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<<Contents>> <<Index>>

General Integrated Production Control

Specifications System CENTUM VP System
GS 33J01A10-01EN

[Release 6]

n l Engineering Station (ENG)
CENTUM VP is an integrated production control CENTUM VP ENG is a computer equipped with
system for controlling plants that is used in a wide VP6E5100 Standard Engineering Function used for
range of fields, including petroleum refining, oil engineering of the AD Suite.
upstream, chemistry, iron and steel, food, and electric The AD Organizer and VP Builder of the AD Suite can
power. This General Specification (GS) describes the be used on the ENG.
system specifications of CENTUM VP as well as the The ENG can run on a computer where HIS is installed.
components and network specifications.
Additional functions such as Module-based
Engineering, Tuning Parameter Management, Bulk
n COMPONENTS AND SOFTWARE Editing, Change Control, and Dependency Analysis can
The CENTUM VP system consists of a variety of be performed by using various optional packages for
equipment including equipment for operation and the AD Suite.
monitoring and equipment for control, and is built by
connecting those components via a control bus and
l Module-based Engineering
Module-based engineering refers to an engineering
l Automation Design Suite (AD Suite) method which transforms the control logic and design
information into modules, and it designs control
The AD Suite provides an engineering environment for applications and alarms by combining the modules in
configuring and maintaining overall control systems, the AD Suite.
including plant instrumentation, safety instrumentation,
and maintenance management. Modules are independent software components
which represent design patterns containing integrated
The AD Suite consists of Automation Design Server customer information and knowledge in the past, which
(AD Server), Automation Design Organizer (AD also include components, such as the control logic,
Organizer), and VP Builder. alarm attribute, and design information. By reusing
The AD Server manages all the engineering data of the of modules created in previous projects, engineering
AD Suite. efficiency is improved, quality of engineering becomes
VP6E5000 Engineering Server Function is a license to consistent, and the project period is reduced.
use the AD Server. When the document generation function of the module-
The AD Organizer is the main software for engineering based engineering package is used, all the design
for module-based engineering as described later in this information generated from each of the module and
document. all kinds of engineering data can be integrated into a
single document file.
The VP Builder is the generic name for System View,
Recipe View, and other builders launched by Views. In case the module-based engineering is not used
The VP Builder is the main software for engineering the module-less engineering method, an engineering
for module-less engineering as described later in this method that has been implemented by CENTUM VP
document. R5 or earlier, is applied that the engineering is done
by the hardware after the hardware configuration is
VP6E5100 Standard Engineering Function is a license
to use the AD Organizer and the VP Builder.
Since the AD Suite centrally manages all the CENTUM l Tuning Parameter Management
VP’s engineering data on the AD Server database,
the latest design information is always available when This function manages the function block tuning
expanding, modifying or maintaining the system, which parameter values designed when creating control
prevents unnecessary engineering work to confirm applications and the current tuning parameter values
inconsistencies between the design information and the of the FCS. The designed tuning parameter values can
actual information stored in the system. be compared with the FCS’s current tuning parameter
values, and the designed tuning parameter values can
Change histories of the AD Organizer and the VP be set on the FCS.
Builder are stored in the AD Server, and the AD
Organizer is used to browse the change history. In addition, the current values of tuning parameters set
in the FCS can be reflected to the design values in the
The AD Server, the AD Organizer, and the VP Builder AD Server.
can run on a single computer.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN

2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan ©Copyright Feb. 2015 (YK)
Tel.: 81-422-52-5634 Fax.: 81-422-52-9802 9th Edition Feb. 29, 2016 (YK)
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 2
l Bulk Editing  Human Interface Station (HIS)
This function collectively edits setting items such as An HIS provides the human machine interface of the
control logics and alarm attributes of multiple modules CENTUM VP system for operation and monitoring
that are designed when creating control applications. of a plant, and is a computer with the Operation and
Functions to help automate bulk editing and data Monitoring Function software package installed. Both
consistency check for setting items such as defined tag the Operation and Monitoring Function software and
names and detailed definitions of functional blocks are the Engineering Function software can coexist on an
provided as well. HIS.
For details on HIS, refer to the following GS.
l Change Management
• Standard Operation and Monitoring Function (GS
This function manages changes occurred during the 33J05D10-01EN)
engineering work, which enables to prevent omitting • Vnet/IP Interface Card (GS 33J50C10-01EN)
making changes to applications and allows for keeping
records for changes in planning, executions, and test
results. Operation and Monitoring Software
The following software is available for operation and
l Dependency Analysis monitoring with an HIS. For details on each function,
This function analyzes the extent of the impacts refer to the GS for each software.
caused by changes made during the engineering VP6H1100 Standard Operation and Monitoring
work. Dependency Analysis Tool provides a function Function
to analyze which control logic, I/O, or graphic tags are VP6H1140 Eight-loop Simultaneous Operation
connected to which tags. Package (for AIP831)
VP6H2411 Exaopc OPC Interface Package (for HIS)
l AD Suite Related Software VP6H2412 CENTUM Data Access Library
The following software is available for AD Suite. For VP6H4000 Million Tag Handling Package
details on each function, refer to the GS for each VP6H4100 Configured Information Reference
software. Package
VP6H4150 Output to External Recorder Package
VP6E5000 Engineering Server Function VP6H4190 Line Printer Support Package
VP6E5100 Standard Engineering Function VP6H4200 Historical Message Integration Package
VP6E5210 Module-based Engineering Package (Meeting FDA Regulations)
VP6E5215 Tuning Parameter Management Package VP6H4410 Control Drawing Status Display Package
(for Module-based Engineering) VP6H4420 Logic Chart Status Display Package
VP6E5216 Batch Editing Package (for Module-based VP6H4450 Multiple Project Connection Package
Engineering) VP6H4600 Multiple-Monitor Support Package
VP6E5250 Change Control Package VP6H4700 Advanced Alarm Filter Package
VP6E5260 Dependency Analysis Package VP6H6510 Long-term Data Archive Package
l Other Engineering Related Software VP6H6530 Report Package
VP6H6660 Process Management Package (VP Batch)
The following software which can even be used
VP6H6710 FCS Data Setting/Acquisition Package
with just VP Builder is available for engineering with
CENTUM VP. For details on each function, refer to the
GS for each software. Software Operating Environment
The HIS, AD Server, AD Organizer, and VP Builder run
VP6E5110 Access Control Package
on the following Microsoft Windows operating systems.
VP6E5150 Graphic Builder
VP6E5165 Batch Builder (VP Batch) Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
VP6E5166 Recipe Management Package (VP Batch) Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition 64-bit SP1
VP6E5170 Access Administrator Package (FDA:21
CFR Part 11 compliant) (*1) For more details of the compatibility of the CENTUM
VP6E5420 Test Function VP revisions and Microsoft OS service packs, refer to
VP6E5425 Expanded Test Functions the GS Standard Operation and Monitoring Function”
VP6E5426 FCS Simulator Package (GS 33J05D10-01EN), and “Engineering Server
VP6E5427 HIS Simulator Package Function and VP6E5100 Standard Engineering
VP6E5450 Multiple Project Connection Package Function” (GS 33J10D10-01EN). Consult Yokogawa
VP6E5490 Self-documentation Package for limitations in running CENTUM VP HIS software
*1: This package includes the functions of LHS5110 with other third-party software programs that run on
Access Control Package. Windows.

l Number of Logic I/Os Electronic Instruction Manual

CENTUM VP's instruction manuals are provided
The number of I/Os that can be used in a CENTUM as electronic data on the same DVD as the system
VP project is calculated as the number of logic I/Os. To software.
calculate the number of logic I/Os, the following license
is required. VP6C5495 Electronic Instruction Manual
For details, refer to the GS “Electronic Instruction
VP6F3100 Project I/O License For details on the Manual” (GS 33J01W10-01EN).
calculation method, refer to the GS “VP6F3100 Project
I/O License" (GS 33J15A10-01EN).

