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Final Thesis Output Group 4

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An Undergraduate Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the

Chair of St. Peter School

In Partial Fulfillment for the Subject

Research in Daily Life II

Gonzales, Shaina Dyanne A.

Buniel, Collin Q.

Solomon, Yssa Jade B. Solomon

Fariñas, Charles Benedict A.



Acknowledgments……………………………………………………………………………… [4]
Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………..[5]

The Problem and its Background of the Study…………………………………………….[8-10]
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………….[11]
Conceptual framework……………………………………………………………………[12]
Theoretical framework……………………………………………………………………[13-14]
Scope and delimitation……………………………………………………………………[14]
Significance of the study………………………………………………………………….[15-16]
Definition of terms………………………………………………………………………..[17-18]

Related literature…………………………………………………………………………[19-21]
Related studies………………………………………………………………………...…[21-23]

Research Design……………………………………………………………………….….[26]
Research Locale ………………………………………………………...……………..…[26]
Population and Sampling…………………………………………………………………[27]
Respondents of the study…………………………………………………………………[27]
Data gathering procedure……………………………………………....…………………[27]

Research Instrumentation…………………………………………………………………[28-29]
Statistical treatment……………………………………………………………………….[29-32]

Table 1…………………………………………………………………………………….[30]
Table 2…………………………………………………………………………………….[33]
Textual Interpretation 1………………………………………………………………....[34]

Table 3………………………………………………………………….…………………[34]
Textual Interpretation 2……………………………………………………..…………..[34]

Table 4………………………………………………………………………….…………[36]
Textual Interpretation 3…………………………………………………….………..[36-37]

Table 5…………………………………………………………………………………….[38]
Textual Interpretation 4………………………………………….…………………..[38-39]

Summary of findings………………………………………………………………………[41]

Curriculum vitae………………………………………………………………….…….[56-63]


First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge Our Almighty God for the guidance,
wisdom and for all the blessings that we all receive. He has been our inspiration upon conducting
this research to seek on how can technology help people to know God. We would like to
acknowledge his endless protection and the strength that He gave to us even though our research
study is kind of broad, but thankfully, we were able to accomplished and finish this study with no
hesitations and fear in our hearts but rather full of motivation to use technology to help others
discover God.

The completion of this study could not have been possible without the expertise of Miss
Gaby Perez, our beloved thesis adviser. Her guidance and advice carried us through all stages of
writing this project. We would also like to thank our committee for letting our defense be an
enjoyable moment, and for your brilliant comments and suggestions, we thank you all. To our
dearest adviser Miss Nelbie Bayran, we would like to acknowledge her for helping and guiding
us on how to construct our research study from formulating our topic until we had successfully
defended our thesis and in life which we will all treasure forever. We also wish to express our
gratitude to the teachers and other staff members of Chair of St. Peter School who rendered their
help during the period of our project work.

Lastly, we would also like to acknowledge our dear parents who are willingly provide for
us and help us to have the best quality of education and for raising us as a God-fearing, persevering,
diligent and a humble person. They might be strict but we know that they are only thinking of our
welfare, their kind cooperation and encouragement which help us a lot in completing this project.

This research here entitled:


LAGUNA S.Y 2021-2022

Prepared and submitted by SHAINA DYANNE A. GONZALES, COLLIN Q. BUNIEL,


of the requirements for the strand, Accountancy Business and Management has been examined

and recommended for approval.

Ms. Gabrielle Perez


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of

Ms. Nelbie Bayran
Research Facilitator

Shaina Dyanne Gonzales Yssa Jade B. Solomon

Member Member

Collin Q. Buniel Charles Benedict A. Fariñas

Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the strand, Accountancy, Business


Ms. Iryne M. Decena



We would like to dedicate this study to business owners most especially milk tea shop owners

for they are one of the entrepreneurs who work so hard since day one. Also, we owe them so

much for the passion that they have to serve their costumers’ needs and wants. Also, due to

them, we the researchers who are also fond of milk tea and is on the ABM )Acccountancy and

Business Management Track), they had been our source of insight of a research topic because

they are the one of the most best-selling products in the country and all-aorund the world which

was being enjoyed by both kids and adults. We would also like to dedicate this to our Thesis

Adviser, Ms. Gabrielle Peres for the guidance that she had given to us throughout the times that

we are working oin our research paper. Also, to Mr. Malamig, our statistician who helped us in

our computations and statistical matters in our research study. In addition, to Miss Nelbie

Bayran, our class adviser who is one of those who guided us from the making of the research

paper into the Mock and Final Thesis defense. Furthermore, For the group 4, which us, for

helping each other to successfully accomplish this research study and also for helping to

distribute my survey questionnaires and for helping to improve our research output. I also want

to dedicate this to our parents for supporting us in our studies and for honing us of our skills.

