Genesys
databases, unless it can be assured that data modifications propagate all copies within the time
required by typical users.
8. The integrated solutions shall not compromise data or application security, access, or visibility

Genesys Events and Models Reference 6

Genesys Events and Models Reference

restrictions that are enforced by either the Genesys software or the developed works.
9. The integrated solutions shall conform to design and implementation guidelines and restrictions
described in the Genesys Developer Program Guide and Genesys software documentation. For
• The integration must use only published interfaces to access Genesys data.
• The integration shall not modify data in Genesys database tables directly using SQL.
• The integration shall not introduce database triggers or stored procedures that operate on Genesys
database tables.

Any schema extension to Genesys database tables must be carried out using Genesys Developer
software through documented methods and features.

The Genesys developer materials outlined in this document are not intended to be used for the
creation of any product with functionality comparable to any Genesys products, including products
similar or substantially similar to Genesys's current general-availability, beta, and announced

Any attempt to use the Genesys developer materials outlined in this document or any Genesys
Developer software contrary to this clause shall be deemed a material breach with immediate
termination of this addendum, and Genesys shall be entitled to seek to protect its interests, including
but not limited to, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, as well as money damages.

Genesys Events and Models Overview

This Genesys Events and Models Reference provides you with a large collection of two different types
of information: descriptions of Genesys events and illustrations of Genesys interaction models.
Generally, you need to know about Genesys events and standard interaction models if you are
developing custom applications for integration with Genesys systems, or if you are trying to gain
greater insight into the flow of interactions in your environment.

Genesys Events topics describe everything from the names and descriptions of events, to the
attributes that attend events, to the definitions of event substates. Based on the history of how this
information has been presented in the past in various documents, event information may differ from
topic to topic.

Genesys Interaction Models topics describe a selected list of call/interaction models. This information
is also wide ranging. Based on the history of how this information has been presented in the past in
various documents, model details may differ from topic to topic.

In both parts of this document, topics are organized according to the type of event or model being
described. So, both parts have specific sections on voice-based issues that center on T-Library's
generation of events and how calls are routed in a contact center.

Servers and Their Events and Models

When Genesys Servers start up and when they process interactions, they repeatedly perform certain
tasks. This manual presents examples of these tasks in the form of events the servers generate and
models that show how the components interact. You can study these events and models to:

Genesys Events and Models Reference 7

Genesys Events and Models Reference

• Get a better idea of how the various portions of your system work.
• Troubleshoot your system by inspecting the logs that record interactions of the type exemplified in this
• Understand what functions must be performed by a custom-built component that you want to design.


Genesys servers generate events. These events can both be in response to requests that other
components make of those servers, or they can be unsolicited (Genesys servers are programmed to
notify clients for any number of reasons). Events that arrive in response to a request have an
identifier you can use to link the two.

Event names may differ slightly across Genesys SDK products and technologies. The
names you see in this document correspond generally to the names you will see when
using the SDKs. For the authoritative names of events used by your SDK, refer to the
API Reference of the SDK your are using.

This document attempts to provide enough information about each event you may encounter so that
you can intelligently handle events in your customized code, but also so you can better understand
issues that arise in your environment. Reviewing log files is far easier when you have an
understanding of the implications of given events.

Each event has a number of attributes associated with it to give you more information on the process
that is occurring. A given event's attributes are not static. Depending on the request or environment,
certain attributes may or may not be present. For completeness, this book documents all attributes
that you might encounter with a given event.


Call models and interaction flows serve a number of important purposes. First, no development for
the core Genesys servers can take place unless there is a general understanding of how a given call
scenario, for instance, should proceed in a contact center. The collections of interaction flows
presented in this Reference represents the most common scenarios that Genesys software users

Elements in Call and Interaction Models

Events as depicted in the models are protocol-specific. That is, a given library issues its own events
according to its own definitions (though some events from different libraries have similar names). The
ordering and naming of events passed between components (messaging) in these models makes use
of the various protocols being described. These include, but are not limited to:

• T-Library (the TLIB protocol): The core library for use in processing all voice-based interactions.
• Multimedia Interaction Management (the ITX and ESP protocols): The means by which
Interaction Server processes its non-voice interactions.
• Multimedia Reporting protocol: This is Genesys Multimedia's own reporting protocol, different from

Genesys Events and Models Reference 8

Genesys Events and Models Reference

the one used by other Genesys applications that are reporting-specific.

• Universal Routing Server's (URS) use of a subset of T-Library events: Interaction Server uses
these events to communicate with URS. When these T-Library events occur in the model diagrams, the
equivalent Interaction Management protocol event is also shown. (The full collection of T-Library
events, available in T-Library Events, is the authoritative list of T-Library events.)

For events and models of protocols not listed here (for instance, STATLIB or
CONFIGLIB), refer to the API Reference (Statistics or Configuration Platform SDK API
Reference for .NET or Java, in these cases) of the SDK you are using.

Diagrams show time along the vertical axis, moving from top to bottom. Participants are arranged
along the horizontal axis.


The term interaction in a Genesys context has the following sense: an attempted communication
between a customer and a contact center, in either direction. The attempt may be successful or not;
it has a media type; it may give rise to other interactions (as when an incoming email gives rise to an
automatic acknowledgement). It may belong to a series of related interactions, known as a thread.
Interaction properties are generally recorded in a database.


Participants are software components that send and receive messages. The participants in the
models in this book include the following:

• T-Server and IVR Server

• Switch and IVR
• Interaction Server
• Media server (E-mail Server Java, Chat Server, or a custom application)
• Agent application
• Universal Routing Server
• Reporting engine (Stat Server or ICON)

Protocol-Specific Issues
In general, this manual attempts to unify the concept of events and models across a number of
disparate Genesys components. This allows you to move from component to component with one
reference as your guide for how interactions are processed. However, you may find that you want
more information about specific protocols. In each case, the authoritative collection of function calls
and events for a given server's protocol is available from its corresponding Platform SDK API

Genesys Events and Models Reference 9

Genesys Events and Models Reference

Reference. (See the Platform SDK API Reference, .NET or Java for the server that interests you.)

The characteristic feature of events related to voice interactions is T-Server's use of the TEvent data
structure to return the results of requests sent by applications using T-Library functions or as
notification that there has been some activity on a monitored object.

Some examples of event member values include:

• EventRegistered—an application has registered a DN.

• EventUnregistered—an application has unregistered a DN.
• EventAgentLogin—an agent has logged in to an ACD group.
• EventAgentLogout—an agent has logged out of ACD.
• EventAgentReady—an agent is ready to receive ACD calls.

T-Library Events has detailed information on the TEvent data structure.

While this document presents a full representation of the TEvent structure, certain of its members are
reserved for internal use only.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 10

Genesys Events

Genesys Events
Genesys Events section of this document contains specific information about Genesys events. This
event information appears in the following sections:

• T-Library Events contains a list and description of each T-Library event that T-Servers generate,
including the attributes that accompany each event. It also includes the following topics:
• Agent States and Work Modes
• Unified Call-Party States
• Event Attributes
• TEvent Structure

• T-Library Call-Based Notifications contains information on the TLIB events that relate to a call (as
opposed to a DN or device).
• ISCC Transaction Monitoring describes how to work with ISCC regarding issues such as multi-site call
transfer, inter-site call linkage, call overflow, and other, possibly non-call–related, multi-site operations.
• T-Library Unstructured Data provides information on how TLIB handles UserData, Extensions, and
Reasons in events in a Genesys system.
• IVR Protocol Messages offers detailed information about IVR Server events.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 11

Genesys Events T-Library Events

T-Library Events
This section lists the T-Library Events that developers can expect to see while working with a Genesys
implementation. Each event listed here is identified with a description, the contents of the event
(presented in table format as a list of the attributes associated with it), and an example of where the
event is likely to be encountered during a call flow. The end of this section includes general
information about various event-related issues, including an Agent-State Diagram, definitions of
event attributes (including, for the reference ID attribute, a table of the relationships between
requests and events), and a description of the TEvent structure.

Event contents are presented as the collection of attributes associated with each event, as well as an
indication of that attribute's Type. For the purposes of this section, Type has one of two values:
Mandatory or Optional. Here Type refers to the presence of the attribute at the time of the generation
of its event, and not to a characteristic of the attribute itself.

Attribute Type

• Mandatory—Indicates that this autoboot is always present when its associated event occurs.
• Optional—Indicates that this attribute may or may not be present when the associated event occurs.

List of T-Library Events

• General Events
• EventServerConnected
• EventServerDisconnected
• EventLinkConnected
• EventLinkDisconnected

• Registration Events
• EventRegistered
• EventUnregistered

• Call-Handling and Transfer/Conference Events

• EventDialing
• EventRinging
• EventEstablished
• EventAbandoned
• EventDestinationBusy
• EventDiverted
• EventHeld

Genesys Events and Models Reference 12

Genesys Events T-Library Events

• EventNetworkReached
• EventPartyAdded
• EventPartyChanged
• EventPartyDeleted
• EventQueued
• EventBridged
• EventReleased
• EventRetrieved

• Network Attended Transfer Events

• EventNetworkCallStatus
• EventNetworkPrivateInfo

• Call-Routing Events
• EventRouteRequest
• EventRouteUsed

• Call-Treatment Events
• EventTreatmentApplied
• EventTreatmentEnd
• EventTreatmentNotApplied
• EventTreatmentRequired

• DTMF Events
• EventDigitsCollected
• EventDTMFSent

• Voice-Mail Events
• EventMailBoxLogin
• EventMailBoxLogout
• EventVoiceFileOpened
• EventVoiceFileClosed
• EventVoiceFileEndPlay

• Agent-State and DN Events

• EventAgentLogin
• EventAgentLogout
• EventQueueLogout
• EventAgentReady
• EventAgentNotReady

Genesys Events and Models Reference 13

Genesys Events T-Library Events

• EventAgentAfterCallWork (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)

• EventAgentIdleReasonSet (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)
• EventDNOutOfService
• EventDNBackInService
• EventDNDOn
• EventDNDOff
• EventForwardSet
• EventForwardCancel
• EventMonitoringNextCall
• EventMonitoringCancelled
• EventOffHook
• EventOnHook
• EventMuteOn
• EventMuteOff
• EventListenDisconnected
• EventListenReconnected
• EventMessageWaitingOn
• EventMessageWaitingOff

• Query Events
• EventAddressInfo
• EventPartyInfo
• EventLocationInfo
• EventServerInfo
• EventSwitchInfo

• User-Data Events
• EventAttachedDataChanged

• ISCC Events
• EventAnswerAccessNumber
• EventRemoteConnectionSuccess
• EventRemoteConnectionFailed
• EventReqGetAccessNumberCanceled

• Special Events
• EventACK
• EventAgentReserved

Genesys Events and Models Reference 14

Genesys Events T-Library Events

• EventCallInfoChanged
• EventPrivateInfo
• EventUserEvent
• EventPrimaryChanged
• EventRestoreConnection
• EventHardwareError
• EventResourceAllocated (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)
• EventResourceFreed (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)

• Negative-Response Events
• EventError

Agent States, Call-Party States, Work Modes

The T-Library Events section also includes the following topics:

• Agent States and Work Modes

• Unified Call-Party States
• Event Attributes
• TEvent Structure

Genesys Events and Models Reference 15

Genesys Events T-Library Events

General Events


The communication session with the server in question has been opened. This event is generated on
the client side and only in asynchronous communication mode.


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventServerConnected Feature Example


The communication session with the server in question has failed. T-Library generates this event as
soon as it recognizes that the connection with T-Server has been lost.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 16

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventServerDisconnected Feature Example


This event is generated in two ways: either as a notification that the connection between the switch
and T-Server, through the CTI link, has been restored, or as a response to the TOpenServerEx() and
TOpenServer() functions (that is, after connecting to T-Server) to indicate the current CTI-link status.

If you are working with a pair of T-Servers with Hot Standby mode in a high-availability environment,
this event is also generated during T-Server switchover.


Event Attribute Type

ApplicationName Optional
Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
SessionID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 17

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventLinkConnected Feature, Example 1

EventLinkConnected Feature, Example 2


This event is generated as a notification that the connection between the switch and T-Server,
through the CTI link, has been severed.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 18

Genesys Events T-Library Events

If you are working with a pair of T-Servers with Hot Standby mode in a high-availability environment,
this event is also generated during T-Server switchover.


Event Attribute Type

ApplicationName Optional
SessionID Optional
CustomerID Optional
ErrorCode Optional
ErrorMessage Optional
Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventLinkDisconnected Feature, Example 1

EventLinkDisconnected Feature, Example 2

Genesys Events and Models Reference 19

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Registration Events


The application has been registered to send requests and receive events regarding the telephony
object specified by ThisDN.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID a Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
b Mandatory
InfoStatus.AddressType Optional
InfoType=AddressInfoAddressType Mandatory
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory

a. The AgentID attribute can only be present for objects of AddressTypePosition or AddressTypeDN.
See the contents of Extensions.
b. The Extensions attribute contains the same information as in EventAddressInfo:

• For objects of AddressTypePosition or AddressTypeDN, see the corresponding

• For objects of AddressTypeQueue, AddressTypeRouteDN, or AddressTypeRouteQueue, see

Genesys Events and Models Reference 20

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventRegistered Feature Example


The application's registration to send requests and receive events regarding the telephony object
specified by ThisDN has been canceled.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
ErrorCode Optional
ErrorMessage Optional
Event Mandatory

ReferenceID a Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

a. The ReferenceID attribute is mandatory in most cases, but not present if the switch configuration
has been changed while the CTI link was down or if T-Server configuration has been changed
dynamically through Configuration Manager. Meanwhile, the cause of unregistration is specified by
the attributes ErrorCode and ErrorMessage.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 21

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventUnregistered Feature Example

Genesys Events and Models Reference 22

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Call-Handling and Transfer/Conference



An attempt to make a call on behalf of the telephony object specified by ThisDN is in progress.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
a Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
b Optional

OtherDNRole b Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
c Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 23

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

d Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. CallType may be Unknown.

b. OtherDN may be either a dialed number or not present if T-Server has no information about the
other party. OtherDNRole appears if the attribute OtherDN is present.
c. PreviousConnID must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.
d. ThisQueue must appear in predictive dialing and be equal to ThisDN.

See the example after EventRinging.


A call has been delivered to the telephony object specified by ThisDN.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
Cause Optional
ConnID Mandatory
CollectedDigits Optional
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 24

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional

PreviousConnID a Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThirdPartyDN Optional
b Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

b. The attribute must appear in case of an ACD call.


EventRinging Feature Example


For the application associated with the calling party: the telephony object specified by OtherDN has
answered (either the calling party answered or the switch simulated an answer if option auto-answer
is set on the switch) and the connection has been established. For the application associated with the
called party: the call associated with ConnID has been established.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 25

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
ReferenceID Optional
ConnID Mandatory

PreviousConnID a Optional
CallID Mandatory
CollectedDigits Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallType Mandatory
CallState Optional
AgentID Optional
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
ThisDNRole Mandatory
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
DNIS Optional
ANI Optional
UserData Optional
Reasons Optional
Extensions Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 26

Genesys Events T-Library Events


The caller abandoned the call before it was answered.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
a Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
b Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

b. The attribute must appear in case of an ACD call.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 27

Genesys Events T-Library Events


The called party specified by OtherDN is busy with another call.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory

CallState a Optional
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional

PreviousConnID b Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. For scenarios initiated with RequestMakeCall, this attribute may have values that clarify the
reason for the destination being busy, for instance CallStateSitInvalidNum.
b. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 28

Genesys Events T-Library Events


The call has been diverted from the queue to another telephony object.


Event Attribute Type

CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CollectedDigits Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
a Optional
Server Mandatory

ThirdPartyDN b Optional
ThirdPartyDNRole Optional
b Optional

ThisDN c Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueuec Mandatory
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 29

Genesys Events T-Library Events

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

b. Attributes must be present if the value of CallState is Redirected. (See Redirect-Call Service.) In
all other call scenarios, ThirdPartyDN must be present only if such information is provided by a CTI
c. These attributes must be equal.


The call has been placed on hold.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional

PreviousConnID a Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
time Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 30

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.


The call has reached the public network interface.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
a Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 31

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

UserData Optional

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.


One or more parties has been added to the call as a result of a conference.

If only one party is added (as in the case of a simple conference call), the corresponding telephony
object is specified in OtherDN.

If more than one party is added, then the corresponding telephony objects are specified in one of the
following ways (depending on a particular T-Server):

• If a single EventPartyAdded message, the following keys are specified in the Extensions attribute:
• NumOfConsultDNs key—The number of added parties.
• ConsultDN-k keys—The directory number of the k-th added party.

• If multiple EventPartyAdded messages, one for each party on the consultation call joining the main call,
the corresponding telephony object is specified in OtherDN.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallState Optional
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 32

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
Server Mandatory
a Mandatory

ThirdPartyDNRole a Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. This attribute is not present if the switch does not distribute it to T-Server.


The telephony object specified by OtherDN has replaced the telephony object specified by OtherDN in
the previously received event; or the PreviousConnID of the call has been given a new value,


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory

CallState a, d Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 33

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
b Optional

OtherDNRole b Optional
b Optional
PreviousConnID Mandatory
Server Mandatory

ThirdParty c Mandatory

ThirdPartyDNRole b Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The value can be either Transferred or Conferenced. For more information, see Call Models and
b. The attribute must not appear if the CallState is Conferenced.
c. This attribute is not present if the switch does not distribute it to T-Server.
d. The value can be OK in SIP Server in multi-site transfers and conferences. For more information,
see Special case: Multi-site ISCC Transfers and Conferences.


The telephony object specified by OtherDN has been deleted from the conference call in question.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 34

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

CallID Mandatory
a Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThirdPartyDN Optional
ThirdPartyDNRole Optional
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The attribute indicates whether a call is still considered as a conference (that is, the number of
parties in the call is more than two).


The call has been queued in the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 35

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Optional
CallType Mandatory
CollectedDigits Optional
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
LastCollectedDigit Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional

PreviousConnID a Optional
Server Mandatory
b Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThirdPartyDN Optional
ThisQueueb Mandatory
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

b. These attributes must be equal.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 36

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Used in situations where Coverage Path is available or bridged calls can be handled. EventBridged
indicates an extension, besides the one pointed to by ThisDN, has picked up the call, and that the
telephony object specified by ThisDN is no longer ringing (although it still can pick up the call,
establishing a three-way conversation).

EventBridged is used to describe a state where the call is neither ringing nor established. The nature
of a bridge is such that it is possible for a call to move to a bridged state even after it has been
released. Because of this, only calls released through CTI will be detected as moving into the bridged
state. If a client issues a RequestReleaseCall() on a bridged call with two or more active bridged
or bridging parties, EventReleased, with CallState = CallStateBridged, follows for the releasing
party; the releasing party then receives EventBridged. At this point, a client may issue a
RequestAnswerCall() to activate the call. If the client does this, EventEstablished follows.


• Currently, T-Server does not fully support placing a bridged or bridging call on hold when there is only
one active bridge. If a client attempts to place such a call on hold, T-Server does not reflect the held
state of all members.
• Transferring and conferencing a bridged or bridging call currently works only when there is no more
than one active bridge member.
• There may be cases where a call is made from a bridged DN to the principle extension on the bridge. In
such an instance, the dialing and ringing between two DNs on the same bridge is happening within the
context of a single call. While such a circumstance is supported, the bridged appearance of the call
should be ignored and not used.


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
ConnID Mandatory

PreviousConnID a Optional
CallID Mandatory
CollectedDigits Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallType Mandatory

CallState b Optional
AgentID Optional
ThisDN Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 37

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

c Optional
ThisDNRole Mandatory
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

OtherDN b Optional
b Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherDNRoleb Optional
DNIS Optional
ANI Optional
UserData Optional
Extensions Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional

a. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

b. For the Avaya Communication Manager only: In a Coverage Path scenario, the second party that
has answered a call must receive CallState=Conferenced, but does not receive information about
the other party (OtherDN = NULL). See Call Models and Flows.
c. The attribute must appear in case of an ACD call.


The telephony object specified by ThisDN has disconnected or has been dropped from the call.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Mandatory
Cause Optional
CallType Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 38

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

ConnID Mandatory
CollectedDigits Optional
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

OtherDN a Optional
a Optional

OtherQueue a Optional

OtherTrunk a Optional

PreviousConnID b Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory

ThirdPartyDN c Optional
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. This attribute does not appear if the release is from a conference. In all other call scenarios, the
attribute must be present only if such information is provided by a CTI link.
b. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.
c. The appearance of ThirdPartyDN depends on the following conditions:

• If information about the new destination is available from the switch at the moment when
EventReleased is generated, then ThirdPartyDN is mandatory. Or, if T-Server has initiated a single-
step transfer, redirection, or previously set the forwarding target, this attribute is also mandatory.
• If a call has gone through a single-step transfer, been redirected, or forwarded by another application
(not the T-Server in question), this attribute is absent.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 39

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventReleased Feature Example

For more information, refer to Call Models and Flows.


The call has been retrieved from hold.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional

OtherDN a Optional

OtherDNRole a Optional

OtherQueue a Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 40

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

a Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory

ThisDNRole b Mandatory

ThisQueue c Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. In all call scenarios, this attribute must be present only if the information is provided by a CTI link.
b. The value here is the same as that for the events preceding EventRetrieved (EventEstablished
and EventRinging) for the same call.
c. The value here is the same as that for the events preceding EventRetrieved (EventEstablished
and EventRinging) for the same call. (For non-ACD calls, ThisQueue is not reported.)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 41

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Network Attended Transfer Events


Contains all pertinent information about the current state of a multi-party network call. It is sent to all
interested parties whenever the call's state changes.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
Cause Optional
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallState Mandatory

NetworkPartyRole a Mandatory
NetworkOrigDN Optional
NetworkDestDN Optional
NetworkDestState Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 42

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. This attribute is not present for events distributed by network T-Servers.


This event is generated both in response to a TNetworkPrivateService() function call and when it
is used to notify selected sets of clients of T-Server–specific information. This event indicates that one
of two forms of data has been passed:

• Information supported only by certain T-Servers, and which is not covered by general feature requests.
• Notification about changes in T-Server behavior or device/call statuses.

This event can be distributed to the following clients:

• Those who made a request for the private service, TNetworkPrivateService().

• Those registered on the specified device, depending on the nature of the service.
• Those who would otherwise be ineligible (for security reasons) for receiving given events, and who thus
require additional registration in order to be notified.


Event Attribute Type

PrivateEvent Mandatory
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
UserData Optional
Extensions Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ConnID Optional
ThisDN Optional
NetworkCallState Optional
NetworkPartyRole Optional
NetworkOrigDN Optional
NetworkDestDN Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 43

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

NetworkDestState Optional
time Mandatory


EventNetworkPrivateInfo Example

Genesys Events and Models Reference 44

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Call-Routing Events


The call has been placed on the routing point specified by ThisDN, and the switch is waiting for
routing instructions.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
CollectedDigits Optional
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
LastCollectedDigit Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional

PreviousConnID a Optional
Server Mandatory
b Mandatory

ThisQueue b Mandatory
ThisTrunk Optional
ThirdPartyDN Optional
time Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 45

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if a call with CallType=Consult has been placed on a
routing point.
b. ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

See EventRegistered and the figure EventRouteRequest and EventRouteUsed Feature, Example 1.


The call has been routed as requested in the function TRouteCall() or has been default routed by
the switch after the routing timeout has expired (that is, there was no routing instruction from the
computer domain within the specified timeout).


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Optional
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
a Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 46

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

b Optional
ThirdPartyDNRole = Destination Optional

ThisDN c Mandatory

ThisQueue c Mandatory
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. This attribute specifies the destination DN or dialing number. It is:

• Mandatory if routing was done by URS (or another routing application connected to T-Server).
• Absent if the call was rejected. Optional in other cases.

b. The OtherDN attribute is used to specify the target party when the forward feature is in progress.
c. These attributes must be equal.


EventRouteRequest and EventRouteUsed Feature, Example 1

Genesys Events and Models Reference 47

Genesys Events T-Library Events

EventRouteRequest and EventRouteUsed Feature, Example 2 (if the Routing Timeout

Expires Before the TRouteCall Request Generated by Computer Domain [Interaction

Genesys Events and Models Reference 48

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Call-Treatment Events


The call has been treated, and the Treatment Device (TD) is processing the treatment instruction.


Event Attribute Type

CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Mandatory
Event Mandatory
Extensions Mandatory
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
time Mandatory
TransferConnID Optional
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
TreatmentParameters Optional
TreatmentType Mandatory
UserData Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 49

Genesys Events T-Library Events


The call has been treated and the Treatment Device (TD) is waiting for another instruction.

This event does not appear in cases of continuing treatments like Silence or


Event Attribute Type

CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
a Optional
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Mandatory
Event Mandatory

Extensions b Optional

LastCollectedDigit a Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
TransferConnID Optional
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
TreatmentParameters Optional
TreatmentType Mandatory
UserData Optional

a. The attributes are present if TreatmentType is either CollectDigits or

b. The following key-value pairs are set for all Treatment Types, except in the case of the Nortel

Genesys Events and Models Reference 50

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Communication Server 2000/2100:

• For all Treatment Types where an announcement was played, INTERRUPTED is set to:
• NO, if the announcement was not interrupted.
• KEYPAD, if it was interrupted by keypad entry.
• VOICE, if it was interrupted by the caller speaking something.

• For all Treatment Types where digits are to be collected from the caller, COMPLETION_STATUS is set to:
• NORMAL, if the treatment completed normally (optional).
• TIMEOUT, if the digit collection timed out before all required digits could be collected.
• CANCELLED, if the treatment was cancelled by a request from router.

• For TreatmentType=DigitsVerification only, the following key-value pairs apply:

• VERIFICATION_STATUS (the result of digits verification) is set to 1 if verification succeed, 0 if it did
• ATTEMPTS is set to the number of digit-collection attempts made.

• For TreatmentType=RecordUserAnnouncement, the following key-value pair applies:

• USER_ANN_ID is set to the message identifier, an integer, recorded by the user specified with


The call has not been treated for some reason. The reason is returned in ErrorCode and
ErrorMessage parameters.


Event Attribute Type

CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Mandatory
ErrorCode Mandatory
ErrorMessage Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 51

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
TransferConnID Optional
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
TreatmentParameters Optional
TreatmentType Mandatory
UserData Optional


A call has been placed to a treatment device port specified by ThisDN, and the switch or the
treatment device is waiting for treatment instructions.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallID Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Mandatory
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
UserData Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 52

Genesys Events T-Library Events

DTMF Events


The digits specified by CollectedDigits have been collected. This event is sent either to the DN
representing the device collecting the digits or to all monitored parties for the call.


Event Attribute Type

CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
CollectedDigits Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
LastCollectedDigit Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

OtherDN a Optional
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 53

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

UserData Optional

a. This attribute indicates the source of the collected digits, if T-Server can identify that source.


The specified DTMF sequence has been sent.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 54

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Voicemail Events


The telephony object specified by ThisDN has logged in to the mailbox specified by the mbox_number
parameter in the corresponding TLoginMailBox() function.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 55

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Voice-Processing Feature Example


The telephony object specified by ThisDN has logged out of the mailbox it logged in to earlier.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 56

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

See Voice-Processing Feature Example.


The voice file specified by the file_handle parameter in the corresponding TOpenVoiceFile()
function has been opened.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
FileHandle Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
UserData Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 57

Genesys Events T-Library Events

See Voice-Processing Feature Example.


The voice file specified by the file_handle parameter in the corresponding TCloseVoiceFile()
function has been closed.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
UserData Optional

See Voice-Processing Feature Example.


The voice file specified by the file_handle parameter in the corresponding TPlayVoice() function
has been played back completely.


Event Attribute Type

CallID Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 58

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

CallState Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
FileHandle Mandatory
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

See Voice-Processing Feature Example.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 59

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Agent-State and DN Events


The agent has logged in to the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.

Multiple agent logins are allowed for the same DN and agent ID combination (since
EventAgentLogin does not indicate by itself a transition of agent state).


