LESSON 3 Kinds of Fuels
LESSON 3 Kinds of Fuels
LESSON 3 Kinds of Fuels
Objectives: It is assumed that after this lesson, the students will be able to:
Before starting with the lesson, I want you to think of three materials in a house that when
burned will cause destructive fire. Now, try to imagine how each of the material you thought
about will transfer heat that contributes to the spread of fire. For instance, a frying pan that is
on a stove contain oil. If the pan gets too much heated, the fire from the stove can catch the oil
adding more fuel to the fire. In an instant, the flame from the pan can become big and catches
into the curtain and there the fire will spread. The method of heat transfer is conduction.
Discuss the materials that you thought about and explain how it can transfer heat or spread the
Fuels are the materials or substances being oxidized or burned in the combustion process.
A. Solid Fuels. The most obvious solids fuels are woods, fibers and plastics (Abis, 1986).
A. 1. Wood and wood-based products. Wood is a very versatile material which is commonly
used for construction, furniture and interior decoration among others. When the thermal
environment is conductive to a given reaction, they will char, smolder, ignite and burn.
Factors affecting ignition and burning of wood. Abis (1986) enumerates the
following factors:
1. Physical Form.
2. Moisture Content
3. Heat of Conductivity
4. Rate and Period of Heating
5. Rate of Combustion.
6. Ignition Temperature.
A. 2. Fibers and Textiles. Almost all textiles’ fibers are combustible. Since textiles are an
intimate part of daily living – clothes we wear, carpets, curtains, beddings etc. – there is a
high involvement of textiles in fire. Factors that influence the burning of textiles
1. Chemical composition
2. Fiber finish. If sufficient combustible coating or decorative materials are
placed on fabric, this will support continued flaming.
3. Fabric weight. It affects the rate of combustion at which the textile undergoes. The
heavier the fabric of the same composition, the more considerable resistance to ignition.
4. Tightness of weave. The closer the fibers are in the weaving of fabrics the more it will
minimize the air spaces between them and thus delay the rate of burning.
5. Flame retardant treatment. The effect of chemical treatment sin reducing the
flammability of combustible fabrics is varied and complex.
A. 3. Plastics. Plastics, other than cellulose nitrates, are classified as ordinary combustibles.
They comprise a group of material consisting mainly of organic substances or high molecular
weight substances. They are solid in the finished state although at some stage of manufactured
plastics can be made to flow into a desired shape, usually through the application of heat or
pressure or both.
B. Liquid Fuels. The most common liquid fuels are kerosene, gasoline, oil-based products,
and other volatile substances (though they may be compressed slightly). Liquids, like gases
assume the shape of their containers and may diffuse. Unlike gases, they have a definite
volume (Redsicker and O’connor, 1997).
Classification of Liquid fuels. Liquid fuels are classified into flammable and combustible
solids (Abis, 1986).
1. Flammable liquids refer to any liquid having a flashpoint below37.8 *C.
2. Combustible liquids. It refers to any liquid having a flashpoint at or above 37.8 *C.
Flammable and combustible liquids, strictly speaking, will not cause fire. It is then the
vapors from the evaporation of these liquids when exposed to air and under the influence of
heat, which will burn or explode. Gasoline is the most widely used flammable liquid. Its
generation of flammable vapors at atmospheric temperature is common knowledge (Redsicker
and O’connor, 1997).
C. Gaseous Fuels. Gaseous fuels are either natural or manufactured flammable gases.
Gaseous fuels are those in which molecules are in rapid
movement and random motion. They have no definite shape or volume, and assume the
shape and volume of their container. Other properties include compressibility,
expandability, permeability, and diffusion (Abis, 1986).
Hazards of Gases
For the purpose of systematic evaluation of gas hazards, distinction should be made by
hazards presented by gas when confined in a container and the hazards when the gas
escapes from a container. Hazards of confinement
a. Gases expand when heated, and when confined, the heating results in an increase in
pressure, which can result in gas release and/or cause container failure.
b. Heat container can fail due to contact with flames from an exposing fire, thus loss in
strength of the material of which the container is made.
Hazard of Gas when released from their container. It may vary with the physical and
chemical properties of the gas and the nature of the environment into which they were
HEAT is the energy component of the fire tetrahedron - when heat comes into contact with a fuel,
the energy supports the combustion reaction
- heat energy is measured in units of Joules (J), however it can also be measured in Calories
(1 Calorie = 4.184 J) and BTU's (1 BTU= 1055J) Methods of heat transfer
1. Conductive/conduction heat transfer - heat is transferred by direct contact and the rate of
transfer is dependent on factors such as the thermal conductivity of the material and the
temperature difference between the cooler and warmer areas.
2. Convective/convection heat transfer - transfer of heat through physical movement of
materials and occurs only in liquids and gases. Hot gases rise and spread heat to nearby
ceilings and walls.
3. Radiative/radiation heat transfer - heat is transferred if the form of electromagnetic
energy directly from one object to another. ex. infrared radiation from the sun.
PES OF ENERGY (common sources of heat)
1. Chemical Energy 3. Nuclear Energy 2. Electrical Energy 4. Mechanical Energy
Chemical Energy
- the most common source of heat in combustion reactions
When any combustible is in contact with oxygen, oxidation occurs. The reaction of this
process results in the production of heat. ex. Heat generated from burning match, self-
heating (spontaneous heating)
Electrical Energy
- can generate temperature high enough to ignite any combustible material near the
heated area
1. over current or overload
2. arcing
3. sparking
4. static
5. lightning
Nuclear Energy
- generated when atoms either split apart (fission) or combine (fusion) Ex.
1. fission heats water to drive steam turbines and produce electricity2. solar
energy is a product of a fusion reaction
Mechanical Energy
- an energy created by friction and compression 1) Heat of friction - the movement of two
surfaces against each other, thus producing sparks
2) Heat of compression - heat is generated when a gas is compressed in a container
or cylinder
SELF-SUSTAINED CHEMICAL REACTION Combustion is a complex reaction that requires a
fuel (in the gaseous or vapor state), an oxidizer, and heat energy to come together in a very
specific way. Once flaming combustion or fire occurs, it can only continue when enough heat
energy is produced to cause the continued development of fuel vapors or gases. Scientists call
this type of reaction a “chain reaction”. A chain reaction is a series of reactions that occur in
sequence with the result of each individual reaction being added to the rest.