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EPT 2019 C.

D. is helping

A. STRUCTURE 8. The family went for a two-week cruise on

a ___, ___, ___ ocean liner.
1. Accounting practice _____ by distinct a. brand-new, incredible, italian
accounting standards, rules, methods and b. italian,incredible,brand-new
procedures. c. incredible, brand-new,italian
A. guide d. incredible,italian, brand-new
B. guides
C. is guided 9. They ___ a few crisis in the past, so they
D. was guided were able to handle this situation fairly well.
A. have managed
2. Our bodies expect a constant supply of B. had managed
sleep ____ they function best wh0en C. had been managed
provided a full night’s sleep every 24hours. D. have been managed
A. and
B. but 10. Over the years economic growth __ of
C. or greater concern than environmental
D. yet preservation.
A. has been
3. ___ and rapid economic growth in recent B. have been
years have put a large and increasing stress C. had been
on the water resources and environment in D. will have been
Ho Chi Mint City Vietnam.
A. Inrease population 11. The opening ceremony ___ by top
B. Inreased population officials and national officials if big
C. Increasing population companies last year.
D. Having inreased population A. is graced
B. was graced
4. The term “medical reversal” refers to the C. has graced
replacement ___ that was widely believed to D. had graced
be beneficial.
A. of a medical practice 12. A history of depression, denial, injustice
B. to a medical practice and abuse ___ the greatest detriment to
C. by a medical practice people of color.
D. with a medical practice A. Has been
5. Tardigrades also known as water bears, B. Had been
are microscopic animals that live ___watery C. Have been
environments and feed on juices from plant D. Having been
A. in 13.________should help you be better
B. on informed about potential risks, but it should
C. for not be a source of alarm.
D. over A. Know your family history
B. Knowing your family history
6. History, it is often said __ by the winners C. To have your family history known
a saying that suggests base in historical D. Having your family history known
A. is written 14. We become nervous, doubtful, even
B. was written fearful _____ we don’t see our good coming
C. has been written as quickly as we think it should.
D. have been written A. while
B. when
7. Foods reach in folate, a form of vitamin C. because
B, ___ reduce the risk of stroke and heart D. Therefore
A. help
B. helps
15. The child was advised to stay away 10. A. As a mode of expository writing,
________ because of trauma. B. the narrated writing offers writers
A. completed from his father C. a chance to think and write
B. completely from his father D. about themselves.
C. completed with his father
D. completely with his father 11. A. You should make sure
B. your body has get
B.Finding Error C. the necessary vitamins and minerals
D. humans needs.
1. A. Finance statements
B. are the formal reports 12 A. Outside of written records
C. prepared B. evidence of Philistines existence
D. by accountants. C. have survived
D. in pottery relics.
2. A. The man
B. gives antidote so powerful 13. A. To skip a meal
C. that any poison was made harmless B. maximizes
D. after taking it. C. the caloric effect
D. of the food we eat.
3. A. In many cities around the world
B. The number of homeless people 14. A. A team led by the government agency
C. Have become concerned
D. A big problem B. say that chemicals from the factory
C. had contaminated sediment the bay
4. A. Wallow in disappointment D. and entered the food chain.
B. over something
C. you did 15. A. Oncologists are doctors
D. is not productive. B. who specialize
C. in treating
5. A. The Philippines D. the cancer.
B.has accommodations
C. to suit everyone 16. A. The obligations of the accountant
D.from five- star hotels to simple hotels to the client
B. rested upon the agreed scope
C. of the engagement which,
D. in effect represents a contractual
6. A. I bought some agreement.
B. silver charming victorian
C. ornaments
D. at the flee market 17. A. Sit cramped
B. for a very long period of time
7. A. The tale that was C. in dry conditions
B. Told in low and mystery voice D. can affect our circulatory system.
C. kept us on the
D. edge of seats. 18. A. You are not in control
B. of what goes in your mind
8. A. It is often said that C. because only you can
B. lightning never strike twice determine
C. at the same place D. what stays there.
D. but it is not true.
19. a. Researchers are learning to detect
9. A. The novel was so popular changes
B. among teenagers b. beyond the huge population
C. to a point that a movie was made c. of bacteria, viruses, yeast cells and other
D. based from the story. microbes
d.that thrive in the mouth.
8. What is the most important factor that
20. A. Many medications are safe and will equipped rural people to survive in the
effective when taken alone city?
B. an ineffective or counterproductive a. Money
C. when taken in combination b. Education
D. with something else. c. Food
d. Home
21. A. The Gleaning Network 9. This selection is simply about_____.
B. An organizer in the united kingdom a. Providing homes for the poor
C. Is trying to reduce waste b. Helping street children get an
D. And solve farming problems education
c. Factors why children live in the
22. A. Money is not natural reward of streets
love d. How to lessen pressure on the
B. that is why we call a man mercenary family
C. if he marries a woman 10. Based on the text, we can conclude that
D. for the sake of her money. street children are______.
a. Independent
23. A. Public opinion polls have consistently b. Malnourished
B. Demonstrated the public's willingness c. Helpless persons
C. For "tradeoff" economic growth d. Victims of poverty
D. For environmental protection
BIRDS: 11-13
11. What would be the best title for the
KNEE: 1-5 article?
a. Birds with jet lags
1. The selection emphasizes the value of__ b. Humans on a plane
Answer: C. Physical Fitness c. The difference between birds
2. According to the selection the knee joints and human on travel
lifts like a level and such like a___ d. The migration of birds through
Answer: C. Hinge time zones
