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Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan:

Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA

Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)
Chapter 1 Mr. Burhan : OK. I (10) look forward to working with you. Enjoy
May I Help You? your weekend, then!
Mr. Yahya : Thank you.
Task 1 Task 5
Mrs. Utami : Good morning, Sir. Can I (1) help you? Teacher’s policy
Mr. Fandi : Good morning. Can I (2) see the manager?
Mrs. Utami : I’m sorry, he’s in a (3) conference at the moment. Individual Task
Mr. Fandi : Oh, well, (4) never mind. 1. Jatmiko is in the bookstore.
Mrs. Susan : Would you like me to make (5) an appointment for 2. She is looking for a book about English grammar.
you tomorrow? 3. Yes, he is. He says gratitude to the officer.
Mr. Fandi : Oh, yes please. For 11 a.m. 4. The expression about offering services or help in the dialogue
Mrs. Utami : Just a minute … I’m sorry he has another (6) is “What can I do for you?”.
meeting at 11 a.m. Will 2 p.m in the afternoon be 5. Here are the synonyms of the word “enjoy”, as follows.
all right for you? a. Bask.
Mr. Fandi : No, thank you. I’ll meet him at his (7) residence b. Delight.
tonight. It’s something (8) urgent. c. Love.
Mrs. Utami : Would you like me to (9) tell him anything? d. Relish
Mr. Fandi : Thanks. You could tell him that Mr. Fandi was e. Savor.
Mrs. Utami : I will tell him. Group Task
Mr. Fandi : (10) Thank you. Teacher’s policy

Speaking HOTS
Task 2 1. Teacher’s policy
1. Waiter, Nana, and Hilman. 2. Teacher’s policy
2. The menu looked yummy. 3. Teacher’s policy
3. Nana orders salad with blue cheese, garlic breads a glass
of mango juice and Hilman orders pizza-large and ice tea. Daily Assessment Chapter 1
4. How about you, what do you want to order? A. Multiple Choice
5. In a restaurant. 1. a. In her office.
2. b. To pick up her daughter.
Reading 3. a. This night.
Task 3 4. a. Anything I can do for you?
1. Mr. Kevin Sonjaya. 5. a. empty
2. Mr. Harison Pramana. 6. c. Can I get you something to drink?
3. Plastic handbags. Discussion:
4. A further special discount of 5%. Ungkapan menawarkan bantuan yang tepat jika kita
5. The high quality the products is well known and universally kedatangan tamu atau hendak menawarkan bantuan adalah
acknowledged. “Can I get you something to drink?”.
7. c. Would you like me to help you
Writing Discussion:
Task 4 Pada dialog ini, Bu Yuni menanyakan kepada Harry
Mr. Yahya : Would you like me to (1) help you on your new apakah sudah menyelesaikan laporannya, lalu Harry pun
project? menjawabnya belum. Kemudian, Bu Yuni pun menawarkan
Mr. Burhan : I would love the help! Would you (2) prefer bantuan kepada Harry perihal laporan tersebut. Harry
helping with the writing part or programming more dengan senang hati merespons tawaran bantuan oleh
your thing? Bu Yuni. Jadi, ungkapan tawaran bantuan yang tepat
Mr. Yahya : I would enjoy helping with the (3) writing portion. berdasarkan pilihan yang ada adalah ‘Would you like me to
Mr. Burhan : Perfect! You’ll be working (4) alone on that help you.’
portion. Do you like to work alone? 8. a. What else can I do for you?
Mr. Yahya : That is OK sometimes. Discussion:
Mr. Burhan : Our first (5) meeting is next Wednesday. Could Dialog ini merupakan dialog antara seorang pelayan hotel
you meet with (6) us at that time? dengan tamunya. Setelah pelayan hotel menunjukkan
Mr. Yahya : (7) No, I can’t be there. kamar untuk tamunya, lalu ia menawarkan bantuan. Maka
Mr. Burhan : Please send me your (8) background information ungkapan pilihan jawaban menawarkan bantuan yang tepat
before the meeting so I can look at it. berdasarkan respons yang ada pada soal (I’d like a soft drink
Mr. Yahya : I can (9) send that information to you. and snack) adalah “What else can I do for you?” (Ada lagi
yang saya bantu Pak?).