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Feb. 1, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 3
l Remote Operation and Monitoring Function Subsystem Communication Function
(HIS-TSE) An FCS can communicate with subsystems and
field devices to exchange data. The following types
HIS-TSE enables operation and monitoring (some
of communication are supported. For details on
functions are limited) of a plant from a remote computer
communication functions, refer to the GS for each
that does not have Operation and Monitoring Function
installed. Multiple computers are able to perform
operation and monitoring simultaneously via the • Serial Communication
network by utilizing Terminal services (TS) in Windows Serial Communication Module (for N-IO/FIO) (GS
Server. The same screens as the HIS can even be 33J60G10-01EN)
displayed on a computer located away from the • Ethernet Communication
instrument room as long as the computer is connected Ethernet Communication Module (for N-IO/FIO) (GS
through the network. 33J60G11-01EN)
• Foundation Fieldbus Communication
VP6H1150 Server for Remote Operation and
Foundation Fieldbus Communication Module (for
Monitoring Function
N-IO/FIO) (GS 33J60G20-01EN)
For details, refer to the GS “Server for Remote
• PROFIBUS-DP Communication
Operation and Monitoring Function” (GS
PROFIBUS-DP Communication Module (for N-IO/
FIO) (GS 33J60G85-01EN)
l Field Control Station (FCS) Optional Software
In addition to the basic software, various optional
An FCS implements control computation functions software is available for implementing special function
using each function block and I/O functions using blocks that operate on FCS.
process and software I/Os.
VP6F3210 PID with Packet Loss Compensation
For the field control unit (FCU) which is the core control Package (for Field Wireless)
part of an FCS, the following units are available. VP6F3132 Valve Pattern Monitor Package
A2FV50S Field Control Unit VP6F8620 Off-Site Block Package
(for N-IO, 19-inch Rack Mountable Type) For details, refer to the GS for each software.
A2FV50D Duplexed Field Control Unit
(for N-IO, 19-inch Rack Mountable Type) l Generic Subsystem Gateway (GSGW)
AFV30S Field Control Unit
A GSGW is a station for the operation and monitoring
(for FIO, 19-inch Rack Mountable Type)
of subsystems. Using a computer as a platform, a
AFV30D Duplexed Field Control Unit
GSGW communicates with subsystems via the generic
(for FIO, 19-inch Rack Mountable Type)
OPC DA interface defined by the OPC Foundation.
AFV40S Field Control Unit
Subsystem data is assigned to the function blocks of
(for FIO, with Cabinet)
the GSGW, and the function blocks can be operated
AFV40D Duplexed Field Control Unit
and monitored from an HIS in the same way as with a
(for FIO, with Cabinet)
control station.
VP6F1250 Generic Subsystem Gateway Package
For details, refer to the GS “Field Control Unit/Duplexed
For details, refer to Generic Subsystem Gateway
Field Control Unit (for N-IO, 19-inch Rack Mountable
Package (GS 33J20F10-01EN).
Type)” (GS 33J62E10-01EN), “Field Control Unit/
Duplexed Field Control Unit (for FIO, 19-inch Rack
Mountable Type)” (GS 33J60E10-01EN), and “Field l Unified Gateway Station (UGS)
Control Unit/Duplexed Field Control Unit (for FIO, with UGS is a station exclusively used for Vnet/IP to
Cabinet)” (GS 33J60E20-01EN). integrate CENTUM VP and subsystem controllers such
For details on FCS I/O related equipment, refer to the as STARDOM controllers (FCN/FCJ) and other third-
GS “FIO System Overview” (GS 33J60A10-01EN) and party programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
“N-IO System Overview” (GS 33J62A10-01EN). The UGS standard function allows CENTUM VP to
communicate with subsystem controllers via various
Basic Software
communication protocols such as Modbus, EtherNet/IP
VP6F1700 Basic Control Functions (for AFV30/
or OPC DA. And CENTUM VP is able to operate and
monitor those subsystems via UGS in the same way as
VP6F1800 Basic Control Functions (for A2FV50)
its own FCS.
For details, refer to the GS “Basic Control Functions
(for AFV30/AFV40)” (GS 33J15C10-01EN) With two units of UGS, the UGS can be configured in
and “Basic Control Functions (for A2FV50)” (GS dual-redundant.
33J15C15-01EN). VP6B1500 Unified Gateway Station Standard
VP6B1501 Dual-redundant Package (for UGS)
VP6B1550 OPC Communication Package (for UGS)
VP6B1553 Modbus Communication Package (for
VP6B1570 IEC 61850 IED Communication Package
(for UGS)
VP6B1591 EtherNet/IP Communication Package (for
For details, refer to the GS for each software.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Feb. 1, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 4
System Integration OPC Station (SIOS)
l l Wide Area Communication Router (WAC
SIOS is a station to integrate CENTUM VP and the Router)
third-party process control systems (PCSs). SIOS A WAC router is the hardware used for connecting
enables CENTUM VP exchanges data with and two Vnet/IP domains via a wide area network (WAN)
receives alarms and events from the third-party PCSs through a public network or a dedicated network. It
via OPC interface. enables the operation and monitoring of FCS/SCS
VP6B2100 System Integration OPC Client Package distributed in a remote Vnet/IP domain. Satellite
For details, refer to the GS “System Integration OPC communications can also be used as a WAN.
Client Package” (GS 33J20D10-01EN). AW810D Wide Area Communication Router
For the hardware specifications, refer to the GS “Wide
l Advanced Process Control Station (APCS) Area Communication Router” (GS 33J50D20-01EN).
An APCS is used for implementing advanced control
and computation to improve plant efficiency using a l Other Devices
server connected via Vnet/IP. The printers and other peripheral devices supported by
VP6F1200 APCS Control Functions each operating system can also be used. For details
VP6E5500 User Custom Block Development on other supported devices, consult Yokogawa.
Environment Package
For details, refer to the GS “APCS Control Functions
APCS Package Set” (GS 33J15U10-01EN). RELEVANT SYSTEMS
l Vnet/IP Plant Resource Manager (PRM®)
Vnet/IP is a control network for connecting CENTUM PRM is a software package for managing field
VP components with each other. For more details, devices and equipment online. It allows for reducing a
refer to the Chapter NETWORK SPECIFICATIONS plant’s total cost of ownership (TCO) by using device
described later. management tools to manage device status and
maintenance information.
l Layer 2 Switch (L2SW) In addition to Foundation fieldbus devices, HART
An L2SW is used for relaying communications between devices, and field wireless devices (conforming to ISA
devices connected to the Vnet/IP network. The Vnet/IP 100.11a) that have a digital communication function,
system area connected by the L2SW is referred to as PRM supports conventional analog devices that have
the Vnet/IP domain. In a Vnet/IP domain, use an L2SW no digital communication function.
with support for a communication speed of 1 Gbps. For details on the specifications for PRM, refer to the
GS “Plant Resource Manager” (GS 33Y05Q10-32E).
l Layer 3 Switch (L3SW)
An L3SW is used for relaying communications ProSafe-RS Safety Instrumented System
between Vnet/IP domains. For connections between ProSafe-RS has been certified by the German
Vnet/IP domains, use an L3SW with support for a certification body Technische Überwachungs Verein
communication speed of 1 Gbps. (TÜV) as a safety instrumented system that satisfies up
to safety integrity level (SIL) 3 defined in IEC 61508.
l SNTP Server A safety control station (SCS) of ProSafe-RS monitors
An L3SW is used for relaying communications plant safety and implements safety control. A safety
between Vnet/IP domains. For connections between engineering PC (SENG) performs the engineering and
Vnet/IP domains, use an L3SW with support for a maintenance of the SCS. Furthermore, ProSafe-RS can
communication speed of 1 Gbps. be integrated with CENTUM VP to enable the operation
and monitoring of an SCS from an HIS. For details,
refer to the GS “ProSafe-RS Safety Instrumented
l V net Router
System (for Vnet/IP)” (GS 32Q01B10-31E).
A V net router is used to connect a Vnet/IP domain
and V net domain to relay control communications.
Data can be exchanged in both directions between the
Vnet/IP domain and V net domain connected by the V
net router. The control stations of one domain can be
operated and monitored from the other domain.
AVR10D Duplexed V net Router (Duplexed
Communication Modules and Power
Supply Modules)
For the hardware specifications, refer to the GS
“Duplexed V net Router” (GS 33J50D10-01EN).

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Feb. 1, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 5
Endpoint Security Service
l l Number of Project I/Os
Endpoint Security Service reduces the risk of Project I/O license is provided to determine the number
viruses infecting computers and provides support for of logical I/Os that can be used in a single CENTUM
maintaining the health of the control system throughout VP project. The number of usable I/Os in a project is
the plant's lifecycle. Endpoint Security Service provides determined by the number of I/O licenses assigned to
services such as AV/OS Implementation Service, AV/ that project. For details on how the number of logic I/
OS Update Service, Virus Check Service, and Software Os is calculated, refer to the GS “VP6F3100 Project I/O
Backup Service. For details, refer to the GS “Endpoint License” (GS 33J15A10-01EN).
Security Service” (GS 43D02T30-02E).
Anti-virus Software l HIS Operation and Monitoring Capacity
The Anti-virus software AV11000 is dedicated for Number of tag names: Up to 100,000 (up to 1,000,000
Yokogawa control system based on the McAfee's when using VP6H4000)
intrusion prevention technologies. This product is The number of tag names for which operation and
used as standard anti-virus software for Yokogawa IA monitoring is possible with one HIS is up to 100,000.
For details, refer to the GS “AV11000 Anti-virus l Minimum System Configuration
Software for Endpoint Security Service” (GS
30A15A20-01E). The minimum system configuration consists of the
Whitelisting Software HIS x 1 unit
The Whitelisting Software SS1WL1 is a whitelist ENG (including AD Server) x 1 unit
method software provided for the CENTUM VP system FCS x 1 unit
that is based on the application control technology The HIS and ENG can be installed on the same
of McAfee, Inc. It restricts the running of malicious computer.
programs and unauthorized programs by allowing only
programs for which permission has been granted in
advance to run. This software can be used together
with conventional antivirus software to provide even
more effective security measures. For details, refer to
the GS “SS1WL1C/SS1WL1S Whitelisting Software for
Endpoint Security” (GS 30A15A30-01-E).

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN June 30, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 6
l Maximum System Configuration
64 Vnet/IP stations/domain
16 domains/system
256 stations/system
For the maximum number of FCSs that can be connected in the entire system, refer to " Maximum Number of FCSs
That Can Be Created in the Entire System" of  NOTES ON SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS.

Vnet/IP stations refer to devices such as a computer with Vnet/IP Interface Card (VI702) installed, an FCS for Vnet/IP,
and a V net router. The following lists some specific Vnet/IP stations.