Event Attribute Type

a Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
time Mandatory
WorkMode Optional
b Optional

a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is
b. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to
communicate hardware reasons.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 60

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventAgentLogin Feature Example


The agent has logged out of the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.

With CTI platforms that support agent login for multiple queues, this event signals
that the agent has been moved to the Logged Out state, and is thus used only for an
agent's final logout. (EventQueueLogout, on the other hand, indicates that an agent
remains logged in to some other ACD queue. See EventQueueLogout.)


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ReferenceID Optional
CustomerID Optional
a Optional
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
Reasons Optional
time Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 61

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

b Optional

a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is
b. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to
communicate hardware reasons.


EventAgentLogout (Through Link) Feature, Example 1

EventAgentLogout (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2


The agent has logged out of the ACD queue specified by ThisQueue, but remains logged in to some
other ACD queue.


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 62

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

Server Mandatory
ReferenceID Optional
CustomerID Optional
a Optional
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
Reasons Optional
time Mandatory

Extensions b Optional

a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is
b. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to
communicate hardware reasons.


The agent is ready to receive ACD calls.


Event Attribute Type

a Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
time Mandatory
b Mandatory

Extensions c Optional

a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is

Genesys Events and Models Reference 63

Genesys Events T-Library Events

b. WorkMode is mandatory for the Avaya Communication Manager T-Server when not in Soft Agent
c. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to
communicate hardware reasons.


EventAgentReady (Through Link) Feature, Example 1

EventAgentReady (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2


The agent is not ready to receive ACD calls.


Event Attribute Type

a Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 64

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
time Mandatory

WorkMode b Optional

Extensions c Optional

a. AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through T-Server or if the information is
b. WorkMode is mandatory for the Avaya Communication Manager T-Server when not in Soft Agent
c. If present, the Extensions attribute may include a ReasonCode value specifically used to
communicate hardware reasons.


EventAgentNotReady (Through Link) Feature, Example 1

EventAgentNotReady (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2

Genesys Events and Models Reference 65

Genesys Events T-Library Events

EventAgentNotReady Feature, Example 3 (for the Nortel Communication Server 2000/

2100 only)

A timeout in EventAgentNotReady Feature, Example 3 (for the Nortel Communication
Server 2000/2100 (*) is specified as the wrap-up time in the Configuration Layer. T-
Server distributes EventAgentReady automatically if there is no activity on the DN
that can be considered an agent-state change within the specified timeout. See also

EventAgentAfterCallWork (Obsolete — No Longer Supported)

The agent is performing administrative duties for a previous call (that is, updating some information)
and, therefore, is not ready to receive further ACD calls.

EventAgentIdleReasonSet (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)

Indicates that the Idle reason for the telephony object specified by the parameter ThisDN has been
successfully set.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 66

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional


The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is out of service and cannot make or receive calls. This
event is generated when an out-of-service state is first detected or when a new client registers on a
DN known to be out of service.

When a DN is out of service, only the following T-Library requests can be issued for it: client
registration and unregistration, queries, agent login, and private service requests.

T-Server returns a TERR_OUT_OF_SERVICE error if it is called on to attempt a supported
operation that cannot progress on an out-of-service DN.

When a DN goes out of service, T-Server notifies the user about the termination of active calls or
changes an agent state (not ready/logout) using normal T-Library events. The other applications
should rely only on those events to change the DN/agent state.


Event Attribute Type

ThisDN Mandatory
Extensions Optional

See EventDNBackInService.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 67

Genesys Events T-Library Events


The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is back in service and can make or receive calls. This event
is generated when a DN, which has been out of service and for which the EventDNOutOfService was
previously distributed, returns to service.

In the absence of EventDNOutOfService and EventDNBackInService, all clients should assume, for
backward-compatibility reasons, that the DN is in service.


Event Attribute Type

ThisDN Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventDNBackInService Feature Example

Between EventDNOutOfService and EventDNBackInService, the client is not able to
perform any requests, and no events should be expected during this outage. Genesys
recommends that you perform TQueryAddress() after EventDNBackInService to
ensure synchronization between T-Server and client.


The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 68

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventDNDOn (Through Link) Feature, Example 1

EventDNDOn (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2


The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 69

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventDNDOff (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 1

EventDNDOff (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2


The Forwarding feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 70

Genesys Events T-Library Events


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
InfoStatus (CallForwardingStatus,

OtherDN a Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
ForwardMode Optional

a. The OtherDN attribute is used to specify the target party when the Forward feature is in progress.


EventForwardSet (Through Link) Feature, Example 1

EventForwardSet (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2

Genesys Events and Models Reference 71

Genesys Events T-Library Events


The Forwarding feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory


EventForwardCancel (Through Link) Feature, Example


EventForwardCancel (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2

Genesys Events and Models Reference 72

Genesys Events T-Library Events


A request to monitor the next call(s) has been accepted. The event is delivered to the applications on
the supervisor's and agent's desktops.

A supervisor who monitors calls as a result of the request TMonitorNextCall() is able
to hear and participate in conversations on the monitored DN. If it is necessary to
receive events associated with conversations, the supervisor's soft phone must be
registered with the various DNs that might be monitored.


Event Attribute Type

ThisDN a Mandatory

ThisDNRole a Mandatory

OtherDN b Mandatory

OtherDNRole b Mandatory
ReferenceID Optional
MonitorNextCallType Mandatory
Reasons Optional
Extensions Optional

a. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the
supervisor’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to DNRoleObserver. When the event is delivered to an
application on the agent’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the agent’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to
b. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the
agent’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to DNRoleDestination. When the event is delivered to an
application on the agent’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the supervisor’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to

See EventMonitoringCancelled.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 73

Genesys Events T-Library Events


The call monitoring has been canceled either by a separate call to the TMonitorNextCall() function
or to the TCancelMonitoring() function. The event is delivered to the applications on the
supervisor's and agent's desktops.


Event Attribute Type

ThisDN a Mandatory

ThisDNRole a Mandatory

OtherDN b Mandatory

OtherDNRole b Mandatory
ReferenceID Optional
Reasons Optional
Extensions Optional

a. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the
supervisor’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to DNRoleObserver. When the event is delivered to an
application on the agent’s desktop, ThisDN is set to the agent’s DN and ThisDNRole is set to
b. When the event is delivered to an application on the supervisor’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the
agent’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to DNRoleDestination. When the event is delivered to an
application on the agent’s desktop, OtherDN is set to the supervisor’s DN and OtherDNRole is set to

Genesys Events and Models Reference 74

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventMonitoringCancelled Feature Example


The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone off-hook.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Optional
CallState Optional
CallType Optional
ConnID Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 75

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Event Attribute Type

ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional


The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone on-hook.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Optional
ConnID Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 76

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A party identified by ThisDN is now in the Mute mode.


Event Attribute Type

ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional


A party identified by ThisDN is no longer in Mute (microphone-disabled) mode. The ReferenceID
attribute is set to indicate the corresponding TSetMuteOff() function.


Event Attribute Type

ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Reasons Optional
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 77

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Event Attribute Type

ReferenceID Optional
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional


The switch has registered Deaf mode for the specified telephony object (in OtherDN).


Event Attribute Type

CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
a Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
b Mandatory
OtherDNRole Optional
OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory

ThirdPartyDN c Mandatory

ThisDN d Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 78

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Event Attribute Type

ThisQueue Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The following CallStates are used:

• CallStateOk: the party can still participate in conversation with some active members of the
• CallStateDeafened: the party cannot listen to the conversation, but can be heard by the conference
• CallStateHeld: the party cannot hear or be heard by the conference members.

b. Applies to the disconnected party.

c. The party that cannot be heard by the disconnected party.
d. The party that initiated the request.


The switch has canceled Deaf mode for the specified telephony object.


Event Attribute Type

CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

OtherDN a Mandatory
OtherDNRole Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 79

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

OtherQueue Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory

ThirdPartyDN b Optional

ThisDN c Mandatory
ThisDNRole Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The reconnected party.

b. The party that is heard by the reconnected party.
c. The party that initiated the request.


The Waiting indicator has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 80

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventMessageWaitingOn (Through Link) Feature,

Example 1

EventMessageWaitingOn (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2


The Waiting indicator has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 81

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventMessageWaitingOff (Through Link) Feature,

Example 1

EventMessageWaitingOff (Through PhoneSet) Feature, Example 2

Genesys Events and Models Reference 82

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Query Events


This event is generated as a response to the TQueryAddress() function and includes information
specified by InfoType and InfoStatus about the telephony object specified by either ThisDN or


Event Attribute Type

a Optional
CallID Optional

ConnID b Optional
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory

Extensions c Optional
InfoStatus Mandatory

InfoType c Mandatory
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

PreviousConnID b Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory
d Optional
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ThisQueue Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The AgentID attribute can only be present for objects of AddressTypePosition or AddressTypeDN.
b. The ConnID and PreviousConnID attributes are mandatory when the InfoType parameter is set to

Genesys Events and Models Reference 83

Genesys Events T-Library Events

AddressInfoCallsQuery. ConnID is the connection ID for the active call; PreviousConnID is the
connection ID for the held call, if any.
c. Based on the InfoType value, additional information is provided in the InfoStatus, which is a
union element, and in Extensions attributes. See Table InfoStatus and Extensions in
EventAddressInfo Available for All T-Servers for InfoType=AddressInfoQueueStatus and
AddressInfoDNStatus, which are available on all T-Servers. See Table InfoStatus and Extensions in
EventAddressInfo Available for Particular T-Servers for all other InfoTypes that are available on a
device-specific basis. If a particular InfoType is not supported, T-Server responds with EventError.
d. If present, the value here is the last known KVList data supplied by recent activity for this address.

InfoStatus and Extensions in EventAddressInfo Available for All T-Servers

Attribute InfoStatus Attribute Extensions

Key Value Type Value Description


The connection ID of a
conn-%d string call (converted into a
The CallType for the
ct-%d integer corresponding
The media type of the
ConnectionID. (The
value may be absent
NumberOfCallsa mt-%d integer here if the media type is
voice. b)
0 (or absent) if voice
>0 for non-voice media

The Call-Party state for

the corresponding
ps-%d integer Connection ID. See
Unified Call-Party States
for more details.
status integer The DN status. c


The connection ID of a
conn-%d string call (converted into a
The CallType for the
NumberOfCallsa ct-%d integer corresponding
connection ID.
The media type of the
mt-%d integer corresponding
connection ID. (The

Genesys Events and Models Reference 84

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Attribute InfoStatus Attribute Extensions

value may be absent

here if the media type is
voice. b)
0 (or absent) if voice
>0 for non-voice media

The Call-Party state for

the corresponding
ps-%d integer Connection ID. See
Unified Call-Party States
for more details.
The enumerated queues
queue-%d string associated with an
agent logged into a DN.
AgentStatus integer The Agent status. d
status integer The DN status. c

Do Not Disturb status. e

dnd integer Not present if T-Server has no

information about the DND

Specifies forwarding
targets based on
fwd string conditions. f
Not present if T-Server has no
information about Forward

Message Waiting Lamp

status. g
mwl integer
Not present if T-Server has no
information about MWL status.

a. The information is based on what T-Server can provide; it may be inaccurate when T-Server is not
in sync with the switch. It is possible for T-Server to return a non-error message with missing
parameters in response to a request regarding an incorrectly configured DN or queried DN.
b. Client applications should set this value to 0 (zero) if it is absent in the event. This insures that the
media type is understood to be voice.
c. The following are the DN statuses:

• <0 (UNKNOWN): there is no available information about the DN status.

• 0 (IDLE): there is no activity on the DN.
• >0 (NOT_IDLE): there is some activity on the DN—there is at least one call on the DN or the device is off-
hook. Note the following special values:

Genesys Events and Models Reference 85

Genesys Events T-Library Events

• 0x80: DN is out of service.

• 0xC0: DN is undergoing maintenance.
• 0x90: Device associated with DN is locked out.
• 0x88: DN is vacant.

d. The following are the Agent statuses:

• <0 (UNKNOWN): the status of an agent is unknown.

• 0 (LOGGED_OUT): there is no agent logged on this DN.
• 1 (LOGGED_IN): an agent is logged in but work mode is unknown.
• 2 (READY): the status of agent is Ready.
• 3 (NOT_READY): the status of agent is NotReady.
• 4 (ACW): the status of agent is AfterCallWork.
• 5 (WALK_AWAY): the status of agent is WalkAway.

Note: The AgentStatus Extensions key is delivered only for objects with an Address type of
AddressTypePosition or AddressTypeDN.

e. The following are the DND statuses:

• 0: DND off
• 1: DND on

f. Possible values are:

• off, on, or the designated destination DN (for unconditional forwarding), or the designated
destination–DN list (with conditions for forwarding). The following conditions may be used: OnBusy,
OnNoAnswer, OnBusyAndNoAnswer, SendAllCalls.
• Examples:
1. Unconditional Destination DN: 3000
2. Conditions with Destination-DN list: OnBusy:1000 OnNoAnswer:2000. (This forwards calls to two
different DNs based on certain conditions being met.)

g. The following are the MWL statuses:

• 0: MWL off
• 1: MWL on

InfoStatus and Extensions in EventAddressInfo Available for Particular T-Servers

Attribute InfoStatus Attribute Extensions

Key Value Type Value Description

Genesys Events and Models Reference 86

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Attribute InfoStatus Attribute Extensions












AgentsInQueue integer
Requested number is returned
AvailableAgents integer in AddressInfoStatus attribute;
NumberOfAgentsInQueue in addition, the Extensions
attribute contains all of three
CallsInQueue integer keys


AgentsInQueue integer
Requested number is returned
NumberOfAvailable- AvailableAgents integer in AddressInfoStatus attribute;
in addition, the Extensions
attribute contains all of three
CallsInQueue integer keys


AgentsInQueue integer
Requested number is returned
AvailableAgents integer in AddressInfoStatus attribute;
NumberOfCallsInQueue in addition, the Extensions
attribute contains all of three
CallsInQueue integer keys



Genesys Events and Models Reference 87

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Attribute InfoStatus Attribute Extensions


call-%d integer The Call ID of a call

The Connection ID of a
conn-%d string call (converted into a
The state of the DN in
question as a party of
the call. See
state-%d integer AddressStatusInfoType
in the Voice Platform
SDK API Reference for


NumberOfListElements agent-extension string The agent ID


Idle integer NumberOfIdleClassifiers

InUse integer NumberOfClassifiersInUse


Idle integer NumberOfIdleClassifiers

InUse integer NumberOfClassifiersInUse


Idle integer NumberOfIdleTrunks

InUse integer NumberOfTrunksInUse


Idle integer NumberOfIdleTrunks

InUse integer NumberOfTrunksInUse


ID string A database value

Genesys Events and Models Reference 88

Genesys Events T-Library Events


EventAddressInfo Feature Example


The information about the call specified by ConnID. T-Server returns EventPartyInfo only to the
client that issued a call to the TQueryCall() function.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
a Mandatory

InfoStatus.NumberOfListElements b Mandatory
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
c Optional

OtherDNRole c Optional

PreviousConnID d Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 89

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Event Attribute Type

Server Mandatory
e Optional

ThisDNRole e Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Optional

a. The directory numbers of parties participating in the call specified by ConnID are specified as key-
value pairs with the key party-<n> in the Extensions attribute, where <n> is the party number.
Some switches might not report a Queue or a Routing Point as a call party.
b. This attribute consists of the number of known parties participating in a call.
c. T-Server returns the OtherDN and OtherDNRole attributes if the condition described in Table
Footnote a. takes place, and the number of parties involved in the call specified by ConnID is 2.
d. The attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.
e. T-Server returns the OtherDN and OtherDNRole attributes if the condition described in Table
Footnote a. takes place, and the number of parties involved in the call specified by ConnID is 2.


EventPartyInfo Feature Example


This event is generated as a response to the TQueryLocation() function and includes information
specified by InfoType about the remote location specified by the Location parameter.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 90

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Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
InfoType Mandatory
Location Optional
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
ReferenceID Optional

Additional information based on InfoType is provided in the Extensions attributes. When

information is requested about one remote location, the Extensions attribute can contain the
following key-value pairs:

Extensions in EventLocationInfo
Key Value Value Type
LQ-location-name location string
LQ-location-status 0 - disconnected (configured) integer
1 - connected

LQ-link-status 0 - disconnected integer
1 - connected

When information is requested about more than one location, these same key-value pairs for each
location are referred to in the loc-list[i] value of the LQ-location-%d key within the Extensions
attribute, where i is the number of a remote location (i=0 defines the first location).

InfoType and Extensions in EventLocationInfo

Key Value Value Type

InfoType=LocationInfoAllLocations or

LQ-location-%d loc-list[i] kv-list

InfoType=LocationInfoLocationData or

LQ-location-name location string

LQ-location-status 0 - disconnected (configured) integer
1 - connected

Genesys Events and Models Reference 91

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Key Value Value Type

LQ-link-status 0 - disconnected integer
1 - connected


Delivers the information about T-Server specified in ServerVersion, ServerRole, and


Event Attribute Type

Capabilities Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory

Extensions a Mandatory
HomeLocation Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ServerRole Mandatory
ServerVersion Mandatory
time Mandatory
ServerCapabilityMask Mandatory b

a. See Extensions in EventServerInfo for details. When related to information about a T-Server’s
ability to support transaction monitoring, this attribute indicates that support, and its key-value pairs
contain information about the supported transaction monitoring classes. (For transaction monitoring
purposes, this attribute is not present when the T-Server in question does not support that feature.)
b. If the capability mask includes TransactionMonitoring and EventTransactionStatus, the T-
Server in question supports transaction monitoring.

Extensions in EventServerInfo
Key Value Value Type
The full string designating
information about the current
T-Server version of T-Server (the same as string
if T-Server has been started with
the -V command line option)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 92

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Key Value Value Type

The list of features with which T-
Server is built (the same list as
Features that which results from string
T-Server being started with the
-V command line option)


EventServerInfo Feature Example


This event is generated as a response to the TQuerySwitch() function and includes the requested


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Mandatory
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions in EventSwitchInfo

InfoStatus Attribute Extensions

Key Value Type Value Description

Genesys Events and Models Reference 93

Genesys Events T-Library Events

InfoStatus Attribute Extensions

Current date and time

information on the
SwitchInfoDataTime Date/Time string
switch in the MM/DD/
YYYY HH:MM:SS format
Idle integer NumberOfIdleClassifiers
InUse integer NumberOfClassifiersInUse

Genesys Events and Models Reference 94

Genesys Events T-Library Events

User-Data Events


The attached data for the call has been changed.


Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory

ThirdPartyDN a Optional
ThisDN Optional
ThisDNRole Optional
ThisTrunk Optional
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional
UserData Mandatory

a. The ThirdPartyDN attribute is used to identify who initiated a change in user data. It is mandatory
if it can be specified.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 95

Genesys Events T-Library Events

ISCC Events


T-Server has processed a previously called TGetAccessNumber() function and has returned the
requested access number.


Event Attribute Type

AccessNumber Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
Event Mandatory
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional


EventAnswerAccessNumber when GetAccessNumber Does

Not Contain AttributeLocation

Genesys Events and Models Reference 96

Genesys Events T-Library Events

EventAnswerAccessNumber when TGetAccessNumber Contains


In EventAnswerAccessNumber T-Server A acts as an origination, and T-Server B a
destination T-Server.


The call has successfully reached the remote switch.


Event Attribute Type

ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 97

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The call failed to reach the remote switch or could not be treated as successful (for example, ISCC
could not route the call to a requested destination DN).


Event Attribute Type

ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
Extensions Optional


T-Server has canceled a previously called TGetAccessNumber() function before processing is


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
XReferenceID Mandatory
Extensions Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 98

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Special Events


T-Server has acknowledged a request received from a client application. This event is a response to
the TSendUserEvent(), TSendEvent(), TSendEventEx(), TSetInputMask(),
TTransactionMonitoring(), and TPrivateSevice() functions.


Event Attribute Type

Event Mandatory
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
a Optional
Extensions Optional
SubscriptionID Optional b

a. UserEvent is the identifier of the request that has caused T-Server to generate EventACK. The
attribute is derived from the request.
b. This attribute, applicable only to EventACK in response to TTransactionMonitoring(), is
mandatory for the operation SubscriptionStart, but is not present for the operations
SubscriptionStop and SubscriptionModify. This attribute represents a subscription identifier: the
call has successfully reached the remote switch.


EventACK Feature, Example 1

Genesys Events and Models Reference 99

Genesys Events T-Library Events

EventACK Feature, Example 2


This event is generated as a positive response to the TReserveAgent() request, confirming that
those of the parameters agent_dn, agent_id, and agent_place that were present in the request
have been successfully reserved. When an agent becomes reserved as the result of
TReserveAgent() request, the event is sent to the application that sent the request and to all clients
registered on the agent's DN.


Event Attribute Type

AgentID a Optional
Event Mandatory
a Optional
Reasons Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory

ThisDN a Optional

Timeout b Optional
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

a. At least one of the AgentID, Place, or ThisDN attributes must be present. The attributes are
equal to the corresponding parameters of the TReserveAgent() function.
b. The duration of the reservation is in milliseconds.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 100

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The call information has been changed.


Event Attribute Type

ConnID Mandatory
CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory


This event is generated both in response to a TPrivateService() function call and when it is used to
notify selected sets of clients of T-Server–specific information. This event indicates that one of two
forms of data has been passed:

• Information supported only by certain T-Servers, and which is not covered by general feature requests.
• Notification about changes in T-Server behavior or device/call statuses.

This event can be distributed to the following clients:

• Those who made a request for the private service, TPrivateService().

• Those registered on the specified device, depending on the nature of the service.
• Those who would otherwise be ineligible (for security reasons) for receiving given events, and who thus
require additional registration in order to be notified.


Event Attribute Type

PrivateEvent Mandatory
Event Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 101

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Event Attribute Type

Reasons Optional
UserData Optional
Extensions Optional
ReferenceID Optional
Server Mandatory
ConnID Optional
ThisDN Optional
time Mandatory


EventPrivateInfo Feature Example


A user event from another client application has been received.

EventUserEvent contains T-Server-required attributes. Other attributes are specified by the initiator
of this event.

Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Mandatory
time Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 102

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Event Attribute Type

Extensions Optional


A change in the role of one of a pair of synchronized T-Servers in hot standby mode has taken place:
the T-Server's role has been changed from backup to primary.

After a client receives EventPrimaryChanged, it should re-synchronize with the new
primary T-Server (the one reporting this event) by calling the TQueryLocation()
function and either the TQueryAddress() or TQueryCall() function.

If T-Server issues EventPrimaryChanged, and the two T-Servers have different link statuses at the
time of switchover, EventLinkDisconnected or EventLinkConnected is generated as follows:

• If the former primary T-Server has its link connected, and the new one does not,
EventLinkDisconnected is delivered just prior to EventPrimaryChanged.
• If the former primary T-Server has its link disconnected, and the new one has its link connected,
EventLinkConnected is delivered immediately after EventPrimaryChanged.

The ordering of these messages is intended to simplify the processing logic on the client
side—receiving EventPrimaryChanged when the link is disconnected may be safely ignored.

The event generated for a primary-to-backup
switchover—EventRestoreConnection— is different from EventPrimaryChanged in
that it is processed internally by T-Library and is never delivered to clients.


Event Attribute Type

ApplicationName Optional
time Mandatory

Genesys Events and Models Reference 103

Genesys Events T-Library Events


A synchronized connection between a pair of T-Servers in hot standby mode has been established, or
the T-Server's role has been changed from primary to backup.


EventRestoreConnection is processed internally by T-Library, and is not delivered to
the user dispatch function. As such, it does not use the conventional event contents


• ServerRole—The primary T-Server generates EventRestoreConnection, with the attribute

ServerRole set to 0,when the connection to the backup T-Server has been established.
T-Server generates EventRestoreConnection and sets the attribute ServerRole to 1 to indicate
that it has been changed from the primary to the backup T-Server. This value is used to prevent a
race condition in situations where two or more switchovers happen within a short interval of time.
(Otherwise, T-Library relies on EventPrimaryChanged to identify the primary T-Server.)

• UserData—This attribute contains the reference to the backup T-Server. T-Library uses this information
to try to connect to that server.


T-Server has detected inconsistent data or an incomplete event flow in switch messaging—for
instance, a wrong checksum or missing attributes.


Event Attribute Type

CustomerID Optional
ThisDN Optional
ConnID Optional
PreviousConnID Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 104

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Event Attribute Type

ErrorCode Optional
Event Mandatory
Server Mandatory
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional

EventResourceAllocated (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)

The switch has registered the CTI link to receive events about the specified telephony object.

EventResourceFreed (Obsolete—No Longer Supported)

The switch has canceled registration of the CTI link, so that it no longer can receive events about the
specified telephony object.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 105

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Negative-Response Events


The requested function cannot be performed. The reasons are specified by the values of the
ErrorCode and ErrorMessage parameters.


Event Attribute Type

ConnID Optional
CustomerID Optional
ErrorCode Mandatory a
ErrorMessage Optional
Event Mandatory
ReferenceID Mandatory
Server Mandatory
ThisDN Optional
time Mandatory
Extensions Optional b

a. ErrorCode, when received as a negative response to TTransactionMonitoring(), may include

the following reasons:

• TERR_UNSUP_OPER (unsupported operation), the Transaction Monitoring Feature is not supported by this
• TERR_INVALID_ATTR (invalid attribute value), the transaction monitoring request contains an invalid

b. Contains additional information on a failure.

The Reasons attribute was formerly included in this event. It is now obsolete. (It is
omitted from the EventError message since, presumably, the requestor is aware of
the reason for the request.)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 106

Genesys Events T-Library Events

Agent States and Work Modes

Agent states specify what state an agent is in. For example, an agent in Ready state is available to
handle calls from an ACD queue. An agent can have several states with respect to different ACD
devices, or he can use a single state to describe his relationship to all ACD devices. Agent states are
reported in agent-state events.

Agent-State Diagram shows the agent states. Transitions between states, represented by arrows,
show subsequent states that may be entered from a given state. The agent-state change occurs after
T-Server generates a proper event.

Agent Null
The state where an agent is not logged in to an ACD group. Logging on and logging off cause the
transition to and from this state.

Agent Not Ready

The state where an agent is logged in to an ACD group, but is not prepared to handle calls that the
ACD distributes. While in this state, an agent can receive calls that are not handled by the ACD.

Agent Ready
The state where an agent is logged in to an ACD group and is prepared to handle calls that the ACD

Agent Busy Ready

The state where a device, on behalf of an agent, is involved with an existing ACD call even if that call
is on hold at this device. After the call has been completed, the device is placed in the Agent Ready
state (that is, it can pick up a new call). Direct calls between agents, calls between supervisors and
agents, and private calls do not cause this transition.

Agent Busy NotReady

The state where a device, on behalf of an agent, is involved with an existing ACD call even if that call
is on hold at this device. After the call has been completed, the device is placed in the Agent Not
Ready state (that is, it cannot receive further calls from the ACD). Direct calls between agents, calls
between supervisors and agents, and private calls do not cause this transition.

Agent Busy AfterCallWork

The state where a device, on behalf of an agent, is involved with an existing ACD call even if that call
is on hold at this device. After the call has been completed, the device is placed in the Agent After
Call Work state (that is, it is not able to receive further calls). Direct calls between agents, calls
between supervisors and agents, and private calls do not cause this transition.

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Agent After Call Work

The state where a device, on behalf of an agent, is no longer involved with an ACD call. While in this
state, the agent is performing administrative duties for a previous call and cannot receive further
calls from the ACD.

Agent Return Back

The state where an agent is logged in to an ACD group upon having returned from the WalkAway
state. The agent may or may not be ready to receive calls.

Agent Walk Away

The state where an agent is logged in to an ACD group, but is understood not to be at his station, and
thus not prepared to handle calls that the ACD distributes.

