Sro 66
Sro 66
Sro 66
from the
New Delhi, the 14th June, 2003
NEW DELHI, The 27th May, 2003.
S.R.O. 66 � In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the
Constitution, the President is hereby makes the following rules to amend the Indian Ordnance Factories
Group �C� Supervisory and NonGazetted Cadre ( Recruitment and conditions of service ) Rules,
1989, namely :
1. (1) These rules may be called the Indian Ordnance Factories Group �C� Supervisory and
NonGazetted Cadre ( Recruitment and Conditions of Service ) Amendment Rules, 2003.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Indian Ordnance Factories Group �C� Supervisory and NonGazetted Cadre (
Recruitment and conditions of Service ) Rules, 1989 in the schedule �
(i) Against the post of Chargeman Gr.II(Technical) under column 8 for the existing
entry, the following shall be substituted namely :
The following will be the Educational Qualification for Direct Recruitment in
different trades/disciplines :
a) Mechanical � Must possess three years diploma or equivalent
qualification certificate in the respective field duly affiliated by AICTE.
b) Electrical ( including electronics ) � Must possess three years diploma or
equivalent qualification certificate in the respective field duly affiliated by
c) Civil & Architecture � Must possess three years diploma or equivalent
qualification certificate in the respective field duly affiliated by AICTE.
d) Metallurgical � B.Sc Degree with General Chemistry as one of the major
Three years Diploma or equivalent exams. in respective field duly affiliated
e) Chemical � B.Sc Degree with General Chemistry as one of the major
Three years Diploma or equivalent exams. in respective field duly affiliated
by AICTE. 1/2
7/30/2016 SRO66
f) Optical � B.Sc Degree with Physics & Mathematics as major subject.
g) Clothing � B.Sc Degree with General Chemistry as one of the major
Three years Diploma or equivalent exams. in respective field or
equivalent qualification duly affiliated by AICTE.
h) Leather � B. Sc. Degree with Chemistry as one of the major subject.
Three years Diploma or equivalent exams. in respective field duly affiliated
i) Information Technology (IT) Must pass �A� Level competency
certificate course or equivalent qualification in Computer Science duly
recognized by Govt. of India.
(ii) Against the post of Chargeman Grade II (Non technical & Stores) under
Column 8 for the existing entry the following shall be substituted namely :
� A graduate Degree in Engineering Technical, Humanities, Science, Commerce,
Law etc from a recognized University. �
Sd/ SURESH SHARMA, Desk Officer
Foot Note : The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of India ( Extraordinary ) by number SRO
13 � Extra dt. 04051989 and subsequently amended vide SRO 191 (E) dated the 28th Nov, 1994. 2/2