Paper 1 PYQ 1
Paper 1 PYQ 1
Paper 1 PYQ 1
Chapter 1
c) Dimensions- Social stratification of class, status groups, gender, ethnicity, and race.
1. Modernisation presupposes class society however, caste, ethnicity and race are still predominant.
Explain. (19/1/4a/20)
2. Present a sociological review on the 'new middle-class'. (19/1/1d/10)
3. Differentiate between 'Life-chances 'and' Life-style 'with suitable examples. (19/1/5a/10)
4. Why is gender a dimension of social stratification? How does gender intersect other dimensions of
inequality based on caste, class, race and ethnicity? (19/1/6a/20)
5. Examine gender, ethnicity and race as major dimensions of social stratification. (17/1/4b/20)
6. What do you understand by gender? How does it shape 'male identity'? (14/1/3a/20)
7. Analyse the gender bias in the present society with examples. (150 words) (13/I/5e/10)
d) Social mobility- open and closed systems, types of mobility, sources and causes of mobility.
1. Critically assess social mobility in closed and open systems. (20/1/4c/10)
2. Is social mobility possible in closed systems of stratification? Illustrate from research work.
3. "Vertical mobility brings structural change even in a closed social system." Comment. (16/1 / 1e /
4. "No society can either be absolutely open or absolutely closed." Comment (15/I/1e/10)
5. How are open and closed systems of stratification undergoing transformation in the emergence
of new hierarchical social orderin societies? (13/1/4a/20)
6. Explain the concept of social mobility. Describe with suitable illustrations how education and social
mobility are related to each other.
7. Explain the growing salience of ethnicity in the contemporary world with illustrations. 10 (2021)
Chapter 6
System of Kinship
a) Family, household, marriage
1. Discuss the consequences of Across Region marriage on kinship system in modern Indian society.
2. Does the institution of marriage continue to be sacred in Indian society? Comment. (20/1/5e/10)
3. What are the new forms of family in developed societies? Discuss. (18/1 / le / 10)
4. Distinguish between family and household with reference to the concept of development of the
household. (18/1 / 6b / 20)
5. What is the impact of gender division of labour on the development of society? (20/1 / 8b / 20)
6. Distinguish between family and household as sociological concepts. (16/1 / 8c / 10)
7. In the light of judicial intervention on 'Live-in relationships', discuss the future of marriage and
family in India. (19/1 / 8a / 20)
8. Examine the emerging trends in marriage and family as a response to the charges in economic and
social order.
9. Discuss the changing nature of kinship relations in the contemporary world. 20 (2021/20)
b) Types and forms of family
1. Examine the relationship between the contemporary trends in marriage and changing forms of
2. What, according to Irawati Karve, are the major differences between North Indian and South Indian
Kinship systems? (19/1/ 4c / 10)
3. Discuss the regional variations of kinship system in Indian society.
4. How do the rules of descent and alliance in kinship differ from each other? Illustrate. (15/1 / 6c /
5. Explain how the pattern of patriarchy is being altered in a family and at the workplace in the present
context. 20 (2021/20)
c) Lineage and descent
1. Is male authority absent in matrilineal society? Discuss. (d )
d) Patriarchy and sexual division of labour
1. Define patriarchy. How does patriarchy manifest in interpersonal relations? (18/1 / 3b / 20)
2. Examine 'patriarchal bargain' as gendered division of work in contemporary India. (17/1 / 5d / 10)
3. To what extent is patriarchy a cause for the problems of women?Discuss.
4. Is patriarchy a universal phenomenon? Critically examine how does patriarchy affect sexual
division of labour in societies.
e) Contemporary Trends
1. Discuss the contemporary trends in family as a response to social change in modern society. (16 / I
/ 7b / 20)
2. Critically examine the functionalist views on the institution of family. How do those help us in
understanding family in thepresent times? (14/1 / 6b / 20)
