Hawk's FoE Info Sheet
Hawk's FoE Info Sheet
Hawk's FoE Info Sheet
I am a fighter and I believe the fighters way is the best way to play Forge of Empires.
"Practice what you preach" and "Lead by example" are 2 things i truly believe in, so you will find here what i am doin
Why should you trust Hawkery's opinion?
For starters the amount of time I spend in researching and analyzing the game is probably more than anyone should ever spen
I am someone who loves to find the most efficient ways to become the best, but keep in mind that my way may not always be
It greatly depends on how much time you want to spend on the game and in what type of guild you are.
Besides that, I lead by example and what i mean by that is that 'the advice i give, is also what I do' and my progression in this g
I started Feb 1 2020, on Feb 1 2021 (1 year later) these were my stats: 56.7mil ranking points, 60.996 won fights, 761/494 atta
On April 16th 2021 i had 100.000 fights, 116.7mil ranking points and 904/632 attack
On May 5th (so playing for 15months) i hit 100 attrition by fighting for the first time. My attack was 978/686 without tavern and
On May 18th i hit a new attack milestone: 1002/730
On October 29th 2021 i aged up to SAV with 345mil ranking points, 202k won fights and 1700/980 attack
On November 8th i hit a new attack milestone: 1722/1000 https://prnt.sc/1z2q64i
Check out my progression on foestats: https://foestats.com/nl/nl2/players/profile/?server=nl2&world=Brisgard&id
Or on my progression page: My progression
Hawk's Progression Here you can find my progression (milestones, when i aged up, ranking points, won fights, attackboost)
Startersguide: This guide will help any starter in becoming a fighting machine
Best troops: Here you will find the best military units (per age) you should use for auto fighting
Attack per age: Here you will find how much attack per age you will need
Beyond FE Here you will find tips on how to progress beyond Future Era (FE)
Rushing GE Here you will find what it will cost you to rush GE64
Great Buildings:
Arc lvl80+ An analysis of lvling your Arc beyond lvl80
CF An analysis of how many goods you get from Chateau Frontenac
HC An analysis why HC lvl 58 is the best lvl
SC An analysis why SC lvl 58 is the best lvl
AO An analysis why AO is best GB for fighters with a high Attack/Defense for Attacking Army
Galata Tower An analysis why you should choose for Galata Tower if you want a GB that produces goods
Blue Galaxy The ROI (Return Of Investtment) of the Blue Galaxy
Cape The ROI (Return Of Investtment) of Cape Canaveral
ToR The ROI (Return Of Investtment) FP-wise of Temple of Relics
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u will find here what i am doing to become the best, by playing as efficient as possible.
do' and my progression in this game is way better than many other players, without spending alot of money.
May 15th 2020 Joined the strongest GBG guild of my world, with only 507k ranking points and 110/90 attack in HMA
June 14th 2020 Finished Arc 80, with 4mil ranking points and 138/110 attack in HMA
June 25th 2020 Age up to LMA with 4.6mil ranking points, 3.575 won fights and 144/110 attack
August 6th 2020 Age up to CA with 5.6mil ranking points, 7.527 won fights and 233/211 attack
October 1st 2020 Age up to PE with 10.1mil ranking points, 17k won fights and 409/341 attack
November 26th 2020 Huge age jump from PE to FE with 17.6mil ranking points, 31k won fights and 519/398 attack
February 1st 2021 MILESTONE: 1 year FoE: 56.7mil ranking points, 60k won fights and 761/494 attack
March 26th 2021 MILESTONE: 100mil ranking points, with 89.828 won fights and 858/601 attack
April 16th 2021 MILESTONE: 100k won fights, with 116mil ranking points and 897/632 attack
May 5th 2021 MILESTONE: first time hitting 100 attrition in GBG (only fighting ofcourse) with 978/686 attack and lvl
May 13th 2021 Age up to AF with 136mil ranking points, 113k won fights and 985/686 attack
May 18th 2021 MILESTONE: 1002/730 attack
June 10th 2021 Age up to OF with 159mil ranking points, 127k won fights and 1030/741 attack
July 29th 2021 MILESTONE: 200mil ranking points, with 150k won fights and 1358/828 attack
August 4th 2021 Age up to VF with 209mil ranking points, 154k won fights and 1410/859 attack
August 13th 2021 Age up to SAM with 226mil ranking points, 161k won fights and 1437/867 attack
August 27th 2021 MILESTONE: 1504/885 attack
September 26th 2021 Age up to SAAB with 285mil ranking points, 184k won fights and 1543/907 attack
September 28th 2021 MILESTONE: 1604/907 attack
October 3rd 2021 MILESTONE: 300mil ranking points, with 188k won fights and 1612/944 attack
October 21st 2021 MILESTONE: 200k won fights, with 334mil ranking points and 1637/971 attack
October 29th 2021 Age up to SAV with 345mil ranking points, 202k won fights and 1700/980 attack
November 8th, 2021 MILESTONE: 1722/1000 attack https://prnt.sc/1z2q64i
November 8th 2021 Taking a chill pill. Still playing, just less.
November 29th 2021 MILESTONE: 400mil rankingpoints, with 220k won fights and 1803/1039 attack
January 12th 2022 MILESTONE: 500mil rankingpoints, with 246k won fights and 1900/1058 attack
January 23rd 2022 MILESTONE: 2100/1075 attack
February 1st 2022 MILESTONE: 2 year FoE: 536mil ranking points, 255k won fights and 2100/1075 attac
July 7th 2022 Age up to SAJM with 841mil ranking points, 355k won fights and 2556/1134 attack
July 17th 2022 MILESTONE: 2648/1234 attack
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4/110 attack
nd 1437/867 attack
nd 1700/980 attack
d 1803/1039 attack
d 1900/1058 attack
In this guide you will learn which GB's to build and lvl.
But equally important are eventbuildings that give an attackboost. If an eventbuilding doesn't boost your Attack/Defe
With this in mind, i have compiled a list of eventbuildings that give most attack percentage per tile:
These are the 4 most important Great Buildings you should focus on early on: Zeus, Cathedral of Aachen, C
Check out: https://foe-maths.de/en/military_boost.html(Thanx to Alzir (US-Y) for the tip)
zeus 5, coa 5, zeus 6, cdm 5
coa 6, zeus 7, cdm 6
zeus 8, coa 7, cdm 7
zeus 9, coa 8, zeus 10
coa 9, cdm 8
coa 10, cdm 9, cdm 10
This is the fastest way of upping your attack, for the least amount of attack. In the end you pay the same amount of
Make sure that you build and lvl Alcatraz to 3, as soon as you can. But because it’s probably more difficult
When Zeus, CoA and CDM are lvl10, you lvl Alcatraz to 10.
