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Study 3103

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Course # 3103


Updated June 2021 
State of Tennessee

Coagulation/Flocculation Workshop
Fleming Training Center

Course #3103
June 29-July 1, 2021
Instructor: Amanda Carter

8:30 Pre-test
8:45 Water Treatment Processes
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Jar Testing Math

8:30 Jar Testing Math cont’d
9:30 Plant Example
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Laboratory

8:30 Laboratory
9:45 Exam Review
11:15 Lunch
12:30 Course Review and Exam

Fleming Training Center Phone: 615-898-6507

2022 Blanton Dr. Fax: 615-898-8064
Murfreesboro, TN 37129 E-mail: Amanda.Carter@tn.gov
3103 Coagulation Flocculation

Page #

Section 1 Water Treatment Processes 3

Section 2 Jar Testing 17

Section 3 Math 29

Section 4 Plant Examples 73

Section 5 Jar Test Lab 91

Section 1

Water Treatment Processes

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

• Particulate Matter in Water
Water Treatment • Coagulation

Processes • Coagulants
• Flocculation
• Sedimentation
3103 Coagulation/Flocculation Workshop • Filtration
Updated June 2021


PARTICULATE • Results from land erosion, dissolved minerals, decay of

plant material, industrial discharges, animal wastes, etc.
MATTER IN WATER • Settleable Solids
• Larger sized particles that can be removed from water by
slowing down the flow
• Will settle unaided to the bottom of a sedimentation basin
within 4 hours
• Nonsettleable solids
• Smaller sized particles, such as bacteria and fine clays
and silts, that do not readily settle out and treatment is
required to form larger particles that are settleable


• Resist settling due to

• Particle size Suspended
• Suspended solids
• Colloidal solids
• Dissolved solids
• Natural forces between particles
• Zeta potential
• van der Waals force
• Particle shape Dissolved Dissolved
(cannot be seen) (cannot be seen)
• Smooth round particulates will settle faster than rough

4 Water Treatment Processes

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 1

Particle Representative Time Required

Diameter, Particle to Settle 1 foot
10 Gravel 0.3 sec
1 Coarse sand 3 sec A solid organic or inorganic
particle that is held in
0.1 Fine sand 38 sec SUSPENDED
suspension by the action of
0.01 Silt 33 min SOLIDS
flowing water
0.001 Bacteria 55 hours
0.0001 Color 230 days
0.00001 Colloidal particles 6.3 yrs
0.000001 Colloidal Particles 63 year min

Clay Sand Turbidity

SOLIDS SUSPENDED Suspended solids
SURFACE SURFACE Taste and odors
Algae and other
microorganisms Corrosion

Aquatic humic
Water color by-products
Finely divided solid that will
not settle out of water for very Industrial Calcium
long periods of time unless
the coagulation-flocculation
process is used



Water Treatment Processes 5

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


EFFECTS Deposition
OF Any material that is dissolved
COLLOIDAL in water and can be recovered
Taste and odors DISSOLVED
by evaporating the water after
Increase coagulant usage and filtering out the suspended
WATERS residuals
Disinfection by-products

Water Scaling and deposits

hardness Iron &
Heavy Metals
(Ca & Mg) EFFECTS OF Tastes and odors
Nitrates & Salts Fluoride & SOLIDS IN
Silica Toxic effects
Nitrites (Cl-, SO42-, SO32-) compounds SURFACE
WATERS Corrosion



• Natural forces between particles
Negatively Charged • Zeta potential
These particles have
• Natural repelling force between any two particles of
a surface charge like charge
which is responsible • Particles in water tend to carry a negative electrical
for their “stability” to charge
• van der Waals force
remain separate and • Attraction that exists between all particles and tends to
suspended in the pull any two particles together

water • As long as the zeta potential is stronger than the van

der Waals force, the particles will stay in suspension

6 Water Treatment Processes

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 1


• Primary objective of water treatment process is to
destabilize and condition particulate matter chemically
COAGULATION and physically to encourage settling
• Particle destabilization is accomplished through
coagulant addition
• Coagulation can be viewed as a two-step process
• The addition of coagulant to destabilize particles and
react with NOM (natural organic matter)
• The physical collision among particles to precipitate or
adsorb NOM for later clarification and filtration

• The water treatment process that causes very small
suspended particles to attract to one another and form larger • Major purposes:
particles (floc) • To destabilize solid particles
• Floc – clumps of bacteria and particles or coagulants and • To remove organic color and precursors for DBPs
impurities that have come together and formed a cluster
• To enhance flocculation using chemical coagulants
• Accomplished by addition of chemical (coagulant) that
• To improve filtration
neutralizes the electrostatic charges on the particles that
cause them to repel each other • To pretreat water prior to contact with GAC

• Neutralizes or reduces the zeta potential of the nonsettleable • Control of microbes such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium,
solids allowing the van der Waals force of attraction to begin viruses and DBPs makes understanding and
pulling the particles together optimizing coagulation vital
• Forms small, weak groups of microfloc

• Primary coagulants neutralize (destabilize) the
electrical charge of particles, which causes them to
COAGULANTS begin to clump together Metallic Salts
• Enough chemical must be added to exceed the
solubility limit of the metal hydroxide, resulting in
precipitation (aka floc formation)
• Common additives:
• Aluminum, Al+3
• Iron, Fe+3

Water Treatment Processes 7

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

• Aluminum • Positively charged Al3+ ion neutralizes negatively
• Optimal pH 5-7 charged particles of color and turbidity
• Color removal optimal pH 5-6 • Occurs within 1-2 seconds after chemical added to
water which is why rapid, thorough mixing is critical
• Forms
• Microfloc still has positive charge and will continue to
• Aluminum sulfate
neutralize negatively charged particles until they
• Liquid alum become neutral themselves
• Referred to as charge neutralization
• Works best in pH range of 5.8-8.5
• Outside this range, incomplete floc formation or floc
may dissolve back into water

• Reacts with alkalinity in water to form jellylike floc
• Contains more reactive aluminum so can be used in
particles of aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3
lower dosages
• 1 mg/L alum will consume 0.5 mg/L alkalinity as CaCO3
• 1 mg/L alum will produce 0.26 mg/L sludge • Produces more sludge than alum pound for pound
• Since lower feed rate is required, less sludge is
Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(HCO3)2  2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4  + 6CO2 produced
alum natural aluminum calcium carbon
bicarbonate hydroxide floc sulfate dioxide
alkalinity • Less alkalinity consumption means more pH control
• 1 mg/L ACH consumes 0.18 mg/L alkalinity
• 1 mg/L ACH produces 0.35 mg/L sludge
 Indicates precipitation occurring


Common Name Chemical Formula Comments
COMMON PRIMARY COAGULANTS Most common coagulant in US;
Aluminum sulfate Al2(SO4)3•14(H2O)
often used with cationic polymers
• Iron Salts May help to produce less sludge
Aluminum chlorohydrate Al2Cl(OH)5
• Operate over wider pH range and less corrosivity
• Cheaper May be more effective than alum in
Ferric chloride FeCl3
• Forms heavier floc some applications
• Corrosive and staining Ferric sulfate Fe2(SO4)3 Often used with lime softening
• Requires special storage and handling facilities Ferrous sulfate Fe2(SO4)3•7H2O Less pH dependent than alum
• Consumes alkalinity Includes polyaluminum chlorides
Aluminum polymers ---
(PAC) and polyaluminum sulfates
• Forms
Synthetic polyelectrolytes; large
• Ferric sulfate Fe2(SO4)3 Cationic polymers ---
• Ferrous sulfate Fe2(SO4)3•7H2O
Used with alum to improve
• Ferric chloride FeCl3 Sodium aluminate Na2Al2O4
Ingredient of activated silica
Sodium silicate Na2O•(SiO2)x
coagulant aids

8 Water Treatment Processes

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 1


• Coagulant aids add density to slow-settling flocs and add • Also known as flocculation aid, flocculant,
toughness to resist breaking up sedimentation aid, filter aid, etc.
• Added during coagulation to achieve:
• General types
• Improved coagulation
• Stronger, more settleable floc
• Polyelectrolytes
• Overcome effects of temperature drops • Activated silica
• Reduce amount of coagulant needed • Weighting agents (turbidity addition)
• Reduce the amount of sludge produced • Alkalinity addition
• Because alum sludge is difficult to dewater and dispose of, • pH adjustment
reduction in sludge is often the prime consideration in • Oxidation chemicals
decision to use coagulant aid


• Polyelectrolytes (aka polymers) • Cationic Polyelectrolyte
• Have extremely large molecules, that when dissolved in • Produce positively (+) charged ions when dissolved in
water, produce highly charged ions water
• Relatively low dosages when compared to primary • Can be used as primary coagulant or coagulant aid
coagulants • Most effective when used with a primary coagulant such
• Three basic classifications as alum or ferric sulfate
• Cationic – produce positively charged ions • Advantages
• Anionic – dissolve to produce negatively charged • Amount of coagulant can be reduced
ions • Floc settles better
• Nonionic – release both positively and negatively • Less sensitivity to pH
charged ions • Flocculation of living organisms (bacteria and algae) is


• Anionic Polyelectrolyte • Activated Silica
• Produce negatively (-) charged ions when dissolved in water • Increase coagulation rate, decrease coagulant
• Advantages dosage, widen acceptable pH range
• Increased floc size • Produced on site by reacting sodium silicate
• Improved settling (Na2SiO3) with an acid (typically HOCl)
• Stronger floc • Silica is “activated” to form gel
• Not affected by pH, alkalinity, hardness or turbidity
• Should never be added directly with alum (either
• Nonionic Polyelectrolytes before or after) to prevent reaction between the
• Balanced or neutral charge two chemicals
• Produce both positive and negatively charged ions
• Larger doses required, but less expensive

Water Treatment Processes 9

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


• Activated Silica • Weighting Agents
• Advantages • Material added to provide additional particles for good
• Stronger floc floc formation in waters with
• Larger and denser floc (faster settling) • High color content
• Low turbidity
• Improved color removal and floc formation at low
temperatures • Low mineral content (low TDS)
• Materials used
• Disadvantages
• Bentonite clay (most common)
• Precise control required during activation process to
prevent solution turning to a gel • Powdered limestone
• Proper dosage is critical as too much can reduce • Powdered silica
coagulation and clog filters • Recycled sludge or backwash water