Agent-State Diagram

Agent-State Diagram

Agent-State Diagram Comments

In certain cases, even though the agent state remains the same, T-Server might generate distinct
events to represent internal state transitions or data changes within this state. This can take place if
T-Server is required to support switch-specific substates or if it must distribute additional resources or
extensions. The following rules apply to these existing-state transitions:

• T-Server filters out unsolicited CTI messages that do not provide new information from the last

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EventReady/NotReady. For instance, if the switch re-sends the exact same event every time an ACD
call is released on an agent's DN, T-Server does not continue to pass on these events to its clients. On
the other hand, if switch-specific sub-states, as reported in AttributeWorkMode, or if the ReasonCode
attribute is changed, then T-Server distributes EventReady/NotReady.
• T-Server distributes a corresponding EventReady/NotReady when clients initiate a same-state
transition, provided T-Server can confirm the state with the switch, or T-Server has enough confidence
that the internally kept state is correct. In the process of confirming the state with the switch, if T-
Server receives an error message that suggests "in the same state," it translates this into a positive
response. If these CTI messages do not provide adequate information regarding the problem with the
request, based on internal data, T-Server may generate a response to the client on its own.

Beginning with the 7.1 release of T-Server, the function TAgentSetIdleReason(), and its
corresponding event, is no longer supported. Instead, use the generic Request/
EventAgentReady/NotReady with a new value for ReasonCode in the Extensions
attribute and/or in the attribute Reason.

• The following transitions are available as of the 7.1 release of T-Library:

• T-Server responds with EventAgentLogin (distributed to all registered clients) in response to the
AgentLogin() function, as long as the credentials (AgentID and ThisQueue) used by the already-
logged-in agent are the same for this DN (and provided T-Server is able to verify this information on
the switch). In the case of credentials that differ:
• Since the Genesys model supports only one agent with distinct AgentID logged in on a given
device, depending on the switch, T-Server either rejects a request with a distinct AgentID or
forces a logout of the old AgentID.
• Requests that have different ThisQueue values are processed according to whether multiple
logins are allowed by the CTI protocol.

• EventAgentLogout in connection with a Logged Out state is allowed in response to a client's request,
but is not required. Genesys recommends that you direct the request to the switch and translate any
positive acknowledgement (one indicating a previous agent state de-synchronization) into

Agent-State Diagram Limitations

• Not all agent states are available on all switching platforms. Furthermore, some platforms may have
additional substates. Please refer to the switch's documentation for more information.
• Depending on switch capabilities, not all transitions are available on all platforms. Please refer to the
switch's documentation for more information.
• In some cases, when T-Server does not have sufficient information from the CTI link, it may use the
Logged In state (not shown in the diagram) to indicate that an agent is logged in, but that his status is
not known. In order to report the transition from the Logged Out to the Logged In state, T-Server
sends a single EventAgentLogin,without also sending an EventReady or EventNotReady.

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Unified Call-Party States

A call-party is the relationship between a call and a given telephony device. Call-Party is often
referred to as party. For the purposes of this section, the two terms are interchangeable.

A call is typically an interaction between two or more telephony objects (or between a telephony
object and a network entity) that is established by the use of telephony network capabilities.
However, in fact, Genesys assumes this association may have zero to many parties. In the context of
the Genesys model, a call is a stateless object, and it always has a unique connection ID.

A party (call-party) represents the call's relationship to a given telephony device—either an internal
DN or an external (out-of-PBX) call participant. Each call-party has state (and a number of other

A call-party state is a packaging of the fuller expression of a party's status (which may be
multifaceted)—a compound state made up of the following groups:

• Generic Telephony State (GTS);

• Supplementary Telephony State (STS);
• Routing/Treatment State (RTS).
• State modifiers

Each of these groups has parts that are referred to as elementary states, or properties (the basic
attribute of a call-party). Typically, a call-party state consists of just one of these groups. However,
there are certain cases where a coexistence of multiple groups in one call-party state is the norm.
These, for instance, should be familiar:

• Routing with Queueing involves GTS and RTS.

• Service Observing involves both GTS and STS.

Although not all combinations of elementary states make sense, there is no
restriction on them.

A state is packed into one integer according to the structure shown below:

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Call-Party Structure

Availability of State Information

The Genesys Framework assumes a particular call-party state for each call-party in the enterprise
and supports the generic party-state set common to those T-Servers that support it. Not all party
states or party-state transitions are mandatory for each T-Server. A given vendor-specific CTI may not
provide a specific call-party state. Or, if a given state is available with the CTI, it may lack some
relevant information required for T-Server to represent that particular state on the Genesys side of
the software, or permit Genesys to perform a party-state transition. Thus the implementation of call-
party states in T-Server is only complete to the extent that information is available from the switch.
See PartyState in your API reference for details and state numeric values.

Generic Telephony State

The Generic Telephony State part of a call-party state comprises the most important of the sub-party

Previously, the Genesys model did not include the states Initiated and Failed as
marking participation in a call. As a result, there were no special events in DN-based
event reporting to indicate a transition between those states and NULL. Some T-
Servers used device-related EventOffHook/OnHook with at tribute ConnID to indicate
a party had been added or deleted, but this event is optional and cannot be used
when there is another active call on the same device (otherwise the status of the
device is reported incorrectly). It is not possible to reconstruct the Initiated and
Failed states from DN-based reporting. Furthermore, for compatibility reasons,
parties in these states are not included in the EventPartyInfo list, and related calls
are not included in EventRegistered and EventAddressInfo.

The Generic Telephony State has the following possible properties:

Null and Null2—Represent intermediate states when party information exists in T-Server memory,
but when there is no logical relation between a call and device.

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Initiated—Indicates that a call has been initiated by a device. Any telephony device that is initiating
a new call enters the Initiated state while it awaits the availability of switch resources or user
input. That is, the device remains in the Initiated state from the moment it goes off-hook until
EventDialing is sent.

Queued—Identifies that a call is queued or parked on a given device, and that it awaits the
availability of some service (for example, ACD queue distribution) or of some device (for example, a
phone line).

Alerting—Means that a call is alerting on a device, indicating an incoming call (for example, the
phone is ringing), or that a call is in the process of being distributed to a destination (for example, is
being processed by the telephony network).

Connected—Indicates that a given device has a voice connection with other participants.

The Dialing state (which is implicitly used in the DN call model) does not exist in the
unified party-state model. Dialing was an attempt to report the state of the other
party on the call. Such other parties cease to be clear in complex scenarios where
transfers and conferences confuse matters. However, Dialing, as a state modifier, is
available for compatibility with traditional reporting.

Call Progress (CP) Detection—The originating device (either a queue or a route point) for
predictive dialing is put in this state from the time a call is made (and EventDialing is sent) to the
moment the call is classified, at which time it is either moved to the Queued state, or is released.

Held—A device has temporarily suspended its connection to other call participants.

Busy—A call cannot reach the intended device, which is busy.

Failed—Indicates that a call originating on a given device has not succeeded (either the dialed
number is wrong, or the switch was not able to allocate the trunk). This state is used instead of Busy
when a destination party was never created for the call. Failed also applies to a party whose call has
been disconnected, but who remains off hook.

Generic Telephony State Diagram for Regular DNs

The Generic Telephony State for Regular DNs diagram indicates the event flow that leads to the
various sub states that comprise the Generic Telephony State. This diagram applies to all regular
DNs. That is, all types except ACD queues and route points.

Although they appear in the Generic Telephony State for Regular DNs diagram, events
Alerting, Initiated, Failed, and Cleared do not currently exist. These names
are reserved for future use.

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Generic Telephony State for Regular DNs

Note that in this case, with a DN-based call model, EventDestinationBusy is reported for the
opposite party.

EventAbandoned is only sent if there is an EventRinging for that party. This occurs only with
external parties.

Generic Telephony State Diagram for ACD Queues and Route Points
The Generic Telephony State for ACD Queues and Route Points diagram indicates the event flow that
leads to the various sub states that comprise the Generic Telephony State. This diagram applies to
ACD queues and route points.

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Generic Telephony State for ACD Queues and Route Points

Supplementary State
The Supplementary State refers to combinations of the following party properties. Not all
combinations of these properties make logical sense, but the general model does not put any
restrictions on them. Furthermore, there is no transitional model for these properties (any state can
change to any other).

NoListen—A party cannot hear other participants on the call.

NoTalk—A party is muted, and other participants on the call do not hear that party.

Audit—A party is attached to a call as Service Observer or Service Assistant.

Bridged—A party is attached to the call with the Bridged Call Appearance feature.

State Modifiers
State Modifiers further nuance the relationships between events and call states by allowing for
intermediate sub states. These sub states provide additional information to the system, but may
otherwise be unnecessary in the unified call-party state model.

Dialing Modifier
The unified call-party state model uses Dialing, although not actually a party state, as a state
modifier. This allows the system to handle the following scenarios, also illustrated in Modifier Dialing:

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• Reporting applications may need to measure dialing time, which is defined as the interval between the
moment a party is connected to a call and the moment when the voice connection with the other
participant is established for the first time. It is possible to reconstruct the time spent in a dialing state
without this modifier, but, since T-Server does not provide historical data, this calculation needs to be
done when the full history of the call is available (by factoring in the states of other parties). The
Dialing modifier provides clients access to this information during the call.
• T-Server needs an indication of whether EventEstablished has been distributed for a given party. In a
DN-based call model this event is sent only when a connection is first established. (See Modifier Dialing
for an instance of why a subsequent EventEstablished would be useful.) While it is possible to have this
indication stored in device-specific states, the Dialing modifier allows for common functionality across
media devices.

Uncertain Modifier
This modifier is set when the party information is not reliable. See Reliability in your API reference
for details.

Modifier Dialing

Routing/Treatment State
The Routing/Treatment State consists of the following properties:

TreatmentReq—The switch is waiting for a treatment to be applied to the call.

Treatment—A treatment has been applied while the call is located on a given device.

Routing—The switch is waiting for routing instructions.

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Routing/Treatment State Diagram

The following figure indicates the event flows that lead to the various states comprising the Routing
(left portion of the diagram) and Treatment (right portion of the diagram) states. The Routing
portion pertains to route points; the Treatment portion pertains directly to monitored IVR ports.

Routing (left portion) and Treatment States (right portion)

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Event Attributes
This section describes the attributes that make up each event.

A pointer to a number by dialing which a client application from the specified switch can reach a
specific external routing point (ThisDN).

This parameter uniquely identifies the ACD agent. For more information, refer to the type AgentID in
your API reference.

Automatic Number Identification. Indicates the telephony-company charge number.

Information about transferring/routing of the call through a multi-site contact center network. For
more information, refer to the type CallHistoryInfo in your API reference. Typically used to keep
track of a call in multi-site contact centers.

This attribute contains the call identification provided by the switch, which uniquely identifies a call.
As opposed to ConnID assigned by T-Server, CallID is created by the switch when the incoming call
arrives, or when agent/system out-dial calls are created. The attribute must be present if the switch
generates and distributes the corresponding parameter to T-Server. (CallID is zero as long as the
switch does not provide that information to T-Server.) For more information, refer to the type CallID
in your API reference.

CallingLineName (Obsolete)
A pointer to the name of the person associated with the directory number from where the inbound
call in question has been made. It can be distributed by an originating switch through an ISDN trunk

The current status of the call the event relates to. For more information, refer to the type CallState
in your API reference.

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The type of the call in question. For more information, refer to the type CallType in your API

Switch-specific mask specifying the set of requests and events that this T-Server can handle.

For network calls, the reason for transitions to certain states—Routing and NoParty. (This helps
clarify delivery failure, such as Busy or NoAnswer.)

CLID (Obsolete)
Calling Line Identifier. The directory number from where the inbound call was made.

A pointer to the digits that have been collected from the calling party.

A current connection identifier of the call to which this event relates.

Connection ID Structure

Byte Bits

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 Reserved Global Server Identifier

1 Global Server Identifier

2 Local Connection Identifier

3 Local Connection Identifier

4 Local Connection Identifier

5 Local Connection Identifier

6 Local Connection Identifier

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Byte Bits

7 Local Connection Identifier

ConnID Parameters

Reserved (bits 0 and 1)—Bits reserved for future usage.

Global Server Identifier (bits 2-15)—Unique identifier for this T-Server specified by the server-id
option. If server-id is not specified, the ConnID may not be unique within a multi-site contact center.

Local Connection Identifier (bits 16-63)—Local identifier of the call this event relates to.

For more information, refer to the type ConnectionID in your API reference.

A pointer to the string containing the assigned Customer (Tenant) identifier through which the
processing of the call was initiated. The attribute must be present in every event for a multi-tenant
contact center.

Directory Number Information Service. The directory number to where the inbound call has been

This attribute contains a value that indicates why a client request failed.

A pointer to the character string containing additional information about an error.

The event identifier. For more information, refer to the type MessageType in your API reference.

A pointer to an additional data structure that takes into account switch-specific features that cannot
be described by the other parameters in an event or a request. Extensions that are specific to
particular events are noted with their event information in the T-Library Events section. Some
extensions for requests, however, are applicable to all T-Servers, and permit tuning of T-Server

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The handle of the voice file in question. For more information, refer to the type File in your API

A pointer to the name of the host where T-Server is running.

The InfoType information about the telephony object specified by ThisDN and/or ThisQueue.

The type of information about the telephony object in question.

The last digit collected from the calling party.

The remote location's name, in the form of
<Switch Name>
<T-Server Application Name>@<Switch Name>
(Switch Name and T-Server Application Name are as defined in the Configuration Layer.)

A type of information requested by a client in the TQueryLocation() request. For more information,
refer to the type LocationInfoType in your API reference.

In case of network routing, the call identifier assigned by the switch where the call initially arrived.

The current status of the network call the event relates to. For more information, refer to the type
NetworkCallState in your API reference.

The intended destination of the network operation. This may be in the form: location::DN.

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The state of the destination party for a network call.

In case of network routing, the identifier of the switch where the call initially arrived.

DN of the internal origination party in the form location::DN. This attribute is only available for
first-party operations, those made on behalf of Agent 1, requested through a premise T-Server.

The role of a call participant with respect to an in-progress network-transfer request. For the agent
who originated the last network-transfer request, the value is RoleNtwkOrigParty. For the new
destination, the value is RoleNtwkDestParty. (Network T-Servers do not send this attribute.)

Uniquely identifies a switch within a network.

The directory number of the second most significant telephony object (except an ACD group or trunk
group) with respect to the event in question. The application does not have to be registered to this
directory number to receive the event in question.

The role of the telephony object specified by OtherDN in the event in question. For more information,
refer to the type DNRole in your API reference.

The directory number of the second most significant ACD group with respect to the event in question.

The identifier of the second most significant trunk group with respect to the event in question.

The identifier of the place requested for reservation.

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This attribute links two associated calls. For example, events related to an original call include the
connection ID of a consultation call; events related to a consultation call include the connection ID of
the original call. See ConnID.

When EventPartyChanged is generated for the party that is still only involved in an
original call (that is, ConnID has not been changed during a two-step operation), the
PreviousConnID attribute is equal to ConnID of the original call.

The private event identifier. For more information, refer to the type PrivateMsgType in your API

A pointer to an additional data structure that provides reasons for and results of actions taken by the
user of ThisDN. Any Reasons attribute that appears in TEvent is taken directly from the
corresponding request. (See ReferenceID in Events That Correspond to Requests.) There is no other
source for the information found in the content of the Reasons attribute. That is, no Reasons attribute
should be expected for an event that is unsolicited. An event with no reference ID has no identifiable
request that prompted it. See Persistent Reasons for more information.

(Switch information of a similar nature to this Genesys Reasons attribute is sometimes available, but
those switch reasons are passed in the Extensions attribute.)

This attribute identifies the connection ID that results from the merging of two calls.

ReferenceID is the identifier generated by T-Library or a TSetReferenceID() function call and
attached to the request a client sends to T-Server. Every time a client sends a request to T-Server, it
uses the current ReferenceID (increasing it by one each time). In response, T-Server generates an
event. Only in the response to the client who initiated the request, as acknowledgment that the
request has been fulfilled, the resulting event includes the same ReferenceID that was attached to
the request. If the request fails, EventError will be sent only to the requestor. The ReferenceID in
Events That Correspond to Requests table lists the events in which you will find the ReferenceID
corresponding to that found with the request that prompted its assignment initially.

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For a limited number of specific requests, as noted in the ReferenceID in Events That
Correspond to Requests table, T-Server may send more than one event with the same

ReferenceID in Events That Correspond to Requests

Request Event

General Requests

TOpenServer Not Applicable

TOpenServerEx Not Applicable
TDispatch Not Applicable
TCloseServer Not Applicable
TScanServer Not Applicable
TScanServerEx Not Applicable
TSetInputMask EventACK

Registration Requests

TRegisterAddress a EventRegistered

TUnregisterAddress a EventUnregistered

Call-Handling Requests

TAnswerCall EventEstablished
TClearCall EventReleased
THoldCall EventHeld
b EventDialing
TMakePredictiveCall EventDialing
TReleaseCall EventReleased
TRetrieveCall EventRetrieved
TRedirectCall EventReleased

Transfer/Conference Requests

TInitiateConference b EventDialing

TInitiateTransfer b EventDialing
TCompleteConference EventReleased
TCompleteTransfer First arriving EventReleased
TDeleteFromConference EventPartyDeleted or EventReleased

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Request Event
TReconnectCall EventRetrieved
TMergeCalls EventReleased
b EventDialing
TAlternateCall EventHeld
TSingleStepConference EventPartyAdded or EventRinging
TSingleStepTransferb EventReleased

Network Transfer/Conference Requests

TNetworkConsult EventNetworkCallStatus
TNetworkAlternate EventNetworkCallStatus
TNetworkTransfer EventNetworkCallStatus
TNetworkMerge EventNetworkCallStatus
TNetworkReconnect EventNetworkCallStatus
TNetworkSingleStepTransfer EventNetworkCallStatus
TNetworkPrivateService EventNetworkPrivateInfo

Call-Routing Requests

TRouteCall b EventRouteUsed

Call-Treatment Requests

TApplyTreatment EventTreatmentEnd or

TGiveMusicTreatment EventTreatmentApplied
TGiveRingBackTreatment EventTreatmentApplied
TGiveSilenceTreatment EventTreatmentApplied

DTMF Requests

TCollectDigits EventDigitsCollected

Voice-Mail Requests

TOpenVoiceFile EventVoiceFileOpened
TCloseVoiceFile EventVoiceFileClosed
TLoginMailBox EventMailBoxLogin
TLogoutMailBox EventMailBoxLogout
TPlayVoice EventVoiceFileEndPlay

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Request Event

Agent and DN Feature Requests

TAgentLogin EventAgentLogin
TAgentLogout EventAgentLogout or EventQueueLogout
TAgentSetReady EventAgentReady
TAgentSetNotReady EventAgentNotReady
TCallSetForward EventForwardSet
TCallCancelForward EventForwardCancel
TMonitorNextCall EventMonitoringNextCall
TCancelMonitoring EventMonitoringCancelled
TSetMuteOff EventMuteOff
TSetMuteOn EventMuteOn
TListenDisconnect EventListenDisconnected
TListenReconnect EventListenReconnected
TSetDNDOff EventDNDOff
TSetMessageWaitingOn EventMessageWaitingOn
TSetMessageWaitingOff EventMessageWaitingOff

Query Requests

TQueryAddress a EventAddressInfo

TQueryCall a EventPartyInfo
a EventLocationInfo

TQueryServer a EventServerInfo

TQuerySwitch a EventSwitchInfo

User-Data Requests

TAttachUserData EventAttachedDataChanged
TUpdateUserData EventAttachedDataChanged
TDeleteUserData EventAttachedDataChanged
TDeleteAllUserData EventAttachedDataChanged

ISCC Requests

TGetAccessNumber b EventAnswerAccessNumber
TCancelReqGetAccessNumber EventReqAccessNumberCanceled

Special Requests

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Request Event
TReserveAgent EventAgentReserved
TSendUserEvent EventACK
TSendEvent EventACK
TSendEventEx EventACK
TSetCallAttributes EventCallInfoChanged
TPrivateService EventPrivateInfo or EventAck

a. Only the requestor will receive a notification of the event associated with this request.
b. Since this feature request may be made across locations in a multi-site environment, if the location
attribute of the request contains a value relating to any location other than the local site, except
when the response to this request is EventError, there will be a second event response that contains
the same reference ID as the first event. This second event will be either
EventRemoteConnectionSuccess or EventRemoteConnectionFailed. See Extensions for more
information on data passed in multi-site environments.

Indicates uncertainty with respect to the reliability of an event. For more information, see
Reliability in your API reference.

The type of routing to be applied to the telephony object in question. For more information, refer to
the type RouteType in your API reference.

The type of routing between T-Servers to be applied to the telephony object in question. For more
information, refer to the type XRouteType in your API reference.

A local server handle to the T-Server in question. In other words, a unique identifier assigned by T-
Library to the connection between a client and T-Server. For more information, refer to the type
TServer in your API reference.

Specifies the Role of T-Server. For more information, refer to the type ServerRole in your API

The version (release) number of the running T-Server, for example,

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A unique session identifier generated by T-Server.

A unique subscription identifier generated by T-Server on the creation of a new transaction
monitoring subscription.

The directory number of the third most significant telephony object (except an ACD group or trunk
group) with respect to the event in question. The application does not have to be registered to this
directory number to receive the event in question.

The role of the telephony object specified by ThirdPartyDN in the event in question. For more
information, refer to the type DNRole in your API reference.

The directory number of the third most significant ACD group with respect to the event in question.

The identifier of the third most significant trunk group with respect to the event in question.

The directory number of the most significant telephony object (except an ACD group or trunk group)
with respect to the event in question. The application must be registered to this directory number to
receive the event in question.

The role of the telephony object specified by ThisDN in the event in question. For more information,
refer to the type DNRole in your API reference.

The directory number of the most significant ACD group with respect to the event in question.

The identifier of the most significant trunk with respect to the event in question.

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The structure specifies event generation time that is expressed in elapsed seconds and microseconds
since 00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970 (zero hour). For more information, refer to the type Time in your
API reference.

The type of treatment to be applied to the telephony object in question. For more information, refer
to the type TreatmentType in your API reference.

Specifies the pointer to the call-related user data. For more information about user data, refer to the
KVList section of your API reference.

This attribute indicates the agent/supervisor-related current work mode. For more information, refer
to the type AgentWorkMode in your API reference.

The reference number of a TGetAccessNumber() function that is called by an application.

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TEvent Structure
This section describes the syntax of the TEvent structure. For information on types of attributes and
possible values, see a full description of this structure in your API reference.

Although listed here, certain components of the TEvent structure are reserved for
internal use only.

typedef struct TEvent_tag {

enum TMessageType Event;
TServer Server;
int ReferenceID;
char *HomeLocation;
char *CustomerID;
TConnectionID ConnID;
TConnectionID PreviousConnID;
TCallID CallID;
int NodeID;
TCallID NetworkCallID;
int NetworkNodeID;
TCallHistoryInfo CallHistory;
TCallType CallType;
TCallState CallState;
TAgentID AgentID;
TAgentWorkMode WorkMode;
long ErrorCode;
char *ErrorMessage;
TFile FileHandle;
char *CollectedDigits;
char LastCollectedDigit;
TDirectoryNumber ThisDN;
TDirectoryNumber ThisQueue;
unsigned long ThisTrunk;
TDNRole ThisDNRole;
TDirectoryNumber OtherDN;
TDirectoryNumber OtherQueue;
unsigned long OtherTrunk;
TDNRole OtherDNRole;
TDirectoryNumber ThirdPartyDN;
TDirectoryNumber ThirdPartyQueue;
unsigned long ThirdPartyTrunk;
TDNRole ThirdPartyDNRole;
TDirectoryNumber DNIS;
TDirectoryNumber ANI;
TAddressInfoType InfoType;
TAddressInfoStatus InfoStatus;
TTreatmentType TreatmentType;
TRouteType RouteType;
char *ServerVersion;
TServerRole ServerRole;
TMask Capabilities;
TKVList *UserData;

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TKVList *Reasons;
TKVList *Extensions;
TTimeStamp Time;
void *RawData;
TDirectoryNumber AccessNumber;
TXRouteType XRouteType;
TReferenceID XReferenceID;
TKVList *TreatmentParameters;
char *Place;
int Timeout;
TMediaType MediaType;
TLocationInfoType LocationInfo;
TMonitorNextCallType MonitorNextCallType;
TPrivateMsgType PrivateEvent;
/* Application data (set by TSetApplicationData) */
void *ApplicationData;
} TEvent;

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T-Library Call-Based Notifications

This section describes the events generated when T-Server notifies a client of call-based activity.
Each event listed here is identified with a description, the contents of the event (presented in table
format as a list of the attributes associated with it), and an example of where the event is likely to be
encountered during a call flow. (The format of this part of the section is the same as the general
events section, T-Library Events.)

The information in this T-Library Call-Based Notifications section replaces a now
deprecated solution that used existing DN-based functions to obtain call-based
notifications. That former solution required that T-Server clients register for abstract
DNs in a Genesys implementation. In order to indicate that an abstract DN was
notifying or was being referred to by a parameter of a function, a double colon was
used after certain event attributes or parameters, namely dn and location, as in

This section has the following subsections:

• Call Definition
• T-Library Call-Based Events
• Multi-Site Call Scenarios

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Call Definition
A call is a temporary association among several telephony objects (or between a telephony object
and a network entity) that is established by the use of telephony network capabilities. This
association may have from zero to many parties. A call is a stateless object that has a Universally
Unique ID (UUID) attribute, a Connection ID (comparable to the DN-based attribute of the same name
used in event reporting), a type, a number of optional attributes, and a list of parties.

Consultation calls not only have references to the active call, but also to the main
(original) call. In multi-site environments, related calls are linked to each other my
means of Inter-Site Links (IS-Links). (See Multi-Site Call Scenarios for details.) Except
for these two cases of additional references, all calls are processed and reported on
independently of one another.

Call Attributes
CallUUID (string)—UUID of the call.
ISLinkList—List of links to call instances distributed across remote sites.
ConnID (conn-id)—Connection ID of the call.
CallType (int)—Call type (Internal/Inbound/Outbound/Consult).
OrigCallUUID—UUID of the main call (for consult calls only).

The following additional attributes for calls have the same definitions as their DN-
based analogs. See individual listings under Event Attributes.

NodeID (int)
NetworkCallID (ulong64)
NetworkNodeID (int)
ANI (string)
DNIS (string)
UserData (kv-list)

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T-Library Call-Based Events

This section describes the call-based events and how they differ from their DN-based counterparts.

Event contents are presented as the collection of attributes associated with each event, as well as an
indication of that attribute's type. For the purposes of this section, type has one of two values:
Mandatory or Optional. Here type refers to the presence of the attribute at the time of the
generation of its event, and not to a characteristic of the attribute itself.

Attribute Type

• Mandatory—Indicates that this attribute is always present when its associated event occurs.
• Optional—Indicates that this attribute may or may not be present when the associated event occurs.

List of T-Library Call-Based Events

There are only three notifications available for calls: EventCallCreated, EventCallDataChanged, and
EventCallDeleted. Each call-based event may have a number of attributes, and, except for a call's
CallUUID, all call attributes (including ConnID and ISLinkList) may have values that change. For
Hot Standby redundant environments, CallUUID is replicated from the primary to the backup T-

T-Server may report several changes to a call in one event, even if the changes are
caused by different CTI messages.


Indicates that a call has been created in T-Server.


Event Attribute Type

CallUUID Mandatory
a Optional

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Event Attribute Type

ConnID Mandatory
CallType Optional
OrigCallUUID Optional
CallID Optional
NodeID Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
ANI Optional
DNIS Optional
UserData Optional
CustomerID Optional

DialedNumber b Optional

a. Applies to resynchronization cases only (T-Server with clients upon initial connect or reconnect at
HA switchover). Otherwise, this value is typically unknown at call creation.
b. Applies to outgoing calls only. This optional attribute (string) contains the number dialed, if known
when the call is created (which would be possible only if it had been created at a client’s request).


