From Topsy Turvydom To Wisdom
From Topsy Turvydom To Wisdom
From Topsy Turvydom To Wisdom
(Volume 1)
Long is the night to the wakeful Long is the league to him who is weary Long is sansara to the foolish Who know not the truth sublime.
- Dhammapada. v. 60
An anthology of writings by
N . Bhikkhu K . Y anananda
ISBN 955-1255-00-3
Dhamma is priceless !
Strictly for free distribution
- 1998 First published From Topsy-turvydom To Wisdom (Third reprint) This reprint comes out as a token of gratitude and good will towards all those nations that came to the aid of Sri Lanka after the tsunami disaster. We are doubly grateful to the Green Hill Therav~da Meditation Group and Dhamma friends in Japan for sponsoring this reprint as a gift of Dhamma which excels all other gifts. May the merits gained by this Dhammad~na be shared by all those friends-in-need. May it conduce to their well being and the attainment of Nibb~na - the Bliss Supreme ! - Bhikkhu K.Y~nananda N .
Cover designed by: Chamith Hettiarachchi of Lanka on line (Pvt) Ltd.
Published strictly for free distribution All Rights Reserved Any reproduction in whole or in part, including translations, for sale, profit or material gain is prohibited. However, permission to print for free distribution as a gift of Dhamma is hereby granted and no further permission need be obtained .
Pothgulgala Aranya, 'Pahan Kanuwa', Kandegedara, Devalegama. Sri Lanka. March 2005 (B.E. 2548)
Printed by: Quality Printers (Pvt) Ltd 17/2, Pangiriwatta Road, Gangodawila, Nugegoda. Tel: 011-4302312
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Rare is the birth of a Buddha in this world. So rare too, is the opportunity to listen to his Dhamma. This conviction has inspired many a devoted Buddhist to cherish the Dhamma as something extremely precious. The Buddha has declared that salutary friendship (Kaly~na-mittat~) is almost synonymous with his dispensation. The gift-of-Dhamma is the link that moulds the bond of this friendship. Dhamma deserves no price-tag precisely because it is price-less. It is in this spirit that the D.G.M.B. launched its Dhamma-d~na movement is 1997. Many a parched traveller on the desert path has had a refreshing drink of the nectar of Dhamma free of charge ever since. Many an enthusiastic benevolent heart seized the opportunity to participate in a genuine act of Dhammad~na. Should we always go for things that sport a price-tag? Is everything that comes free to us, necessarily worthless? What about the air and the sunshine? It is in point of merit that the gift of-Dhamma excels all other gifts. Dhamma is the nectar that quenches the insatiate sams~ric thirst of beings. The gift of Dhamma is therefore of far greater merit than an ordinary gift of food or drink. For the magnanimous-Dhammad~na is for ever an unfailing source of altruistic joy. All enquiries regarding participation in this Dhammad~na should be addressed to:Mr. G.T. Bandara The Settler, D.G.M.B., Royal Institute, 191, Havelock Road, Colombo - 05. Fax : 2592749 , 2580564
Preface List of abbreviations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sight seeing - From Views to Vision How to be Level-headed The Deserted Village Reflect rightly on the reflection The Salt Crystal Mother and Child The Six-based World From Topsy-turvydom to Wisdom Let-goism ix x 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 27
20. Breathe as if every breath were your last ...... 21. Cow and Post 22. The Egg shell 23. The Skinless-Cow 24. Sharpening the Razor 25. The Lotus 26. The Elephant-look 27. What you grasp-that you are 28. The Conquest of Self 29. Watch the scenes on the eye-screen 30. Put the world within inverted commas 31. Be a Well-wisher to the World
28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 39 40 41
10. Mechanics of Mind control 11. The Mirror 12. Intention goes a long way 13. The Peerless Healer 14. At your fingertips 15. Purity leads to Clarity 16. The Miracle of Instruction 17. Listen to the beat of the Ear-drum 18. The Three Eyes 19. Learning to Un-learn
2 How to be Level-headed
The sight-seer sitting on the crag is taking in a view of the landscape around him. His eyes are on the distant hills, dimly visible through the mist. Above him, an overhanging creeper is waving in the morning breeze. At one quiet moment, it comes to rest just in front of him. His view shifts from the distant scene to the dew drop at the tip of the creeper. All is quiet and still. The ruddy dawn breaks in through the mist. A ray of the rising sun alights on the dew-drop and the sight seer adjusts his perspective suitably. The dew-drop gets transformed into a spectrum and a view gets transformed into a vision. Before the advent of the Buddha, the seers were concentrating on as many as 62 views, but none of them saw the 'sight'. It was just above them - so near and yet so far. They never thought that it could be in the dew-drop of their Name - and - Form, too bland and uninviting to arrest their attention. But once their gaze got fixed on it in the correct perspective to catch the ray of the dawning Buddha Sun, they saw the 'sight' - a vision, in contrast to views.
