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Scintific Reports-Aravinder Singh 2

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OPEN Enhancing Specific Energy

and Power in Asymmetric
Supercapacitors - A Synergetic
received: 08 January 2016
accepted: 12 April 2016 Strategy based on the Use of Redox
Additive Electrolytes
Published: 17 May 2016

Arvinder Singh & Amreesh Chandra

The strategy of using redox additive electrolyte in combination with multiwall carbon nanotubes/metal
oxide composites leads to a substantial improvements in the specific energy and power of asymmetric
supercapacitors (ASCs). When the pure electrolyte is optimally modified with a redox additive viz., KI,
~105% increase in the specific energy is obtained with good cyclic stability over 3,000 charge-discharge
cycles and ~14.7% capacitance fade. This increase is a direct consequence of the iodine/iodide redox
pairs that strongly modifies the faradaic and non-faradaic type reactions occurring on the surface of the
electrodes. Contrary to what is shown in few earlier reports, it is established that indiscriminate increase
in the concentration of redox additives will leads to performance loss. Suitable explanations are given
based on theoretical laws. The specific energy or power values being reported in the fabricated ASCs are
comparable or higher than those reported in ASCs based on toxic acetonitrile or expensive ionic liquids.
The paper shows that the use of redox additive is economically favorable strategy for obtaining cost
effective and environmentally friendly ASCs.

Amongst the electrochemical energy storage devices, supercapacitors (SCs) are at the forefront with their distinc-
tive merits of rapid charging-discharging process, long lifespan, superior durability, high specific power and low
maintenance1. Nowadays, there are growing research efforts to bring step change in the specific energy of SCs,
which is still low in comparison to batteries. The specific energy of the SCs can be improved by enhancing total
cell capacitance and by widening the operating cell voltage (E =​  ½ CV2)2,3. Over the past few decades, most focus
has been on the designing of nano-structured electrode materials or use of novel electrolytes for improving the
specific energy of the supercapacitor1,2. It is now clear that supercapacitor geometries and configurations will also
have to be investigated to bring step change in performance3,4. For example, development of asymmetric superca-
pacitors (ASCs) has seen tremendous growth in recent times5–10. Asymmetric supercapacitors bring two different
electrode materials together in the same electrolyte in order to extend the operating voltage window of the device.
So far, high performance ASCs reported have mostly been fabricated using nano-structured transition metal
oxides (TMOs)11–15. TMOs such as MoO3, V2O5 and WO3 with higher work function or electron chemical poten-
tial act as hole-injection materials and hold great promise for application as negative electrode materials16–19.
In comparison, TMOs like ZrO2, MnO2 and SnO2, etc with low work function or electron chemical potential
behave like electron-injection materials and are mostly suitable for positive electrodes16–22. Such TMOs have rich
redox chemistry (oxidation/reduction, intercalation/de-intercalation, chemisorption, etc.) but overcoming their
limited specific power remains a challenge23–25. As a result, composite of TMOs with multiwall carbon nanotubes
(MWCNTs) is becoming popular26–29. The presence of conducting MWCNTs not only provides channels for elec-
tron conduction but also introduce mesoporosity to the composites. These two features play an important role for
achieving high capacitance in SCs.
The operating voltage window of an asymmetric cell is a convoluted effect of overpotential provided by the
electrolytes and the difference of work functions of negative (Φ​n) and positive (Φ​p) electrodes i.e., Φ​n −​  Φ​p16,17,30.

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur-721302, West Bengal, India.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.C. (email: achandra@phy.iitkgp.ernet.in)

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 1


Figure 1.  FESEM and TEM micrographs observed for (a–c) MWZ. (d–f ) MWW composite materials. Inset to
(a,d) represent FESEM micrographs for ZrO2 and WO3.