• Alkalinity Adjustment • pH Adjustment
• Lime, caustic soda, or soda ash may be necessary if • All primary coagulants have an optimum pH range
raw water alkalinity is not sufficient to provide good • Outside this range, hydroxide flocs can become soluble
hydroxide floc production again (dissolve) allowing previously coagulated solids
• May be required if high coagulant doses are required to pass through the filter media
• Should have 10 mg/L CaCO3 alkalinity to prevent • Increase pH by adding lime, sodium hydroxide, or soda
residual coagulant reacting with chemicals later and ash
forming an undesirable “refloc” condition • Decrease pH by adding an acid such as sulfuric acid

• Oxidation chemicals
• Chemicals such as chlorine, ozone, potassium
permanganate added to oxidize dissolved organics MIXING FACILITIES
that make color difficult to remove
• Add before primary coagulant to oxidize from soluble
(dissolved) form to the insoluble (precipitated) form

10 Water Treatment Processes

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 1


• The point at which the primary coagulant is added to • Rapid agitation and mixing is essential once
the water coagulation chemicals have been added to the water
• Hydrolysis takes place almost instantaneously • Reaction time (hydrolysis) 2-3 seconds
• Too long a detention time will be more detrimental to
• Completely disperses primary coagulant into raw process than too short
water flow stream fast and uniformly
• Common facilities for flash mixing
• Also known as • Mechanical mixers
• Rapid mixing • Static or hydraulic mixers
• Flash mixing • Pumps and conduits
• Baffled chambers


• Mechanical Mixers • Static Mixers
• Use propeller, impeller, or turbine mixer in a small tank • Produce turbulence and mixing using fixed sloping
• Very short detention times vanes within the mixer
• Less than 30 seconds • Headloss is significant
• In-line mixers • Mixing energy directly related to flow rate, so way to
• Good instantaneous flow with little short circuiting adjust
• Must be located near the flocculation chamber to prevent settling
within pipeline
• Pipe grids
• Grid systems of perforated pipes disperse coagulant into water
• Susceptible to disruption from flow changes

• Pumps and Conduits
• Chemicals added to the suction side of a low lift pump
use the turbulence in the pump as a mixing mechanism FLOCCULATION
• Pump must be able to provide enough speed to create
sufficient turbulence for mixing

• Baffled Chambers
• Provide turbulence to water flowing over and under
• Turbulence is determined by flow rate and cannot be

Water Treatment Processes 11

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

• Gentle mixing process to increase the size of particles • The process, following coagulation, that uses gentle
resulting in the formation of floc stirring to transform small floc particles together so
• Floc - grouping of solid particles with a wooly that they will form larger clumps of floc
appearance • Rate of aggregation (floc growth) determined by the
• Floc strength - resistance to fragmentation by shear rate at which particles collide
forces induced by hydraulic velocity gradients • Aggregates (floc particles) will become more fragile as
particles grow in size, therefore mixing intensity must
• Size and strength of floc determines efficiency of solids
not be so high as to cause floc to break or shear
removal process
• Baffles can be installed to decrease short-circuiting

• Most flocculation basins designed for tapered flocculation • Flow through velocity should be 0.5-1.5 ft/min
• Velocity gradient should decrease as the water passes • Minimum detention time 30 minutes with 45 minutes
through the basin to promote development of readily recommended
settable floc
• Excessive flocculation time can lead to
• Flocculator tip speed should be 0.9-1.3 ft/sec
• Breakage of fragile flocs
• May need to increase in cold water or with heavy floc
• Excessive coagulant usage
formation caused by increased turbidity
• Settled floc in flocculation basins
• Increased maintenance and cleaning
• Short-circuiting


• Gentle stirring promotes flocculation for particles that
have been destabilized, during coagulation, and
started to aggregate CLARIFICATION
• Stirring motion and relative particles collisions are
induced in the water by velocity gradient PARTICLE SEPARATION

• Constant velocity gradient (uniform shear field)

• Variable velocity gradient (nonuniform shear field)
• Taper flocculation

12 Water Treatment Processes

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 1


• Also called clarification • Inlet zone - evenly distributes water through tank and
• Process of holding water in low flow conditions to allow slows to a uniform flow
suspended particles that are heavier than water to settle
out by gravity • Settling zone - water flows slowly through the tank and
• Settling velocity affected by flocculated particles settle out
• Particle size, shape, density • Sludge zone - bottom of the tank where settled
• Water viscosity
material accumulates
• Flow through basin should be uniform
• Outlet zone - water flows over weirs or launders into a
• Minimum detention time
• Conventional sedimentation - 4 hours channel for leaving the tank
• Sedimentation using high-rate settlers – 1 hour


• Contributing factors non-ideal settling conditions • Also called surface overflow rate (SOR)
• Nonspherical particles have a higher drag coefficient leading • Most important parameter of sedimentation
to decreased settling velocity
• Measured in gpd/ft2
• Poor flow distribution and collection, wind, rising bubbles,
• Directly related to settling velocity (cm/min) or the rate at which
and density differences (temperature or solids concentration)
the particles settle
• Presence & concentration of other particles in water
• ↑ of SLR means ↓ sedimentation efficiency
• Settling becomes hindered as free area between particles is
reduced leading to a decreased settling velocity • Imagine throwing dirt vs a rock into a flowing stream

• Inefficient coagulation/flocculation • A sedimentation basin will remove all particles that exceed the
• Sludge removal frequency critical velocity for a given overflow rate
• Very important part of jar test to ensure proper sampling time

• The removal of suspended matter by passing water
though a porous medium
FILTRATION • Sand, anthracite coal, granular activated carbon (GAC),
garnet sand, or some combination of those
• Utilizes physical and chemical adsorption on the filter
surface, straining, sedimentation, interception,
diffusion, and inertial compaction to remove particles
from water
• Conventional filtration includes sedimentation
• Direct filtration omits the sedimentation step

Water Treatment Processes 13

Section 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

• Efficiency depends on • Effective size - that particle size of which 10% (by weight) of the
• Size and shape of media particles total measured grains are finer, and 90% are coarser
• Short, angular media particles form large voids and do • TN Design Criteria 4.2.1(g)(1)(ii)
not remove fine particles • Sand - 0.35mm - 0.55mm
• Round particles of equivalent diameter are best • Anthracite – 0.8mm - 1.2 mm
• Effectiveness of upstream processes • Uniformity coefficient – relates effective size to a second
(coagulation/flocculation) measurement, the size of which 60% of the grains are finer and
• Size of zone between media particles that will retain 40% are coarser
suspended solids • Smaller UC, more uniform media particle sizes
• TN Design Criteria 4.2.1(g)(1)(ii)
• Finer sand will have smaller areas between grains for
• Sand – not greater than 1.70
trapping suspended matter
• Anthracite – not greater than 1.85


• Comparison of filtration rate of sample vs. DI water • Equipment
• Helps predict the effect of a coagulant program on the • Membrane filter holder 47mm
filtration process • Membrane filters 0.45 micrometers (m)
• Vacuum source - consistent
• Samples tested are clarified settled water, filter influent and
jar test decants • Filter flask, vacuum tubing, forceps
• Stopwatch
• Deionized water


• Procedure Time to filter sample
• Measure 200 mL DI water Filterability Index FI ൌ
• Place membrane in filter holder
Time to filter DI water
• Start vacuum
• Add DI water
• Good Performance
• Time in seconds to filter DI water
• Discard membrane and DI filtrate • Sand Filters FI < 3
• Repeat for test sample • High-Rate Filters FI < 2
• Test sample filtrate for water quality • Filtered Turbidity < 0.3 NTU

14 Water Treatment Processes

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 1

Water Treatment Processes 15

Section 2

Jar Testing

Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 General Information
 Preparing for a Jar Test
 Reagent Preparation
 Conducting the Jar Test

 Coagulation Jar Test

 Lime/Soda Ash Jar Test

 Powdered Activated Carbon Jar Test

3103 Coagulation Flocculation Workshop


 Involves duplicating, sequentially in a single vessel,  Can be used for screening new coagulants, coupon testing
conventional treatment steps that occur simultaneously at for corrosion control, biological spiking experiments
different locations in the plant
 Requires working knowledge of stock solutions and how to
 Jar testing is used to prepare them
 Evaluate effects of changes in chemical dosages and points of
 Shows nature and extent of the chemical treatment that
application will optimize the quality of water that leaves the plant
 Choosing alternative coagulants
 Adding polymeric coagulant aids
 Many chemicals can be evaluated using jar testing
 Coagulants
 Implementing alternative peroxidation strategies
 Coagulant aids
 Varying mixing intensities and times  Alkaline compounds
 Changing water overflow rates on particle removal  Softening chemicals
 Powdered activated carbon


 Measure of the intensity of the mixing

 Higher number indicates more intense mixing
 Expressed as G with units of sec-1
 Calculated using energy dissipation rate in fluid or using
calibration curves
 Mixing intensities during jar tests should correspond to
those in the treatment plant

18 Jar Testing
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 2


 Goal that include evaluation of the effects of process  Water quality parameters often used to assess treatment
changes on treated water quality performance
 Changes in chemical doses  Velocity gradient
 e.g. Optimizing coagulation  Can be found in facility design documents or operations and
 Alternative chemical choices maintenance manual
 e.g. Coagulants, pH control, preoxidants, etc.  OR learn how to calculate in this class
 Additional chemical doses  Detention times
 e.g. Organic polymers  Theoretical or actual time for water to flow through a basin
 Physical modifications  Sedimentation basin overflow rate (SLR)
 e.g. Varying mixing intensities and points of chemical application  Determines length of time that water is allowed to settle in jar
before sampling


 Water quality parameters often used to assess treatment  1-Liter Circular

performance continued…  First used
 Chemicals and points of application  Least expensive
 Must know:
 Chemical formula  2-Liter Circular
 Specific gravity  2-Liter Square
 % weight
 Liquid chemical viscosity
 Solubility
 Current treatment performance data
 Shows how well jar testing conditions/procedures simulate
conditions in full-scale facility



