Guidelines For Design & Construction of Tunnels
Guidelines For Design & Construction of Tunnels
Guidelines For Design & Construction of Tunnels
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Guidelines for
Design & Construction of Tunnels
SL Particulars Page
1. Preface 1
6. Chapter 5: NATM 50
The guidelines cover the key components of a tunneling project including
Geotechnical investigation, Design Philosophy, Construction methodology. It is
expected that these guidelines will enable engineers on Indian Railways to
develop a basic appreciation for complexity of Tunneling project and help them
in supervising tunneling projects being executed by Professional agencies.
(Shirish Kesarwani)
Executive Director/Geotechnical Engineering
Chapter 1: Geo-Technical Investigations
1.0 General:
Figure below illustrates the flow process of the different phases of investigations:
In this phase, the emphasis is on defining the regional geology and the basic
issues of design and construction.
(3) Geological maps and reports from agencies other than GSI
(4) Geo-technical investigation reports from other agencies
(5) Case histories of other underground works in the region
(6) Details of land ownership (Government, Private, Forest), Access
routes, environmental sensitivity from State Govt./Local bodies
(7) Satellite images and aerial photographs from public or private sources
Existing data can help identify existing conditions and features that may
impact the design and construction of the proposed tunnel, and can guide in
planning the scope and details of the subsurface investigation program to
address these issues.
b) Preliminary survey:
Preliminary Geological field mapping: with particular attention to
features that could signify difficulties like Slides (particularly in portal
areas), Major faults, thrusts etc. The mapping should identify major
components of the stratigraphy and the geologic structure, which form
the framework for zonation of the alignment and for the planning of the
As a part of the hydro geological survey, all existing water wells in the
area should be located, their history and condition assessed, and
groundwater levels taken. Mapping of permanent or ephemeral streams
and other water bodies and the flows and levels in these bodies at various
times of the year is usually required.
i) Topographical Surveys
ii) Subsurface Investigations
iii) Detailed Geological Mapping
iv) Detailed Hydrological survey & Groundwater
iv) Structure & utility preconstruction survey
i) Topographical Surveys:
The tunnel centerline should be finalized & incorporated into the contract
drawings of the tunnel contract, and all tunnel control should be based on
this centerline. During construction, survey work is necessary for transfer of
line and grade from surface to tunnel control points.
Conventional Survey
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Electronic Distance Measuring (EDM) with Total Stations
Remote Sensing
Laser Scanning
Thus, for tunnel designers and contractors, the rock or soil surrounding a
tunnel is a construction material, just as important as the concrete and steel
used on the job.
In situ testing,
Geophysical investigations, and
Laboratory material testing.
Vertical and slightly inclined test borings and soil/rock sampling are key
elements of any subsurface investigations for tunneling projects. The
location, depth, sample types and sampling intervals for each test
boring must be selected to match specific project requirements,
topographic setting and anticipated geological conditions.
Guidelines for Vertical/Inclined Borehole Spacing
The above guideline can be used as a starting point for determining the
number and locations of borings. However, especially for a long tunnel
through a mountainous area, it may not be economically feasible or the time
sufficient to perform borings accordingly. Therefore, engineering judgment
will need to be applied by experienced geotechnical professionals to adapt
the investigation program.
A deep horizontal boring will need some distance of inclined drilling through
the overburden and upper materials to reach to the depth of the tunnel
alignment. Typically the inclined section is stabilized using drilling fluid and
casing and no samples are obtained. Once the bore hole reached a
horizontal alignment, coring can be obtained using HQ triple tube core
In situ tests are used to directly obtain field measurements of useful soil and
rock engineering properties. In soil, in situ testing include both index type
tests, such as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and tests that determine
the physical properties of the ground, such as shear strength from cone
penetration Tests (CPT) or Vane Shear Tests (VST) and ground deformation
properties from pressure meter tests (PMT). The parameters to be tested
would depend on the nature of underground strata viz. Rock or Soil.
Applications for Geophysical Testing Methods (after AASHTO, 1988)
Table below shows common soil laboratory testing for tunnel design
Parameter Test Method
Soil identification Particle size distribution
Atterberg limits wl, wp
Moisture Content
Unit weights γ ,γd , γz
Permeability k.
Core recovery
Mechanical properties Unconfined compressive
Triaxial compressive strength
for determination of Friction
angle Φu , Φ and Cohesion cu,
Consolidation Test for
determination of
Compressibility mv, cv
Mechanical properties determined by Shear strength ζu (Vane-test).
field testing • Penetration N (Standard
Penetration Test).
Deformability E (Plate bearing,
Table below summarizes common rock laboratory testing for tunnel design
Time dependence Creep characteristics
Permeability Coefficient of permeability
Mineralogy and grain sizes Thin-sections analysis
Differential thermal analysis
X-ray diffraction
It is desirable to preserve the rock cores retrieved from the field properly for
years until the construction is completed and disputes/claims are settled.
Common practice is to photograph the rock cores in core boxes and possibly
scan the core samples for review by designers and contractors.
Various geological conditions demand special considerations for subsurface
investigations as summarized in the table below
Geologic mapping collects detailed geologic data systematically, and is used
to characterize and document the condition of rock mass such as:
Discontinuity type
Discontinuity orientation
Discontinuity infilling
Discontinuity spacing
Discontinuity persistence
By interpreting and extrapolating all these data, the geologist should have a
better understanding of the rock conditions likely to be present along the
proposed tunnel and at the proposed portal and shaft excavations. In
addition, the following surface features should also be observed and
documented during the geologic mapping program:
The mapping data will also help in targeting subsurface investigation borings
and in situ testing in areas of observed variability and anomalies.
iv) Detailed Hydrological survey & Groundwater investigation
Groundwater is a critical factor for tunnels since it may not only represent a
large percentage of the loading on the final tunnel lining, but also it largely
determines ground behavior and stability for soft ground tunnels; the inflow
into rock tunnels; the method and equipment selected for tunnel
construction; and the long-term performance of the completed structure.
v) Structure & utility preconstruction survey
The requirement for utility survey varies with tunneling methods and site
conditions. Cut and-cover tunnel and shallow soft ground tunnel
constructions, particularly in urban areas, extensively impacts overlying and
adjacent utilities. Water, sewerage, storm water, electrical, telephone, fiber
optic and other utility mains and distribution systems may require
excavation, rerouting, strengthening, reconstruction and/or temporary
support, and may also require monitoring during construction.
Probing in advance of the tunnel heading from the face of the tunnel:
typically consists of drilling horizontally from the tunnel heading by
percussion drilling or rotary drilling methods.
Pilot Tunnels (and shorter exploratory adits): are small size tunnels
(typically at least 2m by 2 m in size) that are occasionally used for
large size tunnels in complex geological conditions.
(a) Plan explorations to define the best, worst, and average conditions for
the construction of the underground works; locate and define conditions
that can pose hazards or great difficulty during construction.
(b) Use qualified geologists to produce the most accurate geologic
interpretation so as to form a geological model that can be used as a
framework to organize data and to extrapolate conditions to the
locations of the underground structures.
(c) Determine and use the most cost-effective methods to discover the
information sought.
(d) Anticipate methods of construction and obtaining data required to select
construction methods and estimate costs.
e) Anticipate potential failure modes for the completed structures and
required types of analysis, and obtain the necessary data to analyze
them (e.g., in situ stress, strength, and modulus data for numerical
f) Drill at least one boring at each shaft location and at each portal.
g) Special problems may require additional explorations.
3.2 The complexity and size of an underground structure has a bearing on the
required intensity of explorations. A long tunnel of small diameter does not
warrant the expense of detailed explorations, and a tunneling method able to
cope with a variety of conditions is required. On the other hand, a large
underground structure such as an underground railway station is more
difficult to construct and warrants detailed analyses that include closely
spaced borings, reliable design data, and occasionally a pilot tunnel.
3.3 Frequently, even the most thorough explorations will not provide sufficient
information to anticipate all relevant design and construction conditions.
Here, the variation from point to point may be impossible to discover with
any reasonable exploration efforts. In such instances, the design strategy
should deal with the average or most commonly occurring condition in a
cost-effective manner and provide means and methods to overcome the
worst anticipated condition, regardless of where it is encountered.
3.6 The required intensity of explorations will vary with factors like complexity of
geology, project environment, depth of tunnel, accessibility for explorations,
and cost of individual borings etc.
Poor surface 0.5-1.5 5-10+ Variable
Shafts and NA At least one each NA
Special 1.5-2 0.2-0.5 locally
The specific scope and extent of the investigation must be appropriate for
the size of the project and the complexity of the existing geologic conditions;
must consider budgetary constraints; and must be consistent with the level
of risk considered acceptable.