3. The word "jarring" bones means__
Answer: D. Strong shaking of bones 12. As used in the selection, the word
4. The selection communicates the theme "inedible" most likely means_____.
of__ a. Appetizing
Answer: A. The importance of the b. Mouth watering
knee c. Fit to be eaten
5. What type of text is the selection? d. Unfit to be eaten
Answer: C. Scientific 13. Based on the selection, it can be
concluded that_______.
POVERTY: 6-10 a. Birds migrate faster than humans’
b. The migration of birds and that of
6. To "eke out of living" means______. humans are very different
a. Earn in income c. Birds, like humans also experience jet
b. To live with others lags
c. To sell in the streets d. Humans, unlike birds, migrate from
d. To walk in the streets north to south.
7. Based on the selection, what value seems
to be missing in the families of street RICHARD CORY: 14-17
a. Loyalty 14. What lesson in life can be best derived
b. Honesty from the poem?
c. Kindness a. Happiness is always a choice
d. Solidarity b. Life offers as many opportunities
c. Death is like thief that comes in the most
unexpected time.
d. One can be wealthy but still feel
unfulfilled with his/her life.
24. The line “without rules..... I couldn't
play” is an example of a/an_____.
15. What is the mood of the selection? a. Irony
a. Ironic b. Simile
b. Inspiring c. Metaphor
c. Surprising d. Hyperbole
d. Confusing
25. The word "dreary" as used in the
sentences ''Life would be a dreary plight"
16. What do you think was the main reason most likely means ____
of Richard Cory for shooting himself? a. Valuable
Answer: B. He get tired of living in b. Invisible
solitude c. Boring
d. Entertaining
17. What is the sensory image of the
following lines in the poem? 26. The author includes the examples of
Answer: A. Sight rules to signify the value of_____.
a. Respect
CAT: 18-22 b. Obedience
c. Loyalty
18. The word "quarry" as used in the last d. Honesty
paragraph means___.
a. hunted 27. This poem is mainly about______.
b. target a. How to obey rules
c. hunter b. How to ignore rules
d. victim c. The harshness of rules
19. Cats have acute hearing except the white d. The importance of rules
cat with blue eyes which do not___.
a. hear well MRI: 28-31
b. hurt well
c. see well 28. What is the main idea of the article?
d. eat well a. Different ways to lift depression of
20. The sentence "the cat is a precision bipolar adults
instrument" is a ____ b. Using MRI to lift depression of
a. Hyperbole bipolar adults
b. Metaphor c. Effects of doctors at McLean Hospital to
c. Simile help bipolar adults
d. Irony d. Reaction to electrical pulses to magnetic
21. The selection is mainly about___ fields.
a. How the cat differ from a dog
b. How the cat is like a mammal 29. In the article the line "A funny thing
c. The cat as a hunting machine happened" means______.
d. The cat as a house pet a. A hilarious thing back place
22. We can conclude from the selection that b. An absurd thing happened
the cat is an animal which can___ c. An unusual thing occurred
a. Do a lot tricks d. A my thing cause about
b. Be domesticated
c. Be very dangerous 30. According to the article, depression
d. Survive on its own among bipolar adults can be remedied by?
a. Changing their brain chemistry
RULES: 23-27 b. Putting them into an MRI machine
c. Boosting the patients mood
23. From the line "I can hardly breathe or d. Making the patients laugh
be in bed without their chores in my head"
we can infer that the writer __
a. Often thinks about rules
b. Wants to disobey rules
c. Gets sick with rules
d. Likes having rules
31. What did the doctors at McLean WORK: 36-40
Hospital do to confirm the results of their
observation? 36. What is the main idea expressed in the
a. They studied the cause of depression in poem?
patients B. Whatever task we set to do, we
b. They also used the MRI machine on must do it the best we can.
non-bipolar adults
c. They exposed brain electrical pulses to 37. As used in the selection, the word
electromagnetic fields. "loom" means a
d. They put more bipolar adults through D. Machine for weaving
the MRI machine
38. It can be concluded that the selection
THANKSGIVING: 32-35 emphasizes_____.
A. Humility for what others work
32. According to the author, which of the B. Pride in hard work
following activates the divine laws of C. Sincerity of intention
abundance? D. Charity to all
A. Recalling negative experiences
B. Dwelling on what we can't do 39. The idea of the author about his work is
C. Having so much in life expressed through____.
D. Giving thanks A. Illustration
B. Exposition
33. Which of these statements from the C. Sonnet
selection expresses cause-effect D. Poetry
A. When the universe can see we are 40. It can be inferred that the speaker is
grateful for what we have, it is activated _____ the work he does.
to shower us with more. A. Tired of
B. We walk, talk, see, hear, think and B. Proud of
breathe - usually without effort. C. Fed up by
C. Perhaps we have too many options D. Dissatisfied with
from which to choose
D. We have so much in life to be SUN: 41-47
thankful for
41. What is the main idea of the selection?
34. Why do we always have to be thankful a. solar energy
in life? b. radiant energy
A. Giving thanks solves most of our c. kinetic energy
problems. d. absorptive activity
B. Being thankful attracts more
blessings. 42. What does the phrase “the sun is our life
C. Thanksgiving banishes most of our source” mean?
worries. a. The energy of the sun is alive.
D. Thankfulness is rare among the b. The beginning of life is the sun.
blessed. c. The life of all living things come
from the sun
35. What is the main idea of the selection? d. The radiance of the sun is beautiful
A. There are people who have so much
in life. 43. For mankind, the sun is the source of
B. We have too many choices in life ______.
C. There is good that comes from a. carbon compounds
every thankful. b. atmosphere
D. Some people tend to dwell on c. electricity
negative. d. all heat
44. The largest part of the radiant energy
directed towards the earth is ______.
a. Turned into fuel
b. harnessed for electric power
c. Stored by the current season’s plant
d. Absorbed by the earth’s