 Disadvantages:  Provides enough sample

 Holds very little water  Stators inserted may help with mixing
 Minor errors in chemical doses result in large error in actual doses  May interfere with dosing and sampling
 Water rotates with paddles
 Reduces the amount of actual mixing  Sample siphon can be added, but with some
 Limited amount of water for analysis
 Does not provide a good sampling point  Disadvantage:
 Water still rotates with the stirrer unless stators
are used

In general, 1-L jars are not acceptable

11 12

Jar Testing 19
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Advantages:
 Square configuration reduces rotation of water
 Thicker wall and lower heat conductivity of plexiglass reduces
water temp change during test
 Jars are less fragile and can be repaired
 Sampling port can easily be installed

13 14


 Two basic types

 Gear-driven
 Best
 Magnetic-driven
 Easier to add chemicals
 Doesn’t turn smoothly at slow speeds

Use the same shape as your flash mix

15 16


 Types  Magnetic stirrers are only available with paddles

 Paddle  Corresponds to paddle, walking-beam, flat-blade turbine type
 Turbine mixing devices
 Marine  Top mounted stirrers with flat paddles are best
 Axial flow  Shaft and impeller can be changed
 Need the one that best simulates full scale

17 18

20 Jar Testing
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 2


 Jars set in a rectangular tank with raw water circulating

around them
 This is only necessary for cold water



 Determination for use of water bath:  Apparatus
 Take a raw sample  Stirring machine with 3-6 paddles with variable speeds
 Run jar test immediately  Square 2-L jars with sampling ports
 Take another sample  Sample collection container
 Let warm 5-10 degrees  Thermometer
 Run same test and take note in difference  Balance
 1-L volumetric flasks
 Pipettes/syringes
 Analytical equipment
 Varies depending on the parameters you are trying to evaluate



 Turbidimeter
 pH meter
 Thermometer
 Pipets
 Analytical balance


Jar Testing 21
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Includes aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride, ferric sulfate,  Liquid alum generally shipped at 50% concentration
polyaluminum chloride (PAC)
 Commercial alum approximately 642 mg/mL dry basis
 Should be prepared daily using concentrated coagulant
from plant supply  Pipette 15.6 mL into 1 L volumetric flask and dilute

 Procedure
 Weigh 10 g of coagulant 642 mg/mL x 15.6 mL ≈10,000 mg
 If using liquid, tare out balance with empty syringe then weigh 10 g
of liquid 10,000 mg/L = 10 mg/mL
 Dissolve in 500 mL of DI water and dilute to 1L 1 mL of 10 mg/mL into a 2L jar ≈ 5 mg/L alum dry basis
1 mL solution = 5 mg/L in 2L of water sample
**Be sure to account for percent active ingredient (aka % purity)


 Expressed as gal/MG or ppm 18 gal 10.9 lb part
196.2 lb/MG
 1 gal of coagulant added to 1 million gallons of water is 1 ppm 1 gal 1,000,000 gal

 When using coagulants, ppm ≠ mg/L This differs from what I 

teach and know. It may be  196.2 lb 1 gal mg
 ppm measures volume per volume 23.5
due to alum having <100%  MG 8.34 lb L liquid alum−polymer blend
 mg/L measures weight per volume purity.
 Since roughly 45% of liquid alum is dry alum
 Rule of Thumb
 18 ppm of alum would deliver 10.6 mg/L dry-basis alum mg
23.5 L 45% 10.6 mg⁄L
 Calculation:
 Place 10 mL of commercial product into a 1-L volumetric
flask and fill with DI water to make 10 parts- per-thousand
18 ppm 18 gal of coagulant per 1,000,000 gal of water
Coagulant alum-poly blend weighs 10.9 lb/gal
 5 mL placed in 2-L jar will make 5 ppm



 Liquid polymer stock solution Prepare A 1.0% Weight To Volume Solution

 Prepare a 1.0% weight to volume solution 1. Put 500-mL of DI water into a 1-L beaker
 Prepare a 0.1% working solution  Using pipet/syringe, remove 5 mL of water
 Emulsion polymer stock solution 2. Weigh pipet/syringe on balance and record
 Prepare a 1% weight to volume stock solution
3. Shake “neat” polymer until mixed
 Prepare a 0.05% working solution  Fill pipet/syringe with 5 grams of polymer, weigh, record
 Solid polymer stock solution 4. With blender, mix water in beaker
 Prepare a 0.5% weight to volume stock solution  Place syringe tip below water near the center and slowly empty
 Prepare a 0.01% working solution
5. Continue to mix for 30-60 seconds, then let age for 15 min
 Lime or soda ash solutions 6. Prepare every 48 hrs

22 Jar Testing
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 2

Prepare 0.1% working solution Prepare a 1.0% weight to volume solution
1. Place 180-mL DI water in beaker  Follow same steps as for liquid polymer
 Fill 20-mL pipet with 1.0% stock polymer solution (we just
Prepare a 0.05% working solution
1. Place 190-mL DI water in beaker
2. With blender, mix water in beaker
 Fill 10-mL pipet with 1.0% stock polymer solution (we just made)
 Place syringe tip below water near the center and slowly empty
2. With blender, mix water in beaker
3. Prepare daily within 2 hours of use
 Place syringe tip below water near the center and slowly empty
4. Each 1-mL of working solution ≈ 0.5 mg/L in a 2-L sample
3. Prepare daily within 2 hours of use
4. Each 1-mL of working solution ≈ 0.25 mg/L in a 2-L sample



Prepare 0.5% weight to volume stock solution Prepare 0.5% weight to volume stock solution
1. Place 500-mL of DI water in 1-L beaker 1. Place 196-mL DI water in beaker
 Fill 4-mL pipet with 0.5% stock polymer solution
2. Weight out 2.5 grams of polymer
3. Using a blender, mix the water in the beaker 2. With blender, mix water in beaker
 Slowly add solid polymer in middle of beaker  Place syringe tip below water near the center and slowly
 Pause to let solution mix after each incremental addition
3. Prepare daily within 2 hours of use
4. Continue to mix 60-90 seconds or until solution appears
homogenous (consistent) 4. Each 1-mL of working solution ≈ 0.05 mg/L in a 2-L
5. Prepare every 48 hours

1. Boil DI water for 15 minutes to expel CO2  Effectiveness of dry and liquid coagulants varies with
 Cool to room temperature shortly be use
 Highly diluted stock solutions may degrade over time
2. Weigh 10 grams of solid material and suspend in 1-L  New stock solutions must be made up every day
boiled DI water
 Mix immediately before each use  Polymeric inorganic coagulants such as PAC can degrade
very quickly and should not be diluted
3. Each 1-mL ≈ 5 mg/L in 2-L sample  To test dry metal salts (e.g., alum and ferric), stock
solutions should be made up
4. Prepare daily
 Dilution of liquid coagulants is usually not required if
necessary volume can be added to test jars with
 If micropipette not available, recommend dilution ratio of 1:100

Jar Testing 23
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


 Dry Alum  Microliters (µL) to add to 2-L solution can be calculated
 Dissolve 10-g alum in DI water and dilute to 1-L using coagulant concentration (%) and the specific gravity
 Creates stock solution: 10,000 mg/L or 0.17% Al2O3 by weight
 1-mL added to 2-L jar ≈ 5 mg/L as alum or 17 µM as Al  Alum
dose, μM 5.10 jar vol, L
 Dry Ferric Chloride (anhydrous, FeCl3) volume, μL dilution factor
 Dissolve 2.93-g in DI water and dilute to 1-L %Al O sp. gr
 Creates stock solution: 1,000 mg/L or 0.1% Fe by weight  Iron
 1-mL added to 2-L jar ≈ 0.5 mg/L or 9 µM as Fe dose, μM 5.59 jar vol, L
volume, μL dilution factor
 Dry Ferric Sulfate (anhydrous) %Fe sp. gr
 Dissolve 3.57-g in DI water and dilute to 1-L
 Creates stock solution: 1,000 mg/L or 0.1% Fe by weight
 1-mL added to 2-L jar ≈ 0.5 mg/L or 9 µM as



1. Add 200-500 mL of DI water to volumetric flask 1. Dissolve 1 gram of KMnO4 in DI water and dilute to 1-L
2. After thorough mixing, weigh out 0.2-g of 2. Makes stock solution of 1,000 mg/L or 1 mg/mL
polymer  1-mL of stock solution ≈ 0.5 mg/L in 2-L sample
3. Rinse all the polymer into volumetric flask
4. Fill to 1,000-mL mark Polymer content of
the liquid must be
5. Cap and shake for 1 minute known to make
6. Makes stock solution of 200 mg/L or 0.2 accurate comparison
mg/mL to dry polymer which
is typically 100%.
 1-mL added to 2-L jar ≈ 0.1 mg/L
7. Make daily to avoid degradation



 Use of caustic is more convenient for jar testing than lime  0.1 N NaOH is generally sufficient
 Lime is dosed in a suspension that requires continuous stirring  Regent grade NaOH is usually supplied in pellet form
 Difference in effective ness is typically negligible Prepare 0.1N solution
 Once dose is determined, use the following conversion factors 1. Add 200-500 mL of DI water to 1-L flask
to adjust the values  Add magnetic stir bar and put on stir plate

1 mg/L CaO = 1 mg/L CaCO3 x 0.56 2. Weigh out 4 grams of NaOH pellets
3. Pour pellets into 1-L flask and mix at medium speed until
mg/L Ca(OH)2 = mg/L CaCO3 x 0.74 pellets dissolve
mg/L Na2CO3 = mg/L CaCO3 x 1.06 4. Remove stir bar; fill flask to 1-L mark with DI water
mg/L NaOH = mg/L CaCO3 x 0.80 5. Cap and shake for 1 minute
6. Makes stock solution of 4,000 mg/L or 4 mg/mL as 100% NaOH
 1-mL of stock solution ≈ 2.0 mg/L in 2-L sample

24 Jar Testing
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 2

 Dry PAC
1. Weigh 10 grams PAC on balance
 Dissolve in 1-L of DI water
 Mix thoroughly before each use
2. 1-mL of dosing solution ≈ 5.0 mg/L in 2-L sample