3.8 Since unanticipated ground conditions are most often the reason for costly
delays, claims and disputes during tunnel construction, a project with a more
thorough subsurface investigation program would likely have fewer problems
and lower final cost.
3.10 While above tables can be referred to for guidance purpose, the extent of an
exploration program should be based on specific project requirements and
complexity, rather than strict budget limits.
However, for most tunnels, especially tunnels in mountainous areas, the cost
for a comprehensive subsurface investigation may be prohibitive. The
challenge to geotechnical professionals is to develop an adequate and
diligent subsurface investigation program that can improve the predictability
of ground conditions within a reasonable budget and acceptable level of risk.
active consultation with experienced geotechnical engineers, geologists
& designers.
b) “What”, “Why”, “Where”, “How” & “How much” for each Geotechnical
parameter to be tested/investigated should be included in the
Geotechnical investigation Program.
Chapter 2: Choice of Tunnel system, Alignment & Shape/Size of cross-section
The tunnel system comprises all underground works that are necessary to
achieve the planned use and ensure the safety of persons and material assets.
Besides the main tunnel tube(s), the tunnel system may comprise, e.g. cross-
passages, adits and shafts as escape routes or other ancillary structures such
as ventilation shafts or caverns for technical equipment.
b) Choice of alignment
The vertical and horizontal alignment of the tube(s) also depends on several
factors such as:
If possible, maximum grades in straight tunnel should not exceed 75% of the
ruling gradient of the line. Grades in curved tunnels should be compensated for
curvature in the same manner as for open sections (i.e. outside the tunnel).
If possible, the alignment should be adapted to the ground conditions in an
early phase of the project, as hazards and the respective construction time and
cost risks can be avoided or reduced by the choice of a different alignment.
The shape and the dimensions of the cross section of tunnel are determined
essentially by
Other serviceability criterions relevant for making choice of cross section are:
The shape and the size of the cross section depend also on the ground
conditions, as the latter determine the extent of the required support
measures in the construction stage (tunnel support) and in the service
stage (permanent lining).
iii. Construction aspects
D Shape: Economical (as its profile suits the requirements of SOD), Used
for hard rocks.
Elliptical Shape: Suited for water bearing soils or soft grounds, economical
choice (due to its profile) compared to Circular cross section.
Circular cross section: This shape is strong in offering resistance to
external pressure caused by water, water bearing soils or soft grounds. This
is the best theoretical section for resisting internal or external forces and it
provides the greatest cross sectional area for the least perimeter. The
circular section is often uneconomical for railways as more filling will be
required for obtaining flat base. It is best suited for tunnels driven by the
TBM/shield method.
Weak rock zones, squeezing or swelling rock and soft ground (soils) require a
circular cross section or at least a horseshoe-shaped cross section including an
invert arch.
CHAPTER 3: Tunnel excavation methods
Type of ground
Size of tunnel
Availability of resources (machinery/equipment, funds & time)
The three commonly used excavation methods for rock tunnels are:-
These methods are generally used separately but may also be used in
This excavation method has been used since a long time & still remains
the conventional method for noncircular cross sections and also for
short length circular tunnels. This excavation method involves the cycle
of drilling, loading, blasting, scaling & mucking).
excavation is called Partial Face Excavation.
with its web horizontal; arch and post segments fit inside its flanges. For
heavier loads or larger spans, a pair of beams joined together, with webs
vertical, is located directly beneath or over the arch/post flanges.
This is advantageous because the reduced span increases stand-up time, the
reduced volume decreases mucking time, and time required to install
support or reinforcement is also reduced. When using steel sets, the
appropriate final arch segment is used and supported temporarily on one or
more steel posts. When the adjacent drift is excavated, the next arch
segment is erected, connected, posted, and so on. Once the wall plates are
in place and the full arch erected, the temporary posts are removed.
The characteristic feature of this method is the crown slot. The simultaneous
work in several excavation faces allows a fast advance.
c) Sidewall drift: The side galleries are excavated and supported first. They
serve as abutment for the support of the crown, which is subsequently
excavated. This method is preferred in soils/rocks of low strength. Note that
a change from top heading to sidewall drift is difficult to accomplish.
Drill-and-blast are best suited for hard rocks, non-circular cross sections &
relatively short tunnels (where use of TBM/Road header is uneconomical) &
can also be used when encountering too great a variety of geologies or other
specific conditions such as mixed face, squeezing ground, etc. It is suited to
any type of tunnel cross section. Appropriate controlled blasting technique
needs to be implemented at site to reduce over breaks & minimize damage
outside the minimum excavation line.
ii) Excavation by Road header:
The cutting head can be a general purpose rotating drum mounted in line or
perpendicular to the boom, or can be special function heads such as jack-
hammer like spikes, compression fracture micro-wheel heads like those on
larger tunnel boring machines, a slicer head like a gigantic chain saw for
dicing up rock, or simple jaw-like buckets of traditional excavators.
Road headers are used for moderate rock strengths and for laminated or
joined rock. The cutter is mounted on an extension arm (boom) of the
excavator and cuts the rock into small pieces. Thus, over profiling can be
limited and also the loosening of the surrounding rock is widely avoided.
One has to provide for measures against dust (suction or water spraying).
The required power of the motors increases with rock strength.
The width of tunnel excavated varies from slightly more than the width of
the machine body plus treads to twice that width. Much less heading
equipment is required and start-up costs are only a fraction of that for TBM
excavation. The compactness, mobility, and relatively small size of the road
header combined with simultaneous mucking makes it practical to install
rock bolts and/or shotcrete quickly and easily.
The principal constraint on road headers is that they currently are usable
only in rock of less than about 12,000 psi compressive strength. Somewhat
stronger rock can be cut, or chipped away, if it is sufficiently fractured.
This method could also be called partial face mechanization. Whereas TBMs
are generally purpose-built, road headers are nearly "off-the-shelf’
equipment requiring relatively little lead time.
Excavation by road header is suited for any type of tunnel cross sections &
may be done either partial-face or full face.
iii) Excavation by Tunnel Boring Machine:
1. Multiple Drift Method:- This method has already been under “Excavation
methods for rock tunnels”. Fore poling is normally done before doing
excavation particularly in heading portion.
2. Excavation by Tunnel Shields:- The shield is a steel tube with a (usually)
circular cross section. Its front is equipped with cutters. The shield is pushed
forward into the ground by means of jacks.
Chapter 4: Tunneling Methods
A) Conventional Tunneling
B) Mechanized Tunneling
Yet another classification is sometimes made into “NATM” & “Non NATM”
Tunnels; the former following NATM philosophy.
A) Conventional Tunneling:
1.0 Principles of Conventional Tunneling
Using this standard set of equipment the following changes can easily be
applied during construction if ground conditions change or if monitoring
results require action:
In case exceptional ground conditions are encountered - regardless of
whether predicted or not - the Conventional tunneling Method can react with
a variety of auxiliary construction technologies like
• Grouting: consolidation grouting, fissure grouting, pressure grouting,
compensation grouting.
o Short tunnels
Both excavation methods can be used in the same project in cases with a
broad variation of ground conditions. In both excavation methods the
excavation is carried out step by step in rounds. The round length generally
varies from 4 m in good conditions to 1 m or less in soil and poor ground
conditions. The round length is the most important factor for the
determination of the advance speed.
The engineer shall prescribe or limit the choice of the method of excavation
only if there are compelling reasons based on project restrictions. The
responsibility of the selection of the excavation method should best be left
to the contractor, based on the engineer’s description of the ground
conditions and the design limits.
Both excavation types (full-face and the partial excavation) allow exploratory
drillings from the face at any time.
Full-face excavation is used for smaller cross sections and in good ground
conditions with long stand-up times. Since a high degree of mechanization of
the work and the use of large, high performance equipment has become
common, also bigger cross sections (70 to 100 m2 and more), even in difficult
rock conditions are sometimes excavated with the full-face method. In any
case, face stability shall be given serious consideration and often face support
- bolting, shotcrete etc. - becomes necessary.
Full-face excavation allows the immediate closure of the primary support
ring, close to the excavation face.
Partial excavation is mainly used for big cross sections in soils and un-
favorable ground conditions. There are several types of partial excavation as
discussed earlier.
