version 3.1.0
Also the application may not be spread except by the developer. It may not be uploaded to web sites,
peer to peer networks, spread by email or by other means without permission of the developer.
The reason for this, is that the developer maintains a list of people who are using PCG Tools and
when a new update is available, it will be send to everybody on this update list, to make sure
everybody always receives the latest version.
This application is not affiliated by Korg, so requests, bugs, wishes, questions etc. should be directed
to michel.keijzers@hotmail or being posted on the main PCG Tools
( thread or one of the model specific
threads at (see paragraph Error! Reference source not found.).
This application uses third party source code. The license can be read in file wpfmdi_license.txt.
The developer reserves the right to make improvements or changes in the software product and the
manual at any time and without notice.
1.1 Relation to .........................................................................................................1
1.2 Home Page / Web site .......................................................................................................1
1.3 Notifications / PCG Tools Yahoo group...............................................................................1
1.4 Forum / Discussions ...........................................................................................................1
1.5 Social Media ......................................................................................................................2
1.5.1 FaceBook ........................................................................................................................2
1.5.2 Google Plus .....................................................................................................................2
1.5.3 Twitter ............................................................................................................................2
1.6 Donations ..........................................................................................................................2
2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................3
2.2 Online Version ...................................................................................................................3
2.3 Conventions ......................................................................................................................5
2.4 Screenshots .......................................................................................................................5
3.1 Solutions for managing PCG and SNG files .........................................................................6
3.1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................6
3.1.2 List Generator solutions ..................................................................................................6
3.1.3 Librarian solutions ...........................................................................................................7
3.1.4 Editor solutions ...............................................................................................................7
3.1.5 Additional solutions ........................................................................................................7
3.1.6 Song (SNG) files ...............................................................................................................7
3.1.7 External Links pages ........................................................................................................8
3.2 What is not possible with this application? ........................................................................8
3.3 System Requirements ........................................................................................................9
3.3.1 Non Windows Computers ...............................................................................................9
3.4 Setup ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Instructions ................................................................................................................... 10
3.4.2 Standalone Installation.................................................................................................. 16
3.4.3 Microsoft Library ........................................................................................................... 17 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 17 Windows XP........................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Workstation Models ........................................................................................................ 18
3.5.1 Supported Workstation Models .................................................................................... 18
3.5.2 Workstation Dependent Features ................................................................................. 19
4.1 PCG / Patch Files.............................................................................................................. 21
4.1.1 Structure ....................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.2 Program ........................................................................................................................ 23
4.1.3 Program Bank ............................................................................................................... 24
4.1.4 Virtual Banks ................................................................................................................. 26
4.1.5 Program Banks .............................................................................................................. 26
4.1.6 Combi ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.7 Timbres ......................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.8 Timbre .......................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.9 Combi Bank ................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.10 Combi Banks ................................................................................................................. 28
4.1.11 Set List Slot [Kronos Only]............................................................................................. 28
4.1.12 Set List [Kronos Only] ................................................................................................... 28
4.1.13 Set Lists [Kronos Only] .................................................................................................. 28
4.1.14 Drum Kit........................................................................................................................ 28
4.1.15 Drum Kit Bank ............................................................................................................... 28
4.1.16 Drum Kit Banks.............................................................................................................. 28
4.1.17 Wave Sequence ............................................................................................................ 28
4.1.18 Wave Sequence Bank .................................................................................................... 28
4.1.19 Wave Sequence Banks .................................................................................................. 28
4.1.20 Global ........................................................................................................................... 29
4.1.21 Category ....................................................................................................................... 29
4.1.22 Sub Category ................................................................................................................. 29
4.2 Song (SNG) Files............................................................................................................... 29
4.3 KMP/KSF/KSC Files........................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Description ...................................................................................................................... 30
5.2 Workflow for Korg Kronos (X) with FTP connection .......................................................... 30
5.3 Workflow for PCG / SNG files ........................................................................................... 30
5.4 Workflow for other files (like SYX, MID, 01W, …).............................................................. 31
5.5 Connection/Storage Types per Workstation Model.......................................................... 31
6.1 Splash Screen .................................................................................................................. 33
6.2 Application Start .............................................................................................................. 34
6.3 Initial screen .................................................................................................................... 34
6.4 File Menu ........................................................................................................................ 35
6.4.1 Open File Command...................................................................................................... 35
6.4.2 Save File Command ....................................................................................................... 38
6.4.3 Save (File) As Command ................................................................................................ 39
6.4.4 Export to Sequencer Command ..................................................................................... 39
6.4.5 Revert to Saved Command ............................................................................................ 39
6.4.6 Close Command ............................................................................................................ 40
6.4.7 Exit Command ............................................................................................................... 41
6.5 Edit Menu ........................................................................................................................ 42
6.6 Show Menu ..................................................................................................................... 42
6.6.1 Timbres ......................................................................................................................... 42
6.6.2 Hex Export .................................................................................................................... 42
6.6.3 Single Lined Set List Slot Descriptions [Kronos Only] ...................................................... 43
6.6.4 Special Event ................................................................................................................. 44
6.7 Tools Menu ..................................................................................................................... 44
6.8 Theme Menu ................................................................................................................... 44
6.9 Languages Menu ............................................................................................................. 46
6.10 Options Menu ................................................................................................................. 47
6.10.1 Menu items................................................................................................................... 47
6.10.2 Settings Menu ............................................................................................................... 47 PCG Windows Settings ........................................................................................... 47 Files Settings.......................................................................................................... 50 Edit settings ........................................................................................................... 51 Cut/Copy/Paste Settings ........................................................................................ 52 Sort Settings .......................................................................................................... 53 Categories Settings ................................................................................................ 55
6.11 Windows Menu ............................................................................................................... 55
6.11.1 Goto Next Window........................................................................................................ 55
6.11.2 Goto Previous Window ................................................................................................. 55
6.12 Help Menu....................................................................................................................... 56
6.12.1 About Command ........................................................................................................... 56
6.12.2 Home Page.................................................................................................................... 57
6.12.3 Manual ......................................................................................................................... 57
6.12.4 External Links Command ............................................................................................... 58
iv External Links Korg related..................................................................................... 58 External Links Contributors .................................................................................... 59 Donators External Links ......................................................................................... 60 Translators External Links ...................................................................................... 62 Third Parties External Links .................................................................................... 63
6.12.5 Oasys Codes Sponsors ................................................................................................... 63
6.12.6 Personal External Links .................................................................................................. 64
6.13 Toolbar ............................................................................................................................ 64
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 65
7.2 Status Bar ........................................................................................................................ 65
7.2.1 PCG/OS Version ............................................................................................................ 66
7.3 PCG Window ................................................................................................................... 67
7.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 67
7.3.2 Title .............................................................................................................................. 68
7.3.3 Programs/Combis/Set Lists / Wave Sequences / Drum Kits Radio buttons ..................... 68
7.3.4 Banks Listview (Left side)............................................................................................... 68 Program Banks....................................................................................................... 70 Combi Banks .......................................................................................................... 71 Set Lists [KRONOS ONLY] ....................................................................................... 72 Wave Sequence Banks ........................................................................................... 73 Drum Kits Banks..................................................................................................... 74 Drum Patterns Banks ............................................................................................. 75 All Patterns ............................................................................................................ 75
7.3.5 Patches Listview (Right side) ......................................................................................... 76 Number of Selected Patches .................................................................................. 76 Programs/Combis .................................................................................................. 77 Set List Slots [KRONOS ONLY] ................................................................................. 79 Wave Sequences, Drum Kits and Drum Patterns .................................................... 81 All Patches ............................................................................................................. 81
7.3.6 Generic Commands ....................................................................................................... 83 Edit Command ....................................................................................................... 84 Edit Program .................................................................................................... 84 Edit Combi ....................................................................................................... 85 Edit Set List Slot [KRONOS ONLY] ...................................................................... 85
v Set Favorite [KRONOS ONLY].................................................................................. 87 Unset Favorite [KRONOS ONLY] ............................................................................. 87 Move Up Command ............................................................................................... 88 Down Command .................................................................................................... 88 Clear Command ..................................................................................................... 89 Clear Duplicates Command .................................................................................... 92 Compact Command ............................................................................................... 92 Sort Command....................................................................................................... 94 Assign To Set List Slot Command [KRONOS ONLY] .................................................. 97 Auto Fill In Set List Slot Names [KRONOS ONLY] ..................................................... 98 Change Volume ..................................................................................................... 99 Init as MPE Combi Command ............................................................................... 101 Timbres Command .............................................................................................. 102
7.3.7 Cut/Copy/Paste Commands ........................................................................................ 103 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 103 Copying between different file types ................................................................... 103 Copying between different workstation models ................................................... 103 Cut Command...................................................................................................... 104 Copy Command ................................................................................................... 106 Paste Command................................................................................................... 108 Pasting to different workstation models ......................................................... 109 Pasting to different OS versions...................................................................... 109 Cut/Copy/Paste Settings Command ..................................................................... 110 Showing the settings ...................................................................................... 110 Settings .......................................................................................................... 111 Restore Button ............................................................................................... 113 Cut/Copy/Paste Exit Command ............................................................................ 113 Cut/Copy/Paste Recall Command ........................................................................ 114 Cut/Copy/Paste Examples .................................................................................... 115 Introduction ................................................................................................. 115 Example: Copying programs inside a patch file ............................................. 116 Example: Copying programs from one patch file to another patch file .......... 117 Example: Copying combis inside a patch file ................................................. 118 Example: Creating a PCG with default set list slots [KRONOS ONLY] .............. 118
vi Using cut and paste (inside a patch file)........................................................ 119 Example: Having fun with Copy and Paste .................................................... 119
7.4 Master Files ................................................................................................................... 121
7.4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 121
7.4.2 Usage .......................................................................................................................... 121
7.4.3 Conditions of a Master File .......................................................................................... 121
7.4.4 Master Files Menu ...................................................................................................... 121
7.4.5 Show Master Files Command ...................................................................................... 122
7.4.6 Set patch File as Master File ........................................................................................ 123
7.4.7 Auto Load Master Files ................................................................................................ 123
7.5 Combi Window .............................................................................................................. 125
7.5.1 Content ....................................................................................................................... 125
7.5.2 Commands .................................................................................................................. 126 Move Up Command ............................................................................................. 126 Move Down Command ........................................................................................ 126 Clear Command ................................................................................................... 127 Assigned Clear Program ....................................................................................... 127
7.6 Program Reference Changer .......................................................................................... 129
7.6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 129
7.6.2 Example ...................................................................................................................... 129
7.6.3 Syntax of Reference Rules ........................................................................................... 131
7.6.4 Browse ........................................................................................................................ 132
7.6.5 Korg Kronos OS2.0 / OS3.0 files [KRONOS ONLY] ......................................................... 132
7.7 Double To Single Keyboard Setup [KRONOS ONLY] ........................................................ 134
7.8 List Generator (Generate List) ........................................................................................ 139
7.8.1 List Types .................................................................................................................... 139 Patch List ............................................................................................................. 140 Program Usage List .............................................................................................. 142 Combi Content List .............................................................................................. 144 Compact Combi Content List .......................................................................... 144 Short Combi Content List................................................................................ 145 Long Combi Content List................................................................................. 145 Differences List .................................................................................................... 146 File Content List ................................................................................................... 148
7.8.2 Settings ....................................................................................................................... 149 Filter On Text ....................................................................................................... 151 Filter Program Banks ............................................................................................ 152 Filter Combi Banks ............................................................................................... 153 Filter Set Lists[KRONOS ONLY] ............................................................................. 154 Filter Drum Kits .................................................................................................... 155 Filter Drum Patterns ............................................................................................ 155 Filter Wave Sequences ......................................................................................... 156 Filter on Favorites [KRONOS (X) ONLY] ................................................................ 156 Optional Columns ................................................................................................ 156 Sorting ................................................................................................................. 157 Type/Bank/Index .......................................................................................... 157 Category, then Patch Name .......................................................................... 158 Patch Name.................................................................................................. 159 Output ................................................................................................................. 159 ASCII Table Output ....................................................................................... 159 (Plain) Text Output ....................................................................................... 160 CSV (Comma Separated Value) File Output ................................................... 160 XML.............................................................................................................. 162
7.8.3 Command Line Arguments .......................................................................................... 164
7.9 Additional patch File Features ....................................................................................... 167
7.9.1 Generating a Cubase Instrument Definition File .......................................................... 167
8.1 Songs Tab ...................................................................................................................... 169
8.2 Samples Tab .................................................................................................................. 170
9.1 Keyboard Command Selection ....................................................................................... 172
9.2 Generic Commands Shortcut Keys ................................................................................. 172
9.3 Main Menu Shortcut Keys.............................................................................................. 173
9.4 Keyboard Shortcut Keys and Mouse handling ................................................................ 173
9.5 PCG Window Shortcut Keys ........................................................................................... 174
9.6 SNG Window ................................................................................................................. 174
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 175
10.2 Setup the FTP connection on the Kronos site. ................................................................ 175
10.3 Install Core FTP LE ......................................................................................................... 175
10.4 Set up the FTP connection ............................................................................................. 177
List of Figures
Figure 1: Homepage .......................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2: Download page .................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3: Download ........................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4: Welcome to the PCG Tools Setup Wizard ............................................................................ 12
Figure 5: PCG Tools Setup, Modify, Repair or Remove Installation..................................................... 13
Figure 6: Select Installation Folder .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7: Ready to Install ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8: Installing PCG Tools ............................................................................................................ 15
Figure 9: Completing the PCG Tools Setup Wizard ............................................................................. 15
Figure 10: Start menu ....................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 11: Microsoft Library .............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 12: PCG File Structure ............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 13: Splash screen .................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 14: PCG Tools icon .................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 15: Initial main screen ............................................................................................................ 34
Figure 16: Opened File ...................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 17: Corrupted or Unsupported File ......................................................................................... 38
Figure 18: Empty patch File ............................................................................................................... 38
Figure 19: Changed patch file ............................................................................................................ 39
Figure 20: Warning Dialog when closing a changed file ..................................................................... 40
Figure 21: Warning Dialog when exiting PCG Tools ............................................................................ 41
Figure 22: Hex Export ........................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 23: Single Lined Set List Slot Description Enabled.................................................................... 43
Figure 24: Single Lined Set List Slot Description Disabled ................................................................... 44
Figure 25: Special Event .................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 26: Generic Theme ................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 27: Luna Theme ...................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 28: Aero Theme ...................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 29: Language Menu ................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 30: Language change .............................................................................................................. 47
Figure 31: PCG Windows Settings...................................................................................................... 48