Indicates that some of a given call's properties have changed.


Unlike DN-based notifications, EventCallDataChanged includes as attributes only
those call attributes that have changed. (Except for CallUUID and ConnID,
unchanged attributes are not present in the event, including ISLinkList; in the
event that user data is deleted from the call, the UserData attribute contains an
empty TKVList.)

Event Attribute Type

CallUUID Mandatory
ISLinkList Optional
ConnID Mandatory

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Event Attribute Type

CallType Optional
OrigCallUUID Optional
CallID Optional
NodeID Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional
ANI Optional
DNIS Optional
UserData Optional
CustomerID Optional

CtrlParty a Optional

a. A reference to the party that caused the change.


Indicates that the call has been deleted.


Event Attribute Type

CallUUID Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory

Cause a Optional

RefCallUUID b Optional

RefConnID c Optional

CtrlParty d Optional

a. An integer indicating the cause of the deletion, for instance, a transfer or conference.
b. CallUUID for the call to which this one was merged, as in the case of a transfer, conference, or
c. The RefConnID attribute can only be present if the cause of the call deletion is a transfer,
conference, or merge.
d. A reference to the party that initiated the disconnection of the call.

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EventReleased — DEPRECATED

The telephony object specified by ConnID has been deleted from T-Server memory.

T-Server delivers this version of EventReleased when the DN referred to by the
parameter ThisDN is an abstract DN. (Here the attribute ThisDN uses the name of the
T-Server application as listed in the Configuration Layer, with a double colon added, or
the name of the switch, also with a double colon added.) Clients receive this event
each time a call is released on each of the abstract DNs for which they are registered.

EventReleased Contents—DEPRECATED

Event Attribute Type

ANI Optional
CallHistory Optional
CallID Mandatory
CallState Mandatory
CallType Mandatory
ConnID Mandatory
RefConnID Optional a
CollectedDigits Optional
CustomerID Optional
DNIS Optional
Event Mandatory
Extensions Optional
NetworkCallID Optional
NetworkNodeID Optional

PreviousConnID b Optional
Reasons Optional
Server Mandatory
c Mandatory
time Mandatory
TransferredNetworkCallID Optional
TransferredNetworkNodeID Optional

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Event Attribute Type

UserData Optional
Reliability Mandatory

a. This attribute is mandatory for call CallStateTransferred, CallStateConferenced, and

b. The attribute must appear if CallType is Consult.
c. The attribute ThisDN uses the name of the T-Server application as listed in the Configuration Layer
or the name of the switch. In both cases, the indication that EventReleased is based on an abstract
DN is through the use of the double colon in the notification, as in AttributeThisDN=<location>::,
where location is the name of the T-Server or switch.


EventReleased Feature

For more information, refer to Call Models and Flows.

Extensions in EventAddressInfo and EventRegistered for Abstract DNs—DEPRECATED

InfoStatus Attribute Extensions

Key Value Type Value Description


The ConnectionID of a
conn-%d string call (converted into a
The CallType for the
ct-%d integer corresponding

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Multi-Site Call Scenarios

A basic principle for multi-site reporting is that T-Server does not try to support the same model for
multi-site calls as it does for those that are local. Instead, it is the client's responsibility to merge call
information into a single unit based on the call's relationship information provided by T-Server. To
help with multi-site call reporting, Genesys has introduced the Inter-Site Link (IS-Link) with the
following properties:

• Each IS-Link has a UUID, assigned at the time of creation and reported in ISLinkList.
• For Hot Standby redundant environments, IS-Links on each side are also replicated from the primary to
the backup T-Server.
• At any moment, IS-Link may be associated with no more than two calls (located on different T-Servers).
• IS-Link may represent a communication channel, for instance, a voice channel between calls in
different switching domains.
• Alternatively, IS-Link may associate two calls that continue each other, connected together through
association with the same external participant, for instance, an incoming call overflowed or re-
routed by an external network to another switching domain.

• On each T-Server the IS-Link–associated call is reported in the context of the CallUUID, independent of
the other T-Server.
• The IS-Link call association does not depend on any T-Server options. In the Multi-Site Call Transfer
diagram, for instance, the link is always connected to the call labelled cons, even if T-Server is
instructed to populate the ConnID/UserData of the call labelled orig for the remote site.
• An IS-Link may be re-attached to a different call on the same T-Server, but only as a result of a merge
operation. This action is not reported explicitly, but assumed from EventCallDeleted, with a
RefCallUUID attribute specification.
• A call may have more than one associated IS-Link.
• In some scenarios when there is an overflow from a queue, an IS-Link may be attached to a call after
the call is reported as deleted.

The following diagram illustrates a case of three related calls, of which only two are linked together.

Multi-Site Call Transfer

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The association between an IS-Link and a call is reported in EventCallDataChanged, which is

distributed to call-monitoring clients. Often, the same event may also report a change in ConnID and
UserData as the result of multi-site synchronization.

In most cases, IS-Link is attached before the first DN-based event is sent. (That is,
before EventRinging and EventRouteRequest.) The exception is with events for
trunks that have trunk monitoring. T-Server clients should be capable of processing
later updates.

Simple Multi-Site Call

In this scenario, events for which are described in the following table, DN A on Site 1 calls DN B on
Site 2.

Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

Call-Based Call-Based
DN-Based Events DN-Based Events
Notifications Notifications

A: TMakeCall to B (Site 2)

ConnID x

(x replaced by ISCC) ConnID c
ThisDN A ISLinkList UUID-
OtherDN B a

ConnID y
CallUUID UUID-X EventRinging EventCallData-
ConnID c Changed
OtherDN B a ConnID c CallUUID UUID-Y
(y replaced by ISCC) ConnID c
ThisDN B ISLinkList UUID-
OtherDN A a L@'site1'

B: TAnswerCall()

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Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID c ConnID c
ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B a OtherDN A a

Multi-Site Call Transfer

In this scenario, events for which are described in the following table, DN B on Site 1 initiates a
transfer for an existing call to DN C on Site 2.

Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

Call-Based Call-Based
DN-Based Events DN-Based Events
Notifications Notifications

B is in conversation with A.
B: TInitiateTransfer to C (Site 2)

OriginCallUUID UUID-
ConnID c

ConnID cons CallUUID UUID-X
(c replaced by ISCC) ConnID cons
TransferConnID orig ISLinkList UUID-
ThisDN B L@'site2'
OtherDN C

ConnID y
CallUUID UUID-X EventCallData-
ConnID cons Changed
TransferConnID orig CallUUID UUID-Y
OtherDN C ConnID ext a
(y replaced by ISCC) ConnID ext a
ThisDN C ISLinkList UUID-
OtherDN B L@'site1', (optional:

B: TAnswerCall()

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Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID cons ConnID ext a
ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN B

a. For compatibility with existing solutions, ConnID is assigned at the remote site based on the value
of the use-data-from option at the origination T-Server. If there exists a call with a duplicate ConnID,
a new, unique ID is generated (and, for DN-based reporting purposes, the reference to the other call
is passed in the LastTransferConnID attribute).

Transfer/Conference Completion
At the completion of a transfer or conference, the origination T-Server distributes the same events as
in a standard single-site model. The destination T-Server may not report the completion of the
transfer or conference at all, or may report it and even report on the call context change, for
instance, if EPP is in effect. Transfer completion might be reported as in the table below.

For transfer completion, no explicit reporting of changes in call relations is required.

EventCallDeleted with RefCallUUID implies a move of all previously attached IS-Links from call

Multi-Site Call Transfer Completion

Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

Call-Based Call-Based
DN-Based Events DN-Based Events
Notifications Notifications
ConnID orig
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

ConnID cons
TransferConnID orig
ThisDN B
OtherDN C

ConnID orig
PreviousConnID orig
ThisDN A
OtherDN C

EventCallDeleted EventPartyChangedEventCallDataChanged
CallUUID UUID-X (Optional) (Optional)
Cause Transfer CallUUID UUID-Y CallUUID UUID-Y

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Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

ThisDN C
CtrlParty B ConnID orig ConnID orig
PreviousConnID ext

Attaching the IS-Link Post Mortem

The following three scenarios (Simple Call Overflow, Overflow On the Intermediate Switch, and Mute
Transfer With Overflow) describe instances where the IS-Link is assigned in non-standard ways, after
the call has been deleted.

Simple Call Overflow

In the case of call overflow, even for a simple scenario, T-Server may discover the relation between
two calls only after overflowed call has already been deleted.

Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

Call-Based Call-Based
DN-Based Events DN-Based Events
Notifications Notifications
ConnID loc CallUUID UUID-X
ThisDN B ConnID loc
OtherDN A

ConnID loc
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

EventQueued CallUUID UUID-Y
EventCallDataChanged ConnID y
CallUUID UUID-X ConnID rem (y EventCallData-
ISLinkList UUID- replaced by ISCC) Changed
L@‘site2' ThisDN C CallUUID UUID-Y
OtherDN A ConnID rem
ISLinkList UUID-

Overflow On the Intermediate Switch

In the case of a call being overflowed on the intermediate switch (distinct from both the original and

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destination), or overflowed two or more times, call information may be deleted at the transit site,
even if that information still exists at the end site. The reporting is similar to the case of the simple
overflow, and is shown below.

Origination (Site Destination (Site

Transit (Site 2)
1) 3)
Call-Based Call-Based Call-Based
Notifications Notifications Notifications
EventCallCreated CallUUID UUID-Y
ConnID conn-2
ConnID conn-1

EventCallDataChanged EventCallDataChanged EventCallCreated

ConnID rem1 CallUUID UUID-Z
ISLinkList UUID-
ISLinkList UUID- ConnID conn-3

EventCallDataChanged EventCallDataChanged
ISLinkList ConnID rem3
UUID-L1@‘site1' ISLinkList UUID-
UUID-L2@‘site3' L2@‘site2'

Mute Transfer With Overflow

In case of a mute transfer to a remote site, in combination with a call overflow, the relationship
between the two calls may be discovered after the active call has been merged into the main call.

Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

Call-Based Call-Based
DN-Based Events DN-Based Events
Notifications Notifications
... ...
ConnID orig
PreviousConnID cons
ThisDN A

Cause Transfer


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Origination (Site 1) Destination (Site 2)

ConnID y

EventRinging EventCallData-
EventCallDataChanged Changed
CallUUID UUID-X ConnID ext (y replaced CallUUID UUID-Y
ISLinkList UUID- by ISCC) ConnID ext
L@‘site2' ThisDN C ISLinkList UUID-
OtherDN B L@‘site1'

Client-Side IS-Link Processing

Genesys recommends taking into consideration the following principles when developing for client-
side support of multi-site call-linkage discovery.

• If the same IS-Link is listed for two calls, the calls are linked together.
• An IS-Link relation is transitive: If A is linked to B, and B linked to C, then A is also linked to C.
• In order to accommodate overflow scenarios and possible network delays, you should preserve call
information, even after EventCallDeleted, for a short time before purging it.
• In order to accommodate transitive call linkage, call information should be preserved as long as there
are two or more active IS-Link associations with a call for which information would otherwise be purged.
(For instance, avoid unlinking A and C by deleting B's call information.)
• Static storage of IS-Links can be presented in a table indexed by ISLinkUUID. In such a table, each IS-
Link record provides placeholders for two calls (UUIDs) and two sites.
• For situations where only a subset of sites is visible to a client or an external routing request proves
unsuccessful, the IS-Link record may remain incomplete (refer to one call only). These types of records
will be discarded when the single call is purged.
• For dynamic IS-Link storage when one call is merged with another, all IS-Links should be moved to (or
applied towards) the remaining call.
• An IS-Link record expires when either of two calls is purged.

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Genesys Events ISCC Transaction Monitoring

ISCC Transaction Monitoring

ISCC Transaction monitoring is a feature for working with multi-site environments. ISCC is an internal
T-Server component responsible for T-Server's multi-site operations such as multi-site call transfer,
inter-site call linkage, call overflow, and other, possibly non-call–related, multi-site operations.
Internally, those operations are called transactions.

This section describes the interfaces that allow you to work with ISCC Transaction Monitoring: the
TTransactionMonitoring() function, the TSubscriptionOperationType enumeration, and
EventTransactionStatus. Use these to subscribe and work with this feature. In particular, the key-
value pairs of the Extensions attribute returned in EventTransactionStatus expose details of call-
transfer availability (the current state of ISCC transactions), such as delays and losses, in the multi-
site environment.

The content of this section represents the implementation of the transaction model exposed as an
extension of the existing T-Library SDK.

This section has the following subsections:

• The Subscription Type

• Subscribing to Transaction Monitoring
• The Transaction Monitoring Event
• Transaction Monitoring States
• Transaction Monitoring Elements

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The Subscription Type

There is one enumeration that relates to transaction monitoring, TSubscriptionOperationType.

This enumeration defines an operation on a subscription to Transaction Monitoring Feature

typedef enum {
} TSubscriptionOperationType;


• SubscriptionStart—Request to create a new subscription.

• SubscriptionStop—Request to stop an existing subscription.

• SubscriptionModify—Request to modify the rules of an existing subscription.

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Subscribing to Transaction Monitoring

To initiate transaction monitoring, your code must call the following function.

This function requests a T-Server to start, stop, or modify a subscription to the Transaction Monitoring
Feature notifications. If a request is successful (EventACK), EventTransactionStatus
(EventTransactionStatus) is distributed to the requestor.

int TTransactionMonitoring (
TServer tserver_handle,
TSubscriptionOperationType subscription_operation,
const char * subscription_identifier,
const TKVList * subscription_rules


• tserver_handle—Local server handle to the T-Server in question.

• subscription_operation—This parameter represents an operation on a subscription to Transaction

Monitoring Feature notifications. Its value is one of TSubscriptionOperationType. A value of this
parameter should be provided by the T-Server client.

• subscription_identifier—This parameter represents a subscription identifier. A value should be NULL

for the operation SubscriptionStart. For other operations its value should be taken from the message
EventACK. It is generated by a T-Server on a creation of a new subscription.

• subscription_rules—This parameter contains subscription rules. A value of this parameter should be

provided by the T-Server client. Its value should be NULL for the operation SubscriptionStop. See
Subscription Rules for details.

Return Values
The Transaction Monitoring Feature return value is a standard return value for the T-Library API:

• >0—Reference number (ReferenceID) assigned to this request by the T-Library API.

• <0—Error condition.

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Subscription Rules
Subscription rules are provided by T-Server clients and passed as part of a notify key-value pair in
the Extensions attribute for RequestTransactionMonitoring. They are represented as a key-value

Every subscription rule key-value pair contains a notification mode for one element. The key
represents the name of the element. The value represents the requested notification mode. If no key
has as its name a given element, then that element's default notification mode is used. See
Transaction Monitoring Elements for the list of all default notification modes.

The following is an example RequestTransactionMonitoring with subscription rules included:

AttributeReferenceID reference-id-1
AttributeSubscriptionOperation SubscriptionStart
notify (list)
class.name always
object.local-id always
iscc.transaction.state always
iscc.direction.role once
iscc.is-link-creation never

The local attribute object.local-id represents a unique identifier of the Local Transaction Instance.
The value of this attribute is different from the value of the Global Identifier attribute.

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The Transaction Monitoring Event

You can expect to receive EventTransactionStatus once you have successfully subscribed to
transaction monitoring. Information about your subscription request is also available from EventACK,
EventError, and EventServerInfo. For descriptions of these general T-Library events and their
transaction monitoring specifics, see EventACK, EventError, and EventServerInfo. For descriptions of
event attributes generally, see Event Attributes.


This message is an implementation of Transaction Monitoring Feature notification. This notification is
associated with one of the subscriptions requested by the T-Server client. The key-value pairs of the
Extensions attribute expose details of call-transfer availability (the current state of ISCC
transactions), such as delays and losses, in the multi-site environment.


Event Attribute Type

SubscriptionID a Mandatory
Extensions Mandatory

a. For a description of this attribute, see SubscriptionID in the general Event Attributes descriptions.

The following examples demonstrate the main requests and expected responses for cases related to
transaction monitoring.

Transaction Monitoring Feature: Query


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Transaction Monitoring Feature: Subscribe

Transaction Monitoring Feature: Unsubscribe

Transaction Monitoring Feature: Modify Subscription

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Transaction Monitoring States

This section presents models (including substates and transitions) of the states related to transaction
monitoring: the Object, Abstract Transaction, IS Link Creation Feature, Call Operation Feature, and
Resource Feature states.

Object State

Object State


• created—For an object that has just been created; the first transition for every object (from initial to

• changed—An object's attributes have been changed (from alive to alive).

• destroyed—An object has just been destroyed; the last transition for every object (from alive to dead).

• mortinato—An object has been created and destroyed at one time; the last transition for every object
(from initial to dead).

The Object component is present with every object instance, from the initial to the final transition. All
attributes of an object component are present with every object instance at all times.

If the object instance has exactly one transition, for instance, iscc.transaction.rejected or
iscc.transaction.done, the object component of such an object instance has one transition as well.
In this case the transition is object.mortinato.

If the object instance has two transitions, for instance, iscc.transaction.started and

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iscc.transaction.completed, the object component of the object instance has two transitions:
object.created and then object.destroyed.

If the object instance has more then two transitions, the object component of this object instance is
present for every notification event. The first notification event has a transition of object.created.

The last notification event has a transition object.destroyed. Notification events that occur
between those two have a transition of object.changed.

Abstract Transaction State

Abstract Transaction State


• in-progress—The transaction instance is in progress.

• successful—The transaction instance has successfully completed.

• failed—The transaction instance has abnormally terminated.


• started—Transaction instance has started (from initial to in-progress).

• completed—Transaction instance has completed successfully (from in-progress to successful).

• terminated—Transaction instance has completed abnormally (from in-progress to failed).

• done—Transaction instance has started and has completed successfully at the same time (from initial to
successful). This transition might be considered as two consecutive transitions—started and
completed—occurring without an intermediate delay. Such a transition might happen when the initial
conditions for this transaction instance are met (all the required resources are available), and the
transaction can be completed at this same time.

• rejected—Transaction has started and has completed abnormally at the same time (from initial to
failed). You could consider this transition as two consecutive transitions—started and

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terminated—occurring without an intermediate delay. Such a transition might happen when the initial
conditions for this transaction are not met (a required resource is permanently unavailable), or the
transaction can never succeed.

The Abstract Transaction component is present with every object instance, from the initial to the final
transition. All attributes of an abstract transaction component are present with every object instance
and at all times.

IS Link Creation Feature State

IS Link Creation Feature State


• in-progress—IS Link creation is in progress.

• successful—IS Link creation has successfully completed.

• failed—IS Link creation has terminated abnormally.


• started—IS Link creation has started (from initial to in-progress).

• completed—IS Link creation has completed successfully (from in-progress to successful).

• terminated—IS Link creation has completed abnormally (from in-progress to failed).

• done—IS Link creation has started and has completed successfully at the same time (from initial to
successful). This transition might be considered as two consecutive transitions—started and
completed—occurring without an intermediate delay.

• rejected—IS Link creation has started and has completed abnormally at the same time (from initial to
failed). You could consider this transition as two consecutive transitions—started and

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terminated—occurring without an intermediate delay.

The IS Link Creation feature component works asynchronously with respect to the Call Operation and
Resource features. The IS Link Creation feature component starts when all checks for transaction
validity have successfully passed. It ends when the transaction instance ends. Attributes of this
component are present with the transaction instance from the time the IS Link Creation feature
component starts and till it ends.

Call Operation Feature State

Call Operation Feature State


• in-progress—Call operation is in progress.

• successful—Call operation has successfully completed.

• failed—Call operation has abnormally terminated.


• started—Call operation has started (from initial to in-progress).

• completed—Call operation has successfully completed (from in-progress to successful).

• terminated—Call operation has completed abnormally (from in-progress to failed).

• done—Call operation has started and completed at the same time (from initial to successful). This
transition might be considered as two consecutive transitions—started and completed—occurring
without an intermediate delay.

• rejected—Call operation has started and has completed abnormally at the same time (from initial to
failed). You could consider this transition as two consecutive transitions—started and

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terminated—occurring without an intermediate delay.

The Call Operation feature component works asynchronously with respect to the IS Link Creation and
Resource features. The Call Operation feature component starts when ISCC starts performing a given
call operation to fulfill a multi-site operation. Usually, it represents a request/response message pair.
The Call Operation feature component ends when the transaction instance ends. (The attribute
iscc.call-operation.call-id is present when a call related to the call operation is known.)

Resource Feature State

Resource Feature State


• exclusive—The resource has been acquired in exclusive mode.

• shared—The resource has been released, and might be acquired by another transaction.

• pending—A resource is temporarily unavailable.

• unavailable—A resource is permanently unavailable.


• acquired—The resource has been acquired exclusively (from initial to exclusive).

• released—The resource has been released (from exclusive to shared).

• postponed—The resource is temporarily unavailable; the transaction has been postponed (from initial to

• resumed—The resource is available; the transaction has resumed (from pending to exclusive).

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• rejected—A resource is unavailable permanently from the outset; the transaction has been rejected
(from initial to unavailable).

• terminated—A resource became unavailable permanently; the transaction has been terminated (from
pending to unavailable).

The Resource feature component works asynchronously with respect to the IS Link Creation and Call
Operation features. The Resource feature component starts when ISCC tries for first time to acquire a
resource required for the multi-site operation. The Resource feature component ends when the
transaction instance ends. The attribute iscc.resource.name is present from the time when ISCC
successfully acquires the corresponding resource.

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Transaction Monitoring Elements

The following table contains a full list of transaction monitoring elements and their default
notification modes.

Full Set of Transaction Elements

Element Type Element Name Default Notification Mode
feature class never
attribute class.id never
attribute class.name once
attribute class.namespace never
attribute class.feature-set once
feature object never
attribute object.id always
attribute object.local-id never
attribute object.state never
state object.alive
state object.dead
transition object.created never
transition object.changed never
transition object.destroyed never
transition object.mortinato never
namespace iscc
feature iscc.transaction always
attribute iscc.transaction.state never
state iscc.transaction.in-progress
state iscc.transaction.successful
state iscc.transaction.failed
transition iscc.transaction.started always
transition iscc.transaction.completed always
transition iscc.transaction.terminated always
transition iscc.transaction.done always
transition iscc.transaction.terminated always
feature iscc.direction always
attribute iscc.direction.role once
feature iscc.is-link-creation always
attribute iscc.is-link-creation.is-link-id once
attribute iscc.is-link-creation.state never

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Genesys Events ISCC Transaction Monitoring

Element Type Element Name Default Notification Mode

state iscc.is-link-creation.in-progress
state iscc.is-link-creation.successful
state iscc.is-link-creation.failed
transition iscc.is-link-creation.started always
transition iscc.is-link-creation.completed always
transition iscc.is-link-creation.terminated always
transition iscc.is-link-creation.done always
transition iscc.is-link-creation.rejected always
feature iscc.call-operation always
attribute iscc.call-operation.call-id on-change
attribute iscc.call-operation.state never
state iscc.call-operation.in-progress
state iscc.call-operation.successful
state iscc.call-operation.failed
transition iscc.call-operation.started always
transition iscc.call-operation.completed always
transition iscc.call-operation.terminated always
transition iscc.call-operation.done always
transition iscc.call-operation.rejected always
feature iscc.resource always
attribute iscc.resource.name once
attribute iscc.resource.state never
state iscc.resource.exclusive
state iscc.resource.shared
state iscc.resource.pending
state iscc.resource.unavailable
transition iscc.resource.acquired always
transition iscc.resource.released always
transition iscc.resource.postponed always
transition iscc.resource.resumed always
transition iscc.resource.terminated always
transition iscc.resource.rejected always
class iscc.transaction-route always
class iscc.transaction-direct-callid always
class iscc.transaction-reroute always
class iscc.transaction-direct-uui always
class iscc.transaction-direct-ani always

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Element Type Element Name Default Notification Mode

class iscc.transaction-direct-notoken always
class iscc.transaction-dnis-pool always
class iscc.transaction-direct-digits always
class iscc.transaction-pullback always
class iscc.transaction-route-uui always
class iscc.transaction-network-callid always
class iscc.transaction-cof-callid always
class iscc.transaction-cof-ani always
class always

Genesys Events and Models Reference 159

Genesys Events T-Library Unstructured Data

T-Library Unstructured Data

This section describes how T-Server accommodates and allows programmers to work with
unstructured data. There are three types of unstructured data supported by T-Server: user data,
extensions, and reasons.

This section contains the following subsections:

• User Data
• Extensions
• Reasons

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User Data
Transaction-related user data is structured as a list of data items described as key-value pairs, where
the key stands for a parameter name and the value represents the current value of that parameter.
Each key-value pair may contain information about only one parameter, whose value can be an
integer, character string, binary type, or unicode.

Support for unicode is not backward compatible. Unicode should only be used in
uniform 7.0 environments (where all clients use the 7.0 release of T-Library). In mixed
environments, clients built with earlier releases of T-Library will not be able to decode
unicode sent from 7.0 clients and servers.

There is no specific size limitation for the number of key-value pairs or for the size of individual keys
or values. However, the total size of the key-value pairs is limited. When in a packed format, the total
size of the pairs must not exceed the configured value (default is 16,000 bytes); the configured value
has a maximum of 65,535 bytes.

Increasing the configured value above 16,000 bytes, a feature introduced with release
7.0, may degrade performance. Moreover, if the value is set above the 16,000-byte
default, release 6.5 components of a Genesys environment cannot properly process
the data passed to them, and may even become unstable.

Arrival, Use, and Manipulation of User Data

User Data can arrive at a client application with any event that contains the UserData attribute in its
TEvent structure. Client applications should be designed with the ability to view that data. Moreover,
since applications may need to create or modify user data and send it to T-Server for processing
elsewhere in the system, Genesys provides built-in functions for this purpose.

There are a variety of functions available for the creation and manipulation of user data. (See the
Voice Platform SDK API Reference .NET or Java for details on all such available functions.) While these
functions do not generate requests of T-Server, they allow client applications to create contact-
related data structures understandable for other T-Server clients and to read and modify contact-
related information coming from other clients via T-Server. A created or modified data structure will
typically be sent to T-Server using the TAttachUserData() or TUpdateUserData() function (both of
which are specified in the tlibrary.h header file). Examples of how to use user data functions are
also available with the SDK documentation.

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The functions for the creation and manipulation of user data fall into three broad groups: reading
functions, creation functions, and modification functions. Reading functions are invoked every time
an application wants to use contact-related information for its internal purposes. Creation and
modification functions are only used by an application to make new data available to other client
applications of T-Server.

User Data in Consultation Calls

In addition to creating and modifying user data, it is also important to provide ways for user data to
be shared among parties on a consultation call. T-Server provides three methods of handling user
data for consultation calls. In the first method, called the separate method, user data for the
consultation call is attached and stored separately from the user data attached to the original call. In
the second, called the inherited method, user data attached to the original call is copied to the
consultation call at the moment the consultation call is initiated; after that, any changes to the
original call's user data do not affect the consultation call's user data, and vice versa. In the third,
called thejoint method, user data attached to either the original or the consultation call is associated
with the original call and, yet, can be seen and changed by the parties of both calls.

A consultation call can be initiated with a T-Library request, such as TInitiateConference(),

TInitiateTransfer(), or TMuteTransfer(). Use the Extensions attribute with the
ConsultUserData key specified in the request to set the method of handling user data for a
consultation call. Extensions for details on this attribute in other contexts. A key-value pair with the
ConsultUserData key can have the following values:

• default
• separate
• inherited
• joint

Default Value
Applying the value default to the ConsultUserData key causes T-Server to use the current value
specified for its consult-user-data configuration option. See your specific T-Server Deployment
Guide to learn more about this option. If a conference/transfer request does not contain the
ConsultUserData key, the value specified in the consult-user-data option applies. Otherwise, the
method of handling user data is based on the value of the ConsultUserData key-value pair of the

Separate Method
Assigning the value separate to the ConsultUserData key tells T-Server to store an original call's
user data separately from the consultation call's user data. Consequently, the data attached to the
original call is only available to the original call's parties for review and change, while the data
attached to the consultation call is only available to the consultation call's parties.