Rock bolts
Lattie Girders Lattice Girder placed at site after assembly
In special cases, the excavation work can only be carried out by means of
additional auxiliary construction measures. The auxiliary construction
measures can be classified in the following categories:
a. Ground improvement
b. Ground reinforcement
c. Dewatering
a) Ground improvement
i. Grouting
ii. Jet grouting
iii. Ground freezing
i) Grouting:
in shallow tunnels where it is applied from the surface. From within the
tunnel vertical or steeply inclined jet grouting is mainly applied to underpin
the bottom of the roof arch.
b) Ground Reinforcement:
Pipe umbrella:
Pipe umbrellas are specified to supplement the arch structure in the roof and
spring line regions as well as stabilization of the face and in advance of the
face immediately after the excavation. The pipe umbrella should extend at
least 30% beyond the face of the next excavation.
Pipe Umbrella
Spiles are steel rods left in the ground for the local short-term stabilization
of the roof section and at the working face on the boundary of the
The spiles rest on the first steel arch in front and should be at least 1.5
times as long as the subsequent advance in the excavation. Depending on
the type of soil, the spiles can be jacked, rammed or inserted in drill holes.
Face bolts:
Face bolts are often necessary to stabilize or reinforce the face. Depending
on the anticipated ground condition/behaviour, the relevant bolt type and
length have to be determined in the design. Practically any bolt type or
length is possible. As a protection against rock fall, spot bolts may be
sufficient whereas in difficult ground conditions (e.g. squeezing rock and
soils) systematic anchoring with a high number of long, overlapping steel or
fibre glass bolts may be necessary. Face bolts are placed during the
excavation sequence, if necessary in each round or in predefined steps.
In some cases the tunnel construction is only possible with the application of
special dewatering measures. According to the ground conditions and other
boundary conditions conventional vertical or horizontal wells or vacuum
drains can be used.
In the case of low overburden, dewatering measures can be carried out from
the ground surface. In the other cases, dewatering has to be done from the
tunnel cross section or from pilot tunnels.
o The comparison of theoretical predictions with the actual structural
behaviour and the assessment of the material parameters of the
o Checking adjacent structures and facilities for their safety and
serviceability as a result of the construction of the tunnel.
Due to its quality, monitoring data can also be used for clearing disputes
between contractual partners or between the client and third parties.
Therefore a further objective is:
B) Mechanized tunneling:
However, there are still risks associated with mechanized tunneling, for the
choice of technique is often irreversible and it is often impossible to change
from the technique first applied or only at the cost of immense upheaval to
the design and/or the economics of the project.
There are many options available these days for the construction of tunnels.
The selection of which tunnelling technique to use must be made on the basis
of the known and suspected ground conditions, in combination with other
aspects such as access, experience and skill of the officials/workers, as well
as costs. Adaptability of the technique to variability of the ground could also
be an important factor.
“Tunneling Shields” & “Tunnel Boring Machines” are the two principal types of
machines employed for mechanized tunneling. Strictly speaking, TBMs are
“unshielded” (i.e. are of Open type) and are used in hard rock whereas
Shields have “shield/s” under the protection of which the ground is excavated
and the tunnel support is erected. Shields are used in soft ground.
But quite often these two terms are used interchangeably as distinction
between two is getting blurred.
1.1 Tunneling shields:
In its simplest form a tunneling shield is a steel frame with a cutting edge on
the forward face. For circular tunnels this is usually a circular steel shell
under the protection of which the ground is excavated and the tunnel support
is erected. A shield also includes back-up infrastructure to erect the tunnel
support (lining) and to remove the excavated spoil.
There are two main types of tunnelling shield, one with partial and one with
full face excavation.
Full face Shield are discussed under Shielded TBMs & Soft Ground TBMs;
however basic working principle of the same is being briefly described
When the shield has advanced by the width of a tunnel segment ring, the
jacks are retracted leaving enough room in the tail of the shield to erect the
next tunnel segment ring.
The support usually adopted with shield tunnelling these days is circular
segments. These segments form, when connected together, a closed support
ring. As the tunnel segments are connected together inside the shield tail,
the diameter of the completed tunnel segment ring is smaller than that of the
shield. This creates a gap between the ground and the tunnel lining. When
the shield is jacked further into the ground the size of this gap is between
approximately 50 and 250 mm. In less supporting soft ground it has to be
expected that the ground settles by this value. This can result in the
softening of the ground and, especially with shallow tunnels, in the
settlements reaching the ground surface and having undesirable
consequences on surface or near surface structures. In order to avoid these
settlements, the gap is generally injected with mortar.
1.2.1 Introduction:
TBMs exist in many different diameters, ranging from micro tunnel boring
machines with diameters smaller than 1 m to machines for large tunnels,
whose diameters are greater than 15 m (the largest TBMs are now in excess
of 19 m).
TBMs are available for many different geological conditions. This means that,
for example, the type of tunnel face support required and the excavation
procedure as well as numerous other technical requirements can be solved in
many different ways. Every tunnel is different and hence there are often
frequent technical advancements in this field.
Although TBMs are often designed for specific projects, i.e. with a specific
diameter and in order to cope with certain ground conditions, these days
refurbished machines are becoming more common and projects are actually
designed around the machines available. An example of this is when the
diameter of the new project is chosen to suit the old machine, with just the
cutter head being redesigned for the specific ground conditions expected.
Tunnel boring machines (except ‘Gripper’ type TBM for hard rock), have a
‘shield’. Although it should be noted that even a Gripper TBM can have a
small shield around the cutter wheel to avoid it catching on any rock as the
ground deforms under high pressures.
One of the general requirements for the use of a TBM is a consistent geology
along the route of the tunnel as the different cutting tools are only suitable
for a small variation in material characteristics. A universal machine for all
types of ground and soil conditions does not exist (although TBMs with
multiple modes of operation such as Mix-shields are being developed). The
combination of different cutting tools on the cutter head can increase the
application of machines to a greater range of ground conditions.
Although TBMs can have different mechanisms for moving through the
ground, most have to start outside and hence need a reaction frame to start
the drive. As the tunnel segments are erected within the tunnel shield, there
is a gap between the segments and the excavated ground. In order to
achieve a rigid connection between the ground and the tunnel lining, thus
preventing the ground from moving, the gap is injected with cement slurry.
TBMs are often grouped under categories of “Hard Rock TBMs” & “Soft
Ground TBMs”.
Hard rock TBMs comprise four key sections, which make up the complete
machine. These are the boring section, consisting of the cutter head, the
thrust and clamping section, which is responsible for advancing the machine,
the muck removal section, which takes care of collecting and removing the
excavated material, and the support section, where the tunnel support is
i) Gripper TBM: Open hard rock TBM - suited for boring in stable rock.
ii) Shielded TBM - shielded hard rock TBM - suited for tunneling in
varying rock formations that alternate between stable and unstable
i) Gripper TBM :
The Gripper TBM is braced radially with grippers against the tunnel wall, with
hydraulic cylinders pressing the cutter head against the tunnel face to enable
a further section of tunnel to be excavated. The maximum boring stroke is
governed by the length of the pistons in the thrust cylinder.
The drilling system, i.e. the cutter head, is fitted with cutter rings (disks).
The rotating cutter head forces the disks against the tunnel face under high
pressure. In this process the disks roll over the tunnel face, thereby
loosening the native rock.
Typical advance of cutter head is approximately 0.7 to 1.2 m. After
completion of a boring stroke, the drilling process is interrupted and the
machine moved forwards, with the Gripper TBM being stabilized by an
additional support system. A new working cycle can begin when the gripper
shoes of the machine are once more engaged.
Unlike shielded TBMs, where tunnel support, e.g. segmental lining, is fixed
and does not change during tunnel construction, the tunnel support system,
when using a Gripper TBM, can vary depending on the ground quality. The
appropriate rock support devices can be installed immediately behind the
cutter head. These devices can include anchors, steel arches, shotcrete, and
even segmental linings.
In contrast to Gripper TBMs, the body of the shield TBM has an extended
shield over the front section of the machine. This shield has the function of
supporting the ground and protecting the personnel, thus allowing safe
erection of the tunnel lining.
There are two basic types of shield TBMs for hard rock available; the single-
shield and double-shield.
The Single Shield TBM belongs to a category of machines which are fitted
with an open shield. Tunneling machines described as open shields are
machines without a closed system for pressure compensation at the tunnel
Protected by the shield, the Single Shield machine extends and drives
forward the tunnel practically automatically. In order to drive the tunnel
forwards, the Single Shield TBM is supported by means of hydraulic thrust
cylinders on the last segment ring installed. The cutter head is fitted with
hard rock disks, which roll across the tunnel face, cutting notches in it. These
notches dislodge largish chips of rock. Muck bucket lips, which are positioned
at some distance behind the disks, carry the extracted rock behind
the cutting wheel. The excavated material is brought outside the tunnel by
The double-shield machine (or telescopic shield) combines the ideas of the
gripper and single-shield techniques and can therefore be applied to a variety
of geological conditions. The double-shield machine consists of a front shield
with cutter head, as well as a gripper section with gripper shoes, a tail shield
and auxiliary thrust jacks. Both parts of the machine are connected by a
section called the telescopic shield. The operating principle is based on the
gripper shoes pressing against the tunnel wall while excavation and segment
installation are performed at the same time. The system adds some flexibility
to allow the machine to work either in gripper mode or as a shield TBM.