45. All useful energy on the surface of the

earth comes from the ______.
a. sun directly
b. sun’s activity
c. radiation of the sun
d. energy stored by the sun

46. The author presented the selection about

the sun by_____.
a. enumerating details
b. giving examples
c. describing
d. narrating

47. “Let us get to the bottom” in the first

paragraph means______.
a. Search for reasons
b. Discover the basic facts or cause
c. Define the meaning
d. Move under the ground

ROSETTA: 48-50

48. It can be inferred that the Rosetta Stone

is ____.
A. New
B. Common
C. Useful
D. Experience
49. What would likely happen with the
paintings in Egyptian ruins?
A. They would be understood better
B. They would fade gradually
C. They would become useless
D. They would become more puzzling and
50. It can be concluded from the selection
A. Egypt has a short culture
B. Ancient ruins hide mysteries
C. Hieroglyphics are common everywhere
D. Discoveries can unlock the mysteries of
the past
EPT 2018  13. The cost of a program being
implemented is important ______ the
1. He _____ a beautiful poem for his feasibility prioritization of the various
mother. concerns for it to be able to promote
A. write       B. writing      C. wrote     change. 
D. written  a. Hence it looks into b. until it looks into
 c. since it looks into   d. because it looks
2. Water is nature’s big gift to man _____ it into. 
quenches his thirst. 
A. although         B. hence           14. Filipinos are fortunate ____ the country
C. because     D. moreover  has natural resources. 
a. because   b. hence   c. when   d. despite 
3. _________ the serene city of Italy is her
lifelong dream.  15. Disaster preparedness and disaster
A. Have visited    B. Having visited   reduction management are slowly being
   C. Shall have visit   D. To visit  taught in schools because of the _____ of
floods, earthquakes and other natural
4. The fireman _____ the fire last night.  calamities in the world. 
A. tries to control   B. tried to controls    
C. tried to control    D. try to control  a. continual increasing incident   
b. continually increase incidence  
5. Dorothy unnecessarily ______ a quarrel c. continual increase incidents 
with Bryan and left the party immediately.  d. continually increasing incidence 
A. picked on    B. picked out    
C. picked    D. picked up 
6. Success in this examination depends
_____ the hard work alone.  16. A. I had a stream visitors 
A. at    B. in   C. on   D. from  B. which kept me sane, 
C. but I never realized that the whole effort  
7. Robert pleaded ____ his teacher to ask D. would be so tiring 
and give him a chance. 
A. with     B. to      C. from       D. in  17. A. The house furnishings of the  
B. Ramos mansion by the lake 
8. The child who caught cheating _____ the C. has impressed the guests 
teacher not to tell his parents about the D. during the house warming. 
A. implored   B. has implored     C. has 18.  A. To lessen monthly expense 
imploring      D. had implored  B. the newlywed decided 
C. to rent a small apartment 
9. You _____ to stop drinking alcohol now D. in the old building 
before it ____ you. 
A. must-kill     B. should-kills   C. have-kills 19. A. The expensive antiquity silver mirror 
D. shall-kill  B. was formerly owned by my only
surviving aunt 
10. The department store has ____ boxes C. who in turn gave it to me during  
gift to giver.  D. my 18th birthday celebration 
A. square cardboard gift    B. square gift
cardboard   C. gift cardboard square     20. A. The students in the state college have
B. prepared a letter of inquiry to the
11. The debutant received ____ roses.  school officials  
A. several big red    B. several red big   C. C. in relation to the sudden increase with 
red several big   D. big red several  D. tuition fees imposed by the school 