5 The Salt-Crystal
The birth of a child, is, at the same time, the birth of a mother
into the world. Child is the symbol of a mother. That love for the child, that tenderness of the heart which characterises a mother, is so significant that it is often associated with the change of red-blood into milk. "Mett~" - usually rendered by that cross-bred term loving kindness, is the universal love for which the mother's love for her child is the unit. The Buddha speaking about mett~ says for instance, "Just as a mother would protect her only child even at the risk of her own life, so should one develop a boundless heart towards all beings". A mother is not only born with the child she brings forth, she also grows up with the child she brings up. Her growth is in terms of the other three Divine Abidings or Brahma Vih~ra- compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. In bringing up her child, sometimes a mother has to be stern and tactful. Her soft tender love matures into a compassionate sternness, when the child is passing through the unruly boyhood and reckless adolescence. But that hardness of her heart melts at the correct moment, like butter. The child has now reached manhood. He can stand on his own feet with enviable self-confidence. The mother also grows
up with sympathetic joy enjoying the fruits of her labours. Her complacence, like curd, is serene and has nothing meddlesome about it. The bringing forth and the bringing-up is over. The time comes now to let go - of the attachments and involvements regarding the child. But for that separation too, the mother, now mature in her experience, is fully prepared with equanimity. Like a pot of ghee, she is not easily upset. Universal love, compassion, sympathetic-joy and equanimity are the four Divine Abidings a mother practises in a limited sense in the course of her motherly care for the child. Charity begins at home. These four are homely virtues in the first instance, to be remembered like milk, butter, curd and ghee. The four Divine Abidings are to be developed, however, in a boundless measure until one's heart is fully released in them. A mother bears testimony to the practicability and the reciprocal value of these Divine Abidings which hold the prospects of spiritual growth, peace and harmony for the society at large.
The world in all its astounding vastness takes off from the
six sense-bases; the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, the body and the mind. The baffling complexity of the world's network of communications serves only to link up eye and forms, ear and sound, nose and smells, tongue and tastes, body and tangibles, mind and ideas. All the interminable problems of the world arising out of sense-contact are traceable to the eighteen elements at its base: eye ear nose tongue body mind - form - sound - smell - taste - tangible - idea eye-consciousness ear-consciousness nose-consciousness tongue-consciousness body-consciousness mind-consciousness
The Buddha puts across to us this deep truth in just four simple lines. The world has arisen in the six. The world has commune in the six. Holding on to these very six. The world finds itself in a fix. "The World" - S.N.I. 41 (P.T.S.)
9 Let - goism
The Buddha pointed out that there are four pervert notions
deeply ingrained in all beings. They are:1. 2. 3. 4. Seeing permanence in the impermanent Seeing pleasure in what is unpleasurable Seeing beauty in what is repulsive Seeing self in what is not - self
These perversions prevail at three levels: in one's perceptions, in one's thoughts, and in one's views. The mirage-like perception implants the seed of these illusions and delusions. Thoughts nurture them and views strengthen them. The final outcome is a wrong perspective on life which keeps one in bondage to samsaric suffering. This is the topsy-turvydom that the world finds itself in. In order to correct this lop-sided view of the world, the Buddha had to recommend four trained perceptions as contemplations. 1. 2. 3. 4. The perception of Impermanence The perception of the Unpleasurable The perception of the Repulsive The perception of Not-self.
These trained perceptions require a high degree of clarity and a depth of vision for their devlopment. When systematically developed they lead one from this topsy-turvydom to wisdom which assures the freedom from bondage to samsaric suffering.
