EN5ider 142 - Zeitgeist 00 Bonds of Forced Faith
EN5ider 142 - Zeitgeist 00 Bonds of Forced Faith
EN5ider 142 - Zeitgeist 00 Bonds of Forced Faith
Bonds of
Forced Faith
Wherein a King and his Retinue strike
against a Coven of Witches before they
can lay a dire Curse upon an entire City.
An Enchanting Excursion for 10th-Level Characters
From the Pen of Ryan Nock Thoroughly Playtested for Maximum Enjoyment by
Stunning Cartographic Displays by James Hazelett Sam Coman, Mary Crowell, Matthew Freeman, Benton Harris,
Jonathan Roberts James Herbert, Thurston Hillman, Stoyan Ivanov,
Masterful Interior Illustrations by Claudio Pozas Russell Morrissey, Randal Slaven, and Judson Stowe
& artists of history
with Layout and Graphic Design by Eric Life-Putnam Seamlessly Updated to Fifth Edition by
Ably Produced and Facilitated by Russell Morrissey Ryan Nock
Special Thanks to Nobuo Uematsu for the soundtrack to Final Fantasy VIII, which taught me to love a good witch villain.
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Their character sheets are at the end of this adventure. Additionally, • Sister Pernicity. Quiet, skinny, with a feigned childish
in the Teaser five of the players will play city guardsmen, who will demeanor, this witch flies in a cauldron and loves burning
die in less than five minutes in a variety of gruesome ways. The people alive. She torments most of the coven’s prisoners, and
remaining pc, the mayor, dies too, but he comes back. the human sacrifices she performs halfway up Cauldron Hill
empower the Red Contessa’s primary ritual at the peak.
The Contessa’s Coven. • The Red Contessa. Beautiful and dark-haired, she wields
Additionally, four main npcs oppose the party. blood magic, a demonic ritual known as Bonds of Forced
• Sister Languor. A local Flinter named Rachel Lang, and Faith, which links her lifeforce to unwilling victims. Her
one of the folk prophets known as skyseers, she joined the goal is to bond herself to the entire city of Flint, and then
witches’ coven for power. She keeps a public face among the force the king to name her his successor. If not granted her
skyseers, but has acted to sabotage those who would oppose wish, she intends to kill thousands.
the coven. She’ll try to lure the king to a trap by feigning When roleplaying the witches, giving them each a unique voice can
peril, and even if “rescued” she’ll provide a false prophecy help to distinguish them. Sister Languor has a deep, droning voice;
and an “elixir of protection” that will actually curse anyone Deliria’s voice warbles like the classic Wicked Witch from The Wiz-
who drinks it. ard of Oz; and Pernicity punctuates every sentence with giggles
• Sister Deliria. A sneaky, beautiful witch with troll minions, that often shift into cackles. The Red Contessa has an accent like an
she commands powers that dull men’s minds or blind them Italian or Eastern European starlet, and her attitude is supremely
with illusions. She is colluding with Sister Languor to try to cocky, her quips biting. She grandstands as a matter of course, and
trick the king. she won’t take anything seriously, even if it looks like she might die.
1. Mayor’s Mansion
The Ayres
2. Cauldron Hill
North Shore
Parity Lake
Central District
The Cloudwood
Dover Edeo
Human Witch Hunter Human Witch Hunter
Hit Points 6, Armor Class 14 (leather armor, shield) Hit Points 6, Armor Class 14 (leather armor, shield)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
str dex con int wis cha str dex con int wis cha
13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 9 (–1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 9 (–1)
Skills Perception +1 Skills Perception +1
Woodman’s Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 Woodman’s Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +2
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+1
slashing damage. slashing damage.
Francis Benton
Human Witch Hunter Human Witch Hunter
Hit Points 6, Armor Class 14 (leather armor, shield) Hit Points 6, Armor Class 14 (leather armor, shield)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
str dex con int wis cha str dex con int wis cha
13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 9 (–1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 9 (–1)
Skills Perception +1 Skills Perception +1
Woodman’s Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 Woodman’s Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +2
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+1
slashing damage. slashing damage.
4 | EN5ider Presents: Bonds of Forced Faith Permission is granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Adventure Scenes. Next, the king and his retinue must Ascend the Hunchback,
First, in the Teaser, ask which player wants the most mechanically climbing a mountain warded with curses and minor monsters to
complicated character. Hand that player a copy of the brief char- reach a location known as “the hunch,” which is where the only safe
acter sheet of Roland Stanfield (page 4). Hand the other players route to the peak can be accessed. This scene plays as a montage of
the “witch hunter” character sheets (page 4). Run the Teaser until small horrors. Skyseer Lang’s potion does indeed provide protec-
everyone’s dead, killing Stanfield last. tion against some of those dangers. If the king did bring along any
mundane soldiers this climb ought to kill off most of them.
Act One. At the hunch, hostages are kept beside the Pyres of Pernicity.
Hand out the full character sheets (pages 21 et seq.). Let the other The withered Sister Pernicity flies about with eerie, childish delight
players decide whom they’d like to play. Instruct them to read both while the fey and zombies that serve her lash her prisoners to more
sides and to pay attention to the “Starting Interactions” and “Char- pyres. Fighting the witch and her minions becomes complicated
acter Goal” sections. Tell them that even if their character dies, if as they start burning their prisoners alive, and like Languor and
they accomplish their goal, they can consider it a win. Deliria she lays a dying curse on whoever kills her.
Then begin the Briefing, setting the scene at the mayor’s man-
sion, shortly before 6:00 pm, when the characters are about to Act Three.
begin discussing plans for the witches, but are interrupted by the The Final Ascent up the last few hundred feet is a challenging climb
approach of Amielle’s small steamship, Hinc ad Aeternitatem. Let in the best conditions, but howling spirits and supernatural winds
the characters roleplay through sharing the information they have, assail the king and his retinue, wearing them down and possibly
namely that tonight will be a lunar eclipse, and that atop Cauldron leaving some mentally unhinged.
Hill immense magical power will be available, reaching its zenith They find the peak lit up by witchfire as the Red Contessa per-
at 10:47 pm. It should be obvious to all that time is short. forms her Ritual of the Red Moon. She dances in the firelight,
Before they start making plans, the Red Contessa’s Invitation stabbing herself and laughing. When she spots the group she be-
occurs. The chief of police reports that skyseer Rachel Lang fell un- gins monologuing, revealing that in her own twisted way she has
der attack by an angry mob and fled onto the water at Parity Lake. done all this to prove her worthiness to succeed King Lorcan as
Then from a nearby crowd of people, a person compelled by magic monarch of Risur.
slits his own throat, causing a panic. From his blood an image of Since he’ll likely decline to name her his successor, she attacks,
the contessa rises. She bids the king to attend a birthday celebra- aided by an immense serpent-maned lion, minor witches in her coven,
tion she’s throwing at the peak of Cauldron Hill. She’s already lit and various lesser spooks and spirits. She starts combat by animating
candles for him; she directs them to look at the mountain, which is the megalith standing stones and the cauldron itself as allies.
ringed with pyres burning fifty prisoners at the stake. Her cauldron is the focus of a ritual that connects her via bond
The group’s plans will likely take them to the Deception at of forced faith with the whole city of Flint. If her ritual is not dis-
Parity Lake. Skyseer Rachel Lang is actually the witch Sister rupted before the eclipse reaches its maximum, she will become
Languor, and together with her fellow witch Sister Deliria they immortal. She’s impossible to kill while the ritual is in effect, and
have enacted a clever ruse. By imperiling Rachel Lang, Deliria even if it’s stopped, it is possible Rachel Lang’s ruse will mean she’s
hopes to make the king wholly trusting of the prophecy Lang also linked to the party. Defeating the witches will require clever-
offers, which will actually lead the king to his death. If either De- ness, or perhaps capitulation.
liria or Languor are slain, they lay curses upon whomever strikes
the final blow, but if they survive they’ll reappear and aid the Red
Contessa at the peak. Teaser
This first section is meant to be run quickly, more as narration
Act Two. than actual gameplay. The goal is to convey confusion, horror, and
If skyseer Lang is “rescued,” she delivers her Prophecy of the helplessness.