Lastly, I would like to dedicate this to our dearest Alma Mater, Chair of St. Peter School, who

have honed us both Academically and Spiritually and the ones who believed I our capabilities

and made us realize that every impossible can be made into possible ones.


Facebook is a social networking website where users may establish profiles, share
information about themselves such as images and quotes, and reply to or link to material posted
by others. This social media site was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and is often referred
to as a multi-purpose application because it can be used for a variety of purposes including
entertainment, expressing thoughts, sharing news, timely and relevant events, and selling;
especially given the current global pandemic, which necessitates sellers and buyers having less
physical contact. Milk tea is a very popular drink that is enjoyed by people of all ages, from
children to the elderly. It is being patronized not merely because it is a fad, but also because its
flavor is satisfactory, particularly for snacks, appetizers, and refreshers. It’s a beverage that comes
in a variety of tastes and varieties from all over the world (Artful Teas, 2019). The researchers
chose this subject because they wanted to see how using Facebook as a marketing tool affects milk
tea sales and popularity in Balibago, Santa Rosa, Laguna. This study attempts to learn how
Facebook is used and how it helps milk tea stores in Balibago, Santa Rosa, and Laguna enhance
sales with the hypothesis of, there’s no significant relationship between Facebook as a marketing
tool and in increase on sales of Milk tea shops. To get the data and results , the researchers used
google forms to conduct a survey then to get the results, the Researchers used, frequency and
percentage distribution, Likert scale, standard deviation, and Pearson r correlation. The hypothesis;
0.94 > 0.89, was rejected due to the result that the researchers garnered. There’s a significant
relationship between Facebook as a marketing tool and in increase on sales of Milk tea shops.

Chapter 1
The Problem and its Background of the Study


According to (Freedman, 2020), Facebook is an online social networking website where

people can create profiles, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves, and

respond to or link to the information posted by others. This social media site was founded by

Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and this was often considered a multi-purpose application because it

can be used in various ways such as for entertaining, expressing thoughts, sharing news, timely

and relevant events and it can also be used in selling; most especially that it is a time of global

pandemic which requires sellers and buyers to have less physical contact.

Facebook lets you upload pictures and videos, especially for business matters; which can

be a powerful way to communicate with customers and potential customers, allowing them to see

your product or services without visiting your location. This function can be used to promote

your small business. Facebook Analytics allows users to analyze page insights. Reports to see

how many likes, views, comments, and shares can be seen in page insights. By using this data,

you can measure how your business is progressing and what changes can be done to improve

business engagement.

Based on the article entitled “Facebook for Business: Everything You Need to Know”

(Business News Daily, 2020) that there are more than 2.7 total billion active users, making it an

important platform for small business social media marketing because it can provide them

several ways to promote their services and to boost recognition. This makes Facebook a

convenient platform especially for small business owners because it paves a way for them to gain

customers and profit amidst the time of global crisis.

Milk tea is a very popular drink that is being patronized by all ages starting from the

younger up to the adult ones. It is being patronized not just because it is a trend but rather for

such reason that they are satisfied with its taste most especially for snacks, appetizers, and

refreshers. It can be considered a beverage that comes in different variations and flavors from

throughout the world (Artful Teas, 2019).

Milk tea has originally evolved in Taiwan in the early 1980s as a small tea stand. In

1983, Liu Han-Chie introduced tapioca pearls in Taiwan which it had given birth to a beverage

that is not just the usual tea that people enjoy. Moreover, this beverage is described to be a

beverage in which the tapioca pearls were being put first in a clear cup and then poured into the

tea mixed with sweetened milk, and after it was shaken well and it is ready to go. The tapioca

pearls also looked like bubbles, and thus have become known as "Bubble Tea."