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11 The Mirror
together with the murk of ignorance around, acts like mercury on the reverse of a mirror so we can't see through. Like the shady pond of Narcissus our window-panes reflect our own prejudices - 'I', 'ME' and 'MINE'. The cumulative effect of all our efforts in samsara to look out on the world through our dusty windows, is the five grasping groups-form, feeling, perception, preparations and consciousness. Grasping or holding on to these five groups, one unwisely reflects, hoping to sort out the identity of the self, with the question 'Who am I?' One does not realize that one is simply begging the question. So one comes back again and again to the same question in the form of repeated birth in its three dimensions of decay, disease and death. The Arahant, the Venerable Punna Mant~niputta takes up the .. simile of the mirror to expose the fallacy of such questions as 'WHO AM I'? He explains to Venerable } nanda that 'AM' is a conceit born of the very dependence in holding on to the five groups. 'Owing to dependence, friend }nanda, comes the conceit 'AM' - not without dependence. Depending on what, comes the conceit 'AM'? Depending on form, on feeling, on perception, on preparations, on consciousness. Just as, friend, } nanda, a young woman or young man fond of self adornment, in gazing at the image of her or his face in a clean spotless mirror or in a bowl of clear water, does so, depending on something, and not without depending, even so, friend, }nanda, depending on form comes the conceit AM, not otherwise. Depending on feeling, on perception, on preparations, on consciousness, comes the conceit AM, not otherwise"
'}nanda' - S.N. III 105 (P.T.S) The emphatic assertion, 'not without dependence," is a pointer to those who raise such fallacious questions as "Who Am I?" . They are not aware of the mirror they are looking into. This obsession with self is so powerful, that it easily impels one to transgress the moral laws prevailing in the universe. Unwise reflection prompts one to seek one's own selfish ends by hook or by crook. The inevitable result is suffering brought about as moral retribution by the law of kamma or karma. Wise reflection is therefore essential for ethical perfection. The Buddha once instructed the little novice R~hula on the simple criterion of wise reflection in one's bodily verbal and mental action, making use of the mirror-simile. "What do you think R~hula? What is the purpose of a mirror?" "For the purpose of reflection, Venerable Sir" "Even so, R~hula, after repeated reflection you should do an action with the body; after repeated reflection you should do an action by speech after repeated reflection, you should do an action by mind." "Rahula whenever you wish to do an action with the body, you should reflect upon that same bodily action -'Would this action that I wish to do with the body, lead to my own affliction or to the affliction of others, or to the affliction of both? Is it an unskillful bodily action with painful consequences, with painful results?' Upon reflection if you know that it is such an action then you should definitely not do such an action with the body. But if you know upon reflection that it would not lead to your
own affliction or to the affliction of others or to the affliction of both, that it is a skillful bodily action with pleasant consequences, with pleasant results, then you may do such an action with the body". The Buddha advises that this form of reflection should also be done while doing an action and even after the action is done. While doing an action if the reflection reveals those negative aspects, the action should be suspended then and there. After the action is done, if the reflection reveals the negative aspects, confession and restraint for the future must be undertaken. The same procedure is to be followed in the case of verbal and mental action. This detailed programme of repeated reflection is obviously meant for narrowing down the margin of error and for checking self-deception. With small beginnings as from the little novice R~hula it can go a long way and this is precisely the final assurance of the Buddha. "R~hula, whatever recluses and brahmins in the past purified their bodily action, their verbal action and their mental action, all did so by repeatedly reflecting thus. Whatever recluses and brahmins in the future will purify their bodily action, their verbal action, their mental action, all will do so by repeatedly reflecting thus. Whatever recluses and brahmins in the present are purifying their bodily action, their verbal action and their mental action, all are doing so by repeatedly reflecting thus. Therefore R~ hula, you should train thus: "We will purify our bodily action, our verbal action and our mental action by repeatedly reflecting upon them. Ambalatthika R~hulov~da Sutta M.N.I. 415 f (P.T.S.) ..
Non-greed, non-hate and non-delusion are the three mainsprings of all good or skillful action. In broad outline, this shows the gamut of all what is evil and good. So, before one turns the door-knob one has to weigh pros and cons with this ready-reckoner, whether to allow or not, action to issue out of the three doors. The result of action is called 'vip~ka', which is the ripening of karma in time and space. It is an unfailing law of nature. Action born of greed, hate and delusion ripens wherever one is reborn in samsara, into a bitter fruit of suffering. Action, born of nongreed, non hatred and non-delusion leads one towards the very removal of greed, hate and delusion. That way lies freedom from samsara and supreme bliss of Nibb~na.