Cracked Cauldron, claiming the only way to shatter the Red Con- Ask which player wants the most complicated pc, then give them
tessa’s blood magic protection is for someone to willingly dive into the simple character sheet for Mayor Stanfield (page 4). Hand ev-
her boiling cauldron, which will shatter it and its magic. Actually, eryone else one of the witch hunter characters (also page 4).
doing so will just cause you to be horribly burned. Lang offers a Read the following text and pause to get die rolls, then announce
potion she has crafted which will protect them from the mountain’s who survives each assault by the witches. Mostly direct the narra-
dark magic, but she could only prepare enough for the retinue, tion toward Mayor Stanfield’s player.
which should deter the king from storming the mountain with an For each of the checks and saves we call for below, any witch
entire army. In truth, the potion is a ruse to link the Red Contessa hunter pc who rolls under 10 dies in the next narrated section. If
to the king and his retinue by bond of forced faith. no one rolls under 10, instead kill whoever rolled lowest. Don’t
Townsfolk are here who look to the king for guidance. He might kill Mayor Stanfield. If all the other pcs are dead, just narrate the
introduce Dame Melissa to them, or rally them to come up the deaths of the rest of the townsfolk who came along, then give Stan-
mountain. They’re not consequential to the victory, but make sure field’s player a chance to respond before the Red Contessa kills him
to mention them so the party feels the city is counting on them. in the final bit of boxed text.
Yes, we’re killing pcs during boxed text. (If any non-Stanfield Have the characters make Constitution saves.
characters survive to the final boxed text, they can be rescued later
as hostages by the real pcs.) A cluster of soldiers standing in a ring, their swords brandished bravely,
begin to cough blood and fall to their knees. You still can’t see any attack-
You’ve ascended halfway to the peak, and you can see the evening lights ers, just chaos and confusion and screaming.
of Flint below. You’re nearly to “the hunch,” where the thickly forested
mountain grows suddenly rockier and steeper, but you can already hear Have the characters make Strength saves. If Stanfield fails, go
the drums and wailing chants from the summit. A great fire burns a ahead and entangle him, but don’t kill him yet. Any pcs who sur-
thousand feet above you, and for a moment your mouth waters at the vived this far can be taken prisoner, but the Red Contessa kills the
rich scent of boiled meat, before you remember it’s probably human flesh mayor.
that’s cooking up there.
This mountain used to be called The Hunchback. Now the locals are You hear a scream twenty feet away as shadows reach out from the back-
calling it Cauldron Hill. side of a tree, grab a man, and pull him tight against the trunk, crushing
Mayor Stanfield and forty more armed men go to rescue the hostages, the life from him. Tree branches leap out and grasp others, those who mo-
because you at least are brave. For years, your King refused your calls for ments ago were brave witch hunters, but now scream for salvation. Wet,
help, first too busy with his war across the sea, and now too busy signing mulchy fingers paw at their faces, thorns rip at their skin, blood dribbles
an armistice after he lost. down their arms.
Each of you has seen a friend kidnapped, or a wife, or a son, or a parent. Shadowy humanoids as high as your waist detach from the night and
For decades these kidnappings have been rare — rare enough that people surround the surviving warriors. They leap upon them, pull them down,
dismissed the stories and preferred to ignore the witches. But over the and drag them away screaming.
last few years, while the soldiers have been away, the coven has grown The din of pandemonium dulls, grows quiet, goes silent. The mayor
bold. A dozen were abducted just last night, and if there’s a chance you stands alone. The horrors of Cauldron Hill seem to have spared him
can save them, you’ll not let fear stand in— intentionally.
Everyone please make Perception checks. Torches light up the forest. No, not torches; burning bodies, some wail-
ing. Silhouetted by flames, a trio of female figures walk slowly toward the
When the boxed text mentions someone dying, point to the mayor. Two of them hang back in the shadows, softly chanting, but one
character(s) who failed their roll, to indicate they’ve just died. These steps close.
attacks are loosely modeled on the spells phantasmal killer, circle of Her black hair cascades down to a dress the color of a scab, so tattered
death, and entangle, but simplified to fit the narrative. it looks like it’s been through battle many times.
There is a rustling sound in the trees overhead, and a cackling woman’s Let Stanfield’s player decide what he wants to do. If he runs or talks,
voice streaks through the air. the witches eventually hold or trap him. The text below assumes
When you look back down, one man is on the ground, blood pouring he fights.
from his belly. Another half-dozen are already running. The cackling
swoops over them, and one flies up off the ground screaming, pulled into You plunge your sword through the exposed pale skin above her heart,
the tree canopy. All around you all you can see in the dark are trees, brush, striking what should be a killing blow.
and steep slopes to falls of hundred feet or more. She rolls her eyes, shoves you back into the brambles, and drags the
What do you do? blade out of her ribcage with a grunt. No wound is left behind. She drops
the sword with a muted clang and draws a rusted, jagged knife from her
Give the players a chance to respond for a round or two, but there’s dress. It’s still stained with blood from the last time you saw her.
nothing to attack. Don’t let them get too into planning things. “Sisters,” she says, “you can have the others. I’ve grown fond of killing
If you really like a player’s idea, maybe just have that character this one.”
knocked out and abducted instead of being killed. The knife’s teeth saw the flesh of your neck open. Your blood pours
Have everyone make Wisdom saves. down her arm. She holds you up by your jaw with unnatural strength. Your
vision darkens. Your limbs slack. Your last sensation is hearing your men
A man running beside you stops suddenly, begins to weep, draws a knife, still screaming as they burn.
and then jams it into his throat. Another man shrieks and shoves his
companion off the nearest ledge. A gust of cold wind brushes the back of Pick up everyone’s brief character sheets, and welcome them to to-
your neck, and a voice starts to whisper into your ear, telling you to fling night’s adventure, Bonds of Forced Faith.
yourself off the mountain before the witches can steal your soul.
Several weeks later, around 6:00 pm, gathered at the mayor’s mansion
island, in a turret overlooking protesting merchants and peasants,
are King Lorcan, his aide Harkover and bodyguard Melissa, Mayor
Stanfield, and Tomas, a foreign advisor from the nation of Crisillyir
to the east. Everyone assumes they’ll be waiting until tomorrow to National Flag of Danor.
attack, because tonight’s lunar eclipse is a bad omen.