Figure 32: Referenced used by other patches dialog ......................................................................... 49
Figure 33: Files Settings..................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 34: Cut/Copy/Paste Settings ................................................................................................... 52
Figure 35: Sort Settings ..................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 36: Categories Settings ........................................................................................................... 55
Figure 37: About window .................................................................................................................. 56
Figuur 38: Home Page ....................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 39: Korg Related External Links............................................................................................... 59
Figure 40: Contributors External Links ............................................................................................... 60
Figure 41: Donators External Links .................................................................................................... 61
Figure 42: Translators External Links ................................................................................................. 62
Figure 43: Third Parties External Links ............................................................................................... 63
Figure 44: Oasys Codes Sponsors ...................................................................................................... 64
Figure 45: Personal External Links ..................................................................................................... 64
Figure 46: Status Bar ......................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 47: PCG Window .................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 48: Wrapped PCG Window ..................................................................................................... 68
Figure 49: Listviews ........................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 50: Program Banks ................................................................................................................. 70
Figure 51: Combi Banks..................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 52: Set Lists ............................................................................................................................ 72
Figure 53: Wave Sequence Banks ...................................................................................................... 73
Figure 54: Drum Kits Bank ................................................................................................................. 74
Figure 55: Drum Patterns Bank ......................................................................................................... 75
Figure 56: All Patches ........................................................................................................................ 76
Figure 57: Programs .......................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 58: Hovering over a program .................................................................................................. 78
Figure 59: Hovering over a combi ...................................................................................................... 78
Figure 60: Hovering over an empty or initialized patch ...................................................................... 79
Figure 61: Set List Slots ..................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 62: Wave Sequences .............................................................................................................. 81
Figure 63: All Patches ........................................................................................................................ 82
Figure 64: Generic Commands .......................................................................................................... 83
Figure 65: Edit Program .................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 66: Program Name too long.................................................................................................... 85
Figure 67: Edit Set List Slot ................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 68: Set List Slot Description Too Long ..................................................................................... 86
Figure 69: Set List Slots with Line Feeds/Returns ............................................................................... 86
Figure 70: Set Favorites ..................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 71: Unset Favorites ................................................................................................................ 88
Figure 72: Clear Command ................................................................................................................ 91
Figure 73: Before Compacting ........................................................................................................... 93
Figure 74: After Compacting ............................................................................................................. 93
Figure 75: Select Sort Selection ......................................................................................................... 95
Figure 76: Programs sorted by name. ................................................................................................ 96
Figure 77: Set list slots sorted by Artist.............................................................................................. 97
Figure 78: Auto Fill In Set List Slot Names, before .............................................................................. 98
Figure 79: Auto Fill In Set List Slot Names, after ................................................................................ 99
Figure 80: Change Volume .............................................................................................................. 101
Figure 81: Init as MPE Command..................................................................................................... 102
Figure 82: Program after cut and paste ........................................................................................... 105
Figure 83: Clipboard content after copying a set list ........................................................................ 106
Figure 84: Clipboard content after copying a set list ........................................................................ 108
Figure 85: Incompatible Korg workstation model ............................................................................ 109
Figure 86: Incompatible OS version ................................................................................................. 110
Figure 87: Cut/Copy/Paste Settings ................................................................................................. 111
Figure 88: Copy/Paste Exit Warning Dialog ...................................................................................... 114
Figure 89: Copy Programs inside a patch file ................................................................................... 116
Figure 90: Copy Programs from one Patch file to another Patch file ................................................ 117
Figure 91: Master Files menu .......................................................................................................... 122
Figure 92: Show Master Files .......................................................................................................... 122
Figure 93: Auto Load Master Files ................................................................................................... 123
Figure 94: Ask to load Master File ................................................................................................... 124
Figure 95: Combi Window ............................................................................................................... 125
Figure 96: Assign Clear Program ...................................................................................................... 128
Figure 97: Program Reference Changer Main window ..................................................................... 129
Figure 98: Program Reference Changer, before ............................................................................... 130
Figure 99: Program Reference Changer, rule ................................................................................... 131
Figure 100: Program Reference Changer, after ................................................................................ 131
Figure 101: Program Reference Changer, error ............................................................................... 132
Figure 102: Program Reference Changer, in progress ...................................................................... 133
Figure 103: Double TO Single Keyboard Setup, settings ................................................................... 134
Figure 104: Single to Double Keyboard Setup, source set list ........................................................... 136
Figure 105: Single to Double Keyboard Setup, target set list ............................................................ 137
Figure 106: Single to Double Keyboard Setup, combi bank .............................................................. 138
Figure 107: List Generator ............................................................................................................... 139
Figure 108: Patch List in ASCII Table, sorted by name ...................................................................... 140
Figure 109: Patch List of programs only, in ASCII Table output, sorted by bank/index. ..................... 141
Figure 110: Patch List with Combis, Text Output ............................................................................. 141
Figure 111: Patch List with Set List Slots, XML Output (shown in browser) ...................................... 141
Figure 112: Programs Usage List, ASCII Table Output ...................................................................... 142
Figure 113: Programs Usage List, Text Output ................................................................................. 143
Figure 114: Programs Usage List, CSV output (after splitting to columns in Excel) ............................ 143
Figure 115: Programs Usage List, XML Output ................................................................................. 144
Figure 116: Combi Content List, Compact form, ASCII Table Output ................................................ 144
Figure 117: Combi Content List, Short Form, ASCII Table Output ..................................................... 145
Figure 118: Combi Content List, Long Form, ASCII Table Output ...................................................... 145
Figure 119: Differences List ............................................................................................................. 146
Figure 120: Dialog before generating a Differences List ................................................................... 148
Figure 121: File Content List ............................................................................................................ 148
Figure 122: List Generator settings .................................................................................................. 149
Figure 123: List Generator settings with minimized expanders ........................................................ 150
Figure 124: Searching for patches with a certain name in it (1)........................................................ 152
Figure 125: Searching for patches with a certain name in it (2)........................................................ 152
Figure 126: Combis using a Program ............................................................................................... 154
Figure 127: Programs being used by Combis ................................................................................... 154
Figure 128: Programs used by a certain Set List Slot ........................................................................ 155
Figure 129: CRC Values ................................................................................................................... 157
Figure 130: Type/Bank/Index Sorted Patch List ............................................................................... 158
Figure 131: Category Sorted Patch List ............................................................................................ 158
Figure 132: Patch Name Sorted Patch List ....................................................................................... 159
Figure 133: ASCII Table Output........................................................................................................ 159
Figure 134: Text Output .................................................................................................................. 160
Figure 135: Error message after document in use. .......................................................................... 160
Figure 136: CSV (Comma Separated Values) Output in Microsoft Excel ........................................... 161
Figure 137: CSV (Comma Separated Values) Output as Text File ...................................................... 161
Figure 138: XML Output .................................................................................................................. 162
Figure 139: XML Source of a Patch List ............................................................................................ 163
Figure 140: XSL Source of a Patch List ............................................................................................. 163
Figure 141: Patch List command ..................................................................................................... 164
Figure 142: Fragment of a patch list ................................................................................................ 164
Figure 143: Command Line Arguments............................................................................................ 167
Figure 144: Cubase Instrument Definition File ................................................................................. 168
Figure 145: Songs Tab ..................................................................................................................... 169
Figure 146: Song Tab, Export To File ................................................................................................ 170
Figure 147: Samples Tab ................................................................................................................. 170
Figure 148: Samples Tab, Export To File .......................................................................................... 171
Figure 149: Core FTP Installation screen shot 1 ............................................................................... 176
Figure 150: Core FTP Installation screen shot 2 ............................................................................... 176
Figure 151Core FTP Installation screen shot 3 ................................................................................. 177
Figure 152: Core FTP Installation screen shot 4 ............................................................................... 177
Figure 153: FTP Site Manager .......................................................................................................... 178
Figure 154: FTP Connection............................................................................................................. 179
List of Tables
Table 1: List of Email Addresses ....................................................................................................... xiv
Table 2: Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... xvi
Table 3: Glossary.............................................................................................................................. xix
Table 4: History Changes ................................................................................................................... xx
Table 5: Convention keywords ............................................................................................................5
Table 6: Windows System Requirements.............................................................................................9
Table 7: Virtualization Software for non Windows platforms ...............................................................9
Table 8: Supported models of PCG Tools ........................................................................................... 18
Table 9:Model Differences table 1 .................................................................................................... 19
Table 10: Model Differences table 2 .................................................................................................. 19
Table 11: Model Differences table 3 .................................................................................................. 20
Table 12: Program Banks from various workstation models .............................................................. 26
Table 13: Programs referring by combis advantages/disadvantages .................................................. 27
Table 14: Clear Patches Settings ........................................................................................................ 49
Table 15 Auto Load Master Files Settings .......................................................................................... 50
Table 16: Edit settings ....................................................................................................................... 51
Table 17: Status Bar Items................................................................................................................. 65
Table 18: Edit Program Items ............................................................................................................ 84
Table 19: Edit Set List Slot Items ........................................................................................................ 85
Table 20: Change Volume Types...................................................................................................... 100
Table 21: Compatible workstation models ...................................................................................... 104
Table 22: Cut / Copied Patches........................................................................................................ 107
Table 23: Copy/Paste Settings ......................................................................................................... 112
Table 24: Double To Single Keyboard Setup, properties .................................................................. 135
Table 25: List Types ......................................................................................................................... 140
Table 26: Differences List Options ................................................................................................... 146
Table 27: Properties/Settings affecting generation speed of Differences List ................................... 147
Table 28: List Generator Settings Groups ........................................................................................ 150
Table 29: Filter On Text Settings ...................................................................................................... 151
Table 30: Generic Commands Shortcut Keys ................................................................................... 172
Table 31: Main Menu Shortcut Keys ................................................................................................ 173
Table 32: Keyboard Shortcut Keys and Mouse Handling .................................................................. 174
Table 33: PCG Window Shortcut Keys ............................................................................................. 174
Table 34: New (FTP) Site ................................................................................................................. 178
List of Email Addresses
Person / Company Email Address
Michel Keijzers / MikeSoft
Table 1: List of Email Addresses
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AI Advanced Integrated Square
AI2 Improved Advanced Integrated Square
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BRng (Pitch) Bend Range
Cmb Combination.
Combi Combination.
CRC Value Cyclic Redundancy Check Value
CSV (file) Comma Separated Value (file)
EDS Enhanced Definition Synthesis, synthesis engine used by Korg M3 and
EDS-X Enhanced Definition Synthesis - Expanded, synthesis engine used by
Korg Krome.
EXI A model/physical engine to create sounds, not (principally) based on
Fav Favorite
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GM General MIDI
GUI Graphical User Interface
HD1 High Definition 1, synthesis engine used by Korg Oasys and Kronos
workstation models.
HI Hyper Integrated, synthesis engine used by Korg Triton and Karma
workstation models.
I / Int Internal program or combi bank
KARMA Kay Algorithmic Realtime Music Architecture
.mid Extension of MIDI files
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MPE Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression
OSC Oscillator
PA Personal Arranger
.pcg File extension for PCG files
PCG Programs, Combis, Global
Porta Portamento
Prg Program
Pri Priority
SNG Song
Sta Status
.syx File extension for SYX files
SYX A SYX file contains SYstem eXclusive data
Trans Transpose
U User program/combi bank
UI User Interface
Vel Velocity
Vol Volume
XML Extensible Markup Language
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language
Table 2: Abbreviations
Term Description
ACCESS Sampling engine used on the Korg Trinity.
Advanced Integrated
Artist Part before or after the split character designated as the artist of a song.
ASCII Table Table with control code characters and characters like 0..9, a..z, A..Z a
and special symbols.
Banks Listview The left list shown in the patch file which is active when a thick grey box
is drawn around it. It contains the banks of the selected type.
Bend Range See Pitch Bend Range.
Broken combi or set A combi or set list slot is called broken, when a used program/combi is
list slot unintentionally changed or overwritten.
Category Programs and combis are grouped in categories (and depending on the
workstation model, sub categories).
Clearing Clearing a patch is similar to initializing a patch (on a workstation), but
only sets certain parameters and sets an empty string instead of e.g.
Cleaning Cleaning a combi means to initialize timbres inside a combi which are not
used (depending on certain settings).
Combi A combination of 8 or 16 timbres (depending on the workstation model)
Combi Bank A bank of 128 combis.
Comma Separated File with columns, split by columns which can be used for importing in
Value (file) spreadsheets, like Microsoft Excel©.
Command A command is an action that can be selected to be performed.
Compacting Compacting patches removes all empty selected patches down and all
nonempty selected patches up.
Complete patch File A patch File that contains the complete contents of the PCG information
of a workstation model.
Copy The command to select patches for copying patches to another location.
Cut The command to select patches for moving patches to another location.
Cyclic Redundancy A check/algorithm that combines a series of bytes resulting in a single
Check value, useful for checking for example if two byte series are equal.
Delete There is no Delete command, patches can either be cleared or can be
Dialog A window that needs to be closed before continuing with the application.
DropBox Sever where the installation and manual of PCG Tools can be
Effect An effect can be used to alter a patch and is added at the end of the
signal chain.
Empty Patch A patch with an empty name, this does not have to mean it is inaudible.
Erase There is no Erase command, patches can either be cleared or can be
Error Dialog A dialog to notify the user of a problem that occurred while performing a
FaceBook Social media site
File Transfer Protocol A protocol for communication for transferring files, in our case PCG files
over ethernet.
General MIDI A standardized set of 1 or more program banks which contain the same
predefined set of programs.
Global MIDI Channel The MIDI channel the workstation itself is assigned to.
Google Plus Social media site
Init Patch A patch that is initialized, assigned to default values and containing the
word 'INIT' in its name.
Instrument Definition A file that contains a patch list to be used for (external) sequencers, e.g.
File Cubase®.
Internal Bank Banks denoted as I-A to I-G or INT-A to INT-D and considered internal
banks with predefined programs/combis (although can also contain user
defined programs/combis).
Internal Memory Internal workstation Memory, which contains the programs, combi,
global info and depending on the workstation model more info.
KARMA Generates MIDI data based on algorithms, can be seen as an advanced
Keyboard Zone The range of keys in which a timbre is audible.
Language Language used by the GUI.
Layer Multiple programs that are assigned to the same key/velocity zone.
Memory Computer Memory, which is the RAM memory of the computer which is
MIDI A communication protocol that let musical devices (including computers)
communicate with each other.
MIDI Channel The channel on which a related item is assigned to, can be 1 to 16.
Modeled Program A program that is created by a non sample based engine, like Moss or
one of the EXIs of a Korg Oasys or Kronos.
MOSS Modeling engine used on several workstation models like the Korg Trinity
and Korg Triton Extreme. Originally introduced in the Korg Z1.
Oscillator Repeat waveform that is the basis of a sound.
Paste Storing (a part of the) copied patches to a destination.
Patches List View The right list shown in the patches file which is active when a thick grey
box is drawn around it. It contains the patches of the first selected bank.
Patch Another name for a program, combi or set list slot.
Patch File A file that contains programs, combis and global information (and more).
Note that in this manual, also other file types can be meant (which can
contain the same kind of information).
Pitch Bend Range The range of the frequency for moving the joystick in the X direction.
Portamento When playing legato, the frequency gradually moves toward the new key
Pri Priority of a timbre.
Program A sound that contains up to two oscillators.
Program Bank A bank of 128 programs.
Read Only A bank that is read only cannot be modified/written to (e.g. the GM
program banks).
Sample A waveform that is the base of a sound.
Sampled Program A program that is based on samples (a program created with the AI2, EDS
or HD1 engine).
Semitone A half tone, e.g. the difference in pitch between a c and c#.
Sequencer A built in feature of a workstation or an external application for creating
Set List Slot One of the 128 slots inside one set list which refers to a program, a combi
or a song.
Set List A list of 128 set list slots. There are 128 available in the Korg Kronos. A
set list can be seen as a bank for set list slots.
Social Media Social media sites, used as platform for discussing and making
announcements about PCG Tools.
Song A musical piece that can be recorded in some workstation models and
stored in the internal memory.
Split Multiple programs that have a different key zone on the same keyboard
of a work station.
Split Character A character that can be defined to split the name of a patch in an artist
and title part.
Status Status of a timbre.
Timbre A part of a combi which can reference to an external board, can be
switched or (normally) references to a program.
Title Part before or after the split character designated as the title of a song.
Transpose The shifting of a timbre in semitones.
Twitter Social media site
Velocity Zone The velocity range in which a timbre is audible.
Warning Dialog A dialog to notify the user of something to take into account.
Work Station (Model) A type of work station, e.g. Korg Triton Extreme, Korg M3, Korg Kronos.
Workstation Some features are not available on all workstation models.
Dependent Feature
XML File A file that contains data which can be used for being shown in a browser
or use as export file for other applications.
XSL File A file that defines how the associated XML file should be visualized.
Z1 Chip (also a synth) using the MOSS synth engine.
Table 3: Glossary
Manual History
Version Date Changes
1.0.0 10-Apr-2012 Initial version.
1.1.0 6-May-2012 - Added Cut & Paste functionality.
- Added external links.
- Added more extensive application setup information.
- Added list of internet links and email addresses.
- Added history/changes.
1.3.1. 14-Jul-2012 - Added Assigned Clean Program for cleaning timbres in Combi
- Added external links/donators.
- Added chapter about standalone installation and installation path.
- Added splash screen and special events.
- Changed screen shots of new GUI look.
- Added information about setup/installation problems.
- Added screenshots/info about incompatibility between workstations.
- Added favorite column for set list generator patch lists.
- Added settings menu.
- Added remark about Triton and Korg workstation model names.
- Added remark about copying between Korg M3 and Korg Triton files.
1.4.0 (manual was not updated for version 1.4.0).
1.5.0 (manual was not updated for version 1.5.0).
1.6.0 20-Feb-2013 - Adapted links, terms, abbreviations, foreword, wish list, issue list and
all items from version 1.4.0 to 1.6.0.
1.7.1 30-Mar- - Added sorting and support for Korg Trinity.
1.8.0 25-Jan-2014 - Added support for Korg Kross.
- Added sorting programs, combis and set list slots.
- Mention of website.
- Added Czech translation.
- Changed links.
- Added remark for installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
1.9.0 31-Jan-2014 - Added Serbian translation and additional languages text.
2.3.0 24-Aug-2014 - Removed items that now can be found on the website.
- Added all changes after version 1.9.0 upto version 2.3.0.
3.1.0 27-Aug-2019 - Added all changes after version 2.3.0 upto version 3.1.0
Table 4: History Changes
Thank you
… for showing interest in this application and reading the manual. In this manual I try to explain all
functionality that is covered by PCG Tools and also add tips and examples to make it more
worthwhile to read through this manual.
Around May 2011, this application started as a small challenge being performed in a few days time.
A forum member at posted a thread about a missing feature that exists
in Korg workstations for decades.
When changing a program, all combis using that program will be changed too. The missing feature is
that one cannot know easily by which combis (or set list slots in case of a Korg Kronos (X)) a program
is used. The only solution is to go through all combis (and set list slots) and check if the program is
inside the timbres list or being referenced by the set list slot. With the Kronos (X) having the
possibility of thousands of combis and set list slots this is an impossible task to do manually.
Since I am a professional software engineer and I was very interested in the Korg Kronos (X) as
'upgrade' for my Korg M50 and Triton Extreme, and because I wanted to learn more about a certain
programming language (C#) professionally, I wrote in the forum I could write a small application that
could generate a list of all programs together with all combis and set list slots it was used in. I wrote I
could do it in a day but I needed two.
That small 'application' was what now is the base of the List Generator, part of the PCG Window and
part of the complete PCG Tools application. The first version was published in the begin of July, 2011.
Now, more than two years later, the application has gained a lot more functionality, I am the proud
owner of a Kronos, I learned a lot about the programming language and more than 2,000 Korg
owners (I assume) are using this application. Besides, I learnt a lot about Korg workstations by being
active in, and have very nice contacts with a lot of Korg owners and
participants of that site. Also, I have good contacts with some employees inside the Korg company.
