D. is helping
ROSETTA: 48-50
31. Foe mankind, the sun is the source of 36. The meaning of inconceivable in the
______. first sentence of the passage must be
a. carbon compounds b. atmosphere _________.
c. electricity d. all heat a. Not imaginable
b. Cannot happen
32. The largest part of the radiant c. Unable to conceive
energy directed towards the earth is ______. d. No possibility
a. Turned into fuel b. harnessed for
electric power c. Stored by the current 37. The passage emphasizes an alarming
season’s plant d. Absorbed by the earth’s future scenario because __________.
atmosphere a. Humans will take more aggressive
action against global warming
33. All useful energy on the surface of the b. China, where noodles are the main
earth comes from the ______. staple, could have social unrest
a. sun directly b. sun’s activity c. radiation c. Macaroni and cheese loving children
of the sun d. energy stored by the sun across the US would protest
d. Three significant grains, especially
wheat may be lost to humans.
34. The author presented the selection about
the sun by_____.
a. enumerating details b. giving examples
c. describing d. narrating
38. This passage entitled Pasta Crisis points D. To be considered educated, one has to
out with urgency that ____________. be globally competitive and willing to take
a. Higher temperatures are almost inevitable risks.
b. Three grains are already suffering 42. As used in the selection, what does
from climate change word “conviction” mean?
c. More aggressive action against global A. intellectual guess C. verdict
warming is needed B. strong belief D. allegiance
d. Drought will intensify in the coming years
43. What trait is found in most Orientals
but needs to be deepened in Filipino?
39. Another way of expressing the idea in A. action oriented C. good in managing
the sentence” it is the grain most vulnerable B. patience D. reflective
to high temperatures” is it is the grain thinker
a. Most affected under intense heat 44. What is meant by this line?
b. Likely to flourish when it gets warm “ The oriental is a philosopher”
c. Strongly at risk in temperate areas A. Oriental people are contemplative
d. Inclined to wither if it gets very hot B. Oriental people have the blood of
great philosophers
40. The idea in the passage is develop C. They have a tendency to become
using ___________. philosophers
a. Narration D. They think like Great Solomon.
b. Exposition
c. Description 45. What value is implied in the same
d. Illustration passage above?
A. justice C. hyperactivity
(Items 41-45) B. courage D. active
In the light of social changes, we come to involvement
the question: What qualities should
distinguish the educated Filipino today? I (Items 46-50)
venture to suggest that the educated Filipino
should first be distinguished by the power to We strive for happiness, generally in
do. self- centered ways. We expect others to
The oriental excels in reflective thinking favour us with their attention, for example,
he is a philosopher. The Occidental is a or we wait for invitations or gifts. We have
doer; he manages things, men and affairs. probably tried to buy happiness with
The Filipino of today needs more of this purchase of a new dress or shoes. Fleeting
power to translate reflection into action. I moments of happiness are gained, that’s all.
believe that we are coming more to this And soon we are discontented once again.
power to translate reflection into action. And the search begins anew.
We are coming more likely to the But things may have changed for some of
conviction that no Filipino has the right to us. We are learning, maybe slowly, how to
be considered educated unless he is prepared find more permanent happiness. And we
to take an active and useful part in the work, know that happiness that comes from
life, and progress of our country as well as “getting” is elusive. Giving to others, giving
in the progress of the world. attention, sharing hope, sharing our stories
with others, listening to theirs, is the key to
41. what is the best paraphrase of the finding the happiness for which we have
last paragraph in the passage? searched so long. We must get outside of
A. Participation in the work and progress of ourselves and focus on other’s joys
our country is sought by every Filipino or sorrows. Only then do we get a clear
B. The country’s progress and perspective on who we are and the necessary
advancement depend primarily on educated role we play in the lives of others who need
Filipino our attention and who have a message we
C. A truly educated Filipino participates also need to hear.
actively in the work and progress of the
country and the world as a whole.
46. The underlined word in the _____2. David lee is an ____________
selection connotes_____. diver. He always wins the gold medal.
A. hard to possess
B. easy to achieve a. inept
C. difficult to lose b. efficient
D. easy to understand c. adroit*
d. aggressive
47. From the ideas presented in the selection
we can infer that happiness _____.
a. can never be truly attained _____3. The ____ student _____ going to
b. is temporary and fleeting school.
c. which comes from giving is more
lasting and permanent a. delinquent; abhors*
d. is achieved when we get something b. awkward; abhors
from others c. industrious; dislikes
d. obedient; dislikes
48. It can be concluded that the value
being given emphasis in the selection is _____4. The reporter was adjudged guilty of
_____. _____ for spreading false accusations.
a. being true to oneself
b. being true to others
a. calumny*
c. receiving from others
b. rebellion
d. giving to others
c. treachery
d. mutiny
49. What is meant by the line “We must
get outside and focus on other’s joy or _____5. Ewan played the violin with such
sorrow”? _____, everyone was amazed.
a. showing interest in others will get
them interested in us a. anxiety
b. we must share with others our secret b. inanity
longings and dreams c. deity
c. we must try to involve ourselves in a d. virtuosity*
personal life of others.
d. showing concern for others makes us _____6. Today, Alfred Wegener’s theory is
forget our pre-occupation with ourselves. _______; however, he died an outsider
treated with ___ by the scientific
50. The idea of the author about establishments.
happiness conveyed through _____.
a. comparing a thought with others
experiences a. unsupported: approval
b. sharing other’s experiences on the b. dismissed: contempt
construct c. accepted: approbation
c. narrating a story and quoting a verse d. unchallenged: disdain*
d. explaining and citing examples
_____7. The revolution I art has not lost its
EPT 2020 steam; it _________ on as fiercely as ever.