Therefore, ASCs fabricated using TMOs with a large difference in their respective work functions and neutral
aqueous electrolytes (having highly solvated ions) may be operated up to voltages as high as 2.2 V. The meth-
odology of carefully unbalancing the device has also been recently proposed to increase the operating voltage
window31,32. In this paper, we show a novel strategy i.e., use of optimized concentration of redox additive elec-
trolyte to bring significant enhancement in the specific energy whilst maintaining power of asymmetric super-
capacitors. Very few studies have been undertaken to explore the use of redox additives in the 3-electrode or
symmetric cells33–36. In these reports, galvanostatic charge-discharge curves are highly distorted exhibiting either
a wide plateau region and/or non-linearity within a given discharge voltage range. The reported specific power
and energy values are also overestimated since for such charge-discharge profiles, simply dV/dt (slop) cannot be
considered. We report that with the use of much lower concentrations of redox additives, a transition from wide
plateau region to linear and symmetrical charge-discharge profiles could be achieved. The ASCs discussed in this
work were fabricated using neutral aqueous electrolyte, high surface area mesoporous MWCNTs/ZrO2 (MWZ)
and MWCNTs/WO3 (MWW) composites, as positive and negative electrodes, respectively. It is shown that the
charge-balanced ASCs can be operated up to 2.2 V leading to specific energy and power as high as ~65 Wh kg−1
and ~950 W kg−1, respectively. The specific energy value is significantly enhanced on addition of the optimized
quantity of redox additive viz., potassium iodide (KI). More specifically, increase of ~105% in the specific energy
value was observed with good cyclic stability even after 3,000 charge-discharge operations. With such high spe-
cific energy and power values, the proposed ASCs have the capacity for large scale integration in applications such
as portable electronics devices, back-up power supplies, hybrid electric vehicles and energy harvesting devices.

Physical characterizations of materials.  A detailed chemical route used for the synthesis of MWZ and
MWW composites is illustrated in Supplementary Fig. S1. Phase purity of the cubic ZrO2 (JCPDS file #27–997)
and monoclinic WO3 (JCPDS file #32–1395) in the MWZ and MWW composites, respectively was confirmed by
the analysis of XRD data (see Supplementary Fig. S2). Nanostructure morphologies and homogeneity in particle
size distribution is highly desirable for supercapacitor electrode materials. From the FESEM and TEM micro-
graphs (Fig. 1a–f), it is clear that MWW comprises of WO3 nanostructures (constructed from >​300  nm thick
plates) and partially disentangled MWCNTs lying underneath these nano-plates. On the other hand, MWZ pos-
sessed nano-sized ZrO2 particles attached to the surface of MWCNTs (MW). The uniform distribution of ZrO2
and WO3 nanostructures in the composite systems was easily discernible by the analysis of focus ion beam (FIB)
elemental maps (see Supplementary Fig. S3). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data returned the percentages of
WO3 and ZrO2 in the MWW and MWZ composites as ~80 and 75 wt%, respectively (see Supplementary Fig. S4).
In composites, the electrochemical response is directly associated with the surface area and porosity that
becomes available for chemical reactions and/or charge intercalation/de-intercalation. These two parameters are
routinely determined using the N2 absorption-desorption isotherms which, for the composites and MWCNTs,
are shown in Fig. 2a–c. The occurrence of Type IV isotherms in all the three samples indicated the presence of
meso-porosity. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas, total pore volume and BJH desorption average
pore diameter for MWZ, MWW and MWCNTs were found to be: 103.8, 51.3 and 92 m2 g−1, 0.2108, 0.6467 and
1.2331 cm3 g−1 and 5.47, 24.68 & 19.41 nm, respectively. The peak below 10 nm observed in the pore size distribu-
tion curves for all the materials further point towards the majority of mesopores.

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 2


Figure 2. N2 absorption-desorption isotherms and pore size distribution observed for: (a) MWZ, (b) MWW
composite materials and (c) MWCNTs (MW).

Three electrode cyclic voltammetry analysis and charge-balancing.  The merits of the obtained
MWZ and MWW composites over their constituents (MWCNTs, WO3 or ZrO2) for use in ASCs became evi-
dent after the 3-electrode cyclic voltammogram (CVs) were collected in 1 M Li2SO4 aqueous electrolyte with a
three-electrode system consisting a Pt counter electrode and a saturated KCl Ag/AgCl reference electrode (see
Supplementary information Fig. S5). Supplementary Fig. S5a compares CVs for the MWCNTs, ZrO2 and MWZ at
a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 in a positive potential (0–1.1 V) range. The higher storage capacity of the composite sys-
tem immediately becomes evident; since the area under CVs at a given scan rate is directly proportional to charge
storage capacity. The improved capacity is a consequence of the synergistic interaction between highly conduct-
ing MWCNTs and chemically active ZrO2 nanostructures. The charge storage mechanisms in the system was a
convolution of additive effects originating from the intercalation/de-intercalation (ZrO2 +​  δM+ +​  δe− ↔​  MδZrO2)
and surface absorption/desorption ((ZrO2)surface +​  M+ +​  e− ↔​  (ZrOOM)surface) of the electrolyte cations (M+)37.