 PAC in slurry form

1. Measure 10 mL well-mixed carbon slurry and place in small
pre-weighed container TEST
2. Allow to sit in drying oven (100°C) overnight; cool in
desiccator; weigh

Dry carbon weight (mg) ÷ 0.01 = slurry concentration (mg/L)


 Uses jar test in an attempt to imitate the mixing,

COAGULATION JAR flocculation and settling conditions in the full-scale
treatment plant
TEST  When fine tuned and implemented, plant will produce better
quality water
 Select a series of doses
 First jar represents undertreatment
 Last jar represents overtreatment
 Can be used to compare various types of coagulants and
coagulant aids
 Best test to optimize your coagulation/flocculation process


 Preparation tasks completed 1. Determine quality of raw water

 Often treatment performance data is expressed in terms of
 Study goals defined percentage removal
 Testing parameters determined 2. Input chemical names and concentrations to be added
into data sheet/bench sheet
 Operator should ensure all chemicals properly labeled and
mixed 3. Input G values for rapid mix and flocculation stages
 Convert these to appropriate rpms in the jar test
 Jars and paddles cleaned by wiping with wet cloth and
rinsing with tap water 4. Input detention times for rapid mix and flocculation
5. Input coagulant doses
 Useful to select doses increments of 10 mg/L
 Use smaller increments for fine-tuning optimum dosage

Jar Testing 25
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


6. Proceed with all other chemicals in a similar manner 12. After flocculation, stop mixer and remove paddles from
7. Determine critical settling velocity based on SOR or SLR  Collect samples at to previously calculated times to simulate
8. Fill jars with sample water full scale sedimentation basin
9. Lower impellers/paddles so they are about 1/3 from the 13. Collect sample
bottom  First portion of sample taken from fixed port should be
10. Begin flash mix period based on determined values  When using syringe, samples should be taken from the
 Dispense chemicals to jars as rapidly as possible same dept as the fixed port
 Dispense chemicals in the same order as in full-scale plant
14. Conduct laboratory analysis on collected samples being
11. After rapid mix, decrease mixing speed for flocculation sure to observe holding times
 Typical to measure coagulation pH at this point 15. Input laboratory results into data sheet


1. Clean jars with detergent and scrub brush. Rinse with 7. Fill plastic syringes with correct amounts of chemical
tap water solution to be added to each jar
 Fill one syringe for each chemical for each jar
2. Clean paddles with damp cloth
8. Begin rapid mixing
3. Collect water to be treated and run test promptly
9. Inject chemicals into jars below the surface of the water
4. Mix sample thoroughly and fill jars half full near the paddles
 Remix the sample water  Inject all the jars at the same time
 In reverse order, fill jars to fill line  Add chemicals in the order they would be added in the plant

5. Place paddles in jars and tighten thumb screws 10. Lower paddles speed to simulate flocculation mixing
6. Add clay suspension to each jar, if applicable 11. Observe each jar for the appearance of microfloc
(“pinpoint” floc); note time and order


12. At end of flocculation period, stop stirring machine, 15. Analyze samples for any parameters of interest using
remove paddles, and allow floc to settle I do not agree with  appropriate testing methods
this. Sampling   pH
13. Observe floc as it settles time should be 
 Hazy sample = poor coagulation based of SOR and   Turbidity
 Clear sample = acceptable coagulation settling velocity.  TOC
14. Collect samples at 5, 10, 15, and 30 min or as desired  Etcetera
 If using jar with sampling port, flush 20 mL to waste
 Do not clamp tube between flush and sample collection
 Make sure tube is 100% open
 If using jar without a sampling port, carefully obtain sample
with 100-mL pipet
 Collect necessary amount of sample in sample cup

26 Jar Testing
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 2


1. Determine hardness, phenolphthalein and total alkalinity,

calcium, and free carbon dioxide
LIME OR SODA ASH 2. Calculate dosages of lime and/or soda ash needed
SOFTENING JAR TEST 3. Follow steps 1-5 of Coagulation Jar Test (clean equipment
and collect sample)
4. Fill plastic syringes with correct amounts of lime or soda ash
(prepared previously) to be added to each jar
 Fill one syringe for each jar
5. Begin mixing at 30 rpm or speed that replicates the plant
6. Inject chemicals into jars below the surface of the water near
the paddles
 Inject all the jars at the same time


7. Continue mixing for same time period as in the plant 11. Filter samples through filter paper to remove any solid
8. Stop stirring machine and allow sample to settle until
supernatant liquid is fairly clear 12. Run analysis on sample water
 Hardness
9. Collect samples between 10 - 15 minutes
 If using jar with sampling port, flush 20 mL to waste  Phenolphthalein alkalinity
 Do not clamp tube between flush and sample collection  Total alkalinity
 Make sure tube is 100% open  pH
 If using jar without a sampling port, carefully obtain sample
with 100-mL pipet
10. Warm sample to 25°C


1. Clean and scrub jar test equipment and sample

POWDERED ACTIVATED containers with non-odorous detergent
 Rinse thoroughly with odor free water
CARBON JAR TEST 2. Follow steps 3-5 of Coagulation Jar Test (sample
3. Begin mixing at 30 rpm or speed that replicates the plant
4. Fill plastic syringes with correct amounts of lime or soda
ash (prepared previously) to be added to each jar
 Fill one syringe for each jar
 Fill syringes for any other chemicals that are to be added
during jar test e.g. coagulant

Jar Testing 27
Section 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


5. Inject dosing solution into jars below water surface near 9. Filter portion of sample through glass fiber filter (pre-
paddle washed with odor free water) to remove carbon from
 Add chemicals in the same order they would be added in the plant sample
6. Continue mixing for the same period as in the plant 10. Determine TON (threshold odor number) of each sample
7. Stop stirring machine; allow to settle for 15 minutes or jar and blank
desired time period
8. Collect samples between 10 - 15 minutes
 If using jar with sampling port, flush 20 mL to waste
 Do not clamp tube between flush and sample collection
 Make sure tube is 100% open
 If using jar without a sampling port, carefully obtain sample
with 100-mL pipet

28 Jar Testing
Section 3


Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Jar Testing
Practical Uses
Velocity Gradient
Laboratory Testing Techniques
Filterability Index

Objectives 2

• Velocity Gradient
• Mechanical Mixers
• Hydraulic mixers
• Variable Speed Drives
• Jar Test Correction
• Surface Overflow Rate
• Settling Time
• Sampling Time

30 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Key Parameters

• Velocity gradient in the flash mix

• Effective retention time in the flash mix
• Velocity gradient in the flocculator
• Effective retention time in the flocculator
• Surface overflow rate on the sedimentation basin

Practical Uses for Jar Tests

• Determine coagulant and flocculant dosages

• Determine mixing times
• Chemical addition sequence
• Mixing energies
• Dosages of taste and odor control chemicals
• Dosages of oxidant chemicals

Math 31
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Determine Dose

• Bracket expected “best” dosage

• If 15 mg/L alum is expected to be best, test 5, 10, 15, 20,
25 and 30 mg/L
• Change only one variable (i.e. pH adjustment chemical
dose) during each test run
• Perform multiple runs if multiple variable changes are
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cI0E0JIVTk
• Basketball analogy (start at 4:50)

Rules to Remember

• Keep equipment clean

• Rinse jars and paddles with DI water
• Use fresh chemicals
• Add chemicals in correct order
• Pre-measure chemicals

32 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Rules to Remember

• Use 2 liters of water per jar

• Drain 20 mL of sample water out of sample line before
taking sample
• Check pH at flash mix and jar to compare
• Light heats up water – leave off

Velocity Gradient, G, sec-1

• The power input per unit volume of water

• How much horsepower the mixing device is supplying to
the water to mix the coagulant into the water
• How much horsepower is being supplied to increase floc
formation in the flocculators

Math 33
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Velocity Gradient, G, sec-1

• The concept of velocity gradient is one of the most

important ideas to be understood when conducting jar
• The intensity of mixing is generally measured by the
velocity gradient
• A higher number indicates more intense mixing
• Mixing intensities, or velocity gradients, during jar tests
should correspond to those in the treatment plant
• G should decrease as water goes through the treatment
• Units = ft/sec/ft or sec-1

How to Find Velocity Gradient

• Consultant or plant engineer

• Manufacturer of unit
• Bid specs, drawings or O&M manual
• Calculations taught in this workshop
• Educated guess/trial and error

34 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3


• Sedimentation basins remove particles by gravity

• The surface loading rate or overflow rate is the most
important parameter for sedimentation
• Surface loading corresponds to velocity


• The surface overflow rate for a basin is 2,500 gpd/ft2.

What is the settling velocity in cm/min for the basin?

2500 3785 mL gal
SV, cm⁄min
1440 min day 929 cm

Settling velocity, cm⁄min 7.07 cm⁄min

Math 35
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Settling Velocity

• To calculate the settling velocity or the rate at which the

particles settle, the following conversion factors can be

Multiply Settling
Plant Flow Rate / Surface Area
By Velocity

MGD/ft2 2,829.56 cm/min

gal/min/ft2 4.0746 cm/min

Settling Velocity cont.

• A sedimentation tank with a surface overflow rate of 1440

gpd/ft2 removes particles that settle faster than 4 cm/min.
• Particles that settle slower would not be removed

Surface Overflow Settling Velocity,

Rate, gpd/ft2 cm/min
180 0.5
360 1.0
720 2.0
1440 4.0
3600 10.0

36 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

SLR to Settling Velocity

• A sedimentation tank will remove all particles that exceed

the critical velocity for a given overflow rate
• Therefore, the surface loading rate corresponds to the
settling velocity and must match that of the process
• Think of dropping a large rock vs a handful of grit in a
flowing stream
• The same applies in the sedimentation basin

Settling Velocities

• General design of alum and ferric sedimentation basins:

• SOR rates of 400-1000 gpd/ft2
• Settling velocities of 1-3 cm/min
• Samples should be taken from 2-10 min in jar tests
• Allowing the water to settle for 30-60 minutes and then
taking a sample for turbidity has no relationship to the full-
scale system
• This sample should not be used for collecting useful jar
test information

Math 37
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Settling Velocities cont.

