Dokumen - Tips Eni Well Test Procedures Manual
Dokumen - Tips Eni Well Test Procedures Manual
Dokumen - Tips Eni Well Test Procedures Manual
Revision/Reproductio n Record:
1 01-12-2004
0 General Issue 28-06-1999
Rev.No Reason for revision/reproduction Date
Technical Validation
P repared P. Magarini Signature(s): Date:
V erified C Lanzetta Signature(s): Date:
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 8
1.1 PURPOSE OF THE MANUAL .............................................................................. 8
1.2 IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................................................. 8
1.3 UPDATING, AMENDMENT, CONTROL & DEROGATION................................... 9
1.4 OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................ 9
1.5 DRILLING INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................ 10
A drawdown test entails flowing the well and analysing the pressure response as the
reservoir pressure is reduced below its original pressure. This is termed drawdown. It is
not usual to conduct solely a drawdown test on an exploration well as it is impossible to
maintain a constant production rate throughout the test period as the well must first clean-
up. During a test where reservoir fluids do not flow to surface, analysis is still possible.
This was the original definition of a drill stem test or DST. However, it is not normal
nowadays to plan a test on this basis.
A build-up test requires the reservoir to be flowed to cause a drawdown then the well is
closed in to allow the pressure to increase back to, or near to, the original pressure, which
is termed the pressure build-up or PBU. This is the normal type of test conducted on oil
well and can be analysed using the classic Horner Plot or superposition.
From these the permeability-height product, kh, and the near wellbore skin can be
On low production rate gas wells, where there is a flow rate dependant skin, a simple form
of test to evaluate the rate dependant skin coefficient, D, is to conduct a second flow and
PBU at a different rate to the first flow and PBU. This is the simplest form of deliverability
test described below.
A deliverability test is conducted to determine the well’s Inflow Performance Relation, IPR,
and in the case of gas wells the Absolute Open Flow Potential, AOFP, and the rate
dependant skin coefficient, D.
The AOFP is the theoretical fluid rate at which the well would produce if the reservoir sand
face was reduced to atmospheric pressure.
This calculated rate is only of importance in certain countries where government bodies
set the maximum rate at which the well may be produced as a proportion of this flow rate.
Conducting a flow-on-flow test entails flowing the well until the flowing pressure stabilises
and then repeating this at several different rates. Usually the rate is increased at each step
ensuring that stabilised flow is achievable. The durations of each flow period are equal.
This type of test is applicable to high rate gas well testing and is followed by a single
pressure build up period.
An Isochronal test consist of a similar series of flow rates as the flow-on-flow test, each
rate of equal duration and separated by a pressure build-up long enough to reach the
stabilised reservoir pressure. The final flow period is extended to achieve a stabilised
flowing pressure for defining the IPR.
An interference test is conducted to investigate the average reservoir properties and
connectivity between two or more wells. It may also be conducted on a single well to
determine the vertical permeability between separate reservoir zones.
A well-to-well interference test is not carried out offshore at the exploration or appraisal
stage as it is more applicable to developed fields. Pulse testing, where the flowrate at one
of the wells is varied in a series of steps, is sometimes used to overcome the background
reservoir pressure behaviour when it is a problem.
In these tests a fluid, usually seawater offshore is injected to establish the formation’s
injection potential and also its fracture pressure, which can be determined by conducting a
step rate test. Very high surface injection pressures may be required in order to fracture
the formation.
The water can be filtered and treated with scale inhibitor, biocide and oxygen scavenger, if
required. Once a well is fractured, which may also be caused by the thermal shock of the
cold injection water reaching the sandface, a short term injection test will generally not
provide a good measure of the long term injectivity performance.
After the injectivity test, the pressure fall off is measured. The analysis of this test is similar
to a pressure build-up, but is complicated by the cold water bank.
• Tester valve
• Safety valve
• Surface test tree.
Land well
• Tester valve
• Safety valve
• Surface test tree.
The well testing objectives, test location and relevant planning will dictate which is the
most suitable test string configuration to be used. Some generic test strings used for
testing from various installations are shown over leaf:
For well tests performed inside a 7ins production liner, use full opening test tools with a
2.25ins ID. In larger production casing sizes the same tools will be used with a larger
packer. In 5-51/2ins some problems can be envisaged: availability, reliability and reduced
ID limitations to run W/L. tools, etc. smaller test tools will be required, but similarly, the
tools should be full opening to allow production logging across perforated intervals. For a
barefoot test, conventional test tools will usually be used with a packer set inside the
95/8ins casing.