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 3


Figure 3. (a) Two electrode CV curves observed in different voltage ranges at 50 mV s−1 for ASCs assembled in
1 M Li2SO4 electrolyte and (b) Energy band diagram to explain maximum achieved operating voltage window.

As MWZ composite acts like a positive electrode, during charging Li+ is driven out while in the discharging cycle,
intercalation of Li+ into the ZrO2 mesoporous structures takes place.
The cyclic voltammetry (CVs) curves were also recorded to compare the charge storage capacities of the
MWCNTs, WO3 and MWW composite in a wide negative potential range (−​1.1 to 0 V). The data is given in
Supplementary Fig. S5b. Highest capacitive behaviour was observed for the MWW composite using the CVs
data analysis paved way for its use as a negative electrode. This meant that, in MWW, intercalation of Li+ would
occur during charging while discharging will force de-intercalation of Li+ ions38. The CVs for MWZ and MWW
at different scan rates were also recorded in their respective potential ranges and are shown in Supplementary
Fig. S5c,d. The MWZ (MWW) composite showed a maximum specific capacitance of ~600 F g−1 (~720 F g−1) at a
scan rate of 10 mV s−1, which expectedly decreased to ~435 F g−1 (~408 F g−1) at 200 mV s−1.
To have a charge-balanced device, the desired mass ratio between positive and negative electrodes was esti-
mated using the mass-balance relation given as:
m+ V −C−
m− V +C + (1)
where m+ (m−) is the mass of active material, C+ (C−) is the capacitance at same scan rate and V+ (V−) is the
potential range for positive (negative) electrode material. For the present case, the value of ratio was ~1.2.

Fabrication of asymmetric devices and their electrochemical performance.  To test the electro-
chemical performance of the synthesized composite materials in asymmetric device, Hohsen 2032 type coin cells
(outer diameter 20 mm) were assembled using positive and negative electrodes (with desired mass ratio estimated
from mass-balance equation at 50 mV s−1 i.e., m+/m− =​  1.2; with m+ =​ 1.2 mg and m− =​ 1.0 mg) and Whatman
glass microfiber filters (GF/C grade) pre-soaked in 1 M Li2SO4 aq. electrolyte systems. CVs of ASCs in different
voltage ranges were collected and are shown in Fig. 3a. The ASCs showed stable operation up to 2.2 V. The oper-
ating voltage window of a device can be given as:
E = (Φn − Φ p ) + ∆E 1 + ∆E 2
F (2)
where Φn and Φp are the work functions for the positive and negative electrodes, while NA and F represent the
Avogadro’s number and Faraday constant. Δ​E1 and Δ​E2 are the electrode potentials for the positive and nega-
tive electrodes, respectively16,17,30,39–41. Therefore, for the charge-balanced ASCs, the maximum operating voltage
window is strongly governed by (a) difference in the work functions (i.e., Φn −​  Φp) of the electrodes and (b)
decomposition energy of the solvent. In d0 type oxides viz., ZrO2 and WO3, used in the present studies, the work
function difference of ~3.35 eV has been reported earlier17,42. The obtained voltage window is lower than the value
(~3.35 V) which can be theoretically estimated from equation (2). This decrease can be due to chemisorption of
H+ (OH−) species on the negative (positive) electrode that modifies the work function difference17. Also, the
neutral aqueous (i.e., 1 M Li2SO4) electrolyte can provide maximum voltage up to 2.2 V without H2/O2 evolution
due to highly hydrated lithium cation and sulfate anions i.e., ions with high hydration energy43. Therefore, in the
present case, maximum OCP was limited to 2.2 V by the decomposition energy of the water. This is schematically
explained by an energy band diagram in Fig. 3b.
ASCs were further characterized using cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge studies (see
Supplementary information Fig. S6). The observed CV curves at different scan rates between 0–2.2 V for ASCs
assembled in 1 M Li2SO4 electrolyte are given in Fig. S6a. At each scan rate, ASCs shows nearly horizontal and