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013) 1
9. c. No, thanks Remedial
Discussion: 1. Housekeeping.
Pada dialog tersebut, Dhika menawarkan bantuan kepada 2. How can we help you?
Pak Budi untuk membawakan tas “Shall I carry your bag?” 3. A couple of blankets.
Akan tetapi, Pak Budi menolak tawaran bantuan tersebut 4. The room number is 221.
bahwa ia dapat membawa tas itu sendiri. Hal ini diketahui 5. Eight minutes.
berdasarkan kutipan dialog “I can carry it myself.” Jadi,
pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog adalah Project Task
“No, thanks”. Teacher’s policy
10. e. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
Discussion: Chapter 2
Pada dialog tersebut Nugie menawarkan bantuan kepada Why Don't You Visit Seattle?
Bryan “I’d like to help you. For what?”. Maka ungkapan
meminta bantuan yang tepat berdasarkan responsnya Listening
adalah “Could I possibly ask you to help me?” (Sudikah/ Task 1
dapatkah kamu menolongku).
11. c. May I help you Stay Healthy with Healthy Food
Discussion: If you want to stay (1) fresh and healthy, you have to
Dialog ini berlangsung di sebuah pusat toko sepatu. Pelayan start eating healthy food. You can modify your (2) lunch box
toko menawarkan bantuan kepada Miss Vina (pembeli) untuk meals with sandwich alternatives such as bagels, pita pockets,
menolong mencoba sepatu yang hendak ia beli. Maka pilihan burritos, and wraps or with (3) unusual protein such as dips, like
tawaran bantuan yang tepat dalam dialog ini adalah “May I hummus, black beans, and nut butters. Another healthy food
help you.” option for (4) lunch is baked stuffed potatoes. Even breakfast
12. b. Yes, please do items, such as (5) pancakes or boiled eggs, can be (6) a fun
Discussion: way to get of the normal lunch routine.
Resepsionis menawarkan bantuan apa yang bisa dibantu If you only have (7) a little time to prepare your breakfast,
kepada pelanggan yang akan memesan tiket lewat you can make a mix-and-match of green (8) convenience foods,
telepon. like fruits and vegetables. You have to (9) remember that even
13. c. (2), (4) and (5) chores like making your own convenience foods are a fun way
Discussion: to get your kids to help out and (10) bring the family together.
Ungkapan menerima tawaran bantuan dari seseorang yang
tepat terdapat pada poin (2), (4), dan (5) sebagai berikut. Speaking
a. Yes, please. Task 2
b. I’d like it very much. 1. Fandi and Doni.
c. That would be very nice. 2. Doni’s plan to have a trip to Bogor, West Java.
14. e. (2), (4) and (6) 3. Six days.
Discussion: 4. At his uncle’s house.
Ungkapan menawarkan bantuan yang tepat terdapat pada 5. Visiting the Taman Safari Zoo.
poin (2), (4), dan (6) sebagai berikut.
a. Do you need any help? Reading
b. Would you like me to help you? Task 3
c. Is there anything I can do to help you? 1. It will give you the opportunity to break records by completing
15. d. (2) and (4) the world’s highest full circle hands-free walk on a 5 ft wide
Discussion: ledge encircling the top of the CN Tower’s main pod, which
Ungkapan menawarkan bantuan yang tepat terdapat pada is 356m/1,168 feet (116 storeys) above the ground.
poin (2) dan (4) sebagai berikut. 2. The top of the CN Tower’s main pod, which is 356m/1,168
a. Would you like something to eat? ft (116 storeys) above the ground.
b. What would you like to drink? 3. Ripley's Aquarium which is located next to the CN Tower
B. Essay 4. The city has recently started offering people the chance to
1. In a laundrymate. do the Heli Tour, which shows you all off the best landmarks
2. A mother (Mrs. Nunik), a daughter (Dini) and Mrs. Susan. downtown, as well as giving you the chance to go right up
3. They are washing their clothes in a laundrymate. to the Edge Walk and give all the thrill seekers a little wave
4. She is Mrs. Susan. if you feel the need.
5. Because she can carry her bundle of clothes by herself. 5. Dundas Square is one of the most touristy areas in the
6. They are talking about package tours. city, but it’s also one of the areas that you’re most likely to
7. At the travel agency. recognize from the big screen. With Dundas Square being
8. Four tickets. incredibly similar to New York’s Times Square, it is very often
9. On next Saturday. used for blockbuster movies because it’s a lot easier to film in.
10. Here are some of offering help from the dialogue above, as
follows. Task 4
a. What can I do for you? Teacher’s policy
b. Would you like to see our brochures?
c. We could book your tickets if you like. Writing
d. Would you like us to send the tickets to you by post or Task 5
would you like to collect them personally? 1. If Saskia and Tifany prepare the salad, Ryan will decorate
the house.