HIS: Human Interface Station

ENG: Engineering Station (AD Organizer and VP builder)
FCS: Field Control Station
APCS: Advanced Process Control Station
GSGW: Generic Subsystem Gateway
UGS: Unified Gateway Station
SIOS: System Integration OPC Station
Exaopc: OPC Interface Package
AVR10D: V net Router
AW810D: WAC Router

Devices connectable with CENTUM VP

SENG: Safety Engineering PC
SCS: Safety Control Station

TS Client AD Suite
AD Server

Control ProSafe-RS
and SNTP Other
Monitoring HIS Server Vnet/IP HIS/ENG
ENG SENG domains

Vnet/IP Vnet/IP
Wide Area
Network FCS

Modbus WAC Router WAC Router

subsystem Other Vnet/IP domains
Subsystem V net router
OPC Server FCS
V net
Third-party domains

(Modbls protocol)

Figure An Example of System Configuration

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN June 30, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 7
 System Expansion
Multiple Vnet/IP domains can be connected by using the layer three network switches (L3SWs) to establish multiple
domain configurations.
Furthermore, using a V net router enables connecting with a system using other V net and/or VL net domains. An
existing HF bus or RL bus system cannot be connected directly with Vnet/IP, but can be connected via a bus converter
(BCV) on the V net connected using a V net router. The scale of the system can be expanded beyond the maximum
system configuration per domain by connecting the system hierarchically using L3SWs and V net routers. This means
an expanded system centered around CENTUM VP can be achieved by connecting hierarchically to other control

Maximum number of domains: 16 (Vnet/IP domains + V net domains)

Number of domain layers that can be connected with Vnet/IP systems via V net routers: 3 layers (2 layers for bus
converter and 3 layers for V net)
Number of tag names: Up to 100,000 (up to 1,000,000 when using VP6H4000 Million Tag Handling Package)
Connected devices: L3SWs, V net routers, and bus converters

When the V net layer limit is determined, the Vnet/IP domain and V net router in the access path are not counted as a
layer. The following figure shows specifically the number of layers in a multiple domain configuration.


Vnet/IP domain
L2SW×2 L3SW×2 L2SW×2
Vnet/IP domain
V net V net
router router
V net domain V net domain

V net domain FCS SCS

FCS SCS BCV BCV Bus converter x 0 layer, and

V net x 1 layer beyond
V net router
HF bus
V net domain domain


Bus converter x 0 layer, Bus converter x 1 layer, Bus converter x 2 layers, and
and V net x 1 layer and V net x 2 layers V net x 3 layers (max.)
beyond V net router beyond V net router beyond V net router


Figure An Example of System Expansion

A Vnet/IP domain and a V net domain can be configured as a single CENTUM VP project for engineering. Or, a Vnet/
IP domain and a V net domain can be treated as different projects and connected with VP6H4450/VP6E5450 Multiple
Project Connection Package.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN June 30, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 8
CENTUM VP manages FCS and HIS engineering data generated by the system generation function on a project
basis. The multiple project connection function is for integrating the operation and monitoring of multiple projects.
CENTUM VP HIS enables the integrated monitoring of CENTUM VP, CENTUM CS 3000, CENTUM CS 1000, and
CENTUM CS projects without having to change the names duplicated among projects (e.g. tag names, project names,
and plant layer names) and common resources (e.g. engineering units and operation marks). Connections such as
the following are possible for a multiple project connection.

 Hierarchical Connection
This connection pattern has a hierarchical structure between domains. The lower-level CENTUM VP project can be
operated from an HIS of the upper-level CENTUM VP project. Multiple Project Connection Package is required for the
upper-level CENTUM VP project. The upper-level CENTUM VP project cannot be operated and monitored from the
lower-level CENTUM VP project. The hierarchical connections shown below are available.



upper-level project upper-level project upper-level project upper-level project


lower-level project lower-level project lower-level project lower-level project


 Bi-directional Connection
This connection pattern has no hierarchical structure. Operation and monitoring of the connected projects are enabled
bi-directionally. The bi-directional connection is applicable only for CENTUM VP projects and/or CENTUM VP and
CENTUM CS 3000 projects. Multiple project connection packages are required for both upper- and lower-levels of the


upper/lower level project upper/lower level project


lower/upper level project lower/upper level project

For more details, refer to GS for LHS5450, LHS4450 Multiple Project Connection Package (GS 33K05K20-50E).

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Feb. 1, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 9
CENTUM VP uses Vnet/IP and Ethernet for communications among Vnet/IP stations.

 Vnet/IP
Vnet/IP is a gigabit Ethernet-based control network for process automation. It provides real-time communication
with high reliability which is indispensable for stable plant operations. Vnet/IP is a dual-redundant control network,
consisting of Bus 1 and Bus 2. Bus 1 is normally used for control communication to transmit control data; however,
when the Bus 1 fails, it automatically switches its communication path and Bus 2 continues the control communication
without stopping. Furthermore, Bus 2 is used for open communication described later.
It can be connected between Vnet/IP domains using the wide area communication router and WAN.
The same is also available by the wide area connection via dedicated network using Layer 3 Switches. For the
conditions of this connection, contact Yokogawa for further information.

Vnet/IP domain

APCS GSGW A wide area connection
Exaopc via dedicated network is
Max.7 levels
1000BASE-T for Layer 2
Max. 100 m Switch

Bus 1 Layer 3
V net router Switch
Layer 2
V net Switch
Vnet/IP Vnet/IP
domain Bus 2 domain domain
Layer 2
Layer 3

Wide Area Vnet/IP

Network domain
HF-bus FCS WAC Router WAC Router

Figure Network Configuration

Communication Specification
Control Communication
Communication method: Read/write communication, message communication, link transmission
Link transmission period: 100 ms

Transmission specifications
Network topology: Star topology
Transmission redundancy: Dual-redundant (for control network communication only)

Cable Specification
Cable: Unshielded twist-pair (UTP) with enhanced category 5 or superior (ANSI: TIA/EIA-568-B-compliant)
Connector: RJ-45 modular jack (ISO8877-compliant)
Connection Cable Standard Speed
100BASE-TX (IEEE802.3u) 100 Mbps (*1)
Between component and a layer 2 switch 100 m
1000BASE-T (IEEE802.3ab) 1 Gbps
1000BASE-T (IEEE802.3ab) 1 Gbps 100 m
Between layer 2 switches
1000BASE-LX (IEEE802.3z) 1 Gbps 5 km (*2)
1000BASE-T (IEEE802.3ab) 1 Gbps 100 m
Between a layer 2 switch and a layer 3 switch
1000BASE-LX (IEEE802.3z) 1 Gbps 5 km (*2)

*1: Applicable only for V net Router and ProSafe-RS SCS.

*2: 1000 BASE-LX standard defines the transmission distance as up to 5 km for a single mode optical fiber. In case further
length is required, refer to Network Switch for Vnet/IP (TI 30A10A30-01E).
Communications between Instruments
Distance between the two arbitrary stations in a domain: Maximum 40 km
Note: Only one pair of media converters (SFP Modules) can be connected for establishing the communication among control
stations such as FCS, ENG, and HIS, and Layer 2 switches.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN June 30, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 10
 Ethernet
Ethernet is used for file transfer and information communication among HIS, ENG, and general-purpose Ethernet
devices. Ethernet communication is usually performed via an Ethernet card mounted in a computer, server, or other
device. Communication based on the various Ethernet-based standard protocols is referred to here as Ethernet
Communication Protocol
Based on IEEE802.3
Conditions for Ethernet Communication using Vnet/IP Bus 2
Ethernet communication is usually performed using a network that is independent from Vnet/IP. However, when
all the following conditions are met, Ethernet communication can be performed using Vnet/IP Bus 2. If any one
of the conditions is not met, it is recommended to use a network that is independent from Vnet/IP for Ethernet
• The system consists of only a Vnet/IP network and has no connection with V net or VL net via a V net router.
• The system does not include Exaopc (*1), HIS-TSE, UGS (*2), SIOS, GSGW, or APCS.
• There is no integration with ProSafe-RS.
• If PRM is used, the PRM server function and field communication server function run on the same computer and the
PRM client function runs on a computer with a Vnet/IP interface card installed (an HIS or the computer running the
field communication server).
• The HISs, ENG, and other computers with a Vnet/IP interface card installed are no more than 16 (*3).
• The devices connected to the L2SW for Bus 2 are the BUS2 ports of the Vnet/IP interface cards installed in the
computers, network printer (*4), and file server (*4) only.
• WAC Router is not used.

Ethernet communication performed with Vnet/IP Bus 2 is referred to as open communication. Vnet/IP enables dual-
redundancy for control communication. Open communication is always performed with Bus 2. Normally, control
communication is performed with Bus 1 and open communication is performed with Bus 2.
If an error occurs with control communication on the Bus 1 side, both control communication and open communication
are performed with Bus 2.

*1: Refer to NTPF100 Exaopc OPC Interface Package (GS 36J02A10-01EN). This condition is not applicable to VP6H2411
Exaopc OPC Interface Package (for HIS).
*2: When creating a dual-redundant configuration of UGSs, it is strongly recommended to implement Ethernet communication
not with Vnet/IP Bus 2 but with the network connected to the Ethernet cards of the UGSs. For details on creating a dual-
redundant configuration of UGSs, refer to VP6B1501 Dual-redundant Package (for UGS) (GS 33J20C10-50E).
*3: If the number of computers with a Vnet/IP interface card installed exceeds 16, it is recommended to implement Ethernet
communication not with Vnet/IP Bus 2 but with the network connected to the Ethernet cards of the computers. If the number
of computers exceeds 50, this method is strongly recommended.
*4: If Ethernet communication is implemented with Vnet/IP Bus 2, a network printer and fileserver can be connected to Vnet/IP
Bus 2. However, the total bandwidth used by the devices must be restricted so that it does not exceed 300 Mbps.

When open communication is performed by Bus 2, there are limitations and risks mentioned above. Independently of
Bus 2, laying a dedicated network for Ethernet communication is strongly recommended. For details, refer to Vnet/IP
Network Construction Guide (TI 30A10A05-01E).