Now that you have Zeus, CoA, CDM and Alcatraz on lvl 10, you should have enough power to play Guild Ex
Don’t lvl ToR beyond lvl4. It is a very bad investment for small players to lvl ToR, because the return of investment
So you are now at a point where you can finish and enjoy GE and because of the relatively “high” attack you can al
Depending on if you can get the Goods for free (should be in any good guild), you can now build and bring
The main reason you want this GB is for the supplies. It will make room in your city, because you will not need prod
You want HC at lvl 5, because it wil give you an extra turn for a chance for a spoil of war. The next lvl you will get an
Another reason why you don't want to lvl it higher then 5, is because you want all fp you have to go to the next GB y
Now it is time to Build and lvl the Arc to lvl 80
It is a long and boring grind, but it changes the game completely and makes it way easier!
Make sure you don’t open The Arc beyond lvl29, because the number 1 and 2 reward spots will be snipable withou
Snipers will lvl your Arc so they can claim the first reward spot for cheap, so always keep the lvls locked untill you’re
Now that you have a lvl 80 Arc, it's time to get all medal expansions! Put all fp you have in the 1.9 boost, to score a
Next it is time again to work on your attack.
First you bring Zeus, CoA and CDM to lvl 11 and next your Alcatraz to lvl 20 (you will probably run out of troops if yo
Also: check if the top GBG guilds are recruiting. Most demand a lvl 80 Arc and now that you have it, you might be a
Terra gives 20% attack at lvl 10. When you have zeus, coa and cdm at lvl 11 and want an additional 20%, you need
To go from level 10 to 49 of "Castel del Monte", the owner has to invest 10,784 FPs
and you get 686 FPS back. So 10,098 FPs.
To go from level 10 to 49 of "Cathedral of Aachen", the owner has to invest 8,854 FPs.
To go from level 10 to 49 of "Statue of Zeus", the owner has to invest 7,591 FPs.
To go from level 0 to 10 of "Terracotta Army", the owner has to invest 3,856 FPs.
So if you want 20% extra attack, for the least amount of fp, you better build and lvl TA to 10.
After Terracotta Army at lvl 10, you will need to lvl Alcatraz to 30 to not run out of troops in GBG.
Extra information:
You will need HC on a higher lvl than 5 to age up. The higher the age, the larger amount of supplies will be needed
For example: to go from PE to FE you'll need around 50mil supplies. So you will want to lvl up that HC to 58, so you
Staying too long in a certain age will hurt your progression, but aging up too fast, will hurt you too!
These are the attack/defense percentages you need to aim for when you want to age up:
CA: 250/200 (or minimum 230/180)
PE: 300/250 (or minimum 250/200)
PME: 400/300 (or minimum 300/250)
FE: 550/400 (or minimum 500/350)
If you go for the minimum, keep in mind that you will need to fight manual in GE. It doesn’t matter for GBG, as GBG
The other ages (InA, ME, CE and TE) are in my opinion not worth staying in: the fighting sucks because you either
Extra GB's:
There are a few extra GB’s you should build if you have the space.
1) Observatory (OBS): Top guilds need many goods to build siege camps in GBG. Besides your lvl 80 Arc, a lvl 60
2) Chateau Frontenac: Just like Alcatraz and the Arc, this GB is a total game changer when you have it at lvl 58. It b
Optional GB's
1) Atomium: This one is 100% for the guildtreasury. Build it only when you have the space and if your guild is in ser
2) Galata Tower: Of all GB’s that produces goods, this one produces the most goods per tile, so it is the best one to
3) Blue Galaxy and/or Cape: While you earn a lot of FP with being a good fighter, at some point you'll want some st
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sn't boost your Attack/Defense of your attackingarmy, it's not worth building.
u pay the same amount of fp, but getting a higher attack faster, you can do more in GE and GBG early on and that’s where you
probably more difficult to get, you’ll probably start with zeus, coa and cdm. Just remember: the sooner you can get A
h power to play Guild Expedition (GE) and you should be able to finish it aswell. So now is the time to also build Templ
the return of investment is bad. But the extra prices it gives you, makes GE alot more fun, so when all your GB’s are around lv
n the 1.9 boost, to score alot of medals (higher age GB's reward the most medals).
p TA at lvl10-11 for a very long time. It also takes space and as you probably have experienced by now: you almost never have
’s, so you can get a lot of medals, for those medal expansions.
oops in GBG.
dubble dib when you age up (this way you can get enough troops when you start a new age).
r the attack buildings when you can choose between fp and attack. Also don’t forget to check the antique dealer for attack build
e a way bigger impact on GBG than upping your attack percentage some more.
FP that your city produces, will never be more than you can get from GBG.
s your lvl 80 Arc, a lvl 60 OBS is an absolute must have for any guild member. Build and lvl it to 10 for starters. Always focus o
en you have it at lvl 58. It boosts the rewards you get from completing quests. When you can do recurring quests (RQ’s), it will b
n you want to age up (the higher you go, the more you need). The spoils of war are a nice bonus.
ed by now: you almost never have enough space.
t it will give you. For almost all GB’s it’s around lvl 60.
to 10 for starters. Always focus on your attack first, but don’t forget that if your guild doesn’t have the goods to build siege cam
do recurring quests (RQ’s), it will be your main income source for goods. Build this one before you CoA or AO, or right after. As
e Goods GB’s will give you unrefined goods (goods of 3 ages/era’s below yours) and it will double the amount. Before Modern E
oth have a very good return of investment.
goods to build siege camps, you can also not get your daily fights.
A or AO, or right after. As a fighting machine, you don’t really need goods, but your guildtreasury can always use more ;)
amount. Before Modern Era, GB’s that give goods are not really worth it.
always use more ;)
Attack per age
Here you'll find my advice on how much attack/defense for your attacking army you should have in every age.
This is primarily based on being able to finish GE by fighting.