Amielle is not present yet. The Red Contessa’s blood simulacrum speaks:
Give the players ample time to read both sides of their character “Greetings, people of Flint.
sheets. Encourage the players to pay close attention to the Suggest- “No one cares about you! You’re more chattel to your king than you
ed Starting Interactions and Character Goal sections. Tell them are to me, and I’ve been sticking your children in a black pot and cooking
that even if their character dies, if they accomplish their goal, they them alive for thirty years.
can consider it a win. “Well, the time has come to change all that! I am your queen now, and
Once everyone is ready, they can read their character description, a queen treats her subjects well. The abductions shall stop! Anyway, we
but before formal introductions begin, shouting from all across the don’t need more hostages; we have too many already.”
island draws everyone’s attention out the window. A ship is sail- She gestures up to the mountain top, and a line of fires are shining
ing into harbor — no, not sailing, churning with some grumbling there. People being burned alive.
mechanism that belches black smoke and white steam in its wake. “Shush, king. I have no words for you that will speak louder than the
It flies both a white flag, and the flag of Danor. sound my boot will make crushing your skull against the stone of my
As the ship nears the island, they can make out its name: Hinc mountain. You’re an old man, and so I’ve lit candles for your birthday.
ad Aeternitatem. A steam-powered runabout embarks and carries Come if you dare. I’ll let you bow to me in fealty.
Amielle to the island. “Now, my subjects, ask yourselves. Who will better protect you? A king
Let the group meet and roleplay. When the time is right and who has already lost a war, who has let his enemies sail into your very har-
everyone has shared the information in their Suggested Starting In- bor? Or a queen who burns those who offend her? Let me demonstrate.”
teractions, a commotion heralds the arrival of Flint’s chief of police. A few hundred feet away, with no other warning, the Danoran vessel
explodes, vanishing in a cloud of white. Uncontained steam from the
Red Contessa’s Invitation. boiler launches timbers and metal shards through the air. The remnants
of the boat catch fire and crumple. But over the roar of its destruction
The chief of police bows to the king, nods to his mayor, and glowers at you can hear the witch laughing as her blood simulacrum fades away.
the tiefling.
“I have news, my king. The skyseer Rachel Lang was supposed to come It’s shortly after 6:00 pm, and the characters don’t have much time
to present you a vision concerning the witches, and when she didn’t arrive to formulate a plan. While they talk, the fifty “birthday candles”
on time I sent out men to check the city. A runner just came back. He that ring the hunch of Cauldron Hill slowly smolder and die.
says he saw Rachel Lang and her acolytes fleeing a mob along the shore
of Parity Lake. Lang yelled at him to get help, and then they shoved off on Deception at Parity Lake.
a small boat. The water should protect them for a short while, but it won’t The obvious hook is to go rescue skyseer Rachel Lang and investi-
be long before the mob finds boats of their own.” gate the mob threatening her.
And before the police chief can explain anymore either, screams sound If the party decides to head straight for the mountain, they’ll
from the crowd of protesters surrounding the governor’s mansion. A fig- actually spare themselves a fair bit of grief, though you might want
ure in the crowd has brandished a dagger high, and he removes his hood, to have Sisters Languor and Deliria follow them up and harass the
tilts his head up, and plunges the blade into his throat. People scatter, and group as they ascend to Pernicity’s Hut.
the blood pours out onto the ground. The blood slowly rises up, waving its
hands to forestall any hysterical reactions like attacking it.
Sister Deliria
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Hit Points 63 plus 200 temporary hit points
Armor Class 12
Speed 30 ft.
str dex con int wis cha
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws wis +4, cha +7
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +7, Perception +4, Stealth +5 Actions
Condition Immunities charmed Sacrificial Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 target. Hit: 7 (1d4+5) piercing damage. The target must make a
Languages Common, Giant Constitution save (dc 15) or fall prone from sudden wracking pain.
Challenge 9 (5,000 xp) Raven’s Flight. The witch transforms into a Tiny raven, with a fly speed
Bond of Forced Faith. Sister Deliria is bonded to twenty people, who of 50 ft. She immediately dashes that speed. She can only use this
each grant her 10 temporary hit points. If they move beyond 250 ft., ability once per day.
she loses these temporary hit points. As long as she has any of these Torturous Curse. One creature within 30 ft. makes a Wisdom saving
temporary hit points, damage she takes does not disrupt her concen- throw (dc 15). If it fails, the witch deals 16 (3d10) necrotic damage
tration on spells. If she has no more temporary hit points, she has to that creature, and then the witch bestows a curse on the creature.
disadvantage on all Strength checks and melee attack rolls, and her After using this power, the witch cannot attempt to curse the same
melee weapon attacks do half damage. creature until she takes a short or long rest.
Dying Curse. As long as the Red Contessa controls the peak of Cauldron The witches have a shared suite of common curses (see sidebar
Hill, whenever Sister Deliria is reduced to 0 hit points her body above), and each witch has one personal, preferred curse. Choose one
convulses and a ragged black ghost flies free from her mouth, streaking available curse, which lasts until the coven is defeated or until it is
toward the mountain. Whoever attacked or damaged her in the last broken by remove curse.
round must make a Wisdom save (dc 15) or be stunned for one round A creature afflicted by a torturous curse can spend an action to fight
by the screaming and cackling. the curse. Taking this action allows that creature to ignore the effect of
Additionally, creatures who failed the save are affected by the prey the curse until the end of its next turn, after which the curse takes hold
of the coven curse, if it isn’t already under the effect of that curse. again.
Spellcasting. Sister Deliria has two spell slots available to cast any of the • Preferred Curse: Amateur’s Amnesia. Affected creatures are unable
following spells. The save dc is 15, and all the spells are cast as if with a to remember the thing they do the best — for example, for Harkover
5th-level slot. These slots replenish after a short or long rest. Lee this is fire magic; for King Lorcan this is how to fight with a
Spells Prepared (2 slots): cloud of daggers, cure wounds, dispel magic, sword. Affected creatures simply cannot take actions having to do
entangle, hallucinatory terrain, hex, phantasmal killer, remove curse, with their signature talent, as determined by the gm.
suggestion, witch bolt Magic Items Deliria wears a hat of disguise.
“I see you. I do hope Roland is here again. Don’t worry. Just because their
bodies are stiff doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten how you got them killed.”
Undying Spirits (5) dc 20 for those without darkvision) to navigate the rough terrain.
Medium undead, chaotic evil Failure deals damage as above. Then a Dexterity (Stealth) check
Armor Class 12 (dc 10) lets them sneak up to Pernicity’s hut, or bypass it entirely,
Hit Points 22 depending on whether they want to rescue the prisoners.
Speed 40 ft.
str dex con int wis cha Pyres of Pernicity.
6 (–2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 9 (–1) Pernicity’s hut sits in a small clearing near a perilous cliff edge.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, Nearby cages hold more prisoners. Between the hut and the cages,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons a pentagram is burned into the ground, and a number of tiny dark
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison fey — red-eyed, gnome-like beings, their ears curled like devil horns —
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, are tossing charred bodies into a pile atop the pentagram. The fey
restrained, unconscious carry small covered lanterns, which bob and flash like will-o-wisps.
Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light or darkness) Tiny and adorable Sister Pernicity sits inside a scorched cauldron
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 atop the pile of corpses, humming and swishing her fingers along
Incorporeal Movement. The spirit can move through other creatures and to a Hall of the Mountain King-esque tune. Given a couple minutes,
objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage she finishes the song, then leans into her cauldron, which magically
if it ends its turn inside an object. glides to her hut. She grins to her fey and says:
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the spirit can take the
Hide action as a bonus action. “Little hellions, go and lash me some more poor souls to the pyres. I want
Challenge 1 (200 xp) to give the king a good kick in the groin when he arrives. Oh, but pick the
Actions ones I marked. Don’t want to let the good meat go to waste.”
Frigid Grasp. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage. This damage never kills a creature, since Pernicity’s plan is to have half a dozen live prisoners lashed to poles,
the spirit wants to take people alive. The target must make a Strength which are primed with oil and pyrotechnic powder to ignite in an in-
check (dc 8) or be grabbed. stant. The fey await her order, at which they set the innocents alight,
Relive Death. If the undying spirit has a creature grabbed, that creature which Pernicity hopes will distract King Lorcan and his crew and
must make a Wisdom save (dc 9) or be stunned for one round as it draw them to the cliff side. She’d quite love to send the king careen-
experiences how the spirit died. This is a fear effect, and can affect ing down a thousand-foot drop to shatter on the woods below.
other undying spirits (such as if Tomas Masaryk’s divine vessel ability
lets him dominate one). Rescuing Prisoners.
The dark fey drag six people out of the cage farthest from the cliff
Second Ascent. face, and then over the course of five minutes they drag the poor,
To make it all the way to the hunch, more climbing is in order. But whimpering men to the pyres and tie them up. During this, they’re
first, during this climb the air whips up in irregular, moaning fairly oblivious (passive Perception 5). This leaves seven prisoners
gusts; and red eyes watch from distant tree branches that buck in in that cage, and thirteen in the cage closer to Pernicity’s hut. These
the tempest. Barely glimpsed gremlins giggle as they dash at the are the twenty people Pernicity is linked to with bond of forced faith.
edge of the party’s vision. The air grows intensely cold and clouds
descend to grip and blind the party. Minion Tactics.
Each pc must make a Constitution save (dc 10) or suffer a level The pile of corpses Pernicity sat on in the pentagram are actually all
of exhaustion from the cold and climb. If the party is protected by zombies under her control. They remain inert until she’s attacked,
Lang’s magic, the dc is only 5. at which point she’ll hover over them and order them to swarm
Then as before, each pc must make a Strength (Athletics) check her foes. Since they’re prone and staggered, the party has at least
(dc 10) or take 1d6 damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every 5 a round before they’ll be attacked, but since they’ve already been
points he failed by. burned alive, fire can’t do much more to them.
One dark fey rushes to set the bonfires alight. This requires the
Churrascaria. creature to spend an action to light the pyrotechnic powder. There-
As the party nears the hunch, the fog begins to clear as the enticing after the bonfire flashes brightly, though in the first round the fire
scent of cooking meat reaches their noses. A half-dozen burning does no damage. One round later the bonfire does 1 damage to the
stakes light up a section of forest a few hundred feet ahead, but lashed victim, and in subsequent rounds the victim takes 3 (1d6)
seem to be surrounded by darkness on one side. At further examina- fire damage and creates a cloud of smoke in a 20-ft. radius that
tion, the fires sit at the edge of a steep cliff face, beside a thousand provides concealment. Each victim has 10 hit points.
foot drop. Beyond them looms the hunch, where the relatively flat Meanwhile, the other fey will try to use their bonfire gusts to
wooded slope becomes much steeper and rocky for the final ascent. drive the pcs, either off the cliff or into the horde of zombies. If
At this distance, the party has the option of snuffing their light multiple zombies start their turn adjacent to a pc, they will try to
and sneaking up — requiring a Strength (Athletics) check (dc 10; cooperate to knock the pc prone (see “Grab or Shove”).
thank the king and his retinue for saving them, but
of her own.
(passive Perception 14), because she so desperately wants to be able I know: you’re thinking, ‘What? Isn’t this witch evil?’ Ha! Neither of us
to say her piece to King Lorcan. really cares about the peasantry. World affairs, that’s what matters! Oh,
Do note that during this encounter, King Lorcan gains a +5 and look, we have representatives from Danor and the Clergy. They came
bonus to Strength-, Dexterity-, and Constitution-based checks, be- here because of, that’s right, me!” She winks to Amielle and Tomas.
cause the Red Contessa seeks to wrest control of Risuri land from “Face it, old man, I’m making you look like a hero. I’m smarter than you.
him. I’m more powerful. If you want to protect your kingdom, only one person
up here deserves that crown. So lay it on me, kingy! Do we have a deal?”
Speaking Her Piece.
Eventually the Contessa will notice the group, and she’ll start If the king agrees, they might have to kill the other witnesses,
monologuing. She’ll do her whole spiel if given the chance. Other- which can turn into a battle of the Contessa and the king (plus the
wise she reads one paragraph each round during combat. (Adjust as fey, spirits, and serpent-maned lion) versus the party, Sister Lan-
needed to match events that have occurred so far.) guor, and the remaining witches.
If the king declines, the Contessa shrugs.
“King, now that we are alone, let me apologize for my earlier threats. I’m
an artist, and it’s important to strike the right tone. So I have to ask, how “Fine, I’ll make my own country. It’ll have blood magic and nightly orgies.
do you like my audition? Kill them!”
“Like I said earlier today, a queen must protect her subjects. This eve-
ning, thanks to my plans, two vile witches who were terrorizing Flint have
died. Rachel Lang, a traitor among the skyseers, was unmasked as a witch How to Win.
as well. Oh, you do know that Sister Languor is in my coven, right?” The cauldron is the focus of the Contessa’s bond of forced faith ritu-
She gestures to a hooded figure also standing by the cauldron, and al, linking her to the whole population of Flint. With the cauldron
pulls back the cloth to reveal the skyseer. Rachel Lang — or Sister Lan- intact, rather than the normal 250 ft. range limit, the ritual works
guor — looks askance at the Contessa, seeming slow to grasp that her anywhere in Flint. While it’s active, even if she is also bonded to
mistress is offering to betray her. any of the pcs through Languor’s trickery, damage dealt to her is
“I know,” the Contessa laughs, “your majesty, you are feeling your age, dispersed so widely that none of the linked creatures take any dam-
and that crown is so very heavy. So many people are your responsibility. age. Only if the large ritual ends does any smaller bond take over.