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Inherited Method
Using the inherited value for the ConsultUserData key tells T-Server to copy the user data from the
original call to the user data structure of the consultation call when the consultation call is initiated.
After the consultation call is established, its user data is stored separately from the original call's user
data. Further changes to the original call's user data are not available to the consultation call's
parties and vice versa.

Joint Method
Using the joint value for the ConsultUserData key tells T-Server to maintain the same user data
structure for the original call and for any number of derived consultation calls. The user data
structure is associated with the original call, but any of the parties of the original and consultation
calls can see and make changes in the common user data. T-Server associates the user data
structure with the first consultation call in a consultation call chain when the original call has ended.
(A consultation call chain is created when a consulted party initiates another consultation call.) If two
consultation call chains are created on different legs of the ended original call, T-Server duplicates
the user data structure and associates the structures with the chains independently. Further changes
of user data made by the parties of one chain will not be visible to the parties of other chains.

User Data in Multi-Site Consultation Calls

For multi-site (ISCC) consultation calls, in addition to the ConsultUserData key or the consult-user-
data option, setting the use-data-from T-Server common option also affects user data. The use-
data-from option specifies for a given consultation call that is routed or transferred to a remote
location, what the source of its values for the UserData and ConnID attributes should be. (For the full
description, see the "Multi-Site Support Section" of the "T-Server Common Configuration Options"
chapter of the T-Server Deployment Guide.)

The following call flow example illustrates how setting these different values affects the availability of
user data.

An established call for DN A on site A has a UserData attribute with the key M.

1. DN A on site A initiates a conference with DN B on site B. This call has additional UserData with the key
2. DN A on site A completes the conference.

Events on DN B have the following UserData according to how you set options consult-user-data
and use-data-from.

Resulting Keys for User Data Based on Use of Different Options

Value of
Value of consult-user-data

separate inherited joint

Genesys Events and Models Reference 163

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Value of
Value of consult-user-data

original M M M; C
active C M; C M; C
a C M; C M; C
current (1)

current (2) b M M M; C

a. If UserData is reported after the initiation of the conference, these keys result.
b. If UserData is reported after the completion of the conference, these keys result. The assumption
for this case is that the option merged-user-data is set to main-only (the default value).

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An extension is a pointer to a data structure that takes into account switch-specific features and
information that cannot be described by the other parameters in an event or a request. The
extensions detailed in this section, however, pertain only to requests. They are applicable to all T-
Servers and permit tuning of T-Server operations. Extensions for requests that apply only to particular
T-Servers are described in the individual T-Server Deployment Guides.

T-Library Events for information on the key-value pairs (the extensions) that appear in
the Extensions attribute of events (as members of the TEvent structure).

Hardware Reasons in Extensions

In most cases, hardware-issued reasons are noted in the ReasonCode key-value pair in the
Extensions attribute of four specific function calls and their corresponding events. (See TAgentLogin,
TAgentLogout, TAgentSetReady, and TAgentSetNotReady for more information.) However, such issues
are not limited to being present in those four functions (or their corresponding events).

Hardware-based reasons, as passed by extensions, are handled differently than Genesys reasons. For
an illustration of the handling differences between hardware-based reasons and Genesys reasons,
see the Genesys Reasons versus Media-Device Reasons diagram.

Extensions Common to All T-Servers According to Request

This section details the relationship between certain extensions and the relationships they may have
with specific requests.

ISCC Extensions

With the 7.0 release of T-Library, the iscc prefix for extensions does not necessarily
mean that multiple sites are involved in a given request. These extensions are now
supported for single-site scenarios as well.

The Extensions attributes in the following table apply to requests passed between T-Servers. (In
multi-site environments, these are ISCC-processed requests.) The requests that use these extensions
include the functions TMakeCall(), TInitiateConference(), TInitiateTransfer(),
TMuteTransfer(), TSingleStepTransfer(), TRouteCall(), and TGetAccessNumber().

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Extensions Common to All ISCC-Processed Requests

Key Value Value Description
Controls where extension
iscc-pass-extensiona string (local, remote, or both) attributes are passed from an
original client request.
Routing type to be used. See
integer (or string value of one of TXRouteType() in your API
the enumerated route types) reference for the complete list of
route types available.
iscc-ar-agent-dn string Destination DN
iscc-ar-agent-id string Destination agent's ID
iscc-ar-place string The destination agent's place
Required time that an agent is to
be reserved, in milliseconds
iscc-ar-duration integer
(Specify -1 to use the default of
100000 milliseconds.)
Requested priority (Specify -1 to
iscc-ar-priority integer use default of 0, the lowest
priority value.)
iscc-ar-priority-1 integer
Additional granularity for setting priority.
iscc-ar-priority-2 integer These are only evaluated if there are
several concurrent requests with the
same iscc-ar-priority. If any of these
sub-priorities is absent, its value is
iscc-ar-priority-3 integer
assumed to be 0.

a. Exception: Do not use iscc-pass-extension with the TGetAccessNumber() function.

Note: To insure backward compatibility to 6.x and in order to comply with certain T-Servers, the
default value for this key-value pair is both. An explicit value for iscc-pass-extensions is expected with
ISCC requests when the same extensions interfere with origination and destination T-Servers. When
the iscc-pass-extensions pair contains an invalid value, the default value is used.

For all requests taking place between T-Servers, when the cast-type has the value route,
extensions are passed to the media device noted in the function TRouteCall() from the
ExtRoutePoint to the requested destination. After the first unsuccessful attempt to route a call that
arrives at a final destination, subsequent TRouteCall() requests do not contain extensions from an
original client's request.

TAgentLogin, TAgentLogout, TAgentSetReady, and TAgentSetNotReady

The Extensions attribute listed in the following table is used to pass hardware reason codes and
pertains to all of the following functions: TAgentLogin(), TAgentLogout(), TAgentSetReady(), and
TAgentSetNotReady(). Recall that these are the typical, but not the exclusive, functions where
hardware-reason codes are found.

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Extensions in TAgentLogin, TAgentLogout, TAgentSetReady, and TAgentSetNotReady

Key Value Value Description
A hardware reason code
ReasonCode String available for communication
through these four function calls.

The corresponding events (EventAgentLogin, EventAgentLogout, EventAgentReady,
and EventAgentNotReady) for these four functions communicate the hardware reason
codes as well.

The Extensions attributes listed in the following tables (for Call Progress Detection (CPD) and for Call
Party Number (CPN)) pertain to the function TMakePredictiveCall(), but are not applicable to all
switches. Furthermore, some switches support only some subset of these extensions. Refer to
individual T-Server deployment guides for applicability.

CPD-Related Extensions in TMakePredictiveCall

Key Value Value Description
A Queue or Routing Point to
Any valid ACD Queue or Routing
VoiceDest which an outbound call answered
by a live voice will be transferred
A Queue or Routing Point to
Any valid ACD Queue or Routing which an outbound call answered
Point by an answering machine will be
A Queue or Routing Point to
Any valid ACD Queue or Routing which an outbound call answered
Point by a fax machine will be

Depending on switch capabilities and the means of call answer detection, T-Server can
route an answered outbound call to a target DN specified in Extensions using the
VoiceDest, AnsMachine, or FaxDest key.

CPN-Related Extensions in TMakePredictiveCall

Key Type Required Default
CPNType KVTypeInt No 0 Number type
CPNPlan KVTypeInt No 0 Numbering plan

Genesys Events and Models Reference 167

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Key Type Required Default
CPN-Presentation KVTypeInt No 0
CPN-Screening KVTypeInt
A5 characters,
according to
formats specified
CPNDigits KVType-String Yes
in the appropriate

TInitiateConference, TInitiateTransfer, and TMuteTransfer

The Extensions attribute listed in the following table applies to the functions
TInitiateConference(), TInitiateTransfer(), and TMuteTransfer(). A more detailed description
of ConsultUserData appears under User Data in Consultation Calls.

Extensions in TInitiateConference, TInitiateTransfer, TMuteTransfer

Key Value Value Description
The method specified in the
default consult-user-data
configuration option is used.
User data for the consultation
call is attached and stored
separately from the user data
attached to the original call.
User data attached to the
original call is copied to the
consultation call at the moment
ConsultUserData the consultation call is initiated;
after that, any changes to the
original call's user data will not
affect the consultation call's user
data and vice versa.
User data attached to either the
original or the consultation call is
associated with the original call
and, yet, can be seen and
changed by the parties of both

The Extensions attributes listed in the following table pertain to the function TReserveAgent().

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Extensions in TReserveAgent
Key Value Value Description
ar-priority-1 integer
Additional granularity for setting priority.
ar-priority-2 integer These are only evaluated if there are
concurrent requests with the same value
the parameter priority. If any of these
ar-priority-3 integer sub-priorities is absent, its value is
to be 0.

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A reason is a pointer to an additional data structure that provides information on causes for, and
results of, actions taken by the user of ThisDN. If the Reasons attribute appears in the TEvent
structure, it has been taken directly from the corresponding T-Library request.

There is no other source for the information found in the content of the Reasons
attribute. Media device/hardware reason codes, and similar information, do not appear
in the Reasons attribute. Rather, if they are supported, those hardware reasons are
provided by T-Server in the Extensions attribute. The figure below diagrams the
difference between media-device reasons and the Reasons attribute (Genesys

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Genesys Reasons versus Media-Device Reasons

Persistent Reasons
There are times when the value of the Reasons attribute does not pertain to the most recent activity
related to the DN or device in question. Such reasons are considered persistent or current. In
particular, TQueryAddress and TRegisterAddress return the current reason for a DN. This allows
applications such as Stat Server to retrieve the state of a DN, with its associated reason, at the time
of startup or re-start and improves metrics quality and accuracy.

In any given instance, the value of the Reasons attribute is stored by T-Server in a TKVList. T-Server,
however, does not control the context for this list. It therefore becomes the job of the application
receiving this value as part of an event to interpret it appropriately. This is not always
straightforward, since T-Server only preserves one reason for a given DN at any given time.

Additionally, T-Server only stores reasons that arrive from successful requests. Thus, if you receive an

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error in response to, for instance, an AgentNotReady request (because the agent or DN could not be
set to the not ready state), the reason that you passed with the request is not preserved, and the
reason from the previous successful request is still active.

In order to erase a reason completely, applications need to pass an empty TKVList in
a request (and receive successful confirmation). Requests with NULL as the reason do
not affect the current reason. (This is done to preserve backward compatibility.)

To change a reason without changing the state of the agent or DN, you can send a request with a
different reason several times. (This is supported for all 7.x T-Servers, by invoking the concept of self-
transition states. Some older T-Servers may return errors.)

A T-Server synchronizes its Reasons attributes with its backup for use in failover. But
there is no resynchronization of these attributes at the time of a backup T-Server's

Genesys Events and Models Reference 172

Genesys Events IVR Protocol Messages

IVR Protocol Messages

This section presents detailed explanations of the messages and parameters used by the Genesys
IVR XML protocol. The messages in this section are those sent by the IVR Server to the IVR.

This section contains the following subsections:

• General Messages
• Routing Messages
• Call Treatment Messages
• External Routing Messages
• Transfer/Conferencing Messages
• Call Information Messages
• Statistics Messages
• User Data Messages
• Outbound Messages

Genesys Events and Models Reference 173

Genesys Events IVR Protocol Messages

General Messages
This section includes the responses to login, logging, and reset messages.

This message is sent by the IVR Server to the IVR in response to a LoginReq message.

The Status parameter of the LoginResp message has the following possible values:

• NoSuchClient—There is no IVR object configured in the Configuration Layer with the name supplied in
the ClientName parameter of the LoginReq message.

• InitInProgress—The IVR Server is in the process of initializing and is not ready to process new calls.

• OK—Initialization is complete, and the IVR Server can process calls.

Place required configuration information in the data transport section of the IVR Application object
in Configuration Manager. If you do this, the information is returned in the ConfigOptions section of
the LoginResp message.

LoginResp Message

Message Parameter Optional/ Required

Name Value
IServerVersion Required
Result Required

ConfigOptions Optional
Status InitInProgress Optional

This message will be sent when a significant event occurs related to the server monitoring. These will
be events pertinent to managing agent status. The ReqId parameter will be present when this event
is in response to an XML request, as opposed to an unsolicited event.

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Genesys Events IVR Protocol Messages

MonitorInfo Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
MonitorInfo ReqId Optional

Server Subtype
A Server type of MonitorInfo message is created when the information being sent is related to T-
Server connections. This message is never directly requested by a client, so the ReqId parameter of
the MonitorInfo message will never be supplied.

This message will be sent when either an EventLinkDisconnected or EventLinkConnected event

occurs, or when the T-Server socket is closed. For this event to be forwarded, it must occur on a T-
Server that is used by the IVR. This is based upon the configuration of the IVR in ConfigServer and
the name provided by the login request.

Server Status Events

T-Library Event XML
EventLinkConnected <Server Status='OK'/>
EventLinkDisconnected/Socket Closed/
<Server Status='Unavailable'/>
No Connection

Server Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
Name Required
Server Status Required

Switch Optional

Port Subtype
This message will be sent to inform the client that no further successful requests can be submitted
for that port due to configuration database changes. As with the Server subtype; this message will
never have a ReqId associated with it.

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Port Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
PortNum Required

Status Required

Agent Subtype
Agent related events occurring on relevant ports are conveyed using the Agent subtype. These
messages can either be in response to control messages, or due to external sources. When in
response to a control message, ReqId from that related message will be used. The following table
shows the relationship between T-Library events and XML messaging.

Agent Status Events

T-Library Event XML
EventAgentLogin <Agent PortNum='01' Status='LoggedIn'/>
EventAgentLogout <Agent PortNum='01' Status='LoggedOut'/>
EventAgentReady <Agent PortNum='01' Status='Ready'/>
EventAgentNotReady <Agent PortNum='01' Status='NotReady'/>

In T-Library, the LoggedIn state is not a steady state, it only indicates that the login was successful.
Another status message will always follow the LoggedIn indication to signify whether the agent is in
the ready or not ready state. This is a function of the switch and may be one or the other depending
on configuration. Therefore, Ready and NotReady imply LoggedIn.

It is also important to note that the query event may return an Unknown state from the switch. As a
general rule, treat Unknown as LoggedOut.

Agent Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
PortNum Required
Agent LoggedOut
Status Ready Required

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Routing Messages
This message is the basic response resulting from requests to start a call, route it, confirm the
connection or indicate failure to connect, and end the call.

This message is sent by the IVR Server to the IVR to indicate that the call should be routed to the
specified destination.

RouteResponse Message

Message Parameter Optional/ Required

Name Value
Normal Present only if supplied
RouteType Reroute
RerouteAttended by URS.
RouteResponse RerouteConferenced

Dest Optional
ExtnsEx Optional

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Call Treatment Messages

Call treatment messages are used to start and control an external application that processes a call
and which might return data that can then be used to route the call.

This message is sent by the IVR Server to the IVR to indicate that the specified call treatment should
be run by the IVR.

TreatCall Message
Message Parameter Name Optional/Required
CallId Required
Type Required
Parameters Optional
ExtnsEx Optional

This message is sent by the IVR Server to the IVR to indicate that a previously started call treatment
process must be canceled.

Cancel Message
Message Parameter Name Optional/Required

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External Routing Messages

This message is used as a response to a request for an inter-switch transfer.

This message is sent by the IVR Server to the IVR to indicate the result of a previous AccessNumGet/
AccessNumCancel. The Action parameter indicates to which type of request this message is in
response. The access number is only present for a successful AccessNumGet.

AccessNumResp Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
Action Required

AccessNumResp Success
Result Required

AccessNum Optional

Genesys Events and Models Reference 179

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Transfer/Conferencing Messages
These messages are used to monitor call transfers and conferencing.

This message is sent by the IVR Server to inform the IVR of certain call events. The list of possible
events are alternatives. Only one parameter from this list appears in any message.

CallStatus Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
CallStatus Event Required

This message is sent by the IVR Server to inform the IVR that an error occurred during the setup of a
transfer or a conference call.

Errors related to agent control activities will be represented by the AgentControl or the NotAllowed
indication. When the error is due to an EventError, the TlibErrCode will be populated with
AttributeErrorCode and the type will be AgentControl. NotAllowed will be used exclusively when
attempting to control a server controlled port. The user supplied ReqId will be returned in the error.

CallError Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
CallError FailedReq Required

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Message Parameter Optional/Required


TLibErrCode Optional
ReqId Optional

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Genesys Events IVR Protocol Messages

Call Information Messages

This message is in response to a request for data attached to the call.

The response contains information on all of the listed parameters for which data has been collected.

The value of the FirstHomeLocation parameter is only returned for logins with
version 3.0 or later of the IServer.dtd file. This attribute corresponds to T-Library's
AttributeFirstTransferHomeLocation attribute. See T-Library Events for details.

CallInfoResp Message
Message Parameter Name Optional/Required
ANI Optional
DNIS Optional
CalledNum Optional
ConnId Optional
TSCallId Optional
PortDN Optional
PortTrunk Optional
PortQueue Optional
OtherDN Optional
OtherTrunk Optional
OtherQueue Optional
LastEvent (The most recently
recorded T-Server event.)
FirstHomeLocation Optional

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Genesys Events IVR Protocol Messages

Statistics Messages
The statistics message enables you to receive data on the CurrNumberWaitingCalls and
ExpectedWaitTime statistics. These statistics must be configured in Stat Server before they can be
accessed through the IVR Server.

Supplies the response to requests for statistics.

StatResp Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
RequestId Required
StatResp ResultCode NoSuchStat Required

Result Optional

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User Data Messages

This message is in response to a request to access and control data about the actions performed by

This message contains the response to the previous user data messages. The responses for UDataSet
and UDataDel indicate either success or, if failure, the reason for the failure.

The response for a successful UDataGet includes the values for the requested keys.

UDataResp Message

Message Parameter Optional/ Required

Name Value
RequestId Required
UDataResp Result NoMatch Required

UDataEx Optional

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Outbound Messages

Sent from IVR Server to the IVR, this message returns information about the related
DialOutRegistry message. ConfigError is returned when the corresponding DN from the
DialOutRegistry message either is not defined in the Configuration Layer or is not a route point.
MiscFailure is currently not used. Success will be returned in all other cases. When using
commands Remove and RemoveAll, Success will always be returned.

DialOutRegistryResp Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
DialOutRegistryResp Result ConfigError Required

Sent from IVR Server to the IVR, this message indicates that an outbound call has been requested.
Values from the original TMakePredictiveCall are included in this message where UDataEx and
ExtnsEx are AttributeUserData and AttributeExtensions, respectively. Also, OrigNum is retrieved
from AttributeThisDN and DestNum is AttributeOtherDN. TimeToAnswer gives the amount of time,
in seconds, that the IVR should allow for an outbound call to be answered before a NoAnswer failure
should be returned.

DialOut Message

Message Parameter Optional/Required

Name Value
OrigNum Required
DestNum Required
RefID Required
TimeToAnswer Required

Genesys Events and Models Reference 185

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Protocol Messages

Genesys Interaction Models

Genesys Interaction Models section of this document contains information on a selected list of call
and interaction models. This information ranges from basic call scenarios to complex, but common
ones. Based on the history of how this information has been presented in the past in various
documents, model details may differ from section to section. This information appears in the
following sections:

• Call Models and Flows presents the bulk of Genesys voice-based models. In this case, you can view call
model details, and network attended transfer call flows. In each case, selected event information is
provided to enhance your understanding of the model.
• Basic Interaction Models offers a look at selected models for interactions of non-voice type.
• IVR Call Flows contains the standard IVR call flows, with annotations.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 186

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Call Models and Flows

All parties shown in a call scenario, except where stated explicitly, are considered internal and are
monitored by T-Server. If one or more external parties participated in the call, the following apply:

• T-Server will not distribute any events to the external (nonmonitored) party.
• T-Server may not have any information about the nonmonitored party, so its reference may not be

The following diagram illustrates a basic call model.

Sample Call Model

Activities like conference and transfer can be performed to an existing multi-party call (a conference
call). When so, Party A is considered a "complex party" and the following apply:

• Events assigned to Party A, as shown in call scenarios, are sent to every party of "complex party."
• Reference to Party A in AttributeOtherDN are not present.

This is also represented in the following tables.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 187

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Depiction of Complex Parties in Call Models 1

PARTY A (complex) PARTY C
EventPartyChanged EventPartyChanged
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A

Depiction of Complex Parties in Call Models 2

EventPartyChanged EventPartyChanged EventPartyChanged
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN A0 ThisDN A1
ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN C

Since T-Library is a superset of functions, not every scenario described in this document is supported
by every type of switch. For more details, see the T-Server Deployment Guide that applies to your T-
Server/switch pair.

When more than one event is presented in one table cell, the order in which the events are
distributed may vary.

Attributes ThirdPartyDN and ThirdPartyDN Role specify DNs to which two-step operations are
initiated and completed.

A call is considered to be queued until either EventDiverted or EventAbandoned regarding the queue
is generated.

Note the following comments in the call models:


*DIAL—May be a dialed number or is not present if T-Server has no information about the other party.

List of Call Models

• Basic Call Models
• Simple Call Model
• Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call)
• Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call to ACD)
• Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call Queued to Multiple ACDs)
• Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Call Parking)
• Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Routing—RouteQueue Case)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 188

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

• Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Routing)

• Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Routing Outbound)
• Connection-Establishing Phase (Outbound Call)
• Connection-Establishing Phase While On Hold (Internal/Outbound Call)

• Releasing Calls
• Release Phase
• Release from Conference Phase
• Delete from Conference Phase

• Holding, Transferring, and Conferencing

• Hold/Retrieve Function, Consulted Party Answers
• Hold/Retrieve Function, Consulted Party Does Not Answer
• Single-Step Transfer
• Single-Step Transfer (Outbound)
• Mute Transfer
• Two-Step Transfer: Complete After Consulted Party Answers
• Two-Step Transfer: Complete Before Consulted Party Answers (Blind)
• Two-Step Transfer: to ACD
• Two-Step Transfer: to a Routing Point
• Trunk Optimization: Trunk Anti-Tromboning
• Single-Step Conference
• Conference
• Blind Conference (Complete Before Consulted Party Answers)
• Conference with Two Incoming Calls Using TMergeCalls
• Special case: Multi-site ISCC Transfers and Conferences

• Handling User Data

• Attaching/Updating User Data to Internal Call
• Attaching/Updating User Data to Call by Third Party

• Special Cases
• Outbound Call to a Busy Destination
• Rejected Call
• Internal Call to Destination with DND Activated
• Call Forwarding (on No Answer)
• Alternate-Call Service
• Reconnect-Call Service

Genesys Events and Models Reference 189

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

• Redirect-Call Service
• Internal/Inbound Call with Bridged Appearance
• Outbound Call from Bridged Appearance
• Hold/Retrieve for Bridged Appearance
• Internal/Inbound Call Answerable by Several Agents (Party B Answers)
• Call Treatment with Routing

• Predictive Dialing
• Predictive Call
• Predictive Call with Routing
• Predictive Call (Connected to a Device Specified in Extensions)

• Monitoring Calls
• Service Observing on Agent
• Service Observing for Agent-Initiated Call
• Service Observing on Queue

• Working With Queues

• Multiple-Queue Call Treated at an IVR Port: Treatment at IVR Queue
• Multiple-Queue, Call Treated at IVR Port: Direct Treatment at IVR Port
• Multiple-Queue Call: Call Removed from Queue

• Network T-Server Attended Transfer Call Flows

• Standard Network Call Initiation
• Consultation Leg Initiation, Specific Destination
• Failed Consultation: Specific Target
• Consultation Leg Initiation, URS Selected Destination
• Failed Consultation: URS Selected Destination
• Transfer/Conference Completion: Explicit
• Transfer Completion: Implicit
• Conference Completion
• Alternate Call Service
• Alternate Call Service with Transfer Completion
• Explicit Reconnect
• Implicit Reconnection (by SCP)
• Implicit Reconnection (by Network T-Server)
• Caller Abandonment
• Network Single-Step Transfer

Genesys Events and Models Reference 190

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

• Premature Disconnection, One Variation

• Premature Disconnection, a Second Variation
• Transactional Error

• Shared Call Appearance

Genesys Events and Models Reference 191

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Basic Call Models

This section documents the basic scenarios under which calls arrive in a contact center.

Note the following comments in the call models:


*DIAL—May be a dialed number or is not present if T-Server has no information about the other party.

Simple Call Model

Simple Call Model

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call)

The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/inbound call).

Genesys Events and Models Reference 192

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call)

Make Call to B (TMakeCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN B OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination

Genesys Events and Models Reference 193

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows



Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
CallState OK

ConnID 1
** ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
CallState a

ConnID 1
ThisDN A ConnID 1
*** ThisDNRole Origination ThisDN B
OtherDN B *DIAL OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK
CallState OK

a. CallState may have values that clarify the reason for the destination being busy, for instance
CallState SitInvalidNum.

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call to ACD)

The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/inbound call to

Genesys Events and Models Reference 194

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call to ACD)


Make Call to B
EventDialing EventQueued

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL OtherDNRole Origination

Diverts call to C
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
ThirdPartyDN C *OPT
ThirdPartyDNRole Destination *OPT

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A

Genesys Events and Models Reference 195

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)

EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisDN A
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination
OtherDNRole Origination


Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1
** ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call Queued to

Multiple ACDs)
The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/inbound call
queued to multiple ACDs).

Genesys Events and Models Reference 196

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call Queued to Multiple ACDs)


Make Internal/
Inbound Call to B
EventDialing EventQueued
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisQueue B
OtherDN B *DIAL ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDN A
*DIAL OtherDNRole Origination

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisQueue C
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination

Diverts Call to D
EventDiverted EventDiverted

Genesys Events and Models Reference 197

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ThisDN C
ThisDN B ThisQueue C
ThisDNRole Origination ThirdPartyDN D
OtherDN C ThirdPartyQueue B
OtherDNRole Destination
CallState Redirected a

ConnID 1
ThisDN D
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN D
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN D OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK CallState OK


a. For ACD configurations where calls are distributed to agents assigned directly to ACD groups,
CallState and its value of Redirected are present. For ACD configurations where calls are
distributed to agents assigned to secondary ACD groups associated with top-level ACD queues, the
CallState, with the value Redirected, is not present.

Abnormal Call Flow


EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
* ThisDN A
ThisQueue B
OtherDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned EventAbandoned

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN B ThisDN C
** ThisDN A
ThisQueue B ThisQueue C
OtherDN B
OtherDN A OtherDN A
CallState OK
CallState OK CallState OK

*** EventReleased

Genesys Events and Models Reference 198

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


ConnID 1
ThisDN A
OtherDN D
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN D
**** ThisDN A
ThisQueue C
OtherDN D
OtherDN A
CallState OK
CallState OK

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Call

The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/inbound call
with call parking).

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Call Parking)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 199

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Make Call To B (TMakeCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

Call Is Parked On B

EventDestinationBusy *OPT EventQueued

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDN B *DIAL OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK

Call Is Picked Up By B
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN B OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination


Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B
ConnID 1
ThisDN A ConnID 1
* ThisDNRole Origination ThisDN B
OtherDN B *DIAL OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK
CallState OK

Genesys Events and Models Reference 200

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with

Routing—RouteQueue Case)
The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/inbound call
with routing - RouteQueue case).

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Routing—RouteQueue Case)


Make Incoming Call to
Information Service
ConnID 1
EventDialing ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ConnID 1
ThisDNRole Destination
ThisDN A
OtherDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDN B
OtherDNRole Destination
ConnID 1
ThisDN B

Genesys Events and Models Reference 201

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination

Route Call to C a (TRouteCall)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
ThirdPartyDN C *OPT
ThirdPartyDNRole Destination *OPT

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
ThirdPartyDN C *OPT
ThirdPartyDNRole Destination *OPT

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination


a. RouteCall to C (TRouteCall()) may be missing.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
* EventReleased EventAbandoned
And ConnID 1 ConnID 1

Genesys Events and Models Reference 202

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

ThisDN A ThisDN B
** OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
**** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

a. RouteCall to C (TRouteCall()) may be missing.