As Filipinos rank as the second-highest milk tea consumers in Southeast Asia, it’s evident

that milk tea has become one of the favorite drinks of the Filipino people despite being a foreign

beverage from Taiwan (Ichimura, 2019). Milk tea orders in Southeast Asia saw a 3,000%

increase in 2018. In the Philippines alone, orders increased by 3,500% from June to December

2018 according to Ichimura. Due to the trend and rapid growth of milk tea businesses in the

country, many entrepreneurs are pursuing starting this kind of business.

. Due to its popularity, many entrepreneurs are into this kind of business either in

commercial areas like malls, some market areas, supermarkets, and even at homes and in some

villages, being sold because it is being patronized by consumers all over again. But due to this

time and amidst of pandemic, the sales of milk tea had somehow decreased due to restrictions

and health protocols promulgated in the whole country and in different regions, including the

research locale which is at Balibago Santa Rosa Laguna.

As stated by (Al Ghamdi, et al., 2014), Facebook is considered an effective marketing

tool. It has millions of users globally and organizations of all types can create accounts and

profiles to reach the market segment that they want and place their brands effectively. He also

added that Facebook with its visual and textual components can provide organizations with the

positioning of branding that they want. This implies that different milk tea shops find Facebook

as an effective marketing tool to be able to segment and promote their brand well to showcase it

to different customers for them to attract customers to buy the products and services that their

brand offers.

The researchers had chosen this topic because they had an interest in how using

Facebook as a marketing tool affects the sales and the popularity of milk tea in Balibago, Santa

Rosa, Laguna, which had been relevant, since the past years in which milk tea was enjoyed by

different kinds of people and our curiosity brought us to such question on how Facebook

contributes in increasing the sales of milk tea shops and how do different milk tea shops find

Facebook as an effective marketing tool for their business. Also, we had chosen Balibago Santa

Rosa Laguna as our research locale since it was considered to be a commercial place and many

different businesses were being out up there most especially those milk tea shops that were being

popularly patronized by people of all ages.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the usage of Facebook and how does it help increase the sales of

milk tea shops in Balibago, Santa Rosa, and Laguna. Also, the researcher would like to discover

how does Facebook help milk tea shops grab the attention of the consumers to patronize their

products despite the pandemic that is currently occurring. Through this study, the researchers

would like to find answers to the following questions:

1.) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name of Milk tea Shop

1.2 Years of Business Operation

1.3 Location of the Milk tea Shop

2.) How does Facebook as an effective marketing tool help increase the sales of milk tea shops

in Balibago Santa Rosa Laguna?

3.) Is there significant relationship between Facebook as a Marketing Platform and the

increase on sales of Milk tea shops.


Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant relationship between Facebook as a marketing

platform and the increase on sales of Milktea shops in Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this conceptual framework is to identify how Facebook’s effectiveness as

a marketing tool affects the sales increase of Milk tea shops in Balibago.




Figure 1: Research Paradigm

As seen in figure 1, The independent variable is Facebook which is used as an effective

marketing tool by milk tea businesses on promoting their brand and their products that contributes

to the increase in sales of milk teas shops in Balibago, Santa Rosa Laguna.

Theoretical Framework

This study was supported by variety of theories that elaborated and hold the process

involved in the study. These theories are:

Social Influence Theory- Knoll (2016) found that social theories (e.g. social identify and

social influence) are often used in social media research due to the influence of social relationships

formed through the creation and exchange of content by users on these sites (Kaplan & Haenlein,

2010). Social influence thus ensues when one’s feelings, opinions, or behaviors are impacted by

others. Social influence can be seen in socialization, persuasion, marketing, or, as in this study,

advertising. Creating a connection with other users or brands as a Facebook friend is thus enough

to make that individual or brand a source of influence, and social influence via these systems is

spontaneous (Aral & Walker, 2011). Therefore, as soon as an individual forms a connection with

an advertised brand, social influence can occur without any additional action from the brand. In

addition to understanding the relational aspect of Facebook, the use of social influence theories

also shows that information and interaction resulting from these social relationships can influence

users’ perceptions and decision-making processes by encouraging promotion or prevention

strategies, as reflected by RFT (Regulatory Focus Theory).