Well, if you name me your successor, it’s just possible that the horrible So, how to end the large ritual?
ritual I’ve got going on in this cauldron will be stopped before anything If the cauldron is cracked (Strength dc 20 to break or ac 15 and
terrible happens to the little people down below us. 40 hp), the ritual ends. Likewise, Harkover could get lucky and dis-
“So who could protect Risur better? Me, or your self-absorbed, war- pel the ritual (Intelligence check dc 19), which would really catch
obsessed knight lady? Maybe you want to make the devil girl the queen. the Red Contessa by surprise. Shoving the cauldron off the cliff
automatically breaks it, and is sort of assumed to be the canoni- The Red Contessa
cal ending, since the pcs in Zeitgeist Adventure Two, The Dying Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Skyseer, find it there a century later. Armor Class 12
Be open to other creative solutions. Throwing the Contessa off Hit Points 93
the mountain alone isn’t enough to kill her, since the falling dam- Speed 30 ft.
age will just be dispersed and kill a couple hundred peasants, but as str dex con int wis cha
long as the cauldron is destroyed, she’ll be defeated and will have to 25 (+7) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4)
flee. Maybe Amielle pours her blood into the cauldron, and the tief- Saving Throws wis +5, cha +9
ling immunity to curses suppresses the ritual for a minute. Perhaps Skills Arcana +8, Deception +9, Perception +5, Stealth +7
Tomas uses his hook pendant to redirect the ritual from the city of Condition Immunities charmed
Flint to himself, so the Contessa is only bonded to him. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Challenge 14 (11,500 xp)
The Cauldron. Coven Leader. As long as at least one of her other witches is alive, the
Jumping in the cauldron definitely does not help. The boiling liquid Contessa can concentrate on three spells at a time. (Usually that will be
inside deals 17 (5d6) fire damage each round to any poor idiot who animate objects, call lightning, and hex.)
winds up inside the thing. Greater Bond of Forced Faith. The Red Contessa has is bonded to the
entire city of Flint, and so she is immune to damage. As long as this
Effects of Ending the Ritual. effect persists, damage does not disrupt her concentration on spells. If
If the cauldron ritual ends and the Contessa isn’t bonded to any- her cauldron is destroyed, this effect ends. If she is not bonded with at
one else, she suffers disadvantage on Strength checks, saves, and least one pc through the lesser bond of forced faith, she has disad-
weapon attack rolls, and her weapon attacks do half damage, and vantage on all Strength checks and melee attack rolls, and her melee
she takes damage normally. weapon attacks do half damage.
However, if the Contessa is bonded to at least one pc through Bond of Forced Faith. If the party fell for Sister Languor’s trick, the
Sister Languor’s deception, ending the cauldron ritual doesn’t end Red Contessa may be bonded to one or more pcs. If the greater ritual
her bond with those pcs. Damage is still divided among those pcs is ended, any damage that would be dealt to the Contessa is instead
instead of dealt to her. This smaller bond does have the normal divided among those bonded to her.
250 ft. range limit. Blood Magic. The Contessa can see through pools of blood within three
miles, and can manifest her voice, face, or even body, if there is suf-
Foes at the Peak of Cauldron Hill. ficient blood, similar to the project image spell. These projections can in
• The Red Contessa no way harm or attack others.
• Sister Languor (see page 11) Once the Contessa has actually taken damage (so not if she’s still
• 1 serpent-maned lion protected by bond of forced faith), as a bonus action she can wreath
• 5 minor witches herself in her own blood, in a shape akin to a large water elemental.
• 2 undying spirits (see page 13) She gains resistance to acid, and to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
• 8 Cauldron Hill dark fey (see page 15) damage from nonmagical weapons. Her reach extends to ten feet, and
the bleed effect of her dagger increases from 1 damage to 5.
Dying Curse. When the Contessa is reduced to 0 hp, she chooses an
enemy who attacked her in the past hour (probably King Lorcan). For
The Red the next 10 rounds that creature gushes blood. At the end its turn
Contessa it must succeed a Constitution save (dc 17) or take 20 damage. A
success prevents the damage for that round.
During this minute, the wind around Cauldron Hill rises to a
hurricane intensity. Any creature that is not prone or holding onto
something heavy at the end of its turn must make a Strength save
(dc 10) to avoid being pushed 15 feet away from where the Contessa
died. Traveling against the wind costs double movement.
Spellcasting. The Red Contessa has three spell slots available to cast any
of the following spells. The save dc is 17, and all the spells are cast as if
with a 5th-level slot. These slots replenish after a short or long rest.
Spells prepared (3 slots): call lightning, cloud of daggers, cure wounds,
dispel magic, entangle, hallucinatory terrain, hex, phantasmal killer,
remove curse, suggestion
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 16 (+3) d10+11
History +6 The first time each encounter that you fall to 0 hp or below, each of
Nature +6 your subjects within three miles is overcome with weakness and falls
Performance +7 prone.
Persuasion +7 Once per round as a bonus action you can move up to four 5-ft. cubes
Survival +7 of earth, stone, or foliage up to five feet while on Risuri land. This can-
not affect land that is within 5 feet of a hostile creature, so no dropping
Combat. people in pits.
You get two attacks per action, and your weapon attacks When you are in the presence of a creature who is contesting con-
score critical hits when you roll a 19 or 20 to attack. trol over Risuri land, you gain a +5 bonus to Strength-, Dexterity-, and
Constitution-based checks. For the purpose of effects like grappling or
Melee. shoving that depend on size, you can choose to be treated as that contest-
King’s Claymore +8 (2d6+4), or ing creature’s size.
Dagger +8 (1d4+3)
Ranged. In addition to a variety of mundane gear (daggers, rope, etc.), you have
Silent Shortbow +7 (1d6+1, 80/320) the following items.
Coat of Armor. Your royal attire defends you as well as a suit of plate
armor. You cannot be teleported against your will.
Inspiring Leader. By spending 10 minutes offering King’s Claymore. This cold iron greatsword teleports to your hand at
inspiring and encouraging words, you can grant up to six your command. Attacks against fey deal an extra 3d6 damage.
creatures (including yourself) 14 temporary hit points. Silent Shortbow. Creatures damaged by this weapon cannot speak
above a whisper for one round. Your enchanted quiver contains nigh-
Polyglot. You can speak every language used by every unlimited cold iron and silver arrows. Attacks against fey deal an extra
creature and npc in this adventure. 3d6 damage.
Crown of Risur. You always know the preferred name of those you can
see. On your turn you can say someone’s name to grant them a new save
against an effect with an ongoing duration, but only once per person
per day.
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Pregenerated Characters
You’ve chosen to give yourself an unusual gift for your fiftieth mayor three times (he reincarnated, though), and now they seem
birthday: you intend to abdicate. bent on laying claim to the area.
A year ago you declared an armistice with the godless, techno- In the last month they have abducted dozens of hostages, and
logically superior nation of Danor, ruled by tieflings. Risur lost you intended to help, but a skyseer named Rachel Lang — one of
territory in the war, and you can already feel your people’s fading Risur’s folk prophets who sees the future in the stars — warned
trust weaken the power granted you by the Rites of Rulership. you not to move against the witches before this night, the night
The monarchs of Risur pass their title based on merit, not of a lunar eclipse, which you know as an ill omen. In any event,
blood, which is good because your children are all obnoxious. tomorrow is your birthday. You have gathered trusted allies to
You intend to name as your successor Dame Melissa Gahlot, your plan an assault on the witches’ stronghold, the mountain known
chief bodyguard, known as the Green Knight. But the rites are as Cauldron Hill, which looms over Flint’s city center. You will
only strong if the monarch is beloved by the masses and approved strike at dawn.
by the nobility, so Melissa needs to be seen as a hero. You might not return, but there’s more at stake than simply
A tragedy has given you a rare opportunity, though. During saving your citizens. Dame Melissa is noble and mighty, but she
the war a coven of witches in one of your less-important cities — has no bond with the common folk. You pray that she will see
Flint — grew bold and deadly. Led by a woman known as the Red that the nation is nothing if its people do not have faith in their
Contessa, they terrorized the townsfolk, these witches killed the monarch. If you fail, you’re not sure who will succeed you.