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with

The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/inbound call
with routing).

Genesys Events and Models Reference 203

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Routing)


Make Incoming Call to
Information Service
EventDialing EventRouteRequest
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN B *DIAL OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL OtherDNRole Origination

Route Call to C a (TRouteCall)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
ThirdPartyDN C b
ThirdPartyDNRole Destination *OPT
CallState OK/Redirected c

ConnID 1

Genesys Events and Models Reference 204

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination


a. Not present if a call has been routed by default; that is, a switch did not receive any routing
instruction from a computer domain within a timeout configured on the switch side (scripted or
otherwise) and therefore processed the call using switch logic. b. Content of ThirdPartyDN depends
on the call scenario:

• If information about the destination is available at the moment EventRouteUsed is generated, this
attribute is mandatory; a DN where the call has been delivered must be reported.
• If the information is not available, but the call has been routed through T-Server, this attribute is
mandatory; a DN where the call has been sent must be reported.
• If a call has been routed to a default destination or routed by another application, this attribute is
optional (depends on switch capabilities).

c. CallState has a value of Redirected (22) if a call has been routed by a switch. For Aspect ACD,
Rockwell Spectrum, and Hicom 300 E CS switches, the attribute Callstate is not present.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned a
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

*** EventReleased

Genesys Events and Models Reference 205

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
**** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

a. EventError must be sent after EventAbandoned in this case to make the ReferenceID available.

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with

Routing Outbound)
The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/inbound call
with routing outbound).

Connection-Establishing Phase (Internal/Inbound Call with Routing Outbound)


Incoming Call
EventDialing EventRouteRequest

Genesys Events and Models Reference 206

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN B *DIAL OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL OtherDNRole Origination

Route Call to C a (TRouteCall)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B EventRinging
EventNetworkReached ThisDNRole Destination
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
OtherDN A ThisDN C
ThisDN A OtherDNRole Origination
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
ThirdPartyDN C b OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDNRole Destination *OPT OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK
CallState OK/Redirected c

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination


a. Not present if a call has been routed by default; that is, a switch did not receive any routing
instruction from a computer domain within a timeout configured on the switch side (scripted or
otherwise) and therefore processed the call using switch logic. b. Content of ThirdPartyDN depends
on the call scenario:

• If information about the destination is available at the moment EventRouteUsed is generated, this
attribute is mandatory; a DN where the call has been delivered must be reported.
• If the information is not available, but the call has been routed through T-Server, this attribute is
mandatory; a DN where the call has been sent must be reported.
• If a call has been routed to a default destination or routed by another application, this attribute is
optional (depends on switch capabilities).

c. CallState has a value of Redirected (22) if a call has been routed by a switch. For Nortel
Communication Server 1000 with SCCS MLS, Aspect ACD, Rockwell Spectrum, and Hicom 300 E CS
switches, the attribute CallState is not present.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
* EventReleased EventAbandoned

Genesys Events and Models Reference 207

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Connection-Establishing Phase (Outbound Call)

The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (outbound call).

Connection-Establishing Phase (Outbound Call)

Make Outside Call (TMakeCall)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 208

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

EventNetworkReached a
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN B *OPT
OtherDNRole Destination *OPT


a. When a switch does not report network reached, T-Server simulates EventNetworkReached right
before distributing EventEstablished.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

ConnID 1
** ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState a

ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

Genesys Events and Models Reference 209

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

a. CallState may have values that clarify the reason for the destination being busy, for instance

Connection-Establishing Phase While On Hold (Internal/Outbound

The following graphic and table describe the connection establishing phase (internal/outbound call).

Connection-Establishing Phase While On Hold (Internal/

Outbound Call)

Call to B
EventDialing EventRinging
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN B OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1

Genesys Events and Models Reference 210

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


ThisDN A
OtherDN B

EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

Genesys Events and Models Reference 211

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Releasing Calls
This section illustrates the standard processes by which calls are released.

Note the following comments in the call models:


*DIAL—May be a dialed number or is not present if T-Server has no information about the other party.

Release Phase
The following graphic and table describe the release phase.

Release Phase



Release (TReleaseCall)
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B *OPT OtherDN A *OPT
CallState OK CallState OK

Genesys Events and Models Reference 212

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Release from Conference Phase

The following graphic and table describe the release from conference phase.

Release from Conference Phase



Release (TReleaseCall)
EventPartyDeleted EventPartyDeleted
ConnID 1 EventReleased ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN B ConnID 1 OtherDN B
OtherDNRole DeletedParty ThisDN B OtherDNRole DeletedParty
ThirdPartyDN B CallState OK ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole DeletedBy ThirdPartyDNRole DeletedBy
CallState OK/Conferenced a CallState OK/Conferenced a


a. If more than two parties remain in the conference call, CallState has a value of Conferenced;
otherwise, CallState has a value of OK.

Delete from Conference Phase

The following graphic and table describe the release phase.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 213

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Delete from Conference Phase



Delete B
EventPartyDeleted EventPartyDeleted
ConnID 1 EventReleased ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN B ConnID 1 OtherDN B
OtherDNRole DeletedParty ThisDN B OtherDNRole DeletedParty
ThirdPartyDN A CallState OK ThirdPartyDN A
ThirdPartyDNRole DeletedBy ThirdPartyDNRole DeletedBy
CallState OK/Conferenced a CallState OK/Conferenced a


a. If more than two parties remain in the conference call, CallState has a value of Conferenced;
otherwise, CallState has a value of OK.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 214

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Holding, Transferring, and Conferencing

The call models here show the functions and events related to placing calls on hold, transferring calls,
and creating conference calls.

Note the following comments in the call models:


*DIAL—May be a dialed number or is not present if T-Server has no information about the other party.

Hold/Retrieve Function, Consulted Party Answers

The following graphic and table describe the hold/retrieve function, when the consulted party

Genesys Events and Models Reference 215

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Hold/Retrieve Function, Consulted Party Answers


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (THoldCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Make Call to C (Consultation)


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 2)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 216

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows


Release Phase (ConnID 2)

Retrieve Call from A


EventRetrieved a
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

a. With EventRetrieved, the values for attributes ThisDNRole and ThisQueue are the same as those
for the attributes of the same names, if any, in the events preceding EventRetrieved
(EventEstablished and EvenRinging). For non-ACD calls, however, ThisQueue is not reported.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Hold/Retrieve Function, Consulted Party Does Not Answer

The following graphic and table describe the hold/retrieve function, when the consulted party does
not answer.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 217

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

Hold/Retrieve Function, Consulted Party Does Not Answer


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (THoldCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Unsuccessful Internal Call (Party Does Not Answer) (ConnID 2)

Retrieve Call from A


EventRetrieved a
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

Genesys Events and Models Reference 218

Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

a. With EventRetrieved, the values for attributes ThisDNRole and ThisQueue are the same as those
for the attributes of the same names, if any, in the events preceding EventRetrieved
(EventEstablished and EvenRinging). For non-ACD calls, however, ThisQueue is not reported.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Single-Step Transfer
The following graphic and table describe a single-step transfer.

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Single-Step Transfer


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Single-Step Transfer to C

ConnID 1
EventPartyChanged ThisDN B
ConnID 1 ThirdPartyDN C
ConnID 1
PreviousConnID 1 OtherDN A
ThisDN C
ThisDN A CallState Transferred
OtherDN A
OtherDN C Cause 1stepTransfer
ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy
ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy
CallState Transferred
CallState Transferred

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN C
OtherDN A

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Single-Step Transfer (Outbound)

The following graphic and table describe a single-step transfer (outbound).

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Single-Step Transfer (Outbound)


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Single-Step Transfer to C
ConnID 1
PreviousConnID 1
ThisDN A EventReleased
OtherDN C
ThirdPartyDN B ConnID 1
ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy ThisDN B
CallState Transferred ThirdPartyDN C
ConnID 1
OtherDN A
ThisDN C
EventNetworkReached CallState Transferred
OtherDN A
ConnID 1 Cause 1stepTransfer
ThirdPartyDN B
ThisDN A ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy
OtherDN C *DIAL CallState Transferred
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

Answer (TAnswerCall)

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ConnID 1
ThisDN C
OtherDN A

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Mute Transfer
The following graphic and table describe a mute transfer.

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Mute Transfer


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Mute Transfer to C
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

EventDialing EventRinging
ConnID 2
ConnID 2
ThisDN C
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN B
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination
CallState OK

EventPartyChanged EventReleased EventPartyChanged

ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
PreviousConnID 1 ThisDN B PreviousConnID 2

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OtherDN A
CallState Transferred

ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDN B
ConnID 2
ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy
ThisDN B
CallState Transferred CallState Transferred
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination
CallState Transferred

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN C
OtherDN A

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK


ConnID 1
EventReleased ThisDN B
OtherDN A
ConnID 1 ConnID 2
CallState OK
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN B
CallState OK CallState OK
ConnID 2
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN B
CallState OK CallState OK

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Two-Step Transfer: Complete After Consulted Party Answers

The following graphic and table describe a two-step transfer: complete after the consulted party

Two-Step Transfer (Complete After Consulted Party Answers)


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (TInitiateTransfer*)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Consultation Call to C
(TInitiateTransfer continues)

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Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 2)

Transfer Held Call to C

ConnID 1
EventPartyChanged ThisDN B
OtherDN A
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
CallState Transferred
PreviousConnID 1 PreviousConnID 2
ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy
ConnID 2
CallState Transferred CallState Transferred
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState Transferred

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1
EventReleased ThisDN B EventAbandoned
OtherDN A
ConnID 1 CallState OK ConnID 2
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN B EventReleased OtherDN B
CallState OK ConnID 2 CallState OK
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState OK

Two-Step Transfer: Complete Before Consulted Party Answers

The following graphic and table describe a two-step transfer: complete before the consulted party
answers (blind).

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Two-Step Transfer: Complete Before Consulted Party Answers (Blind)


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (TInitiateTransfer)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Consultation Call to C
(TInitiateTransfer continues)

EventDialing EventRinging

ConnID 2 ConnID 2
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN B
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK

Transfer Held Call to C

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ConnID 1
EventPartyChanged ThisDN B EventPartyChanged
OtherDN A
ConnID 1 CallState Transferred ConnID 1
PreviousConnID 1 PreviousConnID 2
ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy EventReleased ThirdPartyDNRole TransferredBy
CallState Transferred ConnID 2 CallState Transferred
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState Transferred

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN C
OtherDN A

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

If a call appears on the terminating party after transfer completion, the ConnID field of
EventRinging is equal to the connection ID of the original call (ConnID 1), and
EventPartyChanged is not generated.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased ConnID 1 EventAbandoned
ThisDN B
ConnID 1 OtherDN A ConnID 2
** ThisDN A CallState OK ThisDN C
OtherDN B OtherDN B
CallState OK EventReleased CallState OK
ConnID 2
ThisDN B

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Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Two-Step Transfer to ACD

Two-step transfer to ACD means that a call is waiting in a queue, and the transfer
completed before any ACD agent is available to receive the call.

The following graphic and table describe a two-step transfer to ACD.

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Two-Step Transfer to ACD


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Consultation Call to C

EventDialing EventQueued

ConnID 2 ConnID 2
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisQueue C
OtherDN C *DIAL OtherDN B

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Transfer Held Call to
ConnID 2
EventPartyChanged ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
OtherDN C
PreviousConnID 1 PreviousConnID 2
OtherDNRole Destination
ThisDN A ThisDN C
CallState Transferred
OtherDN C ThisQueue C
ThirdPartyDN B OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDNRole ThirdPartyDN B
TransferredBy ThirdPartyDNRole
CallState Transferred TransferredBy
ConnID 1
CallState Transferred
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState Transferred

Diverts Call to D
ConnID 1
ThisDN C ConnID 1
OtherDN A ThisDN D
ThisQueue C
ThirdPartyDN C *OPT
OtherDN A
CallState OK
Destination *OPT

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN D
ThisQueue C
OtherDN A
CallState OK

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

If a call transfer is completed before it is put in an ACD queue, an EventPartyChanged
is not generated.

Abnormal Call Flow

* EventReleased EventReleased

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ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1
EventReleased ThisDN B EventAbandoned
OtherDN A
ConnID 1 CallState OK ConnID 2
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN B EventReleased OtherDN B
CallState OK ConnID 2 CallState OK
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN D
OtherDN D OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Two-Step Transfer to a Routing Point

The following graphic and table describe a two-step transfer to a routing point.

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Two-Step Transfer to a Routing Point


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Consultation Call to C

EventDialing EventRouteRequest

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ConnID 2
ThisDN B ConnID 2
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C *DIAL OtherDN B
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination
CallType Consult

Transfer Held Call to


ConnID 2
ThisDN B
ConnID 1
PreviousConnID 1 ThisDNRole Origination
ConnID 1
ThisDN A OtherDN C
PreviousConnID 2
OtherDNRole Destination
ThisDNRole Origination a CallState Transferred
ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole ThirdPartyDNRole
ConnID 1
TransferredBy TransferredBy
ThisDN B
CallState Transferred CallState Transferred
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
CallState Transferred

Diverts Call to D
EventRouteUsed EventRinging
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN C ThisDN D
OtherDN A OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDN D *OPT CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN D
OtherDN A

Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

a. ThisDNRole must be Destination if party B is the call originator.

Abnormal Call Flow

EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1

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ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1
EventReleased ThisDN B EventAbandoned
OtherDN A
ConnID 1 CallState OK ConnID 2
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN B EventReleased OtherDN B
CallState OK ConnID 2 CallState OK
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
**** ThisDN A ThisDN D
OtherDN D OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Trunk Optimization: Trunk Anti-Tromboning

Trunk optimization: trunk anti-tromboning (TAT) scenarios apply to functionality available from certain
Nortel switches and are very similar to the case of Two-Step Transfer: Complete After Consulted Party
Answers. The following graphic identifies the call model used by T-Servers to indicate a TAT event.

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Trunk Optimization: Trunk Anti-Tromboning

T-Server 1 T-Server 1 T-Server 2


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (TInitiateTransfer to C)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

EventRinging EventDialing
ConnID 2 ConnID 2
ThisDN C ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN C

EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 2 ConnID 2
ThisDN C ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN C


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T-Server 1 T-Server 1 T-Server 2


Trunk Optimization Occurs


EventPartyChanged EventPartyChanged ConnID 1

ThisDN B
ConnID 1 OtherDN A
ConnID 1
PreviousConnID 2 CallState Transferred
ThisDN A
ThisDN C
OtherDN C
OtherDN A EventReleased
ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDN B ConnID 2
CallState RemoteRelease
CallState RemoteRelease ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState Transferred

Single-Step Conference
The following graphic and table describe a single-step conference.

Single-Step Conference

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Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

EventPartyAdded EventPartyAdded EventRinging
ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN C ThisDNRole ConferenceMember
ThirdPartyDN B a ThirdPartyDN B a CallState OK

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisDNRole ConferenceMember
CallState Conferenced

Release from Conference Phase

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

a. ThirdPartyDN has a value of C if Party C initiates the request for a conference.

The following graphic and table describe a conference.

This call model applies to two types of conferences: Two-Step Conference and
Conference with Calls Merge.

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Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (See Application

Activities for Different Types
of Conference.)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Previous Role of DN
OtherDN A

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OtherDNRole Previous Role of DN

Consultation Call to C
(See Application Activities for
Different Types of Conference.)

Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 2)

Conference (See Application

Activities for Different Types
of Conference.)
ConnID 2
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState Conferenced

EventRetrieved a
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState Conferenced

EventPartyAdded EventPartyChanged
ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDN A PreviousConnID 2
OtherDN C OtherDN b C ThisDN C
ThirdPartyDN B OtherDNRole NewParty ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDNRole ConferencedBy
CallState Conferenced ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy CallState Conferenced
CallState Conferenced

Release from Conference Phase

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

a. With EventRetrieved, the values for attributes ThisDNRole and ThisQueue are the same as those
for the attributes of the same names, if any, in the events preceding EventRetrieved
(EventEstablished and EvenRinging). For non-ACD calls, however, ThisQueue is not reported. b. If
only one party is added (as in the case of a simple conference call), the corresponding telephony
object is specified in OtherDN. If more than one party is added, then the corresponding telephony
objects are specified in Extensions.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B
* EventReleased EventReleased

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Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Application Activities for Different Types of Conference

Call Phase Two-Step Conference Conference with Calls Merge
HOLD TInitiateConference THoldCall
CONFERENCE TCompleteConference TMergeCalls

Blind Conference (Complete Before Consulted Party Answers)

The following graphic and table describe a blind conference (complete before the consulted party

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Blind Conference (Complete Before Consulted Party Answers)


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (See Application

Activities for Different Types
of Conference.)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Consultation Call to C
(See Application Activities for
Different Types of Conference.)

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EventDialing EventRinging
ConnID 2 ConnID 2
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C *DIAL OtherDN B
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL OtherDNRole Origination
CallType Consult CallType Consult

Conference (See Application

Activities for Different Types
of Conference.)
ConnID 2
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState Conferenced

EventRetrieved a
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState Conferenced

EventPartyAdded EventPartyAdded EventPartyChanged

ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B PreviousConnID 2
OtherDN C OtherDN C ThisDN C
ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy ThirdPartyDNRole ConferencedBy
CallState Conferenced CallState Conferenced CallState Conferenced

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN C
CallState Conferenced

Release from Conference Phase

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

a. With EventRetrieved, the values for attributes ThisDNRole and ThisQueue are the same as those
for the attributes of the same names, if any, in the events preceding EventRetrieved
(EventEstablished and EventRinging). For non-ACD calls, however, ThisQueue is not reported.

If a call appears on the terminating party after completion of conference, the ConnID
field of EventRinging is equal to the connection ID of the original call (ConnID 1), and
EventPartyChanged is not generated.

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Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ThisDN B
OtherDN A
** ThisDN A
OtherDNRole DeletedParty
OtherDN B *DIAL ThirdPartyDN A
CallState OK ThirdPartyDNRole DeletedBy
CallState OK

Conference with Two Incoming Calls Using TMergeCalls

The following graphic and table describe a conference with two incoming calls using TMergeCalls.

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Conference with Two Incoming Calls Using TMergeCalls


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Make Call to B (TMakeCall)

EventRinging EventDialing
ConnID 2 ConnID 2
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDN B *DIAL
CallState OK OtherDNRole Destination

Place A on Hold (THoldCall)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

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Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 2 ConnID 2
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C OtherDN B
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Destination

Conference (TMergeCalls)
ConnID 2
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Conferenced

EventRetrieved a
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState Conferenced
EventPartyAdded EventPartyChanged
ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDN B PreviousConnID 2
OtherDN C
OtherDN C ThisDN C
OtherDNRole NewParty
OtherDNRole NewParty ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDN B ThirdPartyDNRole ConferencedBy
ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy
ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy CallState Conferenced
CallState Conferenced
CallState Conferenced

Release from Conference Phase

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

a. With EventRetrieved, the values for attributes ThisDNRole and ThisQueue are the same as those
for the attributes of the same names, if any, in the events preceding EventRetrieved
(EventEstablished and EventRinging). For non-ACD calls, however, ThisQueue is not reported.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventAbandoned EventReleased
ConnID 2 ConnID 2
* ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN B
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1

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Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

ThisDN A
OtherDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK
CallState OK

Special case: Multi-site ISCC Transfers and Conferences

The following graphic and table describe a case involving multi-site ISCC transfers and conferences,
in which EventPartyChanged may contain AttributeCallState set to 0.

Multi-site ISCC Transfers and Conferences


Call Establishing Phase


ConnID 1
ThisDN B

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OtherDN A

Consultation call
to D

ConnID 2
ConnID 2
ThisDN D
ThisDN B
ThisQueue D
OtherDN D
OtherDN B

at D

ConnID 2
ThisDN B
OtherDN D
CallState OK

Call Routed to C

EventQueued ConnID 2
ConnID 2 ThisDN D
ThisDN C OtherDN A
ThisQueue C ThirdPartyDN D
OtherDN D ThirdPartyDNRole

at C


ConnID 2
ThisDN B
OtherDN D

Call Routed to E

ThisDN C
ConnID 2
OtherDN A
ThisDN E
ThirdPartyDN E
ThisQueue E
OtherDN C

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EventPartyChanged EventPartyChanged

ThisDN E ThisDN B
ThisDNRole ThisDNRole
Destination Origination
ConnID 3 ConnID 3
PreviousConnectionID PreviousConnectionID
2 2
CallState 0 CallState 0

Call Routed to F

ThisDN E EventRinging
OtherDN B ThisDN F
ConnID 3 OtherDN B
ThirdPartyDN F ConnID 3
ThirdPartyDNRole CallState OK

ThisDN F
OtherDN B
ConnID 3

Completion/Releasing phase

Abnormal Call Flow


EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN B ThisDN D
OtherDN D OtherDN B
CallState OK CallState OK

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Handling User Data

Attaching/Updating User Data to Internal Call

The following graphic and table describe attaching/updating user data to an internal call.

Attaching/Updating User Data to Internal Call


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Attach User Data to a Call


EventAttachedDataChanged EventAttachedDataChanged
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThirdPartyDN A ThirdPartyDN A

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

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Attaching/Updating User Data to Call by Third Party

The following graphic and table describe attaching/updating user data to a call by a third party.

Attaching/Updating User Data to Call by Third Party


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Attach User Data to a Call


EventAttachedDataChanged EventAttachedDataChanged EventAttachedDataChanged

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThirdPartyDN C
ThirdPartyDN C ThirdPartyDN C

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

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Special Cases
Note the following comments in the call models:


*DIAL—May be a dialed number or is not present if T-Server has no information about the other party.

Outbound Call to a Busy Destination

The following graphic and table describe an outbound call to a busy destination.

Outbound Call to a Busy Destination

Make Outbound Call to B (TMakeCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL


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ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

B is busy
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

ConnID 1
** ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

Rejected Call
Call rejection can apply both to incoming and outgoing calls. However, since most call centers forbid
dropping the caller (without explaining why the call cannot be answered), for the inbound version of
this, rejection is primarily for re-routing calls on a network level.

Generally, the rejected call scenario works either with RouteTypeDefault and an empty destination
to reject the route request (using the default route destination as configured on the switch), or
RouteTypeCallDisconnect to reject the call. (RouteTypeReject has been deprecated since it is
switch-specific.) Two scenarios are applicable here. Rejected Call (Route Point) shows this with a route
point involved, and Rejected Call (Route Queue) shows it with a route queue.

The following graphic and table describe a rejected call (route point).

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Rejected Call (Route Point)

External Party Route Point

Place Inbound Call to Route Point
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK


ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK
Note: ThirdPartyDN is not present for this event.

The following graphic and table describe a rejected call (route queue).

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Rejected Call (Route Queue)

External Party Route Queue

Place Inbound Call to Route Point
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK


ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK
Note: ThirdPartyDN is not present for this event.

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

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External Party Route Queue

CallState Dropped
Note: ThirdPartyDN is not present for this event.

Internal Call to Destination with DND Activated

The following graphic and table describe an internal call to destination with DND activated.

Internal Call to Destination with DND Activated

Press DND button (TSetDNDOn)
ThisDN B

Make Call to B (TMakeCall)


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ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

Release (TReleaseCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN B
OtherDNRole Destination
CallState OK

Press DND button again (TSetDNDOff)

ThisDN B

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

Call Forwarding (on No Answer)

The following graphic and table describe call forwarding (on no answer).

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Call Forwarding (on No Answer)


Make Call to B (TMakeCall)

EventDialing EventRinging

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDN B *DIAL OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination CallState OK

Call Forwarding
(On No Answer)

EventReleased EventRinging
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDN C
ThirdPartyDN C
ThisDNRole Destination
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Forwarded
CallState Forwarded

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished

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ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Alternate-Call Service
The following graphic and table describe alternate-call service.

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Alternate-Call Service


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (THoldCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 2)

Alternate (TAlternateCall)
ConnID 2
ThisDN B
OtherDN C

EventRetrieved a
ConnID 1

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ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK

Conversation (ConnID 1)

a. With EventRetrieved, the values for attributes ThisDNRole and ThisQueue are the same as those
for the attributes of the same names, if any, in the events preceding EventRetrieved
(EventEstablished and EvenRinging). For non-ACD calls, however, ThisQueue is not reported.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Reconnect-Call Service
The following graphic and table describe reconnect-call service.

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Reconnect-Call Service


Call-Establishing Phase (ConnID 1)

Hold (THoldCall) or
Transfer (TInitiateTransfer) */
Conference (TInitiateConference) a

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN A

Any Phase of a Call (ConnID 2)

Reconnect (TReconnectCall)
ConnID 2
ThisDN B EventAbandoned
OtherDN C
CallState OK ConnID 2
ThisDN C
OtherDN B
EventRetrieved b
CallState OK
ConnID 1
ThisDN B

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OtherDN A
CallState OK

Conversation (ConnID 1)

a. For the Hicom 300 E CS switch: service is available when EventHeld is generated as a result of one
of these requests.
b. With EventRetrieved, the values for attributes ThisDNRole and ThisQueue are the same as those
for the attributes of the same names, if any, in the events preceding EventRetrieved
(EventEstablished and EvenRinging). For non-ACD calls, however, ThisQueue is not reported.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Redirect-Call Service
The following graphic and table describe redirect-call service.

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Redirect-Call Service


EventDialing EventRinging

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK

Redirect (TRedirectCall)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThirdPartyDN C EventRinging
OtherDN A ConnID 1
CallState Redirected ThisDN C
ThirdPartyDN B
CallState Redirected

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished

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ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination

Conversation (ConnID 1)

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

ConnID 1
** ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

Internal/Inbound Call with Bridged Appearance

The following graphic and table describe an internal/inbound call with bridged appearance.

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Internal/Inbound Call with Bridged Appearance


Make Call to B (TMakeCall)
or Inbound Call

EventDialing EventRinging

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK

Coverage Path
ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Covered

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventBridged EventEstablished

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ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1

ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C OtherDN A OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Origination

Release a Release a
EventReleased EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK CallState OK

a. Either Party A or Party C can release the call.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned EventAbandoned

ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK CallState OK

Outbound Call from Bridged Appearance

The following graphic and table describe an outbound call with bridged appearance.

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Outbound Call from Bridged Appearance


Make Outside Call

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL
CallState Covered

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C *OPT
OtherDNRole Destination

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ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C *OPT
OtherDNRole Destination *OPT

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN C
CallState OK

EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN C OtherDN C
CallState OK CallState OK

Hold/Retrieve for Bridged Appearance

The following graphic and table describe hold/retrieve for bridged appearance.

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Hold/Retrieve for Bridged Appearance


Call Established between Party A and Party C, with Party B Bridged

Hold (THoldCall)
EventHeld EventHeld
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN A OtherDN A

Retrieve Call (TRetrieveCall)

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
OtherDN A
EventRetrieved CallState Bridged

ConnID 1 EventRinging
ThisDN B ConnID 1
OtherDN A ThisDN C
CallState OK OtherDN A
CallState Covered

ConnID 1
ThisDN C

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OtherDN A

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
EventReleased EventReleased EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
* ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN B or C OtherDN A OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK CallState OK

Internal/Inbound Call Answerable by Several Agents (Party B

The following graphic and table describe an internal/inbound call answerable by several agents (Party
B answers).

Internal/Inbound Call Answerable by Several Agents (Party B Answers)

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Make Call to B (TMakeCall)
or Inbound Call

EventDialing EventRinging

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination *DIAL CallState OK

Coverage Path
ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Covered

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished EventReleased
ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN B OtherDN A OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Destination OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Origination

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
ConnID 1
* ThisDN A
OtherDN B
CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN C OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

EventReleased EventAbandoned EventAbandoned

ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
OtherDN C OtherDN A OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK CallState OK

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Call Treatment with Routing

The following graphic and table describe call treatment with routing.