Regulatory Focus Theory- In addition, According to Wirtz and Lewin (2009), the

regulatory focus can be instigated by situational and relational factors – that is, advertisements

(situational) and social media (relational) in the context of this study. Individuals learn from their

exchanges with others to regulate themselves in relation to promotion- or prevention-focused


strategies. Conceivably, therefore, consumers’ interactions with a brand or brand message could

depend on consumers’ promotion-focused or prevention-focused tendencies to achieve desired

outcomes. The promotional (or approach) behaviors described by RFT focus on nurturance-

related gains (Higgins, 1997). Accordingly, users with a positive attachment to social media enjoy

gains such as affirmation, enjoyment, and connection (Van Meter, Grisaffe, & Chonko, 2015).

Scope and Delimitations

The general focus of this study is to know how Facebook is being used as a business

platform affects the sales of the milk tea shops and does Facebook marketing contributes to the

increase in the sales of milk tea shops in Balibago, Santa Rosa, Laguna. The research locale that

the researchers have chosen is Balibago Santa Rosa, Laguna due to such reason that it is a

commercial area wherein there are varieties of businesses established there most especially milk

tea shops which is being patronized by many people both residents and non-residents of Balibago;

which makes it popular in the said area most especially by kids, young millennials, adults and

elders. The chosen research locale can help provide the researchers with the source of data for the

completion of the research study. The number of respondents will be a total of 15 respondents.

But the respondents that we’ve been to respond to were 11 out of 15 respondents. This study is

conducted on October 8, 2021, and is finished on March 20, 2022.


Significance of the Study

The goal of this study is to determine the effects of using Facebook on the sales increase

of milk tea shops in Balibago Santa Rosa Laguna. Also, through this study, the researchers would

be able to contribute different information, facts, and other knowledge that can be shared with

society, future researchers, the dear alma mater, milk tea shop owners, ABM students, and the field

of business and entrepreneurship.

By conducting this study, the researcher can also give the readers and future researchers a

reference of information about milk tea businesses and the usage of Facebook as a marketing and

business platform for different businesses.

For Existing milk tea shop owners. This can help them to know using Facebook as a

marketing strategy and a business platform to showcase their products and advertise them so that

the customers from wherever place they are can know about their product and so that it can cause

its customers the convenience to know more about their business.

For Future food and beverages business owners. This can help to provide them with

ideas on how to increase their sales and how can they make their products known to many.

For Customers. This can help them to be informed of businesses that advertise their

products and services through Facebook.

For Researchers. It can help them to identify if Facebook as a Business platform helps

the food business owners in Balibago Santa Rosa Laguna to increase their sales.

For Respondents. It can help them in a way that through their opinions and responses, it

can give such benefit on how to determine the problem and solution on the said study.

For Future researchers. This can help them to have such knowledge if they will be using

the same type of research study and can be used as a reference to speed up the finishing of their

study and for them to easily defend it.


Definition of Terms:

For a better understanding and interpretation of the study, the following terms were clearly


Facebook- An application that lets you upload pictures and videos, especially for

the business matter; which can be a powerful way to communicate with customers

and potential customers , allowing them to see your product or services without

visiting your location.

Milk Tea- It is considered a beverage that comes with different variation and

flavors from throughout the world.

Marketing tool- A system, techniques, strategies, resources, technology, and

materials used by companies or marketing professionals to create and implement

marketing campaigns that successfully promote their products and services.

Sales- The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something.

Social Media Platform- A system for disseminating information over the Internet

to a selected group of followers. It is used by people to publish their daily activities,

comments and photos as well as re-publish information posted by others.

Traditional Marketing- refers to any type of marketing that isn't online. This

means print, broadcast, direct mail, phone, and outdoor advertising like

billboards. This method of marketing are using non-technological objects to reach

a certain target market.

Social Marketing- a process that applies marketing principles and techniques to

create, communicate and deliver value in order to influence target audience


behaviors that benefit society such as public health, safety, the environment, and

communities as well as the target audience.

Messenger- a free mobile messaging app used for instant messaging, sharing

photos, videos, audio recordings and for group chats.

Milk Tea Shop- the establishment where milk tea beverages were being sold.

Word of Mouth- is a type of marketing strategy when a consumer's interest in a

company's product or service is reflected in their daily dialogues.

Friendvertising- an advertising strategy that uses various social media as a means

to develop personal and participatory relationships between consumers and brands

/ companies.

Mark Zuckerberg- is an American media magnate, internet entrepreneur, and

philanthropist. He is known to be the founder of the most famous social media site,

which is Facebook.