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN June 30, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 11
l N-ESB Bus, Optical ESB Bus, ESB Bus, and F-SB Bus
An N-ESB bus, ESB bus, and optical ESB bus are used as I/O communication buses for connecting the FCU with
N-IO nodes (*1) and FIO nodes (*2) in an N-IO system (*3).
An ESB bus and optical ESB bus are used as I/O communication buses for connecting the FCU with FIO nodes in an
FIO system (*4).
An F-SB bus is used as an I/O communication bus for connecting the node interface unit with N-IO I/O units in an
N-IO system.
Bus Connection Specifications
Connectable nodes: N-IO nodes
Number of connectable nodes: 32 N-IO nodes
Maximum number of hops: 16 (for star connection)
Maximum number of hops: 16 (for chain connection)

Optical ESB Bus and ESB Bus

Connectable nodes:
N-IO nodes and FIO nodes for N-IO system
FIO nodes for FIO system
Number of connectable nodes: (*5)
32 N-IO nodes and 9 FIO nodes for N-IO system
14 FIO nodes for FIO system
Optical ESB bus connection type:
Maximum number of hops for N-IO system:16 (for star connection)
Maximum number of hops for FIO system:8 (for star connection)
Maximum number of hops for N-IO/FIO system:2 (for chain connection)

F-SB Bus
Connectable nodes: N-IO I/O units (*6)
Number of connectable nodes: 6 N-IO I/O units (*7)

*1: An N-IO node consists of one Node Interface Unit (A2NN30D) and up to six N-IO I/O units.
*2: An FIO node includes an ESB Bus Node Unit (ANB10), Optical ESB Bus Node Unit (ANB11), and Unit for Optical ESB
Bus Repeater Module (ANT10U). ANT10U includes Optical ESB Bus Repeater Module (ANT401/ANT411 or ANT502/
*3: N-IO system is made up of A2FV50 and the components that are connected to A2FV50 through various IO bus.
*4: FIO systems is made up of AFV30 (or AFV40) and the componets that are connected to AFV30 (or AFV40) through
various IO bus.
*5: The number of FIO nodes includes the CPU node (AFV30 and AFV40) and does not include ANT10U.
*6: An N-IO I/O unit consists of a base plate, I/O module, etc. For details, refer to "N-IO System Overview" (GS
*7: Up to five Base Plates for Barrier (ANBN4D) can be connected.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 12
Transmission Specifications
N-ESB bus
Transmission: Dual-redundant only
Transmission speed:100 Mbps (equivalent to IEEE802.3 100Base-Tx)
Transmission cable:UTP straight cable of CAT5e or better (ANSI Standard TIA/EIA-568-B compliant)
Connector: 8-pin 8-core modular connector (ISO/IEC8877, RJ45)
Maximum Transmission distance: 100 m

Optical ESB bus

Dual-redundant or single(when the processor module has a dual-redundant configuration, dual-redundant
transmission is mandatory.) (*1)
Transmission speed: 192 Mbps
Transmission cable: Optical fiber cable (*2)
Maximum Transmission distance: 50 km (*3)

ESB bus
Dual-redundant or single (when the processor module has a dual-redundant configuration, dual-
redundant transmission is mandatory.)(*4)
Transmission speed: 128 Mbps
Transmission cable: ESB bus cable (YCB301)
Maximum Transmission distance: 10 m (*5)

F-SB bus
Transmission: Dual-redundant only
Transmission cable: F-SB bus cable (A2KLF00)
Maximum Transmission distance: 1.95 m

*1: Either single or dual-redundant can be selected for an FIO system. Dual-redundant is mandatory for an N-IO system.
*2: Optical fiber cable specifications
Connector: LC type (IEC 61754-20 compliant)
Recommended cable: Quartz single-mode fiber (JIS C6835 SSMA-9.3/125, IEC 60793-2-50B1.1)
Number of cores: 2
*3: It is possible to extend the distance to up to 5 km using ANT401/ANT502/A2EN501 and to up to 50 km using ANT411/
ANT512/A2EN501. Chain and star type topologies are applicable.
*4: Either single or dual-redundant can be selected for an FIO system. Dual-redundant is mandatory for an N-IO system.
*5: The distance is up to 10 m for EC401 and up to 10 m on the upper side and up to 10 m on the lower side for EC402.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 13
The following figures show bus connection diagrams for an N-IO system and FIO system.



Star connection
Optical (Max. 16 hops)
(first hop)

N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node


N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node

Optical Chain connection

ESB Bus (Max. 2 hops)
(Second hop)

N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node


N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node


N-IO node: Up to 32 nodes can be connected

Figure N-IO System I/O Bus Connection Diagram 1

Total Max. 50 km

Max. 100 m Max. 100 m Max. 50 km Max. 100 m

N-ESB Bus N-ESB Bus Optical ESB Bus N-ESB Bus

FCU N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node N-IO Node
Optical Fiber Cable

Optical ESB Bus (Optical Fiber Cable)

Total Max. 50 km

Max. 50 km Max. 50 km Max. 10 m

Optical ESB Bus ESB Bus

FIO Node FIO Node FIO Node
Optical Fiber Cable YCB301


Figure N-IO System I/O Bus Connection Diagram 2

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 14

N-IO Node

F-SB Bus Cable


Max. 1.95 m N-IO
Bus N-IO
Up to 6 units
can be
N-IO connected



NIU: Node Interface Unit

N-IO: N-IO I/O Unit

Figure N-IO System I/O Bus Connection Diagram 3

ESB Bus: Max. 10 m

FCU ESB Bus Node ESB Bus Node
YCB301 YCB301

Optical Fiber Cable

Optical Optical ESB

Fiber Optical ESB Optical ESB ESB Bus Node
Bus Node Bus Node
Cable Bus Node
Max. 50 km
Optical Fiber Cable Connection 1 Level

Optical Fiber Cable

Optical ESB
ESB Bus Node ESB Bus Node
Bus Node YCB301 YCB301

Optical Filber Cable Connection

ESB Bus: Max. 10 m Max. 2 Levels


Figure FIO System I/O Bus Connection Diagram

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 15
 Use of server due to the number of computer in a system
When a CENTUM VP system consists of five or more computers, for use as HIS and others, consider if a server
(OS: Windows Server) is required or not for storing CENTUM VP project data. A server is required when a CENTUM
VP system with nine or more computers and LHS5425 Expanded Test Functions are applied. In case LHS5170
Access Administrator Package (for FDA:21 CFR Part11 compliant) is applied where there are nine or more computers
connected, provide a server for historical data storage.

Project Data Storage

When a CENTUM VP system consists of more than five clients use below calculations to judge if it requires a server
for project data storage or not. In case the calculated value is greater than the value on the right side (i.e. 9) save the
project data in a server.
Judging Criteria
• SSS5700 Engineering Tool for Fieldbus is not in use

Equation 1 No. of Exaopc + No. of HIS + {(No. of ENG – 1) x 2} ≥ 9

• SSS5700 Engineering Tool for Fieldbus is in use

Equation 2 No. of Exaopc + No. of HIS + {(No. of ENG – 1) x 2} + 2 ≥ 9

• LHS4450 Multiple Project Connection Function is in use.
Calculate and judge by the criteria shown in the below table. When the number of stations is greater than the
value on the right side of the equation, project data has to be stored on a server. Prepare two servers when the
calculation results require one each for both upper and lower levels of the project. However, a server is not required
when CENTUM CS is used for the lower-level project, and calculation is applied only for the upper-level project.
Table Judging Criteria

SSS5700 Engineering Tool for Fieldbus

Not in use In use
Upper-level project Equation 1 Equation 2
Multiple Project Connection Function is in use
Lower-level project Equation 3 Equation 4

Judging Criteria

Equation 3 No. of Exaopc + No. of HIS + {(No. of ENG – 1) x 2} + α ≥ 9

Equation 4 No. of Exaopc + No. of HIS + {(No. of ENG – 1) x 2} + 2 + α ≥ 9
α: No. of HIS with LHS4450 Multiple Project Connection Packages on the upper-level project
No. of Exaopc: No. of computer with NTPF100 Exaopc OPC interface package.
(LHS2411 Exaopc OPC Interface Package is excluded.)
No. of HIS: No. of computer with LHS1100 Standard Operation and Monitoring Function
(Count all the number of this package used in the project.)
No. of ENG: No. of computer with LHS5100 Standard Builder Function.
(Count all the number of this package used in the project. When it is resided with the standard operation and
monitoring function, count them independently.)

Audit Trail Management Data Storage

When the sum of computers is nine or more (for ENG, and Recipe Management computer) for stations connected
to CENTUM VP while LHS5170 Access Administrator Package (FDA: 21 CFR Part11 compliant) is resided, save
the audit trail management data in a server. Calculate the sum of computers to be connected by using the following
Equation 5. When the calculation result is eight or less, there is no need for server.

Equation 5 No. of stations connected = No. of recipe management package + No. of ENG
No. of Recipe Management Package: No. of computer with LHS5166 Recipe Management Package (VP Batch).
ENG: No. of computer with LHS5100/LHM5100 Standard Builder Function.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 16
 Maximum number of FCS per an entire system
A control drawing describes FCS’s application program. It consists of several function blocks and inputs/outputs, and
it describes a part of plant equipment control. When LFS1750 Node Expansion Package (for AFV30/AFV40) is
used together with LFS1700 Control Function for Field Control Station (for AFV30/AFV40, Vnet/IP and FIO), the
number of connectable nodes and application capacities can be expanded. When creating a new FCS definition using
LFS1750, the number of control drawings can be specified by the builder function. The number of control drawings
can be selectable as shown below.
No. of control drawings: Selectable from 200 (default), 300, 400, or 500

Note: When LFS1750 is not used, the number of control drawings is fixed at 200.

The maximum number of FCS to be configured in the entire system depends on how many control drawings per FCS
are specified. The table below shows a guideline of the maximum number of FCS that can be configured in a system
when all the FCS selects the same number of control drawings per FCS. When different number of control drawings
are assigned per FCS, the maximum number of FCS per system changes. Please contact Yokogawa for details.