But it's also to perform well in GBG and being able to succesfully attack at least half of your neighbourhood list.
If you're a very experienced manual fighter, you'll be able to finish GE with less attack than what i advice as minimu
But with the attack that i advice, you shouldn't have too much problems in completing GE, even if you're not a very
Keep in mind that you'll have to fight some platforms in GE manually if you go for minimum attack.
Manual fighting will always get you further than auto battling, but GBG and GvG is all about speed! That's why ever
Here you will find the best troops you should use in every age if you want to auto battle in GBG.
Ofcourse at some point you will hit your attrition limit with these troops, at that point you need to see what the troop
Age - Troops
Iron Age (IA) - 8 Ballista
Early Middle Ages (EMA) - 2 Armored Infantry + 6 Rogues
High Middle Ages (HMA) - 2 Champions + 6 Rogues 8 Trebuchets if your attack is 300 or h
Late Middle Ages (LMA) - 2 Imperial Guard + 6 Rogues or 2 Heavy Knights/Champions + 6 Rog
Colonial Age (CA) - 2 Grenadiers + 6 Rogues or 2 Dragoons/Champions + 6 Rogues
Industrial Age (InA) - 2 Howitzers + 6 Rogues
Progressive Era (PE) - 8 Rapid Fire Cannons or 2 Tanks + 6 Rogues when high attrit
Modern Era (ME) - 2 Battle Tanks + 6 Rogues
Post Modern Era (PME) - 2 MG Team + 6 Rogues
Contemporary Era (CE) - 2 Champions + 6 Rogues
Tommorow Era (TE) - 2 Stealth Tanks + 6 Rogues
Future Era (FE) - 1 Hover Tank + 7 Rogues
Arctic Future (AF) - 3 Hover Tanks + 5 Rogues
Oceanic Future (OF) - 1 Sub Cruisers + 1 Turturret + 6 Rogues
Virtual Future (VF) - 6 Rocket Troops + 2 Rogues
Space Age Mars (SAM) - 8 Sentinels or 6 Steel Warden + 2 Rogues
Space Age Asteroid Belt (SAAB) - 4 Nail Storms + 4 Rogues
Space Age Venus (SAV) - 2 Power Dragons + 6 Rogues or 8 Energy Cannon
Space Age Jupiter Moon (SAJM) - 3 Harpoon Grenadiers + 5 Rogues
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s all about speed! That's why everyone wants to know what the best troops are for auto fighting.
battle in GBG.
int you need to see what the troops are that you're up against and choose your troops accordingly.
or 8 Hydroelectric Eel
8 Energy Cannon
or 4 Abyssal Gliders + 4 Rogues or 5 Cavitation Tanks + 3 Rogues (in fights without flying units)
hout flying units)
A life beyond Future Era
First things first: FE is the second best age in this game, SAAB is the best.
If you plan on aging up, you either do it to go to SAV tp help on AA in GvG, or you planning on staying in SAAB because it is th
Second thing you should know: AF and OF suck big time because you won’t be able to reach high attrition anymore (expect yo
and because you can’t really rush the ages beyond FE (because of the special goods that you can’t trade), you’ll be in these a
But as soon as you reach SAM it’s all fine again and SAAB is fun again.
So if you still plan on aging up, this is what you should do:
First make sure you advance on the continent maps. You should have zero problems fighting AF, OF and VF maps with Hover
Make sure you’ve done these cmaps before aging up to AF. It’s on the SAM cmap where you will need to think again about wh
Also: stop spending coins and supplies on Recurring Quests !!! The ages beyond FE require alot of coins and supplies, so
Aging up to Arctic Future (AF): (estimated time spend in af: 2 gbg seasons)
- Wait for GBG to start, fight at least once in GBG when you’re still in FE and only then age up to AF. This way you will fight the
- AF troops suck, so you will want to keep using Hover Tanks. Next GBG you’ll fight against AF troops and instead of using 1 H
- Try to unlock the AF harbor asap! Always choose the crew members that give you the most promethium. And make sure you
- Build Space Carrier: From AF and higher, the SC will give you special goods. In AF you only get Promethium, but when you a
In AF you can rush it to lvl 28. When you double collect SC you will get 1.623 promethium in 28 days. When you rush SC on fir
You will want to keep lvl 28 to 58 (or higher) for when you are in OF, because Orichalicum (OF special good) is harder to get.
- Unlocking tech: don’t unlock the last crew member tech “Frost Immunity”. This will only make your runs more expensive. Wai
- Guild Expedition: 3 hover Tanks + 5 rogues should get you easily to the last 4 platforms.
On platform 60, 62, 63 and 64 you will be up against 4 heavy and 4 artillery, where you need to manual battle. Artillery can’t hi
Repeat that for second wave. If you have a high attack percentage and already have a decent amount of plasma’s (AF artillery
Aging up to Oceanic Future (OF): (estimated time spend in of: 4 gbg seasons)
- Make sure you have at least 610 Promethium before aging up to OF. You need this to unlock the Eel units.
- Instead of waiting for GBG to start, you should now age up before GBG starts! In OF you will want to fight with 1 Sub Cruiser
These troops suck against AF troops, this is why you do not want to wait for GBG to start (unless you’re planning on still using
- To unlock the OF Terminal you will need 2280 Promethium. So if you have that before you age up to OF, that would be the m
This way you can immediately start farming the Orichalicum (OF special good). If you’re close the day before GBG, don’t worry
- Orichalicum: For farming Orichalicum, don’t go for crew members that will bring you most, but go for the crew members that r
This way you will be able to deploy 2 runs per day instead of one, making it more efficient.
- Space Carrier: Lvl 58 is the most efficient lvl of SC, the next lvl you get an extra turn for a chance on a diplomatic
SC will give you either Promethium or Orichalicum. It is completely random, but expect to get more Promethium the
If you double collect your SC every day, you will get 3.560 special goods in 30 days (28 to 58). If you rush it from 28
- Unlocking tech: Do not research “New Recruits”, hold off as long as possible! This tech will unlock more crew mem
You also do not need all tech beyond this one, so just wait to unlock this and all the rest untill you have enough Promethium an
Aging up to Virtual Future (VF): (estimated time spend in vf: 1 gbg season)
- You will finally be able again to do some decent attrition in GBG. The game will be enjoyable again.