2 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)
2. If Kevin cuts the onions for the salad, Caroline will peel the 9. a. will
mushrooms. Discussion:
3. Joe will hoover the sitting room if Andrea and Tyo move the If they want, they will choose Bali. Kita membutuhkan will/
furniture. can/may+ V1. Maka, jawabannya adalah a.
4. If Bayu tidies up the kitchen, Amanda will clean the toilet. 10. e. will understand
5. Alya will buy the drinks if somebody helps her carry the Discussion:
bottles. Formula kalimat pengandaian tipe pertama adalah Subject
6. If Andy and Rasya organize the food, Mira and Santi will + will + v1, sehingga kalimat selengkapnya menjadi “If you
make the sandwiches. speak more loudly, I will understand what you say.” (Jika
7. If Budi looks after the barbecue, Sandy will let the guests kamu berbicara lebih keras, saya akan mengerti apa yang
in. kamu katakan).
8. Rudi will play the DJ if the others bring along their CDs. 11. d. want
9. Antok will mix the drinks if Yudi gives him some of her cocktail Discussion:
recipes. Formula kalimat pengandaian tipe pertama adalah
10. If they all do their best, the party will be great. If+subject+v1. Jadi, kalimat selengkapnya menjadi “Where
will you go if you wants to see the film?” (Ke mana kamu
Individual Task akan pergi untuk melihat film).
1. An unknown signal, 327 million light years away fom Milky 12. c. will double
Way. It was a great discovery in this century because new Discussion:
theories in astronomy will emerge. Kita membutuhkan will/can/may + v 1 untuk membentuk
2. Because it is the brightest object in the universe so far. Using kalimat pengandaian tipe pertama, sehingga kalimat
the high technology telescope attached to International selengkapnya menjadi “If people do not follow the family
Space Station, the discovery is the clearest of all the other planning, the world population will double.” (Jika orang tidak
evidence they have ever found. ikut program keluarga berencana, maka populasi penduduk
3. If you are an astronomy enthusiast, why don’t you surf the dunia akan berlipat jumlahnya).
internet to find the latest on the discovery of the signal. 13. e. (3), (4) and (6)
4. If new theories come up, our national curriculum in physics 14. b. (2), (3) and (5)
will need to be revised soon. 15. e. there will possibly be a party
5. Here are the synonyms of the word “unknown”, as follows. Discussion:
a. Alien. Jika semua siswa lulus ujian, guru akan mengadakan
b. Nameless. pesta di rumahnya. Tampak pola kalimatnya adalah
c. Strange. If+subject+Verb1-subject+will+verb 1, sehingga yang
d. Unidentified. diandaikan kemungkinan akan terjadi. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
yang tepat adalah “There will possibly be a party.”
Group Task
Teacher’s policy B. Essay
1. He is to be a workaholic.
HOTS 2. He will be able to buy a luxurious car.
1. In this situation, there is posibility that Edo will win the first 3. He should be confident of himself.
prize in the competition. 4. He should have a good charisma.
2. In that example, Islah is imagining a situation that will 5. The synonym of the word “earn”, as follows.
certainly happen. Islah will definitely feel sick tomorrow if a. Gain.
Islah eats all that chocolate. Maybe Islah shouldn’t eat that b. Make.
chocolate, then. c. Pull in.
3. Hard work pays off, passing an exam is the likely result of d. Acquire.
studying hard. e. Obtain.
6. One of the functions of protein is to keep your blood sugar
Daily Assessment Chapter 2 steady.
A. Multiple Choice 7. We are going to get energy right away and that energy is
1. c. Cafe. going to wane.
Discussion: 8. We will start grabbing sweets.
Berdasarkan dialog di tersebut, Pak Guntur berniat 9. They will keep the hair on our head.
membangun sebuah kafe. 10. Protein is useful for building muscle. If you don’t get enough
2. d. To provide books for customers to read. protein, your muscles may start to drop over time. As a result,
3. d. Vintage. you may feel weak and unable to your exercises.
4. c. Browsing the internet.
5. e. splendid Remedial
6. a. Because they are renewable-energy cars. 1. Jika saya belajar keras, saya akan lulus ujian tahun ini.
7. b. They are still prototypes. 2. Jika cuaca baik, kita akan pergi piknik.
8. b. (1) and (3) 3. Jika saya pergi ke Paris, saya akan mengunjungi Menara
Discussion: Eiffel.
Pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan isi bacaan terdapat 4. Jika saya mendapatkan uang, saya akan membeli ponsel.
pada poin (1) dan (3) sebagai berikut. 5. Jika kamu merasa begitu lapar dan haus, mengapa tidak
a. We may test-drive hydrogen cars if we go to the 2020 mengambil makanan dan minuman?
Motor Show.
b. The cars use gasoline as the second power to produce Project Task
new energy Teacher’s policy

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013) 3
Chapter 3 Daily Assessment Chapter 3
Creating Captions? A. Multiple Choice
1. b. Helping someone.
Listening Discussion:
Task 1 Teks caption tersebut mendeskripsikan tentang beberapa
orang yang menolong menyeberangkan orang tua di
The Forgotten Maluku Islands jalan.
2. c. I would help him to across the street.
3. a. The two men take the old man across the overpass.
Berdasarkan gambar pada soal diketahui bahwa kedua
orang tersebut membantu orang tua menyeberangkannya
agar sampai di tepi seberang jalan dengan selamat.
4. d. (1), (3), and (5)
5. b. (2), (3), and (4)
6. d. The writer wants to show the beauty of nature.
The remote Maluku Islands are a (1) forgotten part of Discussion:
Indonesia. The islands are (2) blessed with peaceful swathes Pesan yang terkandung dari teks tersebut adalah bahwa
of white sand, picturesque villages, and (3) interesting history. penulis ingin menyampaikan kepada para pembaca tentang
This Indonesian (4) hidden gem has marine life that rivals world- keindahan alam yang tidak boleh diabaikan atau dilupakan
famous Raja Ampat in Papua and yet few (5) tourists go there. begitu saja.
This places can be visited in the best time from November to 7. b. A small narrow river.
March every year. Discussion:
Source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/travel/2019/09/30/8- Yang dimaksud dengan “stream” adalah sebuah sungai
great-reasons-to-visit-the-forgotten-maluku-islands.html sangat kecil dan sempit.
8. b. (2) and (3)
Speaking 9. e. It has a positive impact on society.
Task 2 Discussion:
1. Aprilia and Maya. Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa perlombaan atau
2. They are discussing Aprilia’s assignment to make a caption. kompetisi ini mempunyai efek positif bagi masyarakat Kota
3. It contains a good message, an interesting picture, and Barcelona.
meaningful words. 10. c. Barcelona.
4. Making a friendship caption. Discussion:
5. By using Aprilia and Maya’s picture when sitting on the Perlombaan kapal layar tersebut diadakan di Barcelona,
bench’s park, captured from behind. Spanyol.
11. c. A competition between boats, to see which is the fastest
Reading in covering a set course.
Task 3 Discussion:
1. It is located on the hillside of Bokoharjo Village in Sleman Yang dimaksud dengan “sail race” adalah suatu perlombaan
Regency, Yogyakarta. atau kompetisi antara beberapa kapal layar dari berbagai
2. It is located 3.9 kilometers from Prambanan Temple. asal, wilayah atau negara untuk mengetahui siapa yang
3. Travel publication Big 7 Travel. tercepat dan mampu menyelesaikan perlombaan dengan
4. Big 7 Travel selected the winners by analyzing the amount baik.
of hashtags per destination, surveying the publication’s 1.5 12. c. It causes health problems and death.
million readers and conducting a vote among a panel of Discussion:
travel experts. Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa polusi udara
5. Bali is in eighth. tersebut menyebabkan berbagai efek negatif seperti dampak
buruk bagi kesehatan pernapasan, serta dampak yang paling
Writing fatal adalah mampu mengakibatkan kematian.
Task 4 13. c. China.
Teacher’s policy Discussion:
Polusi udara tersebut terjadi di Negara Tiongkok.
Individual Task 14. d. breathing
1. It offers a relaxing experience. Discussion:
2. Famed. Kata “respiratory” bermakna pernapasan. Jadi, pilihan
3. In Palm Springs Valley Riverside County. jawaban yang tepat untuk padan katanya adalah
4. In the evening. “breathing”.
5. Restaurants is some buildings where people go to eat and 15. b. The introduction of contaminants into the natural
drink. environment that cause adverse change.