In soft ground, with little or no standup time, the ground would simply
collapse into the machine and attempts to control the excavation of this
material and to prevent large displacements occurring within extensive
amounts of the ground around the tunnel heading would be very difficult. In
addition, for tunnels constructed below the groundwater table in permeable
materials, water flow into the tunnel must be controlled in order to prevent
the machine and tunnel from flooding.
Except for mechanical-support TBMs, they all have a cutter head chamber at
the front, isolated from the rearward part of the machine by a bulkhead, in
which a confinement pressure is maintained in order to actively support the
excavation and/or balance the hydrostatic pressure of the ground water.
The face is excavated by a cutter head working in the chamber. The TBM is
jacked forward by rams pushing off the segmental lining erected using an
erector integrated into the machine.
Soft ground TBMs are classified into following types depending upon frontal
support technique they employ:-
a) Mechanical-support TBM/Shield
Its specific field of application is therefore in soft rock and consolidated
soft ground with little or no water pressure.
b) Compressed-air TBM/Shield
A slurry shield TBM has a full-face cutter head. Support of the face is
accomplished by pressurized slurry; which in most cases is bentonite
Slurry shield TBMs are particularly suitable for use in granular soil (sand,
gravel, etc.) and heterogeneous soft ground, though they can also be
used in other terrain, even if it includes hard - rock sections.
There might be clogging and difficulty separating the spoil from the slurry
if there is clay in the soil.
These TBMs can be used in ground with high permeability, but if there is
high water pressure special slurry has to be used to form a watertight
cake on the excavation walls.
EPBMs are particularly suitable for soils which, after churning, are likely to
be of a consistency capable of transmitting the pressure in the cutter
head chamber
They can handle ground of quite high permeability, and are also capable
of working in ground with occasional discontinuities requiring localized
In addition to above, there are Special Purpose TBMs also. Some of these
Raise Borer - used for shaft excavation which enables the top-to-bottom
reaming of a small diameter pilot tunnel created using a drilling rig.
Chapter 5: NATM
1.1 Background:
The New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) was developed by the Austrians
Ladislaus von Rabcewicz, Leopold Müller and Franz Pacher in the 1950s. The
name was introduced in 1962 (Rabcewicz 1963) to distinguish it from the
‘Austrian Tunnelling Method’, today referred to as the ‘Old Austrian
Tunnelling Method’.
Furthermore, it was important that the sprayed concrete lining (SCL) was
supported by systematic anchoring. Rabcewicz, Müller and Pacher used a
flexible approach with respect to the excavation sequence and amount of
support. They observed the reaction of the ground as a result of the
tunneling process and used this information to determine the required
support and construction sequences. The calculation techniques available at
that time could not confirm the stability of this thin lining. Therefore, they
used displacement monitoring to prove the efficiency of their support.
Unfortunately, this definition did not prove to be unique to NATM since nearly
every excavation method tries to preserve the supporting ability of the
ground. Rokahr (1995) gave a definition which summarizes the original
intention of Rabcewicz, Müller and Pacher and makes it easy to distinguish
the NATM from other tunnelling methods: ‘NATM is a support method to
stabilize the tunnel perimeter by means of sprayed concrete, anchors and
other support, and uses monitoring to control stability”.
The support must not be installed too early or too late. It should not be
too stiff or too weak.
on the one hand kept small so that the ground does not lose
more of its initial stability than unavoidable and;
on the other hand must be large enough in order to activate the
support of the ground as a closed arch and to optimize the
usage of the support measures and the excavation.
The closing of the ring is important, i.e. the total periphery including the
invert must be applied with shotcrete.
Primary lining applied to whole cavity, View of Final lining applied.
which remains under observation
1.6 Limitation:
NATM assumes that the ground has sufficient stand-up time itself for the
construction cycle. In order to use NATM, the ground has to be capable of
supporting itself over the length of each advance section, which means that
the ground must have a stand-up time. The limit of this construction
technique is reached when the stand-up time of the ground has to be
improved by artificial measures, such as freezing or grout injection.
Qualified Personnel: particularly for ensuring quality of shotcrete, rock
Better Site Management: for –
Coping with unseen events
Proper application of the observational method
Elimination of human errors
Continuous Monitoring of geology:- by qualified & experienced geologists-
for interpretation of exploration data & keeping thorough geological
2.0 NMT
Chapter 6:Tunnel Design Methods
Tunnel design must achieve functionality, stability, and safety of the tunnel
opening during and after construction and for as long as the underground
structure is expected to function. Tunnel design includes design of initial
ground support as well as permanent support system.
Tunnel design approaches for non-NATM & NATM are discussed below:-
1.1 Non-NATM
In past centuries, ground support was always selected empirically. The miner
estimated, based on his experience, what timbering was required, and if the
timbering failed it was rebuilt stronger. Written rules for selecting ground
support were first formulated by Terzaghi (1946). The development of the
RQD as a means to describe the character or quality of the rock mass led to
correlations between RQD and Terzaghi’s rock loads. This development also
led to independent ground support recommendations based on RQD. The
RQD is also used in two other rock mass characterization schemes used for
initial ground support selection, the Geo-mechanics Classification: Rock Mass
Rating (RMR), Bieniawski 1979), and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute’s
Q-system (Barton, Lien, and Lunde 1974).
1.1.1 Terzaghi’s rock loads & support recommendations
Terzaghi estimated rock loads acting on roof of tunnel supports for various
rock mass classifications/conditions. He described these loads in terms of the
height of a loosened mass of rock weighing on the support. The height is a
multiple of the width of the tunnel or of the width plus the height.
Terzaghi’s recommendations are tabulated below (giving Rock Load Hp
in feet of rock of support in tunnel with Width B (ft) and Height Ht (ft) at
depth more than 1.5C, Where C = B + Ht) :-
limestone and of immature shale, the excavation of the tunnel is commonly
associated with a gradual compression of the rock on both sides of the
tunnel involving a downward movement of the roof. Furthermore the
relatively low resistance against slippage at the boundaries between the so-
called shale and rock is likely to reduce very considerably the capacity of the
rock located above the roof of bridge. Hence in such rock formations the roof
pressure may be as heavy as in a very blocky and seamy rock.
Today rock tunnels are usually designed considering the interaction between
rock and ground, i.e., the redistribution of stresses into the rock by forming
the rock arch. However, the concept of loads still exists and may be applied
early in a design to “get a handle” on the support requirement. The concept
is to provide support for a height of rock (rock load) that tends to drop out of
the roof of the tunnel (Terzaghi,1946).
In 1966 Deere and Miller developed the Rock Quality Designation index
(RQD) to provide a systematic method of describing rock mass quality from
the results of drill core logs. Deere described the RQD as the length (as a
percentage of total core length) of intact and sound core pieces that are 4
inches (10 cm) or more in length.
It has been shown that a qualitative relationship exists between the RQD and
the support required for tunnels in rocks. Several proposed methods of using
the RQD for design of rock tunnels have been developed. Support
recommendations (Deere et al., 1967) for tunnels having 6 m (i.e. 20 ft) to
12m (i.e. 40ft) dia are tabulated below:-
Support Recommendations for Tunnels in Rock (6 m to 12 m diam)
based on RQD (after Deere et al. 1970)
In good and excelent rock, the support requirement will be, in general,
minimal but will be dependent upon joint geometry, tunnel diameter, and
relative orientations of joints and tunnel.
Lagging requirements will usually be zero in excellent and will range from up
to 25 percent in good rock to 100 percent in very poor rock.
Mesh requirements usually will be zero in excellent rock and will range from
ocassional mesh (or strip) in good rock to 100 percent mesh in very poor
B = tunnel width.
The major use of the RQD in modern tunnel design is as a major factor in
the Q or RMR rock mass classification systems.