12. All men ____ his will but wait. 

A. on    B. in   C. upon   D. from 

21. A. The journalism is always updated 

B. with regards to certain trendy words 28. A. In a study of women who were
than clinches  depressed in a 12 year study, 
C. uttered by politicians and news casters B. evidence of having depression are
such as  considered a grave risk factor 
D. win-win situation, wake-up call and C. so that there is all more reason for a
proactive roles.  depressed person 
D. seek psychological and medical
22. A. After looking at academically mood boosters. 
challenged and delayed learners, 
B. Text Mapping Project, a non- 29. A. An education really suited to the
profit organization in America was rural environment 
established  B. can become both acceptable and
C. for serve classroom teachers in genuinely functional  
assisting these learners  C. only when the environment begins to
D. to improve reading comprehension skills. offer skills, knowledge 
D. and opportunities on the large scale. 
23.A. Hydration is important so that for
someone to stay hydrated  30. A. Statistics are a method used
B. he must be able to drink at least eight by mathematicians as far back as 17
(8) glasses of water  century 
C. and a fresh juice daily but not coffee B. which is used to analyze data that is,
and carbonated drinks  to organize, 
D. while tea with antioxidants can also C. make sense, explain and put meaning to
hydrate body  an otherwise 
D. large amount of material or data gathered
24.Machu Picch; a beautiful tourist in a research study. 
attraction which nestles in a high saddle 
B. between two peaks Cusco, Peru above 31* A. Most important thing in the world  
the Urubamba Valley,  B. has been accomplished by people 
C. was built by the Incas in the 15th century C. who have kept on when there 
and it’s boasts of more than  D. seemed to be no hope 
D. a hundred flight of stone step which leads
to temples and garden terraces.  32* A. There’s a little point in saving money
B. when you can loose it 
25. A. A mother and her new born baby C. through no fault of your own 
is encouraged   D. and avoidable circumstances. 
B. to exchange smiles as often as they could 
C. because it is important for bonding 33* A. Thinking like a winner means not
and attachment  always having to defeat someone else 
D. as well as intellectual and social B. but it means that one is being able to
development of the child.  learn from a situation 
C. which would be of great help 
26. A. Despite being crippled arthritis.  D. to rise above that failure and to be able
B. Grandma Ana Moses was a self-taught to reach one’s goal.  
artist who started painting 
C. everyday turning out more than 1000
works in 25 years   34* A. Unclean water and improper disposal
D. exhibited her work in the US until her of waste 
death.  B. can be carried highly communicable
27. A. For years, aspirin was hailed as a C. because of their injurious effects 
heart hero,  D. to human life 
B. for patients with problems of the heart
but experts recently discovered  35* A. Student and teachers alike 
C. that it has a link to stomach problems B. seem to felt that there is 
such as gastrointestinal bleeding especially C. more virtue in admitting growth 
D. if one takes it daily even if he has no D. than knowledge 
known heart ailments.   
8. The theme of this selection is that the
(ITEMS 6-10)  - FAITH AND MUSIC Filipino _____________. 
The Filipino is sustained by his faith and a. Overcome difficulties by his faith and
his music. This was the observation made music  
many years ago by a noted Jesuit.  b. Can always turn to others in order to
This I saw, felt and believed when I took survive 
a summer vacation in my father’s c. Depends on others to survive 
hometown. d. Look at life as a burden 
    For example, Tata Kandong would work      
like a horse the whole day as he shuttles
endlessly between his vegetable farm and 9. The phrase ”hope springs eternal” most
his modest piggery. In the evenings he likely mean __________. 
would play his banduria and tell lots of a. To ask for hope 
stories between his pieces. Then he would b. To rely on hope 
sound solemn and pious in saying, “God will c. There is no more 
send us rain for our rice field soon”.  d. There is always hope 
    My father’s youngest sister, Tita Cora,
was a fine example of wife and mother 10. The Filipino value most exemplified
would put her young to sleep with her sweet selection in his __________. 
lullabies. Going back to her work as a a. Faith in others 
seamstress, she would hum lovely b. Love of family 
kundiman. On one occasion, she paused and c. Respect for elders 
with a glint on her eyes, she hoped her d. Love of people 
two children would be successful
   My cousin, Josuel, just graduated from (ITEMS 19-23) - CHOPSTICK
high school. He had to walk five kilometres Chopstick were invented in china over
every day to school as there were no thousand years ago, probably evolving from
available means of transportation. Some twigs used to spear food from a cooking pot.
evenings we would share some praise songs. Knives took over this function in the West,
“I hope”. He wistfully said once, “I can be a but Confucius, who considered knives
lawyer, so I can help the victims of instruments of aggression, encouraged the
exploitation in our town.”  use of chopsticks as part of his teaching of
     Tata Kandong, Tita Cora and Josuel nonviolence. The name in Chinese is kuai
typify the strong and resolute Filipinos. zi, which means “quick little fellows”
While life is difficult, hope springs eternal came from the pidgin English for kuai. 
from their hearts, by the power of their faith      Chopsticks spread throughout the
and music.  orient, those belonging to the rich made of
gold, silver, ivory, or jade. Most however,
6. We can infer from the selection that were-and are made of bamboo, which was
people  plentiful and cheap, with no taste or smell
Can overcome life’s difficulties thru that could affect the food. The Japanese
_________.  made them from a variety of woods and
a. Sense of humor  lacquered them for durability. It was not
b. Faith in others  until the late 19th century that the
c. Love songs and dances       disposable bamboo variety became popular. 
d. Love of God and music      Traditionally, Chinese and
Japanese chopsticks differ in length and
7. As used in the selection, the word “glint shape. The Chinese are ten inches long,
means ___________.  square, and blunt at the tip, while the
a. Doubt  Japanese are rounded, come to a point, and
b. Pain  are a couple of inches shorter. They are
c. Sparkle  efficient enough to pick up a single grain
d. Sadness  of rice, but the accepted way to eat rice is to
use the chopsticks almost like scoop,
moving the grains from a small bowl held
close to the mouth. 
    Chopstick etiquette says you should
not gesture with them as you talk, nor
should you use them to pass food. And what’s going on. No wonder the verb is the
you’re inviting misfortune if you drop them most interesting word in a sentence. It is
or place them crossed on your plate, unless also the most complicated. Because the
you do it in a restaurant to show the waiter verb expresses action, it has something that
you’re finished and ready for the check.  other words lack-time. It has to tell you
19. Another way of expressing the whether something happened in the past, the
idea “chopsticks spread throughout the present, the future or some combination of
orient” is________________.  times: sneeze, sneezed, will sneeze, would
a. Chopsticks were swiftly accepted in the have sneezed and so on. 
orient  The verb has another aspect, too. It
b. Chopsticks were mostly found in the varies according to who or what is
orient  performing the action: sneeze, he sneezes,
c. Chopsticks were discovered  they sneeze, and so on. 
d. Chopsticks were only found in the orient  There are plenty of reasons a verb can go
astray. The most common is that it doesn’t
20. In the phrase “and lacquered them match the subject: one is singular and the
for durability” the most likely meaning of other plural. For example, Pocholo and I
lacquered is ______________.  was sneezing. The next most common
a. Mixed  reason is that the verb’s timing-its tense-is
b. Dipped  off. 
C. Coated  (Yesterday she sneezes). This makes verb
D. Sprayed  sound daunting, but they’re really not so
bad. Taken one at a time ( which is how you
21. In the passage, Chinese and encounter them, after all) problems with
Japanese chopsticks were described to verb can be made to disappear. 
a. Show that the Chinese and Japanese 24. The most important value of verbs is
use chopsticks  stated in the passage that says: 
b. Point out differences between the two  a. Spotting verbs in a sentence is very easy 
c. Give an idea of where chopsticks came b. Verbs are the necessary key in
from  making sentences 
d. point out the similarities of the two  c. Where verbs are, action is always
22.Using a term that means ”quick little d. Without a verb, a sentence is
felloes” to refer a pair of chopsticks is an uninteresting. 
example of a 
__________.  25. According to the passage, one reason
a. Simile  verbs are not easy to use is because
b. Metaphor  ____________. 
c. Hyperbole  a. Unlike other words, they are bound to
d. Personification    time 
  b. They always indicate an on going action 
23. Chopsticks show a cultural c. Unlike other words, their spelling
difference associated with people’s changes 
___________.  d. They cause complication in a sentence 
a. Eating practice 
b. Food preparation  26. Based on the passage, a verb can be
c. Rice eating- habits  defined as the word in a sentence that
d. Cooking traditions  ___________. 
a. Can most likely go astray 
(ITEMS 24-28) - VERB b. Is the most complicated 
The verb is the business end of a sentence, c. Can easily be spotted 
the sentence’s reason for being. That’s d. Expresses action 
where the action is. Without a verb, even if
it’s only suggested, there’s nothing going
on, just a lot of nouns standing around with
their hands in their pockets. A verb is easy
to spot. Just look for the moving target, the
center of activity, the part that tells you
27. “taken one at a time” problems with 35. “Let us get to the bottom” in the
verbs can be made to disappear” is the same first paragraph means______. 
as saying that________________.  a. Search for reasons   b. Discover the basic
A. Using verbs carries no necessary facts or cause   c. Define the meaning   d.
problem  Move under the ground 
b. Difficulty with verbs can be (ITEMS 36-40) 
overcome gradually  A world without pasta seems
c. Problems with verbs are that important  inconceivable. Macaroni and cheese loving
d. Although difficult, verb problems are children across the US would howl in
easily solved  protest; Italy might suffer a heart attack;
social unrest could explode in china where
noodles are the main staple. 
28. The passage is an example But if humans want to keep eating pasta, we
of ______________ of an idea.  will have to take much more aggressive
a. An explanation  action against global warming. Pasta is
b. A narration  made from wheat, and a large growing body
c. A description  of scientific studies and real world
d. An analysis observations suggest what wheat will be hit
especially hard as temperatures rise and
storms and drought intensify in the years
Three grains- wheat, corn and rice account
29. What is the main idea of the selection?  for most of the food that humans consume.
a. solar energy  B. Radiant energy  c. All these are already suffering from climate
Kinetic energy   d. Absorptive activity  change, but wheat stands to fare the worst in
the years ahead, for it is the grain most
30. What does the phrase “the sun is our vulnerable to high temperatures. That spells
life source” mean?  trouble not only for pasta but also for bread,
a. The energy of the sun is alive.  the most basic food of all. 
b. The beginning of life is the sun.  International agricultural research centers
c. The life of all living things come from and the private sector have woken up to the
the sun  fact that higher temperatures are almost
d. The radiance of the sun is beautiful  inevitable and they have very little in their
genetic toolbox to deal with them. 