Group Task B. Essay

Teacher’s policy 1. At the beginning of fall.
2. In Holland.
HOTS 3. Gondolas are the main transportation across the city.
1. Teacher’s policy 4. It has many historical buildings.
2. Teacher’s policy 5. Italy.
3. Teacher’s policy 6. Canadian celebrate Canada Day on July 1.

4 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)
7. At the Parliement Hill. 11. d. A 10% discount and free installation.
8. To mark the founding of Canada as a nation on July 1, Discussion:
1867. Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa Flashnet
9. Two members of the United States Army Parachute Team. menawarkan sepuluh persen potongan harga dan biaya
10. During the Cleveland National Airshow. gratis untuk pemasangannya.
12. e. Getting normal prices and installation charges.
Remedial 13. e. there will possibly be a party
1. French. Discussion:
2. A forward player. Jika semua siswa lulus ujian, guru akan mengadakan
3. The score match was 4-0. pesta di rumahnya. Tampak pola kalimatnya adalah
4. The Stade de France, Paris, French. If+subject+Verb1-subject+will+verb 1, sehingga yang
5. Samuel Umititi, Olivier Giroud, Mbappe, and Antoine diandaikan kemungkinan.
Griezmann. 14. d. I will have to write the poem three times
Project Task Jika saya tidak masuk kelas hari ini, guru akan menyuruh
Teacher’s policy saya menulis puisi atau sajak tiga kali. Kalimat ini merupakan
pengandaian jenis pertama (real condition at present time)
Mid Semester Assessment sehingga kejadian atau peristiwanya dapat terjadi. Kalimat
A. Multiple Choice yang digarisbawahi mempunyai makna bahwa saya harus
1. a. A cake. menulis puisi atau sajak tiga kali (I will have to write the poem
Discussion: three times).
Berdasarkan isi dialog diketahui bahwa Dhani menawarkan 15. c. (1), (2), and (4)
sebuah kue. Lihat kutipan dialog “Would you like to try this 16. d. Their habitat is destroyed.
cake?”. 17. c. Forbidding anyone to use and trade them for money.
2. c. offer 18. d. Forbid.
Discussion: 19. a. People who have no fear of heights.
Kalimat “Would you like to try this cake?” merupakan sebuah 20. a. Strict.
ungkapan penawaran suatu barang (offer).
3. e. Ria doesn’t believe that Dhani can bake a cake. B. Essay
Discussion: 1. In library.
Ungkapan “No kidding” di sini bermakna bahwa Ria merasa 2. History book.
hampir tidak percaya bahwa Dhani dapat dengan mudah 3. English.
membuat kue yang sangat lezat. 4. Offering help to bring Wulan’s books and stuffs.
4. b. Let me do it for you! 5. There are some synonyms of the word “appreciate”, as
Discussion: follows.
Pada dialog tersebut, Maudy tidak dapat membuka tutup a. Value.
botol. Oleh karena itu, Andrea menawarkan bantuan untuk b. Apprise.
membuka tutup botol tersebut. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang c. Reward.
tepat untuk ungkapan menawarkan bantuan kepada orang d. Respect.
lain dalam situasi ini adalah “Let me do it for you”. e. Cherish.
5. b. May I order an online taxi for you? 6. To ensure the ranking of the university.
Discussion: 7. To attract international students.
Pada dialog tersebut, seorang perempuan merasa terburu- 8. You may visit UNESCO’s official website to get some insight
buru untuk mengirimkan dokumen penting ke suatu tempat into choosing universities of good quality.
tertentu tetapi saat itu tidak ada kendaraan dan ia tidak 9. If you doubt the quality of a certain university, it is better not
memiliki kendaraan untuk menuju ke sana. Oleh karena itu, to enroll in it. If you don’t have enough information, you can
seorang pria menawarkan bantuan untuk mengantarkannya go to education agents or the embassy of the country you
sampai ke tempat yang dituju. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang want to go to.
tepat untuk ungkapan menawarkan bantuan dalam kondisi 10. The synonyms of the word “enroll” is as follows.
ini adalah “May I order an online taxi for you”. a. Enlisted.
6. b. (2), (5), and (6) b. Subscribe.
7. d. (1), (2), and (5) c. Enter.
8. c. Oh, that would be lovely, thank you!
Discussion: Chapter 4
Ungkapan menerima tawaran secangkir teh panas yang Do You Know How to Apply for a Job?
tepat adalah “Oh, that would be lovely, thank you.”
9. a. actually I’m fine, thanks Listening
Discussion: Task 1
Oleh karena sudah sampai rumah ketika kamu membawa Interviewer : Good morning, can you (1) tell me about
beban berat, maka ketika ada orang yang menawarkan yourself?
bantuan, kita bisa menolaknya dengan halus. Jadi, pilihan Interviewee : Good morning. Well, my name is Putra Pratama.