- Just like OF, you need to age up to VF before the start of GBG.
Because you will want to fight with Rockets and if you fight against OF troops, you will be up against Gliders and that’s a flying
- You need 1410 Promethium and 1260 Orichalicum to unlock Rockets in VF.
If you don’t have that unlocked yet by the start of GBG, don’t worry: Hover Tanks are decent against VF troops. But once you g
- Guild Expedition: in GE you will also go up against OF troops the first 3 lvls, so make sure you don’t use rockets w
8 eel work great to rush through the first 3 lvls of GE.
Aging up to Space Age Mars (SAM): (estimated time spend in sam: 4 gbg seasons)
- Before you age up to SAM, you will need to have completed both SAM continent maps.
On these maps there are Exploration Sites where you can gain Mars Ore (SAM special good).
If you don’t have these unlocked before aging up, you will already be stuck, because you need it to unlock your primary fightin
- SAM cmap: if you’re conquering the SAM cmap when you’re still in FE: only use hovers when you’re up against sentinels and
Use fast units like drone swarm (use recon raiders if you’re already in AF, or eel if you’re already in OF) when you’re facing Te
and if you’re up against space marines and/or steelwarden you should use artillery (use plasma’s if you’re already in AF or roc
- If you have conquered the cmap already age up to SAM after GBG starts. Fighting with Sentinels against VF units is easy!
You will need Mars Ore to unlock Sentinels and because the farming goes slower at start, you will need like 3-4 days to have e
You can speed up the farming by paying 30 diamonds for the 24 hour trips (only do it for the 24hour trips and only if you have
- To put the Exploration Sites to work, you will need tickets and those you get in your colony.
Put your colony full with Drop Pod. Those residential buildings will generate 152 tickets per building per 4 hours.
Make sure to collect these every 4 hours in the first days, because you’ll need more tickets than you’ll have at start. After 3 day
- You will want to use 8 sentinels in GBG, so make sure you have enough of them before GBG starts.
Aging up to Space Age Asteroid Belt (SAAB): (estimated time spend in saab: 3 gbg seasons)
Before aging up there are 2 important things:
- You will not be able to use the SAM Exploration Sites, so you can’t farm Mars Ore anymore .
(you can put a 3x3 building in your city to produce it, if you aged up too fast and you’re short, but your SC will also p
You need 11.500 Mars Ore to complete the SAAB tech tree and 3750 Mars Ore to complete the Venus tech tree.
That is 15.250 Mars Ore to complete these 2 ages, and you will probably need it also to complete the new age Jupiter Moon, s
- And secondly, make sure you conquered the SAAB cmap. Just like SAM you have Exploration Sites on the cmap where you
- You need 1200 Mars Ore, 250 Orichalicum, 750 Promethium, 700 processed Materials (normal SAAB good) and 600 Bromin
This is the only unit (in combination with rogues) you will need in SAAB and it will get you to high attrition in GBG (y
- If you don't GvG, i suggest you stay in SAAB until Jupiter Moon gets released. SAAB is the best GBG age to be in
- You will not be able to use the SAAB exploration site when you age up to SAV. You know the drill: get enough Asteroid Ice, b
You need 7.250 Asteroid Ice to complete the SAV tech tree, and you'll need 3.900 more for Jupiter Moon.
- Ofcourse you know by now that you need to complete the SAV cmap before aging up. Else you don't have acces to all explor
- There are 2 military units that you use in SAV: Energy Cannons (fast unit) and Power Dragons (artillery)
8 Energy Cannons is best in GvG, Neighbourhood and PvP Tower, because this unit will move first and do enough
Power Dragons combined with rogues is your go to for GBG, fights on the exploration sites and RQ's.
- Age up after GBG already started, so you can still fight SAAB vs SAAB, while you try to unlock Energy Cannons a
It takes 800 Venus Carbon to unlock the Energy Cannons, so that will be easy, but the Power Dragons are almost a
This is why you should not age up right before GBG starts, you'll need time to get to those Power Dragons.
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AF. This way you will fight the whole GBG season against FE troops.
ops and instead of using 1 HT + 7 rogues like in FE, you should now use 3 HT’s + 5 rogues.
methium. And make sure you always keep the ship going, because this is your primary source of Promethium income.
Promethium, but when you are in OF, it will randomly give you Promethium or Orichalicum (special good of OF). Iin SAM you will also be ab
ys. When you rush SC on first day to lvl 28 you get 839 promethium and 1.215 promethium the next 27 days, giving you a total of 2.054 pro
ecial good) is harder to get.
r runs more expensive. Wait untill you have enough promethium to go to OF and then unlock your last tech on the AF tech tree.
anual battle. Artillery can’t hit flying units, so use 8 combat drones (TE unit) to take out the 4 heavies and then auto battle the 4 artillery (the
ount of plasma’s (AF artillery), you could also go for 6 plasma + 2 rogues, these will also get you past these platforms.
will unlock more crew members, making your runs way less efficient.
have enough Promethium and Orichalicum to age up to VF.
st Gliders and that’s a flying unit. Rockets can’t hit flying units, so you will not be able to fight fast in GBG if you’re up against OF troops.
st VF troops. But once you get 6 rockets + 2 rogues, GBG will be decent again ;)
g per 4 hours.
ou’ll have at start. After 3 days you’ll be swimming in tickets.
ort, but your SC will also produce it once in a while)
enus tech tree.
the new age Jupiter Moon, so having 20k Mars Ore extra will be good if you’re planning to age up fast.
SAAB good) and 600 Bromine (normal SAAB good) to unlock Nail Storm.
to high attrition in GBG (yay!).
he best GBG age to be in, so there's not mucht advantage of aging up to SAV right now.
l: get enough Asteroid Ice, before aging up, just like you did with the Mars Ore.
don't have acces to all exploration sites where you will mine for Venus Carbon (SAV's special good).
agons (artillery)
move first and do enough damage to make sure you don't take too much damage.
s and RQ's.
uto battle the 4 artillery (they can’t hit you, so there’s no chance of getting damage).
nother 1.972 special goods, so 3.764 special goods in total.
You get 8 free attempts at start and you earn 15 attempts on average.
That means you only need to buy 41 attempts (on average) to complete GE64 in one go.