Table A Guideline of Maximum No. of FCS by the No. of Control Drawings

No. of control drawings per FCS Maximum No. of FCS per system
200 114 (*1)
300 83
400 65
500 54
*1: This is the sum of all types of FCS for Vnet/IP and V net. Out of 114 FCS, up to 86 of AFV30/AFV40 can be configured.
Please contact Yokogawa for details.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 17
Part 11 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR Part 11) is a regulation issued by the U. S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) providing a criteria of electronic records, electronic signatures, and handwritten signatures
executed to electronic records as equivalent to paper records and handwritten signatures executed on paper. The
main categories of the FDA: 21 CFR Part 11 requirements to the process control system can be interpreted as
“limiting system access to authorized individuals” and “audit trail” functions.

 Limiting System Access (Individual Authentication)

CENTUM VP has two approaches for limiting access to the system; one is “engineer/operator authentication” and
the other is “confirmation of authentication.” Engineer/operator authentication is to identify engineers and operators
in operation as well as to maintain operation records. Names of the engineers and operators are registered to the
system in advance, and if their names and the passwords are not identified, the control system does not allow them to
perform further operations. Confirmation of authentication is to confirm if an engineer or an operator has appropriate
authorities to perform certain operations. The engineer/operator authentication and the confirmation of authentication
will be performed independently as necessary.

 Audit Trail Management

CENTUM VP audit trail function saves change data to the predefined database whenever an engineering work that
may influence the product quality such as data downloads to FCS. All the actions performed are also stored in the
historical log file. With this function, who, when, what, how, and why data is changed can be traced back.

Here is an example of CENTUM VP system configuration complied with 21 CFR Part 11. LHS5166 Recipe
Management Package of VP Batch is adopted for recipe management.

Recipe Management Engineering

Recipe Management
Engineering Function
Recipe Data Project
(Basic Recipe) Database

Save / Restore
Control Network
Auxiliary Storage Device

Log Data
computer for Audit Trail
Change File
HIS Database

FCS Archive/Retrieve Audit Trail Data

*1: A removable media for storage.


Figure An Example of System Configuration

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 18
Hardware standard installation environment is described as below. (*1)
Ambient temperature:
0 to 50 °C (FCU, AVR10D, AW810D)
Ambient humidity:
5 to 95% RH (FCU)
10 to 90% RH (AVR10D, AW810D)
Temperature change rate: ± 10 °C/hour
Power supply:
100 - 120 V AC ± 10%, Frequency; 50/60 Hz ± 3 Hz
220 - 240 V AC ± 10%, Frequency; 50/60 Hz ± 3 Hz
24 V DC ± 10%
Withstanding Voltage:
100 - 120 and 220 - 240 V AC: 1500 V AC for 1 minute (*2)
24 V DC: 500 V AC for 1 minute (*2)
Insulation resistance:
20 MΩ/500 V DC
The ground suitable for the power distribution system in the country or region has to be used for
protective grounding system.
Electrical Field:
Up to 3 V/m (26 MHz to 1.0 GHz)
Up to 3 V/m (1.4 to 2.0 GHz)
Up to 1 V/m (2.0 to 2.7 GHz)
Magnetic Field:
Up to 30 A/m (AC), Up to 400 A/m (DC)
Static: Up to 4 kV (direct discharge), Up to 8 kV (aerial discharge)
Continuous Vibration:
Displacement amplitude:
Up to 0.25 mm (1 to 14 Hz)
Acceleration: Up to 2 m/s2 (14 to 100 Hz)

*1: For more details, refer to the specifications or GS.

Computer: Specifications for computer.
Network Switch for Vnet/IP: TI 30A10A30-01E
Node Units and I/O Modules for FIO node unit: GS 33J60A10-01EN
Node Units and I/O Modules for N-IO node unit: GS 33J62A10-01EN
*2: Bettween power & ground terminals.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 19
The CENTUM VP hardware devices are compliant with the standards shown in the table below.
For details on the standards and acquisition conditions, refer to Table "Standard List" which provides a summary for
each standard.

Table Conformity Standards list (Safety Standard) (1/2)

Conformity Standards
Model GS No.
CSA CE Marking EAC Marking
N-IO A2FV50S-S1 (*1) X X X
A2FV50S-S2  (*1) GS 33J62E10-01EN — X X
A2FV50S-S4 (*1) — X X
A2FV50D-S1 (*1) X X X
A2FV50D-S2 (*1) GS 33J62E10-01EN — X X
A2FV50D-S4 (*1) — X X
A2EN402 GS 33J62E50-01EN X X X
A2EN404 GS 33J62E50-01EN X X X
A2NN30D (*2) GS 33J62F10-01EN X X X
A2ZN3D (*3) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X
A2ZN4DC (*4) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X
A2ZN5DC (*18) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X —
A2BN3D GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X
A2BN4D GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X
A2BN5D GS 33J62F40-01EN X X —
A2MMM843 GS 33J62F20-01EN X X X
A2SAP105 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X
A2SDV105 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X
A2SDV505 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X
A2SDV506 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X
A2SMX801 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X
A2PW503 GS 33J62K51-01EN X X X
A2PW504 GS 33J62K51-01EN X X X
FIO VI702 GS 33J50C10-01EN — — —
AIP830 GS 33J50C32-01EN Refer to the GS Refer to the GS Refer to the GS
AIP831 GS 33J50C33-01EN Refer to the GS Refer to the GS Refer to the GS
AVR10D GS 33J50D10-01EN X X X
AW810D GS 33J50D20-01EN X X X
AFV30S,AFV30D GS 33J60E10-01EN X X X
AFV40S,AFV40D GS 33J60E20-01EN X X X
EC401 GS 33J60E50-01EN X X X
EC402 GS 33J60E51-01EN X X X
ANB10S,ANB10D GS 33J60F20-01EN X X X
ANB11S,ANB11D GS 33J60F30-01EN X X X
ANT10U GS 33J60F50-01EN X X X
ANT401,ANT502 GS 33J60F51-01EN X X X
ANT411,ANT512 GS 33J60F52-01EN X X X
ANT421,ANT522 GS 33J60F55-01EN X X X
AAI141 and others (*5) GS 33J60F60-01EN X X X
X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 20
Table Conformity Standards list (Safety Standard) (2/2)
Conformity Standards
Model GS No.
CSA CE Marking EAC Marking
FIO ADV151 and others (*6) GS 33J60F70-01EN X X (*15) X (*15)
ASI133 and others (*7) GS 33J60F80-01EN — — —
AGS813 and others (*8) GS 33J60F90-01EN X X X
ALR111, ALR121 GS 33J60G10-01EN X X X
ALE111 GS 33J60G11-01EN X X X
ALF111 GS 33J60G20-01EN X X X
ALP121 GS 33J60G85-01EN X X X
ATA4S and others (*9) GS 33J60H20-01EN — — —
ATSA3S and others (*10) GS 33J60H40-01EN — — —
AEA3D and others (*11) GS 33J60H50-01EN X X X
A1BA4D and others (*12) GS 33J60H51-01EN X X X
ARM15A and others (*13) GS 33J60H60-01EN Refer to the GS Refer to the GS (*16) Refer to the GS (*16)
MHC, MHM, SCFAN1 GS 33J60H70-01EN X (*17) — —
EM1 and others (*14) GS 33J60H80-01EN X — —
ACB51 GS 33J60K10-01EN X X X
ACUKT1 GS 33J60K20-01EN X X X
ACUKT2 GS 33J60K21-01EN X X X
PW601 X — —
GS 33J60K30-01EN
PW602 — X X
AEP9D GS 33J60K30-01EN — X X
AEP7D-1 X X X
AEP7D-2 GS 33J60K40-01EN — X X
AEP7D-4 X X X
AEPV7D-1 X X X
AEPV7D-2 GS 33J60K41-01EN — X X
AEPV7D-4 X X X
ETBC GS 33J60K50-01EN — — —
X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

*1: A2FV50 are compliant to the standard, which includes PW481, PW482, PW484, CP461 style S2, A2EN402, A2EN404,
EC401, EC402, ANT401, ANT411, ANT421, ALE111, ALF111, ALP121, ALR111, and ALR121 as its components.
*2: A2NN30D is compliant to the standard, which includes A2PW503, A2PW504, and A2EN501 as their components.
*3: A2ZN3D is compliant to the standard, which includes A2BN3D, A2MMM843, A2SAP105, A2SDV105, A2SDV505,
A2SDV506, and A2SMX801 as their components.
*4: A2ZN4DC is compliant to the standard, which includes A2BN4D and A2MMM843 as their components.
*5: AAV141, AAV142, AAB141, AAI841, AAB841, AAB842, AAV542, AAI143, AAI543, AAV144, AAV544, AAT141, AAR181,
AAI135, AAI835, AAT145, AAR145, AAP135, AAP149, AAP849
*6: ADV157, ADV161, ADV141, ADV142, ADV551, ADV557, ADV561, ADV859, ADV159, ADV559, ADV869, ADV169,
*7: ASI533, AST143, ASR133, ASD143, ASD533
*8: AGP813, AEGS1D, AEGP1D
*12: A1BT4D, A1BR4D, A1BD5D
*13: ARM55D, ARM55W, ARM55T, ARM55C, ARS15B, ARS15M, ARS55M
*14: ET5, ER5, ES1, EH1, EH5, EA1, EA2, EA5, EA7, EH0, EA0, EC0, EC7, EP1, EP3, EX1, EXT, ESC
*15: ADR541 does not comply with the Safety standard [CE Marking], [EMC Marking].
*16: ARS15M-1, ARS15M-2, ARS55M-1, ARS55M-2, ARS55M-3, and ARS15B-6 do not comply with the Safety standard [CE
Marking], [EAC Marking].
*17: The 100, 110, 115, and 120 V AC power supply specifications for MHC and MHM are compliant.
*18: A2ZN5DC is compliant to the standard, which includes A2BN5D, and A2MMM843 as their components.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 21
Table Conformity Standards list (EMC Standard) (1/2)