Currently, the base of the application is an application where both multiple PCG and Song (SNG) files
can be used. The application not only can generate lists, but serves as a Librarian and even a bit as
an Editor.
The first version was only supporting the Korg Kronos, the current version supports all recent Korg
workstations, like the Korg Kronos, Korg Kronos X, Oasys, Korg Krome, M3, M50, all Tritons, Karma
and all Trinity’s.
And for software insiders: the first version of this application started with about 500 lines, the
current code has around 50,000 lines and still is growing.
However, due to other activities the project is currently in a sustaining/idle mode, where only major
bug fixes and in some cases support for models is added, including once in a while a new feature.
The source code is online, so everybody is hereby invited to add useful items, or fix bugs.
This application would never have been such a success with help of others. The following
people/teams (in random order) have greatly helped me.
Sharp and other moderators at Due to this forum website, my application received
a lot of attention and he helped me out with gaining even more exposure.
Korg R&D Product Manager Dan Philips: He answered numerous questions, forwarded my
sometimes detailed questions to other employees of Korg. He arranged valuable documentation to
speed up certain parts of this application.
Korg Product Manager Rich Formidoni: He answered also numerous questions and gave me the
encouragement to continue.
Korg R&D Software Engineer Steve Pavao: He answered several specific questions with detailed
answers and provided a lot of in depth information to speed up the programming of my application.
KorganizR for adding some features for PCG Tools: drum kits, wave sequences and the file content
lists (part of the set list generator).
McHale and Phinnin, forum members of without their help and help from various
other members I was not as far as I would be now. Especially during the time I did not have a Korg
Kronos myself, they tested a lot of test versions and spent a lot of time helping me analyzing the
structure of patch files.
Mathieu Maes for starting the development of a web based version of PCG Tools and for the
beautiful PCG Tools logo he created.
Francois Rossi for his thinking about internationalization in general and the French translation. And
all other translators who made several languages present: Honza, Yuma, Mathieu Maes, .Jens,
Rubens Felicio, Bekawe, Mario Pablo, Luis Costa, Saša Rajak, Umut Erhan and more.
Vanni Torelli for his great theme I could use to look the screens better, for his improvements in the
GUI and his help with the source code management system.
All beta testers, some already mentioned above and further JimKnopf, Cello, PpublicDuende,
rs.felicio, AdDeRoo,MattGerassimof, CJ Johansson and Paul Hirschvogel for testing the application
and proofreaders and manual who helped me to improve the quality of the application and manual.
Also everyone who sent helpful additions, ideas, compliments and bugs.
I also want to thank xadet, the coordinate/project member from WPF Multiple Document Interface,
which I used for the external library to display multiple windows.
Furthermore, I want to thank the members of the Assembla project, which is a great tool for
managing versions and online storage of source code.
Also, I like to thank the members of GitHub, which is a great version system for source code.
Besides these people, I would like to thank MailChimp because of the possibility to send the PCG
Tools newsletter for free to all subscribers upto the time Yahoo Groups will be used, so thanks to
Yahoo too.
Also I want to thank all translators: François Rossi, Mathieumaes, Jens, Yuma, Jim Dijkstra, Rubens S.
Felicio, Luis Costa, Bernardo W., Mario Pablo, Syntey, Sasa Rajak, Umut Erhan, DaimianoMusic and
And last of not least donators of my application. It means a lot to me that this application is seen as a
useful and valuable tool.
Chapter 1 - About PCG Tools
On this website all important information and links shown below are mentioned.
There is only one application which supports all supported Korg workstation models, so only one
download is enough. However, for some models you can download additional files.
The reason I use the notification method to spread news, is to make sure everyone gets notifications
about features and updates, preventing a lot of problems due to fixed bugs for example.
However, for more generic wishes, ideas etc. it’s best to write on the KorgForums site for PCG Tools
at or to the PCG Tools
FaceBook page: .
Chapter 1 - About PCG Tools
On FaceBook, there is a page for PCG Tools called ‘PCG Tools’ at ( The
page PCG Tools is mainly for announcements and discussions regarding PCG Tools.
Google Plus
On Google+ ( ), a discussion forum/announcement page is created.
On Twitter, PCG Tools also is active with the hash tag: #PcgTools and the URL is .
1.6 Donations
Although PCG Tools is free, if you think this application is worthwhile to you, saving you time or
otherwise useful and you like to donate some money, please consider sending a donation. The
donation button can be found in the About box (Help menu, About menu item).
Paypal is selected because it is a secure site (although they charge a small fee for their services).
People who donate, can also send a link and/or logo which I will add in the External Links window in
the About menu within PCG Tools.
Btw, the hours I worked at the application are not counted but must be somewhere between 1,500
and 2,500 hours (as of 2013).
- They are mentioned in the splash screen occasionaly (depending on their donation amount.
- They get a logo/link if they like in the manual.
- They get a logo/link if they like in the external links page of the help menu in the application.
- They get move elaborate answers to questions (although I try to answer everyone politely).
Chapter 2 - About the Manual
2.1 Introduction
This manual will be regularly updated, however screenshots will only be updated every now and
then. This means that there might be small differences in the screen shots and the actual application,
but never in such a way that the explained features are not explained well enough.
Chapter 3 (Overview) shows what is possible with PCG tools. It gives an overview of the main
features and also handles system requirements and setup.
[NOTE]: From this page, workstation dependent features are not mentioned explicitly unless it does
not clutter up the text.
Chapter 4 (Korg Files) contains a description of what a PCG and SNG file is and an explanation of the
contents of these files. If you are familiar with these files, you can skip this chapter (although some
global terms are explained which are used heavily in the manual and application).
Chapter 5 (Workflow) describes the way how to use this application in relation to (the) Korg
workstation(s), how to get the patch file from the Korg workstation to the computer into this
application and back to the workstation.
Chapter 6 (Main Screen) handles the main screen and generic options, how to load and save files for
Chapter 7 (Using Patch Files) handles patch files and the list generator for patch files and is the
largest part of the manual.
Chapter 8 (Using SNG (Song) Files) handles SNG files and what is possible with these files.
Chapter 0 (
Chapter 2 - About the Manual
With the Export To File button a file will be created with the list of samples (only one in this case):
Chapter 2 - About the Manual
Keyboard Usage & Shortcut Keys) shows a list with all shortcut keys and how to make selections
faster by using default Windows behavior that might not known by every user.
Chapter 10 (Installation of Core FTP LE) explains how to use an FTP program with the Korg Kronos (X).
Chapter 12 contains the complete wish list … some items will end up in PCG Tools, most will not due
to time shortage.
Chapter 13 contains the known issues. Most of them are not a problem bit difficult to solve; some
are somewhat nasty, but a workaround is available.
2.3 Conventions
During this manual several special keywords are used, shown in brackets. The meaning is explained in
Table 5.
Keyword Meaning
[BACKGROUND] Shows background information, not necessary for understanding the
[KRONOS (X) ONLY] This keyword means the feature is model dependent for the specified
workstation model(s), check paragraph 3.5 for a complete list. It only is
used when a complete paragraph or part is dependent on a workstation
feature. Note that where the Kronos is mentioned, also Kronos X is
[TIP] A tip explains a possibly non trivial usage of this feature.
[WARNING] Reason why to be careful to use this feature.
[NOTE] A message that is not directly coupled to this feature/section.
[EXAMPLE] Example.
Table 5: Convention keywords
All website reference and email addresses in this manual are hyperlinked, meaning you can click
them with the Control key together with the left mouse button to navigate to the link (in your default
browser) or sending a mail (with your default email application).
2.4 Screenshots
In this manual, a lot of screenshots are used to explain every aspect about PCG Tools.
However, since there are regularly new versions, not always the screenshots of the newest version
are used, especially for those cases where the functionality has not changed with the previous
Chapter 3 – Overview
3 Overview
For each of the main functionalities, solutions are given to show what it can be used for.
I would like to have a voice name list that contains all (or certain) of YOUR programs, combis
and/or set list slots.
I want such lists in alphabetical order, ordered by category/sub category or ordered by
I want to be able to open these lists in Excel or in a(n internet) browser.
I also want to make lists that are printable, to be used as set list for a gig for example.
I want to change a program, but I do not want to break a combi. How do I know which
programs are used by which combis?
How do I know which programs and combis are used in which set list slots? [KRONOS ONLY]
Do I have (almost) identical patches in my file and where are they?
I want to have an overview at a glance for all timbres and its most important parameters of
one or more combis.
I know part of the name of a patch but I cannot remember its location. I even don't know if it
was a program, combi or set list slot. Where can I find it (or them)?
I have marked programs and combis as favorite, but I want to have a list of them. [KRONOS
I have a patch file and want a summary of what is inside it, which banks are filled and what
ranges within each bank.
I want to know if patches from one patch file are equal to patches from another patch file.
Chapter 3 – Overview
Librarian solutions
For the librarian functionality, the following wishes can be performed:
I want to move one or more programs up or down but I do not want to break any combis or
set list slots they are used in.
I want to move one or more combis up or down but I do not want to break any set list slots
they are used in.
I want to move one or more set list slots up or down. [KRONOS ONLY]
I want to clear one or more patches.
I want to sort one or more programs but I do not want to break any combi or set list slots
they are used in.
I want to sort one or more combis but I do not want to break any set list slots they are used
I want to sort set list slots [KRONOS ONLY]
I want to sort by category, name or title/artist or vice versa.
I have removed a lot of patches, and I want to remove the created gaps (by moving all used
patches up).
I want to copy one or more programs inside my patch file or from one path file to another.
I want to copy one or more combis inside my patch file or from one patch file to another
including all the programs used by those combis.
I want to copy one or more set list slots inside my patch file or from one patch file to another
including all the programs and combis used by those set list slots. [KRONOS ONLY]
I want to move patches inside my patch file and automatically fix all references from combis
or set list slots referencing the moved patches.
I want to make a patch file that only consists of the copied combis including their used
I want to make a patch file that only consists of the copied set list slots including their used
programs and combis (and the programs used in those combis). [KRONOS ONLY]
I want to see which drum kits are available and where.
I want to see which wave sequences are available and where.
Editor solutions
For the editor, the following wishes are granted:
Additional solutions
I want to make an instrument definition file of my own file for use in Cubase™.
Chapter 3 – Overview
It is not possible to copy patches from one model to another (e.g. copy patches from a Triton
to an Oasys or vice versa). The reason is that the engines, sample data and/or parameter
value(s) are different from model to model).
It is not a DAW or has any integration with a sequencer. Korg has announced to publish this
functionality in their Kronos Editor and for most other workstation models DAW integration
is already available.
It is not an editor for changing every possible parameter. Korg has announced to publish this
functionality in their Kronos editor and for most models an Editor is already available.
You cannot immediately receive or send patch data from/to your synthesizer from/to your
computer. Instead, an intermediate file is used (sometimes containing system exclusive MIDI
Chapter 3 – Overview
Chapter 3 – Overview
3.4 Setup
Below every step for an installation on a Windows 7 PC is shown. The instructions that follow may
differ from other operating systems, and also might depend on the security settings and other
settings on the computer.
Go to the homepage:
Figure 1: Homepage
Click PCG Tools 3.1.0 Installer and double click the downloaded application (can depend on the
Internet browser).
Chapter 3 – Overview
Figure 3: Download
Select Run.
Because PCG Tools is not created by a company but by a 3th party single developer and not for
commercial goals, it is not feasible to buy or license a so called Authenticode (see for more information) since it costs a
substantial sum of money. However, to give at least some trust in PCG Tools, please refer to the
following internet link where users of this application give their trustworthiness to the application:
Chapter 3 – Overview
Press Next.
Somewhere during the installation process, there might be a question for installing the .NET
Microsoft Library. This library is used by lots of programs which are developed with Microsoft .NET
Technology and will be installed either automatically or after a request if not already present on your
system. For this of course an internet connection needs to be present. Also the library is reasonably
large and installation might take some time; maybe even a computer restart.
Chapter 3 – Overview
In case PCG Tools is already installed, you get the following dialog:
Chapter 3 – Overview
Select the folder, and press Next, the following dialog appears:
Chapter 3 – Overview
The installation takes normally very less time, unless the Microsoft .NET Library is installed. If all is ok,
the following screen appears:
Chapter 3 – Overview
Standalone Installation
PCG Tools can also be installed without having an internet connection available.
Before performing the steps mentioned in the previous paragraph, perform the following steps:
1. Open the configuration screen/panel, then selecting the option 'applications'; the exact
names depend on the OS so it may vary. If you cannot find the screen, assume it is not
available, and continue with step 3.
2. Check if in the list that is shown if there is one or more variations of the Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.0 library is present.
If such a library is present, only copy the setup.exe file from the newsletter (and the
password to a temporary text file) to e.g. a USB stick or external hard disk and continue with
step 6. If you encounter problems while or after installing, try to install the framework
anyway. Note that you need the 4.0 version, older versions should not be removed, but are
not being used by PCG Tools.
Chapter 3 – Overview
3. Assuming such a library is not present, download and copy it to the USB stick or external hard
disk. The download location is:
4. Attach the media to the target computer
5. Install the .NET 4.0 library.
6. Continue with the steps in the previous paragraph (i.e. run setup).
Microsoft Library Introduction
If the needed Microsoft DotNet 4.0 framework is not already installed, it will be done automatically
by the setup procedure (if an internet connection is available). The installation of the DotNet
framework may take some time, depending on your computer system. However, it needs to be
installed only once and not for future updates. Chances are big, that the DotNet framework is already
installed on your computer, since this library is used for numerous other applications too.
After setup, start the just installed application by clicking on the created desktop icon or select it in
the installed applications. Windows XP
PCG Tools on Windows XP requires Microsoft NET Framework 4. In some cases this framework is not
automatically installed during setup. If it is not, you can do it manually by download it from: This will download the file
name dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe which will guide you through the full install. After this you can
install PCG Tools.
Chapter 3 – Overview
Supported File
Supported Series Supported Korg Models
syx, mid (sysex),
Korg 01/W, Korg 01/W FD, Korg 01/W pro, Korg
Korg 01 Series 01p, 01W, ALL,
01/W pro X, Korg 01R/W
Korg 03R/W Series Korg 03R/W syx, mid (sysex)
Korg microKORG syx
Korg microKorg Korg microKORG XL mkxl_all
Series mkxlp_prog,
Korg microKORG XL Plus
microSTATION Korg microSTATION pcg
Korg Karma Series Korg Karma pcg
Korg Krome Series Korg Krome, Korg Krome EX pcg
Korg Kronos
Korg Kronos, Korg Kronos X pcg
Korg Kross Series Korg Kross pcg
Korg M1 Series Korg M1, Korg M1R, Korg M1EX, Korg M1R-EX syx, mid (sysex)
Korg M3 Series Korg M3, Korg M3-M pcg
Korg M3R Series Korg M3R syx
Korg M50 Series Korg M50 pcg
Korg MS2000 Korg MS2000, Korg MS2000R, Korg MS2000B, Korg syx, prg, mid
Series MS2000BR (sysex), LIB
Korg Oasys Series Korg Oasys pcg
Korg T1, Korg T1EX, Korg T2, Korg T2EX, Korg T3,
Korg T Series syx, mid (sysex)
Korg T3EX
Korg Triton, Korg Triton Pro, Korg Triton Pro X, Korg
Triton Extreme, Korg Triton Studio, Korg Triton
Korg Triton Series pcg
Classic, Korg Triton LE, Korg Triton Rack, Korg
Triton TR
Korg Trinity V1, Korg Trinity Plus, Korg Trinity Pro,
Korg Trinity Series Korg Trinity Pro X, Korg Trinity V2, Korg Trinity pcg
SOLO-TRI, Korg Trinity V3, Korg (Trinity) TR Rack
Korg Z1 Series Korg Z1, Korg Z1EX syx, mid (sysex)
Table 8: Supported models of PCG Tools
Chapter 3 – Overview
Model -> Korg Kronos Korg Korg M3 Korg M50 Korg Korg
/ Korg Oasys / Korg Triton / TR Karma
Feature Kronos X Krome / Series
Karma √ √ √ SW only - -
Sampler √ √ √ - Option -
Set Lists √ - - - - -
Favorites √ - - - - -
Sub Categories √ √ √ √ - -
Wave √ - - - - -
Mute setting in √ √ √ √ - -
Priority setting √ √ - - - -
in timbres
Table 10: Model Differences table 2
Chapter 3 – Overview
Model -> Korg Trinity Korg M1 Korg MS2000 Korg T Series Korg Z1
series and TR Series Series Series
Feature Rack
Karma - - - - -
Sampler - - - - -
Set Lists - - - - -
Favorites - - - - -
Sub Categories *1 - - - -
Wave - - - - -
Mute setting in - - - - -
Priority setting - - - - -
in timbres
Table 11: Model Differences table 3
Karma is an advanced arpeggiator (and more). For the Korg M50, Karma is an optional software
package to be ran on a connected computer, for some other work station models it is built in.
With a sampler, user samples can be recorded or loaded. These samples can be used as base samples
for programs.
Set Lists are used for easily organizing programs and combis.
Favorites and sub categories are used for easily selecting/filtering programs and combis.
Wave Sequences are waveforms that are sequenced after each other.
Also some settings from timbres, used in a combi are not supported by all workstation models.
[NOTE]: From this page, workstation dependent features are not mentioned separately unless it does
not clutter up text.