a. slanderous
b. virtuous*
c. ambiguous
d. condescending
_____8. Biological clocks are of such _____ _____14. His recommendation was rejected
adaptive value to living organisms, that we because it might be inimical to the company.
would expect most organisms to _____them.
a. insubstantial
a. obvious: possess* b. useful
b. ambivalent: develop c. costly
c. meager: evolve d. disadvantageous*
d. significant: eschew
_____15. Marvin Jay’s supervisor asked him
_____9. The peasants were the least ______ to elucidate his proposal during the
of all people, bound by tradition and _____ presentation.
by superstitions.
a. clarify*
a. conventional: encumbered b. extend
b. pinioned: limited c. improve
c. free: fettered* d. shorten
d. enthralled: tied
C. Antonyms
_____10. The conclusion of his argument,
while _____, is far from ______. _____16. The mother has been doleful every
when she lost her son.
a. germane: relevant
b. esoteric: obscure a. miserable
c. stimulating: interesting b. cheerful*
d. abstruse: incomprehensible* c. prayerful
d. anxious
B. Synonyms
_____17. Juan Carlo acquiesced to his
_____11. The virulent drug he had friends’ plan of going to Baguio comes
mistakenly taken killed him in an instant. February.
a. effective a. agreed
b. expensive b. objected*
c. sedative c. rejoiced
d. toxic* d. abided
_____12. Argentina is one of the world’s _____18. John Dan’s house is full of a
leading honey-exporters. It maintains a large motley collection of furniture, including
apiary. antiques, woodcrafts and glasswares.
_____13. Eugenio Joshua admires his _____19. Jeric Angel’s nervousness was
teacher’s deportment during class. palpable despite the confident façade he was
a. demeanour*
b. speech a. evident
c. banishment b. increasing
d. intelligence c. decreasing
d. hidden*
_____20. He had learned that everything in _____27. SALACIOUS:: WHOLESOME
life is evanescent.
a. religious: private
a. temporary b. expensive: profligate
b. permanent* c. conservative: stoic
c. extraordinary d. mendacious: truthful*
d. luminous
_____28. PENURY: MONEY
D. Analogy
a. starvation: sustenance
_____21. ARTICULATE::SPEECH b. independence: freedom*
c. infirmity: illness
a. predictable: event d. spontaneity: care
b. coordinated: movement
c. active: thought _____29. MASON: STONE
d. erratic: path
a. soldier: weapon
_____22. INCEPTION:: CONCLUSION b. lawyer: law
c. carpenter: wood*
a. departure: arrival* d. teacher: pupil
b. culmination: upshot
c. approach: return _____30. REPEL: LURE
d. escapade: punishment
a. miscarry: succeed*
_____23. SCINTILLATING: DULLNESS b. dismount: devolve
c. abrogate: deny
a. erudite: wisdom d. abridge: shorten
b. desultory: error
c. boisterous: calm* E. Reading Comprehension
d. exalted: elevation
Passage 1
Much of what goes by the name of pleasure
a. seed: flower is simply an effort to destroy consciousness.
b. smoke: fire If one started by asking, what is man? What
c. chair: furniture* are his needs? How can he best express
d. mystify: enlightenment himself? One would discover that merely
having the power to avoid work and live
_____25. PROSAIC: MUNDANE one’s life from birth to death in electric light
and to the tune of tinned music is not a
reason for doing so. Man needs warmth,
a. obdurate: foolish* society, leisure, comfort and security: he
b. ascetic: austere also needs solitude, creative work and the
c. loquacious: taciturn sense of wonder. If he recognized this he
d. peremptory: spontaneous could use the products of science and
industrialism eclectically, applying always
_____26. ATTENUATE::SIGNAL the same test: does this make me more
human or less human? He would then learn
a. exacerbate: problem that the highest happiness does not lie in
b. modify: accent relaxing, resting, playing poker, drinking
c. dampen: enthusiasm* and making love simultaneously.
d. elongate: line
Adapted from an essay by George Orwell
_____31. The author implies that the d. observations on the connection between
answers to the questions in sentence two art and science
would reveal that human beings ________.
_____34. In the context of the final sentence
a. are less human when they seek the word “subtle” most nearly means _____.
b. need to evaluate their purpose in life a. not obvious
c. are being alienated from their true nature b. indirect
by technology c. discriminating
d. have needs beyond physical comforts d. surreptitious *
a. Useful a. evolving
b. More than enough b. evolves
c. a tiny fraction of what is needed* c. evolved*
d. useless until the amount is complete d. evolve
Introduction: a. staffs
b. staff*
c. staffed
This is the School 49) _________ Plan of
d. staffing
the East Central Elementary School, San
Fabian District II, Pangasinan II Division,
was 50)________________ and
51)_______________ through the concerted
53. 60.
a. present a. realize
b. presenting b. realized*
c. presents* c. realizing
d. presented d. realizes
a. basis
b. bases*
d. based Teacher
a. support*
b. supporting
Public Schools District Supervisor
c. supports
d. supported
a. ;
b. :
a. expect
c. ,
b. expects
d. .
c. expecting
d. expected*
a. to
b. for
c. your
d. from*
63. 70.
a. entitle
b. entitles
c. entitled*
d. entitling
a. kind*
b. kinder
c. kindest
d. modest
a. yours,
b. sincerely yours,
c. Truly yours
d. Very truly yours,*
a. indorsment
b. endorsment
c. indorsement*
d. endorsement
a. With date*
b. No date
c. —–
d. —–
b. from
c. with
d. for