If conditions allow, the bottom of the test string should be 100ft above the top perforation
to allow production logging, reperforating and/or acid treatment of the interval.
In the following description are included tools that are required both in production tests
and conventional tests. The list of tools is not exhaustive, and other tools may be included.
However, the test string should be kept as simple as possible to reduce the risk of
mechanical failure. The tools should be dressed with elastomers suitable for the operating
environment, considering packer fluids, prognosed production fluids, temperature and the
stimulation programme, if applicable.
The tools must be rated for the requested working pressure (in order to withstand the
maximum forecast bottom-hole/well head pressure with a suitable safety factor).
In a well testing through a completion string, prior to flowing, the annulus will be
pressurised to 500 psi and this pressure will be held, monitored and recorded throughout
the entire test.
Figur e 6-1 - Typical Jack Up/Land Test Strin g - Packer Wit h TCP Guns On Packer
Figure 6-2 - Typical Test String - Production Packer With TCP Guns Stabbed Through
Figur e 6-3 - Typic al Jack Up/Land Test Stri ng - Retri evable Packer
Figur e 6-4 - Typical Semi-Submersi ble Test Stri ng - Retri evable Packer
The sub sea umbilical provided shall permit up to 5 litre/minute methanol injection at 690
bar sub sea injection pressure.
Red alert on the rig and SSTT control panels shall not be interfaced as trouble prone
systems should not form part of a well control system. Simple BOP and SSTT control
systems shall be independent - linked by procedures.
This sub-section describes the components of the surface equipment and the criteria for
its use; typical lay-outs of the surface equipment for light oil, heavy oil and gas production
tests are respectively shown in Figure 7-1, Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3.
A test pressure programme for the surface layout equipment must be prepared by the
With the rig at its operating draft, the flowhead should be positioned so that it is at a
distance above the drill floor which is greater than the maximum amount of heave
anticipated, plus an allowance for tidal movement, for example 5 ft and an additional 5ft for
a safety margin.
Flexible flow lines are used to connect the flowhead kill wing and flow wing outlets
respectively to the rig manifold and the test choke manifold. A permanently installed test
line is sometimes available which runs from the drill floor to the choke manifold location.
Piping must have hammer connections with sealing devices and pressure rating
compatible with the application.
The hammer connection shall be welded on pipe for upstream application; it should be
welded on pipe for down stream application.
The connection for up stream application on HP-HT wells shall be flange type.
Additional protection can be provided by installing relief valves in the lines. It is now
common practice to have a relief valve on the line between the heater and the separator to
accommodate for any blockage downstream which may cause an over-pressure in the
line. If there is a potential risk from plugging of the burner nozzles by sand production,
then consideration should be given to installing additional relief valves downstream of the
separator to protect this lower pressure rated pipework.
All surface lines from the wellhead to the flare manifold and vessels must be pressure
tested using water; all pressures will be recorded on a Martin Decker type chart recorder.
All surface lines will be anchored to the platform deck or to the ground.
Note: Ensure that the flexible flow lines are suitable for use with corro sive
The flow should then be redirected to the appropriately sized fixed choke for stable flow
The testing contractor should ensure that a full range of fixed chokes sizes are available in
good condition.
Due to the torturous path of the fluids through the choke, flow targets are positioned where
the flow velocities are high and impinge on the bends. Ensure that these have been
checked during the previous refurbishment to confirm they are still within specification.
Downstream choke manifold lines will preferably not be less than 3” OD.
The heat required to raise a gas by 1oF can be estimated from the formula:
2,550 x Gas Flow (mmscf/day) x Gas Specific Gravity (air = 1.000), BTU/hr/°F
The heat exchanger is set up with an external heating source, which should preferably be
steam from a steam generator.
The heat exchanger must be equipped with the following features:
• A minimum of two coils with interconnection by means of a choke box
either enclosed in the vessel or by an external connection.
• Isolation valves to enable bleeding off the coils for the purpose of
changing the choke.