Conformity Standards
Model GS No.
CE Marking RCM KC Marking EAC Marking
N-IO A2FV50S-S1 (*1) X — X X
A2FV50S-S2 (*1) GS 33J62E10-01EN X X X X
A2FV50S-S4 (*1) X X X X
A2FV50D-S1 (*1) X — X X
A2FV50D-S2 (*1) GS 33J62E10-01EN X X X X
A2FV50D-S4 (*1) X X X X
A2EN402 GS 33J62E50-01EN X X X X
A2EN404 GS 33J62E50-01EN X X X X
A2NN30D (*2) GS 33J62F10-01EN X X X X
A2ZN3D (*3) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X — X
A2ZN4DC (*4) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X — X
A2ZN5DC (*15) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X — —
A2BN3D GS 33J62F40-01EN X X — X
A2BN4D GS 33J62F40-01EN X X — X
A2BN5D GS 33J62F40-01EN X X — —
A2MMM843 GS 33J62F20-01EN X X X X
A2SAP105 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SDV105 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SDV505 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SDV506 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SMX801 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2PW503 GS 33J62K51-01EN X X X X
A2PW504 GS 33J62K51-01EN X X X X
FIO VI702 GS 33J50C10-01EN X X X X
AIP830 GS 33J50C32-01EN Refer to the GS Refer to the GS Refer to the GS Refer to the GS
AIP831 GS 33J50C33-01EN Refer to the GS Refer to the GS Refer to the GS Refer to the GS
AVR10D GS 33J50D10-01EN X X X X
AW810D GS 33J50D20-01EN X X X X
AFV30S, AFV30D GS 33J60E10-01EN X X X X
AFV40S, AFV40D GS 33J60E20-01EN X X X X
EC401 GS 33J60E50-01EN X X X X
EC402 GS 33J60E51-01EN X X X X
ANB10S, ANB10D GS 33J60F20-01EN X X X X
ANB11S, ANB11D GS 33J60F30-01EN X X X X
ANT10U GS 33J60F50-01EN X X X X
ANT401, ANT502 GS 33J60F51-01EN X X X X
ANT411, ANT512 GS 33J60F52-01EN X X X X
ANT421, ANT522 GS 33J60F55-01EN X X X X
AAI141 and others (*5) GS 33J60F60-01EN X X X X
ADV151 and others (*6) GS 33J60F70-01EN X (*16) X X X (*16)
ASI133, other (*7) GS 33J60F80-01EN — X — —
AGS813, other (*8) GS 33J60F90-01EN X X X X
ALR111, ALR121 GS 33J60G10-01EN X X X X
X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Feb. 29, 2016-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 22
Table Conformity Standards list (EMC Standard) (2/2)
Conformity Standards
Model GS No.
CE Marking RCM KC Marking EAC Marking
FIO ALE111 GS 33J60G11-01EN X X X X
ALF111 GS 33J60G20-01EN X X X X
ALP121 GS 33J60G85-01EN X X X X
ATA4S and others (*9) GS 33J60H20-01EN X (*17) — — —
ATSA3S and others (*10) GS 33J60H40-01EN — X — —
AEA3D and others (*11) GS 33J60H50-01EN X X X X
A1BA4D and others (*12) GS 33J60H51-01EN X X X X
Refer to the GS Refer to the GS
ARM15A and others (*13) GS 33J60H60-01EN Refer to the GS Refer to the GS
(*18) (*18)
MHC, MHM, SCFAN1 GS 33J60H70-01EN — — — —
EM1 and others (*14) GS 33J60H80-01EN — — — —
ACB51 GS 33J60K10-01EN X X X X
ACUKT1 GS 33J60K20-01EN X X X X
ACUKT2 GS 33J60K21-01EN X X X X
PW601 — — — —
GS 33J60K30-01EN
PW602 X X X X
AEP9D GS 33J60K30-01EN X X X X
AEP7D-1 X — X X
AEP7D-2 GS 33J60K40-01EN X X X X
AEP7D-4 X X X X
AEPV7D-1 X — X X
AEPV7D-2 GS 33J60K41-01EN X X X X
AEPV7D-4 X X X X
ETBC, ETBP GS 33J60K50-01EN — — — —

X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

*1: A2FV50 are compliant to the standard, which includes PW481, PW482, PW484, CP461 style S2, A2EN402, A2EN404,
EC401, EC402, ANT401, ANT411, ANT421,ALE111, ALF111, ALP121, ALR111, and ALR121 as its components.
*2: A2NN30D is compliant to the standard, which includes A2BL0D, A2PW503, A2PW504, and A2EN501 as their components.
A2BL0D single is not compliant to KC marking because it is exempt from that.
*3: A2ZN3D is compliant to the standard, which includes A2BN3D, A2MMM843, A2SAP105, A2SDV105, A2SDV505,
A2SDV506, and A2SMX801 as their components.
*4: A2ZN4DC is compliant to the standard, which includes A2BN4D and A2MMM843 as their components.
*5: AAV141, AAV142, AAB141, AAI841, AAB841, AAB842, AAV542, AAI143, AAI543, AAV144, AAV544, AAT141, AAR181,
AAI135, AAI835, AAT145, AAR145, AAP135, AAP149, AAP849
*6: ADV157, ADV161, ADV141, ADV142, ADV551, ADV557, ADV561, ADV859, ADV159, ADV559, ADV869, ADV169,
*7: ASI533, AST143, ASR133, ASD143, ASD533
*8: AGP813, AEGS1D, AEGP1D
*12: A1BT4D, A1BR4D, A1BD5D
*13: ARM55D, ARM55W, ARM55T, ARM55C, ARS15B, ARS15M, ARS55M
*14: ET5, ER5, ES1, EH1, EH5, EA1, EA2, EA5, EA7, EH0, EA0, EC0, EC7, EP1, EP3, EX1, EXT, ESC
*15: A2ZN5DC is compliant to the standard, which includes A2BN5D and A2MMM843 as their components.
*16: ADR541 does not comply with the EMC conformity standard [CE Marking], [EAC Marking].
*17: Only the type with a built-in surge absorber is compliant with EN61000-6-2.
*18: ARS15M-1, ARS15M-2, ARS55M-1, ARS55M-2, ARS55M-3, and ARS15B-6 do not comply with the EMC conformity
standard [CE Marking], [EAC Marking].

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Feb. 29, 2016-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 23
Table Conformity Standards list (Standards for Hazardous Location Equipment) (1/3)

Conformity Standards


Type Type Type Type
i n i n
N-IO A2FV50S-S11 — — — X — — — —

A2FV50S-S21 GS 33J62E10-01EN — — — X — — — —

A2FV50S-S41 — — — X — X — X

A2FV50D-S11 — — — X — — — —

A2FV50D-S21 GS 33J62E10-01EN — — — X — — — —

A2FV50D-S41 — — — X — X — X

A2EN402-S1 GS 33J62E50-01EN — — — X — X — X

A2EN404-S1 GS 33J62E50-01EN — — — X — X — X

A2NN30D-31 — X — X — — — —
GS 33J62F10-01EN
A2NN30D-41 — X — X — X — X
A2ZN3D GS 33J62F40-01EN — — — — — X — —
A2ZN4DC GS 33J62F40-01EN — — — — — X — —
A2ZN5DC GS 33J62F40-01EN — — — — — X — —
A2BN3D-1 GS 33J62F40-01EN — X — X — X — X

A2BN4D-21 GS 33J62F40-01EN — — — — — X — X

A2BN5D-21 GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X X X X X X

A2MMM843-SS1 GS 33J62F20-01EN — X — X — X — X

A2SAP105-S1 GS 33J62F30-01EN — X — X — X — X

A2SDV105-S1 GS 33J62F30-01EN — X — X — X — X

A2SDV505-S1 GS 33J62F30-01EN — X — X — X — X

A2SDV506-S1 GS 33J62F30-01EN — X — X — X — X

A2SMX801-S1 GS 33J62F30-01EN — X — X — X — X

A2PW503-S1 GS 33J62K51-01EN — X — X — — — —

A2PW504-S1 GS 33J62K51-01EN — X — X — X — X
FIO VI702 GS 33J50C10-01EN — — — — — — — —
AIP830 GS 33J50C32-01EN — — — — — — — —
AIP831 GS 33J50C33-01EN — — — — — — — —
AVR10D GS 33J50D10-01EN — — — — — — — —
— — — X — — — —
GS 33J50D20-01EN — — — X — — — —
— — — X — X — X
AFV30S, AFV30D GS 33J60E10-01EN — — — X — X — —
AFV40S, AFV40D GS 33J60E20-01EN — — — — — — — —
EC401 GS 33J60E50-01EN — — — X — X — X
EC402 GS 33J60E51-01EN — — — X — X — X

X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 24
Table Conformity Standards list (Standards for Hazardous Location Equipment) (2/3)

Conformity Standards


Type Type Type Type
i n i n
FIO ANB10S-1E, -1F, -1G — X — X — — — —

ANB10S-2E, -2F, -2G — — — X — — — —

ANB10S-4E, -4F, -4G — X — X — X — —

GS 33J60F20-01EN
ANB10D-1E, -1F, -1G — X — X — — — —

ANB10D-2E, -2F, -2G — — — X — — — —

ANB10D-4E, -4F, -4G — X — X — X — X

ANB11S-1E, -1F — X — X — — — —

ANB11S-2E, -2F — — — X — — — —

ANB11S-4E, -4F — X — X — X — —

ANB11D-1E, -1F
GS 33J60F30-01EN — X — X — — — —
ANB11D-2E, -2F
— — — X — — — —
ANB11D-4E, -4F
— X — X — X — X
ANT10U GS 33J60F50-01EN — X — X — X — X
ANT401-EE, -EF — X — X — X — X
GS 33J60F51-01EN
ANT502-EE, -EF — X — X — X — X
ANT411-EE, -EF — X — X — X — X
GS 33J60F52-01EN
ANT512-EE, -EF — X — X — X — X