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 4


Figure 4.  Two electrode CV curves observed at different scan rates for ASCs assembled after addition of
(a) 7.5 mmol (b) 15 mmol (c) 30 mmol (d) 45 mmol and (e) 75 mmol KI in aq. 1 M Li2SO4 electrolyte, resp-
ectively (f ) Variation of anodic and cathodic peak currents with v1/2 (v is scan rate) for ASCs assembled in
15 mmol KI added electrolyte system.

roughly rectangular-shaped CVs suggesting good capacitive behaviour of the devices with significant contribu-
tion from the series resistance. The possible redox reactions occurring at the positive and negative electrodes of
ASCs are as follows:

ZrO2 + δM + + δe− ↔ M δ ZrO2 (→ during discharging) (3)

WO3 + λM + + λe− ↔ Mλ WO3 (→ during charging) (4)

the galvanostatic charge discharge measurements performed at different specific currents for the ASCs are given
in Fig. S6b. The ASCs shows linear and symmetrical charge-discharge profiles indicating high coulombic effi-
ciency (~94%) of these devices. The obtained maximum specific capacitance for ASCs was ~96 F g−1 at 1 A g−1;
reduced to ~58 F g−1 at 10 A g−1 with ~60% capacitance retention indicating good rate capability of these devices.
The observed specific capacitance is much lower than those observed for individual composites from CV curves
in 3-electrode system. This is because (a) 3-electrode measurements (w. r. t. reference electrode; negligible effect
of ‘IR’ drop) provide four times higher capacitance than what is measured in a two electrode system, and (b) due
to the different time-scales of these two (cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge) techniques44–46. The maxi-
mum specific energy was found to be ~65 Wh kg−1 at a specific power of ~950 W kg−1. The high specific energy
obtained for the fabricated ASCs in 1 M Li2SO4 electrolyte system can be explained by (a) the presence of high
surface area mesoporous composite materials. The larger mesopores provide channels for ion diffusion with short
diffusion length while small mesopores mainly contribute for charge storage. Further, high surface area enables
a large interfacial contact region. This results in total cell capacitance for correctly charge-balanced ASCs as high
as ~96 F g−1 at 1 A g−1 and (b) a large operating voltage window of 2.2 V. These features endow ASCs to show spe-
cific energy as high as ~65 Wh kg−1. The obtained specific energy is comparable or higher to most of the values
reported previously for ASCs based on aqueous electrolytes7,10,12,15,17,47–51. Therefore, another strategy has to be
adopted to bring a quantum jump in the specific energy.

Asymmetric supercapacitors in redox additive electrolyte.  For the aim of reaching much higher
specific energy or power without using toxic or expensive electrolytes such as acetonitrile or ionic liquids, the use
of redox additive is proposed. The redox additives are expected to contribute synergistically in ionic conductivity
and the total capacitance value of the cell. The CV curves for the ASCs fabricated using 1 M Li2SO4 and KI redox
additive (varying concentrations) are shown in Fig. 4. The presence of highly distorted CV profiles along with the
redox peaks indicated the presence of both double layer and pseudo/Faradaic capacitance. Such Faradaic capaci-
tance occurs due to various redox reactions of iodine/iodide redox pairs. The possible oxidation/reduction reac-
tions that can occur at the electrode/electrolyte interface due to these iodide/iodine redox pairs can be written as:

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 5


Figure 5.  Schematic showing the various charge-storage processes occurring at the electrode/electrolyte
interface in an ASC.

Figure 6.  Galvanostatic charge-discharge curves at 1 A g−1 for ASCs fabricated in only 1 M Li2SO4 and after
addition of different KI concentrations.

3I − ↔ I3− + 2e− (5)

2I − ↔ I 2 + 2e− (6)

2I3− ↔ 3I 2 + 2e− (7)

I 2 + 6H 2O ↔ 2IO3− + 12H + + 10e− (8)

the nearly linear increase in the anodic (ia) and cathodic peak (ip) currents as a function of square root of scan
rates (see Fig. 4f) indicates the quasi-reversibility of these redox reactions with diffusion limited processes. As
the electrode materials have a mesoporous structures, the solvated iodine species (such as polyiodides) of size
~1.8 nm can also intercalate and accumulate inside the surface33,34. The overall double-layer/redox processes
occurring at each electrode/electrolyte interface in the ASCs is schematically shown in Fig. 5. The galvanostatic
charge-discharge profiles obtained at 1 A g−1 for the ASCs fabricated with and without KI additions are shown in
Fig. 6. At higher concentrations of KI, the charge-discharge profiles exhibited a wide plateau region thus giving
three different power regions (i.e., different dV/dt). This plateau region is appeared due to large number of redox
reactions of iodine/iodide redox pairs occurring at the electrode/electrolyte interface. This suggested the strong