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
4 Korg Files
There are various kind of files that can be imported/exported from/to a Korg workstation. These file
types are:
PCG files: Files containing programs, combis, global sections and more (see paragraph 4.1)
and these files have the extension ".PCG". Most modern workstations use this format, like
Kronos, Oasys, M3, M50, Tritons.
PCG Tools can read these files to be analyzed and to modify.
MID files: MID files containing system exclusive information can be used in the same way
PCG files are used. MID files are currently supported for some older types of
workstations/synthesizers, like the Korg T, 01 and Z1 series.
SYX files: Similar with MID files, except that these contain system exclusive by default. These
mostly are used for the same workstations/synthesizers as supported for MID files.
Mkxl_all, mkxlp_prog, mkxlp_all: these files contain also program and combi information and
are used for the Korg microKORG XL and XL Plus.
KRSall, KRSapr, KRSbpr, KRSpr, KRSacm, KRSbcm, KRScm: These files are used by the Korg
LIB: These files are used by the Korg MS2000 series.
01p, 01W, ALL, RAW: These files are used by the Korg 01W series.
Song (SNG) files: Files containing one or more sequencer songs (see paragraph 4.2) and these
files have the extension ".SNG".
PCG Tools can read these files to be analyzed.
(User) sample files: Files containing samples and parameters related to it (see paragraph 4.3),
having extensions ".KMP", ".KSF" and ".KSC".
These files are not supported by PCG Tools.
Normal MIDI (.MID) files can also be used on Korg workstations, however these are not Korg specific
and are also not supported by PCG Tools.
Program Banks
Combi Banks
Global section
Set Lists
Wave Sequences
Drum Kits
Since the first three items were the first and important items to be stored in a PCG file, that is where
the abbreviation "PCG" comes from (Programs Combination Global). However, also MID, SYX, KRSxxx,
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
LIB, 01p, 01W, ALL, RAW files contain PCG like information. Where hereafter is spoken about PCG
files, also the files mentioned here are supported.
A patch file consists of all (or a part of) the patch memory of a Korg workstation. A patch can be a
program, a combi or a set list slot. This means, that a PCG file can contain all program banks, all
combi banks and the global section, but it also can contain only a few program banks, or some combi
banks and the global section. On the Korg workstation the content to be saved in a PCG file can be
selected when saving a PCG file.
Figure 12 shows the structure of a complete PCG file. A complete patch file is a patch file where the
complete internal memory is stored (i.e. all program banks, all combi banks, all set list slots (if
supported by the workstation model), the global section etc.). Creating a complete patch file is also
the default setting when saving a patch file.
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
class Korg PCG File Structure
PCG File
4..14 128
Program Bank
Combi Bank Set List
Assigned to 8..16
program OR
combi Timbre
Combi Categories
1 Combi
Program Category 8 16..18 Subcategories
A solid line arrow means that the source (where the arrow starts from) consists of the specified
number of items where the arrow is pointing to, e.g. The Combi Banks contains 4 to 14 individual
Combi Banks (depending on the workstation model), and a Combi Bank contains 128 Combis. A
dashed arrow means that the source is/can be assigned to where it points to (e.g. a combi is assigned
to a combi category and combi subcategory (latter depends on the workstation model). The default
number is 1 (so this is optionally displayed).
[NOTE] For sake of simplicity, drum kits and wave sequences are not shown in the diagram.
A program is built up from one (Single) or two (Dual) oscillators (and optionally uses a drum kit). A so
called sampled program is a program which is using one or more of the (multi)samples and a
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
modeled program is (normally) not using multi samples, but uses an external board for sound
Examples of sampled programs are programs using the HI, EDS or HD1 rompler engines.
Examples of modeled programs are programs using the MOSS (Korg Trinity, Triton), Radias (Korg
M3), or one of the EXIs (Korg Oasys, Korg Kronos).
Each program has parameters. Only a small portion of parameters are used within PCG Tools, e.g. the
Name, Favorite setting, Category, Sub category.
Program Bank
A program bank always contains exactly 128 programs, indexed from 0 to 127 (except for GM banks
which are indexed from 1 to 128). A program bank is named with a letter A to N or I-A to I-G, U-A to
U-G, U-AA to U-GG, depending on the workstation model. The I stands for Int(ernal bank) and the U
for User (bank).
A program can be identified uniquely together with its index, e.g. Program I-A64 or I-A064 means
program number 64 in program bank I-A.
A program bank can be one of the following two types: modeled or sampled. Most workstations
program banks are of the sampled type, meaning it contains only sampled programs. Other banks are
modeled program banks and contain only modeled programs. On some workstation models the
banks are predefined (meaning a bank can contain sampled programs and never can contain others),
on other workstation models (like the Oasys and Kronos), each bank can be assigned to contain
either sampled programs or modeled programs. However, sampled and modeled programs can never
be mixed within one program bank.
Also each workstation has one or more GM (General MIDI) banks. These banks are read only and
therefore are never stored in a patch file. However, combinations and set list slots can refer to GM
programs and will be used in PCG Tools whenever necessary, but their names will not be shown
(since these are not present in patch files).
[WARNING]: No difference between different GM banks is made. All GM banks are "mapped" within
PCG Tools internally to GM (instead of GM, g(1) .. g(9)) for visualization. However, internally (in the
patch file) the GM program references will not be changed.
*1 The internal banks of Triton Studio are in PCG Tools noted as I-A..I-E instead of INT-A..INT-E
because PCG files from the Triton Studio cannot be differentiated from the Triton Classic/TR/Rack.
*2 The S bank is only used for Trinity V2 (Solo bank) and the M bank is only used for Trinity V3 (MOSS
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
Table 12 shows which workstation models has which program banks and from which type.
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
*1 The internal banks of Triton Studio are in PCG Tools noted as I-A..I-E instead of INT-A..INT-E
because PCG files from the Triton Studio cannot be differentiated from the Triton Classic/TR/Rack.
*2 The S bank is only used for Trinity V2 (Solo bank) and the M bank is only used for Trinity V3 (MOSS
Not all program/combi banks have to be filled. Also, some files exist which contain virtual banks.
When saving a patch file on a workstation, per program bank you can select if it will be saved in the
file or not. Default all program banks will be selected for saving.
In PCG Tools a program bank is considered empty when all programs in a bank are empty or have an
initialized name.
[NOTE] For sake of simplicity, drum kits and wave sequences are not shown in the diagram.
Virtual Banks
Some files, for example for the Kronos and the MS2000 can contain virtual program or combi banks.
These files cannot be read/written from/to a workstation, but can be used a big storage boxes for
patches. Two of these files can be loaded from the website and contain initialized banks (or
preprogrammed factory data).
Virtual files can contain hundreds of banks, resulting in tens of thousand of programs and combis.
Also, these files can be used for copying/pasting between regular files, meaning, you can copy/paste
programs/combis from/to the file(s) you use on your synthesizer/workstation for easy access.
Program Banks
Program banks are the complete set of all program banks described in the previous paragraph. In *1
The internal banks of Triton Studio are in PCG Tools noted as I-A..I-E instead of INT-A..INT-E because
PCG files from the Triton Studio cannot be differentiated from the Triton Classic/TR/Rack.
*2 The S bank is only used for Trinity V2 (Solo bank) and the M bank is only used for Trinity V3 (MOSS
Table 12 can be found how many and of which type and name are available per workstation model.
A combi is normally used for stacking sounds, splitting the keyboard (or external keyboards) in both
velocity ranges and keyboard zones and controlling other keyboards.
Each combi has parameters. Only a small portion of parameters are used within PCG Tools, such as
the Name, Favorite setting, Category/Sub category.
A combi is considered broken, if one or more of the used timbres assigned to an incorrect program,
which can happen after (unintentionally) overwriting or copy/pasting a program over a program
being used in that combi.
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
A combi consists of 8 or 16 timbres, depending on the workstation model. A combi can be on or off,
if used (on), it can set to control an external MIDI device, or (normally) it is assigned to a program.
[EXAMPLE]: If you want to stack sounds, you can assign two (or more) timbres to programs. You also
can split your keyboard because each timbre has a key zone, so you can define one timbre to be
active from key C-1 to C4 and another timbre to be active from C#4 to G9. Also it is possible to set a
velocity range and multiple other parameters, making possibilities endless.
A timbre refers to a program contained in a program banks, or to an external keyboard/synthesizer
program. Because a timbre only refer to program (and not containing all parameters of a program), it
means that changing programs causes to change also the (timbres in the) combis were those
programs are used in. This has both advantages and disadvantages, see Table 13.
Advantages Disadvantages
When a program is improved or changed to your When changing a program in a combi without
likings, all combis using that program automatically affecting other combis, you have to copy the
will use the improved program. program to another location and change the
reference in the combi to the new location.
Another disadvantage, not because of the fact that programs are inside combis or referring to
programs in program banks, is that there is no easy means to know IF and by which combis a specific
program is used. Luckily, PCG Tools can create a list to solve this problem.
Of course not all timbres in a combi have to be used (unused timbres can be switched off).
Combi Bank
Combi banks are the same as Program banks except they contain combis. Korg workstations mostly
have 4 to 16 of them, and are named equally as program banks, although they are not related.
A combi bank always contains 128 combis, indexed from 0 to 127. A combi can be identified uniquely
together with the combi bank where it resides, e.g. Combi I-A64 or I-A064 means combi number 64
in combi bank I-A. The I stands for an Int(ernal) bank, as opposed to U(ser) bank.
When saving a patch file on a workstation, per combi bank you can select if it will be saved in the file
or not. Default all combi banks will be selected for saving.
Having 14 banks of 128 combis containing 16 programs would be 28,672 programs needing to be stored,
resulting in a PCG file of hundreds of MBs.
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
In PCG Tools a combi bank is considered empty when all combi in a bank are empty or have an
initialized name.
Combi Banks
Combi banks are the complete set of all combi banks described in the previous paragraph. In *1 The
internal banks of Triton Studio are in PCG Tools noted as I-A..I-E instead of INT-A..INT-E because PCG
files from the Triton Studio cannot be differentiated from the Triton Classic/TR/Rack.
*2 The S bank is only used for Trinity V2 (Solo bank) and the M bank is only used for Trinity V3 (MOSS
Table 12 can be found how many are available and their names per workstation model.
[WARNING]: When saving combi banks using non factory programs always make sure all used
program banks are saved in the patch file too. Otherwise when the patch file is loaded, the
references to the programs will refer to unexpected programs (causing so called broken combis).
A set list slot is in PCG Tools unique identified as e.g. 034/123, meaning set list slot 123 of set list 34.
Drum Kit
A drum kit can be set for a program or combi (and mostly played on MIDI channel 10).
Wave Sequence
Wave sequences are used with programs.
Chapter 4 – Korg Files
On each Korg workstation there is always exactly one global section in a workstation. It contains the
generic data over all programs, combis and set list slots like current MIDI channels, keyboard
velocity/aftertouch curves, some controller settings, the categories and sub categories etc.
When saving a patch file the global section can be saved optionally. Default it is selected to be saved.
Each program or combi (not set list slots) is assigned to a category, which can be seen as groups of
sounds, like piano, organs, drums etc. There are 16 or 18 of them (depending on the workstation
model, some are empty/unused by default). Each category has a default name, but can be
overridden in the global section (it is advised not to change the predefined category names).
[WARNING]: When a patch file does not contain the global section (see paragraph 4.1.14), category
names are unknown and the index of the category is used in PCG Tools.
Sub Category
Each program or combi (not set list slots) is assigned in a sub category, which depends on the
category. For each category there are 16 sub categories defined (some are empty/unused by
default). E.g. the piano category has sub categories Acoustic Piano, Electric Piano, All, etc.
The Trinity does not have a sub category but Category A and Category B. This can be switched in the
settings window.
[WARNING]: When a patch file does not contain the global section (see paragraph 4.1.14), sub
category names are unknown and the index of the sub category is used in PCG Tools.
Chapter 5 - Work Flow
5 Workflow
5.1 Description
PCG Tools can load a lot of different PCG and related files and some SNG files.
To get the workstation content into PCG Tools the workflow is described in the subsequent
Save a PCG and/or SNG file on the workstation by selecting the Save PCG or Save SNG option.
Depending on the workstation type it can be stored on a CompactFlash (CF), SecureDigital
(SD) or USB stick/drive.
Insert the media in the computer.
Optionally copy the file to the computer.
Open the file in PCG Tools. You can do this in two ways:
o Open PCG Tools and load the file.
o or double click on the patch file name in e.g. the file explorer which opens the PCG
Tools application automatically.
Chapter 5 - Work Flow
Continue opening files if wanted (e.g. if you want to copy files from one patch file to
Perform actions on the patch files. When the content of the patch file changes, an asterisk
will be shown next to the file name in the window title bar. (Currently, SNG file cannot be
If the contents have changed, it is assumed the file should be saved. It can be saved over the
original PCG / SNG file or it can be saved to a different file (name) and location.
When finished, copy the file to the media (if not already saved over it if you loaded the file
directly from the media).
Insert the media in your workstation.
Load the media in the workstation by selecting the Load PCG or Load SNG option.
*See next paragraph for a list of media to be used per workstation model.
It is advised to not do too many changes. Regularly save the file and check on the workstation if the
content is exactly as intended. Always keep a backup before you change information in a patch file
with PCG Tools.
Use e.g. MIDI-OX or another MIDI system exclusive tool to receive a sysex file on the
workstation. Or when the file is used in an editor or by another tool, use that tool to receive
the information.
Optionally copy the file to the computer.
Open the file in PCG Tools. You can do this in two ways:
o Open the file with the received MIDI information and load the file.
Continue opening files if wanted (e.g. if you want to copy files from one file to another).
Perform actions on the files. When the content of the file changes, an asterisk will be shown
next to the file name in the window title bar.
If the contents have changed, it is assumed the file should be saved. It can be saved over the
original file or it can be saved to a different file (name) and location.
When finished, transmit the file with a sysex tool to the workstation. Or, when the file is used
in an editor or by another tool, use that tool to transmit the file.
*See next paragraph for a list of media to be used per workstation model.
It is advised to not do too many changes. Regularly save the file and check on the workstation if the
content is exactly as intended. Always keep a backup before you change information in a file with
PCG Tools.
Chapter 5 - Work Flow
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
6 Main Screen
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Opening the icon via the start menu (or other way depending on the operating system).
By opening/double clicking on a patch file (see Figure 14 for a screenshot of patch files
shown with the PCG Tools icon).
By a command line interpreter (like usable in two ways:
o Without arguments to open PCG Tools in the default way.
o With arguments to create a defined list from the set list generator.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Initially no file is loaded and an mainly empty screen is shown, except when PCG Tools has been
started by double clicking a patch file which is loaded immediately or when using command line
arguments loading a patch file by default.
The title of the window contains the application name (PCG Tools), the version, copyright mark/year
and the name of the developer.
Furthermore, only the menu and toolbar is shown. Only commands which can be executed are
selectable, items that cannot be executed are grayed out.
When selected, an Open File dialog will be shown. Here the type of file can be selected, which is one
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Korg M1 series files (*.syx, *.mid): Load one or more Korg M1 series files supported by PCG
Korg M3 series files (*.pcg): Load one or more Korg M3 series files supported by PCG Tools.
Korg M3R files (*.syx, *.mid): Load one or more Korg M3R files supported by PCG Tools.
Korg M50 series files (*.pcg): Load one or more Korg M50 series files supported by PCG
Korg MS2000 series files (*.prg, *.syx, *.lib, *.mid, *.exl): Load one or more Korg MS2000
series files supported by PCG Tools.
Korg Oasys series files (*.pcg): Load one or more Korg Oasys series files supported by PCG
Korg Triton series files (*.pcg): Load one or more Korg Triton series files supported by PCG
Korg Trinity series files (*.pcg): Load one or more Korg Trinity series files supported by PCG
Korg T1/T2/T3 series files (*.syx, *.mid): Load one or more Korg T1/T2/T3 series files
supported by PCG Tools.
Korg Z1 series files (*.syx, *.mid): Load one or more Korg Z1 series files supported by PCG
All files, show all files.
When selecting/changing the type only those type of files are shown. It is possible to select more
than one file.
After selecting a (PCG) file, the screen looks like Figure 16.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
[TIP]: If you always want start with the same patch file, pass it as an argument and it will be opened
automatically when starting PCG Tools.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
When the file is corrupted or a file is tried to be load from a non supported Korg model an error will
be shown as shown in Figure 17.
In case the patch file contains no programs, no combis and no set list slot the following warning is
shown, after which an empty PCG window will be presented.
Changes made by the application are not automatically stored. You have to save them explicitly.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Saving a file is only possible if you have really changed the contents. This can be seen at the asterisk
(*) that is added behind the file name in the window, in the example in Figure 19 the asterisk is
placed after D:\Kronos.PCG after moving a program down.
Remember that files shown with an asterisk are NOT saved yet. It is good practice to save regularly.
The file is saved over the loaded file and the asterisk is removed after saving.
When selected, a save file dialog is shown and a name can be entered or a file to overwrite to can be
selected for saving the file.
[WARNING]: There is no Undo functionality, after saving a file you cannot return to an earlier state,
but you can regularly save files under different names to be able to go back to a certain file if needed.
When selected, the selected file is reloaded. This should be used with care, because all changes since
the last time the file was saved will be undone and cannot be redone.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
You can use this function as a Undo feature to restore the status to the last saved situation.