• A temperature control system regulating the external heating source
based on the required well fluid discharge temperature.
• Pressure and temperature sensors both upstream and downstream of the
• By-pass line with double valve arrangement together with isolation valves
on inlet and outlet of coils.
• Two independent pressure relief devices protecting the steam vessel
against rupture. Each individual device shall be capable of discharging
the maximum well production rate in case of coil or tube rupture.
• Gas detection system for the steam-condensate discharged from the
heater. This system shall be connected to an automatic shut-off device to
prevent gas-laden condensate returning to the supplying boiler.
• If the secondary coil has a lower pressure rating than the primary coil or
the down stream valve, the coil shall be equipped with a pressure relief
• A non-return valve for the steam inlet.
The indirect heater is set up with an internal heating source, consisting of a combustion
chamber, in contact with but hydraulically separated from the vessel.
The indirect heater must be equipped with the following features:
• A minimum of two coils with interconnection by means of a choke box
either enclosed in the vessel or by an external connection.
• Isolation valves to enable bleeding off the coils for the purpose of
changing the choke.
• The choke box shall be manufactured to receive both fixed choke and
adjustable choke.
• The adjustable choke assembly shall have pressure capabilities for the
purpose of testing high pressure coil tubing.
• A temperature control system regulating the internal heating source
• Pressure and temperature sensors both upstream and downstream of the
• By-pass line with double valve arrangement together with isolation valves
on inlet and outlet of coils.
• The internal heating source shall enable the burners to be fed with diesel
or gas coming from the well. The pilot light must be supplied by an
independent source.
• The starter for both the pilot light and the burners shall be electric. The
electric circuit shall be explosion proof.
• Shall be equipped with gas detector and combustion control device, in
order to prevent the starting of burners in presence of gas inside the
combustion chamber. Shall be provided by a fan in order to flow the
combustion chamber.
On high flow rate wells, a 4 inches bore steam heater should be used to reduce high back
Always use the largest steam heater and associated generator that space or deck loading
will allow as the extra output capacity will be a contingency for any serious problem which
may arise. The rig steam generator will usually not have the sufficient output and therefore
a diesel-fired steam generator in conjunction with the steam heat exchanger should be
provided by the surface test contractor.
The test separator is required to:
• Separate the well flow into three phases: water, oil and gas
• Measure the flow rate of each phase, at known conditions
• Measure the shrinkage factor
• Sample each phase at known temperature and pressure.
The separator pressure has to be kept as low as the well performance allows but in any
case lower than 50% of the upstream pressure (to maintain critical conditions).
The standard offshore separator is a horizontal three phase, 1,440 psi working pressure
unit. This can handle up to 60mmscf/day of dry gas or up to 10,000 bopd of oil and
associated gas at its working pressure. Other types of separators, such as the vertical or
spherical models and two-phase units may be used.
Gas is metered using a Daniel’s or similar type orifice plate gas meter. The static
pressure, pressure drop across the orifice plate and the temperature are all recorded.
From this data the gas flow rate is calculated.
The liquid flow rates are measured by positive displacement or vortex meters.
The oil shrinkage factor is physically measured by allowing a known volume of oil, under
controlled conditions, to de-pressurise and cool to ambient conditions. The shrinkage
factor is the ambient volume divided by the original volume. However, the small volume of
the shrinkage meter means that this is not an accurate measurement.
The oil flow rate is corrected for any volume taken up by gas, water, sand or sediment.
This volume is calculated by multiplying the combined volume by the BS&W measurement
and the tank/meter factor. Oil meters are calibrated onshore but it is also necessary to
divert the oil flow to a gauge tank for a short period to obtain a combined shrinkage/meter
factor as the meter calibration is subject to discrepancies arising from varying oil gravity
and viscosity.
The separator relief system is calibrated onshore and should never be function tested
offshore; hence the separator should only be tested to 90% of the relief valve setting.
It is important that the separator bypass valves, diverter valves for the vent lines leading
from the separator relief valve, rupture disc or back-up relief valve, are checked for ease
of operation.
The main advantage of the DAS is that real time plots can be displayed at the well site for
troubleshooting. Another advantage is that all the surface (and possibly downhole) data is
collected in one system and can be supplied on a floppy disk for the operator to analyse
and subsequently prepare well reports.