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Scion - Hero-51

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are observers of the natural world. Few things that are has been a belly dancer and the madam of a brothel, the
out of place ever escape their notice. hostess of salons and a spy in Paris. She even took on a
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Manipulation, role as a geisha in Japan, as part of a special exchange
Epic Perception, Animal (Falcon), Heku, Sun program among Gods many years ago. Of the Pesedjet,
Abilities: Academics, Art, Fortitude, Investigation, she is most open to new experiences.
Politics, Presence Her Scions are motivated to explore and interact with
Rivals: Horus, Isis; Athena, Erzulie, Freyr, novelty. They usually begin with cautious observation
Huitzilopochtli, Susano-o before delving in deeply to their subject, as if it were
an academic exercise. Once convinced that it is not
dangerous, they leap in completely. It is at this point
BASTET that they usually remember what killed the cat.
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Dexterity,
Epic Perception, Epic Wits, Animal (Cat), Heku, Moon,
Description: Queen of Cats, with a feline grace,
Prophecy, Sun, Vengeance
Bastet is a Goddess of prophecy—though she’s no pawn
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Larceny, Stealth,
or puppet of Fate. Cat-headed, with skin the color of
chocolate, covered with fine fur, Bastet has green eyes
with vertical slits common to cats. What her chosen Rivals: Isis; Frigg, Hera, Ogoun, Raiden, Tlazoltéotl
animals see, she also sees. Thoth made her keeper of
his Book, a magical work that controls such powerful
forces as time-space and life-death-rebirth, so that he
could not undo the universe accidentally. Using it, AKA: KEB, QEB, SEB
Bastet keeps mortals in realms of mortal time. Her Description: Geb is God of the earth, “son of Tefenet
Scions help to keep such secrets from mortal, divinity and Shu who have gone into dust” as the Pesedjet say.
and Titan alike. Once married to Nut, Titan of night, he constantly
50 In the modern day, Bastet appears as a slender seeks dark-faced women with stars in their eyes. Geb has
woman with rounded hips and a graceful manner. She dark hair and skin the color of rich soil, and his brown

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