3. What do you understand by institutionalization of 'live-in relationship'?
4. Analyse the contemporary trends in family with examples. (150words)
Chapter 10
2. "Indian caste system is unique and has been unhealthy for the growth of Sociology of
India". How far do you agree with this view? (20/11/2a/20)
3. Discuss Whitehead's contention that caste has potential to displace clash and colonial
contradiction. (20 / II / 2b / 20)
5. What is caste politics? Substantiate your answer with examples of how identities are
defined by caste dynamics. (19 / II / 2b / 20)
6. What do you understand by discrete castes and muddled hierarchies? (18 / II / 3a / 20)
7. Has caste system hindered democracy and adult franchise in India? Discuss. (18 / I1 / 7a
/ 20)
8. Which is more significant, the principle of "hierarchy 'or the principle of' difference ', in
inter-caste relations in the present day? (17/11 / 1b / 10)
9. How have the struggles against untouchability changed their forms and perspectives from
Gandhian to Ambedkarite positions? (17 / II / 1d / 10)
10. What are the changes in the cultural and structural aspects of the caste system since
independence? (17 / II / 2c / 10)
11. How has BR Ambedkar identified the features of caste system? How is it different from the
mainstream treatment of caste features? (16 / II / 2a / 20)
12. Discuss Andre Beteille's account of the relationship between caste , class and power change
from symmetrical to asymmetrical one. (16 / II / 2b / 20)
13. Write short note with perspective: Louis Dumont's perspective on Indian caste system. (15
/ II / 1c / 10)
14. Write short note with a sociological perspective: How far Gandhi was trusted by the
untouchables. (15 / II / 1d / 10)
16. Write short note with a sociological Perspective: How far Srinivas's Sanskritization is
modernizing force or traditionalizing force in understanding the changes in caste
system? (15 / II / 5e / 10)
17. Discuss B.R. Ambedkar as a wise democrat. (15 / II / 7a / 20)
18. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words
Features of caste system. (14 / II / 1a / 10)
19. Write some of the important social reforms in India for the removal of untouchability. (14 /
II / 3c / 10)
20. How do caste and class come together in creating the category of extreme poor? (14 / II /
7c / 10),
21. What are the main features of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's views on annihilation of caste? (13 / II
/ 3a / 20)
22. Critically evaluate Louis Dumont's Homo Hierarchicus. (13 / II / 3b / 20)
23. What are the features of M.N. Srinivas' concept of dominant caste? How effective is it in
understanding today's reality? (13 / II / 3c / 10)
24. Caste System studies in India have been dominated by the “book -view” initially. How did the entry
of “field- view” bring about a balance in the study of Indian caste system? Discuss. 10 (2021/20)
25. What does Dr. B.R Ambedkar mean by the concept of “Annihilation of Caste”? 10 (2021/20)
26. Caste-like formations are present in Non-Hindu religious communities as well. Discuss with examples.
10 . (2021/20)
27. Is Indian society moving from “hierarchy” towards “differentiation”? Illustrate your answer with
suitable examples. 20 (2021/20)
28. What are the various forms of untouchability in India? Critically examine. 10 (2021/20)
Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Society
1. Banning Practice of ‘Sati’ is attributed to annihilation of a major social evil in colonial Indian.
“Comment. (20/II/1b/10)
2. Colonial administrators helped to construct the very traditionalism which marked the Indian society as
'backward'. Comment critically. (20/II/8a/20)
3. Examine sociological dynamics of Champaran Peasant Movement in colonial India. (18/II/2b/20)
4. The main objectives of socio-religious movements during the colonial rule in India were reforming and
synthesizing Hinduism. Write on any two such important movements. (17/II/2a/20)
5. Discuss Yogendra Singh's thesis on Modernisation of Indian Tradition, and evaluate its applicability in
the present-day context. (17/II/2b/20)
6. Write short notes with a sociological perspective: Anti-Brahmanical movements during the colonial
period. (16/II/10/10)
7. Discuss the paradigm of modernization of Indian tradition in analysing social change in India.
8. Analyze Gandhi as a moralist, ascetic and man of action through his Hind Swaraj. (15/II/8/20)
9. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words : Modernisation
of Indian traditions (14/II/1b/10)
10. Discuss the social background of Indian nationalism. (14/II/2b/20)
11. Discuss in detail the major contribution of Prof. Yogendra Singh in theorizing India’s modernization.
20 (2021/20)
Social Class structure in India
1. How does Andra Beteille Justify ‘middle class in India? (20/II/3c/10)
2. Write a note on the changing roles of middle-class women in India. (18/II/1d/10)
3. How has the New Economic Policy (1991) affected the lifestyle and life -chances of New middle class in
India? (18/II/4a/20)