True to the art of healing, the Four Noble Truths are presented in a way that inspires the confidence of those who wish to be healthy. The Noble Truths of suffering, its arising, its cessation and the path leading to its cessation, follow the pattern of a doctor's presentation of the nature of a disease, its cause, the cure and the treatment. The Buddha himself claimed to be the incomparable physician - cum - surgeon (anuttaro bhisakko sallakatto). True to his claims as a physician he recommended a course of medicine that is prophylactic, therapeutic as well as cathartic. "Sila", or virtue has the prophylactic quality of prevention of disease by its 'keep-fit' program of living up to the precepts. The thought of abstinence from evil, acts as an energizing factor. It creates the necessary antibodies against the mental viruses rampant in the society at large. "Sam~dhi" or concentration expels the drainers of mental energy-the five mental hindrances of sensuality, ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry and doubting. From 'dis-ease' it leads to 'ease' both of body and mind. "PaZZ~", or wisdom has the curative effect of a purgative. It purges the mind of the cankers or influxes of sensuality, becoming and ignorance. Like a herbal decoction of eight ingredients administered in four doses, it brings health to those who aspire
to that supreme health of Nibbana in four stags of saint-hood - the Stream-winner, the Once - Returner, the Non-returner and the Arahant. As the peerless surgeon, the Buddha wielded his forceps of mindfulness and his scalpel of wisdom to locate and extract the thorn of craving embedded deep in the hearts of beings. In his discourse to Sunakkhatta in the Majjhima Nikaya, the Buddha even recommends a period of convalescence to the patient to get over the germs of ignorance left by the poisonous thorn of craving - true, again, to the art of healing.
14 At your fingertips
Some seers of ancient India held that it is impossible to understand consciousness itself, because it is with consciousness that we get to know everything else. They thought that it is like trying to touch one's finger-tip with the same finger-tip. The Buddha understood their difficulty when he compared consciousness to a magical illusion or m~ y~ . But he pointed out a way out of it. Instead of taking seriously the worldly notions of 'I' and 'mine', he analyzed experience in terms of an interdependence between 'consciousness' on the one hand and 'name and form' on the other. Now what is this 'Name' and 'Form'. Venerable S ~ riputta, the Chief Disciple of the Buddha explains it for us. "Feeling, Perception, Intention, Contact, Attention - these O! friends, are called 'Name'. The four great primaries and Form dependent on them, these O! friends are called Form." Feeling, Perception, Intention, Contact and Attention, are collectively, called 'Name' because they are the primaries of all what is named. The four great elements of solidity, liquidity, heat and motion, represented by earth, water, fire and air are the primaries of all what has to do with 'Form'. Between Name and Form themselves, there is a reciprocal relationship. It is with Name that one understands Form and it is Form that gives a content to Name. Name is such that it conjures up a Form and Form is such that it calls forth a Name.
But we have to get more acquainted with the five representatives of Name. Let us have them at our fingertips. In fact one can even count them on one's fingers. Feeling is the little finger - small but mischievous. Perception is the ring-finger, both popular and notorious. Intention is the - middle finger, prominent and intrusive. Contact is the fore-finger - fussy and busy all the time Attention is the thumb - standing apart, but approachable to the rest. Now out of the whole lot, who is going to be our witness of the back-stage workings of the magic-show of consciousness. Attention, of course. He is the most competent. When there are no witnesses to prove a case of murder or theft, sometimes judges give 'free pardon' to one of the alleged culprits under the oath "You have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." So it is in this case of the tragic drama of consciousness. Though himself culpable, attention is dependable as a witness, provided he does his duty as Right Attention. Now attention will gradually disclose what feeling felt, what perception perceived, what intention intended, what contact contacted and last but not least, what attention attended to. This is why all insight meditators single out attention for preferential treatment when they want to get the full inside story of the tragic drama of consciousness.