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 6


BET surface Scan rate/ Capacitance

Sample/Device Morphology area (m2/g) Electrolyte specific current (F/g)
MWCNTs/ZrO2 (MWZ); 3-electrode ZrO2 nanoparticles/ MWCNTs 103.8 1 M Li2SO4 10 mV/s ~600
MWCNTs/WO3 (MWW); 3-electrode WO3 nanostructures/ MWCNTs 51.3 1 M Li2SO4 10 mV/s ~720
ASCs 2-electrode – – 1 M Li2SO4 1 A/g ~96
ASCs 2-electrode – – 1 M Li2SO4 +​ 7.5 mmol KI 1 A/g ~198

Table 1.  Summary of sample’s morphology, electrolytes, BET surface area and capacitance values.

Figure 7. (a) Rate capability and (b) Cycling stability of ASCs in only 1 M Li2SO4 and with addition of KI (7.5
and 15 mmol).

contribution from the pseudo/Faradaic capacitance at higher KI concentrations. Therefore, power of the ASCs is
deteriorated at higher KI concentrations.
For practical applications, symmetrical and linear charge-discharge profiles are desirable. It was found that
~7.5 mmol KI gave the favorable charge-discharge profiles amongst all KI concentrations (see Supplementary
information Fig. S7). At this concentration, substantial increase (~105%) in the specific energy could be obtained.
Table 1 summarizes the morphology, BET surface area, individual capacitance of the composites in 3-electrode
system and capacitance of the ASCs assembled with and without addition of KI. Moreover, the ASCs fabricated
with only Li2SO4 or with addition of 7.5 mmol KI showed good rate capability with more than 50% capacitance
retention at higher specific currents (see Fig. 7a). As desired, in devices, the ASCs with 7.5 mmol redox additive
(KI) concentration also had good cycling stability with only ~14.7% capacitance fade after 3,000 charge-discharge
operations (Fig. 7b). The reduction in cyclic stability with increasing KI concentration can be explained using
Fig. 8. As the concentration of KI increases, stable potential window of the positive electrode tends to shrink due
to large number of redox reactions of I− ions at the positive electrode/electrolyte interface52. This will lead to an
ASC with a charge imbalanced state due to unequal voltage splitting at positive and negative electrodes. Therefore,
H2 generation will start at the negative electrode and results in higher capacitance fade (~22.8% for 15 mmol in
Fig. 7b).
To further understand these electrochemical characteristics and charge-storage kinetics, ASCs were examined
using the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) study. Figure 9a shows the typical Nyquist plot observed

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Figure 8.  A schematic diagram to explain the reduction of cyclic stability at higher KI concentrations.