ANT421-E — X — X — X — X
GS 33J60F55-01EN
ANT522-E — X — X — X — X
AAI141 and others (*1) GS 33J60F60-01EN — X — — — X — —
AAI143 and others (*2) GS 33J60F60-01EN — X — X — X — —
AAP149 and AAP849 GS 33J60F60-01EN — — — — — — — —
ADV151 and others (*3) GS 33J60F70-01EN — X — X — X — —
ADV157 and ADV557 GS 33J60F70-01EN — X — — — X — —
ADV141 and ADR541 GS 33J60F70-01EN — X — — — — — —
ADV142 and others (*4) GS 33J60F70-01EN — — — — — — — —
ASI133 and others (*5) GS 33J60F80-01EN — — X X — — — —
AGS813 and others (*6) GS 33J60F90-01EN — — — — — — — —
ALR111, ALR121 GS 33J60G10-01EN — X — X — X — X
ALE111 GS 33J60G11-01EN — X — X — X — X
ALF111 GS 33J60G20-01EN — X — X — X — X
ALP121 GS 33J60G85-01EN — — — — — — — —
ATA4S and others (*7) GS 33J60H20-01EN — X — X — X — —
ATF9S- GS 33J60H20-01EN — X — X — X — X
ATT4S and others (*8) GS 33J60H20-01EN — X — — — X — —
ATC4S-5,-7 GS 33J60H20-01EN — X — — — — — —
ATC4S-6 GS 33J60H20-01EN — — — — — — — —

X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 25
Table Conformity Standards list (Standards for Hazardous Location Equipment) (3/3)

Conformity Standards


Type Type Type Type
i n i n
FIO ATSA3S and others (*9) GS 33J60H40-01EN — — X X — — — —
AEA3D and others (*10) GS 33J60H50-01EN — X — X — X — —
GS 33J60H50-01EN — X — X — X — X
AEC4D-5 GS 33J60H50-01EN — X — — — — — —
AEC4D-6 GS 33J60H50-01EN — — — — — — — —
AEC4D-7 GS 33J60H50-01EN — X — — — X — —
A1BA4D and others
GS 33J60H51-01EN — X — X — X — —
ARM15A and others
GS 33J60H60-01EN — — — — — — — —
MHC, MHM, SCFAN1 GS 33J60H70-01EN — — — — — — — —
EM1 and others (*13) GS 33J60H80-01EN — — — — — — — —
ACB51 GS 33J60K10-01EN — — — — — — — —
ACUKT1 GS 33J60K20-01EN — — — — — — — —
ACUKT2 GS 33J60K21-01EN — — — — — — — —
PW601, PW602 GS 33J60K30-01EN — — — — — — — —
AEP9D GS 33J60K30-01EN — X — X — X — —
AEP7D-1 — X — X — — — —
AEP7D-2 GS 33J60K40-01EN — — — X — — — —
AEP7D-4 — X — X — X — —
AEPV7D-1 — X — X — — — —
AEPV7D-2 GS 33J60K41-01EN — — — X — — — —
AEPV7D-4 — X — X — X — X
ETBC, ETBP GS 33J60K50-01EN — — — — — — — —
X: Compliant —: Non-compliant
*1: AAV141, AAV142, AAB141, AAI841, AAB841, AAB842, AAV542, AAT141, AAR181
*2: AAI143, AAI543, AAV144, AAV544, AAI135, AAI835, AAT145, AAR145, AAP135
*3: ADV161, ADV551, ADV561
*4: ADV142, ADV859, ADV159, ADV559, ADV869, ADV169, ADV569
*5: ASI533, AST143, ASR133, ASD143, ASD533
*6: AGP813, AEGS1D, AEGP1D
*11: A1BT4D, A1BR4D, A1BD5D
*12: ARM55D, ARM55W, ARM55T, ARM55C, ARS15B, ARS15M, ARS55M
*13: ET5, ER5, ES1, EH1, EH5, EA1, EA2, EA5, EA7, EH0, EA0, EC0, EC7, EP1, EP3, EX1, EXT, ESC

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 26
Table Conformity Standards (Marine Standards) (1/2)

Conformity Standards
Model GS No.
N-IO A2FV50S (*1) GS 33J62E10-01EN X X X X
A2FV50D (*1) GS 33J62E10-01EN X X X X
A2EN402 GS 33J62E50-01EN X X X X
A2EN404 GS 33J62E50-01EN X X X X
A2NN30D-1 GS 33J62F10-01EN X X X X
A2BN3D-1 GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X X
A2BN4D (*2) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X X
A2BN5D (*2) GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X X
A2MMM843 GS 33J62F20-01EN X X X X
A2SAP105 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SDV105 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SDV505 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SDV506 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2SMX801 GS 33J62F30-01EN X X X X
A2DCV01 GS 33J62F40-01EN X X X X
A2KLF00 GS 33J62J10-01EN X X X X
A2KPB00 GS 33J62J10-01EN X X X X
FIO AFV30S (*1) GS 33J60E10-01EN X X X X
AFV30D (*1) GS 33J60E10-01EN X X X X
ANB10S (*3) GS 33J60E10-01EN X X — X
ANB10D (*3) GS 33J60F20-01EN X X X X
ANB11S (*4) GS 33J60F30-01EN X X X X
ANB11D (*4) GS 33J60F30-01EN X X X X
ANT10U (*5) GS 33J60F50-01EN X X X X
EC401 GS 33J60E50-01EN X X X X
EC402 GS 33J60E51-01EN X X X X
ANT401 GS 33J60F51-01EN X X X X
ANT411 GS 33J60F52-01EN X X X X
ANT502 GS 33J60F51-01EN X X X X
ANT512 GS 33J60F52-01EN X X X X
AAI135 and others (*6) GS 33J60F60-01EN X X X X
ADV151 and others (*7) GS 33J60F70-01EN X X X X
ALR111 GS 33J60G10-01EN X X X X
ALR121 GS 33J60G10-01EN X X X X
ALE111 GS 33J60G11-01EN X X X X
ALF111 GS 33J60G20-01EN X X X X
ALP121 GS 33J60G85-01EN X X X X
AKB136 and others (*8) GS 33J60J10-01EN X X X X
MRI GS 33K55R40-50E X X — X
MRO GS 33K55R40-50E X X — X
X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

Note: In order to comply with the marine standards, the specific installation methods must be followed. Refer to the TI “CENTUM
VP Installation Guide (TI 33J01J10-01EN).”

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 27
Table Conformity Standards (Marine Standards) (2/2)

Conformity Standards
Model GS No.
FIO AVR10D-1 GS 33J50D10-01EN X X X X
AW810D GS 33J50D20-01EN X X X X
AIP830 (*9) GS 33J50C32-01EN X X X X
AIP831 (*9) GS 33J50C33-01EN X X X X
VI702 GS 33J50C10-01EN X X X X

X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

Note: In order to comply with the marine standards, the specific installation methods must be followed. Refer to the TI “CENTUM
VP Installation Guide (TI 33J01J10-01EN).”
*1: Including CP461, PW481, PW482, and PW484
*2: DIN rail type is not applicable for marine standards.
*3: Including PW481, PW482, PW484, and SB401
*4: Including PW481, PW482, PW484, and ANT502/ANT512
*5: Including PW481, PW482, and PW484
*6: AAI141, AAI143, AAI543, AAI835, AAI841, AAP135, AAR145, and AAT145
*7: ADV159, ADV551, ADV559, and ADV859
*8: AKB161, AKB331, KS1, KS2, KS8, and YCB301
*9: Except for /VESA option code.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 28
Table Conformity Standards for FIO/N-IO Components (1/2)
A2FV50D and ANB10D, ANB10S,
A2FV50S and the ANB11D, ANB11S
Applicable Cmponents devices sourced from and ANT10U and the
A2BN5D, and
PW481, PW482 or devices sourced from
the devices
PW484 PW481, PW482 or
sourced from
A2PW503 or
100 100 - 220 - 100 - 220 -
24 V 24 V 24 V
Input Power Supply Voltage -240 V 120 V 240 V 120 V 240 V

Safety CAN/CSA-C22.2
X X X — — X — —
Standard No.61010-1
(*1) (*2) CAN/CSA-C22.2
X X — — — — — —
(*3) No.61010-2-030 (*9)
EN 61010-1 X X X X X X X X
EN 61010-2-201 X X X X X X X X
CE Marking (*4)
EN 61010-2-030 (*10) X X — — — X X X
EN60825-1 (*11) X X X X X X X X
EAC Marking CU TR 004 X X X X X X X X

EMC EN 55011 Class A Group 1

Standard (*12)
(*2) EN 61000-6-2 (*13) X X X X X X X X
CE Marking EMC EN 61000-3-2 (*14) X (*16) — — X — — X —
EN 61000-3-3 (*15) X (*16) — — X — — X —
EN 61326-1 (*20) — X — — — — — —
EN 55011 Class
RCM A Group 1 (*12) X X — X X — X X