Here i show you the total costs to buy 41 attempts, 49 attempts and even if you're extremely unlucky and earn none
(special thanx to Apoph1s (EN7) for correcting the formula)
Medal Costs:
1 1 3 10 25 50 120
2 1 4 12 30 60 144
3 1 4 14 36 72 173
4 2 5 17 43 86 207
5 2 6 21 52 104 249
6 2 7 25 62 124 299
7 3 9 30 75 149 358
8 4 11 36 90 179 430
9 4 13 43 107 215 516
10 5 15 52 129 258 619
11 6 19 62 155 310 743
12 7 22 74 186 372 892
13 9 27 89 223 446 1,070
14 11 32 107 267 535 1,284
15 13 39 128 321 642 1,541
16 15 46 154 385 770 1,849
17 18 55 185 462 924 2,219
18 22 67 222 555 1,109 2,662
19 27 80 266 666 1,331 3,195
20 32 96 319 799 1,597 3,834
21 38 115 383 958 1,917 4,601
22 46 138 460 1,150 2,300 5,521
23 55 166 552 1,380 2,760 6,625
24 66 199 662 1,656 3,312 7,950
25 79 238 795 1,987 3,975 9,540
26 95 286 954 2,385 4,770 11,448
27 114 343 1,145 2,862 5,724 13,737
28 137 412 1,374 3,434 6,869 16,484
29 165 495 1,648 4,121 8,242 19,781
30 198 593 1,978 4,945 9,891 23,738
31 237 712 2,374 5,934 11,869 28,485
32 285 855 2,849 7,121 14,243 34,182
33 342 1,025 3,418 8,546 17,091 41,019
34 410 1,231 4,102 10,255 20,509 49,222
35 492 1,477 4,922 12,306 24,611 59,067
36 591 1,772 5,907 14,767 29,533 70,880
37 709 2,126 7,088 17,720 35,440 85,056
38 851 2,552 8,506 21,264 42,528 102,067
39 1,021 3,062 10,207 25,517 51,034 122,481
40 1,225 3,674 12,248 30,620 61,240 146,977
41 1,470 4,409 14,698 36,744 73,489 176,373
Lvling the Arc beyond lvl 80 is expensive, but when you have an active 1.9 boost thread in your guild, it might be wo
If you lvl your Arc to 110 and make a profit of 200fp per day, it will take you 395 days to break even.
That means you will need to invest between 9.500 fp (on lvl 120) and 30.000 fp (on lvl 90) daily in a 1.9 boost threa
You probably use your Arc also for sniping, so you'll probably break even sooner than a year.
This is why I lvled my Arc to 100 and planning to lvl it up to 110 in the near future, because i boost alot and i'm also
If you are sniping every day, making 1000fp profit or more on a daily basis, you could definitely lvl your Arc to 120 o
With a lvl 110 Arc (93%) With a lvl 120 Arc (94%)
To make 1fp profit on a boost, the reward needs to be at least 57fp To make 1fp profit on a boost, the re
To make 2fp profit on a boost, the reward needs to be at least 133fp To make 2fp profit on a boost, the re
With a lvl 130 Arc (95%) With a lvl 140 Arc (96%)
To make 1fp profit on a boost, the reward needs to be at least 38fp To make 1fp profit on a boost, the re
To make 2fp profit on a boost, the reward needs to be at least 76fp To make 2fp profit on a boost, the re
If you make 100fp profit a day ROI in days If you make 200fp profit a day
lvl 90 14,137 / 100 = 141 lvl 90 14,137 /
lvl 100 24,741 / 100 = 247 lvl 100 24,741 /
lvl 110 40,204 / 100 = 402 lvl 110 40,204 /
lvl 120 61,754 / 100 = 618 lvl 120 61,754 /
lvl 130 91,313 / 100 = 913 lvl 130 91,313 /
lvl 140 131,055 / 100 = 1,311 lvl 140 131,055 /
lvl 150 183,855 / 100 = 1,839 lvl 150 183,855 /
lvl 160 253,518 / 100 = 2,535 lvl 160 253,518 /
lvl 170 344,684 / 100 = 3,447 lvl 170 344,684 /
lvl 180 463,492 / 100 = 4,635 lvl 180 463,492 /
Total days: 16,088
If you make 2.000fp profit a day ROI in days If you make 3.000fp profit a day
lvl 90 14,137 / 2000 = 7 lvl 90 14,137 /
lvl 100 24,741 / 2000 = 12 lvl 100 24,741 /
lvl 110 40,204 / 2000 = 20 lvl 110 40,204 /
lvl 120 61,754 / 2000 = 31 lvl 120 61,754 /
lvl 130 91,313 / 2000 = 46 lvl 130 91,313 /
lvl 140 131,055 / 2000 = 66 lvl 140 131,055 /
lvl 150 183,855 / 2000 = 92 lvl 150 183,855 /
lvl 160 253,518 / 2000 = 127 lvl 160 253,518 /
lvl 170 344,684 / 2000 = 172 lvl 170 344,684 /
lvl 180 463,492 / 2000 = 232 lvl 180 463,492 /
Total days: 804
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ke 200fp profit a day ROI in days If you make 1.000fp profit a day ROI in days
200 = 71 lvl 90 14,137 / 1000 = 14
200 = 124 lvl 100 24,741 / 1000 = 25
200 = 201 lvl 110 40,204 / 1000 = 40
200 = 309 lvl 120 61,754 / 1000 = 62
200 = 457 lvl 130 91,313 / 1000 = 91
200 = 655 lvl 140 131,055 / 1000 = 131
200 = 919 lvl 150 183,855 / 1000 = 184
200 = 1,268 lvl 160 253,518 / 1000 = 254
200 = 1,723 lvl 170 344,684 / 1000 = 345
200 = 2,317 lvl 180 463,492 / 1000 = 463
Total days: 8,044 Total days: 1,609
ke 3.000fp profit a day ROI in days If you make 4.000fp profit a day ROI in days
3000 = 5 lvl 90 14,137 / 4000 = 4
3000 = 8 lvl 100 24,741 / 4000 = 6
3000 = 13 lvl 110 40,204 / 4000 = 10
3000 = 21 lvl 120 61,754 / 4000 = 15
3000 = 30 lvl 130 91,313 / 4000 = 23
3000 = 44 lvl 140 131,055 / 4000 = 33
3000 = 61 lvl 150 183,855 / 4000 = 46
3000 = 85 lvl 160 253,518 / 4000 = 63
3000 = 115 lvl 170 344,684 / 4000 = 86
3000 = 154 lvl 180 463,492 / 4000 = 116
Total days: 536 Total days: 402
Chateau Frontenac
Besides The Arc and Alcatraz, Chateau Frontenac is also a total game changing Great Building!