4. What accounts for the growth and consolidation of middle classes in modern India? Elucidate.
5. Discuss the status of women among the emerging urban middle class. (14/II/4a/20)
6. Write short note with a sociological perspective: Classes in agrarian society in India. (150 words) (13/
7. Write short note with a sociological perspective: Other Backward Classes. (150 words) (13/II/1e/10)
8. Discuss the salient features of Indian middle class. (13/II/4c/15)
9. Discuss the salient features of “new middle class” in India. 10 (2021/20)
System of Kinship in India
1. Discuss the conceptual issues about lineage and descent in India. Give suitable illustrations.
(20 / II / 4a / 20)
2. Analyze household dimensions of family in India. (20 / II / 4b / 20)
3. Define patriarchy. Does it have bearings on women's entitlement in Indian family
system? Explain. (19 / Il / 4a / 20)
4. What do you understand by LGBTQ? Comment on the issues concerning their marriage
rights. (19 / II / 4c / 10)
5. Illustrate the importance of 'Kanyadan' and 'Kulabadhu' in changing institutions of marriage
and family. (18 / II / 3c / 10)
6. Discuss the issues relating to the entitlement of transgender in Indian society. (18 / II / 4c /
7. 7.Western patriarchy which surrenders feminine principles is the new development project
in India. Do you agree with this view? Why? (18 / II / 8b / 20)
8. Clarify the distinction between 'household' and 'family' and evaluate whether joint families
have completely disintegrated. (17 / II / 3b / 20)
9. Compare the North Indian Kinship System with the South Indian Kinship System. (17 / II /
3c / 10)
10. Write short notes with perspective: Patriarchy as dominance. a sociological form of a (16 / Il
/ le / 10)
11. Bring out the significance of the difference between family and household. (16 / II / 3a / 20)
12. Give some of the important studies relating to the structural changes in the Indian family
system. (15 / Il / 2b / 20)
13. Broadly compare the kinship system of North and South India. (15 / II / 2c / 10)
14. What is patriarchy? How does it affect the in child socialization pattern in India? (15 / Il /
3b / 20)
15. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words Types
of kinship systems in India (14 / ll / 1a / 10)
16. Define Patriarchy. How does it impact the overall entitlement of a girl child in India? (14 /
II / 2c / 10)
17. Discuss different forms of Kinship system in India. 10 (b5)
Rural & Agrarian Social Structure
1. Indian rural society is a faction-ridden society". Discuss. (20/II/2c/10)
2. Examine the changing initiatives of the land tenure system in India. (19/II/1c/10)
3. Critically examine Dube's contributions to the study of Indian villages. (19/II/2a/20)
4. Give a critical analysis of Andre Beteille's study of Tanjore village. (18/II/1b/10)
5. Write short notes with a sociological perspective: Significance of Village Studies in Indian Sociology.
6. Analyse the major components of Land Reform Acts. Show their effectiveness in curbing rural
inequality. (16/II/2c/10)
7. Write short note with a sociological perspective: Jyotirao Phule as an agrarian radical. (15/II/1b/10)
8. Describe the impact of land reforms on the peasants of Indian society. (14/II/4b/20)
9. What is the idea of 'Indian village’? Explain. (14/II/4c/10)
10. Write short note with a sociological perspective: André Béteille's definition of class. (150 words)
11. Critically examine briefly the phrase “Little Republics” as used to denote India’s villages. 10 (b1)
12. Examine the factors responsible for the rural unrest in contemporary India. 20 (2021/20)
13. Discuss the role of Technology in agrarian change in India.10 (2021/20)
Industrialisation & Urbanization
1. Elaborate the causes, consequences and other concerns of growth of urban settlements in India.
(20/II/7a /20)
2. Point out the main causes of 'child labor' in India. How far the State policies have succeeded in its
elimination? (20/II/8c/10)
3. Is industrial development in India a bane or a boon to agrarian class structure? Substantiate your
answer with suitable examples. (19/II/3b/20)
4. Elaborate urbanism as a way of life in India. (19/II/5c/10)
5. Elucidate the concerns of growing urban displacement dynamism in India. 5. (19/II/5e/10)
6. How do you relate the growth of development of metropolis and its impact on the mental and social
life of people in India? (18/II/6a/20)
7. Write a note on Basic Services to Urban Poor (BSUP) and Integrated Housing and Slum Development
(IHSD) programs provided for the urban poor. (18/II/6c/10)
8. Compare the pressing problems of a dalit poor family living in an urban slum with a similar type of
family living in a rural setting. 8. (17/II/4c/10)
9. Do you agree that the issue of child labor raises questions about and beyond the informal sector? Give
reasons. (17/II/5d/10)