jawbaan yang tepat untuk ungkapan menolak tawaran I (2) was born and raised in Surakarta, Central
antuan adalah “Actually, I’m fine, thanks.” Java. I attended the University of Sebelas
10. b. Flashnet customers. Maret and received my bachelor’s degree in
Discussion: Economics. I (3) have worked for almost ten
Surat terkait dengan penawaran barang tersebut ditujukan years as a financial consultant in Yogyakarta for
kepada para konsumen Flashnet. various company.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013) 5
Interviewer : What (4) kind of position are you looking for now? Daily Assessment Chapter 4
Interviewee : I am looking for a position in which I can utilize A. Multiple Choice
my experience. 1. e. Sales representative.
Interviewer : Can you tell me about your (5) responsibilities at Discussion:
your last job? Posisi lowongan pekerjaan yang sedang dilamar oleh
Interviewee : I advised customers on financial matters. After pelamar kerja ialah sales representative.
I consulted (6) the customer, I completed a 2. a. The manager will contact her.
customer inquiry form and catalogued the Discussion:
information in our database. Then, I collaborated Pelamar kerja mengharapkan pihak SDM dari perusahaan
with colleagues to prepare the best possible akan mengontaknya dan melakukan wawancara kerja.
package for the client. 3. c. HRD manager.
Interviewer : Oh, I see. Bye the way, what is your (7) greatest Discussion:
strength? Lamaran kerja tersebut ditujukan kepada pihak manajer
Interviewee : I can work well under pressure. When there is (8) sumber daya manusia (SDM) atau HRD perusahaan tersebut.
a deadline, I can focus on the task at hand and 4. a. By phone at 085788854491.
structure my work schedule well. Discussion:
Interviewer : Why do you want to work for (9) our company? Pelamar kerja dapat dihubungi melalui telepon, yaitu
Interviewee : After following your company progress for the last 085788854491.
three years. I am convinced that this company is 5. d. At convenient time.
becoming one of (10) the market leaders and I Discussion:
would like to be part of the team. Pelamar kerja bersedia melakukan wawancara kerja pada
Interviewer : When can you begin to work? saat yang tepat (at convenient time) menyesuaikan dengan
Interviewee : Immediately. waktu yang longgar yang dimiliki oleh pihak HRD perusahaan
Interviewer : OK. I think that’s enough for the interview. I’ll call Aquilla Paper. Hal ini dapat diketahui berdasarkan kutipan
you soon if you are accepted. bacaan “I am available for an interview at a convenient time
Interviewee : Thank you, Sir. to you.”
6. a. (1) and (2)
Speaking 7. e. Marketing staff member.
Task 2 Discussion:
1. Nia’s aunt. Penulis surat melamar kerja untuk posisi anggota staf
2. Leoni. pemasaran. Hal ini dapat kita ketahui berdasarkan kutipan
3. General clerical assistants. dari bacaan “I would like to apply for the position of marketing
4 Seven hours. It starts from 09.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. staff member.”
5. It is only four days. 8. a. (3) and (4)
9. e. Head chef.
Reading Discussion:
Task 3 Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa Andi Johan
1. It was addressed to Personal Manager of Sahabat English melamar lowongan pekerjaan kepala koki.
Private, Gedung BIM Center, Seturan Street No. 44 10. a. Fusion cuisine.
Yogyakarta. Discussion:
2. Ayu Larasati. Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui ilihan pekerjaan yang
3. She was interested to be part of the company. cocok bagi pelamar kerja adalah “fusion cuisine”.
4. A private teacher. 11. a. (1) and (4)
5. From jobs.com. 12. a. Waiting.
13. d. At the restaurant.
14. a. Nando Aprilianto.
Task 4 15. a. Human Resources Development of PT Persada
Teacher’s policy Computindo Jaya.

B. Essay
Individual Task
1. The letter is addressed to HRD Manager PT ABC Battery
1. He was an auto mechanic.
2. No, he doesn't.
2. The applicant applies Engineer position.
3. He works at night.
3. His qualification is specialization in Engineering Physics,
4. She is a hospital aide.
especially Instrumentation and Control specialist.
5. Yes, she does. Because she enjoys to contact with
4. By reading an advertisement on daily newspaper.
5. To send an application letter.
6. Vicky Prasetyo.
Group Task
7. He graduated from the University of Persada. He took
Teacher’s policy
economic major.
8. He wants to apply in marketing position.
9. Regular day time hours on weekday and Saturday hours in
1. Teacher’s policy
a while.
2. Teacher’s policy 10. He will be called by the company and can join the second
3. Teacher’s policy interview test.