Chapter 2
The Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents a report of an investigation regarding this topic. Also, indicated

here is the information from different sources to contribute to the research topic which the

researchers have gathered to serve as proof or evidence and to support the claims of the study.

Also, this section provides a basis for answers to the questions that are indicated in the

statement of the problem.

Related Literature
According to (Nair 2011), Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms

and its increasing adoption by businesses is leading to the shift from traditional marketing to

social marketing. Researchers claim this statement that Facebook is the most popular social

media marketing tool that businesses use especially milk tea shops for it is the most widely used

application by many people in all parts of the world including the Philippines. Also, it is easy to

access and Facebook has special features that businesses can use to promote their products not

just locally but also around the world and also since messenger is associated with Facebook, it

can help sellers and costumers to contact one another upon dealing on the purchase of the

products and services.

In the past few years, Facebook has emerged as the dominant social media platform

which is supplementing traditional media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, and television

programs (Melville et al. 2009). Many businesses like food businesses, skincare, and others like

Milk Tea Shops are all into this platform using it as a marketing tool to be able to advertise their

products and services. Facebook plays a vital role as a marketing tool most especially in Milk

Tea shops because it helps these milk tea shops to showcase their products by posting them on

social media with perspective catchy captions to be able to get the taste and attention of the


Facebook customers and potential customers interact with companies by commenting,

liking, and sharing their posts, which usually contain product and brand information. This

information diffusion process will trigger the effect of word of mouth and eventually lead to a

“sales bump” (Stephen and Galak 2010; Trusov et al. 2008). Also, using Facebook Messenger

can be applicable since through that the customer and the seller can communicate with each

other regarding the products that the customer wants to purchase.

Facebook’s tools cater to business that wants to form an authentic relationship with their

audience. It allows marketers to create and distribute quality content that’s helpful for users. And

it allows sales and customer services reps to connect with consumers interested in a brand.

(HubSpot, 2021) This includes feedback and suggestions on how can milk tea companies

improve and innovate their products to provide satisfaction to every customer.

Although Facebook has a considerably greater audience than traditional media, it is a new

environment with new issues (Dan Zarrella, 2010)


Facebook, for example, can be an appealing tool for start-up enterprises to employ because it is

inexpensive (Wuorio, 2009), relatively simple to use, and allows the company to access a large

audience (Weinberg, 2009).

They can use social media to promote to customers and establish stronger, more profitable

relationships with them. It assists start-ups to overcome obstacles such as a restricted budget, a

lack of competence, and competing with larger companies (Cox, 2012).

Since social media tools like Facebook are inexpensive, quick to set up, and do not

require technical expertise to create a page or post an advertisement (Hopkins, 2012). Therefore,

almost every business now has a Facebook page to mark its presence on social media where

every user’s action can minutely be followed (Vejacka, 2012). Facebook pages enable a brand to

attract more customers, identify online customers, effectively communicate with them, and

understand their needs and expectations (Hopkins, 2012).

Related Studies

Facebook, as a popular social media platform, was launched in 2004, opened to the

public in 2006, and available to businesses in late 2007 (“History of Facebook” 2014).

It has become a ubiquitous information receiver and outlet. As of 2013, roughly 36% of all US

public companies and 50% of S&P 1500 companies have adopted Facebook (Zhou et al. 2014).

Facebook advertising is the most common internet media advertising technique. On the

other hand, the website and YouTube channels were the least used out of all the choices. As

stated by Ertugan (2017), Facebook advertising helps make bonds between consumers and


According to (Srinivasan et al., 2016), Social media provides a big help to businesses

with their brand awareness and brand trust, which implies a sturdy impact on customer

acquisition and customer retention.

Since social media can be a big help, business enterprises should take it to aim for their

sales growth and marketing. Effective advertisements rely on the tactics and techniques that

every business enterprise thought of. One of these tactics is social media usage. In addition,

Srinivasan et al. (2016) found out that if a business enterprise increased their time spent using

social media platforms, the market share would also increase. Giving some effort is a must to

gain brand trust for business enterprises’ sales growth and marketing.

Social media like Facebook has greatly changed the way businesses interact with their customers

and business owners must learn how to use social media in a way that is stable with their

business plan (Mangold and Faulds, 2009).