10. Examine the impact of heritage tourism urban socio-spatial patterns in India. (17/1/6b/20)
11. Write a detailed note on the effected growing slums in urban areas. (16/1/7a/20)
12. Discuss the changing nature of the problems of working class in the informal sector of the economy.
13. Examine the impact of industrialization and urbanization on family structure. (16/II/8b/20)
14. Write short note with a sociological Perspective: Issues relating to the informal labor market in urban
India. (15/II/5d/10)
15. Human development approach affirms that education and health care growth are more important than
economic growth. Discuss this issue in the light of post-liberalized Indian society. (15/II/8b/20)
16. Give a sociological analysis of the problems of migrant urban poor. (14/II/3a/20)
17. Discuss the impact of globalization on the workers in the Informal sector. (14/II/6c/10)
18. Distinguish between formal and informal sectors in India. (13/I1/4a/20)
19. Examine the influence of industrialization on caste. (13/II/4b/15)
20. Write short note with a sociological perspective Child Labour. (150 words) (13/I1/5d/10)
21. Write an analytical note on slums in cities. (200 words) (13/II/7a/15)
22. Urban slums are sites of social exclusive -Explain.10 (2021/20)
23. Urban settlement in India tend to replicate its rural caste -kinship imprints. Discuss the main reasons.
20 (2021/20)
Politics and Society
1. 'Secularism was an outcome of 20th century humanistic radicalism.' Comment on this statement.
2. Analyze the issues related to the citizenship in contemporary India. Give suitable illustrations.
3. What do you understand by democratic federalism? How does it promote decentralization of power in
India? (20/II/5e/10)
4. Comment on the changing democratic profile of India. (19/11/5d/20)
5. Discuss the implications of 'Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’. Do you think that civil society has a role to play
here? Substantiate your answer with examples. (19/11/7b/20)
6. Media is the fourth pillar of democracy. Discuss, (18/II/1c/10)
7. Elaborate various forms of Dalit assertions in contemporary India? What are its implications on the
Indian political system? (18/II/7b/20)
8. With increase in education and economic development is Indian society becoming more secular?
9. Give an account of the problems relating to the "creamy layer". (17/II/5c/10)
10. To what extent does nation building depend on strengthening of pluralities in Indian society.
11. Comment on the increasing significance of caste in politics. (16/II/3c/10)
12. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words: Gandhi's efforts
on communal harmony (14/II/1a/10)
13. Who are the elites? Discuss their roles in bringing social transformation. (14/II/8c/10)
14. Does regionalism essentially lead to decentralization of power? Substantiate your answer with relevant
examples.10 (2021/20)
15. Is social democracy a precondition for political democracy? Comment. 10 (2021/20)
Education & Social change
1. How does the New Education Policy, 2020 1 aim to eradicate disparities in the system of education in
India? (20/II/5d/10)
2. Comment on the critical issues of commercialization of higher education in India. (19/II/5a/10)
3. Assess the role of the State in promoting education of girl child. (18/II/5d/10)
4. Write a note on Education and Equality in India. (17/II/5b/10)
5. Write short notes with a sociological perspective: Privatization of education and increasing inequalities.
6. Write short notes with a sociological 6. perspective: Empowerment through 'Right to Education'. (16/
7. Write short note with a sociological Perspective: Important components of National Education Policy
in India. (15/II/5a/10)
8. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words: Impact of
privatisation on educational disparities. (14/II/5d/10)
9. Discuss the salient features of right to education. (200 words) (13/II/8c/15)
Religion and Society
1. Write a note on cultural pluralism' in multi - religious society like India. (20/II/4c/10)
2. Do you think that the Indian saints have brought about social reform and awareness in Indian society?
Explain. (19/II/2c/10)
3. How do you understand the 'minority' question? Examine the violence and discrimination against the
religious minorities in India. (19/II/4b/20)
4. Discuss the growth of religious sects in India. (18/II/1e/10)
5. Write a critical narrative on the concerns of religious minorities in India. (18/11/4b/20)
6. Assess the impact of ban on "Triple Talak' on marriage and divorce among the Muslim community in
India. (18/II/8c/10)