Korea Electromagnetic
KC Marking Conformity Standard X X X X X X X X

EAC Marking CU TR 020 X X X X X X X X

Standards CAN/CSA-C22.2
for Intrinsic safety No. 60079-0:11
X X — — — — — —
Hazardous (*22) CAN/CSA-C22.2
Location No. 60079-11:14
Equipment CAN/CSA- C22.2
CAN/CSA- C22.2 X X
— — — — — —
No.0.4-04 (*17) (*17)
CAN/CSA- C22.2
Non-Incendive No.213-M1987
(*5) CAN/CSA- C22.2
X X — — — — — —
CAN/CSA- C22.2
No. 61010-1-12
No. 60079-0:11
CAN/CSA-C22.2 X X — — — — — —
No. 213-M1987
No. 60079-15:12
X: Compliant —: Non-compliant

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 29
Table Conformity Standards for FIO/N-IO Components (2/2)
A2FV50D and ANB10D, ANB10S,
A2FV50S and the ANB11D, ANB11S
Applicable Cmponents devices sourced from and ANT10U and the
A2BN5D, and
PW481, PW482 or devices sourced from
the devices
PW484 PW481, PW482 or
sourced from
A2PW503 or
100 100 - 220 - 100 - 220 -
24 V 24 V 24 V
Input Power Supply Voltage -240 V 120 V 240 V 120 V 240 V

Standards Class 3600:2011

for Intrinsic Safety Class 3610:2010
— — — — — X X X
Hazardous (*6) ANSI/ISA-60079-0: 2009
Location ANSI/ISA-60079-11: 2009
Equipment Class 3600:2011
Class 3610:2010
Intrinsic safety ANSI/ISA-60079-0
X X — — — — — —
(*24) (12.00.01)-2013
Nonincendive Class 3600:2011
Class 3611:2004 X X X X X X X X
(*7) Class 3810:2005
Class 3600:2011
Class 3611:2004
Class 3810:2005
Nonincendive ANSI/ISA-60079-15 X X — — — — — —
(*25) (12.12.02)-2012
EN 60079-0:2012/A11:
Type i (*18) 2013 X X — — — — — —
EN 60079-11:2012
EN 60079-0:2012/A11:
Type n (*8) 2013 — X (*20) — — X — — X
EN 60079-15:2010
IEC 60079-0:2011
Type i (*19) IEC 60079-11:2011
X X — — — — — —
IEC 60079-0:2011 X
Type n (*21) IEC 60079-15:2010
— X — — X — —

— X X X X X X X X
Bureau of

Marine BV
— X X X X X X X X
(Bureau Veritas)
(Lloyd’s — X X X X X X X X
Register), ENV2
X: Compliant —: Non-compliant
Note: In relation to the CE Marking, the manufacturer and the authorised representative for CENTUM in the EEA are indicated
Manufacturer: YOKOGAWA Electric Corporation (2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8750, Japan.)
Authorised representative in the EEA: Yokogawa Europe B.V. (Euroweg 2, 3825 HD Amersfoort, The Netherlands.)

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 30
*1: For ensuring all the hardware devices to satisfy the safety standards, the dedicated breakers in the power supply
distribution board must conform to the following specifications.
[CSA] CSA C22.2 No.5 or UL 489
[CE Marking] EN 60947-1 and EN 60947-3
[EAC Marking] EN 60947-1 and EN 60947-3
*2: For the rack mountable devices, DIN rail montable devices, and wall mountable devices to meet the Safety Standards
and EMC Standards, the devices must be installed in a lockable metal cabinet. The cabinet must conform to IEC/EN/CSA
61010-2-201 or provide degrees of protection IP3X or above and IK09 or above.
*3: Measurement inputs of this equipment are applied to Measurement category I for IEC/EN/CSA 61010-1:2001 and O
(Other) for IEC/EN/CSA 61010-2-030. For details, see “CENTUM VP Installation Guidance” (TI 33J01J10-01EN).
*4: When a product is out of the scope of Low Voltage Directive (LVD), the conformity to LVD is not declared. However, the
conformity to this standard is secured.
*5: Explosion-proof specification for CSA NI:
Class I, Division 2,Groups A, B, C and D Temperature code T4
To meet the standard for hazardous location equipment, 19-inch rack-mounted devices must be installed in a keyed
metallic cabinet approved by CSA or non-incendive regulator in your area.
*6: Explosion-proof specification for FM IS:
Associated intrinsically safe apparatus for connection to Class I, II and III, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D, E, F and
G or Class I, Zone 0, Group II C
ASI133, ASI533, AST143, ASR133, ASD143 and ASD533 are compliant.
*7: Explosion-proof specification for FM NI:
Class I, Division 2,Groups A, B, C and D Temperature code T4
To meet the standard for hazardous location equipment, 19-inch rack-mounted devices must be installed in a keyed
metallic cabinet approved by FM or nonincendive regulator in your area.
*8: Explosion-proof specification for ATEX Type n:
II 3G Ex nA nC II C T4 Gc X
AFV30S, AFV30D, ANB10S, ANB10D, ANB11S, ANB11D, A1BD5D, A2FV50S, A2FV50D, and
A2SDV506 are compliant.
II 3G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X
The power supply specifications for FIO other than AFV30S, AFV30D, ANB10S, ANB10D, ANB11S,
ANB11D, A1BD5D, A2FV50S, A2FV50D, and A2SDV506 are compliant.
II 3 (1) G Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc
A2BN5D is compliant.
Compliant if mounted to a cabinet with protection class IP54 or higher.
“X” indicates specific condition of use. To be compatible with Type n, for example the requirements of cabinet must be met.
For details, refer to the Explosion Protection (TI 33Q01J30-01E).
"Type of protection" of the below products is indicated together with modules installed in.
AFV30S, AFV30D, ANB10S, ANB10D, ANB11S, ANB11D, ANT10U, and AW810D
*9: A2MMM843 and A2SAP105 are in the scope of this standard.
*10: A2ZN3D, A2ZN4DC, A2ZN5DC, A2MMM843, A2SAP105, AAI141, AAI135, AAV141, AAV142, AAI143, AAV144, AAB141,
AAB842, AAI841, AAB841, AAI835, AAT141, AAR181, AAT145, AAR145, AAP135, AAP149, AAP849, AGS813 and
AGP813 are in the scope of this standard.
*11: Only ANT401, ANT411, ANT421, ANT502, ANT512, ANT522 and A2EN501 (Only optical ESB Bus) are compliant with
safety of laser products.
*12: A Class A hardware device is designed for use in the industrial environment. Please use this device in the industrial
environment only.
*13: A lightening arrestor or the like is required to meet this surge immunity standard. The length of the cable to feed the external
power supply for AGS813 AO channels should not exceed 30 meters.
*14: An external device such as a power unit with harmonic current neutralizer and an active harmonics conditioner must be
connected to meet this harmonic current emission standard.
*15: The specified limits of voltage drop across wiring must be satisfied to meet this standard.
*16: Only the 100-120 V AC power supply specification is not compliant. Only the 200-220 VAC power supply specification is
*17: Without AFV30S/D.
*18: Explosion-proof specification for ATEX Type i:
II 3 (1) G Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc
II (1) D [Ex ia Da] IIIC
I (M1) [Ex ia Ma] I
A2BN5D is compliant.
*19: Explosion-proof specification for IECEx Type i:
Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc
[Ex ia Da] IIIC
[Ex ia Ma] I
A2BN5D is compliant.
*20: A2BN5D conforms to EN 61326-1. If A2BN5D is used with intrinsic safety barriers for analog input, analog output, or
temperature input mounted, the accuracy under the electromagnetic immunity conditions (acceptance criteria A) is within
±1 % of the span.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 31
*21: Explosion-proof specification for IECEx Type n:
Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc
[Ex ia Da] III C
[Ex ia Ma] I
A2BN5D is compliant.
Ex nA nC IIC T4 Gc X
A2FV5S, A2FV50D, and A2SDV506 are compliant
Ex nA II C T4 Gc X
N-IO components except for A2FV50S, A2FV50D, and A2SDV506 are compliant
“X” indicates specific condition of use. For details, please refer to “Explosion Protection” (TI 33Q01J30-01E).
*22: Explosion proof specification for CSA IS:
For use as an Intrinsically Safe Associated Apparatus for Class I, II, III Division I Groups A, B, C, D, E, F and G
Intrinsically Safe Associated Apparatus Class I Zone 0, Group IIC, Temperature Class T4
Intrinsically Safe Associated Apparatus Zone 20, Group IIIC
A2BN5D is compliant.
*23: Explosion proof specification for CSA NI:
Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C and D Temperature Class T4
Non-Sparking Class I Zone 2, Group IIC
A2BN5D is compliant.
*24: Explosion-proof specification for FM IS:
For use as an Intrinsically Safe Associated Apparatus for Class I, II, III Division I Groups A, B, C, D, E, F and G
Intrinsically Safe Associated Apparatus Class I Zone 0, Group IIC, Temperature Class T4
Intrinsically Safe Associated Apparatus Zone 20, Group IIIC
A2BN5D is compliant.
*25: A2BN5D is compliant.
To meet the standard for hazardous location equipment, 19-inch rack-mounted devices must be installed in a keyed
metallic cabinet approved by FM or nonincendive regulator in your area.


 Software License Agreement
Prior to start using the CENTUM VP Release 6 software, refer to the website below and agree on all the terms and
conditions of the "CENTUM VP Software License Agreement."

CENTUM VP Software License Agreement


 Limited Warranty
The CENTUM VP R6 and later versions are provided with the limited warranty which covers its software media only.
Support services over vulnerability and nonconformance shall be provided by the Lifecycle Agreement from the first
year the system is introduced. For more details of the Lifecycle Agreement, refer to the General Specifications of
Lifecycle Agreement “Sustainable Plan” (GS 43D02H21-16EN).

• CENTUM, ProSafe, PRM, Exaopc, and Vnet/IP are registered trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation.
• Other company and product names appearing in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J01A10-01EN Dec. 28, 2015-00
Subject to change without notice.

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