Use of Rules of Thumb
Use of Rules of Thumb
Use of Rules of Thumb
The quite different "rules of thumb" used by American and European grouting
practitioners for selection of grout injection pressures have for many years been a
subject of great controversy between the two groups. Practitioners who are not
"married" to either rule have long suspected that each may be an artifact of the
respective systems of measurement used. Although use of the "American rule"
commonly is rationalized on the basis of protection against possible uplift of
horizontal strata, application of the pressures that this rule seems to dictate may not
be sufficient to cause grout to adequately penetrate and fill small openings in
potentially permeable fractured rock. Conversely, these same pressures may be
excessive for use in very weak rock. "European rule" pressures would, of course, be
potentially damaging to weak rock, but they have been widely and successfully used
in "average" bedrock foundation conditions. Nonetheless, even higher pressures than
would be allowed by that rule also have been widely and successfully used.
Therefore, it should seem evident that - rather than mindlessly following either "rule"
- grouting practitioners should base their selection of grout injection pressures on site-
specific factors, including - to the maximum extent feasible based upon grout hole
logging and water test data - the conditions at each specific hole into which grout is to
be injected.
Two "rules of thumb" for selection of grout injection pressures are widely
known and used, and have been a subject of controversy for many years. The
American "rule of thumb" indicates that the injection pressure should be 1 psi per
foot of depth of the interval being treated, and the European "rule of thumb" indicates
that the injection pressure should be 1 kg/cm2 per meter of depth. It seems evident
that these "rules" probably are artifacts of the respective systems of measurement.
The applicability of the American "rule of thumb" appears to be particularly subject
to question. To the extent that it relates to overburden pressure, the American "rule"
is inappropriate because rock has strength as well as weight; for typical rock, the
Advances in Grouting and Ground Modification
strength can be a very significant factor in enabling the "average" rock to remain intact
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Adherence to the American "rule" may have contributed to, or may even have
been largely responsible for, the findings of Professor Arthur Casagrande (1961)
regarding the effectiveness of grout curtains. Following an examination of the
piezometer data from a number of dams, he concluded that grout curtains typically
have no observable effect on the piezometric gradient through the dam. At the very
least, Professor Casagrande's findings should have led to a more rigorous and critical
reexamination of American grouting practice than actually has occurred. Ideally, his
findings also should have led to an examination of European and other foreign grouting
practices, so that an assessment could be made as to whether some of them should be
adopted for use in the U.S. (Grout injection pressure is, of course, only one element
of the respective practices.)
rock; ... Further below the critical pressure causing fracturing is determined by the
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Ewert (1992) elaborated upon the subject of injection pressure and related
factors, making the following additional statements that point up the fact that use of
high (by U.S. standards) injection pressures is not universally applicable or
appropriate: "High pressures are required to grout fine openings, otherwise the
suspension does not enter. In soft rock latent discontinuities, particularly bedding
planes, can already be opened at relatively low pressures. At such pressures only
wide openings can be grouted, the fine ones not. The pressure rises once the wide
openings are filled. Before the rising pressure reaches that level required for
penetration of the fine paths, latent discontinuities are pressed open and filled, the
existingfine openings remain open. It depends on the geological situation (orientation
ofjoints, isotropic or anisotropic permeability) whether the remaining permeability is
smaller or larger and whether it becomes effective or not."
EuropeanGrouting Theory.
Dr. Lombardi, working in conjunction with Dr. Don U. Deere, developed the
so-called GIN principle, which entails evaluation of site-specific factors to select a
"Grouting Intensity Number" that is then used in plotting graphic relationship
between the maximum allowable injection pressure and the maximum volume of grout
that will be allowed to be injected. Every point on the curve represents both a
pressure and a volume that is not to be exceeded. According to Lombardi and Deere
(1993) pressures as high as 500 bars may be appropriate in some cases.
thumb" increases the risk of incomplete filling of the joints. By contrast, experienced
contractors reportedly have successfully and without risk applied the European "nile
of thumb" at sites throughout the world. Grout injection pressures in China
commonly are twice as high as would be indicated by application of the European
"rule of thumb", without any reported disadvantages (ISRM, 1992, 1994).
