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Financial Benefits Summary

This fact sheet summarizes financial benefits that may be provided to eligible clients through the Effective May 4, 2022
Income Support Program. Eligibility and amounts paid are governed by the Income and Employment
Supports Act and regulations and are subject to change. See the Income Support online policy
manual for further clarification and updates.
Four-digit computer codes are listed for the administration of benefits for clients assessed as
Expected to Work (ETW) and Barriers to Full Employment (BFE).
Supplement to Core Benefits
Core Benefits  Earnings Replacement Benefit (Code 1731):
ETW households where all adults are temporarily
Core benefits consist of the following: not able to work/train
 Core Essential (Code 1430): For food, clothing (including diapers), household needs Rate: $88 per household unit
(including furniture, appliances and household supplies), personal needs, installation and  Handicap Benefit (Code 1501): Adults assessed
use of a telephone, laundry, transportation (including school transportation, or costs as severely handicapped, as defined by the AISH
associated with owning a vehicle), and moves within Alberta. Act.
 Core Shelter (Code varies with type of shelter): For rent, mortgage, utilities (except for Rate: $179
electricity in social housing), heating fuel, municipal taxes, insurance, condominium fees, lot  Personal Needs Supplement (Code 1422): BFE
rental, homeowner’s maintenance and damage deposit. Adults residing in ETW Households.
 Actual electricity costs (Code 1201): Clients residing in social housing. Not to exceed Rate: $80
Private Housing rates.  High School Incentive (Code 1420): For 16-19
year old parents attending school, where they and
Monthly Core Benefits for Expected to Work (ETW) their child(ren) are dependants on an Income
Core Shelter Total Care Benefits Support file and the high school student is the legal
Household Core Living w. Social Private Living w. Social Private guardian.
Composition Essential Relatives* Housing Housing Relatives* Housing Housing
Rate: See 04 Special Groups
(1134) (1115) (1130)
Single Adult $415 $103 $120 $330 $518 $535 $745
Single adult, 1 child $615 $103 $212 $558 $718 $827 $1,173 Other Rates
2 children $715 $103 $260 $578 $818 $975 $1,293
 Core Essential — Food Only (Code 1430): These
3 children $815 $103 $317 $599 $918 $1,132 $1,414 rates apply for individuals requiring food only:
4 children $915 $103 $377 $619 $1,018 $1,292 $1,534 • Household unit with one adult: $147
5 children $1,015 $103 $437 $640 $1,118 $1,452 $1,655 • Household unit with two adults: $140 per adult
6 children $1,115 $103 $496 $660 $1,218 $1,611 $1,775 • Children: $85 per child
Couple, no children $670 $103 $193 $446 $773 $863 $1,116  Comforts Allowance (Code 1405): For individuals
Couple, 1 child $870 $103 $262 $588 $973 $1,132 $1,458 who live in McCullough Centre, Nursing Homes,
2 children $970 $103 $317 $608 $1,073 $1,287 $1,578 Auxiliary Hospitals and Active Treatment Hospitals.
3 children $1,070 $103 $377 $618 $1,173 $1,447 $1,688 Rate: $322
4 children $1,170 $103 $437 $639 $1,273 $1,607 $1,809  Special Shelter Rates: For people in nursing
5 children $1,270 $103 $496 $659 $1,373 $1,766 $1,929 homes, hospitals, group homes, and homes
6 children $1,370 $103 $555 $679 $1,473 $1,925 $2,049 approved by Alberta Health and Wellness Mental
Each add'l child add $100 $0 $0 $21 $100 $100 $100 Health Branch.
**Each child 18-19 add $205 $0 $0 $0 $205 $205 $205
Health Benefits (Code 1900s)
Monthly Core Benefits for Barriers to Full Employment (BFE)
People eligible for Income Support also receive health
Core Shelter Total Care Benefits
Household Core Living w. Social Private Living w. Social Private benefits for themselves and their dependents, unless
Composition Essential Relatives* Housing Housing Relatives* Housing Housing they receive coverage through the federal government
(1430) (1134) (1115) (1130) or full coverage from their employer. Income Support
Single Adult $536 $103 $120 $330 $639 $656 $866 health benefits cover basic dental care, eye exams
Single adult, 1 child $736 $103 $212 $558 $839 $948 $1,294 and glasses, prescriptions, essential diabetic supplies
2 children $836 $103 $260 $578 $939 $1,096 $1,414 and emergency ambulance services.
3 children $936 $103 $317 $599 $1,039 $1,253 $1,535 People leaving Income Support (ETW and BFE, with
4 children $1,036 $103 $377 $619 $1,139 $1,413 $1,655 employment income) may receive benefits through the
5 children $1,136 $103 $437 $640 $1,239 $1,573 $1,776 Alberta Adult Health Benefit (AAHB) for themselves
6 children $1,236 $103 $496 $660 $1,339 $1,732 $1,896 and their dependents. The AAHB is also available to
Couple, no children $851 $103 $193 $446 $954 $1,044 $1,297 women during pregnancy if they have limited
Couple, 1 child $1,051 $103 $262 $588 $1,154 $1,313 $1,639 household income, and households with high ongoing
2 children $1,151 $103 $317 $608 $1,254 $1,468 $1,759 prescription drug costs in relation to their income.
3 children $1,251 $103 $377 $618 $1,354 $1,628 $1,869
Other families with limited income may apply for health
benefit coverage for their children through the Alberta
4 children $1,351 $103 $437 $639 $1,454 $1,788 $1,990
Child Health Benefit program.
5 children $1,451 $103 $496 $659 $1,554 $1,947 $2,110
6 children $1,551 $103 $555 $679 $1,654 $2,106 $2,230 If a person has sufficient ongoing income to meet their
Each add'l child add $100 $0 $0 $21 $100 $100 $100 needs but is unable to meet an emergency health
** Each child 18-19 add $205 $0 $0 $0 $205 $205 $205
need, then a Voucher or Emergency Drug
Authorization may be issued.
Note: * Relative is an adult who is the parent, step-parent, adoptive grandparent, child or
grandchild of one of the adults in the household.
** 18 and 19 year old dependents must be attending high school.
Other Resources Available to Income Support Clients Include: Alberta Works helps unemployed people find and keep
jobs, helps people cover their basic costs of living and
Canada Child Benefit (CCB) helps employers meet their need for skilled workers.
The CCB is paid monthly from July to June and is based on previous year's income. For more information about Alberta Works
See: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/canada-child- Employment and Training Services, Income Support,
benefit-overview.html Health Benefits and Child Support Services click:
Alberta Child and Family Benefit (ACFB)
The ACFB is paid quarterly. Eligibility is based on annual income and the number of To access the Alberta Works on-line policy manual
dependents living in the household. click:
See: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-child-and-family-benefit.aspx humanservices.alberta.ca/awonline/

Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) Call:

CWB is paid quarterly beginning in April and based on the previous year’s income. Income Support Contact Centre:
See: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/canada-workers- Toll free: 1-866-644-5135
benefit.html Edmonton area: 780-644-5135

Come in:
Visit your local Alberta Supports or Alberta Works

EMP0433 Rev. 2022-05

Classification: Protected A
Supplementary Benefits (partial list)
Supplementary benefits provide additional money for particular needs. Eligibility criteria must be met to receive these benefits.

a) Continuous b) Non-continuous
Additional Shelter (Code 1109) Children's School Expenses (Code 1802)
Actual cost in excess of core shelter for: Age 4 or 5 and in kindergarten ................................................. $52
Household units of six or more Age 6 to11 or in grades 1 to 6 .................................................. $103
Accommodation adapted for a disability Age 12 or older or in grades 7 to 12 ......................................... $179
Health would be endangered by a move Child Care Deposit (Code 1831) Registration (Code 1867)
Rate: Up to $307/month Issued when required to secure child care.
Childcare Rate: Actual Cost
Private (Code 1703) Employment Training and Transition Supports
Rate: $5/hour for the first child, plus $2/hour for each additional child, up (Code 1827-HH/Code 1857-S/P)
to a maximum of $11/hour.
To participate in employment preparation programs, training, or to seek
By Grandparent (Code 1702) or maintain employment.
Grandparent not residing in same house. Rate: $511 per adult per calendar year.
Rate: $154 per child/month
Day Care (Code 1708)
Fleeing Abuse Benefits
The parent portion after subsidy. For persons leaving abusive situations.
Personal Benefit - Family Violence Shelter (Code 1407): $322
Child Supplement Allowance (Code 1738) Personal Benefit - Telephone and Transportation (Code 1732): Up to
Rate: Depending on each client circumstance, up to $205 per child. six months. Maximum $93.
Damage Deposit (Code 1801): Up to private housing core shelter rate.
Medical Extraordinary Transportation (Code 1705)
Emergency Transportation (Code 1844): Transportation cost or
Access to medical services covered by the Alberta Health Care
$0.13 per km.
Insurance Plan for severe health problems.
Escaping Abuse Benefit - To establish a residence (Code 1849):
Rate: Actual cost for bus pass, taxi, or $0.13 per km
Prenatal Needs Payment (Code 1740) Emergency Shelter - Abuse Situation (Code 1848)
Rate: $100 per month starting at 14 weeks of pregnancy Relocation Allowance (Code 1865)