31. Foe mankind, the sun is the source of 36. The meaning of inconceivable in the
______.  first sentence of the passage must be
a. carbon compounds  b. atmosphere  _________. 
c. electricity    d. all heat  a. Not imaginable 
b. Cannot happen 
32. The largest part of the radiant c. Unable to conceive 
energy directed towards the earth is ______.  d. No possibility 
a. Turned into fuel   b. harnessed for
electric power   c. Stored by the current 37. The passage emphasizes an alarming
season’s plant    d. Absorbed by the earth’s future scenario because __________. 
atmosphere  a. Humans will take more aggressive
action against global warming 
33. All useful energy on the surface of the b. China, where noodles are the main
earth comes from the ______.  staple, could have social unrest 
a. sun directly   b. sun’s activity   c. radiation c. Macaroni and cheese loving children
of the sun   d. energy stored by the sun  across the US would protest 
d. Three significant grains, especially
wheat may be lost to humans. 
34. The author presented the selection about
the sun by_____. 
a. enumerating details   b. giving examples
c. describing    d. narrating 
38. This passage entitled Pasta Crisis points D. To be considered educated, one has to
out with urgency that ____________.  be globally competitive and willing to take
a. Higher temperatures are almost inevitable  risks. 
b. Three grains are already suffering 42. As used in the selection, what does
from climate change  word “conviction” mean? 
c. More aggressive action against global A. intellectual guess             C. verdict 
warming is needed  B. strong belief                     D. allegiance 
d. Drought will intensify in the coming years
43. What trait is found in most Orientals
but needs to be deepened in Filipino? 
39. Another way of expressing the idea in A. action oriented        C. good in managing 
the sentence” it is the grain most vulnerable B. patience                     D. reflective
to high temperatures” is it is the grain thinker 
a. Most affected under intense heat  44. What is meant by this line? 
b. Likely to flourish when it gets warm     “ The oriental is a philosopher” 
c. Strongly at risk in temperate areas  A. Oriental people are contemplative 
d. Inclined to wither if it gets very hot  B. Oriental people have the blood of
great philosophers 
40. The idea in the passage is develop C. They have a tendency to become
using ___________.  philosophers 
a. Narration  D. They think like Great Solomon. 
b. Exposition 
c. Description  45. What value is implied in the same
d. Illustration   passage above? 
A. justice                   C. hyperactivity 
(Items 41-45)  B. courage                 D. active
In the light of social changes, we come to involvement 
the question: What qualities should
distinguish the educated Filipino today? I (Items 46-50) 
venture to suggest that the educated Filipino
should first be distinguished by the power to      We strive for happiness, generally in
do.  self- centered ways. We expect others to
    The oriental excels in reflective thinking favour us with their attention, for example,
he is a philosopher. The Occidental is a or we wait for invitations or gifts. We have
doer; he manages things, men and affairs. probably tried to buy happiness with
The Filipino of today needs more of this purchase of a new dress or shoes. Fleeting
power to translate reflection into action. I moments of happiness are gained, that’s all.
believe that we are coming more to this And soon we are discontented once again.
power to translate reflection into action.  And the search begins anew. 
     We are coming more likely to the    But things may have changed for some of
conviction that  no Filipino has the right to us. We are learning, maybe slowly, how to
be considered educated unless he is prepared find more permanent happiness. And we
to take an active and useful part in the work, know that happiness that comes from
life, and progress of our country as well as “getting” is elusive. Giving to others, giving
in the progress of the world.  attention, sharing hope, sharing our stories
with others, listening to theirs, is the key to
41. what is the best paraphrase of the finding the happiness for which we have
last paragraph in the passage?  searched so long. We must get outside of
A. Participation in the work and progress of ourselves and focus on other’s joys
our country is sought by every Filipino  or sorrows. Only then do we get a clear
B. The country’s progress and perspective on who we are and the necessary
advancement depend primarily on educated role we play in the lives of others who need
Filipino  our attention and who have a message we
C. A truly educated Filipino participates also need to hear. 
actively in the work and progress of the
country and the world as a whole.
46. The underlined word in the _____2. David lee is an ____________
selection connotes_____.  diver. He always wins the gold medal.
A. hard to possess   
B. easy to achieve  a. inept
C. difficult to lose  b. efficient
D. easy to understand  c. adroit*
d. aggressive
47. From the ideas presented in the selection
we can infer that happiness _____.
a. can never be truly attained  _____3. The ____ student _____ going to
b. is temporary and fleeting  school.
c. which comes from giving is more
lasting and permanent  a. delinquent; abhors*
d. is achieved when we get something b. awkward; abhors
from others  c. industrious; dislikes
d. obedient; dislikes
48. It can be concluded that the value
being given emphasis in the selection is _____4. The reporter was adjudged guilty of
_____.  _____ for spreading false accusations.
a. being true to oneself 
b. being true to others 
a. calumny*
c. receiving from others 
b. rebellion
d. giving to others 
c. treachery
d. mutiny
49. What is meant by the line “We must
get outside and focus on other’s joy or _____5. Ewan played the violin with such
sorrow”?  _____, everyone was amazed.
a. showing interest in others will get
them interested in us  a. anxiety
b. we must share with others our secret b. inanity
longings and dreams  c. deity
c. we must try to involve ourselves in a d. virtuosity*
personal life of others. 
d. showing concern for others makes us _____6. Today, Alfred Wegener’s theory is
forget our pre-occupation with ourselves.  _______; however, he died an outsider
treated with ___ by the scientific
50. The idea of the author about establishments.
happiness conveyed through _____. 
a. comparing a thought with others
experiences  a. unsupported: approval
b. sharing other’s experiences on the b. dismissed: contempt
construct  c. accepted: approbation
c. narrating a story and quoting a verse  d. unchallenged: disdain*
d. explaining and citing examples 
_____7. The revolution I art has not lost its
EPT 2020 steam; it _________ on as fiercely as ever.