for ASCs assembled using only Li2SO4 and KI added (7.5 and 15 mmol) electrolyte systems. The equivalent series
resistance (ESR) for the ASCs assembled in only Li2SO4 and with addition of 7.5 and 15 mmol KI concentration
were found to be 344, 330 and 290 mΩ, respectively. These originate from the resistance produced by the bulk
electrolyte, current collectors, contacts and the electrode materials. Intriguingly, the ESR reduces slightly with
increasing KI concentration. This indicates improved ionic conductivity of the electrolyte system. For all the
ASCs, a semicircle was observed in the high frequency region, representing a charge transfer region at electrode/
electrolyte interfaces. The diameter of the semicircle tends to increase at higher KI concentration. Thus, suggest-
ing an enhanced charge-transfer resistance. The deviation from ideal capacitor behaviour at lower frequencies can
be attributed to the distributed macroscopic path lengths of the electrolyte ions inside the porous electrodes53.
Further, region at about 45°, in the moderate frequency range, arises due to frequency dependent diffusion of the
electrolyte ions inside the porous electrodes. These Nyquist plots can also be represented by an equivalent circuit
as shown in an inset to Fig. 9a, where CPE is the constant phase element, Rct and Wo are frequency dependent
components known as charge transfer resistance and Warburg element and Cf is the pseudocapacitive element.
Supplementary Table S1 shows the various parameters obtained from the fitting of the Nyquist plots. The Warburg
impedance can be expressed as follows:
σ (1 − j)
Zw =
ω (9)
where ω =​  1/2π​f, j is imaginary number and σ is Warburg coefficient54. The Warburg coefficient σ is a function
of temperature, diffusion coefficient of ionic species and bulk electrolyte concentration54. This can be estimated
from the slope of the Randles plot (i.e., ω−1/2 vs. Z’) as shown in Fig. 9b. It was observed that the Warburg imped-
ance Zw increased at higher KI concentration. This is a direct consequence of the reduced diffusion coefficient (as
Zw is inversely proportional to square root of diffusion coefficient) due to the large stoke/solvation radius of the
solvated iodide ions resulting in lower mobility54. Therefore, ASCs with higher KI concentrations reflect relatively
low specific power at lower frequency.
The relaxation time τ​0 was also estimated by complex power analysis. Figure 9c shows variation of normalized
active (|P|) and reactive (|Q|) powers as a function of frequency for the ASCs. It can be seen that, below a critical
relaxation frequency f0 (relaxation time τ0 =​  1/f0), ASCs assembled in only Li2SO4, exhibited constant power char-
acteristics whereas ASCs having redox additive i.e., 15 mmol KI, showed reduced power at lower frequency (i.e.
10 mHz). The low concentration of KI allows the electrode materials to uptake and release I- ions comparatively at
a faster rate. Consequently, as mentioned before, low (7.5 mmol) KI concentration is more suitable for maintain-
ing the high power characteristics of these ASCs.
Figure 10a represents Ragone plot for ASCs fabricated using only Li2SO4 and with addition of 7.5 mmol KI. It
is clear that specific energy of the device is significantly improved at 7.5 mmol KI concentration with negligible
loss in specific powers (indicated by the vertical dotted lines) at each specific current. ASCs with 7.5 mmol KI
showed highest specific energy of ~133 Wh kg−1 at a specific power of ~898 W kg−1. This reduced to ~75 Wh kg−1
at 10 A g−1 while specific power increased to ~10,036 W kg−1. Although, values quoted for specific capacitance,
energy and power were estimated for similar small laboratory scale electrodes with consideration of mass of the
active materials only, these are superior to those reported previously for small laboratory scale aqueous ASCs
(Fig. 10b)7,10,12,15,17,47–51. A more detailed comparison including device structure, operating voltage, cycling and
Ragone features between our and previously reported laboratory scale ASCs is also given (see Supplementary
information Table S2). The performance comparison is made with only those ASCs where the mass loading of the
active materials was nearly the same (i.e. ≤1​ .5  mg cm−2). We have also performed galvanostatic charge-discharge
measurements for the ASCs fabricated with higher mass loading of the active materials (m =​ ~6.6 mg;
m+ =​ ~3.6 mg, m− =​ ~3 mg) and are shown in Supplementary Fig. S8. The maximum specific capacitance for the
ASCs in pure electrolyte could reach ~30 F g−1 (corresponding specific energy ~20 Wh kg−1), which increased to

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 8


Figure 9. (a) Nyquist plot, (b) Randles plot and (c) Complex power analysis for ASCs fabricated in 1 M Li2SO4
aqueous electrolyte and after the addition of KI (7.5 and 15 mmol).

Figure 10. (a) Ragone plot and (b) Performance comparison of proposed ASCs with previously reported
laboratory scale ASCs in aqueous electrolyte.

~55 F g−1 (corresponding specific energy ~33 Wh kg−1) when the electrolyte is slightly modified with 7.5 mmol
KI. These results clearly show the potential of redox additives in ASCs even at higher mass loadings.