Special Diet (Code 1701) Medical/Surgical Supplies (Code 1912)

Monthly Rate Per Adult or Child Rate: Actual cost up to $2,042
Low Sodium ............................................................................ Rate: $21
Natal and Adoptive Needs Payment (Code 1819)
Low Cholesterol or Low Fat (do not issue for both) .............. Rate: $21
Rate: $256 per child
Low or High Potassium (do not issue for both) ..................... Rate: $21
High Calcium .......................................................................... Rate: $21 Special Transportation and Travel Payment
High Fibre................................................................................ Rate: $21 To reach safety, receive treatment, comply with Child Support Services
High Protein ............................................................................ Rate: $21 or appear in criminal court.
Pregnancy............................................................................... Rate: $26 Travel (Code 1828) - Bus pass, taxi or $0.13 per km.
Infant Formula: Difference between food rate and Accommodation (Code 1863) - Actual cost.
actual cost of formula, up to $205. Food (Code 1864) - $11 per adult/ $6 per child per day.
Breast Feeding up to 12 months........................................... Rate: $31 Childcare (Code 1866) - Actual cost of reasonable childcare.
High Calorie (over 2,500 calories) .......................................... Rate: $37 Relocation Allowance
AIDS / HIV or Hepatitis C (do not issue for both): .................. Rate: $37 Confirmed employment (Code 1804)
Diabetic or Heart Healthy (do not issue for both):.................. Rate: $41 Moving out of Alberta (Code 1833)
Milk Free: $52, Lactose-Free: $21 (do not issue for both) Rate: Most economical actual cost
Celiac or Gluten Free (do not issue for both): ........................ Rate: $82
Renal Failure/Insufficiency.................................................... Rate: $113 Utility Connection (Code 1817):
For each eligible utility.
Transportation to Day or Employment Programs (Code 1723) Rate: Actual cost
For individuals assessed as Barriers to Full Employment who are
attending a day or employment program. Utility Deposit (Code 1820):
Rate: Actual cost for bus pass, taxi, or $0.13 per km For each eligible utility. After first issue, subject to repayment.
Rate: Actual cost
Earnings Exemption
Utility Reconnection (Code 1829):
Income Support recipients can increase their total monthly income For each eligible utility. Subject to repayment.
by working. They keep all of their wages, and only a portion of their Rate: Actual Cost
earnings are taken into account when their financial benefits are
Emergency Allowance
calculated. This is called an Earnings Exemption.
Situation is beyond individual's control, presents a serious health risk,
and cannot wait until the next benefit period.
Replacement clothes (Code 1842): $219 per adult, $164 per child.
Net employment income is partially exempt. Food - travel (Code 1850): $11 per adult, $6 per child per day or
 Single parents: First $230 of net employment income is exempt, Food Rate.
Food - non-travel (Code 1841): $23 per adult, $15 per child per month.
plus 25% of any amount over $230
Childcare (Code 1840)
 Couples: First $115 of net employment income is exempt, Accommodation (Code 1843)
plus 25% of any amount over $115 (for each working adult) Transportation (Code 1844): Public transportation cost or $0.13 per km.
 Singles: First $230 of net employment income is exempt, Home repairs (Code 1846): Repayment required.
plus 25% of any amount over $230 Appliance repairs (Code 1845): Repayment required.
Damage Deposit (Code 1851): Available once every 3 years. Actual
Dependent Children cost up to $358 for singles and childless couples and up to $1,021 for
families with children.
 Attending school: Net employment income is 100% exempt Eviction (Code 1852): After first issue, repayment required. Actual cost
 Not attending school: First $350 is exempt, plus 25% of any up to $358 for singles and childless couples and up to $1,021 for families
amount over $350 with children.
Utility arrears (Code 1807): After first issue, repayment required.
Other emergency needs (Code 1847): Goods or services up to $1,021.

EMP0433 Rev. 2022-05

Classification: Protected A

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