Character Goal.
Do not tell anyone you intend to abdicate. It would be wise to keep it quiet
that you’re considering Dame Melissa as your successor, though you think
she already suspects, as she has grown haughty and overconfident. Make
sure that you do not die before passing the crown on to someone else.
You could declare almost anyone to be your successor, but not Mayor
Stanfield (the rites demand the monarch must be “mortal”; because he is
a deva, Stanfield perpetually reincarnates) nor your principal minister Har-
kover Lee (the rites disqualify anyone who has ruled another nation from
wearing the crown of Risur).
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Pregenerated Characters
CON 10 (+0)
INT 13 (+1) o
it P int
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 18 (+4) 10d10
Medicine +5 and revive at 1 hp.
Persuasion +8 You and allies within 10 ft. get a +4 bonus on saves, resistance to
damage from spells, and can’t be frightened while you’re conscious. As
Combat. an action 5 times per day, you can sense celestials, fiends, and undead
You get two attacks per action. Darkvision within 60 ft.
Once per short rest you can shout a rebuke to fiends and fey within
Melee. 60 ft. 30 ft. Each fey that fails a Wisdom save (dc 16) is turned for one minute
Vanguard Lance +9 (1d12+5), or or until it takes damage. A turned creature must try to move as far away
Cold iron dagger +8 (1d4+4) from you as possible. If it cannot get away, it spends its action to Dodge.
You can cast the following spells spontaneously. Any save dc is 16.
Ranged. • 1st Level (4/day) — command, cure wounds, ensnaring strike,
Returning Spear +8 (1d8+4, 20/60), or speak with animals, thunderous smite
Golden Net +8 (restrained, 5/15) • 2nd Level (3/day) — branding strike, lesser restoration, misty step,
moonbeam, zone of truth
• 3rd Level (2/day) — crusader’s mantle, plant growth, protection
Charger. When you use your action to Dash, you can from energy, remove curse, revivify
use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack or
shove a creature. If you move at least 10 feet before taking Equipment.
this bonus action, you either get +5 to damage or push the In addition to a variety of mundane gear (daggers, rope, etc.) and non-
target up to 10 feet away from you. magical combat gear (longsword, plate armor, shield, cold iron dagger),
you have the following items.
Divine Smite. When you hit a creature with a melee Vanguard Lance. If there is an enemy within 60 ft. distance at the
weapon attack, you can expend a spell slot to deal extra start of combat, you may choose to treat your initiative as if you rolled a
radiant damage — 2d8 for a 1st level slot, 3d8 for 2nd, or natural 20. If you do, you must charge on the first turn of combat.
4d8 for 3rd. Increase the damage another 1d8 if the target Returning Spear. If thrown, it flies back to you at the start of your
is undead or a fiend. You can also use this power to gain a next turn.
bonus to Strength checks to break an item, with the bonus Golden Net. Creature struck is restrained (str check dc 15 or 15 slash-
equal to 3 plus twice the spell’s level. ing damage to break). Restrained creature cannot teleport or phase out.
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Pregenerated Characters
You should be the next monarch of Risur. You have worked all The people think he is weak, and so if he’s smart he’ll pick a
your adult life toward this goal, since thirty years ago when you strong successor to protect the nation, before the Rites of Ruler-
were knighted by Queen Caroline, the predecessor of your cur- ship that grant him his power fade.
rent king, Lorcan. Now comes your final test to prove your worth. A coven of
For three decades you have honed your prowess, for any ruler witches in control of a mountain called Cauldron Hill have com-
of Risur must be fit to give battle to conquerers and usurpers. mitted many horrors, and King Lorcan has called upon you to
Your forthrightness and honesty have earned you the respect of wade into battle by his side. You will strike at dawn tomorrow,
the nobles of Risur, and your skill at subtle mockery has won which happens to be your king’s fiftieth birthday. He is human,
you favor from the fey Unseen Court. And in the last war for and he will not maintain his strength much longer, but your elf
the Yerasol Isles you inspired terror in your opponents, the effete blood will give you a century more of life. If you can defeat these
tieflings who ruled the nation of Danor. Last year King Lorcan dark villains, surely he shall name you his successor. You will be
ceased hostilities, but you think he gave up too much territory. a good queen.
Character Goal.
You want King Lorcan to name you his successor. Toward that end, protect
him, but also strive to be seen as a hero.
Weodam, Fey Stag. You have a stag mount that obeys all your Weodam
commands. If you do not command it, it acts on its own, on your initia- ac 16 (leather barding)
tive. It has the statistics and attack shown at right. hp 19
Twice per day as an action, Weodam can teleport you and it 60 ft. speed 60 ft.
together. str 8 (–1)
dex 12 (+1)
Mounted Combat. While mounted, you have advantage on melee con 13 (+1)
attack rolls against unmounted foes that are size Medium or smaller. int 6 (–2)
While mounted, you can force an attack that targets your mount to tar- wis 12 (+1)
get you instead. If you do, your mount takes half damage against effects cha 7 (–2)
that grant a Dexterity save, or no damage if it succeeds the save. melee gore +4 (2d6+4)
24 | EN5ider Presents: Bonds of Forced Faith Permission is granted to photocopy this page for personal use only.
Pregenerated Characters
Roland Stanfield
Level 10 Deva Mayor
Armor Class
STR 8 (–1) leather
CON 11 (+0)
INT 16 (+3) o
it P int
WIS 19 (+4)
CHA 14 (+2) 10d8
Medicine +7 When an attacker you can see hits you, you can spend your reaction to
Perception +12 halve the damage.
Persuasion +10 You take half damage against effects that grant a Dexterity save, or no
Religion +7 damage if you succeed the save.
Stealth +9
Deva Traits. Your status as a deva offers you the following benefits.
Combat. You have resistance to necrotic and radiant energy, and you cannot be
Your past lives give you some unusual combat options. See blinded by bright light.
Manifest Incarnations at right and the incarnation statis- Once per day you can recall knowledge from a past life. Roll 1d4 and
tics on the next page. add it to one ability check, skill check, or saving throw of your choice,
after you roll but before you know the result. If you do this for a skill you
Melee. are not proficient with, you gain proficiency for the next minute.
Shortsword +5 (1d6+1) If you die, eight hours later your body dissolves and you reincarnate,
fully grown but with jumbled memories, somewhere within three miles.
Ranged. (You hope you never reincarnate while at sea.)
Dagger +5 (1d4+1)
Manifest Incarnations. As a bonus action you can call forth a
shimmering manifestation of one of your past lives. He appears besides
Old Injury. A back injury you suffered in your first life you, can roam up to 250 ft. from you, and lasts as long as you remain
recurs each time you reincarnate. Whenever you fall prone, conscious. You share senses intuitively. Each of you can move indepen-
you bleed, and suffer 1 damage each round until you receive dently, but you have only one action, and can use it either for yourself or
magical healing or someone succeeds a dc 10 Medicine for one of your incarnations.
check to stop the bleeding. Your incarnations all have the Each incarnation has 20 hp and uses your stats, but do not have Rogue
same weakness. Tricks. The incarnations have additional abilities listed on the next page.