When a cut/paste or copy/paste action is in progress while executing this command, Figure 88 will be
shown to ask whether to continue or not. Continuing might result in partly copied patches.
[TIP]: when you have saved a file, changed it on your workstation and saved the patch file on the
media and inserted that media into your computer again in the same folder and under the same
name, to load that changed file in PCG Tools, it is not needed to close the selected file and open the
same file again, but a simple 'Revert to Saved' command will do.
[TIP]: When too many Combi windows (see paragraph 7.4) are open, this command can be used to
close all Combi windows from this patch file. Also all bank and patch selections (highlighted banks
and patches) are discarded, because the file is closed and reopened again.
Close Command
This command is used for closing the selected PCG or SNG file.
When selected, the selected file is closed. In case the file has been changed without saving (shown by
the asterisk), a warning message is shown to save the file or not as shown below.
When a cut/paste or copy/paste action is in progress while executing this command, Figure 88 will be
shown to ask whether to continue or not. Continuing might result in partly copied patches.
For PCG (or similar) files, when sub windows are shown (such as the Combi window explained in
Paragraph 7.4), all sub windows are closed automatically.
When a window is closed the size is remembered and the next time a window of the same type is
opened, automatically those dimensions will be used. The different window types are:
PCG Window
Combi Window
SNG Window
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Exit Command
This command is used for exiting the application.
When selected, the application is stopped. All opened files are closed and for every unsaved changed
files is asked whether it should be saved or not (as explained in paragraph 6.4.6). One extra option is
available in case a file is changed but unsaved: Cancel. When selecting this option, the application
does not exit and no more files are closed. See below for an example of this warning dialog.
When a cut/paste or copy/paste action is in progress while executing this command, Figure 88 will be
shown to ask whether to continue or not. Continuing might result in partly copied patches.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Hex Export
This option shows the content of one patch (program, combi, set list slot, wave sequence, drukm kit
or drum pattern) in hexadecimal raw format. This is useful for programmers or for checking specific
byte date using the MIDI system exclusive documents. Activation requirement: one patch selected.
This feature can be activated by:
The first line shows the identification of the patch (I-B001) and the name (Stereo Concert Piano).
The first column shows the hexadecimal relative address (where the patch starts within the entire
PCG file).
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
The third column shows the absolute hexadecimal address within the PCG file
The next eight columns show eight byte values in hexadecimal format.
Selecting the Single Lined Set List Slot Descriptions menu item in the Show menu
Press Alt-t until the Tools menu is highlighted, press Enter, navigate to the Single Lined Set
List Slot Descriptions menu item and press Enter.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
The last option obviously takes up more space per set list slot, but does not clip new lines.
Special Event
This menu item is not always enabled, only when a special announcement or event has occurred.
Below is an example.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
When selecting another language, Figure 30 is shown. Only when the application is restarted, the
selected language will take effect. It is possible to change the language again before restarting. Then
the last selected language will be used when restarting the application the next time.
Settings Menu
Below the Settings menu explained in more detail.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
The option ‘Show #Refs (Number of References) Column show the number of times the patch
(program or combi) is referenced in a set list slot or used by a combi. Default this option is disabled,
since changing banks or patch type causes this to be calculated for all patches in the selected bank
which can take some time. Only enable it when you want to use it.
The next option is ‘Single Lined Set List Slot Description’. Normally in a PCG Window, the set list slot
descriptions are shown fully, and if new lines (returns) are used each set list slot uses an area
consisting of multiple lines. By enabling this setting, a set list slot is always one line high, so more set
list slots fits on the screen, making it easier to order them for example.
Clear patches has several options. One of them is a setting that checks what happens when patches
are cleared:
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Setting Meaning
None If multiple patches have been selected and the Clear button is pressed, if at
least one of the selected patches is used*, none of the selected patches will
be cleared (i.e. nothing happens). If a single patch is selected and the Clear
button is pressed, only if the selected patch is not used* it will be cleared.
Unused Only When the Clear button is pressed, only the patches which are not used* will
be cleared
Ask When the Clear button is pressed, a question dialog will be shown**. If ‘Yes’
is pressed, all selected patches will be cleared, if ‘No’ is pressed, no patches
will be cleared.
Unused and Used When the Clear button is pressed, both unused and used* patches will be
Table 14: Clear Patches Settings
* a program is ‘used’ when it is used inside a combi or referenced by a set list slot.
a combi is ‘used’ when it is referenced by a set list slot.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Table 15 shows the meaning of each item for the Auto Load Master File.
Setting Meaning
Always When a patch file is loaded, and a Master file
has been assigned, it is automatically loaded.
Ask When a patch file is loaded, and a Master file
has been assigned, ask to load it.
Never Irrelevant if a Master file has been assigned, do
not load it.
Table 15 Auto Load Master Files Settings
The Default Output Directory for the Set List Generator, defines the default directory where files are
being stored, that are being output by the various lists of the set list generator.
The Manual setting, defines where the manual will be loaded from (when selected in the Help
menu). Normally this is a website where always the latest manual can be found, but for people using
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
PCG Tools on a standalone computer without internet connection can copy it manual and fill in here
the location where the manual can be found.
This option is used for some file types which only store one program, like .KRSprog or a .SYX or .MID
file with only one program or combi. These files have the name of the program/combi in their file but
also as file name. When the name is changed and this option is enabled, also automatically the file
name is changed accordingly.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Lots of people use a naming convention in (mostly) combis and set list slots to show both the Artist
and the Title of a song, like
Queen – Innuendo
Or otherwise:
Innuendo – Queen
Because sorting on Name would make it impossible to sort on the part after the dash, the terms
Artist and Title are used.
You can define the split character yourself, but normally it will be something like a dash (-) or slash
(/). When a patch name contains multiple split characters (like ‘Dash-Band – First Song), the split will
be made on the last split character that has the most spaces around it.
Of course when there is no split character the title/artist sorting methods are not used, then the
complete name of the patch is used.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Example 1: Assume the split character is a dash and Title – Artist is selected. When the following
patch names need to be sorted by artist, they will be in the order:
- Innuendo – Queen
- Crazy – Seal
Example 2: Assume the split character is a slash and Artist - Title is selected. When the following
patch names need to be sorted by artist, they will be in the order:
- Crazy / Seal
- Innuendo / Queen
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Select the Goto Next Window menu item in the Help menu
Press F6
Select the Goto Next Window menu item in the Help menu
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Press Ctrl + F6
About Command
This command is used for showing generic info about PCG Tools.
[TIP] If you find this application useful, please consider using the Donate option.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Home Page
This command shows the home page of PCG Tools in your browser.
When selected, your default browser opens the home page of PCG Tools. An internet connection is
This command shows this manual as PDF in your browser.
When selected, your default browser opens a PDF with the manual (same contents as this file). An
internet connection is needed.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Note that it can take some time before the manual is loaded in your browser, because it is a
reasonably big file (about 8 MB).
Select the External Links Korg Related menu item in the Help menu.
When selected, external links are shown which can be opened by the default browser as in Figure 39.
These links show the main site of PCG Tools (part of KorgForums), the social media links of PCG Tools,
Korg related sites, sites that share patches for Korg workstations, external Korg applications, shops
that affiliate PCG Tools and a few Korg related discussion forums. See for all available links on this window.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
All links can be found on the website or by clicking on the links above in PCG Tools.
Select the External Links Contributors menu item in the Help menu.
When selected, external links are shown which can be opened by the default browser as in Figure 40.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen 63 These links show the links/logos of people (or selected URL) from people
who contributed to PCG Tools. See for all available links on this
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Select the External Links Donators menu item in the Help menu.
When selected, external links are shown which can be opened by the default browser as in Figure 41.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
These links show the links/logos of people (or selected URL) from people who donated to PCG Tools.
See for all available links on this window.
All links can be found on the website or by clicking on the links above in PCG Tools.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Select the External Links Translators menu item in the Help menu.
When selected, external links are shown which can be opened by the default browser as in Figure 42.
These links show the links/logos of people (or selected URL) from people who helped with translating
CG Tools in another language. See for all available links on
this window.
All links can be found on the website or by clicking on the links above in PCG Tools.
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Select the External Links Third Parties menu item in the Help menu.
When selected, external links are shown which can be opened by the default browser as in Figure 43.
These links show the links/logos of third party tools used to develop PCG Tools. See for all available links on this window.
All links can be found on the website or by clicking on the links above in PCG Tools.
On behalf of every Korg Kronos receiver of such a code, I would like to thank the following persons:
- Steve D (steved53)
- Tim (t_tangent)
- SoulBe
- Adam P (Kontrol49)
Chapter 6 - Main Screen
Select the External Links Personal Links item in the Help menu.
When selected, external links are shown which can be opened by the default browser.
These links show links to the bands I play in as keyboardist, to the charity concert the band organizes
yearly and other links.
6.13 Toolbar
The toolbar can be considered as a set of icons, functioning as short cuts for the menu (or controls
like buttons) on the different screens. The most important commands are gathered in the toolbar
and also are mentioned in the activation of the commands.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files
7.1 Introduction
This chapter is the main chapter of this manual, since it contains all explanation how to handle with
PCG OR RELATED files in PCG Tools. A related file can also be:
See the website (Support tab) for a complete list of what types are supported for which models.
If hereafter is written ‘PCG file’ or ‘file’, any of the above types can be read instead.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files
*Since most Korg Triton family patch files cannot be differentiated, an active patch file for the Triton
is either showing 'Triton Extreme', 'Triton Classic/Studio/Rack' or 'Triton LE'. Other workstation
models that are displayed can be Kronos (X), Oasys, M3, M50, Krome and Karma.
When multiple files are opened, the status bar shows the information of the selected file (window).
PCG/OS Version
The PCG/OS version is displayed only for those workstation models in combination with PCG/OS
versions where the difference is important. These are the following:
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
When a PCG window is made smaller, the controls on the window are automatically wrapped. This is
ideal for users with a small screen. See Figure 48 for an example.
Note that the toolbar and the status bar is not wrapped.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
In the following paragraphs each item of a PCG Window is explained in more detail.
The title of a PCG window is the name of the patch file including its path, in this case h:\newfile.pcg.
Also the workstation model and version is added (Korg Kronos 2.0)
An asterisk is shown when the file is changed as an effect of one of the commands explained later.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
A program bank only can contain programs of the same engine type.
[KRONOS (X)]: The EXi modeling synth engine type is a set name for all modeling types like SGX-1,
CX-3, AL-1 EP-1, STR-1, MOD-7, MS20 and PolySix.
The GM banks are not shown because GM banks are not contained in a patch file.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window Programs/Combis
When a program or combi bank is selected, the following information is shown per program/combi:
When hovering over a program, the selected drum track program and drum pattern is shown, see
the following screenshot.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
When hovering over a combi, the used drum track is shown, see following screenshot.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
When hovering over an empty program, combi or any other patch, the following figure is shown:
ID: the unique ID of the set list slot in format <set list>/<set list slot>, e.g. 024/037 means set
list slot 37 inside set list 24.
Name: The name of the set list slot.
Reference: The reference of the set list slot: can be either a program or combi, examples are
Prg I-A000, Cmb I-A003 etc.
Program/Combi Name: The name of the referenced ID, e.g. "Stradivarious Sync".
Volume: Volume of the set list slot.
Description: The text that can be assigned to a set list slot.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Set List Slots
Wave Sequences
Drum Kits
Drum Patterns
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
[TIP]: This mode can be used to move up or down patches easily to the previous or next bank.
Also it can be used to make more flexible selections, like selecting various patches over multiple
banks, even from different types.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Generic Commands
Below the banks and patches list, the buttons for all commands are shown. See Figure 64 for a
These buttons have a different meaning depending on whether banks are selected or patches (i.e.
the Banks Listview or the Patches Listview). Which list is selected, can be seen by the thick grey
border around the current selected list.
One or multiple items in a list can be selected. Some commands only can be activated when one or
more banks are selected, some commands only when one or more patches are selected, and some
can be selected in either list. This will be shown in the activation prerequisite in each command
[WARNING]: Most commands cannot be undone, be especially careful with the Edit, Clear and
Compact commands.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Activation prerequisite: select exactly one program, combi or set list slot in the patches list.
Patch files optionally contain the Global part, which contains the names of the categories and sub
categories. If the Global part is available, the names of categories and sub categories are shown in
the two combo boxes shown in Figure 65, if not the index numbers are shown.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
If you try to enter a name that is too long (the maximum length depends on the workstation model),
the error 'Name too long' is shown in red (see Figure 66) and the OK button will be disabled.
Table 18: Edit Program ItemsTable 19 shows what info is shown and can be changed.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
If you try to enter a name or description that is too long (the maximum length depends on the Korg
model), the error 'Name too long' or 'Description is too long' is shown in red (see) and the OK button
will be disabled. See Figure 68 for an example of a description that is too long.
For the name and description, the character set that can be used is equal to the character set of the
on screen keyboard of the Kronos. However, for descriptions it is possible to enter linefeed/return
characters, which will also cause a linefeed/return to be shown in the Kronos display. A
linefeed/return character costs 2 characters instead of one. When changing the description text on
the Kronos the linefeed/return characters, the cursor will be misaligned, so it is best to use this dialog
screen for editing descriptions.
When returning to the PCG Window (after closing the Edit screen), when using line feeds/returns the
set list slots look like (after selecting several set list slots).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Activation prerequisite: select one or more programs, combis, program banks or combi banks.
After settings programs or combis as favorites, X symbols will be shown in the Fav(orite) column.
Activation prerequisite: select one or more programs, combis, program banks or combi banks.
After settings programs or combis as favorites, X symbols will be shown in the Fav(orite) column.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Activation prerequisite: select exactly one patch (not the first patch) in the patches list.
When moving a program, all combis and set list slots referring to the selected program (and
programs moved down to let the selected programs move up) are changed accordingly.
When moving a combi, all set list slots referring to the selected combi (and combis moved down to
let the selected combis move up) are changed accordingly too.
Activation prerequisite: select exactly one patch (not the last patch) in the patches list.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
When moving a program, all combis and set list slots referring to the selected programs (and
programs moved down to let the selected programs move up) are changed accordingly.
When moving a combi, all set list slots referring to the selected combis (and combis moved up to let
the selected combis move down) are changed accordingly too.
This command behaves differently depending on whether the banks or patches list is active.
When banks are active, all patches in the selected banks will be cleared. When patches are active,
only all selected patches will be cleared.
[WARNING]: When clearing programs, combis/set list slots using those programs are not broken, but
it will not be trivial that empty programs are still used by combis/set list slots.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
[KRONOS ONLY] [WARNING]: When clearing combis, combi parameters are changed and set list
slots using these cleared combis will not be audible anymore (equal to the cleared combis).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
[TIP]: The reason to clear/empty the names instead of giving them a initialized name (e.g. INIT
PROGRAM I-A030) is that emptying them shows in a glance that those patches are empty. If you
want to create a new sound, initialize the patch on the workstation to start from a 'real' initialized
[TIP]: A quick way to remove patches you don't like is to load the patch file that is currently in your
workstation, audition patches on your workstation and if you find one or more patches, select them
in PCG Tools and clear them. Do not make changes on your workstation. When finished, save the
patch file and load it in your workstation.
[TIP]: After clearing patches, there might be gaps with empty patches within your bank(s). Consider
to use the Compact command to remove these empty gaps.
[TIP]: Note that deleting a patch is not possible, since there are always 128 patches in a bank (or set
list). What comes most close to deleting a patch is to clear a patch, and then use the Compact
command to move the cleared patch to the bottom.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Activation prerequisite: select one or more program banks, combi banks, set lists or one or more
programs, combis or set list slots.
Only programs, combis and set list slots are cleared which are selected AND which have a duplicate
in the same PCG file. The first duplicate program, combi or set list slot will be kept, unless it is
All references to cleared programs and combis are updated (to a duplicate patch).
Compacting should be used to remove the gaps that exist after clearing patches or when patches are
splintered over a bank.
This command behaves differently depending on whether the banks or patches list is active.
When patches are active, only all selected patches will be compacted. In Figure 73 several set list
slots have been selected and some of them are empty. When the Compact command is used, all set
list slots (also those which are initialized or empty) are moved up within the selection. Set list slots
that are not selected are left alone, thus not moved. In Figure 74 the result is shown after
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
If multiple program banks are selected and the selection contains programs from different synth
engines, the programs are split into groups per synth model engine. Every list is then compacted
separately (as if you would first select only programs of the first synth engine type and compact them
and then select the programs from the next synth engine and compact etc.).
Also when selecting multiple banks, compacting them is not performed per bank. E.g., if two banks
are selected and the first selected bank contains 20 empty patches, then 20 patches from the second
selected bank (if not empty) are moved to the first selected bank.
[TIP]: To create empty banks, first remove unwanted patches by clearing them, then select all banks
and compact all banks. The result is (depending on the amount of removed patches), that completely
empty banks are available (which will be the last banks of the sampled/modeled type).
When compacting programs, all combis and set list slots referring to the selected programs (and
programs moved down to let the selected programs move up) are changed accordingly.
[KRONOS ONLY] When compacting combis, all set list slots referring to the selected combis (and
combis moved down to let the selected combis move up) are changed accordingly too.
[WARNING] Programs serving as drum programs for other programs or combis, will not have
updated references from those programs or combis.