• Jar tests can be used to determine what percent of the

turbidity has a certain settling velocity

• Basin efficiencies can be estimated for a given overflow

rate with this info


Ready for Some Math???

38 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

How to Find Velocity Gradient

• Formula
550 P
μ V

• V = tank volume, ft3

• P = horsepower minus 10%
•  = viscosity, (lbs)(sec)/ft2
• 550 converts HP to work (ft-lb/sec)

550 P 20
Horsepower G
μ V

• P = horsepower (motor and gear unit)

• Take about 10% off for wear and tear

• e.g. 100 hp, use 90 hp

• Get this from your motor nameplate or paperwork

Math 39
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

550 P 21
Viscosity G
μ V

•  = viscosity of water in force (lb)(sec)/ft2

• See full chart in Coag/Floc Formula Book provided

Temperature ° C , (lbs)(sec)/ft2 Temperature ° F

14 0.000024529 57.2
16 0.000023293 60.8
18 0.000022139 64.4
20 0.000021061 68.0
22 0.000020061 71.6
24 0.000019128 75.2

550 P 22
Volume G
μ V

• V = volume of the flash mix basin in ft3

• Square basin, ft3 = (length, ft)(width, ft)(depth, ft)

• Round basin, ft3 = (0.785)(Diameter, ft)2(depth, ft)

40 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Example 1

• Motor HP = 6 hp
• Water Temp = 18°C
• Flash mix = 10 ft x 10 ft x 12 ft deep

• Based on the information provided, what is the calculated

velocity gradient, G (sec-1)?

550 P 24
Example 1 G
μ V
• Motor HP = 6
• Water Temp = 18°C
• Flash mix = 10 ft x 10 ft x 12 ft deep

• P = (6HP)(0.90) = 5.4 hp

•  = 0.000022139 (from chart)

• V = (10ft)(10ft)(12ft) = 1200 ft3

Math 41
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Example 1 Cont’d 550 P 25

μ V

550 5.4 hp
0.000022139 1200 ft


G 111,793.6673
G 334 sec

Example 1 – Step Two

• What do we do with G now that we have found it?

• Velocity gradient can be correlated to paddle speed in

the jar test machine
• Use the Phipps and Bird chart provided in the Coag/Floc
Formula Book

42 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

334 Water
Temp =
18° C


Your Turn - #1

• HP = 3
• Temperature = 16° C
• Volume of flash mix = 8ft x 8ft x 10ft

• What is the velocity gradient (sec-1) and what should be

the setting for the jar test paddles (rpm)?

Math 43
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Motor HP = 3
Your Turn - #1 Water Temp = 16° C
Flash mix = 8ft x 8ft x 10 ft deep

• P = (3 HP)(0.90) = 2.7 hp

•  = 0.000023293 (from chart)

• V = (8ft)(8ft)(10ft) = 640 ft3

550 P 30
Your Turn - #1 G
μ V

550 2.7 ℎ𝑝
0.000023293 640 𝑓𝑡


𝐺 99,614.1545
𝐺 315.6 𝑠𝑒𝑐

44 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Temp =
16° C

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 250

Hydraulic Jumps, Weirs and Baffles

head loss

Math 45
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Hydraulic Jumps, Weirs and Baffles

• Formula

62.4 H
μ 𝑇

• H= head loss, ft
•  = viscosity, (lbs)(sec)/ft2
• T = detention time, sec

62.4 H 34
Example 2 G
μ T

• Temperature = 20°C
•  = 0.000021061
• Weir is 2 feet high
• Detention time = 55 seconds

• What is the velocity gradient (sec-1) and what should be

the setting for the jar test paddles (rpm)?

46 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Example 2 62.4 H 35
μ T

62.4 2 𝑓𝑡
0.000021061 55 𝑠𝑒𝑐


𝐺 107,738.9919

Temperature = 20°C 𝐺 328.2 𝑠𝑒𝑐

 = 0.000021061
Weir is 2 feet high
Detention time = 55 seconds

328 Water
Temp =
20° C


Math 47
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Your Turn #2

• Temperature = 18° C
• Weir is 2 feet high
• Detention time = 51 minutes**

• What is the velocity gradient (sec-1) in the rapid mix, and

what should be the setting for the jar test paddles (rpm)?

**Pay attention to your units and

what part of the process you are in

Your Turn #2

62.4 2 ft
0.000022139 3060 sec


G 1842.193131

Temperature = 18° C G 42.9 sec

Weir is 2 feet high
DT= 51 min = 3060 sec

48 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Temp =
18° C



Variable Speed Mixers


• Rearrange to solve for G2

• G1 = Gmax
• G2 = Velocity Gradient
• N1 = RPMmax
• N2 = RPM’s

Math 49
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Example 3 – Variable Speed Mixers 41

• A facility has a variable speed drive in the rapid mix.

Based on the water parameters provided, determine the
velocity gradient if the drive is operating at setting 4.
• Vary Drive
• Water Temp = 16°C • 10 = 2.5 rpm
• 9 = 2.25 rpm
• Flash mix = 12 ft x 12 ft x 10 ft • 8 = 2.0 rpm
• 3 HP motor • 7 = 1.75 rpm
• 6 = 1.5 rpm
• Max RPM’s = 2.5 • 5 = 1.25 rpm
• 4 = 1.0 rpm = N2
• 3 = 0.75 rpm
• 2 = 0.5 rpm
• 1 = 0.25 rpm

Example 3 – Variable Speed Mixers 42

First, we have to find the maximum velocity gradient that

the mixer can accomplish.
550 P
μ V

• P = (3 hp)(0.90) = 2.7 hp

•  = 0.000023293 (from chart)

• V = (12 ft)(12 ft)(10 ft) = 1440 ft3

50 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Example 3 – Variable Speed Mixers

550 P
G 550 2.7
μ V G
0.000023293 1440 ft
P = (3 hp)(0.90) = 2.7 hp
 = 0.000023293 (from chart)
V = (12ft)(12ft)(10ft) = 1440 ft3 1485

This is the maximum (G1) velocity G 44272.95754

gradient that can be obtained by the
variable speed drive on setting 10.
G 210.4 sec

Example 3 – Variable Speed Mixers 44

G1 = Gmax
G2 = Velocity Gradient G
N1 = RPMmax N
N2 = RPM’s N

210.4 sec
G1 = 210.4 sec-1 G
N1 = 2.5 rpm (at setting 10) 2.5
N2 = 1.0 rpm (at setting 4) 1.0

This is the actual (G2) velocity 3.952847075
gradient obtained by the variable
speed drive on setting 4. G 53sec

Math 51
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Temp =
16° C


TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Example 3 – Your Turn

• Using 2.5 for N1 and 210 for G1, solve for G2 at all other
Variable Drive Settings
• 10 = 2.5 rpm
• 9 = 2.25 rpm
• 8 = 2.0 rpm
• 7 = 1.75 rpm
• 6 = 1.5 rpm
• 5 = 1.25 rpm
• 4 = 1.0 rpm
• 3 = 0.75 rpm
• 2 = 0.5 rpm
• 1 = 0.25 rpm

52 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Example 3 – Your Turn 47

Flocculator Jar Test

Setting RPM G2 RPM
10 2.5 210 187
9 2.25 179 162
8 2.0 150 137
7 1.75 123 115
6 1.5 98 100
5 1.25 74 80
4 1.0 53 61
3 0.75 35 43
2 0.5 19 27
1 0.25 6.6 <10

Calculating Stirring Times 48

∗∗ tank vol, gal

Detention time, min
flow rate, gpm

⁎⁎make sure the units you are using match the part of the
process you are looking at
i.e. rapid mix  seconds
flocculation  minutes
sedimentation  hours

plant capacity, gpm DT, min

Stirring time, min
actual flow rate, gpm

Math 53
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Jar Test Correction

• What if your jar test machine won’t give you a high enough G
(velocity gradient)?
• You must mix longer to compensate for the decreased
velocity gradient
• Rearrange to solve for T2
𝑇 ≡
• T1 = Tmax = time to use in jar test, sec
• G1 = Gmax= maximum G for jar test machine, sec-1
• T2 = actual process detention time, sec
• G2 = calculated velocity gradient, sec-1

Example 4

• According to our calculations, the rapid mix has a

velocity gradient of 1000 sec-1. If the water temperature
is 22°C and the rapid mix detention time is 15 seconds,
Our Phipps & Bird machine will only go up to 105 rpm’s,
which is equivalent to ≈100 sec-1. Determine the amount
of time required to mix the sample in the lab to accurately
mimic the plant.

54 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Velocity Gradient = 1000 sec-1

Time = 15 sec 51
Temp = 22°C
Example 4 Cont’d
𝑇 ≡

1000 𝑠𝑒𝑐 15 𝑠𝑒𝑐

𝑇 ≡
100 𝑠𝑒𝑐

𝑇 150 𝑠𝑒𝑐@105 𝑟𝑝𝑚

T1 = Tmax = time to use in jar test, sec

G1 = Gmax= maximum G for jar test machine, sec-1
T2 = actual process detention time, sec
G2 = calculated velocity gradient, sec-1


• Does surface loading rate influence sedimentation?

• Yes – this is one of the most important factors
• Also knows as Surface Overflow Rate

basin flow rate, gpd

SOR, gpd ft
basin surface area, ft

Math 55
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Example 5

• A water plant has four sedimentation basins. It treats 6

MGD. The flow is split equally between all four basins.
The basins are 30 feet long and 20 feet wide. What is
the surface overflow rate for each basin in gpd/ft2?

floc floc sedimentation

mix floc floc sedimentation

floc floc sedimentation

Example 5 Cont’d
6,000,000 gpd
4 basins

gpd⁄basin 1,500,000 gpd⁄basin

1,500,000 gpd
30 ft 20 ft

This will allow us 1,500,000 gpd

to determine the SOR
settling velocity
600 ft
and jar test
sampling time. gpd
SOR 2,500

56 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Converting SOR to Setting Velocity

SOR, gpd⁄ft 3785 cm ⁄gal

Settling velocity, cm⁄min
1440 min⁄day 929 cm ⁄ft

1 cm3 = 1 mL
3785 mL = 1 gal
Therefore, 3785 cm3 also = 1 gal

Example 5 Cont’d

As determined previously, the surface overflow rate for a basin is

2,500 gpd/ft2. What is the settling velocity in cm/min for the basin?

