Week 3 and 4
Week 3 and 4
Week 3 and 4
w Vocabulary
w Grammatical structure
w Voice qualities
w Intonation
w Rhythm
w Speed
w Silence
vHispanic clients
= eye contact is expected of you but will
not be reciprocated by patients
= assumes that it is a negative sign
when a person avoids eye contact; it means
shyness, lack of interest and dishonesty
= amount of eye contact depends on
one’s social position
vAfrican-American; Mexican-Americans
= comfortable with eye contact
Ø The meaning people associate with
touching is culturally determined to a
great degree.
In Hispanic and Arab
cultures, male health
care providers may be
prohibited from
touching or examining
certain parts of the
female body; similarly,
females may be
prohibited from caring
for males.
Among many Asian
Americans, touching a
person's head may be
impolite because that's
where they believe the Before assessing an
spirit resides. Asian American
patient's head or
evaluating a head
injury, you may need
to clearly explain what
you're doing and why.
For example, some
Jewish and Islamic
Always consider a women believe that
patient's culturally modesty requires
defined sense of covering their head,
modesty when giving arms, and legs with
nursing care. clothing. Respect their
tradition and help
them remain covered
while in your care.
Touch across the world…
Ø Mal ojo
Ø Pasmo
Thought to be caused by
fright that results in loss
of soul from the body;
causes can be natural or
natural susto may occur
Those most likely to
after a near accident
suffer from susto are
culturally stressed
supernatural susto may adults--women more
occur after witnessing a than men
phenomena such as a
ghost; and might be
sent by sorcerers
Anorexia nervosa – ● Bulimia – gross
excessive overeating and
preoccupation with then vomiting or
thinness; self- fasting
imposed starvation
q Blackout q Collapse,
dizziness, inability
to move
Ø Low blood q Weakness or not
enough blood
v High blood v Blood that is too
rich in certain
Campinha-Bacote (1997)
w compared time orientation among certain groups
in relation to future-time and present-time
• Dominant American: future over present
• African Black: present over future
• Puerto Rican American: present over future
• Mexican American: present
• Chinese American: past over present
• American Indian: present
Height and weight vary among cultural group