PDRP Policy
PDRP Policy
PDRP Policy
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Reviewed: May 2022
It is the professional responsibility of all practicing nurses to maintain their competence
to practice by meeting the competence requirements of the Nursing Council New
All nurses working at Mercy Hospital in a permanent position will hold as a minimum, a
level 2 portfolio on the PDRP.
Related Legislation
Health Practitioner Competency Assurance (HPCA) Act 2003
Nursing Council of New Zealand ‘Continuing Competence’.
Cultural Considerations:
As per portfolio requirements.
Participation in a PDRP programme provides;
A vehicle for the demonstration of competent, proficient or expert nursing practice
Demonstrates on-going professional development and currency of practice.
PDR (Performance Development Review). At Mercy Hospital an annual review of
performance is measured against objectives which are developed between the employer
and employee.
Professional Development Committee (PDC) – a group of senior staff across site who
meet regularly to discuss education requirements across site (CLD, ACN,CNS, CNE, NP)
Te Kāhui Kōkiri Mātanga (Advancing the skills and knowledge of nurses) is the name of
the regional PDRP Mercy Hospital utilises. The Forms and Templates for this are hosted
on Canterbury DHB website.
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Reviewed: May 2022
The Nursing PDRP programme is led at Mercy by the Clinical Learning and Development
Coordinator (CLD)
Staff who are due to submit full year PDRP will arrange meeting with CLD 2-3 months
prior to submission date.
The Professional Development Committee and area assessors across site work with the
CLD to optimise use of resources across site.
Roles –
Provides an annual list of staff who are due full year PDRP to CNM
Within 3 months of new staff start date, will confirm existing PDRP status & provide
planned date for submission to those who are not yet in the system
Provides dates for support sessions and final sign off, held throughout the year in
learning and development calendar & education manual
Updates are shared via clinical newsletter
Will oversee systems regarding pay global entry for in house training
Will oversee HealthLearn reports to sign off clinical orientation requirements.
Will assist staff in totalling education hours from various platforms, by verifying original
documents (total 60 hours over 3 years)
Will ensure staff and CNM are clear on requirements for mandatory, organisational and
clinical skill sign off in preparation for appraisal discussion.
Will oversee pay global entry for any area based in house training and area based
competency completion
Communicates with area staff during area huddles & other opportunities
Mandatory training requirements are not required during PDRP process
Work with area assessors to ensure staff who are required to revalidate (level 3 & 4)
know where to access the revalidation form
The Nurse
Submits a portfolio for formal assessment three yearly
Communicates with CNM and peer at least 3 months prior to submission date to ensure
evidence and appraisal are ready Failure to do this may result in your Portfolio missing
the submission date.
Checks submission plan, support dates and final sign off dates in the Learning and
Development calendar, contacting CLD to confirm time slot and date for any support
Provide evidence of consistently practicing at the level of the portfolio being applied for
Accesses forms and templates for PDRP via Canterbury DHB website
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Reviewed: May 2022
Is aware all information is found in Learning & Development drop down menu on Mercy
Has all paperwork to CLD by no later than final sign off dates provided by CLD to ensure
timely delivery of files at SDHB
Discusses plan for revalidation or full year submission in advance of appraisal each year.
With level 3 or 4 PDRP, must read and follow revalidation section
Is aware of the general submission information
Documentation is to be no more than three years old except where annual
requirements are specifically stated.
All evidence submitted should be the nurses own work or if in collaboration, permission
and sign off sought from the third party.
The Nurses portfolio should show examples of ‘best practice’ at all times.
Those involved in the nurse’s portfolio submission may be approached to assist during
the assessment process by providing additional evidence or confirmation.
RN & EN who hold a current level 3 or 4 PDRP will revalidate ongoing competence at
appropriate level each year
Is not automatic and this process is led by the nurse
Forms are found on SharePoint.
Details of how the individual is maintaining the appropriate level of practice should be
demonstrated during this process by bringing evidence of ongoing Proficient level or
Expert level practice to CNM or ACN.
Revalidation conversation should, where possible, be considered alongside annual
appraisal to streamline process, although may be required on a different date (e.g.
revalidation due November, whilst appraisal due May).
A nurse transferring to an area of practice within Mercy, in the same or related specialty,
generally retains their existing level of practice (2, 3, 4 ) and has 6 months to achieve the
competencies at that level in the new setting. If the previous level is not achieved at the
end of 6 months PDRP payments will cease. CNM will discuss opportunities for
maintenance of current level with any new staff starting in area.
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Reviewed: May 2022
For Designated Senior Nursing roles (those who have an Independent Employee
Agreement), the conversation around payment sits with their direct line manager during
annual discussions. Those with IEA requiring to complete a PDRP (following discussion
with their line manager), may complete Designated Senior Nurse (DSN) portfolio clinical
or non-clinical option.
A RN/EN PDRP payment shall be added to an employee’s ordinary hourly rate at Level 3 and
Level 4, on production of evidence that the level has been either achieved or revalidated.
Any Level 3 or 4 portfolio which has been submitted will continue to be paid at an
increased hourly rate as PDRP recognition during the assessment phase.
The increased hourly rate payments for level 3 and 4 will cease from 3 months where;
a portfolio has not been submitted within the 3 year timeframe (and has expired).
The increased hourly rate payments for level 3 and 4 will cease from 3 months where a
revalidation form has not been submitted.
Appeal Process