Call Treatment with Routing

(Routing Point)

Call to B

EventRouteRequest *OPT
ConnID 1
EventDialing ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
ConnID 1 OtherDN A
ThisDN A OtherDNRole Origination
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN B EventTreatmentRequired
OtherDNRole Destination ConnID 1
CallState OK ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination

Treatment Instruction

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(Routing Point)

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination

Route (TRouteCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN B ConnID 1
ThisQueue B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Origination
ThirdPartyDN C *OPT CallState OK
ThirdPartyDNRole Destination *OPT

Answer (TAnswerCall)
EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN C OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK CallState OK

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ThisDN B
* ThisDN A ThisQueue B
OtherDN B ThisDNRole Destination
CallState OK OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination

EventReleased EventAbandoned
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
** ThisDN A ThisDN B
OtherDN B ThisQueue B
CallState OK ThisDNRole Destination

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Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination

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Predictive Dialing
Note the following comments in the call models:


*DIAL—May be a dialed number or is not present if T-Server has no information about the other party.

Predictive Call
The following graphic and table describe a predictive call.

Predictive Call


Make Predictive Call


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ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
CallState OK /
AnsweringMachineDetected a

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination
ThirdPartyDN A *OPT
ThirdPartyDNRole Origination *OPT

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

a. If the switch reports that a call is connected to an answering machine, T-Server also attaches a
key-value pair AnswerClass=AM to the call’s UserData.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
* EventReleased

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Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState a

ConnID 1
** ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState OK

ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A
OtherDN C
CallState OK

a. CallState in this case may be any of the following:

• CallStateGeneralError
• CallStateSystemError
• CallStateBusy
• CallStateNoAnswer
• CallStateAnsweringMachineDetected
• CallStateFaxDetected
• CallStateAllTrunksBusy
• CallStateQueueFull
• CallStateDropped
• CallStateSitDetected
• CallStateSitInvalidnum
• CallStateSitVacant
• CallStateSitIntercept
• CallStateSitUnknown
• CallStateSitNocircuit
• CallStateSitReorder

Predictive Call with Routing

The following graphic and table describe a predictive call with routing.

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Predictive Call with Routing


Make Predictive Call

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B

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ThisDNRole Origination
CallState OK / FaxDetected /
AnsweringMachineDetected a

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination

Route Call to A

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination
ThirdPartyDN A *OPT
ThirdPartyDNRole Origination *OPT

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination
ThirdPartyDN A *OPT
ThirdPartyDNRole Origination *OPT

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)
ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN C
OtherDNRole Destination

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

a. If the switch reports that a call is connected to an answering machine, T-Server also attaches a
key-value pair AnswerClass=AM to the call’s UserData.

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Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C
ConnID 1
* ThisDN B
OtherDN C
CallState a

** ConnID 1
ThisDN B
and ***
OtherDN C
CallState OK

ConnID 1
**** ThisDN A
OtherDN C
CallState OK

a. CallState in this case may be any of the following:

• CallStateGeneralError
• CallStateSystemError
• CallStateBusy
• CallStateNoAnswer
• CallStateAnsweringMachineDetected
• CallStateFaxDetected
• CallStateAllTrunksBusy
• CallStateQueueFull
• CallStateDropped
• CallStateSitDetected
• CallStateSitInvalidnum
• CallStateSitVacant
• CallStateSitIntercept
• CallStateSitUnknown
• CallStateSitNocircuit
• CallStateSitReorder

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Predictive Call (Connected to a Device Specified in Extensions)

The following graphic and table describe a predictive call (connected to a device specified in

Predictive Call (Connected to a Device Specified in Extensions)


PARTY C (Routing
Specified in the
Extensions of Point or ACD Group)

Make Predictive Call


ConnID 1
ThisDN C

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PARTY C (Routing
Specified in the
Extensions of Point or ACD Group)

ThisQueue C
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisQueue C
ThisDNRole Origination

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisQueue C
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN D
OtherDNRole Destination
ThirdPartyDN B
ThirdPartyDNRole Origination

ConnID 1
This DN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN D
OtherDNRole Destination

ConnID 1
ThisDN B
ThisQueue B
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN D
OtherDNRole Destination
ThirdPartyDN A *OPT
ThirdPartyDNRole Origination

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN D
OtherDNRole Destination
CallState OK


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PARTY C (Routing
Specified in the
Extensions of Point or ACD Group)


ConnID 1
ThisDN A
ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN D
OtherDNRole Destination

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

Abnormal Call Flow

ConnID 1
* ThisDN C
OtherDN D
CallState a

ConnID 1
** ThisDN B
OtherDN D
CallState OK

ConnID 1
*** ThisDN A
OtherDN D
CallState OK

a. CallState in this case may be any of the following:

• CallStateGeneralError
• CallStateSystemError
• CallStateBusy
• CallStateNoAnswer
• CallStateAnsweringMachineDetected
• CallStateFaxDetected

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• CallStateAllTrunksBusy
• CallStateQueueFull
• CallStateDropped
• CallStateSitDetected
• CallStateSitInvalidnum
• CallStateSitVacant
• CallStateSitIntercept
• CallStateSitUnknown
• CallStateSitNocircuit
• CallStateSitReorder

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Monitoring Calls

Service Observing on Agent

The following graphics and table describe service observing on an agent.

Service Observing on Agent

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Agent Releases First

External Party Releases First

Observer Releases First

(External) (Service Observer)

Inbound Call
ConnID 1

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(External) (Service Observer)

ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState OK

Answer (TAnswerCall)

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDN A OtherDN A a
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Origination b
CallState OK CallState Bridged

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDN C OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Observer OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Bridged CallState Bridged


Release Phase, see description below.

a. T-Servers for some switches use the party that initialized the Service Observer instead of Party A.
b. T-Servers for some switches use the role of the party that initialized the Service Observer instead
of the role of Party A.

Agent Releases First

(External) (Service Observer)

Release (TReleaseCall)

EventReleased EventPartyDeleted
ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ThisDN C
ThisDN B ThisDNRole Observer
ThisDNRole Destination OtherDN B
CallState OK OtherDNRole DeletedParty
CallState OK


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(External) (Service Observer)

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDN A
CallState OK

External Party Releases First

(External) (Service Observer)

External Party Releases a Call

ConnID 1
ThisDN B ConnID 1
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDN C
OtherDN A ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDNRole DeletedParty OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDNRole Observer a OtherDNRole DeletedParty
ThirdPartyDN C a CallState OK
CallState OK

ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDN C OtherDN B
CallState OK CallState OK

a. The attribute contains observer information.

Observer Releases First

(External) (Service Observer)

Observer Releases a Call

ConnID 1 EventReleased
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination ConnID 1
OtherDN C ThisDN C
OtherDNRole Observer ThisDNRole Observer
ThirdPartyDNRole DeletedBy CallState OK
ThirdPartyDN C
CallState OK

Release Phase (ConnID 1)

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Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point PARTY A PARTY B PARTY C

ConnID 1
* ThisDN B
OtherDN A
CallState OK

Service Observing for Agent-Initiated Call

The following graphic and table describe service observing for an agent-initiated call.

Service Observing for Agent-Initiated Call


EventRinging EventDialing
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN B OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Destination
CallState OK CallState OK

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EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Origination
OtherDN B OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Destination
CallState OK CallState OK

EventPartyAdded EventPartyAdded EventRinging

ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN A ThisDN B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDN C OtherDN C OtherDN B
OtherDNRole Observer OtherDNRole Observer OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Bridged CallState Bridged CallState Bridged

ConnID 1
ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Observer
CallState Bridged


Release Phase, see description in Service Observer on Agent.

Service Observing on Queue

The following graphic and table describe service observing on the queue.

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Service Observing on Queue

Party D
PARTY B PARTY C (Observer)

Inbound Call

EventQueued EventRinging
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN D
ThisDN B
ThisDNRole Observer
ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Bridged

ConnID 1
ThisDN D
ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination
CallState Bridged

ConnID 1
ThisDN B ConnID 1
ThisQueue B ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN A OtherDN A
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Origination
ThirdPartyDN C *OPT CallState Bridged
Destination *OPT


Genesys Events and Models Reference 292

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Party D
PARTY B PARTY C (Observer)


ConnID 1 EventPartyAdded
ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Destination ConnID 1
OtherDN A ThisDN D
OtherDNRole Origination ThisDNRole Observer
CallState Bridged OtherDN C
Extensions: OtherDNRole NewParty
ThirdPartyDN C
OrigDN-1=A ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy
CallState Bridged


Release Phase, see description in Service Observer on Agent.

Abnormal Call Flow


ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN D
* ThisDN C
ThisDNRole Observer
OtherDN A
OtherDN A
CallState OK
CallState OK

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Working With Queues

Multiple-Queue Call Treated at an IVR Port: Treatment at IVR

The following graphic and table describe a multiple-queue call treated an an IVR port: treatment at
the IVR queue.

Multiple Queue, Call Treated at an IVR Port: Treatment at IVR Queue

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Genesys Interaction Models Call Models and Flows

A Q1 Q2 Q3 IVR Agent
/Internal Call to Call to Q1

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
OtherDN* Q1

ConnID 1
ThisDN Q1
ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN A

Call Placed in
ConnID 1
ThisDN Q2
ThisQueue Q2
OtherDN A

Call Placed in
IVR Queue
for Treatment
When No
Agents Ready
ConnID 1
ThisDN Q2
ThisQueue Q2
OtherDN A

ConnID 1
ThisDN Q3 ConnID 1
ThisQueue Q3 ThisDN IVR
OtherDN A ThisQueue Q3
ThirdPartyDN IVR OtherDN A
DN CallState
CallState ConverseOn


Genesys Events and Models Reference 295

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A Q1 Q2 Q3 IVR Agent

ConnID 1
ThisQueue Q3
OtherDN A

Agent Ready
EventDiverted EventDiverted EventReleased
a EventRinging
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN RQ2 ThisDN Q2 ConnID 1
ThisQueue RQ2 ThisQueue Q2 ConnID 1 ThisDN AgentDN
OtherDN A OtherDN A ThisDN IVR ThisQueue Q1
ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDN ThisQueue Q3 OtherDN A
AgentDN AgentDN OtherDN A

ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ThisDN AgentDN
ThisDN A ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN AgentDN OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

a. EventReleased can occur before an agent becomes available because the IVR finishes call
treatment. b. In some deployments, EventEstablished for party A can occur at the same time as the
IVR EventEstablished, especially if a call comes through the PSTN.

Abnormal Call Flow

A Q1 Q2 Q3 IVR Agent
ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
OtherDN Q1 ThisDN Q1 ThisDN Q2 ThisDN Q3 ThisDN IVR
OtherDN A OtherDN A OtherDN A OtherDN A

Multiple-Queue, Call Treated at an IVR Port: Direct Treatment at

IVR Port
The following graphic and table describe a multiple-queue call treated at an IVR port: direct
treatment at the IVR queue.

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Multiple Queue, Call Treated at an IVR Port: Direct Treatment at IVR


External Party Q1 Q2 IVR Agent

Call to Q1
/Internal Call to Q1

ConnID 1
ThisDN A
OtherDN* Q1

ConnID 1
ThisDN Q1
ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN A

Call Placed in
Second Queue

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External Party Q1 Q2 IVR Agent

ConnID 1
ThisDN Q2
ThisQueue Q2
OtherDN A

Call Placed
Directly to IVR
ConnID 1
OtherDN A
CallState ConverseOn

ConnID 1
OtherDN A

Agent Ready
EventDiverted EventDiverted EventRinging
EventReleased a
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN RQ2 ThisDN Q2 ConnID 1 ThisDN AgentDN
ThisQueue RQ2 ThisQueue Q2 ThisDN IVR ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN A OtherDN A OtherDN A OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDN AgentDN ThirdPartyDN AgentDN

EventEstablished EventEstablished
ConnID 1
ConnID 1 ThisDN AgentDN
ThisDN A ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN AgentDN OtherDN A
CallState OK CallState OK

a. EventReleased can occur before an agent becomes available because the IVR finishes call
treatment. b. In some deployments, EventEstablished for party A can occur at the same time as the
IVR EventEstablished, especially if a call comes through the PSTN.

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption External
Q1 Q2 IVR Agent
Point Party

EventReleased EventAbandonedEventAbandonedEventReleased
* ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
OtherDN Q1
ThisDN Q1 ThisDN Q2 ThisDN IVR

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Interruption External
Q1 Q2 IVR Agent
Point Party

OtherDN A OtherDN A OtherDN A

Multiple-Queue Call: Call Removed from Queue

The following graphic and table describe a multiple-queue call: with the call removed from the queue.

Multiple-Queue Call: Call Removed from Queue

A Q1 Q2 IVR Agent
Inbound Call to
Call to Q1
ConnID 1
ThisDN Q1
ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN A

Call Placed in

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A Q1 Q2 IVR Agent

Second Queue

ConnID 1
ThisDN Q2
ThisQueue Q2
OtherDN A

Call Placed in
Third Queue for
Treatment When
No Agents Ready

ConnID 1
ThisDN Q3
ThisQueue Q3
OtherDN A

Call Cleared
from Third

ConnID 1
ThisDN Q3
ThisQueue Q3
OtherDN A
CallState Cleared

Agent Ready
EventDiverted EventDiverted EventRinging
ConnID 1 ConnID 1 ConnID 1
ThisDN Q1 ThisDN Q2 ThisDN AgentDN
ThisQueue Q1 ThisQueue Q2 ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN A OtherDN A OtherDN A
ThirdPartyDN AgentDN ThirdPartyDN AgentDN CallState OK

ConnID 1
ThisDN AgentDN
ThisQueue Q1
OtherDN A
CallState OK

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Network T-Server Attended Transfer Call


Standard Network Call Initiation

The Standard Network Call Initiation figure illustrates the standard call setup for a call entering a
Genesys environment through a Network T-Server. The diagrams that follow it in this section assume
the completion of this stage and present common network attended transfer scenarios and a few
error cases.

Standard Network Call Initiation

Consultation Leg Initiation, Specific Destination

The following figure illustrates the creation of the consultation leg in a case where the destination DN
and its location are provided in the TNetworkConsult() function call.

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Consultation Leg Initiation, Specific Destination

Failed Consultation: Specific Target

In the following figure, the request to consult has failed. Events shown with dotted lines are
distributed only when the call is delivered to the intended destination, but not answered (for
instance, when State = NoAnswer). Since the consult request in this case is made to a specific DN
and location, an explicit reconnect request (or another TNetworkConsult request, if allowed by the
given SCP) from Agent 1 is required. Until such a request is made, the call remains in the
Consulting/NoParty state.

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Failed Consultation: Direct Target

Consultation Leg Initiation, URS Selected Destination

The following figure illustrates the creation of the consultation leg in a case where the destination DN
and its location are provided by URS. In this case the original caller is still connected to the call
(speaking with Agent 1) while URS selects the target. The caller is then placed on hold the moment
the consultation leg is created. Depending on the given SCP's capabilities, other scenarios are also
possible. For example:

• The original caller might be put on hold immediately (as is the case with conventional local two-step
transfers). In such a case, the value for NetworkState for the first event is Consulting/Routing.
• The original caller might be connected to the call throughout the entire consult and delivery phase, and
then put on hold only when the destination (Agent 2) answers the call. In this case, the second event
has a value of ConsultHeld instead of Consulting.

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Consultation Leg Initiation, URS Selected Destination

Failed Consultation: URS Selected Destination

The following figure shows a failed request for consultation. Events shown with dotted lines are
distributed only when the call is delivered to the intended destination, but not answered (for
instance, when State = NoAnswer). Because URS controls consultation initiation in this case, no
explicit reconnection is required. URS continues to offer different route targets until the consultation
is connected. (The shaded portion of the diagram may repeat several times.) At this point:

• Reconnect can still occur manually.

• URS can reconnect using a reject or default route instruction.

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Failed Consultation: URS Selected Target

Transfer/Conference Completion: Explicit

The following figure illustrates the completion of either a network-attended transfer or conference. It
assumes that the call had a successful consultation phase for its transfer or conference completion to
be valid. This assumption is necessary since EventNetworkCallStatus is a direct response to the
TNetworkTransfer feature request. The Network T-Server sends Agent 1 EventNetworkCallStatus
regardless of whether the call has already been released.

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Transfer/Conference Completion: Explicit

Transfer Completion: Implicit

An implicit transfer completion occurs when Agent 1's channel becomes disconnected and the call
has a status of Consulting, ConsultHeld, or Conferencing.

This scenario applies only when the disconnection is with respect to Agent 1. (For
details on a disconnection with Agent 2, see Implicit Reconnection (by SCP) and
Implicit Reconnection (by Network T-Server). For a disconnection with respect to the
caller, see Caller Abandonment.)

EventNetworkCallStatus is sent to Agent 1 only if T-Server A delays the release of EventReleased

for some reason.

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Network Attended Transfer Completion: Implicit

Conference Completion
The following figure illustrates a standard conference completion.

Conference Completion

Alternate Call Service

The following figure contains two variations of the service to show different possible network states
for the events.

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Alternate Call Service

Alternate Call Service with Transfer Completion

The following figure demonstrates the applicability of TNetworkTransfer after the use of the
alternate call service.

TNetworkConference, TNetworkReconnect, and the implicit form of transfer
completion are also available after an instance of the alternate call service.

Alternate Call Service with Transfer Completion

The following three figures show the call flows for reconnecting the caller to Agent 1. As with transfer
completion, reconnection has both explicit (Network Attended Reconnection: Explicit) and implied
(Network Attended Reconnection: Implicit by SCP and Network Attended Reconnection: Implicit by
Network T-Server) forms. In fact, the only difference between the implicit form for network transfer
and network reconnection is a party's relationship to the original call. If the controlling agent
disconnects, the action is considered a transfer. If the destination agent disconnects, it is considered
a reconnection.

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Explicit Reconnection

Network Attended Reconnection: Explicit

Implicit Reconnection (by SCP)

Network Attended Reconnection: Implicit by SCP

Implicit Reconnection (by Network T-Server)

In some cases, if Agent 2 disconnects while the consultation call is on hold, SCP leaves the
consultation leg to be dropped manually. Although this operation then becomes the responsibility of
the Network T-Server, the client may get a notification regarding an intermediate state, as shown in
the following figure.

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Network Attended Reconnection: Implicit by Network T-Server

Caller Abandonment
The following figure illustrates a caller abandonment scenario. If at any time during a multi-party call
the origination party disconnects, the SCP may choose to end the call outright, or send a leg
disconnected message.

Caller Abandonment

Network Single-Step Transfer

For single-step transfers, the operation is complete immediately after the new call leg is created.
Thus, for the external observer, there is no consultation phase.

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Network Attended Single-Step Transfer

Premature Disconnection, One Variation

If an agent disconnects the call prior to completion of the consultation leg, a number of things can
happen, depending on the current state of the consultation. One variation is detailed in the following
figure. In this case, the disconnection occurs prior to the SCP being aware of a pending consultation.
The message from the SCP is likely to be Call Dropped, as only the caller would remain on the call.

Premature Disconnection: One Variation

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Premature Disconnection, a Second Variation

The following figure shows Agent 1 disconnecting after the SCP has been notified of a call, but prior
to its connection (or failure). Since the state of the consultation is not known, the call considered to
have transferred. The SCP at this point should connect the original caller with the consultation target.
The call at this point is treated identically to a normal inbound call that is waiting for its connection
status from the SCP. The network attended session is complete, and no further NetworkCallStatus
events are distributed.

If the delivery results in failure (or a NoAnswer condition), URS should re-route the call to a different
target. However, if the call was intended for an explicitly specified target (and URS is not in control of
the consultation leg), any call status other than Connected results in default routing instructions
being returned to the SCP, and the call ending.

Premature Disconnection: a Second Variation

Transactional Error
A T-Library client is required to wait for a network status message prior to attempting further call
control. This message is either the next status message after making its network request or
EventError. Failure to abide by this results in an error being returned to the requestor.

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Transactional Error

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Shared Call Appearance

Introduced in SIP Server version, Shared Call Appearance (SCA) enables a group of SIP
phones to receive inbound calls directed to a single destination (shared line); that way, any phone
from this group can answer the call, barge-in to the active call, or retrieve the call placed on hold.

The call flows in this section describe the functions and events related to SCA functionality:

• Inbound Call Alerting

• Inbound Call Answered
• Call Termination by a Non-shared Line Phone
• Outbound Call from SCA
• Hold/Retrieve
• Barge-in

Note: Subscription to other T-Library events is required to see actions on the calls and for Barge-in/
Retrieve functions. The T-Library client must not allow to send 3pcc requests from a shared-line user
for the calls that are owned by other T-Library clients.

Inbound Call Alerting

The following graphic and table describe the inbound call alerting.

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Inbound Call Alerting

Caller (60972) DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

ConnID 1

(10) EventRinging (12) EventRinging ConnID 1
DN 60972
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
PartyID 1
ThisDN 60970 ThisDN 60970_2
State Initiated
EventOffhook ThisDNRole Destination ThisDNRole Destination
OtherDN 60972 OtherDN 60972
ThisDN 60972 OtherDNRole Origination OtherDNRole Origination
ConnID 1
CallState Covered CallState Covered
PartyID 1
EventDialing CallType Internal/Inbound CallType Internal/Inbound
State Connected+Dialing
ConnID 1 (depends on 60972 location) (depends on 60972 location)
ThisDN 60972
OtherDN 60970 Extensions: AppearanceIndex Extensions: AppearanceIndex
ConnID 1
CallState Ok 1 1
DN 60970
PartyID 2
CallState value is Covered CallState value is Covered
State Alerting
because this is a call to a because this is a call to a
shared line. shared line.
ConnID 1
DN 60970_2
PartyID 3
State Alerting

Inbound Call Answered

The following graphic and table describe the inbound call answered call flow.

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Inbound Call Answered

Caller (60972) DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

(3) EventEstablished EventCallPartyDeleted
EventEstablished EventReleased
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN 60970 ConnID 1
ConnID 1 PartyID 3 (60970_2)
ThisDNRole Destination ThisDN 60970_2
ThisDN 60972
OtherDN 60972 ThisDNRole Destination
ThisDNRole Origination EventCallPartyState
OtherDNRole Origination OtherDN 60972
OtherDN 60970 ConnID 1
OtherDNRole Origination
OtherDNRole Destination PartyID 2
Extensions: AppearanceIndex CallState Redirected
State Connected

Call Termination by a Non-shared Line Phone

The following graphic and table describe the call termination by a non-shared line phone call flow.

Call Termination by a Non-shared Line Phone

Caller (60972) DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

EventReleased (3) EventReleased EventCallPartyDeleted

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ConnID 1
ConnID 1 PartyID 2
ThisDN 60970
ConnID 1 OtherDN 60972 EventCallPartyDeleted
ThisDN 60972 CallState OK ConnID 1
OtherDN 60970 PartyID 1
(4) EventOnHook
ThisDN 60970 EventCallDeleted
ConnID 1

Outbound Call from SCA

The following graphic and table describe the outbound call from SCA call flow.

Outbound Call from SCA

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Caller (60972) DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

(3) EventPrivateInfo
ServiceId 4026 ThisDN 60970
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1 ConnID 1

(11) EventOffHook EventCallPartyAdded

ThisDN 60970 ConnID 1
DN 60970
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1 PartyID 1
State Initiated
(12) EventDialing
EventRinging ConnID 1 EventCallPartyState
ThisDN 60970 ConnID 1
OtherDN 60970
ThisDNRole Origination PartyID 1
OtherDN 60972 State Connected+Dialing
OtherDNRole Destination
OtherDN 60970
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1 ConnID 1
DN 60972
(24) EventEstablished PartyID 3
ConnID 1 State Alerting
ThisDN 60970
ThisDNRole Origination EventCallPartyState ConnID
OtherDN 60972 1
OtherDNRole Destination PartyID 3 (60972)
State Connected
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1

Abnormal Call Flow

Interruption Point DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

ConnID 1
ThisDN 60970
OtherDN 60972
* 60970 hangs up
CallState OK

ThisDN 60970

EventReleased EventCallPartyDeleted
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
PartyID 1
** 60970 hangs up ThisDN 60970
OtherDN 60972
CallState OK
ConnID 1

The following graphic and table describe the hold/retrieve call flow.

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DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

EventOffhook EventCallPartyState
ThisDN 60970_2 ConnID 1
PartyID 60970partyID
(5) EventHeld Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1 State Held
ConnID 1
EventRinging EventCallPartyDeleted
ThisDN 60970
ConnID 1 ConnID 1
OtherDN 60972
ThisDN 60970_2 PartyID 60970PartyID
OtherDN 60972
(11) EventReleased
CallState Transferred EventCallPartyAdded
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ThisDN 60970
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1 PartyID 60970_2partyID
OtherDN 60972
State Alerting
CallState Transferred
(15) EventEstablished ConnID 1
Cause 1stepTransfer
ThisDN 60970_2 EventCallPartyState
OtherDN 60972 ConnID 1
CallState OK PartyID 60970_2partyID
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1 State Connected

Abnormal Call Flow

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Interruption Point DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

ConnID 1
EventReleased PartyID 60970PartyID
ConnID 1
* 60970 hangs up ThisDN 60970
ConnID 1
OtherDN 60972
PartyID 60972PartyID
CallState OK
ConnID 1

The following graphic and table describe the barge-in call flow.


DN 60970 DN 60970_2 Call Monitoring

EventPartyAdded EventRinging EventPartyAdded
ConnID 1
ConnID 1
ConnID 1 EventCallPartyAdded
ThisDN 60972 ThisDN 60970_2
ThisDN 60970
OtherDN 60970 OtherDN 60970 ConnID 1
CallState OK
OtherDNRole NewParty OtherDNRole NewParty PartyID 60970partyID
ThirdPartyDN 60970 ThirdPartyDN 60970 State Alerting
ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy ThirdPartyDNRole AddedBy
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1
CallState Conferenced CallState Conferenced

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ThisDN 60970
Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1 EventCallPartyState
EventEstablished ConnID 1
ConnID 1 PartyID 60970partyID
ThisDN 60970 State Connected
CallState Conferenced

Extensions: AppearanceIndex 1

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Basic Interaction Models

This section presents models representing basic tasks that the Multimedia components perform in
terms of scenarios. Some scenarios are made up of a single model. Others consist of several models
that represent different temporal phases. Others collect several models that represent different but
related versions of a single general scenario.

The events that occur in each model are all documented in Open Media Interaction Models

This section has the following subsections:

• Registration
• Media Server Submits Interaction
• Agent Submits Interaction
• Stop Processing
• Change Properties
• Place Interaction in Queue
• Place Interaction in Workbin
• Deliver Interaction to Agent
• Agent Pulls Interaction
• Transfer
• Conference
• Workbin Operations
• Snapshot Operations
• Intrusion
• Login/Logout
• Reporting Engine Connects
• Disconnection and Failover
• Invoke Autoresponse

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This set of models illustrates successful and unsuccessful registration. Successful registration
proceeds as follows:

1. A client connects to Interaction Server.

2. The client asks to register.
3. Interaction Server checks to see if the client is valid. If the client is valid, Interaction Server sends

Unsuccessful registration proceeds as follows:

1. A client connects to Interaction Server.

2. One of the following happens:
• The client asks to register, but Interaction Server finds that it is not a valid client.
• The client sends any other message to Interaction Server.

3. In either case, Interaction Server returns EventError.

4. When a timeout expires, Interaction Server disconnects.

Successful Registration
In this phase, shown in the following figure, a client connects, then asks to register.

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Successful Registration

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Successful Registration

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management

Unsuccessful Registration
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server finds that the client is not valid. It may
do this in response to RequestRegisterClient or to any other message from the client. In any case,
Interaction Server responds with EventError, then disconnects from the client.

Unsuccessful Registration

The figure above actually contains three possible versions:

1. Client sends RequestRegisterClient, Interaction Server finds that the client is not valid, Interaction
server returns EventError.
2. Client sends any message Interaction Server finds that the client is not registered, Interaction server

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returns EventError.
3. First a, then b.