A. Sentence Completion a. trudges

b. meanders
_____1. She is well loved by the people for c. rages*
being ______________. d. ambles

a. slanderous
b. virtuous*
c. ambiguous
d. condescending
_____8. Biological clocks are of such _____ _____14. His recommendation was rejected
adaptive value to living organisms, that we because it might be inimical to the company.
would expect most organisms to _____them.
a. insubstantial
a. obvious: possess* b. useful
b. ambivalent: develop c. costly
c. meager: evolve d. disadvantageous*
d. significant: eschew
_____15. Marvin Jay’s supervisor asked him
_____9. The peasants were the least ______ to elucidate his proposal during the
of all people, bound by tradition and _____ presentation.
by superstitions.
a. clarify*
a. conventional: encumbered b. extend
b. pinioned: limited c. improve
c. free: fettered* d. shorten
d. enthralled: tied
C. Antonyms
_____10. The conclusion of his argument,
while _____, is far from ______. _____16. The mother has been doleful every
when she lost her son.
a. germane: relevant
b. esoteric: obscure a. miserable
c. stimulating: interesting b. cheerful*
d. abstruse: incomprehensible* c. prayerful
d. anxious
B. Synonyms
_____17. Juan Carlo acquiesced to his
_____11. The virulent drug he had friends’ plan of going to Baguio comes
mistakenly taken killed him in an instant. February.

a. effective a. agreed
b. expensive b. objected*
c. sedative c. rejoiced
d. toxic* d. abided

_____12. Argentina is one of the world’s _____18. John Dan’s house is full of a
leading honey-exporters. It maintains a large motley collection of furniture, including
apiary. antiques, woodcrafts and glasswares.

a. Place where birds are bred. a. diverse

b. Place where apes are grown. b. attractive
C. Place where bees are raised.* c. homogenous*
D. Place where honey is stored. d. expensive