The following six parameters are used to classify a rock mass using the RMR
1. Strength of Intact Rock Material ( Point Load Strength Index or
Uniaxial compressive strength of rock material)
2. Rock Quality Designation (RQD).
3. Spacing of discontinuities.
4. Condition of discontinuities.
5. Groundwater conditions.
6. Orientation of discontinuities.
Ratings for each of the six parameters listed above are summed to give a
value of RMR
In applying this classification system, the rock mass is divided into a number
of structural regions and each region is classified separately. The boundaries
of the structural regions usually coincide with a major structural feature such
as a fault or with a change in rock type. In some cases, significant changes in
discontinuity spacing or characteristics, within the same rock type, may
necessitate the division of the rock mass into a number of small structural
IS Code 13365 Part 1 may be referred to for more details of this rating
4.0 Support Selection based on Q-System of rock mass classification:
The NGI Q-System (Barton, Lien and Lunde 1974) is generally considered the
most elaborate and the most detailed rock mass classification system for
ground support in underground works. The value of the rock quality index Q
is determined by
A high Q-value means good stability, whereas low values indicate poor
stability. The Q-values together with the span width or height of walls and
safety requirements are used as a basis for an evaluation of permanent
Standard literature may be referred to for more details of the rock quality
rating for Q-System and its application for design purposes. One good
document on different Rock Mass Classifications &their applications for tunnel
design is available at following URL:
5.0 Empirical Approach for Selection of Initial Support for soft ground
below to present the classification system in engineering terms that reflect
current terminology and usage.
Classification Behavior Typical Soil Types
Firm Heading can be advanced Loess above water table; hard clay, marl,
without initial support, cemented sand and gravel when not highly
and final lining can be overstressed.
constructed before ground
starts to move.
Raveling Slow Chunks or flakes of Residual soils or sand with small amounts of
raveling material begin to drop out binder may be fast raveling below the water
of the arch or walls tale, slow raveling above. Stiff fissured clays
sometimes after the may be slow or fast raveling depending upon
ground has been exposed, degree of overstress.
due to loosening or to
over-stress and “brittle”
fracture (ground
separates or breaks along
distinct surfaces, opposed
to squeezing ground).
In fast raveling ground,
the process starts within a
Fast few minutes, otherwise
raveling the ground is slow
The material can enter occur in highly sensitive clay when such
the tunnel from the invert material is disturbed.
as well as from the face,
crown, and walls, and can
flow for great distances,
completely filling the
tunnel in some cases.
Swelling Ground absorbs water, Highly pre-consolidated clay with plasticity
increases in volume, and index in excess of about 30, generally
expands slowly into the containing significant percentages of
tunnel. montmorillonite.
* Modified by Heuer (1974) from Terzaghi (1950)
A simplified system of determining the load on the initial support for circular and
horseshoe tunnels in soft ground is tabulated below The loads are patterned after
Terzaghi’s original recommendations (1950) but have been simplified. In all cases,
it is important that the experience and judgment of the engineer also be applied to
the load selection.
from explorations, observations, and testing. They are far from perfect
and can sometimes lead to the selection of inadequate ground support. It
is therefore necessary to examine the available rock mass information to
determine if there are any applicable failure modes not addressed by the
empirical systems.
b) A major flaw of all the empirical systems is that they lead the user
directly from the geologic characterization of the rock mass to a
recommended ground support without the consideration of possible failure
modes. A number of potential modes of failure are not covered by some
or all of the empirical methods and must be considered independently,
including the following:
(B) Analytical and Numerical Approach: This approach makes use of various
theoretical, Semi-theoretical & numerical Methods to design individual
support components like rockbolts, shotcrete, steel ribs, etc. It may also
involve a fundamental approach, with study/investigation of potential modes
of failure and a selection or design of components to resist these modes of
failure (using methods like finite elements, finite differences etc.).
1.2 Design of tunnels for NATM : - The design process for NATM tunnels is
represented in figure below:-
It can be seen that design can follow either the “Empirical” approach or the
“Analytical” Approach.
Empirical Approach:
and support installation sequencing frequently associated with NATM tunnels
depending on the basic types of ground encountered, i.e. rock and soft
ground respectively.
Elements of Commonly Used Excavation and Support Classes (ESC) in
Block Top Systemati Systematic shell At the Systema- Yes
y and heading & c doweling with face or tic spiling
seam bench or bolting reinforcement maximum in tunnel
y in top (welded wire one round roof or
Rock heading & fabric or fibres) behind parts of it
bench in top heading face
considerin and bench;
g joint depending on
spacing tunnel size
thickness 8 in.
(200 mm) to 12
in. (300 mm)
Crush Top N/A Systematic shell After each Sysstematic Support If water
ed but heading, with round grouted installatio is
chemi bench, reinforcement pipe spiling n dictates present,
cally invert (welded wire or pipe progress ground
intact fabric or fibres) arch water
rock and ring closure canopy draw
in invert; down or
dependent on ground
tunnel size improve
thickness 12 in. ment is
(300 mm) and required
more; for initial
stabilization and
to prevent
desiccation, a
layer of
flashcrete may
be required
Squee Top Systemati Systematic shell After each Sysstematic Support -
zing heading, c dowling with round grouted installatio
Rock bench, or bolting reinforcement pipe spiling n dictates
invert in top (welded wire or pipe progress
heading & fabric or fibres) arch
bench and ring closure canopy
considerin in invert;
g joint dependent on
spacing; tunnel size
extended thickness 12 in.
length (300 mm) and
more; potential
use for yield
elements; for
stabilization and
to prevent
desiccation, a
layer of
flashcrete may
be required
Swelli Top Systemati Systematic shell After each Sysstematic Support Depend
ng heading, c dowling with round grouted installatio ed
rock bench, or bolting reinforcement pipe spiling n dictates invert
invert in top (welded wire or pipe progress foradditi
heading & fabric or fibres) arch onal
bench and ring closure canopy curvatur
considerin in invert; may be e
g joint dependent on required
spacing; tunnel size depending
extended thickness 12 in. on degree
length (300 mm) and of
more; potential fracturing
use for yield
cohesive soil bench & reinforced shotcrete none; installation t stand-
– above invert; (welded wire support locally pre- dictates up time
groundwater dependent fabric or immediately spiling to progress to intall
table on ground fibres) shell after excavation limit over- support
strength, with full ring in each round. break without
smaller closure in Early support pre-
drifts invert; ring closure support
required dependent required. Either or
than above on tunnel temporary ring ground
size 6 in. closure (e.g. improve
(150 mm) to temporary top ment;
16 in. (400 heading invert) depende
mm) typical, or final ring nt on
for initial closure to be water
stabilization installed within saturatio
and to less than one n,
prevent tunnel diameter swelling
desiecation, behind or
a layer of excavation squeezin
flashcrete face; typically g can
may be earlier ring occur
required; closure
frequently requireed than
more invert above
than above
Well Top heading, Systematic Installation of Frequently Support Stand-
consolidated bench reinforced shotcrete systematic installation up time
non-cohesive &invert; (welded wire support pre- dictates insufficie
soil – above dependent fabric or immediately support progress nt to
groundwater on tunnel fibres) shell after excavation required by safety
table size, further with full ring in each round. ground install
sub-divisions closure in Early support pipe spiling support
into drifts invert; ring closure or ground without
may be dependent required. Either pipe arch pre-
required on tunnel temporary ring canopy, support
size 6 in. closure (e.g. alternativel or
(150 mm) to temporary top y ground ground
16 in. (400 heading invert) improveme improve
mm) typical, or final ring nt ment
for initial closure to be
stabilization installed within
and to less than one
prevent tunnel diameter
desiccation, behind
a layer of excavation face
flashcrete is
Well Top heading, Systematic Installation of Frequently Support Stand-
consolidated bench & reinforced shortcrete up time
Analytical & Numerical Approach:
The following steps typically are used in the analyses to model the
construction process:
The results obtained from the analysis are checked to confirm their
acceptability. In addition to the static loadings, the performance of the
secondary lining is checked for dynamic loading.
Chapter 7: Structural Design Issues: Tunnel Lining
1. Design Philosophy
(i) Shotcrete
(ii) Cast in place concrete
(iii) Precast segments
(iv) Lattice Girder and rolled steel sets.
(v) Ribs and Laggings.
1.1 Shotcrete
It is also used some times as permanent lining. Permanent shotcrete linings are
normally built in layers with surface layer containing wire mesh to provide long
term ductility. In case, toughness and ductility are desirable, shotcrete reinforced
with randomly oriented steel/synthetic fibres may be used as alternative.
Occasionally, structural plastic fibres are used in lieu of steel fibres when
shotcrete is expected to undergo high deformation and ductility post-cracking is of
1.1.1 Initial Shotcrete Lining:
Initial shotcrete lining typically consists of 100 to 400mm thick shotcrete layer
mainly depending on the ground conditions and size of the tunnel opening, and
provides support pressure to the ground. It is also referred to as shotcrete lining.