Chateau Frontenac increases the amount of supplies, coins, medals, diamonds and goods, you get for completing a quest.
CF becomes even better when you are doing Recurring Quests! Because you can do as many of these quests as you like, you
Most players have a high CF for the increase of diamond rewards you get from quests, but also for the insane amount of good
RQ's you want to do are R'lyeh (spend fp) and in the second slot Fnord (gather coins).
When you're boosting your guildies in the 1.9 thread, you will spend fp and complete your R'lyeh RQ and get a rewar
This is an easy way to increase your goods stock.
The sweetspot is lvl 58 or 62, but many will want to lvl it to 78, so you can get 30 goods per goods-reward.
or completing a quest.
ese quests as you like, you just need to put the time in.
he insane amount of goods you can make with this GB.
yeh RQ and get a reward, when that reward is coins, you will eventually complete your Fnord RQ and get a reward for that aswe
get a reward for that aswell.
Himeji Castlelvl 5: #5 lvl 16: #6 lvl 28: #7 lvl 41: #8 lvl 58: #9
Spoils of War: 25% for 10FP 12% for 50FP 5% for 200FP (source: wiki)
HC and SC on average give 18.5 FP as Spoils of War when paying out (10*0.25 + 50*0.12 + 200*0.05 = 18.5).
The expected average payout formula is >> 18.5 * % chanse on spoils of war * # attempts
When you lvl your HC, you should always stop at a lvl that you get an extra attempt for a chanse on a spoil of war. So that's lvl
The sweetspot of HC is lvl 58. If you have a very advanced city (everything around lvl 60 and many around lvl 80 or above), yo
t for a chanse on a spoil of war. So that's lvl 5, 16, 28, 41, 58 and 91.
lvl 60 and many around lvl 80 or above), you could lvl your HC to 91, but it is very expensive!
Expected FP Payou ROI (days)ROI (Total days) Sum Self Inves ROI
5 12 12 61 11.8
7 11 23 133 20.0
8 19 41 286 35.1
10 26 67 532 55.3
14 23 90 850 61.3
16 26 116 1260 80.1
18 29 145 1763 100.3
19 31 175 2358 121.4
21 33 208 3056 143.6
23 35 243 3856 166.7
24 33 276 4640 195.8
24 32 307 5407 222.7
25 30 337 6150 247.4
25 29 366 6877 270.4
26 27 392 7571 291.2
32 22 414 8262 259.2
33 21 435 8931 274.3
33 19 454 9569 288.0
34 19 473 10206 301.2
35 17 490 10794 312.5
35 16 506 11373 323.1
36 15 522 11925 332.8
36 14 536 12451 341.5
37 14 550 12982 350.1
38 13 564 13489 357.8
38 13 577 13983 365.1
39 12 589 14456 371.8
46 10 599 14908 323.8
47 9 608 15350 328.7
47 9 617 15774 333.3
48 8 626 16181 337.3
49 9 634 16601 341.8
49 8 642 16997 345.6
50 8 650 17389 349.4
50 8 658 17769 353.1
51 7 665 18139 356.5
51 7 672 18509 359.9
52 7 679 18871 363.3
52 7 686 19219 366.4
53 7 692 19572 369.7
61 6 698 19921 326.3
62 5 703 20250 328.9
62 5 709 20579 331.5
63 5 714 20919 334.3
63 5 719 21253 337.1
64 5 725 21592 340.0
64 6 730 21947 343.2
64 6 736 22303 346.5
65 6 742 22669 349.9
65 6 748 23057 353.7
66 6 753 23443 357.6
66 6 759 23825 361.3
66 6 765 24226 365.5
67 6 772 24658 370.2
67 7 778 25103 375.0
67 7 785 25564 380.1
68 7 793 26062 385.7
76 7 799 26571 348.1
77 7 806 27113 353.8
77 7 814 27689 359.9
77 8 822 28303 366.5
77 8 830 28949 373.6
78 9 839 29617 380.9
78 9 848 30331 388.8
78 10 858 31094 397.3
78 10 868 31908 406.6
79 11 879 32747 416.1
79 11 890 33643 426.4
79 12 902 34599 437.4
79 13 915 35619 449.1
79 13 928 36685 461.5
80 14 943 37813 474.7
80 15 958 39015 488.7
80 16 973 40274 503.5
80 17 990 41614 519.3
80 18 1008 43028 535.9
80 18 1026 44491 553.1
81 19 1045 46055 571.6
81 20 1066 47705 591.2
81 21 1087 49436 611.8
81 23 1110 51271 633.6
81 24 1134 53214 656.7
81 25 1159 55241 680.8
81 26 1185 57385 706.4
81 28 1213 59642 733.3
81 29 1242 62006 761.4
82 31 1273 64501 791.2
82 32 1304 67103 822.3
82 34 1338 69845 855.1
82 35 1373 72725 889.6
91 33 1406 75737 833.1
91 35 1441 78907 867.3
Space Carrierlvl 5: #5 lvl 16: #6 lvl 28: #7 lvl 41: #8 lvl 58: #9
Spoils of War: 25% for 10FP 12% for 50FP 5% for 200FP (source: wiki)
HC and SC on average give 18.5 FP as Spoils of War when paying out (10*0.25 + 50*0.12 + 200*0.05 = 18.5).
The expected average payout formula is >> 18.5 * % chanse on spoils of war * # attempts
Do not build this GB before you arrived in Arctic Future! You will want to double dip every lvl in AF and OF, because of the spe
When you lvl your SC, you should always stop at a lvl that you get an extra attempt for a chanse on a spoil of war. So that's lvl
The sweetspot of SC is lvl 58. If you have a very advanced city (everything around lvl 60 and many around lvl 80 or above), yo
p every lvl in AF and OF, because of the special goods the SC produces (which are not tradable).
t for a chanse on a spoil of war. So that's lvl 5, 16, 28, 41, 58 and 91.
lvl 60 and many around lvl 80 or above), you could lvl your SC to 91, but it is very expensive!