Facebook advertising into a viable traffic builder and advertising option for small and large size

businesses because of its sheer number of active users as well as the level of each user’s activity

on this social networking website, Facebook is considered an appealing platform for online

marketing specialists and online advertisers (Francisco, 2006).

Facebook communities where users are members are the most relevant for advertisers

(Casteleyn, Mottart, &Rutten, 2009). Through these communities, advertisers are able to identify

consumer tastes and likes, which are essential in helping to create market segmentation and

targeting and positioning strategies (Acar&Polonsky, 2007; Treadaway& Smith, 2010).


Marketers can gain valuable information on community members’ profiles and from the news

feed statements that users post on their walls and pages (Casteleyn, Mottart, &Rutten, 2009).

This information can then be used for direct marketing purposes.

In addition to that, based on the study by Reymond L. Mallari and Sarah Mae C. Ibay

entitled “Social media as a promotion and marketing strategy and its effect on the customers’

satisfaction with business enterprises”, Being more creative in the techniques or strategies shall

be utilized in using social media to catch the customers’ attention and gain customers’

satisfaction with promotion and marketing strategy. Engaging and focusing on utilizing social

media as an advertisement tool is needed in promotion and marketing strategies to improve the

relationship and importance in every enterprise of Milk teashop (Mallari & Ibay, 2020).


Facebook has been proven to be an effective marketing tool for advertising the products

and services of different businesses for the past few years not only clothing or services

businesses, but also food and beverage businesses which is where milk tea shops belong at. Ever

since the global pandemic, many milk tea shops were already using Facebook as their marketing

tool to advertise to the public and to be able to attract customers by showcasing their products.

As stated in the study of C Assimakopoulos (2017) entitled, Effective social media

marketing strategy: Facebook as an opportunity for universities, he concluded that Social media

has a significant role to play in the creation of the brand experience on the Internet for both firms

and education institutions (Kavoura, 2014). Facebook can be an effective marketing tool to

promote research and educational activities within and outside classes and spread them using

viral marketing techniques to affect the intangible factors influencing the choice of prospective

students (Khan, 2013).

Also, based on the literature and studies above, (Srinivasan et al., 2016), quoted that

Social media provides a big help to businesses on their brand awareness and brand trust, which

implies a sturdy impact on customer acquisition and customer retention.

The usage of Facebook as a marketing tool was already relevant ever before the

pandemic in which that different businesses such as milk tea shops were already having their

perspective Facebook pages where they will post all about their products and services including

the future happenings and progress that happens in their business and they also usually talk to

their costumers online but it is not yet very relevant since many people choose to go to the milk

tea establishment and be served there rather than doing it virtually and contactless.

Also, Maurer (2011) stated on his study entitled “Effectiveness of Advertising on Social

Network Sites: A Case study on Facebook” which says:

Facebook can be an effective marketing tool for branding and for building a relationship with

customers. Social network sites provide an ideal platform to communicate with users and interact

with them to gain more information about their interests, preferences, needs, wants, and demands.

Their goal is to become the operating system of the internet and to make the world more open and

transparent by giving everyone the right to share and connect (Facebook, 2010d; Laudon & Traver,


This so-called friendvertising is the strongest advantage of Facebook marketing because

organizations can use this system of connections through the social graph to reach as many users

as possible. Friendvertising is successful because consumer behavior always reflects their network

and users are most likely to copy the behavior of their friends and opinion leaders because they

trust them. The overall goal is that users include a brand message in their conversations with their

friends. The news feed is the most important feature for viral marketing. An example is Facebook.

Connect which allows users to share content from other sites with their friends and to inform them

about their activities outside of Facebook (Facebook, 2009; Facebook, 2007; Geminder, 2007;

Holzner, 2009; Laudon & Traver, 2008; Tuten, 2008; Vander Veer, 2008).

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the discussion on the research methodology of the study, the subjects,

sampling technique, research instrument, procedure of data gathering, and statistical treatment that

will be used for accurate data analysis and interpretation. It also contains the criteria and profile of

the chosen respondents who will answer the survey questionnaire. This also contains the scope and

limitations that include the research setting where the sample data are being gathered. The

researchers also discussed here how they gathered and collected the data on the chosen specific

research setting where the respondents are residing at. The instruments being used in collection

and gathering are also contained here which helped the researcher to easily reach her respondents.