The use of high surface area mesoporous MWCNTs/ZrO2 (WO3) composites resulted in a high total cell capaci-
tance of ~96 F g−1. The operating voltage window could reach as high as 2.2 V due to high overpotential provided
by the neutral aqueous electrolytes. These features enable ASCs to show high specific energy of ~65 Wh kg−1 at
1 A g−1 specific current. The improved capacitance in ASCs with addition of KI is due to the presence of iodine/
iodide redox pairs, which can further form variety of polyiodides such as I3−, I5− and IO3− through dissolved I2.
This is the unique aspect of iodide based additives that the product i.e. polyiodides (In−) are also negatively
charged. Therefore, these polyiodides can also function, similar to counter-ions, for charge balancing in the EDL

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 9


via electro-sorption at positively charged electrode. But, the iodine/iodide redox pairs originate enormous capac-
itance only at the positive electrode of ASCs. Moreover, at high KI concentrations, stable potential window of the
positive electrode tends to shrink and results in H2/O2 evolution at a lower potential than 2.2 V. Consequently,
ASCs with high KI concentration exhibited undesired power characteristics and relatively more capacitance fade
(~22.8% for 15 mmol KI in Fig. 7b). At 7.5 mmol KI concentration, all these effects are found to be minimal thus
allowing ASCs to show linear and symmetrical charge discharge profiles and relatively good cyclic stability. It is
clearly evident that great attention needs to be paid while choosing concentration of KI in order to avoid detri-
mental effects on the specific power and cycling stability of ASCs.

It is clearly demonstrated that fabrication of ASCs with an optimized concentration of redox additive to a neutral
aqueous electrolyte will lead to an increase of specific energy whilst maintaining power values. Along with ~105%
increase in specific energy at 7.5 mmol KI concentration, iodine based redox reactions can also ensure good
cyclic stability and high specific power. The fabricated ASCs also used the advantages of (a) high surface-area
mesoporous TMOs/MWCNTs composites and (b) a wide operating voltage window. This work provides useful
information on how the redox additives can potentially be used in ASCs for simultaneously achieving high spe-
cific energy and power.

Chemical used.  Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) (ID 3–5 nm; OD 20–25 nm; length 20 μ​m and
purity 95.0%, Nanocyl, Belgium), were purchased from Nanocyl (Belgium). Zirconium oxychloride octahydrate
(ZrOCl2.8H2O), and sodium tungstate dehydrate (Na2WO4.2H2O), Loba Chemie Pvt. Ltd., India were used as
starting raw materials with desired stoichiometry. Whatman glass microfiber filters (GF/CTM; diameter 47 mm)
were purchased from GE Healthcare UK Limited, UK.

Material synthesis and their characterizations.  For the synthesis of electrode materials, first,
MWCNTs were refluxed in concentrated HNO3 (69%) at 120 °C for 12 h to induce surface functionalization. For
the MWZ composite, 200 mg functionalized MWCNTs were dispersed in 300 ml ZrOCl2.8H2O aqueous solution
(0.05 mol/L in DI water) using ultrasonication. Excess ammonia solution (25%) was next added to the dispersion
and entire mixture was stirrered vigorously at 80 °C for 5 h in an oil bath. The product was filtered, washed several
times with DI water and vacuum dried at 80 °C for 12 h. MWZ composite was prepared by calcining the collected
product at 550 °C in N2 environment. To synthesize MWW composite, 200 mg functionalized MWCNTs and 2.5 g
of Na2WO4.2H2O were mixed in 300 ml DI water. Then, 3 M HCl was added dropewise and mixture was stirrered
at 95 °C for 4 h in an oil bath. Subsequently, product was filtered, washed several times with DI water and vacuum
dried at 80 °C for overnight. MWW was obtained by calcining the obtained product at 350 °C for 5 h in N2 envi-
ronment with a temperature ramp rate of 50 °C/min. The ZrO2 and WO3 samples were also synthesized separately
by following the same method in the absence of MWCNTs.
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra were collected in the 2θ range 15–90° for all the materials using PAN
Analytical diffractometer with Cu-Kα​ (λ =​ 1.5406 Å) as the incident wavelength. For morphological studies, the
samples were investigated using field emission scanning electron (SEM CARL ZEISS SUPRA 40) and transmis-
sion electron (TEMFEI-TECHNAI G220S-Twin operated at 200 kV) micrographs. Thermogravimetric analysis
(TGA) was performed in O2 environment at 10 °C min−1 by NETZSCH STA 409 PC/PG thermal analyzer. The
Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area and porosity was measured by analyzing adsorption-desorption
isotherms obtained from Micromeritics Gemini V Model 2365 and Gemini VII Model 2390t.