Londe and Le May (1993) reported that "there seems a trend toward
consensus on the need to open the joints o ffinely jointed rocks by the action o f grouting
pressure." They pointed out that higher pressures enable thicker grouts to be
injected, but that use of higher pressures necessitate correlation of pressure with grout
For successful grouting, the groutability ratio should be greater than 3. The
presumption is that clogging of the fissure, or development of a filter cake at the
intersection of the grout hole and the fissure, occurs at lower ratios. Depending upon
the grouting philosophy to which one chooses to (or is forced by organization policy
to) adhere, either of two inferences may be drawn from this relationship:
1. Based upon the American "rule of thumb" practice in vogue at the time
that the "groutability ratio" concept was first promulgated, grout particle
grain size may make adequate grouting of f'me fissures impossible; or
2. For any given grout particle size, widening the aperture(s) of fine fractures
by judicious use of relatively high injection pressures can improve the
groutability of fractured rock, hence may be essential to the effectiveness
of some grouting operations.
Grouting pressures higher than specified in the American "rule of thumb" have
had at least a few advocates (in addition to the present author) among U.S. grouting
ventured the opinion that "even the European practice can be overly conservative
under certain conditions." Among other related opinions, he also stated that
"Tightening of a formation by pressure dilation is often desirable." Graf (1993)
describes a case history in which he injected chemical grout into a dam foundation at
shallow depth, using injection pressures up to 20 times overburden pressure without
any observed surface heave. Close control of the grout travel distance by use of a
very rapid set time is essential if such high injection pressures are to be attempted.
Injection pressures 3 times overburden pressure were used successfully, under the
present author's direction, to "stitch grout" steeply-dipping shear zones in a dam
foundation in gneiss at the Merrill Creek Project, in New Jersey. Based upon the
author's analysis of packer test data obtained from core borings for the East Dam at
the Eastside Reservoir Project in Southern California, application of pressures
approximately 2 to 3 times that of overburden fairly consistently produced elastic
(i.e., reversible) enlargement of bedrock fractures in gneiss, and two stages of dilation
were noted in some cases as the test pressure was increased.
Ideally, the injection pressures initially used for construction of a grout curtain
(until the effects can be assessed) should be based upon the results of packer tests
performed in borings made during the design exploration studies. Each test should be
made at several different pressures, using a Lugeon test procedure similar to those
described by Houlsby (1990). Houlsby's approach uses only three test pressures,
two of which are duplicated, with each pressure being applied for ten minutes. This
relatively small range of pressures will not necessarily make it possible to ascertain
the dilation pressure. Four pressures, each being applied for at least 5 minutes, is
more appropriate for that purpose. (Repetition of tests at the lower pressure
following the peak pressure test is desirable but not essential.) The highest and
the strength of the rock. For strong rocks, the lowest test pressure should be
equivalent to the overburden pressure above the packer, and the highest pressure
should be four times the lowest pressure. However, for weak rock, the highest
pressure probably shouldn't exceed twice the overburden pressure and the lowest
pressure in some cases should be on the order of 50 to 75% of the overburden
pressure above the packer. Special caution should be used in pressure testing closely
bedded or fissile rock foundations, lest otherwise impermeable planar features be
opened unnecessarily. Pressures sufficient to hydraulically fracture intact rock in dam
foundations should be avoided, but hydrofracture should not be confused with elastic
dilation. (Hydraulic fracturing to improve grout penetration can be appropriate in
mining practice and in some underground construction work, where drilling closely-
spaced or specially oriented grout holes may not be feasible.)
using an ultrafine cement rather than conventional portland cement and to formulating
the grout with admixtures that will tend to reduce cohesion and the tendency to form a
filter cake.
Ewert, F.- K. (1992). Evaluation and interpretation of water pressure tests; in Bell,
A.L., ed., 1992. Grouting in the Ground; Conference Proceedings, Institution of Civil
Engineers, Thomas Telford, London. pp. 141-162.
Houlsby, A.C. (1990). Construction and design of cement grouting. Wiley, New
York. 442 p.
ISRM Commission on Rock Grouting (1994). Final report, first draft. International
Society for Rock Mechanics. 72 p.