AO gives you a chance to deliver a critical hit to units of the same age/era.
A critical is 150% the expected damage, so dealing 1.5 times the damage to the life points of your opponent. It does not increa
So when you normally do 3 to 6 damage points, the critical hit will do 5-9, since 3 * 1.5 = 4.5, which rounds to 5, and 6 * 1.5 = 9
This means that the AO is the strongest fighting GB a player with a high A/D (attack/defense for attacking army) can have!
AO is currently also the only GB that has his bonus increase the higher you lvl it. (thanx Jimesh (NL-B) for pointin
For example: from lvl 30 to 31 the chance on a critical hit increases with 0,19. On lvl 40 to 41 it increases with 0,23.
And from lvl 77 to 78 it increases with 0,32. So the higher you lvl your AO, the more you profit.
From lvl 78 until lvl 105 the increase of the chance on a crit hit stays at 0,32. Beyond lvl 105 increase of the bonus starts to dec
As seen in the startersguide you should build the AO when your Zeus, CoA, CDM and TA are at least lvl10.
This is because you need a decent amount of attack for it to be of a profit for you.
Why lvl your AO to 11 and not 10? Because from lvl9 to 10 the chance of a crit hit increases with 0,27% and from lvl 10 to 11 i
So it is more beneficial to put your AO on lvl 11, while you move forward with your other fighting GB’s.
Of all GB’s that produce goods, Galata produces the most goods per tile:
Galata lvl 80: 164 unrf goods (82 rf goods) for 9 squares = 18,2 goods per square (9,1/sq)
LoA lvl 80: 178 unrf goods (89 rf goods) for 16 squares = 11,1 goods per square (5,6/sq)
Babel lvl 80: 170 unrf goods (85 rf goods) for 16 squares = 10,6 goods per square (5,3/sq)
FoD lvl 80: 174 unrf goods (87 rf goods) for 25 squares = 7 goods per square (3.5/sq)
SG lvl 80: 147 previous age goods for 25 squares = 5,9 goods per square
RFP lvl 80: 208 unrf goods (104 rf goods) for 36 squares = 5,8 goods per square (2.9/sq)
SMB lvl 80: 180 unrf goods (90 rf goods) for 36 squares = 5 goods per square (2.5/sq)
AM lvl 80: 192 unrf goods (96 rf goods) for 42 squares = 4,6 goods per square (2.3/sq)
RAH lvl 80: 194 unrf goods (97 rf goods) for 42 squares = 4,6 goods per square (2.3/sq)
Notice that Galata, just like the other, gives double the amount of goods when you’re in Modern Era or higher.
This is because as from Modern Era the GB’s that produce goods, will produce unrefined goods (goods of 3 ages/era’s below
If you are in a lower age/era than Modern, it is not worth to build any GB that produces goods.
At lvl 64, GT gives you 15 goods per square. At lvl 68 it is 16 Goods/Square. This is why I am lvling my GT to at least 64 and i
Average bonus you can get from your BG: attemps * (% / 100) * average resourses
The formule for average resourses: Sum of recourse divided by amount of buildings
For an advanced city: 12 FP is minimum per building, so we will use 12 per bui
I am not a fan of city fp production and i will advice against it. But i understand that some players do not have the time or don't
So for those that don't want their city full focused on attack, there are 2 Great Buildings that are not bad to build: Blue Galaxy a
Innovation Tower used to be a great alternative aswell, but since Event Buildings give you a massive amount of population, IT
While Blue Galaxy still takes precious space that could be used for attackbuildings, it is one of the best city fp production GB's
You should only lvl it to a lvl where it gives you an exra attempt to get a double collection, so lvl 9, 15, 26, 32, 38, 45, 54, 67.
(example: 4 buildings, 2 giving 5 FPs, the other 2 giving 10 FPs = (5 + 5 + 10 + 10) / 4 = 7,5 (FP)
mum per building, so we will use 12 per building to determine the ROI (return of investment)
ome players do not have the time or don't want to play as a Full Force Wrecking Machine.
gs that are not bad to build: Blue Galaxy and Cape Canaveral.
e you a massive amount of population, IT has become less interesting.
t is one of the best city fp production GB's in the game.
ction, so lvl 9, 15, 26, 32, 38, 45, 54, 67.
Expected FP Payout ROI (days) ROI (Total days) Sum Self InveROI
8.16 6 6 51 6
9.12 8 14 123 13
12.60 12 26 276 22
13.80 17 43 511 37
15.00 20 63 809 54
16.20 24 87 1199 74
17.40 28 115 1681 97
18.00 32 147 2265 126
22.32 30 177 2932 131
23.04 33 211 3702 161
23.76 31 242 4443 187
24.48 30 30 5176 211
25.20 28 58 5874 233
25.20 27 85 6566 261
30.24 22 107 7232 239
31.08 21 128 7893 254
31.92 20 148 8521 267
31.92 20 168 9172 287
32.76 18 187 9775 298
38.40 15 202 10357 270
38.40 14 216 10900 284
39.36 14 230 11443 291
40.32 13 13 11958 297
40.32 12 25 12447 309
41.28 12 37 12929 313
46.44 10 46 13386 288
47.52 10 56 13849 291
48.60 9 65 14281 294
48.60 8 73 14691 302
49.68 8 82 15099 304
50.76 8 89 15489 305
56.40 7 96 15861 281
57.60 7 103 16244 282
58.80 6 6 16603 282
58.80 6 12 16957 288
60.00 6 18 17298 288
60.00 6 23 17628 294
67.32 5 28 17966 267
68.64 5 33 18295 267
68.64 5 38 18609 271
69.96 5 42 18927 271
69.96 4 47 19240 275
71.28 4 51 19551 274
71.28 4 56 19870 279
79.20 4 4 20189 255
79.20 4 8 20501 259
80.64 4 12 20827 258
80.64 4 16 21158 262
82.08 4 20 21497 262
82.08 4 25 21855 266
83.52 4 29 22224 266
83.52 4 33 22580 270
84.96 4 38 22961 270
92.04 4 42 23359 254
93.60 4 47 23776 254
93.60 5 5 24225 259
95.16 5 10 24697 260
95.16 5 15 25166 264
95.16 5 20 25663 270
96.72 6 25 26201 271
96.72 6 31 26772 277
96.72 6 38 27369 283
98.28 7 44 28014 285
98.28 7 51 28691 292
99.84 7 58 29411 295
99.84 7 66 30158 302
107.52 7 7 30964 288
109.20 8 15 31821 291
109.20 8 24 32715 300
109.20 9 32 33676 308
109.20 9 42 34679 318
110.88 10 51 35747 322
110.88 10 61 36882 333
110.88 11 72 38088 344
112.56 11 84 39359 350
112.56 12 95 40688 361
112.56 13 108 42099 374
112.56 13 13 43596 387
114.24 14 27 45181 395
114.24 14 42 46821 410
Cape Canaveral
I am not a fan of city fp production and i will advice against it. But i understand that some players do not have the time or don't
So for those that don't want their city full focused on attack, there are 2 Great Buildings that are not bad to build: Blue Galaxy a
Innovation Tower used to be a great alternative aswell, but since Event Buildings give you a massive amount of population, IT
The sweetspot of CC is around lvl 60 to 70. But because it is pretty cheap and the Return of Investment (ROI) is very high, ma
me players do not have the time or don't want to play as a Full Force Wrecking Machine.