A shotcrete ring can carry significant ground loads although the shotcrete lining
forms a rather flexible support system. This is the case where the shotcrete lining
is expected to undergo high deformations and hence ductility post cracking is of
importance. By deforming, it enables the inherent strength and self-supporting
properties of the ground to be mobilized as well to share and re-distribute stresses
between the lining and ground. This process generates subgrade reaction of the
ground that provides support for the lining. From the ground support point of view
the design of the shotcrete lining is governed by the support requirements, i.e.,
the amount of ground deformations allowed and ground loads expected as well as
economical aspects. The earlier the sprayed concrete gains strength the more the
support restrains ground deformation. However, by increasing stiffness the
support system increasingly attracts loads. It depends on the ground conditions
and local requirements how stiff or flexible the support system has to be and thus
what early strength requirements, thickness and reinforcement should be
In shallow tunnel applications and beneath surface structures that are sensitive to
deformations such as buildings, ground deformations and consequently surface
settlements have to be kept within acceptable limits. The advantage of the
mobilization of the self-supporting capacity of the ground can therefore be only
taken into account to a very limited extent. Here, early strength of the shotcrete is
required to gain early stiffness of the support to limit ground deflections. Under
these conditions the shotcrete lining takes on significant ground loads at an early
stage however, in a generally low stress environment due to the shallow
overburden. Early strength can be achieved with admixtures and modern types of
Rock reinforcement installed in rock tunnels augments the strength of the
surrounding ground, controls deformation and limits the ground loads acting upon
the shotcrete initial lining. Shotcrete support and rock reinforcement are designed
to form an integrated support system in view of the excavation and support
sequence. The design engineer must define the requirements for the support
system based on thorough review of the ground response anticipated.
The effect of the shotcrete is heavily dependent on the radial and tangential
subgrade reaction generated by the surrounding ground. Therefore, shape,
shotcrete thickness and installation time have to be designed in accordance with
the ground conditions and the capacities of the surrounding ground and the
support system. Site personnel should assess the support requirements and, if
necessary, adjust the designed support system based on observations in the field.
Notwithstanding the need for reaction to site conditions, the designer should
always be party to the decision making process prior to changing any support
system on site. The design intent and philosophy must be taken into consideration
when adjustments of the support system are made.
Friction between the ground and the sprayed concrete lining (tangential subgrade
reaction) is paramount for the support system. This friction reduces differential
movement of ground particles at the ground surface and contributes to the
ground-structure interaction. Even the shotcrete arch not forming a closed ring
provides substantial support to the ground, if tight contact between the sprayed
concrete and the ground is maintained.
Longitudinal joints have to be oriented radially, whereas circumferential joints
should be kept as rough as possible. Splice bars/clips and sufficient lapping of
reinforcement welded wire fabric maintain the continuity of the reinforcement
across the joints. Rebound, excess water, dust or other foreign material must be
removed from shotcrete surface against which fresh concrete will be sprayed. The
number of construction joints should be kept to a minimum.
In case of ground water ingress, the ground water has to be collected and drained
away. Any build-up of groundwater pressure behind the shotcrete lining should be
avoided because increased ground water pressure in joints and pores reduces the
shear strength in the ground, undue loads may be shed onto the shotcrete lining
(unless it is designed for that, which is unusual for initial shotcrete linings);
softening of the ground behind the lining; increased leaching of shotcrete and
shotcrete shell detachment from the ground.
The tunnels are relatively short in length and the cross section is relatively
large and therefore investment in formwork is not warranted, i.e. tunnel of less
than 250m in length and larger than about 12m in spring line diameter.
The access is difficult and staging of formwork installation and concrete
delivery is problematic.
The tunnel geometry is complex and customized formwork would be required.
Tunnel intersections, as well as bifurcations qualify in this area.
required structural reinforcing may be accomplished by rebars or mats or by steel
or plastic fibers. The final shotcrete layer allows for the addition of micro poly
propylene (PP) fibres that enhance fire resistance of the final lining.
Major factor that will influence the quality of the shotcrete final lining application is
workmanship. While the skill of the shotcrete applying nozzlemen (by hand or
robot) is at the core of this workmanship, it is important to address all aspects of
the shotcreting process in a method statement. This method statement becomes
the basis for the application procedures, and the applicator’s and the supervisor’s
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program. Minimum requirements to
be addressed in the method statement are as follows:
General trends in tunneling indicate that the application of shotcrete for final
linings present a viable alternative to traditional cast-in-place concrete
construction. The shotcrete lining system fulfills cast-in-place concrete structural
requirements. Design and engineering, as well as application procedures, can be
planned such as to provide a high quality product. Excellence is needed in the
application itself and must go hand-in-hand with quality assurance during
By its capacity to accept shear and bending and its bond to rock surface,
shotcrete prevents displacement of blocks of rock that can potentially fall. It can
also act as shell and accept radial loads. It is possible to analyze these modes of
failure only if the loads and boundary conditions are known. Various theories of
analysis provides only a crude approximation of stresses in shotcrete. When
shotcrete is used in NATM, computer analysis can be used to reproduce
construction sequence, including the effect of variations of shotcrete modules and
strength with time.
These are generally installed some time after the initial ground support. These
can be used in both soft ground and hard rock tunnels and can be constructed of
either reinforced or plain concrete. While the lining may generally remain
unreinforced, structural design considerations and design criteria will dictate the
need and amount of reinforcement.
To ensure contact between the initial and final linings, contact grouting is
performed as early as final linings have achieved its 28 days strength. This
ensures contact between initial and final tunnel support and any deterioration or
weakening of initial support will lead to an increased loading of the final support by
the increment not being supported by initial lining. The loads can be directly
transformed radially due to direct contact.
Cast in place final lining pour length is normally restricted to limit surface cracking
and is mandatorily followed in unreinforced lining. Adjacent concrete pours feature
construction joints and continuous reinforcement in joints is not desired to allow
relative movement. Use of water impermeable cast in place concrete lining as an
alternative to membranes is generally not considered due to high demands on
construction quality and elaborate measures required to prevent cracking,
provision of construction joint etc.
Suitable for use with any excavation and initial ground support method.
Corrects irregularities in the excavation.
Can be constructed to any shape.
Provides a regular sound foundation for tunnel finishes.
Provides a durable low, maintenance structure.
1.2.2 Disadvantages of a cast-in-place concrete lining:
Concrete behavior in a fire event must also be considered. When heated to a high
enough temperature, concrete will spall explosively. This produces a hazardous
condition for trains and for emergency response personnel responding to the
incident. This spalling is caused by the vaporization of water trapped in the
concrete pores being unable to escape. Spalling is also caused by fracture of
aggregate and loss of strength of the concrete matrix at the surface of the
concrete after prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Reinforcing steel that is
heated will lose strength. Spalling and loss of reinforcing strength can cause
changes in the shape of the lining, redistribution of stresses in the lining and
possibly structural failure. The lining should be protected against fire.
1.2.4 Materials:
Mixes for cast-in-place concrete should be specified to have a high enough slump
to make placement practical. Air entrainment should be used. The moist
environment in many tunnels combined with exposure to cold weather makes air
entrainment important to durable concrete.
1.3.1 Description:
Precast segmental linings are used in circular tunnels excavated using a Tunnel
Boring Machine (TBM). It can be used in both soft and hard ground. Several
curved precast elements or segments are assembled inside the tail of the TBM to
form a complete circle. The number of segments used to form the ring is a
function of the ring diameter and to a certain respect, construction agency’s
preferences. The segments are relatively thin, 20 to 30 cm and typically 1 to 1.5 m
wide measured along the length of the tunnel.
Precast segmental linings used as both initial support and final lining are built to
high tolerances and quality. They are typically heavily reinforced, fitted with
gaskets on all faces for waterproofing and bolted together to compress the
gaskets after the ring is completed but prior to advancing the TBM. As the
completed ring leaves the tail of the shield of the TBM, contact grouting is
performed to fill the annular space that was occupied by the shield. This provides
continuous contact between the ring and the surrounding ground and prevents the
ring from dropping into the annular space. Bolting is often performed only in the
circumferential direction. The shove of the TBM is usually sufficient to compress
the gaskets in the longitudinal direction. Friction between the ground and the
segments hold the segment in place and maintain compression on the gasket.
Segmental linings were initially fabricated in a honeycomb shape that allowed for
bolting in both the longitudinal and circumferential directions. Recent lining
designs have eliminated the longitudinal bolting and the complex forming and
reinforcing patterns that were required to accommodate the longitudinal bolts.
Segments now have a flat inside surface. Once adequate strength is achieved,
the segments are inverted to the position they must be in for erection inside the
tunnel. As with segments used for initial lining, horizontal and vertical tunnel
alignment is achieved through the use of tapered segments.