_____13. Eugenio Joshua admires his _____19. Jeric Angel’s nervousness was
teacher’s deportment during class. palpable despite the confident façade he was
a. demeanour*
b. speech a. evident
c. banishment b. increasing
d. intelligence c. decreasing
d. hidden*
_____20. He had learned that everything in _____27. SALACIOUS:: WHOLESOME
life is evanescent.
a. religious: private
a. temporary b. expensive: profligate
b. permanent* c. conservative: stoic
c. extraordinary d. mendacious: truthful*
d. luminous
_____28. PENURY: MONEY
D. Analogy
a. starvation: sustenance
_____21. ARTICULATE::SPEECH b. independence: freedom*
c. infirmity: illness
a. predictable: event d. spontaneity: care
b. coordinated: movement
c. active: thought _____29. MASON: STONE
d. erratic: path
a. soldier: weapon
_____22. INCEPTION:: CONCLUSION b. lawyer: law
c. carpenter: wood*
a. departure: arrival* d. teacher: pupil
b. culmination: upshot
c. approach: return _____30. REPEL: LURE
d. escapade: punishment
a. miscarry: succeed*
_____23. SCINTILLATING: DULLNESS b. dismount: devolve
c. abrogate: deny
a. erudite: wisdom d. abridge: shorten
b. desultory: error
c. boisterous: calm* E. Reading Comprehension
d. exalted: elevation
Passage 1
Much of what goes by the name of pleasure
a. seed: flower is simply an effort to destroy consciousness.
b. smoke: fire If one started by asking, what is man? What
c. chair: furniture* are his needs? How can he best express
d. mystify: enlightenment himself? One would discover that merely
having the power to avoid work and live
_____25. PROSAIC: MUNDANE one’s life from birth to death in electric light
and to the tune of tinned music is not a
reason for doing so. Man needs warmth,
a. obdurate: foolish* society, leisure, comfort and security: he
b. ascetic: austere also needs solitude, creative work and the
c. loquacious: taciturn sense of wonder. If he recognized this he
d. peremptory: spontaneous could use the products of science and
industrialism eclectically, applying always
_____26. ATTENUATE::SIGNAL the same test: does this make me more
human or less human? He would then learn
a. exacerbate: problem that the highest happiness does not lie in
b. modify: accent relaxing, resting, playing poker, drinking
c. dampen: enthusiasm* and making love simultaneously.
d. elongate: line
Adapted from an essay by George Orwell
_____31. The author implies that the d. observations on the connection between
answers to the questions in sentence two art and science
would reveal that human beings ________.
_____34. In the context of the final sentence
a. are less human when they seek the word “subtle” most nearly means _____.
b. need to evaluate their purpose in life a. not obvious
c. are being alienated from their true nature b. indirect
by technology c. discriminating
d. have needs beyond physical comforts d. surreptitious *

_____32. The author would apparently agree Passage 3

that playing poker is _____.
There are not many places that I find it more
a. often an effort to avoid thinking agreeable to revisit when in an idle mood,
b. something that gives true pleasure than some places to which I have never
c. an example of man’s need for society * been. For, my acquaintance with those spots
d. something that man must learn to avoid is of such long standing, and has ripened
into an intimacy of so affectionate a nature,
Passage 2 that I take a particular interesting assuring
myself that they are unchanged. I never was
Examine the recently laid egg of some in Robinson Crusoe’s Island, yet I
common animal, such as a salamander or frequently return there. I was never in the
newt. It is a minute spheroid – an apparently robbers’ cave, where Gil Blas lived, but I
structure less sac, enclosing a fluid, holding often go back there and find the trap-door
granules in suspension. But let a moderate just as heaven to raise as it used to be. I was
supply of warmth reach its watery cradle, never in Don Quixote’s study, where he read
and the plastic matter undergoes changes so his books of chivalry until he rose and
rapid, yet so steady and purposeful in their hacked at imaginary giants, yet you couldn’t
succession, that one can only compare them move a book in it without my knowledge.
to those operated by a skilled modeler upon So with Damascus, and Lilliput, and the
a formless lump of clay. As with an invisible Nile, and Abyssinia, and the North Pole and
trowel, the mass is divided and subdivided many hundreds of places — I was never at
into smaller and smaller portions. And, then, them, yet it is an affair of my life to keep
it is as if a delicate finger traced out the line them intact, and I am always going back to
to be occupied by the spinal column, and them.
molded the contour of the body; pinching up
the head at one end, the tail at the other, and Passage 4
fashioning flank and limb into due
proportions, in so artistic a way, that, after The books one reads in childhood create in
watching the process hour by hour, one is one’s mind a sort of false map of the world,
almost involuntarily possessed by the a series of fabulous countries into which one
notion, that some more subtle aid to vision can retreat at odd moments throughout the
than a microscope, would show the hidden rest of life, and which in some cases can
artist, with his plan before him, striving with even survive a visit to the real countries
skillful manipulation to perfect his work. which they are supposed to represent. The
pampas, the Amazon, the coral islands of the
Adapted from an essay by T H Huxley Pacific, Russia, land of birch-tree and
samovar, Transylvania with its boyars and
_____33. The author makes his main point vampires, the China of Guy Boothby, the
with the aid of _______. Paris of du Maurier—one could continue the
list for a long time. But one other imaginary
country that I acquired early in life was
a. logical paradox called America. If I pause on the word
b. complex rationalization* “America”, and deliberately put aside the
c. scientific deductions existing reality, I can call up my childhood
vision of it.
Adapted from: The Uncommercial F. Idiomatic Expressions
Traveller, C Dickens (1860)
_____39. We are affected as much as you
_____35. The first sentence of Passage 3 are by the rising prices of gasoline; we are
contains an element of all “in the same boat”.