SOR, gpd⁄ft 3785 cm ⁄gal

Settling velocity, cm⁄min
1440 min⁄day 929 cm ⁄ft

2500 gpd⁄ft 3785 cm ⁄gal

1440 min⁄day 929 cm ⁄ft


cm⁄min 7.07 cm⁄min

Math 57
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Example 5 Cont’d 57

Determine jar test sampling time based on settling velocity

of 7.07 cm/min.

Settling Velocity, Sampling Time,

cm/min min
0.5 20
1.0 10
2.0 5
4.0 2.5
10.0 1

Chart based on a sample depth in the jar of 10 cm.

Example 5 Cont’d

• We determined the settling velocity is 7.07 cm/min. This

number cannot be found on the chart so we will have to
calculate the sampling time

10 𝑐𝑚
𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, mi𝑛
𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑐𝑚⁄𝑚𝑖𝑛

10 𝑐𝑚
𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, mi𝑛
7.07 𝑐𝑚⁄𝑚𝑖𝑛

𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒, mi𝑛 1.4 minutes

58 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Jar Test “Floc Beaker”

2-L fill line

10 cm

Determining Dosage

• Need to choose 6 dosages for the jar test

• Feed chemicals in the jar test in µL (microliters)

dose, mg⁄L sample volume, L

chemical specific gravity

Math 59
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Example 6 61

• A water treatment plant is currently feeding 17 mg/L of

coagulant to treat their raw water. The coagulant in use
has a specific gravity of 1.333. Determine the microliters
of coagulant necessary for the jar test.

dose, mg⁄L sample volume, L

chemical specific gravity

17 mg⁄L 2 L

µL 25 µL

Example 6 Cont’d 62

• Now, choose 5 other doses to feed while keeping the

plant dose, 17 mg/L, in the middle as a control

dose, mg⁄L sample volume, L

chemical specific gravity
Jar # Dosage (mg/L) ≈ Jar test dose (µL)
1 7 11
2 12 18
3 17 25
4 22 33
5 27 41
6 32 48

60 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Coagulation/Flocculation Workshop
Warm-up Math

1. A flash mix chamber is 4 feet wide by 5 feet long and contains water to a depth of
3 feet. What is the volume in gallons of water in the flash mix chamber?

2. A flocculation basin is 50 feet long by 20 feet wide and contains water to a depth of
8 feet. What is the volume in gallons of the water in the basin?

3. A flocculation basin is 40 feet long by 16 feet wide and contains water to a depth of
8 feet. How many gallons of water are in the basin?

4. A flash mix chamber is 5 feet square and contains water to a depth of 42 inches.
What is the volume in gallons of water in the flash mixing chamber?

Math 61
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

5. A flocculation basin is 25 feet wide by 40 feet long and contains water to a depth of
9 feet 2 inches. What is the volume in gallons of water in the flocculation basin?

Detention Time
6. The flow to a flocculation basin is 3,625,000 gal/day. If the basin is 60 feet long by
25 feet wide and contains water to a depth of 9 feet, what is the detention time (in
minutes) of the flocculation basin?

7. A flocculation basin is 50 feet long by 20 feet wide and has a water level of 8 feet.
What is the detention time (in minutes) in the basin if the flow to the basin is 2.8

8. A flash mix chamber is 6 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep. It receives a flow
of 9 MGD. What is the detention time (in seconds) in the chamber?

62 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

9. A flocculation basin is 50 feet long by 20 feet wide and has a water depth of 10
feet. If the flow to the basin is 2,250,000 gal/day, what is the detention time in

10. A flash mix chamber is 4 feet square and has a water depth of 42 inches. If the
flash mix chamber receives a flow of 3.25 MGD, what is the detention time in

Dry Feeder Settings

11. The desired dry alum dosage, as determined by the jar test, is 10 mg/L. Determine
the lb/day setting on a dry alum feeder if the flow is 3,450,000 gal/day.

12. Jar tests indicate that the best polymer dose for a water sample is 12 mg/L. If the
flow to be treated is 1,660,000 gal/day, what should the dry chemical lb/day feed
setting be?

Math 63
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

13. Determine the desired lb/day setting on a dry alum feeder if jar tests indicate an
optimum dose of 12 mg/L and the flow to be treated is 2.66 MGD.

14. The desired dry alum dose is 9 mg/L, as determined by a jar test. If the flow to be
treated is 940,000 gal/day, how many lb/day dry alum will be required?

15. A flow of 4.10 MGD is to be treated with a dry polymer. If the desired dose is 13
mg/L, what should the dry chemical feeder in lb/day setting be?

16. Calculate the actual chemical feed rate in pounds per day if a container is placed
under a chemical feeder and 2.3 pounds are collected during a 30-minute period.

64 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

17. During a 24-hour period, a flow of 1,920,000 gal/day is treated. If 42 pounds of

polymer were used for coagulation during that 24-hour period, what is the polymer
dosage in mg/L?

Liquid Feeder Settings

18. Jar tests indicate that the best alum dose for a unit process is 7 mg/L. The flow to
be treated is 1.66 MGD. Determine the gal/day setting for the alum solution feeder
if the liquid alum contains 5.24 pounds of alum per gallon of solution.

19. The flow to a plant of 3.43 MGD. Jar testing indicates that the optimum alum dose
is 12 mg/L. What should the gal/day setting be for the solution feeder if the alum
solution is a 55% solution and has a density of 11.12 lb/gal.

20. Jar tests indicate that the best alum dose for a unit process is 10 mg/L. The flow to
be treated is 4.13 MGD. Determine the gal/day setting for the alum solution feeder
if the liquid alum contains 5.40 pounds of alum per gallon of solution.

Math 65
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

21. Jar tests indicate the best liquid alum dose for a unit process is 11 mg/L. The flow
to be treated is 880,000 gal/day. Determine the gal/day setting for the liquid alum
chemical feeder if the liquid alum is a 55% solution.

22. A flow of 1,850,000 gal/day is to be treated with alum. Jar tests indicate that the
optimum alum dose is 15 mg/L. If the liquid alum contains 640 mg alum per
milliliter solution, what should be the gallons per day setting for the alum solution

23. The desired solution feed rate was calculated to be 40 gal/day. What is this feed
rate expressed at milliliters per minute (mL/min)?

24. The desired solution feed rate was calculated to be 34.2 gal/day. What is this feed
rate expressed at milliliters per minute (mL/min)?

66 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

25. The optimum polymer dose has been determined to be 10 mg/L. The flow to be
treated is 2,880,000 gal/day. If the solution to be used contains 55% active
polymer, what should the solution chemical feeder setting be in milliliters per
minute (mL/min)?

26. The optimum polymer dose for a 2,820,000 gal/day flow has been determined to be
6 mg/L. If the polymer solution contains 55% active polymer, what should the
solution chemical feeder setting in milliliters per minute be? Assuming the polymer
solution weighs 8.34 lbs/gal.

27. Jar tests indicate that the best alum dose for a unit process is 16 mg/L. The liquid
alum contains 5.40 pounds alum per gallon of solution. What should the setting be
on the solution chemical feeder in milliliters per minute (mL/min) when the flow to
be treated is 3.45 MGD?

Chemical Usage
28. Based on the amount of chemical used each day, what was the average chemical
use in pound/day for the following week: Monday, 81 pounds; Tuesday, 73
pounds; Wednesday, 74 pounds; Thursday 66 pounds; Friday 79 pounds; Saturday
80 pounds and Sunday, 82 pounds.

Math 67
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

29. The average chemical use at the plant is 90 lbs/day. If the chemical inventory in
stock is 2200 pounds, how many days supply is this?

30. The chemical inventory in stock is 889 pounds. If the average chemical use at the
plant is 58 pounds per day, how many days supply is this?

31. The average gallons of polymer solution used each day at a treatment plant are 88
gal/day. A chemical feed tank has a diameter of 3 feet and contains solution to a
depth of 3 feet 4 inches. How many days supply is in the solution tank?

32. Jar tests indicate that the optimum polymer dose for a unit process is 2.8 mg/L. If
the flow to be treated is 18 MGD, how many pounds of dry polymer will be required
for a 30-day period?

68 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

Coagulation/Flocculation Workshop
Jar Testing Math
Velocity Gradient
33. What is your velocity gradient for a flash mix that is 6 feet square by 8 feet deep.
You have a 5 hp motor and the water temperature is 20C.

34. What is your velocity gradient for a flash mix that is 10 feet by 10 feet and 12 feet
deep. You have a 8 hp motor and the water temperature is 22C.

35. Your flocculators are 20 feet square by 16 feet deep. You have a variable speed
drive that has 3 hp and the maximum RPM’s equals 2.5 and you have the variable
speed set on 6. The water temperature is 18C. Find your velocity gradient for the
current setting.

Variable Drive Settings

 10 = 2.5 rpm
 9 = 2.25 rpm
 8 = 2.0 rpm
 7 = 1.75 rpm
 6 = 1.5 rpm
 5 = 1.25 rpm
 4 = 1.0 rpm
 3 = 0.75 rpm
 2 = 0.5 rpm
 1 = 0.25 rpm

Math 69
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

36. Your second set of flocculators is 20 feet square by 16 feet deep. You have a
variable speed drive that has 3 hp and the maximum RPM’s equals 2.5 and you
have the variable speed set on 3. The water temperature is 18C. Use the chart
above. Find your velocity gradient.

37. Your old jar test machine will only go up to 125 rpm’s, which is equivalent to about
140 sec-1. Your water temperature is 22C. You wanted to achieve a mixing
velocity of 600 sec-1 for 16 seconds. How many seconds must the sample mix to
make up for the slow mixing?

38. Your old jar test machine will only go up to 80 rpm’s, which is equivalent to about
75 sec-1. Your water temperature is 16C. You wanted to achieve a mixing velocity
of 153 sec-1 for 13 seconds. How long must you mix to make up for the slow

Surface Overflow Rate

39. A rectangular sedimentation basin is 60 feet long and 25 feet wide. When the flow
is 510 gal/min, what is the surface overflow rate in gal/day/ft2?