If an incarnation is reduced to 0 hp, it vanishes, and you lose 20 hp.
Equipment. Aside from a variety of mundane items You can have multiple incarnations manifested at the same time, but no
(daggers, rope, etc.), your studded leather armor, and your more than one of each type. You can dismiss an incarnation as a bonus
shortsword, you have no noteworthy gear. action. If you manifest it again, it starts at 20 hp.
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Pregenerated Characters
Four centuries ago you saw a goddess die. It changed you, and distracted the witches began to terrorize your people and curse
years later when you eventually perished you reincarnated, reap- the families who looked to you for protection and guidance. You
pearing fully-grown in the wilderness with only vague memories. tried to drive them out. They killed you.
You are no longer a man, but a deva, bearing a sliver of the god- Your next incarnation opposed them as well, and a couple
dess’s power. years later the Contessa killed you again, which only increased
Over the course of a hundred years and several incarnations her infamy and made it seem impossible to confront her. Your
you found your way to Risur, and became mayor of the coastal next incarnation called on the king to save your city, but he took
town of Flint. Upon your next death, the people of Flint found too long, so you led a desperate mission yourself. You wish you
you and asked you to return. couldn’t remember this latest death, how horrifying it was to
You had trouble at first, but then a wise man helped you unlock watch men who trusted you burn alive.
memories of your previous incarnations. With each life you were Last night you were visited again by the same wise man who
a slightly different man, but now your former selves could advise helped you centuries ago, though he wore a new face. He con-
you. Thereafter Flint quickly prospered. gratulated your leadership, and asked two favors before leaving:
Then forty years ago a witch known as the Red Contessa es- “Tell no one else of my visit, please.” And, “When the tiefling
tablished a coven atop a looming peak in the city’s center. The arrives, accept her aid, and keep her alive. She has the power to
mountain was once called the Hunchback, but the locals have make Flint the mightiest city in the world.”
renamed it Cauldron Hill. At first the coven moved subtly, and Your current incarnation feels … sneakier than usual. But
the threat they posed was not worth the risk of fighting them. what hasn’t changed is your commitment to the improvement of
But a few years ago Risur went to war, and while the nation was Flint and the protection of its people.
Character Goal.
The people of Flint must be safe from the torment of the witches. Accept the
aid of the tiefling, whoever she happens to be, and make sure she survives,
even if you die. You’ll reincarnate anyway. Tell no one about the mysterious
wise man.
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Pregenerated Characters
Harkover Lee
Level 10 Enigmatic Mage
Armor Class
STR 25 (+7) armor
CON 10 (+0)
INT 20 (+5) o
it P int
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 14 (+2) 10d6
Medicine +7 minor illusion
Perception +12 • 1st Level (3/day) — burning hands*, detect magic, feather fall,
Persuasion +10 identify, mage armor
Religion +7 • 2nd Level (3/day) — flaming sphere*, scorching ray*, see invisibil-
Stealth +9 Darkvision ity, shatter*
• 3rd Level (3/day) — dispel magic, clairvoyance, fireball*, remove
Combat. 120 ft. curse
As a consequence of your taboo, • 4th Level (3/day) — dimension door, fire shield*
you cannot make melee attacks or • 5th Level (2/day) — wall of force
otherwise use your physical might to cause damage to other
creatures. You use your magical abilities instead. Equipment. As a consequence of your taboo, you carry no weapons.
Golden Orb. Etched with arcane writings, this 4-inch diameter sphere
Melee. of gold is your spellbook. It weighs 22 pounds, but you carry it easily.
Unarmed strike +11 (8 damage, objects only) Robes of the Pyromancer. Any creature that grabs you catches on fire,
and takes 2d6 fire damage immediately and each round thereafter. Only
Ranged. if the creature releases you can it attempt to put out the flames, making
Handheld flame +9 (1d10+5 fire, 120 ft.) a dex save (dc 10) for free at the end of its turn. It can spend an action to
automatically extinguish the flames.
Black Gem. Crack in order to release an aura that blocks scrying
Enigmatic Taboo. You should keep your strength a within 100 ft. Lasts one day once activated.
secret; openly displaying it would raise questions you’re not Rune of Succor. Inscribed into your flesh but hidden from view, this
prepared to answer. You may not attack to injure another rune triggers if you remain at 0 hp or below for more than two rounds.
creature with your physical might, but you may use magic If triggered, you teleport to your sanctum hundreds of miles away in the
to do so. Your strength can still aid with skill checks, com- city of Slate, where minions can revive you. You cannot share this con-
bat maneuvers like grappling, and attacks against objects. tingency with anyone else. You have a scroll of teleport at your sanctum,
but it would take you a few minutes to retrieve it.
Friend to Flame. You are immune to fire damage. Scrolls. You have three scrolls of dispel magic and three scrolls of re-
You can see perfectly through smoke. You can conjure fire move curse. Dispelling has a chance of removing curses, but might be
and throw it at-will. better saved to thwart other spell effects.
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Pregenerated Characters
You do not speak of your history, and you will not eat or drink in human his age, asks you to aid him against the witch coven of
front of others, nor may you fight with your physical might, only Cauldron Hill, and so you shall. You have never been to the city
your magic. And — for one more year at least — you must obey of Flint before, but you and your apprentices have scryed it and
your pledge of loyalty to Risur and continue to serve as principal learned information that will be critical in defeating the witch
minister to the monarch, whomever he or she may be. known as the Red Contessa. The king intends to strike at dawn.
King Lorcan, fifty years old tomorrow yet still strong for a Serve the king well. Risur has done you a great favor.
Character Goal.
While you are fond of King Lorcan, you are more loyal to Risur as a na-
tion than to its monarch. You worry Lorcan plans to name Dame Melissa his
successor. She would be a terrible queen, so try to make sure if he names
a successor that he names someone else. You would prefer not to actively
harm Dame Melissa, but you will if it’s the only way to stop her from taking
the crown.
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Pregenerated Characters
Tomas Masaryk
Level 10 Human Godhand
Armor Class
STR 9 (–1) sentinel
CON 14 (+2)
INT 11 (+0) o
it P int
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 14 (+2) d8+20
Divine Vessel. Your holy power manifests in a number of ways.
You have a halo that you can have cast light as bright as a torch, or
Saving Throws. Speed have it simply float dim, like polished metal. Whenever a ranged weapon
str +3, dex +8
50 ft. hits you, as a reaction you may have your halo flare, unleashing a force
that reduces the damage by 1d10+14. If this reduces the damage to zero,
Proficient Skills. you may send the weapon back at the attacker, with a +8 attack bonus.
Acrobatics +8 You are immune to disease, poison, charm, and fear effects.
Athletics +3 Initiative When you succeed a dex save for half damage, you instead take no
Intimidate +6 damage; if you fail, you only take half damage.
Religion +4 You reduce all falling damage by 50 points.