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Unsuccessful Registration

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Media Server Submits Interaction

This set of models illustrates the following scenario:

1. A media server asks to submit an interaction to Interaction Server. Interaction Server checks the
interaction's parameters. If the parameters are correct, Interaction Server accepts the request.
2. If Interaction Server discovers that the parameters are incorrect, it rejects the request.

Media Server Asks to Submit

In this phase, shown in the following figure, a media server sends RequestSubmit to Interaction

Media Server Asks to Submit

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Media Server Asks to Submit

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventInteractionSubmitted Reporting

Unsuccessful Submission by Media Server

In this phase, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server discovers a problem, such as that the
media server is not registered as a client, or that there is a error in one of the attributes of

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Unsuccessful Submission by Media Server

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Unsuccessful Submission by Media Server

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Agent Submits Interaction

This set of models illustrates the following scenario:

1. An agent asks to submit an interaction.

2. Interaction Server checks the validity of the agent application.
3. One of the following happens:
• If the agent application is valid, Interaction Server accepts the submission and informs the reporting
• If the agent application is not valid, Interaction Server rejects the submission.

Successful Submission
A successful submission is shown in the following figure:

Successful Submission by Agent

This model uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Successful Submission by Agent

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventInteractionSubmitted Reporting
EventPartyAdded Reporting

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Unsuccessful Submission
An unsuccessful submission is shown in the following figure:

Unsuccessful Submission by Agent

This model uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Unsuccessful Submission by Agent

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Stop Processing
This scenario has several versions, depending on these two points:

• Which entity initiates the stop processing request: media server, agent, or URS
• If a media server initiates the request, there is a further difference according to whether an agent or
URS is involved in processing.

This produces four possible versions, called A, B, C, and D in this section:

A—Initiated by media server, agent involved in processing

B—Initiated by media server, URS involved in processing

C—Initiated by agent

D—Initiated by URS

A: Initiated by Media Server, Agent Involved

In this version, shown in the following figure, an agent is processing the interaction when a media
server asks for processing to stop.

Stop Processing A: Media Server Initiates, Agent Involved

This version uses the messages listed in the following table:

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Messages in Stop Processing A

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventProcessingStopped Reporting
EventRevoked Interaction Management

B: Initiated by Media Server, URS Involved

In this version, shown in the following figure, URS is processing the interaction when a media server
asks for processing to stop.

Stop Processing B: Media Server Initiates, URS Involved

This version uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Stop Processing B

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventProcessingStopped Reporting
EventAbandoned, used here in place of

This model uses the T-Library EventRouteUsed to stand in for the Interaction Management

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C: Initiated By Agent
In this version, shown in the following figure, an agent initiates the stop processing request.

Stop Processing C: Initiated by Agent

This version uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Stop Processing C

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventProcessingStopped Reporting
EventRevoked Interaction Management

D: Initiated by URS
In this version, shown in the following figure, URS initiates the stop processing request.

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Stop Processing D: Initiated by URS

This version uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Stop Processing D

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventProcessingStopped Reporting
EventRouteUsed, used here in place of EventAck T-Library

This phase uses the T-Library RequestRouteCall to stand in for the Interaction Management
RequestStopProcessing. It also uses the T-Library EventRouteUsed to stand in for the Interaction
Management EventAck.

In this version, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server finds that the request is invalid and
rejects it.

Stop Processing: Unsuccessful

This version uses the messages listed in the following table:

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Messages in Stop Processing: Unsuccessful

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Change Properties
This scenario has several versions, differentiated first of all according to which entity initiates the
request to change properties:

• Media server initiates the request

• While an agent is processing the interaction.
• While URS is processing the interaction.

• URS initiates the request (only while URS is processing).

Media Server Requests While Agent is Processing

In this phase, shown in the following figure, a media server asks to change the properties of an
interaction. Interaction Server informs the reporting engine and the agent who is processing the

Media Server Requests While Agent is Processing

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Media Server Requests While Agent is Processing

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPropertiesChanged Interaction Management

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Media Server Requests While URS is Processing

In this phase, shown in the following figure, a media server asks to change the properties of an
interaction. Interaction Server informs the reporting engine and URS, which is processing the

Media Server Requests While URS is Processing

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Media Server Requests, URS is Processing

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventAttachedDataChanged, used here in place of

This phase uses the T-Library EventAttachedDataChanged to stand in for the Interaction
Management EventPropertiesChanged.

URS Requests
In this phase, shown in the following figure, URS changes the interaction properties. If the media
server has included the extension event_properties_changed, with nonzero value, in its
RequestRegisterClient message, then Interaction Server sends EventProperitesChanged
informing it of the change.

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URS Requests

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in URS Requests

Message Protocol
EventAttachedDataChanged, used here in place of
EventPropertiesChanged Interaction Management

This phase uses the T-Library RequestUpdateUserData to stand in for the Interaction Management
RequestChangeproperties. It also uses the T-Library EventAttachedDataChanged to stand in for the
Interaction Management EventAck.

Unsuccessful Request
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server finds that the request is invalid.

Unsuccessful Request

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

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Messages in Unsuccessful
Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Place Interaction in Queue

In this model, shown in the following figure, URS requests Interaction Server to place an interaction in
a queue.

Place Interaction in Queue

The agent application can also make the request to place an interaction in a queue. In
that case the model would look the same, except that Interaction Server would simply
send EventAck rather than EventRouteUsed.

This model uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Place Interaction in Queue

Message Protocol
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventPlacedInQueue Reporting
EventRouteUsed, used here in place of EventAck T-Library

This model uses the following substitutions:

• T-Library EventRouteUsed stands in for Interaction Management EventAck

• T-Library RequestRouteCall stands in for Interaction Management RequestPlaceInQueue.

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Place Interaction in Workbin

In this model, shown in the following figure, URS asks Interaction Server to place an interaction in a

Place Interaction in Workbin

The agent application can also make the request to place an interaction in a workbin.
In that case the model would look the same, except that Interaction Server would
simply send EventAck rather than EventRouteUsed.

This model uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Place Interaction in Workbin

Message Protocol
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventPlacedInQueue Reporting
EventPlacedInWorkbin Reporting
EventRouteUsed, used here in place of EventAck T-Library
EventWorkbinContentChanged Interaction Management

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This model uses the following substitutions:

• T-Library EventRouteUsed stands in for Interaction Management EventAck.

• T-Library RequestRouteCall stands in for Interaction Management RequestPlaceInWorkbin.

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Deliver Interaction to Agent

This set of models illustrates the following scenario:

1. URS asks Interaction Server to attempt to deliver an interaction to an agent.

2. Then one of the following happens:
• The agent accepts the interaction.
• The agent rejects the interaction.
• The agent fails to respond.

URS Requests Delivery

In this phase, shown in the following figure, URS sends RequestRouteCall to Interaction Server,
specifying the agent and place to receive the interaction. Then Interaction Server sends EventInvite
to the agent application and sets a timer.

URS Requests Delivery

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in URS Requests Delivery

Message Protocol
EventAgentInvited Reporting
EventInvite Interaction Management
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventRouteUsed T-Library

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

The second phase of this scenario can have one of the following three forms.

Agent Accepts Delivery

In this version of the second phase, shown in the following figure, the agent application accepts
delivery of the interaction, and Interaction Server sends EventRouteUsed to URS, informing it that its
Deliver request has been filled. Interaction Server also cancels the timer that it started in the
previous phase.

Agent Accepts Delivery

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Agent Accepts Delivery

Message Protocol
EventPartyAdded Reporting

There are two ways that the delivery attempt can fail, shown in the next sections.

Agent Rejects Delivery

In this version of the second phase, rather than accepting the interaction as in the figure above, the
agent rejects the interaction using RequestReject, as shown in the following figure. Interaction
Server cancels the timer, acknowledges RequestReject using EventAck, and informs URS of the
situation with EventRouteUsed.

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Agent Rejects Delivery

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Agent Rejects Delivery

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventRejected Reporting

Agent Fails to Respond in Time

In the first phase of this scenario, Interaction Server set a timer. In this version of the second phase,
shown in the following figure, the agent application does not respond within the time set and
Interaction Server revokes the interaction.

Time Limit Reached

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Messages in Time Limit Reached

Message Protocol
EventRevoked Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Agent Pulls Interaction

This set of models illustrates the following scenario:

1. Agent application asks to pull an interaction:

• From some place other than a workbin.
• From a workbin.

2. Some processing activity occurs.

3. Timeout: Processing activity stops (or never occurred).

Agent Issues Pull Request

This phase has two versions, depending on whether the interaction is to be pulled from a workbin or
from some other location.

From Non-Workbin
In this version of the first phase, shown in the following figure, the interaction is pulled from
somewhere other than a workbin (most likely a queue). Notice that Interaction Server starts a timer,
which continues running into the following phases.

Agent Pulls From Non-Workbin

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in Agent Pulls From Non-Workbin

Message Protocol
EventPartyAdded Reporting

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Message Protocol
EventPulledInteractions Interaction Management
EventTakenFromQueue Reporting

From Workbin
In this version of the first phase, shown in the following figure, the interaction is pulled from a

Agent Pulls Interaction From Workbin

This version uses the same messages as the previously-described version, plus two more. All are
listed in the following table:

Messages in Agent Pulls From Workbin

Message Protocol
EventPartyAdded Reporting
EventPulledInteractions Interaction Management
EventTakenFromQueue Reporting
EventTakenFromWorkbin Reporting
EventWorkbinContentChanged Interaction Management

Processing Occurs
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server resets its timer each time it receives a
request from the agent application. The interaction remains with the agent as long as the agent
continues to send requests.

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Processing Occurs

This phase uses any request from the Interaction Management Protocol.

No Processing: Timeout
In this phase, shown in the following figure, the timer expires and Interaction Server revokes the

No Processing: Timeout

This phase uses the messages listed in the following table:

Messages in No Processing: Timeout

Message Protocol
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventRevoked Interaction Management

Genesys Events and Models Reference 348

Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

This set of models illustrates the following scenario:

1. One agent invites another to accept a transfer.

2. One of the following happens:
• The second agent accepts the invitation and the transfer completes.
• The second agent rejects the invitation.
• There is no response and the invitation times out.
• Interaction Server finds that either the first agent application or the interaction is invalid.

Invitation Issued
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 1 asks Interaction Server to invite Agent 2 to
accept a transfer.

Transfer Invitation Issued

This phase uses the messages shown in listed in the following table:

Messages in Transfer Invitation Issued

Message Protocol
EventAgentInvited Reporting
EventInvite Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Invitation Accepted
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 accepts the transfer.

Transfer Invitation Accepted

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Transfer Invitation Accepted

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyAdded Reporting
EventPartyRemoved Reporting

Invitation Rejected
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 rejects the invitation.

Transfer Invitation Rejected

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Transfer Invitation Rejected

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventError Interaction Management
EventRejected Reporting

Invitation Times Out

In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 does not respond within the timeout period, so
Interaction Server revokes the invitation.

Transfer Invitation Times Out

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Transfer Invitation Times Out

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management
EventRevoked Interaction Management

Invitation Is Invalid
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server finds that either the agent or the
interaction is not valid (for example, the agent is not registered with Interaction Server).

This phase replaces, rather than follows, the initial phase Invitation Issued.

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Transfer Invitation Is Invalid

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Transfer Invitation Is Invalid

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

This set of models illustrates the following scenario:

1. One agent invites another to join a conference.

2. One of the following happens:
• The second agent accepts the invitation and joins the conference.
• The second agent rejects the invitation.
• There is no response and the invitation times out.
• Interaction Server finds that either the first agent application or the interaction is invalid.

3. If the second agent accepts, the conference proceeds until the second agent then attempts to leave the
conference, successfully or not.

Invitation Issued
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 1 invites Agent 2 to join a conference.

Conference Invitation Issued

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Conference Invitation Issued

Message Protocol
EventAgentInvited Reporting
EventInvite Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Invitation Accepted
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 accepts the invitation and Interaction Server
informs all parties to the interaction that Agent 2 has joined.

Conference Invitation Accepted

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Conference Invitation Accepted

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyAdded Reporting and Interaction Management

Invitation Rejected
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 rejects the invitation.

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Conference Invitation Rejected

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Conference Invitation Rejected

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventError Interaction Management
EventRejected Reporting

Invitation Times Out

In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 does not respond within the timeout period, so
Interaction Server revokes the invitation.

Conference Invitation Times Out

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Conference Invitation Time Out

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Message Protocol
EventRevoked Interaction Management

Invitation Is Invalid
In this phase, shown in the following figure, Interaction Server finds that either the agent or the
interaction is not valid (for example, the agent is not registered with Interaction Server).

This phase replaces, rather than follows, the initial phase Invitation Issued.

Conference Invitation Is Invalid

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Conference Invitation Is Invalid

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

Leave the Conference

In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 leaves the conference.

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Leave the Conference

When the last party leaves the interaction, Interaction Server returns the interaction to its former
location and informs the Reporting engine.

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Leave the Conference

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyRemoved Interaction Management
EventPartyRemoved Reporting
EventPlacedInQueue Reporting
EventPlacedInWorkbin Reporting

Fail to Leave the Conference

In this phase, shown in the following figure, Agent 2 attempts to leave the conference, but Interaction
Server rejects the request.

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Fail to Leave the Conference

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Fail to Leave the Conference

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Workbin Operations
This set of models illustrates the following two ways that an agent application can interact with a

• Get content from the workbin

• Register to receive notification when the workbin's content changes.

Agent Gets Workbin Content

In this phase, shown in the figure below, the agent application requests and receives data on the
interactions that the workbin contains.

Agent Gets Workbin Content

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Agent Gets Workbin Content

Message Protocol
EventWorkbinContent Interaction Management

Agent Fails to Get Workbin Content

In this phase, shown in the figure below, Interaction Server rejects the agent's request for workbin
data. This happens when either the agent or the workbin is not registered with Interaction Server.

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Agent Fails to Get Workbin Content

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Agent Fails to Get Workbin Content

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

Agent Requests Workbin Notification

In this phase, shown in the the figure below, the agent asks to be notified of all future changes in the
contents of a specified workbin.

Agent Requests Workbin Notification

Interaction Server checks that both the workbin and the agent are registered with it.

• If either is unknown to Interaction Server, it returns EventError.

• If both are registered, Interaction returns EventAck to the agent.

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Messages in Agent Requests Workbin Notification

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management

Agent Cancels Workbin Notifications

In this phase, shown in the figure below, the agent cancels its subscription for workbin notification.

Agent Cancels Workbin Notifications

If either the workbin or the agent is unknown to Interaction Server, or if the agent has not subscribed
for workbin notification, Interaction Server returns EventError.

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Agent Cancels Workbin Notifications

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Snapshot Operations
This set of models illustrates various operations on snapshots. A snapshot is a list of all of the
interactions in the Interaction Server's database that meet specified conditions at a given time. The
agent application requests a snapshot from Interaction Server and uses the results to populate the
list of interactions that display on the Agent or Supervisor desktop.

Take a Snapshot
In this phase, shown in the figure below, the agent application defines a set of conditions and
requests a snapshot of the interactions that meet the conditions.

Take a Snapshot

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Take a Snapshot

Message Protocol
EventSnapshotTaken Interaction Management

Get Snapshot Interactions

In this phase, shown in the following figure, the agent application requests the content of a previously
taken snapshot; that is, information about the interactions that are included in the snapshot.

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Get Snapshot Interactions

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Get Snapshot Interactions

Message Protocol
EventSnaphotInteractions Interaction Management

Lock or Unlock Interactions

In this phase, shown in the figure below, an agent application asks Interaction Server to lock or
unlock an interaction. Locked interactions are not visible to views and can not be pulled from queues
by URS or an agent.

Lock or Unlock Interactions

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Lock or Unlock Interactions

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Release Snapshot
In this phase, shown in the figure below, an agent application asks Interaction Server to release a
specified snapshot; that is, to unlock any interactions that were locked in the context of this

Release Snapshot

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Release Snapshot

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Intrusion is like a conference, except that a conference is initiated by an entity that is already a party
to the interaction, while intrusion is initiated by an entity that is not a party to the interaction.
Therefore intrusion may also be described as an externally-initiated conference. This set of models
illustrates the following scenario:

1. While Agent 1 is processing an interaction, Agent 2 asks to join in a conference.

2. One of the following happens:
• The conference is set up and proceeds.
• Agent 2 declines the conference.
• The request times out.
• Interaction Server rejects Agent 2's request.

Intrusion Requested
In this phase, shown in the figure below, Agent 2 asks to join an interaction that is already being
processed by Agent 1. Interaction Server responds by sending EventInvite to Agent 2.

Intrusion Requested

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Intrusion Requested

Message Protocol
EventAgentInvited Reporting
EventInvite Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Intrusion Accepted
In this phase, shown in the figure below, Agent 2 accepts the invitation to join the interaction.
Interaction Server responds with two instances of EventAck: the first one acknowledges the agent's
RequestAccept from this phase, the other acknowledges the agent's RequestIntrude from the
preceding phase.

Intrusion Accepted

Interaction Server then reports the addition of Agent 2 to the interaction by sending
EventPartyAdded to Agent 1, the reporting engine, and any other parties to the interaction.

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Intrusion Accepted

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventPartyAdded Reporting and Interaction Management

Intrusion Rejected by Agent

In this phase, shown in the figure below, Agent 2 rejects the invitation to join the interaction.
Interaction Server responds with EventAck, replying to RequestReject from this phase, and with
EventError, replying to RequestIntrude from the previous Intrusion Requested.

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Intrusion Rejected by Agent

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Rejected by Agent

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventError Interaction Management
EventRejected Reporting

Intrusion Rejected by Interaction Server

In this phase, shown in the figure below, Interaction Server finds that either the agent or the
interaction are not registered, and so rejects Agent 2's request for intrusion.

Intrusion Rejected by Interaction Server

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Intrusion Rejected by Interaction Server

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Intrusion Times Out

In this phase, shown in the figure below, the timer that Interaction Server started in the first phase
(Intrusion Requested) expires. Interaction Server then sends EventRevoked to Agent 2 and to the
reporting engine. It also sends EventError as a response to Agent 2's original RequestIntrude in the
first phase.

Intrusion Times Out

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Intrusion Times Out

Message Protocol
EventError Interaction Management
EventRevoked Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

This set of models illustrates a scenario which follows Successful Registration:

1. After connecting and registering, the agent application logs in to all available Interaction Servers.
2. The agent application logs out from the Interaction Servers.

Agent Logs In
In this phase, shown in the figure below:

1. The agent application sends RequestAgentLogin to the primary Interaction Server.

2. The primary Interaction Server sends EventAgentLogin to the reporting engine, which responds with
3. The agent applications sends RequestAgentAvailable to all other Interaction Servers that are running.
4. The primary Interaction Server relays EventCurrentAgentStatus to the agent application.

Note that the agent application uses different events to log in to primary versus secondary
Interaction Servers.

Agent Logs In

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Messages in Agent Logs In

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventAgentLogin Reporting
EventCurrentAgentStatus Reporting

Agent Logs Out

In this phase, shown in the figure below, the agent application sends RequestAgentLogout to the
primary Interaction Server, which relays that information to the reporting engine. After the agent
application receives EventAck from this Interaction Server, it sends RequestAgentNotAvailable to
all secondary Interaction Servers.

Agent Logs Out

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Agent Logs Out

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventAgentLogout Reporting

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Reporting Engine Connects

This model illustrates the following scenario:

1. The reporting engine connects with Interaction Server, then uses

RequestStartPlaceAgentReportingAll to request data on all agents that are logged in to this
Interaction Server.
2. Interaction Server uses EventPlaceAgentState to inform the reporting engine of the state (media
state, interactions being handled) of all agents that are logged in with this Interaction Server.
3. The reporting engine (in this case, Stat Server) combines this state information with any applicable
capacity rules to calculate the agent's status. It relays the status information to Interaction Server
using EventCurrentAgentStatus. Interaction Server passes the same event to the agent application,
which displays the status information in its UI.

In this scenario the reporting engine must be Stat Server. In the current release,
Stat Server is the only component that calculates capacity.

4. If there are multiple Interaction Servers, the reporting engine then connects with each one in turn and
repeats Steps 2 and 3 with each.

Note that this model distinguishes between state and status of an agent, as follows:

• State indicates the media that this agent is ready to use and the interactions that the agent is currently
• Status is the output of an Agent Capacity Rule, which Stat Server calculates using the agent's state as
part of the input.

This model, which is not further divided into phases, is shown in the following figure:

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Reporting Engine Connects

This model uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Reporting Engine Connects

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventCurrentAgentStatus Reporting
EventPlaceAgentState Reporting

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Disconnection and Failover

This set of models illustrates the following scenarios:

• The agent application disconnects from Interaction Server(s).

• The Interaction Server disconnects from agent application and reporting engine. Then the following
• The agent application connects to secondary Interaction Server, which becomes primary.
• The former primary Interaction Server restarts.

Agent Disconnects
In this phase, shown in the figure below, the agent application disconnects from Interaction Server.
This may due to a failure or to normal shutdown.

Agent Disconnects

The primary Interaction Server sends EventAgentLogout only if the agent was known to be logged in.

This phase uses the message shown in the following table:

Messages in Agent Disconnects

Message Protocol
EventAgentLogout Reporting

Interaction Server Disconnects

In this phase, shown in the figure below:

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1. The primary Interaction Server disconnects from the agent application and the reporting engine. This
may due to a failure or to normal shutdown. The reporting engine sets the state of each agent logged
in with this Interaction Server to not logged in.
2. The agent application connects to the secondary Interaction Server and registers with it. Registration is
not shown here; see Registration for a description.
3. The agent application logs in to the secondary Interaction Server.
4. The secondary Interaction Server responds with EventAck, thereby becoming the new primary
Interaction Server.

Interaction Server Disconnects

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Interaction Server Disconnects

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management
EventAgentLogin Reporting

Interaction Server Restarts

In this phase, shown in the figure below:

1. The original primary Interaction Server restarts.

2. The agent application connects to it and registers (registration is not shown here; see Registration).
3. The agent application logs in to the Interaction Server using RequestAgentAvailable, upon which this
Interaction Server becomes secondary.

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Interaction Server Restarts

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

Messages in Interaction Server Restarts

Message Protocol
EventAck Interaction Management

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Invoke Autoresponse
This set of models illustrates the following scenario:

1. URS, triggered by an Autoresponse strategy object, generates a request for E-mail Server Java to
generate a new autoresponse interaction. It sends this request to Interaction Server using
2. Interaction Server relays the request to E-mail Server Java using the same Request3rdServer. It also
relays the content of the request to the reporting engine using EventExternalServiceRequested.
3. E-mail Server Java generates a new Autoresponse interaction and submits it to Interaction Server using
RequestSubmit. When Interaction Server acknowledges the submission, E-mail Server Java sends
Event3rdServerResponse, which Interaction Server relays to URS. Interaction Server also relays the
content of that event to the reporting engine using EventExternalServiceResponded.

This model, which is not further divided into phases, is shown below.

Invoke Autoresponse

This phase uses the messages shown in the following table:

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Genesys Interaction Models Basic Interaction Models

Messages in Invoke Autoresponse

Message Protocol
Event3rdServerResponse ESP
EventAck Interaction Management
EventExternalServiceRequested Reporting
EventExternalServiceResponded Reporting
EventInteractionSubmitted Reporting

In this scenario, URS uses Interaction Server as an intermediary to communicate with E-mail Server
Java, which in this case is called a third-party server. Another example of such a third-party server is
Classification Server, with which URS must similarly communicate when a strategy includes a Classify
object. To relay these messages to third-party servers, Interaction Server uses the T-Library messages
RequestPrivateService and EventPrivateInfo, with special content in their extensions and
user_data attributes. With that special content, these messages make up a small External Services
Protocol (ESP), as shown in the following table:

ESP Messages
T-Library Message ESP Message Description
Returns results of third-party
server's operation
EventPrivateInfo Contains information about
Event3rdServerFault failure of third-party server's

ESP is not further described in this manual. However, much of the relevant content of
Request3rdServer and Event3rdServerResponse is repeated in the attributes of the reporting
protocol events EventExternalServiceRequested and EventExternalServiceResponded.

Components that understand ESP are called ESP servers. Classification Server is an ESP server. E-mail
Server Java functions both as a media server (processing Interaction Management Protocol
messages) and as an ESP server, processing ESP messages. You can also create custom ESP servers
using the Genesys Open Media Platform SDK.

Genesys Events and Models Reference 377

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

IVR Call Flows

This section includes call flow diagrams that show all of the commonly encountered request-response
sequences needed to create your IVR driver client.

This section contains the following subsections:

• Routing Call Flow

• Call Treatment Call Flows
• MakeCall Call Flow
• Conference Call Flow Diagrams
• Transfer Call Flow Diagrams

Genesys Events and Models Reference 378

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Routing Call Flow

Call Routing

Call Routing Call Flow

Genesys Events and Models Reference 379

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Route Failed

Call Flow Showing Failed Route Attempt

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows


Rerouted Call

The external routing request is delivered from URS by the IVR Server.

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Call Treatment Call Flows

Call Treatment

Call Treatment Call Flow

Genesys Events and Models Reference 382

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Call Treatment Failed

Call Treatment Failed Call Flow

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Call Treatment Interrupted

Interrupted Call Treatment Flow

The command to cancel the call treatment is forwarded from the Genesys Framework by IVR Server.

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

MakeCall Call Flow


MakeCall Operation

MakeCall (Busy)

MakeCall (Busy) Call Flow

Genesys Events and Models Reference 385

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Conference Call Flow Diagrams

The following call flow diagrams illustrate several scenarios involving conferenced calls.

One-Step Conference

Call Flow for a One-Step Conference

If a CallError occurs, IVR Server automatically returns you to the same status as before the
conference call was started. This means that the original call is retrieved without any input from the

Genesys Events and Models Reference 386

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

One-Step Conference, Scenario 2

One-Step Conference with Alternative Disconnect Scenario

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Conference Consult Call

Call Flow for Conference Consult Call

Genesys Events and Models Reference 388

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Conference Consult Call, Scenario 2

Conference Consult Call Alternative Scenario

Genesys Events and Models Reference 389

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Conference Consult Call (Busy)

Conference Consult Call, Line Busy

A Busy response is not considered an error. When the party which is to be conferenced with the
original caller is busy, the IVR driver must send a RetrieveCall message to retrieve the original call.
Compare this to Conference Consult Call (Failed).

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Conference Consult Call (Failed)

Conference Consult Call Failed Call Flow

If a CallError occurs, IVR Server automatically returns you to the same status as before the
conference call was started. This means that the second call is terminated and the original call is
retrieved without any input from the IVR.

If the IVR tries to retrieve the original call after a CallError message, the IVR will
receive another error message because the original call has already been taken off

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Transfer Call Flow Diagrams

The following call flow diagrams illustrate several scenarios involving transferring calls.

Transfer to Remote Site

Transfer to a Remote Site

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Single-Step Transfer

Single-Step Transfer

If a CallError occurs, IVR Server automatically returns you to the same status as before the transfer
was started. This means that the original call is retrieved without any input from the IVR.

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Transfer Consult Call

Call Flow for a Transfer Consult Call

Genesys Events and Models Reference 394

Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Transfer Consult Call (Busy)

Transfer Consult Call, Line Busy

A Busy response is not considered an error. When the party to which the original caller is to be
transferred is busy, the IVR driver must send a RetrieveCall message to retrieve the original call.
Compare this to Transfer Consult Call (Failed).

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Genesys Interaction Models IVR Call Flows

Transfer Consult Call (Failed)

Transfer of Consult Call Failed

If a CallError occurs, IVR Server automatically returns you to the same status as before the call
transfer was started. This means that the second call is terminated and the original call is retrieved
without any input from the IVR.

If the IVR tries to retrieve the original call after a CallError message, the IVR will
receive another error message because the original call has already been taken off

Genesys Events and Models Reference 396

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