1.3.2 Advantages of a precast segmental lining:
When using a structural analysis program for analysis, the structural model
should include hinges (points where no bending moment can develop) at the
locations of the joints in the ring. Using hinges at the joint locations provides the
ring with the flexibility required to adjust to the loads, resulting in the
predominant loading being axial load or thrust. This is an approximation of the
behavior of the lining since joints will transfer some moment. The actual
behavior of a segmental lining can be bounded by two models that have zero
fixity at the joints and full fixity at the joints.
The primary load carried by the precast segments is axial load induced by
ground forces acting on the circumference of the ring. However, loads imposed
during construction must also be accounted for in the design. Loads from the
jacking forces of the TBM are significant and can cause segments to damage
and require replacement. These forces are unique to each tunnel and are
function of the ground type and the operational characteristics of the TBM.
Reinforcement along the jacking edges of the segments is usually required to
resist this force. The segments should be checked for bearing, compression and
buckling from TBM thrust loads.
Handling, storage, lifting and erecting the segments also impose loads. The
segments should be designed and reinforced to resist these loads also. When
designing reinforcement for these loads, appropriate codal provisions should be
used (refer clause No. 1.7 of this chapter). Grouting pressure can also impose
loads on the lining. Grouting pressures should be limited to reduce the
possibility of damage to the ring by these loads. The anticipated grouting
pressure should be added to the load effects of the ground loads applied to the
Since the segments are cast and cured in a controlled environment, higher
tolerances can be attained than in cast-in-place concrete construction.
Final lining segments can be fabricated with straight or skewed joints. The
orientation of the joint should be considered in the design of the lining to account
for the mechanism of load transfer across the joint between segments. Skewed
joints will induce strong axis bending in the ring and this should be accounted for
in the design of the ring. Whether using straight or skewed joints, segments are
rotated from ring to ring so that the joints do not line up along the longitudinal
axis of the tunnel.
Joint design should consider the configuration of the gaskets. The gasket can
eliminate much of the bearing area for load transfer between joints. Joints
should be adequately reinforced to transfer load across the joints without
The primary load carried by the precast segments is axial load induced by
ground, hydrostatic and other forces acting on the circumference of the ring. The
presence of the waterproofing systems precludes load sharing between the final
lining and the initial ground support. A basic design assumption is that the final
lining carries long term earth loads with no contribution form the initial ground
support. Loads imposed during construction must also be accounted for in the
design. Loads from the jacking forces of the TBM are significant and can cause
segments to be damaged and require replacement. These forces are unique to
each tunnel and are a function of the ground type and the operational
characteristics of the TBM. Reinforcement along the jacking edges of the
segments may be required to resist this force. The segments should be checked
for bearing, compression and buckling from TBM thrust loads.
Lifting and erecting the segments also impose loads. The segments should be
designed and reinforced to resist these loads. When designing reinforcement for
these loads, the provisions of relevant codes should be used.
Grouting pressure can also impose loads on the lining. Grouting pressures
should be limited to reduce the possibility of damage to the ring by these loads.
The anticipated grouting pressure should be added to the load effects of the
earliest ground loads applied to the lining.
protection against this problem. Admixtures, sulfate resistant cement and high
density concrete may all be potential solutions. This problem should be
addressed on a case by case basis and the appropriate solution implemented
based on best industry practice.
1.3.5 Materials:
Concrete mixes for precast segments for initial linings do not require special
designs and can generally conform to the structural concrete mixes provided in
most standard construction specifications. Strengths in the range of 25 to 35
MPa are generally adequate. These strengths are easily attainable in precast
shops and casting yards. Curing is performed by in enclosures and is well
controlled. Air entrainment is desirable since segments may be stored outdoors
for extended periods of time and final lining segments may be exposed to
freezing temperatures inside the tunnel.
Steel fiber reinforced concrete has become a topic of discussion and research
for precast tunnel linings. Theoretically, steel fibers can be used in lieu of steel
reinforcing bars. The fibers can potentially eliminate the need for fabricating the
steel bars to very tight tolerances, provide ductility for the concrete and make
the segments tougher and less damage prone during construction.
Unfortunately, there is no design code for the design of steel fiber reinforced
concrete. The recommended practice, until further research is conducted and
design codes are developed, is to use steel fibers in segments where the design
is conducted and the lining is found to be adequate without reinforcing. The
steel fibers then can be included in the concrete to improve handling
characteristics during construction. A testing program is required by the
specifications to have the contractor prove via field testing that the fiber
reinforced segments can withstand the handling loads imposed during
construction. The fibers then can be used lieu of reinforcement that would be
installed to resist the handling loads.
Concrete mixes for one pass lining segments have strengths ranging from 35 to
48 MPa. Higher strengths are easily obtainable in precast shops and assist in
resisting handling and erection loads.
Immediate support to the ground (in a limited manner due to the low girder
Control of tunnel geometry (template function)
Support of welded wire fabric (as applicable)
Support for fore poling pre-support measures.
The girder design is defined by specifying the girder section and size and
moment properties of the primary bars. To address stiffness of the overall girder
arrangement the stiffening elements must provide a minimum of five percent of
the total moments of inertia. The arrangement of primary bars and stiffening
elements is such as to facilitate shotcrete penetration into and behind the girder,
thereby minimizing shadows.
Ribs and lagging are not used as much now as they were a couple of decades
ago. However, there are still applications where their use is appropriate, such as
unusual shapes, intersections, short starter tunnels for TBM, and reaches of
tunnel where squeezing or swelling ground may occur.
The design approach typically assumes the ribs are acted upon by axial thrust
and by bending moments, the latter a function of the spacing of the lagging or
blocking behind the ribs. In today’s applications, steel ribs are often installed
with shotcrete being used instead of wood for the blocking (lagging) material.
When shotcrete is used, it often does not fill absolutely the entire void between
steel and rock. Hence, with properly applied shotcrete appropriate maximum
blocking point spacing be taken in the design.
(ii) A tunnel lining is not an independent structure acted upon by well defined
loads, and its deformation is not governed by its own internal elastic
resistance. The loads acting are ill defined and its behavior is governed by
properties of surrounding ground.
(iii) Design of tunnel lining is basically not a structural problem but a ground-
structure interaction problem with ground playing predominant role.
(v) The most serious structural problems encountered with actual lining behavior
are related to absence of supports due to inadvertent voids left behind lining
rather than on intensity and distribution of load.
(vi) In most of the cases the bending strength and stiffness of structural lining are
small compared with those of the surrounding ground. The change in lining
properties does not significantly affect deformation of lining, which primarily
depends on ground properties. Therefore, lining behavior should be judged
by adequate ductility to conform to imposed deformation rather than strength
to resist bending stresses.
(vii) Structural analysis of tunnel lining has been a subject of numerous papers
and theories. Great disparity of opinion exist on accuracy and usefulness of
these analyses eg. Beam-spring models, three dimensional models, (more
sophisticated analysis), empirical methods (for soft ground) (2D general
purpose structural analysis program) and numerical methods (modeling
lining and surrounding ground as a continuum using 3D FEM).
The NATM realizes excavation and support in distinct stages with limitations on
size of excavation and length of round followed by the application of initial
support measures. In particular the shotcrete lining has an interlocking function
and provides an early, smooth support. To adequately address this sequenced
excavation and support approach the structural design shall be based on the
use of numerical, i.e. finite element, finite difference, or discrete element
methods. These numerical methods are capable of accounting for ground
structure interaction. They allow for representation of the ground, the structural
elements used for initial and final ground support, and enable an approximation
of the construction sequence.
Material Models:
In representing the ground, the structural models shall account for the
characteristics of the tunneling medium. Material models used to describe
the behavior of the ground shall apply suitable constitutive laws to account
for the elastic, as well as inelastic ranges of the respective materials.
distinguish between a “green” shotcrete when installed and when it has
hardened to its 28-day design strength. Green shotcrete is typically simulated
using a lower modulus of elasticity in the computations. A value of
approximately 1/3 of the elastic modulus of cured shotcrete is commonly used to
approximate green shotcrete in 2-D applications. In 3-D simulations the
shotcrete may be modeled with moduli of elasticity in accordance with the
anticipated strength gain in the respective round where it is installed.
The installation of the final tunnel lining generally occurs once all deformations
of the tunnel opening have ceased. To account for this fact the calculations
perform installation of the final lining into a stress-free state. The final lining
becomes loaded only in the long-term resulting from a (partial) deterioration of
the initial support (shotcrete initial lining and rock bolts in any), rheological long-
term effects and ground water if applicable. Although modeling of the final lining
is often undertaken by embedded frame analyses its analysis within a ground-
structure interaction numerical model will be most appropriate and can follow
directly after the initial support is installed.
