Intellij Idea Shortcuts
Intellij Idea Shortcuts
Intellij Idea Shortcuts
Ctrl+Space Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable) Ctrl+X/Shift+Delet Cut current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl+Shift+Space Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by
expected type) Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Insert Copy current line or selected block to clipboard
Ctrl+F1 Show descriptions of error or warning at caret Ctrl+Enter Smart line split
Alt+Insert Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, Shift+Enter Start new line
Ctrl+Shift+U Toggle case for word at caret or selected block
Ctrl+O [O]verride methods
Ctrl+Shift+/ Select till code block end/start
Ctrl+I [I]mplement methods
Ctrl+Delete Delete to word end
Ctrl+Alt+T Surround with? (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.)
Ctrl+Backspace Delete to word start
Ctrl+/ Comment/uncomment with line comment
Ctrl+ NumPad Expand/collapse code block
F8 Step over
F7 Step into
Ctrl+N Go to class
Alt+F9 Run to cursor
Ctrl+Shift+N Go to file
Alt+F8 Evaluate expression
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N Go to symbol
F9 Resume program
Alt+ Right/Left Go to next/previous editor tab
Ctrl+F8 Toggle breakpoint
F12 Go back to previous tool window
Ctrl+Shift+F8 View breakpoints
Esc Go to editor (from tool window)
Live Templates
Shift+Esc Hide active or last active window
Ctrl+Alt+J Surround with Live Template
Ctrl+Shift+F4 Close active run/messages/find/... tab
Ctrl+J Insert Live Template
Ctrl+G [G]o to line
Ctrl+J - iter [Iter]ation according to Java SDK 1.5 style
Ctrl+E R[e]cent files popup
Ctrl+J - inst Check object type with [inst]anceof and downcast it
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Navigate backward / navigate forward
Ctrl+J - itco [It]erate [Co]llection / Iterate elements of java.util.Collection Left/Arrow Right
Ctrl+J - itit [It]erate [It]terator / IIterate elements of java.util.Iterator Ctrl+Shift+Backsp Navigate to last edit location
Ctrl+J - itli [It]erate [Li]st / Iterate elements of java.util.List
Alt+F1 Select current file or symbol in any view
Ctrl+J - psf [P]ublic [s]tatic [f]inal
Ctrl+B/Ctrl+ Click Go to declaration
Ctrl+J - thr [thr]ow new
Ctrl+Alt+B Go to implementation(s)
Ctrl+U Go to s[u]per-method/super-class
Ctrl+Alt+Y S[y]nchronize