7. What are the distinct features of Islam as practised in India, and how have they changed over time?
8. Elucidate the concepts of 'majoritarianism and 'minoritarianism' in accentuating communal tensions in
India. (16/II/3b/20)
9. What are the basic tenets of Hindu religion? Is Hinduism based on monotheism or polytheism?
10. What are the major concerns of ethnic identity and religious identity in India? (15/II/6b/20)
11. Discuss the problems of religious minorities in India. (14/II/3b/20)
Tribal Communities in India
1. Explain the definitional problems concerning the tribal communities in India. (20 / I1 / 1d / 10)
2. 2) Examine the colonial policy of segregation of tribes under the Government of India Act, (20/11 / 3a
/ 20) 1935.
3. 3) Comment on the growing assertion of tribal community for autonomy in India. (19 / II / 1e / 10)
4. 4) What is ethnonationalism? Examine the critical factors responsible for tribal discontent in India. (19
/ II / 3a / 20)
5. 5) What is the nature of religious change among tribal communities? Illustrate with two examples from
colonial and post-independence times. (17 / II / 4b / 20)
6. 6) Why have we started using another category of tribes called the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal
Groups (PVTGs)? Why are they so-called? (17/II/ 8c / 10)
7. Write short notes with a sociological a dominant perspective: 'Isolationism' as feature of colonial tribal
policy. (16 / II / 1c / 10)
8. How is the tribal question related to the issues of integration and autonomy in modern India? (16 / II
/ 4a / 20)
9. 9) Write short note with sociological perspective: Verrier Elwin's views on freedom for the tribals. (15
/ II / 1a / 10)
10. 10) write short note with a sociological perspective: Main Objective of Tribal sub plan (TSP)
11. Analyze the different views on integration and autonomy of tribes in India. (14 / II / 2a / 20)
12. What are the features that distinguish tribes from the rest of the population? (13 / II / 2a / 20)
13. Write a note on ethnicity and integration in the context of tribes. (13 / II / 2b / 20)
14. 14How does the new Forest Act affect tribals? (13 / II / 2c / 10)
15. Discuss the main features of the debate between G.S. Ghurye and V. Elwin on tribal development.20
Population Dynamics
1. Give an account of the consequences and remedies of chronic malnutrition in India. (20/11/5c/10)
2. What were the salient features of the India's Population Policy (2000)? How far its goals have been
achieved? (20/II/8b/20)
3. Why has 'active aging' become a global goal? Do you agree that the role of elderly care- giving is
disproportionately gendered in 1 developing countries? Why? (19/II/8a/10)
4. What is 'social security'? Examine recent security measures adopted by the Government in India.
5. What are the issues relating to male migration and its impact on birthrate? Does it necessarily result
in skewed sex ratio? (18/II/8a/20)
6. What are the emerging concerns on women's reproductive health? (17/II/5e/10)
7. What are the causes and solutions for the low female sex-ratio in the DEMARU States of Punjab,
Haryana, Himachal and Gujarat? (17/II/6c/10)