You can use speak with dead any number of times per day, but only
Combat. once for a given corpse. Each attempt requires a minute berating and
You get two attacks per action, plus you can use a bonus ac- compelling the corpse to answer you.
tion to make an additional unarmed strike attack. You have ten uses of divine favor per day. You can spend one use for
any of the following:
Melee. • You can take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action, and
Unarmed strike +8 (1d6+4) you double your jump distance this turn.
• Your fists unleash glowing blasts of holy energy, extending your
Ranged. melee reach to 120 ft. this turn.
Hook chain +8 (1d6+4, thrown, 5/15 ft.) • Heal 15 damage to a creature you touch as an action.
• If you reduce an undead or fiend to 0 hp, you can keep it alive and
dominated with 10 hp. Five minutes after being dominated, it is
Holy Sentinel. In combat, your holy power makes you destroyed.
a defender of others.
Creatures within 5 feet of you provoke opportunity at- Equipment. You wear the light clothing of a Clergy supplicant.
tacks even if they Disengage. Holy Scripture of Triegenes. The sacred text of your faith, a humble
Whenever you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, book. If you spend an action to recite from it, your halo illuminates a
its speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. 10-ft. aura around you. Until the start of your next turn, foes must make
Whenever an enemy within 5 feet of you attacks one of a wis save (dc 16) to attack you or your allies in the aura. This protection
your allies, you may make a melee attack against that enemy is broken if you or an ally in the aura attacks or casts a spell that affects
as a reaction. an enemy.
Martyr’s Fishhook Necklace. As a reaction, you can change one spell
that targets one ally within 30 ft. and cause it to target you instead.
Urn of Holy Water from the Aqueducts of Alais Primos. Weapons
anointed with this water can harm ghosts. Can affect nine weapons (in-
cluding fists), lasting 24 hours.
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Pregenerated Characters
You are a geneu credeto, a godhand, and you have not flesh but Lorcan Finn intends to give battle to the foul women. You desire
faith made manifest. You have traveled a thousand miles to power in your church, and if you can slay the Contessa, you in-
see done the will of your hierarchs, to restore the purity of the tend to petition for a place among the hierarchs.
Clergy, which guards this world from infernal magic and guides King Lorcan is a non-believer — the folk of Risur worship spir-
mortals to reach for godhood. its of the land and gods of the faeries — but your interests align
The Red Contessa is a heretic who was cast out four decades on this mission. Indeed, King Lorcan recently lost land in a war
past. Five years ago she returned to your homeland and snuck against the hellish tieflings who rule the nation of Danor, Risur’s
into the Vault of Heresies, from which she stole the blasphemous rival across the sea. While they’re a primitive people, Risur at
ritual bond of forced faith, scribed by the ancient fiend Namtar- least is strong enough to oppose true evil.
Shamash of the demonocracy, which your Clergy gloriously Your hierarchs would prefer the Contessa purified in the fires
defeated a thousand years ago. of your homeland’s holy volcano Enzyo Mons, but any death will
The Contessa leads a coven of witches in the Risuri city of do. You have been given a full indulgence by the church: whatever
Flint, and the hierarchs divined that Risur’s monarch King sins you commit in this duty shall be expunged upon your return.
Character Goal.
Ensure the Red Contessa dies, preferably in fire. Recover or destroy the
ritual she stole. Serve as a strong example of your faith, so that Risur might
be more amenable to conversion.
Also in Your Backpack. Along with your other items, you carry
a copy of the Catalogue of Fiends of the Demonocracy, a work said to be
transcribed directly from the blasphemous utterings of Ashima-Shimtu,
prisoner of the Crypta Hereticarum. Bound in silver and white leather.
Just some light reading you brought along; no mechanical effect.
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Pregenerated Characters
Amielle Latimer
Level 10 Tiefling Gunsmith
Armor Class
STR 10 (+0) shirt
DEX 18 (+4) 16
CON 10 (+0)
INT 14 (+2) o
it P int
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 16 (+3) 10d10
Deception +7 of its turn the creature can make a dex save (dc 15) to put out the fires,
Engineering +6 or it can spend an action to automatically stop the flames. This ability
Perception +5 recharges if the damage kills the foe.
Stealth +8
Darkvision Gunplay. Your firearms are the first of their kind, which you crafted
Combat. yourself. Some kinks remain to be worked out.
You get two attacks per action, 60 ft. Whenever you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll with a firearm, the
plus you can use a bonus action gun misfires — nothing happens, and the gun remains loaded. Clearing
to attack with your off-hand weapon. the barrel requires an action, and makes the gun safe to use. You can
continue using a misfired gun without clearing the barrel, but attacks
Melee. with the weapon have disadvantage, and if you roll a second natural 1,
Rapier +8 (1d8+4), or the weapon suffers a mishap and explodes: it is destroyed and deals its
Main-gauche (off-hand weapon) +8 (1d4) base damage die to you (2d8 for the musket, 1d10 for a pistol).
After you attack with a firearm, smoke fills your square and each adja-
Ranged. cent square, providing concealment until dispersed.
Musket +10 (2d8+4, 60/180), or Reloading a firearm requires either an action or bonus action; it en-
Pistol +10 (1d10+4, 20/60), or tails pouring a charge of firedust into the barrel, loading a lead ball, and
Grenade* (3d6 in 5-ft. radius; dex dc 12 negates. 20/60) inserting a ramrod to pack the shot firmly.
Permission is granted to photocopy this page for personal use only. EN5ider Presents: Bonds of Forced Faith | 31
Pregenerated Characters
You graduated valedictorian from the prestigious martial acad- Now you see your chance. In the Risuri city of Flint, for de-
emy Jierre Sciens d’Arms. In the Second War for the Yerasol Isles cades a witch coven has gathered atop the mountain known as
you earned medal after medal as your keen aim and hand-crafted Cauldron Hill, spreading fear and madness, abducting children,
musket felled dozens of Risuri soldiers. The war ended a year ago and raising the walking dead. Spies report that Risur’s King
in Danor’s favor, and you could have retired to a life of aristocracy. Lorcan plans a massive assault to defeat them.
But you know war is destructive for both sides, and you want The Risuri see you only as an enemy. They fear that your
to have children and not give them a dangerous world to inherit. nation’s technology may supplant their magic, and that your en-
You have joined with like-minded intellectuals of Danor in a se- lightened reason will cast down their superstitious religion. But
cret society devoted to bringing Risur and Danor closer together. you must make them see you as an ally.
Character Goal.
Earn the trust of the monarch of Risur, and make the first steps to introduc-
ing Danoran technological industry to this superstitious nation.
*Grenades. When you throw a grenade, choose a creature or an unoccupied 5-ft. square.
(If the creature occupies more than one 5-ft. square, choose one of the squares it occupies.)
Make an attack roll against ac 10. If the attack misses, the grenade veers off course, missing
by 5 ft. in a random direction, or 10 ft. if the target area was at long range. Each creature
in a 5-ft. radius of where the grenade lands must succeed a dex save (dc 12) or else take 3d6
bludgeoning and piercing damage.
If you targeted a creature and the attack roll is a critical hit, the grenade directly strikes
that creature (or the creature of your choice, if there are multiple). The grenade does double
damage to that creature without allowing a save. Other creatures in the area are affected
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