Device fabrication and electrochemical characterizations.  Initially, 95% of the active materials (i.e.,
MWZ, ZrO2, WO3, MWCNTs or MWW) and 5% polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) were stirrered in 50 ml acetone
and heated at 100 °C to get homogeneous stable slurry. The slurry was then deposited on a commercially available
graphite sheet (100 μ​m thick) using film coater. Finally, electrodes were cut to assemble coin cells and dried at
100 °C.
All the electrochemical measurements i.e., cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge and elec-
trochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were performed using Metrohm Autolab (Galvanostat/Potentiostat).
A three-electrode system was used to record cyclic voltammogram (CV) for all the active materials in 1 M Li2SO4
aq. electrolyte, where Pt was used as counter electrode and Ag/AgCl (sat. KCl) was used as a reference electrode.
For the working electrode, active materials were coated on graphite sheets (which works as a current collector).
The specific capacitance from the CV curves was calculated using the relation:
1 Vf
2msV ∫Vi I (V ) dV
where m is the mass of active material excluding mass of the binder (here m ~ 1 mg for all the materials in
3-electrode measurements), s is the scan rate in mV/s, Vi and Vf represent the lower and upper voltage value for
voltage window range V, and I(V) is the current response. To test the electrochemical performance of the syn-
thesized composite materials in asymmetric device, Hohsen 2032 type coin cells (outer diameter 20 mm) were
assembled using positive and negative electrodes (with desired mass ratio estimated from mass-balance equation
at 50 mV/sec i.e., m+/m− =​  1.2; with m+ =​ 1.2 mg and m− =​ 1.0 mg) and Whatman glass microfiber filters (GF/C
grade) pre-soaked either in pure or KI added 1 M Li2SO4 aq. electrolyte systems. These cells were characterized
by CV, galvanostatic charge-discharge and EIS techniques. The specific capacitance from the charge-discharge
profiles was estimated using following equation:

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 10


2i m Vf
(Vf − Vi )2 ∫Vi Vdt
where im is the constant specific current in A g−1 (here mass of both the active materials is taken; m =​ 2.2 mg to
calculate applied im), integration of ‘Vdt’ is the area under the discharge curves while Vf and Vi representing final
and initial values of the voltage range. The average specific energy and power for the as-fabricated coin cells were
estimated by employing the formula:
E= CV 2
2 (12)

t (13)
where E is the specific energy, V is the discharging voltage range excluding IR drop, P is the specific power and t
is the discharging time.
The variation of real (|P (ω)|/|S (ω)|) and imaginary part (|Q (ω)|/|S (ω)|) of the normalized complex power
S (ω) as a function of frequency were estimated using the relations:

p (ω) = ωC ″ (ω) ∆V rms 2 (14)

Q (ω) = − ωC ′ (ω) ∆V rms 2 (15)

S (ω) = P (ω) + jQ (ω) (16)

where |Δ​Vrms|  =​  Δ​Vmax/√​2 (Vmax is the maximum amplitude of the applied ac voltage; here 5 mV) and j is imag-

inary number while ω refers to the angular frequency and equal to 2π​f. The C′​ and C′​′​are the real and part of the
complex capacitance calculated from the relations as given below:
− Z ″ (ω )
C ′ (ω ) =
ω Z (ω ) 2 (17)

Z ′ (ω )
C ″ (ω ) =
ω Z (ω ) 2 (18)
where Z′​ (ω) and Z′​′​ (ω) are the real and imaginary parts of the complex impedance Z (ω).

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(AS) thank the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India for the award of Senior Research
Fellowship (SRF). (AC) acknowledges IIT Kharagpur for financial support under the SGIRG Research Grant. The
authors also acknowledge the financial support by IGSTC (DST, India) and the Max Planck Society (Germany)
for funding under the Max Planck Partner Group on “Multifunctional Hybrid Nanostructures for Alternative
Energy Systems” at IIT Kharagpur.

Scientific Reports | 6:25793 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25793 12


Author Contributions
The manuscript was written through contributions of both the authors i.e., Mr. A.S. and Prof. A.C. Both the
authors (A.S. and A.C.) have given approval to the final version of the manuscript.

Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at http://www.nature.com/srep
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Singh, A. and Chandra, A. Enhancing Specific Energy and Power in Asymmetric
Supercapacitors - A Synergetic Strategy based on the Use of Redox Additive Electrolytes. Sci. Rep. 6, 25793;
doi: 10.1038/srep25793 (2016).
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