In addition to the ground loads, the concrete lining will be loaded with
hydrostatic loads in un-drained or partially drained waterproofing systems. This
load case generally occurs well before the final lining is loaded with any ground
loads and shall be considered separately in the calculations.
Section forces and stresses for beam (2-D) or shell (3-D) elements are
ascertained from modeling. Section force and moment combinations are used to
evaluate the capacity of the initial shotcrete and final concrete linings using
accepted concrete design codes. (Refer Clause No. 1.7 of this chapter).
Based on this evaluation the adequacy of lining thickness and its reinforcement
(if any) is assessed. If the selected dimensions are found not to be adequate
then the model must be re-run with increased dimensions and/or reinforcement.
The process is an iterative approach until the design codes are satisfied.
These calculations do not distinguish between the type of lining application and
therefore shotcrete and cast-in-place final linings are treated in the same
manner within the program using the material properties and characteristics of
Structural codes should be used cautiously. Most codes have been written for
above ground structures on the basis of assumptions that do not consider
ground-lining interaction. Accordingly, the blind application of structural design
codes is likely to produce limits on the capacity of linings that are not warranted
in light of the substantial contributions from the ground and the important
influence of construction method on both the capacity and cost of linings.
American Road Tunnel Manual specifies use of American Concrete Institute
(ACI), ACI 318 and AASTHO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications with mention
of use of German Industry Standard DIN 1045 for cast-in-place concrete final
lining by some authorities.
Chapter 8: Instrumentation & Monitoring
1.0 General
Geotechnical instrumentation & monitoring programs are carried out for one
or more of the following purposes:
May be used to obtain data from pilot tunnels, or shafts which can be
used for design of tunnel.
Decisions regarding design of final lining may be taken.
3. Construction Control:
be selected and placed to assist in answering a specific question. If
there is no question, there should be no instrumentation.
1.3 Instrument selection and locations:
Excavation of adjacent openings, including effects of blasting.
Installation of lining or other ground support.
Installation of drains or grouting.
Unusual events (ground instability, excess water inflows, etc.).
Continued monitoring of groundwater inflow into the tunnel.
(2) Usually, variations in the geology or rock quality have a great effect on
monitoring data. While it is generally recommended to map the
geology along an important underground facility during construction, it
is especially important in the vicinity of extensive monitoring
(5) Plan data collection and data management: The plan of data
collection includes details about frequency of readings, data
transmission and data storage. Readings may be taken at intervals,
continuously (real time), depending on specific construction stages or
time events. Written procedures for collecting, processing, presenting,
interpreting, reporting, and implementing data should be prepared
before instrumentation work commences in the field
1.6 Following instruments are typically used to measure the above parameters:
6. Shotcrete stress cell to measure stress in shotcrete
7. Piezometer to measure pore water pressure around tunnel
8. Convergence measurement by mechanical methods-tape extensometer
9. Convergence measurement by optical methods- Prism Targets
10. Inclinometer and magnetic settlement devices: to monitor lateral
movements (x and y directional movements) and settlements (z
directional movements) around a tunnel excavation or on a slope.
11. Measuring Anchor or rock bolt extensometer to measure distribution of
load exerted on grouted rock bolts
12. Geophone: to determine seismic response
Chapter 9: Drainage
The planning and design of a tunnel drainage system should begin from
geotechnical exploration phase itself with an assessment of the potential sources
and volumes of water expected during and after construction.
The drainage arrangements for the keeping off and removing of water may be
classified broadly in following categories:-
ii. Dewatering of the tunnel i.e. removing the water that has entered
the tunnel during the construction of tunnel. During construction,
water may come in the tunnel from the following sources:-
Wash water , which is used for washing drill holes and water from
other construction related activities
Ground or sub-soil water
iii. Permanent drainage i.e. removing the water from the tunnel after
its completion. After construction, water may come in the tunnel from
the following sources:-
Chapter 10:Ventilation, lighting & Fire safety
the light within, identify possible obstacles, and negotiate their
passage without reducing speed.
To let the inspectors or workers at track level could clearly see the
track elements/condition or go through their routine inspections
without using flashlights.
1.2.1 Design of tunnel lighting systems: The design of the lighting system should
Chapter 11: Tunnel Survey
6. Specifications stating the accuracy requirements and the required quality
control and quality assurance requirements, including required
qualifications for surveyors. Minimum requirements to the types and
general stability of construction benchmarks and alignment posts may
also be stated.
7. Benchmarks and alignment posts are sometimes located where they may
be affected by the work or on swelling or soft ground where their stability
is in doubt. Such benchmarks and alignment posts should be secured to
safe depth.
8. Where existing structures and facilities may be affected by settlements or
groundwater lowering during construction, preconstruction surveys should
be conducted to establish a baseline for future effects. Such surveys
should preferably be supplemented by photographs.
Chapter 12: Problems in Tunnelling
• Daylighting,
• Underground collapse,
• Rock burst,
• Inrush of water and
• Portal collapse
Fig: Daylighting due to Insufficient cover to surface
Underground collapses: This type of collapse does not reach the surface.
These can be subdivided into:-
Rock burst: Rock burst is a term used to describe rock failures ranging in
magnitude from the explosion of small fragments of rock from underground
excavation faces or side walls to sudden collapse of a large section of a
tunnel or an excavation. A burst is defined as a sudden and violent explosion
of rock in or around an excavation. Failure is normally associated with high
stress and brittle or brittle-elastic materials.
The occurrence of rock bursts in deep mining tunnels is well known and
requires special precautions during construction and adoption of appropriate
support measures. Basically, the most common form of rock burst
manifestation is the sudden ejection into the excavation of fractured and
detached rocks from the tunnel periphery due to a rapid strain relief process.
Portal collapses: The portal areas frequently represent some of the most
problematic points during the excavation of a tunnel. Several factors, for
example the direction of excavation, the morphology of the site, the geo-
mechanical characteristics of the terrain etc. influence the portal problems.
While it is highly desirable that the location selected for the portal be in fresh
rock with cover of the same order as tunnel width and height, environmental
constraints or other relevant considerations will sometimes dictate that the
portal be located where there is low cover, weathered rock, or even soil.
Where rock is exposed, the preconstruction of a reinforced concrete portal
structure will still be of substantial assistance.
rocks usually contain water and can be under appreciable hydrostatic
pressure head. Consequently they can possess the ability to rapidly flow
into an excavation if disturbed by underlying or adjacent tunneling
b) High rock stress: Instability due to excessively high rock stress is also
generally associated with hard rock and can occur when mining at great
depth or when very large excavations are created at reasonably shallow
depth. Tunnelling in steep mountain regions or unusually weak rock
conditions can also give rise to stress-induced instability problems.
f) Groundwater aspects: The presence of groundwater in very large
quantities is recognized as a major hazard in addition to causing
operational difficulties in respect of tunnel construction works. Potential
problems from groundwater inflow during tunnelling can be predicted to a
large extent in many situations by a comprehensive site investigation
employing deep boreholes. Predicting with accuracy the likely water inflow
quantities is, however, difficult, and detailed monitoring and regular
review of conditions together with the adoption of special measures such
as de-watering or injection programs need consideration.
In the field its quite hard to distinguish between squeezing and swelling
especially since both the conditions are often present at the same time.
Swelling may continue as long as free water and swelling minerals are
The squeezing ground can be distinguished from swelling ground on the basis
that under the former, the movement is visible as soon as the excavation is
made, on other hand, swelling ground is relatively slow process and the time
factor is involved.
not constructed to specified thickness, insufficient shotcrete strength and
thickness, belated placing of the means of support.
Every collapse requires careful analysis because, on the one hand, the cost
questions have to be settled, and on the other hand, conclusions for the
continuation of work can be drawn from the knowledge gained in this way.
Usually, the problem results from a combination of several unfavourable
i) Tunnel Engineering Hand Book, By: John O. Bickel, Thomas R. Kuesel,
Elwyn H. King, 1997.
viii) IS 4880-1987 Part -1, Code of practice for design of tunnel conveying
water- General Design.
ix) IS 4880-1976 Part -2, Code of practice for design of tunnel conveying
water- Geometric Design.
xi) IS 4880-1971 Part -4, Code of practice for design of tunnel conveying
water- Structural Design of concrete lining in rock
xvii) IS 5878-1971 Part -2 section 2 Code of practice for construction of tunnel-
part-II underground excavation in rock-section 2: ventilation, lighting,
mucking and dewatering
xxix) BIS Code no. 4081-1986, Safety Code For Blasting and Related Drilling
xxx) BIS No. 7293-1974, Safety Code for working with construction Machinery.
xxxi) BIS Code No. 4756-1978, Safety Code for Tunneling Work.