70 Math
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 3

40. A circular clarifier has a diameter of 70 feet. If the flow to the clarifier is 1610
gal/min, what is the surface overflow rate in gal/day/ft2?

41. A rectangular sedimentation basin receives a flow of 540,000 gal/day. If the basin
is 50 feet long and 20 feet wide, what is the surface overflow rate in gal/day/ft2?

42. The surface overflow rate for a basin is 2,300 gal/day/ft2. What is the settling
velocity in cm/min?

43. The surface overflow rate for a basin is 1,500 gal/day/ft2. What is the settling
velocity in cm/min?

Math 71
Section 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

1. 448.8 gal 16. 110.4 lbs/day 31. 2 days
2. 59,840 gal 17. 2.6 mg/L 32. 12,610 lbs
3. 38,298 gal 18. 18.5 gpd 33. 638 sec-1
4. 654.5 gal 19. 56.13 gpd 34. 406 sec-1
5. 68,567 gal 20. 63.8 gpd 35. 47 sec-1
6. 40 min 21. 17.6 gpd 36. 17 sec-1
7. 30.8 min 22. 43.3 gpd 37. 69 sec
8. 10.8 sec 23. 105 mL/min 38. 27 sec
9. 48 min 24. 89.9 mL/min 39. 489.6 gpd/ft2
10. 11.1 sec 25. 137.6 mL/min 40. 602.7 gpd/ft2
11. 288 lbs/day 26. 80.9 mL/min 41. 540 gpd/ft2
12. 166 lbs/day 27. 224 mL/min 42. 6.5 cm/min
13. 266 lbs/day 28. 76.4 lbs/day 43. 4.2 cm/mi
14. 70.6 lbs/day 29. 24.4 days
15. 445 lbs/day 30. 15.3 days

72 Math
Section 4

Plant Examples

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Plant  Examples

Jar Tester
maxes out at
Plant Example 400 sec-1

6 MGD 31.1 max rpm 27 max rpm

22 ntu
20°C #1 #2 #3 #4 20ft x 70ft

3 hp 2 hp
Flash 27 20 15 10
Mix rpm rpm rpm rpm
10 hp
4ft x 4ft x 8 ft Each floc tank 18.1ft x 18.1ft x 14 ft

74 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Plant Example
• We need to replicate in the lab how our plant 
– Velocity gradients (RPMs in lab)
– Detention times (stir times)
– Surface overflow rate
• Settling velocity
– Sampling time

Step 1 – Flash Mix

• Find G (velocity gradient) of flash mix basin
• Find Detention time for Flash Mix in seconds
• Determine stir time
– May have to increase time to make up for lack of G in lab

Plant Examples 75
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Flash Mix
• Find G (velocity gradient) of flash mix basin

550 P
µ V

flash mix vol, ft 4 ft 4 ft 8 ft 128ft

P 10 hp 0.90 9 hp

550 9 hp
G 1355sec
0.000021061 128 ft

Flash Mix
• Find Detention time (seconds)
volume, gal
Flash mix vol, gal 128ft 7.48 gal⁄ft
Flash mix vol, gal 957.44 gal
957.44 gal
6,000,000 gpd

DT 0.00016 days

0.00016 days 24 hr 60 min 60 sec

DT, sec
1 day 1 hr 1 min

DT, sec 13.8 sec 6

76 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

G1 = 1355 sec-1
Jar Test Max = 400 sec-1
Flash Mix
• Determine jar test stir time
– Jar test cannot achieve plant velocity gradient. We must
stir for longer to make up for the lack of speed.


1355 sec 13.8 sec

400 sec

T 46.7 sec

46.7 sec @ 300 rpm 7

Step 2 - Flocculators
• Find G2 (actual) for Flocculator #1
• Plug velocity gradient into Phipps & Bird chart to
determine paddle RPMs on jar tester
• Repeat for any additional flocculators
• ** Be sure to note any changes in dimensions,
RPMs and HP

Plant Examples 77
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

550 P
Flocculator #1 μ V

• Determine Gmax (G1)

floc tank vol, ft 18.1 ft 18.1 ft 14 ft

floc tank vol 4586.54 ft

P 3 0.9 2.7 hp

550 2.7 hp
0.000021061 4586.54 ft

G 124 sec

Flocculator #1
• Determine actual G for variable speed drive setting


G 100.3 sec

78 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Flocculator #1
• Determine jar test RPMs
– ≈100 sec‐1
– 20°C

• Set jar test

@ 98 RPMs


Flocculator #1
• Determine jar test Stir Time
volume, gal
flow flow
6,000,000 gpd
volume, gal 4586.54 ft 7.48 gal⁄ft 3 basins
volume, gal 34307.3192 gal flow 2,000,000 gpd

34307.3192 gal
DT 0.0172 days
2,000,000 gpd

0.0172 days 24 hr 60 min

DT, min
1 day 1 hr

DT, min 24.7 min 25 min


Plant Examples 79
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

550 P
Flocculator #2 μ V

• Determine Gmax (G1) (same as flocculator #1)

floc tank vol, ft 18.1 ft 18.1 ft 14 ft

floc tank vol 4586.54 ft

P 3 0.9 2.7 hp

550 2.7 hp
0.000021061 4586.54 ft

G 124 sec

Flocculator #2
• Determine actual G for variable speed drive setting
– This will be different than Floc #1 due to using tapered flocculation


G 63.9 sec 14

80 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Flocculator #2
• Determine jar test RPMs
– ≈ 64 sec-1
– 20°C

• Set jar test

@ 69 RPMs


Flocculator #2
• Determine jar test Stir Time (same as flocculator #1)
volume, gal
flow flow
6,000,000 gpd
volume, gal 4586.54 ft 7.48 gal⁄ft 3 basins
volume, gal 34307.3192 gal flow 2,000,000 gpd

34307.3192 gal
DT 0.0172 days
2,000,000 gpd

0.0172 days 24 hr 60 min

DT, min
1 day 1 hr

DT, min 24.7 min 25 min


Plant Examples 81
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

550 P
Flocculator #3 μ V

• Determine Gmax (G1)

floc tank vol, ft 18.1 ft 18.1 ft 14 ft

floc tank vol 4586.54 ft

P 2 0.9 1.8 hp

550 1.8 hp
0.000021061 4586.54 ft

G 101 sec

Flocculator #3
• Determine actual G for variable speed drive setting


G 41.8 sec

82 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Flocculator #3
• Determine jar test RPMs
– ≈ 42 sec-1
– 20°C

• Set jar test

@ 48 RPMs


Flocculator #3
• Determine jar test Stir Time (same as flocculator #1)
volume, gal
flow flow
6,000,000 gpd
volume, gal 4586.54 ft 7.48 gal⁄ft 3 basins
volume, gal 34307.3192 gal flow 2,000,000 gpd

34307.3192 gal
DT 0.0172 days
2,000,000 gpd

0.0172 days 24 hr 60 min

DT, min
1 day 1 hr

DT, min 24.7 min 25 min


Plant Examples 83
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

550 P
Flocculator #4 μ V

• Determine Gmax (G1) (same as flocculator #3)

floc tank vol, ft 18.1 ft 18.1 ft 14 ft

floc tank vol 4586.54 ft

P 2 0.9 1.8 hp

550 1.8 hp
0.000021061 4586.54 ft

G 101 sec

Flocculator #4
• Determine actual G for variable speed drive setting


G 22.8 sec

84 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Flocculator #4
• Determine jar test RPMs
– ≈ 23 sec-1
– 20°C

• Set jar test

@ 30 RPMs


Flocculator #4
• Determine jar test Stir Time (same as flocculator #1)
volume, gal
flow flow
6,000,000 gpd
volume, gal 4586.54 ft 7.48 gal⁄ft 3 basins
volume, gal 34307.3192 gal flow 2,000,000 gpd

34307.3192 gal
DT 0.0172 days
2,000,000 gpd

0.0172 days 24 hr 60 min

DT, min
1 day 1 hr

DT, min 24.7 min 25 min


Plant Examples 85
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Jar Test Sequence

• Flash 46.7 sec @ 300 rpm
• Then 25 min @ 98 rpm
• Then 25 min @ 69 rpm
• Then 25 min @ 49 rpm
• Then 25 min @ 30 rpm


Step 3 – Sedimentation
• Find Surface Overflow Rate (gpd/ft2) for
sedimentation basin
• Find settling velocity (cm/min)
• Find sampling time (min) for sedimentation basin


86 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Surface Overflow Rate

flow, gpd
SOR, gpd⁄ft
6,000,000 gpd
area, ft
3 basins

volume 2,000,000 gpd

2,000,000 gpd
SOR, gpd⁄ft
20 ft 70ft

SOR 1428.6 gpd⁄ft


Settling Velocity
SOR, gpd⁄ft 3785 cm ⁄gal
Settling velocity, cm⁄min
1440 min⁄day 929 cm ⁄ft

1428.6 gpd⁄ft 3785 cm ⁄gal

1440 min⁄day 929 cm ⁄ft


cm⁄min 4.04 cm⁄min


Plant Examples 87
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Sampling Time

Settling Velocity, cm/ min 4 cm/min

Settling Velocity, cm/min Sampling Time, min
0.5 20
1.0 10
2.0 5
4.0 2.5
10.0 1

Sample at 2.5 min and 10 min


88 Plant Examples
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Plant Example
10 ntu
20°C #1 #2 45ft x 70ft
18ft x 18ft 20ft x 20ft
x 18 ft x 20 ft
Flash 21 15
Mix rpm rpm
10 hp
8ft x 8ft x 8 ft

3 HP 3 HP

30 max 30 max
rpm rpm

Plant Examples 89
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Plant Example #2 
Flash Mix 

  Velocity Gradient   =   ______________________ 

  Detention time  =   ______________________ 

  Jar test max RPM  =  ______________________ 

  Time correction  =  ______________________ 

Flocculator #1 

  Velocity Gradient  =  ______________________ 

  Jar Test rpm    =  ______________________ 

Detention Time  =  ______________________ 

Flocculator #2 

Velocity Gradient  =  ______________________ 

  Jar Test rpm    =  ______________________ 

Detention Time  =  ______________________ 


  Surface Overflow Rate=  ______________________ 

  Settling Velocity   =  ______________________ 

  Sampling Time   =  ______________________ 


90 Plant Examples
Section 5

Jar Test Lab

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Jar Testing
 Introduced in 1918 and has remained the most 
common method for evaluating alternative 
coagulation and flocculation control strategies for 
Water Treatment Troubleshooting and Problem  establishing chemical dosages
Solving   There is no standardized procedure for conducting jar 
 So we must have a uniform or standardized approach to 
conducting jar tests