6 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)
Remedial Writing
1. Sales and Leasing Executives. Task 4
2. Cahaya Gemilang Abadi. Teacher’s policy
3. The company is located in Jakarta.
4. a. Minimum D3 in economy-management, marketing or Individual Task
relevant from reputable university. 1. Kampung Bharu Development Corp, sebuah badan
b. Fluent in English, good appearance and presentable. pemerintah yang mengembangkan, mengoordinasikan
5. All application should be received before August 15, 2020. dan mengatur pembangunan di daerah tersebut, telah
Project Task mengadakan pertemuan dengan pemilik tanah untuk
Teacher’s policy membahas berbagai masalah.
2. Pertemuan-pertemuan ini telah diadakan sejak awal bulan
Chapter 5 lalu dan kami telah bertemu hampir 50 persen dari 5.374
Who Was Involved? orang pemilik tanah di Kampung Baru.
3. Pemilik tanah di Kampung Baru, Mohd Farid Rahmat, yang
Listening memiliki sebagian rumahnya bersama dengan 10 sepupu
Task 1 lainnya, menahan diri untuk berjualan karena tidak cukup
menguntungkan baginya dan ia suka tinggal di kota.
Mandalika Gets US$248.4M Loan from AIIB
4. Mereka juga dijanjikan diskon 15 persen untuk properti
The Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) dalam pengembangan baru, jika mereka setuju untuk
(1) has secured a US$248.4 million loan from the Asian membelinya.
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to finance an urban
5. Kali ini, pemerintah berharap tawaran itu cukup manis untuk
and (2) tourist infrastructure project in the Mandalika Special
terobosan dan akan memungkinkannya memodernisasi
Economic Zone (SEZ Mandalika).
The financing reflects investors’ confidence in (3) the
prospects of tourism in Indonesia, particularly in Mandalika,
Group Task
ITDC president director Abdulbar M. Mansoer said in a press
Teacher’s policy
statement received by The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.
He said AIIB’s (4) board of directors approved the loan on HOTS
December 7, 2018, while the lender and ITDC – a state-owned
1. Teacher’s policy
company assigned to develop and manage various aspects of
2. Teacher’s policy
tourism in Nusa Dua, Bali, and Mandalika, West Nusa Tenggara
3. Teacher’s policy
– had completed the loan agreement on Dec 31.
ITDC finance director Nusantara Suyono explained (5) Daily Assessment Chapter 5
the tenor for the project was set at 35 years and a grace period
A. Multiple Choice
of 10 years with (6) an interest rate adjusted to the six-month
1. d. 70.
London Inter Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR), plus an additional
1.4 percent per year.
Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa beberapa industri
Nusantara said (7) the fund would be used to finance
di Tangerang menggunakan hampir 70 persen air tanah.
the construction of infrastructure and basic facilities in SEZ
2. b. Budi Khumaedi.
Mandalika, including clean water, sanitation, drainage, waste
treatment, electricity distribution, disaster mitigation and (8)
Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa kepala badan
open public space facilities.
pengawasan dan kerusakan lingkungan Tangerang adalah
He added that (9) the development of infrastructure
bapak Budi Khumaedi.
was expected to bring in foreign investment, with a target to
3. d. iron and seawater
develop tourist facilities that include 10,000 rooms at star-rated
hotels, convention centers, a 27-hole golf course, commercial
Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa penggunaan air
facilities, hospitals and a street race circuit for MotoGP.
tanah untuk industri telah mengakibatkan beberapa sumur
Abdulbar said the project also covered facilities in the
tercemar atau terkontaminasi zat besi dan air garam.
zone’s (10) surrounding areas to ensure that the local people
4. b. Banten.
also benefit from the project.
Source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/01/23/
Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa propinsi yang
memiliki keweanngan untuk membuat kebijakan, regulasi
atau peraturan terkait dengan batas penggunaan air tanah
adalah Provinsi Banten.
Task 2
Teacher’s policy 5. c. The Tangerang administration could only insist that
business owners stop exploiting groundwater and
Reading switch to using water from pipelines managed by PDAM.
Task 3 6. b. Tangerang Environment Agency head of pollution
1. The news talks about redeveloping Kuala Lumpur's biggest control and environmental damage.
Malay enclave of Kampung Baru. Discussion:
2. The Kampung Bharu Development Corp. Kata “he” disini mengacu kepada kepala badan pengawasan
3. Because it is simply not profitable enough for him and he dan kerusakan lingkungan Tangerang adalah Bapak Budi
likes staying in the city. Khumaedi.
4. In order to go ahead with rebuilding the area involved. 7. b. Secure.
5. Multiple ownership of individual lots have thwarted previous Discussion:
attempts to revamp the village. Kata “safe” disini bermakna aman. Jadi, padanan katanya
adalah “secure”.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013) 7
8. c.
(1) and (3) Chapter 6
9. b.
Water held underground in the soil or in pores and Online School Registration
crevices in rock.
10. c. (2) and (4) Listening
11. e. In Jakarta. Task 1
Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa forum ini Technology Meets Education Learning Becomes Easier
diselenggarakan di Jakarta. The use of technology to improve (1) the learning process
12. d. $82.12 million in schools has become common in many parts of the world.
Discussion: Some of (2) these methods were showcased at the Global
India telah menginvestasikan $82.12 million. Educational Supplies and Solutions exhibition in Jakarta
13. d. (3) and (4) this week, with some vendors pitching (3) their products to
14. b. Rivals. Indonesia’s education sector.
Discussion: The Smart Class concept, which was used by many
Kata “competitors” bermakna para pesaing. Jadi, padanan vendors at the event to describe technology-driven teaching
katanya adalah “rivals”. systems.
15. c. The act of investing money in something. One of these vendors was India-based Extramarks,
which demonstrated (4) a simulation of the future class where
B. Essay electronic gadgets are employed extensively for teaching,
1. 20 percent. discussions, quizzes and assessments. The company uses
2. Gubernatorial Decree No. 55/2018. its technology to transform (5) the traditional classroom into a
3. The rent increase has been applied to the Sukapura, technology-enabled smart class, which requires each student
Penjaringan, Marunda, Kapuk Muara apartments in North to have a tablet or other device for use during class.
Jakarta, the Flamboyan  and Tambora I-IV apartments in We use (6) an interactive display system, which shows
West Jakarta, the Pondok Bambu, Cakung Barat, Pinus Elok, 3D images on the screen. It can be tailored and customized by
Pulogebang, Cipinang Muara, Pulo Jahe and Tipar Cakung teachers, so it’s like replacing the whiteboard with a modern
low-cost apartments in East Jakarta, and the Jatirawasari touch screen, an Extramarks representative said on the closing
and Karang Anyar apartments in Central Jakarta. day of the event on Friday (16/09).
4. Rp705,600 ($48) per month. The company demonstrated its proposed (7) learning
5 Rp190,800 per month. process, which somewhat resembles participating in a television
6. It is located in a prime location – on Rasuna Said Street, quiz show.
Kav X-0, in Kuningan, South Jakarta.
However, Extramarks did not forget the most (8) important
7. The five-star hotel has many advantages.
factor in the system, the teacher. Modern teachers have (9) to
First of all, it is conveniently located in a prime location.
be equipped with technological knowledge and the company is
Second, the hotel also brings with it more than 22 years of
fully aware of that.
experience hosting social and corporate events.
Third, In terms of interior design, the hotel applies a sleek We give training to the teachers first before they run the
modern touch to its rooms, designed to foster dynamic system, and we support tailored materials as an after-sales
activities within them, while adding some surprising service, the company representative added. This method has
touches. been heavily used in United Arab Emirates, Singapore and
8. The Legian Room, meanwhile, offers an elegant and India. We’ll open (10) an office in Jakarta soon to propose this
contemporary function space featuring a retractable partition new system.
wall to allow extra space to cater events – workshops and
conferences – for larger groups. Speaking
9. For a bigger forum, you can use the hotel’s theater, classroom Task 2
or boardroom layouts. Teacher’s policy
10. The conference rooms equipped with the latest technology
and audio-visual communication tools necessary for events Reading
attended by between 16 and 290 persons. Task 3
1. Mengasyikkan
Remedial 2. Pengalaman
1. To inform the readers about events of the day which are 3. Siswa SMA
considered newsworthy or important dealing with Retail 4. Secara masif
Sector Projected to Grow Five to ten Percent. 5. Giat, tekun
2. The text is about the growth of retail sector projected 6. Berpindah tempat
3. Slowing down. 7. Penelitian
4. After the elections, the growth will automatically move in a 8. Ilmu pengetahuan alam
positive directions. There had been signs of improvements 9. Lubang-lubang yang sangat kecil
in growth since the previous year, with retail industry growth 10. Sangat terkesan
expected to be higher regardless of who won the presidential
election. Writing
5 Because the government made voting day a holiday. Task 4
Education Can End Child Labor
Project Task According to (1) the International Labor Organization, 120
Teacher’s policy million children between the ages of five and 14 are involved in
(2) child labor, with 98 million working in agriculture.