[WARNING] Compacting wave sequences, drum kits or drum patterns will not update references
from other patches (like used wave sequences in a program, drum kits used by a program, drum
patterns used by a drum program etc).
This command behaves differently depending on whether the banks or patches list is active.
When patches are active, only all selected patches will be sorted. Empty or init patches will always be
moved to the end.
If multiple program banks are selected and the selection contains programs from different synth
engines, the programs are split into groups per synth model engine. Every list is then sorted
separately (as if you would first select only programs of the first synth engine type and sort them and
then select the programs from the next synth engine and sort etc.).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Also when selecting multiple banks, sort them is not performed per bank. E.g., if two banks are
selected and the first selected bank contains 20 empty patches, then 20 patches from the second
selected bank (if not empty) are moved to the first selected bank (depending on the sort criteria).
When the sort command has been selected, the sort selection has to be selected, see Figure 75.
Below each sort selection is explained in more detail. For every selected patch (or all patches in the
selected banks the sort selection is performed).
Name, Category: First sort by name, if patches have the same name, sort by category (and sub
category if supported).
Title, Artist, Category: First sort by title, if patches have the same title, sort by artist, then by
Artist, Title, Category: Same as before, but first sorting on artist.
Category, Name: First sort by category, if equal, sort by name.
Category, Title, Artist: Sort by category, if equal, sort by title, otherwise by artist.
Category, Artist, Title: As before but secondly sort by artist, then title.
Remember: Check this option to remember the sort method for the next time. It will also be
saved for the next time PCG Tools is started. The default select sort selection can also be
selected in the Options/Settings menu, see paragraph
See for more info on Title and Artist, see paragraph
When no split character has been selected, the title and artist sorting selections are disabled.
When sorting programs, all combis and set list slots referring to the selected programs (and
programs moved up or down to let the selected programs moved) are changed accordingly.
[KRONOS ONLY] When sorting combis, all set list slots referring to the selected combis (and combis
moved down to let the selected combis move up or down) are changed accordingly too.
[WARNING] Programs serving as drum programs for other programs or combis, will not have
updated references from those programs or combis.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
[WARNING] Compacting wave sequences, drum kits or drum patterns will not update references
from other patches (like used wave sequences in a program, drum kits used by a program, drum
patterns used by a drum program etc).
In Figure 77 can be seen that the set list slots are now sorted by the part after the split character
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
[TIP]: Sort combis or set list slots by both artist and title for easy reference and place them in two
separate combi banks or set lists.
Activation prerequisite: select exactly one program or combi and copy it (place it in the Clipboard by
copying it).
Select the Assign To Set List Slot menu item in the Edit menu.
Click the Assign button.
Press Alt-a until the Timbres button is highlighted and press Enter.
This command assigns the copied program or combi and assigns it to the set list slot.
[TIP] For changing the name, use the option Auto Fill In Set List Slot Names in the Edit menu. This
menu can be used for multiple set list slots (or set lists) at the same time.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Activation prerequisite: one or more set list slots or set lists with at least one empty or initialized set
list slot name.
Select the Auto Fill In Set List Slot Names menu item in the Edit menu.
Press the Alt key to show the menu, navigate to the Edit menu, press the Down cursor key,
navigate to the Auto Fill In Set List Slot Names menu item and press the Enter key.
This command checks for all selected set list slots if the name is empty. If so, the name will be copied
from the program or combi the set list slot is referencing.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Activation requisite: select one or more combi (banks) or one or more set list (slot)s.
For a combi, the individual timbres will be changed, set list slots have a dedicated Volume parameter.
There are four types of changing. With `relevant timbres` the used timbres are meant from the
selected combis. A timbre is used when it is not muted and when the mode is either Int, On or Both
(thus not Off).
Type Description
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Fixed All relevant timbres in case of combis, or all set list slots will get the volume as
set in the dialog window.
Relative All relevant timbres in case of combis, or all set list slots will get the volume
adapted with the value as set in the dialog window. Volumes will be clipped
between 0 and 127.
Mapped All relevant timbres in case of combis, or all set list slots will get the volume
within the specified range as set in the dialog window. E.g. if 50..100 is selected,
than original volume 0 will be mapped to 0 and original value 127 to 100 and all
other values in between. This can be used to minimize or maximize the volume,
but keeping the balance of all volumes in place.
Smart Mapped The same algorithm as above, however, instead of mapping always value 0 to
the minimum specified value, and value 127 to the maximum specified value, all
used timbres or set list slots are used to calculate the initial values. Example:
assume 3 set list slots have been selected with volumes 50, 80 and 110. These
should be mapped to 80..100. Now the minimum value (50) will be mapped to
80, the maximum value (120) to 100, and value 80 accordingly (90).
Below is a screenshot of a combi that has have its volume changed using Smart Mapped and values
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
Activation prerequisite: select one or more combi (banks) with at least one non empty combi.
The screenshot below shows the result after using the Init as MPE command for combi I-A000 (The
Era of Kronos).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3 - PCG Window
The first timbre is copied to all other timbres, the MIDI channels are assigned 1 to 8 (or 16 depending
on the model) for each timbre and the following parameters are copied:
Bottom Key
Top Key
Bottom Velocity
Top Velocity
OSC Mode
OSC Select
Parameters which are not supported for a model are not copied.
This command shows the timbres of the selected combi. A new window will appear and is explained
in more detail in Paragraph 7.4.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
Cut/Copy/Paste Commands Introduction
Cut / Copy / Paste commands are for moving and copying patches and are also called Copy/Paste
commands in short. Cut/Copy/Paste patches is unlike cut/copy/pasting text in a text editor (e.g.
NotePad) a lot more complicated. The reason for this, is that programs are used in combis and set list
slots and combis are used in set list slots and by copy/pasting combis or set list slots, the underlying
used patches should also be pasted.
Wave sequences and drum kits cannot be cut, copied and/or pasted.
[WARNING]: Wave sequences and drum kits will not be copied. This means that if programs, combis
and/or set list slots making use of non default wave sequences or drum kits, may sound differently
when copy/cut/pasted. This only can occur when copying to another patch file. If programs, combis
and/or set list slots are cut/copy/pasted within the same patch file then the patch will not have this
When combis or set list slots would be copied and pasted without their used programs or combis,
they would not sound at all or at least not sound as their originals, resulting in so called broken
combis or set list slots. Therefore, when combis are copy/pasted, all used programs in those combis
should be pasted too. If set list slots are copy/pasted, all used programs and combis in the copied set
list slots should be pasted, but also the programs used in the combis used in the copied set list slots.
Because you need to have control over the location where programs, combis and set lists can be
pasted, a copy/paste action is not a two step action like in a text editor: copy, then paste. Instead, a
copy action is performed, and after that one or more paste actions are needed, until all programs,
combis and set list slots are pasted.
For cut/paste something similar is true. When moving programs to another location, the
combinations and set list slots where that program is used in, should be changed accordingly.
Something similar should occur for moved combinations in set list slots where the moved
combinations are used in.
[WARNING]: Most commands cannot be undone, be especially careful with the Paste command, Exit
and Recall commands. Check the Cut/Copy/Paste settings (see paragraph before starting
with one or more cut/copy/paste actions.
[EXAMPLE]: You can copy programs from a .syx file to a .mid file or otherwise.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
However, if you want to copy patches between two patch files from different Korg workstation
models that are incompatible for PCG Tools, there is a solution. Perform the following steps:
Find out which (or both) patch file(s) is (are) not from the same workstation model or current
operating system of your workstation model. With that file (or those files), perform the
following steps.
Load the patch file in your workstation.
Save the patch file. This will automatically convert the patch file in a format equal to your
workstation model and to the same Operating System version as your workstation model.
Load the patch file in PCG Tools.
Once a patch file is converted to your workstation model and latest Operating System version, you
do not have to do this again.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
Activation prerequisite: select one or more program banks, combi banks or set lists, or select one or
more programs, combis and set list slots. Also a current cut/copy/paste action should not be active
(when the paste operation from a cut/copy action has been started, it should be finished or exited
before being able to use the Cut command again).
This command depends on whether banks or patches are selected, and also depends on the type of
patches which are cut. All selected patches are copied to the so called clipboard, and also cleared
(see Clear command). The clipboard is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the PCG Tools screen
in red. It is not part of the patch file but serves as a temporary storage for cut and copied patches.
There is only one clipboard available, when a cut or copy is performed, the clipboard is filled and a
new cut or copy will overwrite the current clipboard content.
[EXAMPLE]: When cutting program I-A000 (Kronos Piano), the program will be cleared (shown as an
empty program). When moving this program to bank U-G, it will be shown there, see below. Note
that the clipboard is being empty again.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
Also when the timbres window of combi I-A000 is opened, one of the timbres point to U-G020
instead of I-A000, see below.
A cut action cannot be used to paste the patches in another patch file.
[WARNING]: Take care not to close a patch file that has patches pasted into it before the clipboard is
empty, otherwise the non pasted patches are lost.
Activation prerequisite: select one or more program banks, combi banks or set lists, or select one or
more programs, combis and set list slots. Also a current cut/paste or copy/paste action should not be
active (when the paste operation from a cut/copy action has been started, it should be finished or
exited before being able to use the Copy command again).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
This command depends on whether banks or patches are selected, and also depends on the type of
patches which are copied. All necessary patches are copied to the so called clipboard. The clipboard
is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the PCG Tools screen in red. It is not part of the patch file
but serves as a temporary storage for copied patches. There is only one clipboard available, when a
copy is performed, the clipboard is filled and a new copy will overwrite the current clipboard content.
In the table below is shown which patches are copied into the clipboard.
[EXAMPLE]: When the Preload Set List is copied (set list 0), not only the set list slot is copied but also
all used programs and combis and programs used in the combis. See Figure 84 for the resulting
content in the clipboard: 57 sampled programs, 128 modeled programs, 9 combis and 127 set list
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
After a Copy action, all necessary patches are copied to the clipboard and that patch file can be
closed without affecting the clipboard.
[WARNING]: Take care not to close a patch file that has patches pasted into it but not the complete
clipboard is empty.
Activation prerequisite: select one or more banks or patches. Also the clipboard should be nonempty.
This command depends on whether banks or patches are selected and whether a single patch or
multiple patches are selected. Also, the cut/copy/paste settings affect this command.
Because pasting patches is not trivial, in paragraph several examples are given how to
cut/paste and copy/paste.
Note that after the first paste (i.e. when copying only a portion of the clip board), it is not possible to
paste to another patch file until the cut/paste or copy/paste operation is finished. The reason is that
if you would paste combis to one patch file and paste the used programs in those combis to another
patch file, the combis would not sound correctly (would be broken).
Cut patches can only be pasted within the patch file they are cut from.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
Also most commands that can change the order of patches are disabled until the cut/paste or
copy/paste operation is finished. You can imagine that the results of moving, clearing or compacting
patches during a cut/paste or copy/paste operation would get very unclear (e.g. what if you cleared a
program and the combi you have pasted contain that just cleared program?).
A cut/paste or copy/paste operation is finished as soon as the clip board is empty. If you want to
force to finish a cut/paste or copy/paste operation, you can use the Cut/Copy/Paste Exit command
(see Paragraph
There are a lot of reasons why this is not possible: The synthesis engine is different, so the
parameters of one workstation model is different than the other.
Even if the parameter is equal, the curve/linearity might be different.
The sample sets are different.
For the Korg Kronos (and Kronos X) patches cannot be pasted between the following versions:
Meaning: a patch from Korg Kronos version 1.1 cannot be pasted into a patch file from a Korg Kronos
version 1.5 (or vice versa).
And Korg M3 patches cannot be pasted between the unexpanded and expanded versions:
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
However, you can easily work around this, as long as the workstation model is equal:
Load the older version in the M3 or Kronos (make a backup of your current patch file first)
Save the file again, then the M3 or Kronos will automatically save it in the latest (current) OS
Revert to the just saved fie.
Now copy/paste is possible between the two files.
Cut/Copy/Paste settings are global for all patch files, so it does not matter from which patch file it is
shown or changed.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands Settings
The figure below shows all copy/paste settings including its default settings.
Figure 87 shows all default cut/copy/paste settings and Table 23 shows the description of each
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
If not selected, all set list slots (together with their used
programs, combis and used programs in used combis) will be
selected. This can result in broken set list slots.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
Note that when incomplete combis and set list slots is selected, and these are pasted to another
patch file, it may result in broken combis and set list slots (depending on what is currently loaded in
the workstation before loading the patch file).
When the setting Paste Duplicate Programs, Combis or Set List Slots is deselected, and patches are
pasted to the same or another patch file, if those patches already exist in the patch file to be pasted
to, these programs, combis and set list slots will be automatically removed from the clipboard
without being pasted.
When pasting in the same patch file and combis have been copied, the used programs will
automatically be removed because it simplifies copy/pasting patches.
Also, when set list slots are pasted in the same patch file, the programs and combis (including used
programs) are automatically removed because it simplifies copying set list slots.
The reason duplicate Set list slots are allowed to be pasted by default, is that set list slots are used
multiple times with the same references and parameters (volume, description etc).
Duplicate patches are considered patches that are 100% equal, but the name is ignored for the
equality check.
[WARNING]: When one or more of the settings for overwriting patches is selected, it is possible to
paste multiple times over the same patch, resulting in overwriting earlier pasted patches and in
broken combis and/or set list slots.
Take a look at the settings BEFORE starting a copy/paste action, because after the first paste, some
options are not allowed to be changed once a copy/paste action is active (i.e. one or more patches
have been pasted in a patch file and the clipboard is not empty thus the current copy/paste action is
unfinished). These are:
The (Cut)/Copy/Paste settings are retained and do not have to be set again after each restart of the
application and are saved immediately after pressing the OK button (which also closes the settings
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
This command should be used when you accidentally pasted something (in the wrong file or wrong
location) and wants to end the active copy/paste operation. Note that an undo is not possible, so the
(unintended) pasted patches can/should be removed manually if needed.
Because this command should be used with care the dialog shown in Figure 88 warns you about the
[WARNING]: This command should be performed with care, because when exiting copy/paste mode,
not all patches are already pasted and combis and set list slots may contain references to unpasted
patches, resulting in broken combis and set list slots. When exiting cut/paste mode, patches have
been cleared but not yet pasted again.
This command can be used after a cut/paste or copy/paste action to perform the paste operation
again without selecting the originally copied patches again. It automatically selects the used
programs for copied combis and used programs/combis and programs in used combis for copied set
list slots.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
[TIP]: Suppose you have a program you like to copy 20 times. Follow the instructions to perform this: Introduction
Since cut/paste and copy/paste operations are not trivial as can be read in the previous paragraphs,
the following paragraphs are dedicated for examples and usages of the Copy/Paste possibilities
within PCG Tools.
Note that depending on the cut/copy/paste settings (see Paragraph, a lot more options
and use cases are available, but I leave these to try yourself. Some settings will be handled though.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
The result of copy/pasting programs U-G014 until U-G16 to the programs starting at U-G019 can be
seen in Figure 89.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands Example: Copying programs from one patch file to another patch file
This example shows how to copy multiple programs from one patch file to another patch file.
1. Open two patch files (e.g. a source patch file called Kronos.pcg and a destination patch file
called KronosNew.pcg) from the same workstation model.
2. Select a few programs from a program bank from the source patch file.
3. Copy these to the clipboard. The clipboard will show the copied programs.
4. Go to the destination patch file and find some empty spaces, select the first of them.
5. Select the Paste command. Combis and set list slots will NOT reference to the newly pasted
6. If you get a big warning dialog, then probably the programs you tried to paste are already
existing in the destination patch file and by default pasting duplicating programs is disabled.
Change the copy/paste and continue with step 2.
If successful, the programs will be pasted to the destination patch file and the clipboard will
be empty.
Figure 90: Copy Programs from one Patch file to another Patch file
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
From here you can first copy the programs, and then the combis or vice versa. However, when the
default Copy/Paste settings (except for the changed Paste Duplicate Combi setting changed above)
are used, programs will not be pasted, but let us try to do anyway:
6. Go to a program bank and find some empty spaces, select the first of them.
7. Select the Paste command. You probably get a warning box that no patches have been copied.
This is normal, because the copy/paste setting for pasting duplicated programs is switched off.
Since all used programs are already present in the patch file they are not pasted. Also note that
all programs (not only from the type of programs which can be stored in the program bank) are
removed from the clipboard.
Now we have seen the programs cannot be pasted. (You can paste them if you want to, but to do
that, the copy/paste setting for pasting duplicate programs should be checked).
8. Go to a combi bank and find some empty spaces, select the first of them.
9. Select the Paste command. The pasted combis show up and the clipboard is empty.
As usual, when pasting programs and combis (in which order does not matter), all references of
combis to programs and set list slots to programs and combis will be fixed so that combis and set list
refer to the correct programs and combis. Example: Creating a PCG with default set list slots [KRONOS ONLY]
This example shows how to create a PCG file that only contains the programs, combis and used
programs from combis used in the default set list slot.
1. Open a PCG file (in this example assumed to have name Kronos.pcg).
2. Save this PCG file as SetListOnly.pcg.
3. Clear all program banks by selecting Programs, select all banks on the left side and press the
Clear button.
4. Do the same with all combi banks.
5. And also with all set lists.
6. Open the original PCG file again (Kronos.pcg)
7. Select from SetListSlotOnly.pcg the first set list (on the left side).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
8. Press Copy. You see that 57 sampled programs, 128 modeled programs, 9 combis and 127 set list
slots are copied.