s that are not bad to build: Blue Galaxy and Cape Canaveral.
you a massive amount of population, IT has become less interesting.
turn of Investment (ROI) is very high, many players bring it easily to lvl 80.
Temple Of Relics gives you a chance to find relics when you play Guild Expedition.
GE has 4 lvls, with in total 64 platforms.
For every platform you finish, you get a chance to find a relic. Ofcourse that chance depends on what lvl your ToR is.
A silver relic gives you 13% chance to get 20 FP (source: FoE Fandom wiki)
A gold relic gives you 18% chance to get 100 FP (source: FoE Fandom wiki)
So the formula to calculate how much FP you get from ToR per da[(silver x 0,13 x 20) + (gold x 0,18 x 100)] / 7 days
For a more in-depth analysis (which also shows how many goods, units and other stuff you can get), you should check out the
LVL FP cost 1.9 Relic Chance %Silver Chance % Gold Chance % Jade Chance %
1 30 7.68 5.66 1.94 0.08
2 41 8 5.85 2.03 0.12
3 72 8.32 6.03 2.12 0.17
4 133 8.64 6.21 2.22 0.22
5 174 8.96 6.38 2.31 0.27
6 215 9.28 6.55 2.40 0.32
7 257 9.44 6.60 2.46 0.38
8 318 9.76 6.77 2.56 0.44
9 370 10.08 6.92 2.65 0.50
10 430 10.4 7.08 2.75 0.57
11 409 10.72 7.24 2.85 0.63
12 396 10.88 7.32 2.90 0.66
13 385 11.2 7.51 2.99 0.71
14 394 11.52 7.69 3.08 0.75
15 374 11.68 7.76 3.13 0.78
16 364 12 7.95 3.22 0.83
17 354 12.32 8.12 3.32 0.88
18 335 12.48 8.20 3.37 0.92
19 326 12.8 8.37 3.46 0.97
20 328 12.96 8.44 3.51 1.00
21 301 13.28 8.62 3.61 1.06
22 295 13.44 8.68 3.66 1.10
23 288 13.76 8.86 3.75 1.15
24 272 13.92 8.92 3.81 1.19
25 266 14.24 9.09 3.90 1.25
26 261 14.4 9.16 3.95 1.29
27 248 14.56 9.22 4.01 1.33
28 244 14.88 9.38 4.10 1.39
29 241 15.04 9.45 4.16 1.43
30 229 15.2 9.51 4.21 1.48
31 226 15.36 9.57 4.26 1.53
32 226 15.68 9.73 4.36 1.59
33 195 15.84 9.79 4.41 1.63
34 187 16 9.85 4.47 1.68
35 188 16.16 9.91 4.52 1.73
36 180 16.32 9.97 4.58 1.78
37 182 16.48 10.02 4.63 1.82
38 185 16.64 10.08 4.69 1.87
39 180 16.8 10.14 4.74 1.92
40 165 16.96 10.19 4.80 1.97
41 161 17.12 10.25 4.85 2.02
42 167 17.28 10.30 4.91 2.07
43 175 17.44 10.36 4.96 2.12
44 164 17.6 10.41 5.02 2.17
45 165 17.76 10.46 5.07 2.22
46 175 17.92 10.52 5.13 2.27
47 176 17.92 10.47 5.14 2.30
48 188 18.08 10.52 5.20 2.36
49 172 18.24 10.58 5.25 2.41
50 187 18.4 10.63 5.31 2.46
51 201 18.56 10.68 5.37 2.51
52 199 18.56 10.63 5.38 2.55
53 216 18.72 10.69 5.43 2.60
54 235 18.88 10.73 5.49 2.65
55 216 18.88 10.69 5.50 2.69
56 237 19.04 10.74 5.56 2.74
57 249 19.2 10.79 5.62 2.80
58 263 19.2 10.74 5.63 2.83
59 288 19.36 10.79 5.69 2.88
60 305 19.36 10.75 5.70 2.91
61 312 19.52 10.80 5.75 2.97
62 332 19.68 10.84 5.81 3.02
63 352 19.68 10.80 5.82 3.05
64 385 19.84 10.85 5.88 3.11
65 399 19.84 10.81 5.89 3.14
66 414 20 10.85 5.95 3.20
67 441 20 10.81 5.96 3.23
68 470 20.16 10.85 6.02 3.28
69 510 20.16 10.81 6.03 3.31
70 522 20.16 10.77 6.04 3.34
71 565 20.32 10.82 6.10 3.40
72 600 20.32 10.78 6.11 3.43
73 637 20.48 10.82 6.17 3.49
74 686 20.48 10.78 6.18 3.52
75 698 20.48 10.74 6.19 3.55
76 750 20.64 10.78 6.25 3.61
77 786 20.64 10.74 6.26 3.64
78 842 20.64 10.70 6.27 3.67
79 872 20.8 10.74 6.33 3.72
80 933 20.8 10.70 6.34 3.75
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ou can get), you should check out the analysis of MooingCat: http://bit.ly/MooTempleOfRelics