8 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)
7. e. Newsworthy event – Background events – Sources
For many of those children, going to school is impossible.
Others have to fit their (3) education around their work, making
Struktur umum dari teks news item adalah sebagai berikut.
it harder to get (4) the skills they need to find decent jobs as
Newsworthy-event-background events-sources
adults. The result is that their own children in turn may need to
8. b. Indonesian students.
work to (5) support the family.
Conversely, if children receive (6) quality education up until
Kata “their” disini mengacu kepada Indonesian school
legal employment age, they are much less likely to fall into (7)
students (para siswa Indonesia).
poverty and if they are well employed as adults, they will not
9. c. Indonesian students score among the lowest in
have to rely on their children to bring in (8) additional income.
science, reading and mathematics among their peers
That’s why the CNN Freedom Project is highlighting the value
living in 79 countries and economies.
of education.
10. d. The intellectual and practical activity encompassing
CNN anchors got involved with (9) the initiative too,
the systematic study of the structure and behaviour
showing us how far they have come, thanks to a good education,
of the physical and natural world through observation
“Education (10) helped me to have lots of opportunities. My
and experiment.
sports broadcast career began at university,” said sports anchor
11. b. Result.
and correspondent, Alex Thomas. While CNN’s Isa Soares
12. a. Science.
said education helped her to be insatibilty curious, creative and
13. c. To get admissions forms, student must exchange
plastic bottles.
14. d. (3) and (5)
Task 5
15. e. (3) and (5)
Teacher’s policy
B. Essay
Individual Task
1. Youth Development Index.
1 Thursday – the deadline for registration. 
2. The latest Youth Development Index (YDI) has revealed a
2 It means citizenship identity numbers.
gap between the quality of education received by youngsters
3 To enroll in private schools.
and their chances of gaining employment in Indonesia.
4 He is a chief of Jakarta Education Agency communications.
3. National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) principal
5. Registration, enlistment.
secretary is Gellwynn Jusuf.
Group Task 4. The index accounted for several aspects considered
Teacher’s policy important to youth advancement such as education, health,
safety from crime and leadership.
HOTS 5. Most students received education through secondary school
1. Teacher’s policy not through university, while employment opportunities were
2. Teacher’s policy mostly in white-collar sectors that required higher levels of
3. Teacher’s policy education.
6. In English means National Development Planning Agency.
Daily Assessment Chapter 6 7. Most students received education through secondary school
A. Multiple Choice not through university.
1. c. found 8. Higher levels of education.
Discussion: 9. The government could see the imbalance between education
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal pada and employment rates in the index.
nomor 1 adalah “found”. 10. The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,
2. c. monitored especially at a school or university.
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal pada Remedial
nomor 2 adalah “monitored”. 1. Richard Bruton.
3. a. required 2. Ireland looks to attract more Indonesian students to pursue
Discussion: higher education in the country.
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal pada 3. Agriscience, the new economy and high-tech research. 
nomor 3 adalah “required”. 4. According to embassy data, Ireland is currently home to
4. a. reduce 60 Indonesian students pursuing further studies across the
Discussion: country, including in the capital of Dublin and in smaller cities,
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal pada such as Cork, Limerick and Galway.
nomor 4 adalah “reduce”. 5. Google and Facebook.
5. b. improve
Discussion: Project Task
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal pada Teacher’s policy
nomor 5 adalah “improve”.
6. a. To inform the readers about Indonesian students score Final Semester Assessment
among their peers living in 79. A. Multiple Choice
Discussion: 1. e. (3) and (5)
Teks tersebut merupakan sebuah teks news item. Adapun 2. e. (1) and (5)
tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menginformasikan kepada 3. c. What else can I do for you
para pembaca tentang beberapa skor siswa Indonesia di Discussion:
antara para peserta sebayanya dari berbagai negara. Pada percakapan di atas, bellboy menanyakan kepada tamu
What else can I do for you (Ada lagi yang bisa saya bantu?)