9. Select a combi bank and press Paste. Note see that all combis are pasted in this bank.
10. Select a modeled program bank and press Paste. Note that all modeled programs are pasted in
this bank. If there is not enough space, some modeled programs would stay in the clip board.
11. Select a sampled program bank and press Paste. Note that all sampled programs are pasted in
this bank.
12. Now paste all set list slots.
13. Now everything is pasted, the copy/paste mode is inactive again (note that the Exit button is
14. Save the PCG file.
[TIP]: You can use these steps to create a small PCG file which only contains programs/combis of the
set lists you use. When you want to remove the unused banks, load it in the Kronos and save the PCG
file again with only the (partially) filled banks.
1. Open two patch files (in this example assumed to be named From.pcg and To.pcg).
2. Open the Copy/Paste settings and activate all Paste Duplicate check boxes and press OK. This
makes is possible to copy all patches even though they may already exist in To.pcg.
3. In From.pcg, select three combi banks which are completely or reasonable filled.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.3.7 - PCG Window / Copy & Paste Commands
4. Copy them to the clipboard, resulting in (probably) a number of combis, and a number of
samples and/or modeled programs in the clipboard.
5. In my case I the clipboard consists of 525 Sampled programs, 277 Modeled programs and 512 (4
banks) Combis. The 525 + 277 programs are the programs used by the combis.
6. Go to To.pcg and select an empty combi bank. Press Paste and note that 128 combis are
removed from the clipboard. The empty combi bank is filled with 128 programs of the correct
type that can be pasted (either sampled or modeled programs).
7. Go to another combi bank and now select a range of (empty) combis with gaps, e.g. I-G000 to I-
G010 and I-G012 to I-G014 (use the shift and control keys to select/deselect patches).
8. Press Paste and watch the selected combis being filled with patches from the clipboard. No
programs are pasted yet.
9. Let us now start to paste some programs.
10. Select 2 empty or partially empty program banks (in my case one modeled and sampled program
banks). Press Paste and see that filled programs are not being overwritten (this is a Copy/Paste
setting) and that all empty programs in the program banks are filled with the correct type of
programs (i.e. sampled programs in Sampled Program banks and modeled programs in Modeled
Program banks). In my case I have 397 Sampled programs, 165 Modeled programs and 371
Combis left to be pasted.
11. I leave the rest of the pasting up to you. If you are tired or pasting everything, you can try Exit,
but remember that only pasted patches are being connected (meaning combis that refer to
programs that have not been pasted yet, will be broken).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Master Files
Because inside a patch files there are a lot of references (e.g. combis using programs, and set list
slots using combis and programs, and patches having a category and sub category) this can result in
Normally you will have a default file (mostly factory default or preload patch file) and save a patch
file that contains either everything or only the part you changed (e.g. some program banks).
Because maybe not everything uses the factory default patch file by default, it can be selected. This
file is called the Master File.
There can be a Master File set for each kind of workstation model and each version if applicable. E.g.
It is used in the following circumstances:
When a program or combi that is referenced (by a combi or set list slot) is not present in the
file itself, automatically the program or combi from the Master File is used.
If a patch file contains no global section (containing categories and sub categories),
automatically the categories and sub categories of the Master File are used.
The reason is that if one of these items are not present, then there still are programs, combis,
categories and sub categories possible that cannot be traced.
[WARNING]: For some workstation models a program bank exist for a hardware extension (like a
MOSS board for the Korg Triton Extreme). If the patch file does not contain the F bank (containing
MOSS programs), it cannot be used as a Master File.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Master Files
Select the Show… menu item in the Master Files sub menu of the Tools menu.
It shows per workstation (and per OS version if applicable) the current file (path) of the Master patch
file. Also it shows the File state which can be:
Empty (unassigned): there is no patch file assigned as Master File for this workstation (and
OS version).
Not Present: there is a patch file assigned as Master File but it cannot be read (probably
because it is not existing at that location).
Unloaded: there is a patch file assigned as Master File but it is not currently open.
Loaded: there is a patch file assigned as Master File which is currently open.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Master Files
Select the Set patch File as Master File menu item in the Master Files sub menu of the Tools
It will only be enabled when a patch file is currently selected and the conditions of a Master File are
met for the selected patch file.
Select the Files tab of the Settings menu item in the Options menu.
If a patch file is loaded, depending on the setting the Master file is loaded or not (see Figure 93 for a
screen shot):
Always: When a patch file is loaded, automatically load the Master File of the same
workstation model (and OS version if applicable), if not already loaded.
Ask: When a patch file is loaded, ask to load the Master File of the same workstation model
(and OS version if applicable), if not already loaded. See Figure 94 for a screenshot. If Yes (Ja
in Dutch) is selected, the Master File will be opened, otherwise it will not be opened.
Never: Never load the Master File of the selected patch file.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Master Files
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Combi Window
The Combi Window shows details about the selected combi as can be seen in Figure 95.
The combi window shows the following information for each timbre (8 or 16 depending on the
workstation model):
In case of a General MIDI program, always GM is shown as bank, even if the bank is g(1)..g(d).
In case of a General MIDI program, ??? is shown since that information is not available.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Combi Window
The Assigned Clear Program is used for clearing timbres and will be discussed in paragraph
This command moves all selected timbres one position up. The selected timbres do not have to be
When this command is used, the changed file attribute (the asterisk in the title of the window) will
not be shown in the Combi window, but in its parent patch file window.
Workstation model dependent feature.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Combi Window
Press Alt-d until the Down button is highlighted and press Enter.
This command moves all selected patches one position up. The selected patches do not have to be
When this command is used, the changed file attribute (the asterisk in the title of the window) will
not be shown in the Combi window, but in its parent patch file window.
Program set to the Assigned Clear Program shown in the bottom of the screen.
Status set to Off.
Volume set to 0.
MIDI Channel set to 16.
Bottom/Top key set to the lowest key.
Bottom/Top velocity set to 0.
Osc Mode set to Mono.
Osc Select set to OSC2.
Transpose set to 0.
Portamento set to 0.
Bend Range set to 0.
When this command is used, the changed file attribute (the asterisk in the title of the window) will
not be shown in the Combi window, but in its parent patch file window.
The reason that some values may seem strange (e.g. like setting the bottom/top velocity both to 0),
is on purpose. This way, it is immediately visible on the workstation that this timbre is not used.
When copy a timbre from another combi on a workstation, automatically all parameters will be
overwritten anyway. For the Kronos however there is even a better solution; see the next paragraph.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / Combi Window
For the program being used for a cleared program, the Assigned Clear Program is used which is
shown in the bottom part of the Combi Window. This program can be changed in the following way:
Every opened Combi Window will then display that Assigned Clear Program and use it. When
assigned, the following message is shown.
The program has to be set once per PCG Window that is opened. The reason is that every patch file
can have different programs so it is not possible (easily) to store this value. Once set, it will be used
for all Combi Windows opened within that patch file.
TIP: For the Kronos (X) this function is even more useful. When using a program that uses a sample
that is not loaded, a red bar in the top of each screen of that Combi will show up. So you can see
immediately in all Combi screens that that particular timbre is not used. Therefore, it is advised to
create a program with an unloaded sample in it and use that program as the Assigned Clear Program.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Activation prerequisite: PCG file selected. The following ways can be used to select this command:
This command is typically used for Kronos OS2/OS3 PCG file transformations but also can be used
when somehow references to programs are not correct or corrupted in the PCG file, for example by
copying a combi bank manually in your workstation while the programs are in different locations
The Reference Rules text input box can contain one or more reference rules. A reference rule is used
to define which program references are changed into what other program references.
[WARNING] Changing program references this way does not change the effects, this means the
programs might change different in combis or set list slots since effects are not taken into account. If
you want to use the effects of the program, use the Assign (to Set List Slot) command for set list slots
or on the Kronos itself use the default way to assign a program to a timbre.
Suppose you want to change all combis referencing to program I-C011 to program I-C012 … then you
can type: I-C011 -> I-C012 and press OK. See the pictures following for the steps. In the first picture as
an example a timbre is selected to show the current references. Note timbres 10 to 12 which are
referencing to I-C011.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Before and after the -> symbol can be spaces and before or after the rule; these will be ignored.
Instead of the -> also the => or > symbol can be used; they have the same meaning.
If all program references to a bank need to be changed the following format can be used:
This rule will change all timbres in all combis and all set list slots referencing programs in bank I-A to
the same (index) in bank I-B. E.g. all references to program I-A000 will become I-B000, all references
to program I-A001 will become I-B001 etc.
This will change all timbres in all combis and all set list slots referencing program I-A040 to I-B020, all
references to program I-A040 to I-B021 etc. Both 040 and 080 will be included in the program
references to be checked (thus reference to 41 programs will be relocated).
If you want the index not to be changed you can either use:
This will change all references to programs I-A040 upto I-A127 (and changed to I-B040 upt I-B127). If
an error is made the following error is shown:
Multiple rules cannot be entered manually but a file can be loaded containing multiple program
reference changing rules. See the next paragraph for an example.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Download the file and save it, or open it in the browser and copy it to a file. Then press the Load
button of the program reference changer (after loading a PCG file you want to change) and select the
file just downloaded.
When pressing the OK button all references will be updated according to the rules in the Reference
Rules text box. This can take some time (all rules need to be checked against all existing programs,
combis and references). Therefore, a progress bar is added. See the following screen shot.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Activation prerequisite: a Kronos PCG file must be opened with at least set list slots and a (empty or
overwritable) combi bank.
Select the Double to Single Keyboard Setup menu item in the Tools menu.
Press Alt-t until the Tools menu is highlighted, press Enter, navigate to the Double to Single
Keyboard Setup menu item and press Enter.
A lot of musicians will normally use two keyboard, the Korg Kronos which mostly serves as master
and a slave keyboard, connected via MIDI Out to the MIDI In port of the Korg Kronos. Sounds will be
stored in combis where the timbres are set typically to MIDI channel 1 (for the Korg Kronos) and MIDI
channel 2 (for the slave keyboard).
However, in some cases the musician wants to use only the Korg Kronos without the slave keyboard
and still want to access sounds assigned to the slave keyboard without changing the global MIDI
channel all the time.
This feature can split all set list slots using 2 keyboards (i.e. two MIDI channels) into two different
(subsequent) set list slots where the first set list slot behaves normally (since it will be played from
the Korg Kronos like normal) and the second set list slot behaves like the slave keyboard but played
from the Korg Kronos.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Property Meaning
Source Set List the set list which is used to convert; by default, all set list slots within the set
list will be processed. It is only possible to convert one set list at a time (in
practice this is enough, since typically a set list is a list that is played for one
gig/concert). Depending on the amount of set list slots to be converted
(depending on which use both used MIDI channels), a minimum of 64 set list
Target Set List This set list will contain the converted set list slots. Minimal 64 and maximum
128 set list slots from the Source Set List will be converted to the Target Set
Target Combi Because the combis using multiple MIDI channels need to be changed (for the
Bank Korg Kronos to be used instead of the slave keyboard) additional combis are
needed. These additional combis will be stored in this bank. Existing combis will
be overwritten.
MIDI Channel This is the MIDI channel of the Korg Kronos (typically MIDI channel 1).
Main Keyboard
MIDI Channel This is the MIDI channel of the slave keyboard (typically MIDI channel 2).
Table 24: Double To Single Keyboard Setup, properties
[WARNING] Set list slots in the Target Set and combis in the Target Combi Bank will be overwritten. If
there are not enough set list slots available in the target set list (this can happen if there are more
than 64 set list slots using the MIDI channel of the slave keyboard, than the converting will start, but
when all set list slots in the Target Set List are written and another would be written an error is
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Example of a double to single keyboard setup looks as follow, first a screen shot of the source set list:
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Note that:
Some set list slots have not been doubled (like 015/7), this set list slot does not use a combi
using the MIDI channel of the slave keyboard or refers to a program.
Most set list slots have been doubled and are named /MC1 and /MC2 to denote the MIDI
channel originally used.
Combis with /MC1 have the same combi reference as the combis in the Source set list.
Combis with /MC2 are newly created combis and referencing to the Target combi bank (U-F),
see the screenshot below.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
A new dialog is shown with a lot of options. See Figure 107 for a screenshot.
The most important is the List Type group box, where you can select what kind of list type you want
to generate (and if applicable list sub type). With other settings you can change filtering, sorting and
selecting the output.
After selecting all options, press the Generate button to show the output.
List Types
The types of lists that can be generated is shown in Table 25.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Differences List Generates a list of patches that are (more or less) duplicates.
File Content List Generates a summary of the content of the file.
Table 25: List Types
For each list type some output formats are shown except for CSV files (since these require some post
processing, see Paragraph
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Figure 109: Patch List of programs only, in ASCII Table output, sorted by bank/index.
Figure 111: Patch List with Set List Slots, XML Output (shown in browser)
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
The Filter Program Banks options can be used to only check those programs.
For all programs (selected in the Filter Program Banks), the settings in the Combi Banks and Filter Set
Lists groups are used for each program.
[EXAMPLE]: If only the I-A and I-B banks in Filter Program Banks are selected and U-C and U-D combi
banks and set list 1 to 5, then a list will be generated that checks for all programs in banks I-A and I-B
if they are used in combi banks U-C and U-D and/or set lists 1 to 5.
This means: Program I-A000 is used in set list slots 001/014 (set list 1, slot 14), set list slot 003/001
etc. Program I-A010 is only used in combi U-C020 etc.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Figure 114: Programs Usage List, CSV output (after splitting to columns in Excel)
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Figure 116: Combi Content List, Compact form, ASCII Table Output
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Figure 117: Combi Content List, Short Form, ASCII Table Output
Depending on the number of combis selected, the output can be very long (max. 26 lines per combi,
on a Korg Kronos this would result for all combis a text file of almost 30,000 lines, the default is
10,000 lines). However, even if the output can be a long file, the generation is finished almost
Because the output is not a table and text output would not look nice, only ASCII Table output is
selectable for this list sub type.
Figure 118: Combi Content List, Long Form, ASCII Table Output
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
For this type of list, some extra options are available in the Differences List Options which are only
enabled if the Differences list is selected and these options are shown below.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
To generate such a list can take a lot of time, especially for the Kronos (which has a lot of program
banks), if all program banks are selected (default setting). With the default settings, creating a
difference list for a complete Kronos patch file takes (on my computer) about 25 seconds. If you
change the max. number of difference to 500 (bytes), it takes 2 minutes, 20 seconds.
For an Oasys default patch file generating this list costs about 20 seconds and for other workstations
(considerably) less.
[WARNING]: For patch files created with a Kronos with OS1.5, certain parameters (such as
program/combi references are not always taken into account). This can result in a few too less
differences being counted.
Table 27 shows the properties/settings affecting the speed of generating this list.
[BACKGROUND]: Suppose all program banks are selected (20 on a Kronos, GM banks are ignored).
Then 20 * 128 = 2560 patches have to be checked against each other, resulting in 6.5M pairs of
programs to be checked (if Search Both Directions would be enabled, otherwise it can be halved). Let
us assume almost all programs are quite similar and all programs are EXI (modeled) programs using
4960 bytes. This means 6,5M x 4960 bytes = 3.25x1010 byte difference checks.
For non Kronos patch files it probably takes not that long, but since the computer CPU also is
relevant, always the following warning is displayed:
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Bank Type, shows if the bank contains programs, combis, set lists, wave sequences or drum
Content Type: Mostly the type is trivial, but for the Korg Kronos (X) and Oasys, for programs
the type of programs is shown (either sampled or modeled).
Bank ID: The ID of the bank.
# Writable: The number of writable patches (i.e. total storage).
# Filled: The number of filled (non-initialized) patches.
# Empty: The number of unfilled (initialized) patches.
Patch IDs of filled patches: the range or ranges of the filled patches.
Besides the list types mentioned already before, a lot of settings can be made to tweak the list
generation, see the screenshot at Figure 122. Note that the settings shown can be depending on the
list type selected. Also the settings are wrapped when changing the screen size.
With the expanders, you can minimize each ‘set’ of settings to save screen for small screen monitors.
So the screen can be look like below. Although some of the settings are not shown, they are still
taken into account.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Most have to do with filtering (decreasing the number of items in the list), sorting and selecting the
output type. The settings are grouped in Table 28.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Setting Description
Filter On Text With this option you can switch on/off text searching. If switched on all
other controls become enabled.
Filter On Text, Text part Text to be used for filtering. Below can be defined what parameters are
used for text filtering.
Case Sensitive If switched on, the text entered has to be exactly be a part of the patch
name/description, otherwise the case is irrelevant.
Filter Program Names When switched on, all programs containing a part of the filter text in
their name are used. If switched off, program names are not filtered for
Filter Combi Names When switched on, all combis containing a part of the filter text in their
name are used. If switched off, combi names are not filtered for text.
Filter Set List Slot When switched on, all set list slots containing a part of the filter text in
Names their name are used. If switched off, set list slot names are not filtered
for text.
Filter Set List Slot When switched on, all set list slots containing a part of the filter text in
Descriptions their descriptions are used. If switched off, set list slot descriptions are
not filtered for text.
Filter Wave Sequence When switched on, all wave sequences containing a part of the filter
Names text in their name are used. If switched off, wave sequence names are
not filtered for text.
