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METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 9 Example S(a). — Estimate the quantities of the following items ofa residential building from the given drawings (Fig. 2-7) :— (1) Earthwork in excavation in foundation, (2) Lime concrete in foundation, (3) First class brickwork in 1 : 6 cement sand mortar in foundation and " plinth, (4) 2.5 em Damp proof course, and (5) First class brickwork in lime mortar in superstructure, Centre to centre lengths of wall — For estimating it is convenient to find the centre to centre lengths of different walls first. The centre to centre lengths of different walls have been worked put below :— Drawing and left hand side bed room combined — c. to c. long walls = 6.00 + 4.00 +..30 +2 .15 = 10.60 m: ¢. toc, short walls = 5.00 + 2 x .15 = 5,30 m. ‘Bed rooms right side (both combined) c. toc, long walls = 5.00 + 4.00 + .30 + 2.15 = 9.60 m. ¢. toc. short walls = 4.50 + 2 x .15 = 4.80 m. Front verandah — Front wall, toc. length = 5.00 + 4.00 + 2x 30 + 30._ 20 Side wall c, to e. length = 2.00 +32 +20.= 2.95 m, Back verandah inctuding bath room — ©. to c. long wall (rear wall inchiding bath room) 9.65 m same as front ver. wall. ©. toc. length of side wall of bath room = 2.50 + Scanned with CamScannerDETAILS OF MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION OF QUANTITIES (Ex. Sa) Item] Particulars of Height } No. | Items No.|Length|Breadth] or —|Quantity/ Explanatory note Depth 1, | Earthwork in exca- vation in foundation — Drawing room and left bed room — Long walls... 2. {11.50-m) 90m [1.00 m| 20.70 | L = 10.60 + .90= 11.50.m Short walls w | 3 | 4.40 m} 90m | 1.00m] 11.88 = 5.30 -.90 = 4.40 m Bed rooms right side (both) — Long walls 1 2 | 9,60 m} 90m | 100m) 17.28 | L=9.60 - 22-+99--9.60m Short walls «+ | 2 [3.90 m| .90m | 1.00m 7.02 | L= 4.80 - .90 = 3.90m Front verandah Frontlong wall 1 | 950m] .60m| .5om| 2.85 Side short wall 1 1 | 1.50 m| 60m | 50m| 0.45 Back verandah including bath room —Long wall (rear wall including if bath) fs 1 [9.50 m) .60m | 50m) 2.85 | L=9.65 - 99. + $0--9.50m Short walls (remaining walls of bath) 2 | 200m! 60m] 50m} 1.20 | L=2,75 - 20 _ 60-9 00m 2. | Lime conerete in : 22 foundation —Draw- Total | 64,23 ing and left bed cum room Long walls ...[ 2 |11.50ml 90m .30m| 6.21 | L-same as for earthwork in Short walls... 3 | 4.40m}.90m| 30m] 3.56 |" Bed room right side : (both) — Long walls ...| 2 | 9.60 m} .90m | 30m] 5.18 | Lsame as for earthwork in Short walls ...| 2 | 3.90m|.90m| 30m| 2a | °favation: Front verandah . : Front tong wall’) 1 979ml 60m| 20m] 1.16 |L=9.65- By D9. 70m * Side short wall ... i 1 ]1.70m] 60m) 20m | 0.20 |1.=2.25 ~:50_ 170m Scanned with CamScanner(Ex. Sa Contd.) Ttem] Particulars of Height No. | Items m 0. {Length [Breadth] or |Quantity| Explanatory note Depth Back verandah, : including bath room Long wall including bath 1. | 9.70 m| 60m | 20m] 1,16 |L=9.65- => + Short wall (remaining walls of bath) v=] 2 | 2.20 m}.60m | .20m | 0.53 | L=2.75 — | Total | 20.11 cum 3. | Ist class brickwork in foundation and plinth in | : cement ner Drawing and left bed room Long walls — Ist footing 2 111.20 m| 60m | 20m] 2.69 | L= 10.60 + 60= 11.20m 2nd footing 2 |i1t0 m| 50m | 20m | 2.22 | L= 11.20 -2x.05 = 11.10m Plinth wall above footing 2 {11.00 m| 40m} 90m] 7.92 [L=11.10-.10 = 11.00 m Short walls — hi Ist footing 3 | 4:70 m| 60m} 20m} 1.69 |L=5.30-.60= 4.70 m 2nd footing 3 | 480m) som|.20m| 1.44 |L=4.70+2% 05 = 4.80 m Plinth wall above footing 3 |490m| 40m | 90m] 5.29 |L=4.80+.10=4.90m Bed rooms right side (both) — Long walls — Ist footing 2 | 9.60 m| 60m | 20m| 231 |L=9:60- 2 + D-9.60m 2nd footing 2 | 9.60 m) 50m} 20m] 192 | -969- 0+ Bes, 60m Plinth wall ab F : ve footing ..