a. paradox a. Suffering the same predicament*

b. legend b. Hindering the success
c. melancholy c. Empathizing with everyone on his
d. self-deprecation* suffering
d. Acknowledging the suffering
_____36. By calling America an “imaginary
country” the author of passage two implies _____40. The members of the public are
that ___. demanding for better public infrastructure
and more public services, but at the same
time they are demanding for lower taxes. It
a. America has been the subject of numerous
is becoming a “Catch-22 situation”.
works for children
b. his current vision of that country is not
related to reality a. A challenging situation
c. America has stimulated his imagination b. A dilemma from which it is impossible
d. his childhood vision of that country to escape*
owed nothing to actual conditions* c. A problem that involves government
d. A condition of no great importance
_____37. Both passages make the point that
_____41. That lady should not have become
a war correspondent. She is a “square peg in
a. books read early in life can be revisited
a round hole”.
in the imagination many years later *
b. imaginary travel is better than real
journeys a. A person who has been given an
c. children’s books are largely fiction opportunity to change her profession.
d. the effects of childhood impressions are b. A person who has no interest in her job.
inescapable c. A person who takes part in every event.
d. A person who is not suitable to her
work or surroundings*
_____38. Both passages list a series of
places, but differ in that the author of
passage three ___. _____42. “It slipped my mind” that I will
have with Davidlee tonight.
a. has been more influenced by his list
of locations a. I determined, in spite of my schedule.
b. never expects to visit any of them b. I forgot as a result of carelessness*
in real life, whereas the writer of c. I wished.
passage two thinks it at least possible d. I planned delicately.
that he might
c. is less specific in compiling his _____43. The idea of expansionism “has not
list* taken root” in the Philippines.
d. wishes to preserve his locations in
his mind forever, whereas the author a. Has not become popular
of passage two wishes to modify all b. Has not been heard
his visions in the light of reality. c. has not established itself*
d. has not been monitored
_____44. Ewan Gregory does not mind how efforts of the teaching 52)___________ with
much resistance he causes; he like “sailing the other stakeholders of education headed
against the wind”. by the principal. It 53)_______________ the
vision or educational goals which
a. Being popular 54)________ to uplift or improve the school
b. Interfering performance in terms of the following areas
c. overcoming the opposition of development namely the pupil, staff,
d. opposing the popular view* curriculum and physical facilities
development which will 55)__________ as
the 56)_________ for evaluating the
_____45. Although Marvin Jay had only a performance of the school. It presents the
minor role in the play, he “stole the thunder school and community profile and the
from” the lead actor. expected activities of the school.

a. Borrowed the role from Through the 57)_________ of this School

b. Diverted the attention to himself from* Improvement Plan, with the unwavering
c. succeeded in portraying 58)___________ of the officers and
d. transformed the character of members of the PTA as well as the School
Governing Council and other stakeholders
_____46. I had a “heart to heart talk” with of education, it is
my teacher on my plans to study Linguistics
or Microbiology at the university. 59)________________ that the goals vision
and mission of the East Central Elementary
a. Sentimental meeting School will be 60)___________.
b. Superficial talk
c. serious discussion* 49.
d. successful arrangement
a. improving
_____47. Juan Carlo decide “to keep his b. improves
peace” until he finished examining the c. improved
situation. d. improvement*

a. Not to talk* 50.

b. To be forthright
c. to be relaxed
d. to be reserved a. conceptualized*
b. conceptualizes
c. conceptualizing
_____48. The company needs a couple of d. conceptualize
million pesos for its expansion. It is likely
that the Php 100 000.00 the partner has
offered is “a drop in the ocean”. 51.

a. Useful a. evolving
b. More than enough b. evolves
c. a tiny fraction of what is needed* c. evolved*
d. useless until the amount is complete d. evolve

A. Cloze Test (Part 1) 52.

Introduction: a. staffs
b. staff*
c. staffed
This is the School 49) _________ Plan of
d. staffing
the East Central Elementary School, San
Fabian District II, Pangasinan II Division,
was 50)________________ and
51)_______________ through the concerted
53. 60.

a. present a. realize
b. presenting b. realized*
c. presents* c. realizing
d. presented d. realizes

54. H. Cloze Test (Part 2)

a. aims* Madam 61) _____

b. aim
c. aimed I have the honor to request permission
d. aiming 62)_______ you good office to
63)__________ an action research in
55. Science 64)_______, “Enhancing the
Performance of the Grade VI Pupils in
Science and Health through Counteractive
a. serves
Lecture “for the Grade VI pupils of Greater
b. serving
Heights Elementary School for this school
c. servicing
year 2014 – 2015.
d. served*

Hoping for your 65)________ approval.


a. basis
b. bases*
d. based Teacher

57. 1st 67)___________

a. implement
b. implementing Respectfully forwarded 69)__________ the
c. implementation* Schools Division Superintendent,
d. implements Pangasinan Division II, Binalonan,
Pangasinan, recommending approval of this
basic communication.

a. support*
b. supporting
Public Schools District Supervisor
c. supports
d. supported
a. ;
b. :
a. expect
c. ,
b. expects
d. .
c. expecting
d. expected*

a. to
b. for
c. your
d. from*
63. 70.

a. conduct* a. Truly yours,

b. conducts b. Very truly yours,
c. conducted c. Sincerely yours,
d. conducting d. No complementary Close*


a. entitle
b. entitles
c. entitled*
d. entitling


a. kind*
b. kinder
c. kindest
d. modest


a. yours,
b. sincerely yours,
c. Truly yours
d. Very truly yours,*


a. indorsment
b. endorsment
c. indorsement*
d. endorsement


a. With date*
b. No date
c. —–
d. —–


b. from
c. with
d. for

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