Drum Kit Names When switched on, all drum kits containing a part of the filter text in
their name are used. If switched off, drum kit names are not filtered for
Drum Pattern Names When switched on, all drum patterns containing a part of the filter text
in their name are used. If switched off, drum pattern names are not
filtered for text.
Table 29: Filter On Text Settings
[Example]: To find out all patches (programs, combis and set list slots) that have piano in their name,
switch on Filter On Text, type as text 'piano', switch off case sensitive, enable all other filtering
settings and press Generate. Figure 124 shows a fragment of the output.
Note that if you would have searched the category for keyboards/pianos on your workstation, you
would not have found Combi I-A019 since it is in category BassSplits.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
[Example]: You cannot remember where the patch (program or combi) is located with the name
Indigo in it. Just search for it and get something like Figure 125.
[EXAMPLE]: When adding a special text to any of the patch names you want to mark in a special way,
you can generate a patch list containing this mark. E.g. when marking a program with ^ at the end to
show you have edited it or have created it yourself, you can very easily create a patch list with a filter
on this character to get a list of all patches you edited/created.
[TIP]: [NON KRONOS ONLY]: You can use the example above to emulate favorite programs by using
e.g. %F or one or two other symbols. Of course you will not be able to search it directly on your
workstation but by creating a list with PCG Tools it is easy to find them.
[EXAMPLE] [KRONOS ONLY]: When you put in the description of your set lists keywords you can find
them very easily. For example, if you put the text #SET1 in your description for every song that you
play in set 1 of your band and #SET2 and #SET3 for your other sets, you can very easily make set lists
by generating a patch list containing all set lists containing the word SET (for all 3 sets), SET1, SET2 or
SET3. You even can use multiple keywords for the same set list slot, e.g. adding keywords #SET1,
If you use this option, also consider using PCG Tools for editing set list slots, because it can add
returns (new lines), so you can put your keywords on new lines in such a way you will not see them
directly when iterating through the set list slots.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Program banks which are not present in the patch file cannot be selected (these are disabled). Also
the GM bank is default switched off (it is not in the patch file).
Some special files which can be downloaded from the website contain virtual banks. With the Áll
Virtual Banks’ check boxes, these can be take into account or not.
The buttons Select All and Deselect All can be used for switching all program banks present in the
patch file on or off. Note that the GM bank is also switched with this setting so check it manually
before using it to generate a list.
Ignore Empty/Init Programs: Default it is switched on, to make sure empty or init programs
will not be used for generating lists. This means that programs with an empty name (after
clearing them) or with an initialized name (default name after initializing a program on your
workstation) will not show up in the Patch List, or will not be used in the Program Usage List
or any other list.
Ignore First Program: In most cases, unused timbres reference to program I-A000 or A000
even if not used. These unused timbres are mostly muted or have a status set to OFF, but
sometimes you might want to show every reference, but there are cases of patch files where
this is not true, so this setting can be changed to be flexible.
This box contains a lot of settings, but the most important are the combi bank check boxes. It only
shows combi banks that are valid for your workstation (although some Korg Triton Workstation
might show too many).
Combi banks which are not present in the patch file cannot be selected.
Some special files which can be downloaded from the website contain virtual banks. With the Áll
Virtual Banks’ check boxes, these can be take into account or not.
The buttons Select All and Deselect All can be used for switching all combi banks present in the patch
file on or off.
Ignore Empty/Init Combis: Default it is switched on, to make sure empty or init combis will
not be used for generating lists. This means that combis with an empty name (after clearing
them) or with an initialized name (default name after initializing a combi on your
workstation) will not show up in the Patch list, or will not be used in the Combi Usage List or
any other list.
Ignore Muted/Off Timbres: This option is only used for the Combi Content List (which shows
timbre information) and Programs Usage List (which uses references to programs from
combis). Normally you do not want to have muted or programs with status Off being used in
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
lists, however some users switch timbres on while playing (especially live) and then those
programs should be used while generating a list.
[Example]: To show for all programs in program bank I-C in which of combi I-A to I-G they are used,
select Program Usage List, select the program and combi banks mentioned above and generate the
list. Figure 126 shows a fragment of the output.
[Example]: To show for all combis from combi banks I-A to I-G the usage of programs in program
bank I-C, select Combi Content List, select the program and combi banks mentioned and generate
the list. Figure 127 shows a fragment of the output. You also can use a Long sub type, to get more
details from the timbres.
The button Select All is used to select all set lists which are filled (partially or complete).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Ignore Empty/Init Set List Slots: Default it is switched on, to make sure empty or init set list
slots will not be used for generating lists. This means that set list slots with an empty name
(after clearing them) or with an initialized name (default name after initializing a set list slot
on your workstation) will not show up in the Patch list).
[EXAMPLE]: To get a list of which programs are used by set list slots of set list 0 (default), select
Program Usage List, deselect all combis, set the filter set lists range from 0 to 0 and press Generate.
Figure 128 shows a fragment of the output.
Ignore Empty/Init Drum Kits: Default it is switched on, to make sure empty or init drum kits
will not be used for generating lists. This means that drum kits with an empty name (after
clearing them) or with an initialized name (default name after initializing a drum kit on your
workstation) will not show up in the Patch list).
Ignore Empty/Init Drum Patterns: Default it is switched on, to make sure empty or init drum
patterns will not be used for generating lists. This means that drum patterns with an empty
name (after clearing them) or with an initialized name (default name after initializing a drum
pattern on your workstation) will not show up in the Patch list).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Ignore Empty/Init Wave Sequences: Default it is switched on, to make sure empty or init
wave sequences will not be used for generating lists. This means that wave sequences with
an empty name (after clearing them) or with an initialized name (default name after
initializing a wave sequence on your workstation) will not show up in the Patch list).
This setting filters the lists by using only patches marked as favorite.
For the Programs Usage List and the Combi Content List only the main type is filtered for the favorite
setting, meaning that for the Programs Usage List, only the programs' favorite settings are taken into
account and not the combis' favorite settings.
For the Combi Content List it means that only the combis' favorite settings are taken into account
and not the programs' favorite settings.
Indeterminate (filled box): Both favorite and non favorite patches are taken into account.
Checked (√ symbol) : Only favorite patches are taken into account.
Unchecked (empty box): Only non favorite patches are taken into account.
CRC Value Including Name: This value is a Cyclic Redundancy Check value, which can be used
for checking if two patches are equal. If two patches have the same value, it is very likely
these patches are the same.
CRC Value Excluding Name: This value is equal as above, except the name is not taken into
If you want to check if patches are equal inside one file, the Differences List can be used. However,
for two different files there are currently no difference analysis possibilities available. The first option
can best be used to check if two patches are equal between two different files if you want also to
check if the names are equal. If you want to check if patches are different between two different files
and you suspect only the name has been changed, the second column should be used. Of course you
can switch on both columns.
These values are calculated for all patches: programs, combis, but also set list slots, wave sequences
and drum kits.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator Sorting
Currently three sorting types are available, which are explained in the following paragraphs.
The sorting method is only used for the Patch List, for other types it is not supported.
[TIP]: If a certain sort method is not supported or available, you always can generate a comma
separated value (CSV) file for certain list types and reorder it in the spreadsheet. Type/Bank/Index
This is the default sorting method, which sorts in the following order:
First order key is type, which is 1) Programs, 2) Combis, 3) Set List Slots
Second order is bank, which is the program bank, combi banks and set lists.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
If the patch file does not contain the global section, then category (and sub category) names are not
available. However, category numbers and sub category numbers are so it will not matter in reality.
Since set list slots do not have categories (nor sub categories), set list slots will be appended at the
end, sorted only by set list slot name.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator Output
There are several type of output formats that can be used for generating lists.
The name of the file is shown in the output field. You can type in the file name to be used as output
file or browse for a file to be overwritten.
You can use a default extension but it is not necessary. In case you use do not use a default extension
(like .txt for a CSV file), then the application connected to such a file is not automatically opened.
In the following paragraphs each output type will be explained in detail with examples.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Depending on the setting of your computer, these files are automatically loaded by a spreadsheet
application, for example Microsoft Excel©. In MS Excel it will show up as text lines separated with
commas and should be manually converted to separated columns. To do this, perform the following
steps (example for MS Excel 2011 but other versions have similar capabilities):
[WARNING] Make sure you close the Excel file before generating a new CSV file with the same name.
If not, the file that is open cannot be overwritten (generated) by PCG Tools and the following error
will show up:
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
In case there is no spread sheet application coupled to the .csv extension or you selected a .txt
extension instead of a .csv extension, probably a text viewer/editor will be opened and an example
fragment of the output will look like below.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator XML
This output format creates a so called E(X)tensible Markup Language, or XML file. XML files are
widely used by internet application but also can serve as a structured data file for input by other
Together with an XML file a so called E(X)tensible Stylesheet Language, or XSL file is created. This file
contains HOW the XML file is shown.
When XML output is selected, normally the default browser will be opened to show the output, using
the XML file as data content input and the XSL file as visualization of the data.
[TIP]: If you want to use/see the source XML file, you can open the created files with a text editor, or
depending on the browser, see the source (mostly via a right mouse button click on the generated
page in the browsers). The XSL file should be browsed and opened in a text editor (manually).
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Below a fragment of the accompanied XSL source of the patch list is shown.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
To execute this, start cmd.exe, and set all parameters needed. Without arguments or with wrong
arguments a help screen will be shown.
And the output will be stored in output.txt, see the next screenshot for a fragment:
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Select the Cubase sub menu item from the 'Export for Sequencer' menu item in the File
Cubase is a sequencer application that can use patch list for easy navigating through the patches
from within the application. For this functionality, Cubase uses instrument definition files.
This file can be copy/pasted to the Cubase directory after manually adapting if needed (depending on
the Cubase version). However, manual adaptation is outside the scope of PCG Tools. Please refer to
your Cubase documentation for the content of an instrument definition file.
Chapter 7 - PCG Files Paragraph 7.6 - PCG Window / List Generator
Chapter 0 - Keyboard Usage & Shortcut Keys
A song file contains a lot of information and only a very small portion is analyzed with PCG Tools,
namely the songs contained in the files and the samples being used by those songs.
A song file can be opened by the regular Open command (see Paragraph 6.4.1). When the dialog is
opened, select in the right bottom corner the correct type: SNG Files (*.sng) and open the song you
want to be shown.
Multiple song files can be opened and even song files from different workstation models.
The window contains two tabs, one for songs information and one for samples information. These
tabs are explained in more detailed in the following paragraphs.
The status bar shows the workstation model, the type of file (SNG), the number of songs in the
loaded SNG file and the number of samples used in the loaded SNG file.
Chapter 0 - Keyboard Usage & Shortcut Keys
With the Export To File button a file will be created with the list of songs (only one in this case):
Chapter 0 - Keyboard Usage & Shortcut Keys
With the Export To File button a file will be created with the list of samples (only one in this case):
Chapter 0 - Keyboard Usage & Shortcut Keys
Most shortcuts need a special key, like the Control (Ctrl) or Alt key together with another key. For
this a special notation is used, like e.g. Ctrl g is used which means: press AND HOLD the Control key,
press the g key and release the g key without releasing the control key before releasing the g key.
If there are multiple controls with the same underlined character, PCG Tools focuses to the next
control with the same underlined character, even if it is on another opened patch file (so you can
also use this feature for jumping quickly to another PCG window by keyboard).
Not all commands are usable in PCG Tools, but most keys that are related to PCG Tools are.
Chapter 0 - Keyboard Usage & Shortcut Keys
Key Command
F10 Go to/from the Main menu
Ctrl O File Open
Ctrl S File Save
Ctrl Shift S File Save as
Table 31: Main Menu Shortcut Keys
One of the lists has a thick gray line around it, which shows the active list. Commands below the lists
are executed for the selected items in the active list view only.
[EXAMPLE]: When the Banks Listview is active and five banks are selected, and Left Alt + c is pressed
to clear them, all patches within those five selected banks will be cleared. If the Patches Listview
(right list view) would be active, then only the selected patches in the patch list will be cleared.
Some commands are available depending on the active list (Banks Listview or Patches Listview).
You can use multiple selections on both lists by using the Shift or Control key together with other
keys or with the mouse. The shift key can be used to select a continuous range, the control key can
be used to deselect or select items in a list without affecting other selections.
Chapter 0 - Keyboard Usage & Shortcut Keys
The table below shows the short cut keys possible on either list.
Key Command
Cursor Up Move the cursor one item up.
Cursor Down Move the cursor one item down.
Page Up Move the cursor one page up.
Page Down Move the cursor one page down.
Home Move the cursor to the first item.
Home Move the cursor to the first item.
End Move the cursor to the last item.
Keep the Shift key pressed to select a consecutive range (can
be used in conjunction with the Control key).*
Keep the Control key pressed to select multiple items (can be
used in conjunction with the Shift key).*
Ctrl Numeric 8 (Up) Moves the selected patch one location up.
Ctrl Numeric 2 (Down) Moves the selected patch one location down.
Left Mouse Button Double Click Opens the Edit dialog for the selected patch.
Control x Cuts the selected banks or patches (for pasting later)
Control c Copies the selected banks or patches (for pasting later)
Control v Pastes the selected banks or patches (only allowed type).
These keys cannot be used to select multiple items by using the keyboard only, but only by
concurrently using the mouse.
Key Command
Ctrl X Cut the selected items to the clip board
Ctrl C Copy the selected items to the clip board
Pasts the selected items possible to paste in the selected
Ctrl P
Table 33: PCG Window Shortcut Keys
Chapter 10 - Installation of Core FTP LE
10.1 Introduction
The Korg Kronos from OS version 2.0 and the Korg Kronos X can make use of an Ethernet connection
for transferring files. This is the ideal way of using PCG Tools because you do not need to use an USB
stick or memory card for transferring the PCG file(s) from your workstation to your computer and
vice versa.
Chapter 10 - Installation of Core FTP LE
Chapter 10 - Installation of Core FTP LE
Chapter 10 - Installation of Core FTP LE
Press the 'New Site' button and fill in the items according to the table below. All other values
can be left to default.
Chapter 10 - Installation of Core FTP LE
On the left site is a folder on your computer; you can change this to any location. On the right side
the Korg Kronos (X) SSD contents are shown. With the left and right arrow button you can copy files
from the computer to the Korg Kronos (X) or vice versa. In the example above you can see the left
arrow in the red circle). The arrow will only be enabled if one or more files are selected.
Always make a backup file before you are going to change a patch file with PCG Tools.
After copying one or more patch files from the Korg Kronos (X) to your computer, you can use PCG
Tools to load it. When finished with PCG Tools (or in between if you like), save the file and copy the
file with FTP Core LE to the Korg Kronos (X) and load it.
Note that sample files are hidden and will not be shown.
Category, 29 Edit Combi, 85
Category A, 29 Edit Command, 84
Category B, 29 Edit Program, 84
CF, 30 Edit Set List Slot, 85
Change Volume Command, 99 Email Addresses, xiv
Clear Command, 89, 127 Empty Bank, 26
Clear Duplicates Command, 92 Erase. See Clear Command, See Compact Command, See
Clipboard, 105, 107 Compact Command
Close, 40 Exit, 41
Combi, 26 Exit Command, 113
Combi Bank, 27 Extensible Markup Language, 162
Combi Banks, 28, 71 Extensible Stylesheet Language, 162
Combi Content List, 144 External Links, 58, 63
Combi window, 42
Combi Window, 125 F
Combis, 77
Command Line Arguments, 164 FaceBook, 1, 2
Commands, 126 factory default, 121
Close, 40 Figures, ix
Exit, 41 Files
Export to Sequencer, 39 01p, 21
Open, 35 01W, 21
Revert, 39 ALL, 21
Save, 38 KMP, 29
Save As, 39 KRSacm, 21
Compact Combi Content List, 144 KRSall, 21
Compact Command, 92, 94 KRSapr, 21
CompactFlash, 30 KRSbcm, 21
Copy Command, 106 KRSbpr, 21
Copy/Paste Commands, 103 KRScm, 21
Copy/Paste Exit Command, 113 KRSpr, 21
Copy/Paste Recall Command, 114, 115 KSC, 29
Copy/Paste Settings, 110 KSF, 29
LIB, 21 L
MID, 21
Mkxl_all, 21 Linux, 9
mkxlp_prog, 21 List Generator, 6, 139
PCG, 21 List of
RAW, 21 Email Addresses, xiv
SNG, 29 Figures, ix
SYX, 21 Tables, xiii
Filter Combi Banks, 153 List Types, 139
Filter on Favorites, 156 Long Combi Content List, 145
Filter On Text, 151
Filter Program Banks, 152 M
Forum, 1
Mac OS X, 9
Main Screen, 33
Master Files, 121
Generate List, 139 Media, 17, 30
Generic Commands, 83 Menu, 35
Global, 29 Help, 56
GM, 24 Mouse handling, 173
Google Plus, 2 Move Down Command, 88
Goto Next Window, 55 Move Up Command, 88
Goto Previous Window, 55 Mute, 126
Help, 56 Newsletter, 1
History Changes, xx
Home Page, 1, 57 O
Optional Columns, 156
Options Menu, 47
Init As MPE Combi Command, 101 OS Version, 66
Initial screen, 34 Osc Mode, 126
Instrument Definition File, 167 Osc Select, 126
Internal Bank, 24 Oscillator Mode, 126
Oscillator Select, 126
K Output, 159