| > | 960m) 40m| 90m} 691 |L-9.60-2- + 45--9.60%m Scanned with CamScannerItem| No. Particulars of Items Short walls — Ist footing 2nd footing Plinth wall above footing Front verandah Front wall — Footing Plinth wall above footing Side short wall Footing Plinth wall above footin, Back verandah including bath room — Long wall — Footing Plinth wall above footing Short walls (remaining walls of bath) Footing Plinth wall above footing No. [Length 2 | 4.20 m 2 | 430m 2 | 4.40 m 1 | 9.65 m| 1 | 9.60 m| 1 | 1.85 m| 1 | 1.90 mj I 9.65 m| 1 | 9.60 m| 2 | 2.35 m 2. | 2.40 ml 60 m 50m 40 m 40 30m 30m 40 m 30m 40m 30m Height | Breadth) or |Quantity| Explanatory note Depth 20m | 1.01. | L= 4.80 - .60 = 4.20 m ‘som | 086 |b = 4.20+2%.05= 4.30 m 90m | 3.17 |L=4.30+10= 440m 20m} 0.77 |L=9.65- 49 + 4-9.65m om | 2.02 [19.65 - 49 + 39-9600 20m) 0.5 [L=2.25- 49-49 =1.85m rom) 040 |L=2.25 4% -30-1.90m 22 20m | 0.77. |>) Length same as for front verandah long wall 0m 2.02 20m | 0.38 g om | 1.01 | L=2.75 - 82 - S-=2.40m Tot | 44.95 [eum Scanned with CamScanner(Ex. 5a Contd.) Item| Particulars of Height No. | Items No. |Length|Breadth| or |Quantity| Explanatory note Depth 4, |2.5cm Damp proof course Drawing and left bed rooms — Long walls ...! 2 [11.00m] 40m] — |. 8.80 | Lsameas plinth wall. Short walls ...| 3. | 4.90m] .40m| — | 5.88 | Lsameas plinth wall. Bed rooms inner side — Long walls 9.60 m} 40m] — | 7.68 | Lsameas plinth wall. Short walls 440m) 40m] — | 3.52 | Lsame as plinth wall, Verandah Pillars 0.50 m} 30m] — | 0.60 | 5cmextra on all sides. Bath room — Rearwall —..| 1. | 250m) 30m} — | 0.75 |L=2.20+2%.15=2.50m Side and inter walls we [| 2] 240m} 30m] — | 144 Total | 28.67 sqm Deduct — Door sillsD: ...| 6 | 120m) 40m] — | 2.88 DoorsillsD: ... | 2 | 100m) 40m] — | 0.80 DoorsillsDs ... | 1 | 0.75m| 30m] — | 0.23 [Total off deduction 3.91 sqm Net | Total | 24.76 sqm 5. | Ist class brick-work in superstructure in lime mortar—Draw- ing and left bed a = 10.90 m Long walls ...| 2. [10.90 m| .30 m | 4.00 m} 26.16 L = 10.60 + .30 = 10: Short walls ...| 3 | 5.00 m| 30m |-4.00 m| 18.00 |L=5.30-.30= 5.00 m Scanned with CamScannerppt pt curs ot Height : hoe No. {Length Breadth} or [Quantity] Explanatory note : * Depth eee Bed room right | side — Long walls 2 | 9.60 m} .30m | 4.00 m] 23.04 Short walls 2] 450m] 30 |4.00m] 10.80 Front verandah Front wall as x 2 solid 1 7 9.60 m) 20m [3.05 m} 5.86 | L=9.65 - “> + 22-9 60m Side wall as solid 1 | 2.00 m} .20m }3.05m} 1.22 Back verandah including bath room — Back long wall as solid ~- | 1 | 9.60} .20m |3.05m]} 5.86 | L same as front verandah. Side and inter walls of bath vs | 2 | 250m) .20m ]3.05m] 3.05 Total | 93.99 cum Deduct — - Door openings D. openings D, 6 | 120m) 30m 210m} 4.54 D. openings Dz 2 | 1.00 m} 30m }2.00m} 1.20 D. openings D 1 | 0.75 m} 20m | 1.80m| 0.27 Window openings W. openings Wi | 11} 1.00m] 30m |1.50m| 495 W. openings W> 1 | 2.00 m| .30m }1.50m] 0.90 W. openings Ws 2 | 0.75 mj 20m |1.20m] 0.36 Clerestory window (C.W.) opening ... | 18] 0.75 m| 30m |0,60 m 2.43 Shelves opening ... | 5 | 1.00 m) 20m {1.50 m 1.50] Back of shelves 10 em thick wall, Front verandah opening in between pillars | 1] 840m) 20m |2.40m} 403 | 1 = 9.60 - 3x40 = §.40m Front verandah opening side 1 | 2.00 m} .20 m | 2.40 m 0.96 Back verandah opening 1 | 6.80 m} 20m | 2.40 m 3.26 | L=9.60 - 2.40 - 40 = 6.80m Scanned with CamScannerMETHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 45 (Ex. 5a Contd.) , Item] Details of Height No. | Items No. |Length|Breadth] or {Quantity| Explanatory note Depth Lintels— Over doors D.doorsD: —...| 6 | 150m) 30m] .15m| 0.405 | Bearing 15 om D. doors Dz 1.30 m| .30m | .1Sm] 0.117 | Bearing 15 cm D. doors Ds 1) 95m) 20m] .1Sm| 0.029 | Bearing 10 cm Over windows W. windows Wi 11} 1.30 m) 30m] .15m| 0.644 | Bearing 15 cm W.windows W: 1 | 230m) 30m | .15m] 0.103 | Bearing 15 em 0. windows Ws ...| 2 | 95m] .20m| .15m) 0.057 | Bearing 10 cm Over C.W. 18] 95m) 30m] .15m| 0.770 | Bearing 10 cm Over shelves 5 | 130m} 30m | 15m} 0.293 | Bearing 15 cm Verandah lintels Front ve] 1 | 9.75 ml 20m] 15m] 0.293 | L=9.60+.15=9.75 m Side w| 1 | 215m) .20m] .1Sm] 0.065 2.00 + 15 = 2.15 m Back 1 | 7.50 m] 20m | 15m! 0.225 60 - 2.40 +2 15 =7.50.m [Total of] deduction 27.401 | cum Net | Total | 66.59 | cum Note:— Verandah walls above lintel, verandah pillars, and bath room walls may be taken Separately and no deduction for verandah openings need be made. Scanned with CamScanner
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