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013) 9
4. b. To offer valuable help to the recipient. 18. d.    Pharmacist and chef.
5. c. Teach Math and Science. Discussion:
6. e.. Calling Lusiana. Beberapa posisi lowongan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan
7. c. don’t adalah posisi sebagai apoteker (pharmacist) dan juru masak
Discussion: (kepala koki) atau chef.
Ingat, setelah if harus menggunakan simple present, dan 19. d. able to work individually
subjek you menggunakan bare infinitive, jadi menggunakan Discussion:
do, karena negative maka menjadi don’t (do + not). Hal yang bukan merupakan syarat atau ketentuan yang
8. c. is – play harus dimiliki oleh pelamar kerja adalah mampu bekerja
Discussion: secara individu. Karena yang benar ialah mampu bekerja
Subjek the game menggunakan is, dan sekali lagi setelah secara tim atau kelompok.
will selalu menggunakan verb 1 (bare infinitive). 20. b. applicants
9. b. have – buy Discussion:
10. c. doesn’t come Kata those disini mengacu kepada para pelamar kerja
Discussion: (applicants).
Subjek she menggunakan doesn’t (does + not) bukan
don’t (do + not). Jangan menggunakan kata kerja dengan B. Essay
tambahan s/es (verb1 additional infinitive) jika kalimatnya 1. One of big problems that is faced by smart phone and tablet
negative, seperti pada soal diatas maka tetap menggunakan users is the shortage of battery life.
come walaupun subjeknya she (yang pada umumnya 2. Your battery will drain easily.
menggunakan comes). Won’t = will + not. 3. When you have internet connection, your smartphone will
11. e. (2) and (5) automatically update applications.
12. c. leave 4. If you want to stop email updates in iOS 7, you can switch
13. d. In forest. your email settings from push to fetch. From there, you have
14. c. In the early 18th century. to change the mail settings to fetch.
15. d. Hard worker and ability to work in a team environment. 5. Turn off the notifications.
Discussion: 6. Computer programmer position.
Keahlian dan personalitas yang dibutuhkan adalah 7. He will be contacted by the manager.
pekerja keras serta mampu bekerja sebagai satiu tim atau 8. HRD Manager.
kesatuan. 9. By an email and by phone.
16. b. In the city of Hong Kong. 10. At appropriate time.
Tuan Chan berasal dari Kowloon Hongkong.
17. b.       From Student Affairs Office notice board.
Mr. Wilfred mengetahui iklan tersebut dari papan
pengumuman Kantor Kemahasiswaan.

10 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris XII SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)

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