Freedom from these hindrances is basic for all levels of concentration and insight. Therefore one who wishes to attain the calm of concentration and the clarity of insight, has to go on purifying the mind from these hindrances. In order to illustrate to the Brahmin Sang ~ rava, how these hindrances impair calm and clarity of the mind, the Buddha once used the simile of a bowl of water. If one wishes to use a bowl of water as a mirror to see one's face in it, the water in the bowl has to be clear enough to reflect it. when some colour like red, yellow, blue or brown has already been mixed into the water, it will lack the clarity to mirror the face. Even so lust is a colouring agent in the case of the mind. When the water in a bowl is boiling and bubbling, it can hardly reflect one's face in it. The fire of ill-will keeps the mind boiling, hindering its reflective capacity. A bowl of water covered with moss will never serve as a mirror. A mind inert and drowsy with sloth and torpor cannot reflect properly.
If a bowl of water is shaken by the wind so that the water is rippling, disturbed and unsteady, it will not be possible to see clearly one's face in it. Restlessness and worry affect the mind in a similar way. A bowl of muddy water placed in a dark corner lacks the property of reflection. A mind in the grip of doubt and wavering is likewise muddled and murky. It lacks the property of proper reflection. When the mind is free from these five hindrances, memory mindfulness, concentration, calm and insight come in unhindered. One sees things as they are in the mirror of the mind.
According to the Buddha, there are three eyes in the world. They
are:1. The fleshly eye 2. The divine eye 3. The wisdom eye. The fleshly eye one gets by birth, has a very limited range of vision. It is mostly addicted to surface-seeing and its claims to vision are rather superficial. The divine eye aroused by developing higher levels of concentration goes beyond those limits.It enables one to see even hells and heavens and events happening outside the normal range of vision. Still, it cannot claim to be the perfect vision. It is the wisdom-eye developed through insight meditation that is supreme in the world. It gives a perfect vision of the world in its true perspectives of impermanence and conditionality. The hidden law of Dependent Arising is revealed to that penetrative dustless stainless eye of truth with a certitude that prompts the exclamation:'Whatever is of a nature to arise, all that is of a nature to cease'.
19 Learning to Un-learn
20 Breathe as if every breath were your last then you will never be breathless
There is a special technique in sharpening a razor on a whetstone. One must hold the razor in such a way that there is some flexibility at one's wrist. The razor-blade is held between the thumb and the fore-finger as if one is ready to throw it away at any time. If the grip is tight and the wrist is tense, any attempt to sharpen will only make the razor-edge blunt. So, holding the razor in that 'let-go' fashion, one sharpens it on the oiled surface of the whetstone to the rhythm: up - up - up down - down - down up - down up - down This dynamic up and down process is the most decisive. phase of the sharpening. At this stage, a wrong grasp of the blade would have made it blunt. Now the same technique has to be followed in sharpening the razor of one's insight on the whetstones of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness-the contemplations of body, feeling mind and mind-objects. One must not grasp or cling to any of these foundations but develop a 'let go' attitute towards them. Setting up mindfulness on some aspect or other of one's body, for instance, (say, breathing), one sweeps one's full awarenness over it, to sharpen the razor edge of insight into impermanence. The rhythm is the same.
rising falling
25 The Lotus
Here too, the last dynamic phase of contemplating both rise and fall, is decisive. It sharpens one's penetrative insight into impermanence, leading to disenchantment, dispassion, detachment and deliverance.
26 The Elephant-look
We are surrounded by three fences. There is one fence between us and those dear to us, another between them and those neutral to us and a third separating those neutral from our enemies. A fence is generally regarded as a source of protection. But it can be a source of fear as well, because where there is a 'fence' there is both 'defence' and offence'. To be surrounded by three fences .. can even be taken as an imprisonment. .. As a matter of fact, it is an imprisonment of the heart. That magnanimous capacity of our hearts to feel for others, to wish for others, remains imprisoned. We remain selfish, stingy, mean and resentful. What if we let go of the fences one by one, with the help of mett~ or loving-kindness? It will be a blissful experience of the deliverance of the heart. There will then be neither defence nor offence. In that large - heartedness, there will be a recogniton of the truth that all beings wish for happiness. Then one's heart can throb for others and feel for others in sympathy with their wish for happiness. Like a beacon it will beam the radiant message of 'mett~' in all directions: 'May all beings be well and happy - be well and happy - be happy, happy, happy!'