Jar Testing Jar Testing
 A series of sample containers and a mechanical   During the settling step, samples of the water can be 
stirring device collected at timed intervals and analyzed
 The water to be tested is placed in the containers and   Following the settling step, samples of the water can 
the treatment chemicals are added during stirring be collected, filtered through either a 0.45 µm filter or 
 There is an initial period of rapid stirring to facilitate  a 1 µm filter, and analyzed for UV‐absorbance, total 
dispersion of the chemicals organic carbon (TOC) and/or trihalomethane (THM) 
 The chemically treated water is then slow mixed, or  formation potential
flocculated for a period of time
 The mixing is then stopped, and the floc is allowed to 

Application Key Elements
 Principle applications of jar tests are to optimize   Planning
existing plant operations  Define the purpose and goals of the study
 Used for the selection and/or determination of   Select the water to be tested
 Coagulant dosage  Determine the information required
 Coagulant aid selection and dosage  Establish the testing conditions
 Sequence of chemical addition  Develop the testing program
 Optimum pH of coagulation  Identify and prepare treatment chemicals
 Improved coagulation/flocculation for THM precursor   Conduct the jar tests
 Analyze the data
 Impact of oxidant dosages and conditions

92 Jar Test Lab

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

Planning the Jar Test Planning the Jar Test
 Establish Purpose and Goals  Information Required
 Selection of coagulant dosage  Water quality parameters for coagulant determination
 Selection of coagulant aid dosage  Turbidity
 Determination of optimum pH of coagulation  True color
 pH
 Optimization of THM precursor removal
 Filtered UV‐254
 Selection of Water to be Tested
 Water quality parameters for coagulant aid 
 Raw water determination
 Pre‐sedimentation basin effluent  Turbidity
 Oxidant contactor effluent
 Other pre‐coagulant addition location

Planning the Jar Test Planning the Jar Test
 Information Required  Example Testing Program – Selecting coagulant dose
 Water quality parameters for optimum pH   Perform initial screen of a broad range of coagulant 
determination dosages
 Turbidity  Dosages: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 mg/L
 pH  pH of coagulation = 6.5 for alum, lower for iron coagulants
 UV‐254  Use the coagulant aid type and dosage currently in use in all 
six jars
 Measure the primary water quality parameters
 Turbidity

 pH

 UV‐254 (if equipped)

Planning the Jar Test Planning the Jar Test
 Example Testing Program – Selecting coagulant dose  Testing Conditions
Step 1 concluded optimum dosage of 20 mg/L  Standard procedure for establishing jar testing 
 Perform second jar test based on initial jar test conditions
 Dosages: 14, 17, 20, 23, 26 mg/L  Utilize the rapid mix and flocculation mixing intensities and 
 pH of coagulation and coagulant aid type and dosage would  detention times in use at the full‐scale plant
remain the same  During the settling step, set a sampling time that would 
 Optimum coagulant dosage defined as: correspond to the surface loading rate or detention time of the 
 Acceptable turbidity removal settling basin
 Minimizing the filtered UV‐absorbance (if applicable)

Jar Test Lab 93

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Equipment Preparation of Chemicals
 Jar test apparatus  Chemical stock solutions must be diluted for jar test
 Amount of dilution required dependent upon dosage 
 Analytical equipment and minimum amount of chemical that can be 
accurately measured
 Effectiveness of coagulants and coagulant aids can be 
affected by dilution
 Dilutions less than 0.1% solution may loose its 
effectiveness due to hydrolysis
 Dilutions will degrade over time
 Should be made up on a weekly basis

Jar Test Procedure Jar Test Procedure
 Initial Preparation 1. Collect at least 12 liters of water to be tested (3.2 gal)
 Define and record 2. Measure and record the initial parameters of interest
 Objective of the study  Temperature, pH, turbidity, color, etc
 Chemicals to be used, points of application and dosage
3. Fill square jars up to the 2‐liter mark
 Water to be tested
4. Position jars so jar test paddles are centered
 Prepare all chemical stock solutions
 Calibrate all analytical equipment
5. Fully lower paddles and tighten thumb screw
 Clean all apparatus prior to use 6. Ready and arrange all chemicals to be added
 Wipe jars and paddles and rinse with warm water between tests 7. Set rapid mix speed on the jar test stirrer
 Rinse all pipettes and syringes 8. Add predetermined doses of chemicals into jars (all at 
the same time) and being timing the rapid mix step

Jar Test Procedure Jar Test Procedure
9. Continue rapid mix for predetermined time 14. Measure and record the pH of each jar
10. Reduce mixing speed for flocculation and begin  15. Conduct all other analyses required for the test
timing flocculation period  Alkalinity
11. Stop the mixing at the end of predetermined   Temperature
flocculation time an d begin timing the settling period  etc
12. Withdraw samples at the appropriate intervals
 waste the water in sampling tube prior to collecting 
each sample
13. Analyze the timed samples for turbidity and record the 

94 Jar Test Lab

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

Jar Test Procedure Jar Test Interpretation
 Potential sources of error  Performed to select
 Deposition of coagulant aid on the paddles or on the   Optimum coagulant dose
walls of the jar  Optimum pH of coagulation
 Improper preparation of the chemical stocks  Optimum coagulant aid dose
 Excessive aging of the chemical stocks  Selection based on turbidity and NOM removal 
 Incomplete dispersion of the chemicals added to the jars
 Use results to prepare a graph
 Measurement error of chemicals
 Turbidity as a function of the time of sampling
 Use of chemicals from different source than t hose used 
 Filtered UV‐absorbance as a function of dose or pH
in the full scale plant
 TOC as a function of dose or pH

 Tillman, Glenn M. Water 
Jar Test Interpretation Treatment Troubleshooting 
 Turbidity Removal and Problem Solving. 
Chelsea, Michigan: Ann 
Arbor Press, Inc., 1996. 

Jar Test Lab 95

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Conducting the Jar Test 
Before starting: 

 Define study goals 
 Define testing parameters 
 Have testing and analytical equipment ready 
o Working and clean 
 Prepare reagent solutions 
o Properly labeled and mixed 
 Data sheet available 
o Should be a good guide for conducting 

1. Treatment performance is often expressed in terms of percentage removal. Therefore 
an important beginning step is to determine the quality of the raw water to be tested. 
Such data may be obtained from treatment plant records or determined during the jar 
test. Also, pH and alkalinity data may help determine necessary additions of acid or base 
2. Enter the names and concentrations of the chemicals to be added on the data sheet. 
This information is necessary to determine the volumes of the chemical to be added 
during the jar test.  
3. Enter the G values for the rapid mix and flocculation stages of the full‐scale plant on the 
data sheet. If the effect of varying mixing intensities is to be evaluated, use the 
appropriate range of G values. Convert these values to the appropriate rpm in the jar 
a. Refer to the Phipps & Bird graph to determine correct rpm value based on jar 
test equipment used.  
4. Enter the detention times for the rapid mix and the flocculation stages of the full‐scale 
plant in the data sheet. If the effects of the detention times are to be evaluated, use an 
appropriate range of durations. 
5. Enter the coagulant doses on the data sheet. If the test will determine an optimum 
coagulant dose, it is useful to select doses in increments of 10 mg/L for alum, or 
equivalent doses if other coagulants are to be tested. Smaller increments may be used 
for fine‐tuning the optimum coagulant dose. Then calculate the volume of coagulant to 
be dispensed into the jar to obtain the desired coagulant dose. 

96 Jar Test Lab

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

6. If applicable, proceed with all the other chemicals in a similar manner. 
7. Based on the surface loading or overflow rate of the sedimentation basin of the full‐
scale plant, determine the critical settling velocity as outlined in the discussion. Divide 
the depth of the sampling port on the jars in centimeters by the settling velocity to 
obtain the sampling time in minutes.  
8. Fill the jars with the water to be tested, and position them under the stirring apparatus 
so they are centered with respect to the impeller and shafts. 
9. Lower the impellers or paddles so that they are about one‐third from the bottoms of the 
10. Begin the flash mix period based on the previously determine values. Do not forget to 
record the starting time Dispense the desired doses of chemicals as rapidly as possible 
into the jars. Dispense the chemicals in the same sequence as the full scale plant, unless 
the effect of moving the point of application is to be evaluated. 
11. After the rapid mix period, decrease the mixing speed to the predetermined value for 
the flocculation period. At this point, the coagulation pH is typically measured.  
12. After the flocculation period, stop the mixer and remove the paddles from the jars. 
Collect samples at the times previously calculated to simulate the full‐scale 
sedimentation plants. Sample withdrawal may be accomplished either by the use of a 
syringe, a fixed sampling port, or a pipette. The first portion of the samples taken from a 
fixed port should be discarded. When using a syringe, samples should be taken from the 
same depth as the fixed port. 
13. After sampling, conduct the laboratory analysis, observing holding times required for 
specific analytical applications. 
14. Enter laboratory results on the data sheet.  

Jar Test Lab 97

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Jar Test Bench Sheet

Date: Source Water
Time: Concentration  Turbidity  Alkalinity  Hardness  TOC 
(mg/L) pH (ntu) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)

Jar Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
G (s‐1)
Rapid Mix rpm
Duration (s)
G (s )
Flocculator #1 rpm
Duration (s)
G (s‐1)
Flocculator #2 rpm
Duration (s)
Coagulant Dose (mg/L)
Volume of Coagulant Added (mg/L)
Oxidant Dose (mg/L)
Volume of Oxidant Added (mL)
Polymer Dose
Volume of Polymer Added (mL)
Coagulation pH
Settling  Depth of 
Velocity  Sampling  Time of 
(cm/min) (cm) Settling (min)
10 cm

    Record final jar test 
numbers here TOC

98 Jar Test Lab

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