8. Write short notes with a sociological perspective: Differential sex-ratio and its implications.
9. How is aging becoming an emerging issue in Indian society? (16/II/8c/10)
10. Discuss the problems of elderly in India. What are the different perspectives to solve their problems?
11. Why is it necessary to implement PCPNDT Act in India? (15/I1/4c/10)
12. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words: Trends of Infant
Mortality Rate among females. (14/II/5a/10)
13. What are the demographic projections for the aging population (60+) for the next decade? What are
the implications for formulating policy for them? (14/II/7a/20)
14. Write short note with a sociological perspective: sex Ratio. (150 words) (13/II/5e/10)
15. What are the main causes of female mortality in India? (200 Words) (13/II/7c/15)
16. Is “ageing” an emerging issue in Indian society? Discuss the major problems of the old age people in
India. 20 (2021/20)
17. Underline the socio -cultural factors responsible for India’s skewed sex-ratio.(2021/20)
Rural and Agrarian Transformation in India
1. Discuss the dynamics of 'migrant workers' in India in the context of Corona pandemic. (20 /
II / 3b / 20)
2. 2) Point out the benefits of 'green chemistry' for agrarian transformation in India. (20 / II /
5a / 10)
3. 3) Do you think MSP (Minimum Support Price) Scheme for agricultural produce can help in
rural development? Elaborate your response with suitable examples. (20 / II / 6b / 20)
4. 4) Discuss the challenges in implementing the Rural Development Programs in India. (19 /
I1 / 5b / 10)
5. Highlight the main features of the 'Inter-linking of Rivers' project in India. What could be its
probable advantages to Indian agriculture? (19 / II / 6b / 20)
7. Has 'Green Revolution' led to the formation of new power elite in rural India? Elaborate your
answer.(18 / II / 6b / 20)
8. 8)Write a short note on 'changing means of production and increased rural poverty.' (17 / II
/ le / 10)
9. 9)Write short notes with a sociological perspective: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme for rural development. 9. (16 / II / 5b / 10)
10. Write a note on the uneven impact of 'Green Revolution' on rural society. (16 / II / 6a / 20)
11. Bring out the impact of the declining significance of the agrarian economy. (16 / II / 8a /
12. Write short note with a sociological perspective Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme. (150 words) (13 / II / 5b / 1)
13. Write short note with a sociological perspective: Green Revolution. (150 words) (13 / II / 5c
/ 10)
14. What are the sociological reasons and implication of “reverse migration” during the recent pandemic
in India. 20 (2021/20)
15. Comment on the role of co- operatives in rural development.10 (2021/20)
Social Change in India
1. Discuss in detail the main issues of development planning in mixed economy like India?
2. How can skill development programme induce social change ? Illustrate (20/II/6c10)
3. Examine the importance of Development Planning in Indian Mixed Economy and analyze its
problems and prospects. (19/II/6a/20)
4. Do you think that 'demonetization' has accelerated the economic growth in India ? How do you
understand the informalization of labour, underemployment and gender discrimination in this
context? (19/II/7a/20)
5. Elaborate the concept of constitutional morality as given by B.R. Ambedkar. (18/II/5a/10)
6. Write a brief note on the Freedom of Press
7. Write Short note with a sociological Perspective: Five Year Plans. (13/II/5a/10)
8. Discuss the changing dimensions of family structure in urban India.(2021/20)
9. Analyse the idea of development planning in India.10 (2021/20)
10. Explain the sociological significance of the New Education Policy and its thrust on vocationalization
and skill development. 20 (2021/20)
Social Movements
1. Evaluate the nature and scope of anthropogenic influence on climate in India and also analyse the
environmental movements arising out of it. (20/II/7b/20)
2. Are the contemporary farmers' movements in India changing their course? Discuss. (20/II/7c/10)
3. Illustrate the contributions of the Tebhaga Movement to the peasant struggle in India. (19/II/1b/10)
4. Do you agree that social movements are caused by opportunity structures that are generated by media?
Why? (19/II/7c/10)
5. Explain the dynamics of neo-farmers' movement in contemporary India. (18/II/5c/10)
6. Elaborate the 'Me Too' Movement and its impact in India. (18/II/5e/10)
7. Despite gains from the women's movement and state policy of women empowerment, gender equality
is far from achieved. Identify 2 two major challgnes that prevent this goal from being reached.
8. Write short notes with a sociological perspective: Different forms of Dalit assertion. (16/II/5c/10)
9. Discuss the various forms of environmental movements started in India. (16/II/6c/10)
10. Discuss the impact of post - 1970 feminist movement on Indian middle class. (15/II/6a/20)
11. Discuss the main features of farmers' movements in independent India. (15/II/7b/20)
12. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in about 150 words Dynamics of
Contemporary Dalit movements. (14/II/5c/10)
13. What are the main features of the second wave of Women's movement in the Indian context?
14. Discuss the 'Chipko movement' as an example of eco-feminism. (14/II/6b/20)
15. Write short note with a sociological perspective Satya Sodhak movement of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule.
(150 words) (13/II/1c/10)
16. Bring out the main features of farmers' movements in Modern India. (200 words) (13/II/6a/20)
17. Discuss the sociological aspects of movements for separate States. (200 words) (13/II/6b/15)
18. What is the Dalit Movement? Examine the issues highlighted by it. (200 words) (13/Il/8b/20)
19. What is identity politics? Discuss the main trends in Dalit movements in India. (2021/20)
20. Rising “ethnocentrism” is leading to conflict in our society. Assess this statement with appropriate
reasons. 20 (2021/20)