Research Design

The descriptive research design was adopted in this study to describe, record, analyze, and

interpret the influence and the effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing tool. As stated by Shona

McCombes (2019), the descriptive research design tries to characterize a population, circumstance,

or phenomenon in a methodical and precise manner. It can answer the questions of what, where,

when, and how, but not why.

Research Locale

The researchers engage this study mainly on Balibago, Santa Rosa City of Laguna during

the School Year 2021-2022. The chosen respondents were also residing here and the researchers

had chosen this as the research setting to be able to have accessibility to the data that will be

gathered from the respondents of the study. Since that Balibago is known to be one of the most

commercial places in Santa Rosa Laguna where different businesses were established it can help

the researchers to gather enough data that they will need for their research.

Population and Sampling

The sampling technique that will be used for this research study is Simple Random

Sampling which is defined as a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the

subset has an equal probability of being chosen. In which the respondents fill out a questionnaire

centered on the subjects of interest.

Respondents of the study

The researchers wished to apply the results to its population of 10-15 Milk tea shops in

Balibago Santa Rosa, Laguna who use the Facebook app as their platform on increasing the sales

of their business. A total of 15 respondents served as the population which was the official subjects

used in the research.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval made by the research adviser from the Chair of St. Peter School, the

researchers will decide to start and undergo the procedure of accumulating data. In addition, the

use of social media platforms like Messenger will be the channel of communication between the

researcher and respondents the use of Google Forms link will be administered easily through the

following steps such as:

*Sending a private message to different Milk tea shop owners and telling them about the

objective of the research study.


*Ask their permission if they can answer the survey questionnaire to be able to get their


*Send the link to the survey questionnaire and wait for their responses for at least 2-5 days.

*Collect the responses to get them ready for computation, analysis, and interpretation.

This study used primary and secondary sources of data. It was primarily centered on the

business experiences using Facebook of selected respondents from Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

All information was evaluated through the use of supporting related literature and studies where

the researchers have adopted methodologies such as surveying tools and scales.


The researchers had chosen instruments to be used for data collection and it is through

Online survey questionnaires through the use of Google Forms which will be distributed to the

chosen respondents by sending the link to those respondents through the use of private messages

to be able to gather more data from the respondents who are residing farther from the

researcher’s address. The researchers had given all of their respondents of the online survey.

They had chosen these data collection methods because of these reasons:

*It guarantees a high percentage of response from the respondents

*It makes the researcher have an easy way of computing and compiling the data

is gathered

* It makes the researcher know the opinions of different people from different owners of

Milk tea shops to know how Facebook contributes to their sales.

*It makes the gathered data to be easily analyzed and interpreted


*It makes the respondents define and cite their opinions about the problem that is

indicated in the researcher’s research study.


The calculation of data will be evaluating the results of the questionnaire variables through

the collection from the respondents. The interpretation of the descriptive survey

answers will be measuring and analyzing with the use of the formulas below.

1.) Frequency and Percentage Distribution

This will be used to determine and show the percentage usually for data on profile

in terms of age. The formula is:

𝑃= × 100

Where in:



N=total number of respondents

2. Likert Scale
A Likert scale usually provides five possible responses to a statement or question,

allowing respondents to indicate their level of agreement or feeling about the topic or statement

on a positive-to-negative scale. Researchers utilize a Likert scale, which is a one-dimensional

scale, to collect respondents’ attitudes and opinions. This psychometric scale is frequently used

by researchers to learn about people’s attitudes regarding a brand, a product, or a target market.

According to (Lindsay Liedke, 2021), Using a Likert scale is a highly reliable and

straightforward approach to evaluate attitude, visitors’ thoughts, or feelings toward your brand.

Using a variety of questions can offer you a lot of power. This is to be used to measure the

effects of Facebook in increasing the sales of Milk tea shops.

Table 1

Scoring Evaluation

5 Strongly agree

4 Agree

3 Neutral

2 Disagree

1 Strongly disagree

3. Standard Deviation

-is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean and is

calculated as the square root of the variance. It provides an indication of how far the

individual responses to a question vary or "deviate" from the mean. SD tells the

researcher how spread out the responses are. Either they are concentrated around the

mean or scattered far and wide.


This will be used to determine the measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the

mean. The formula is:


σ = population standard deviation

∑ = summation

Xi = each value from the population

μ = population mean

N = number of values in the population

4. Pearson r correlation

- The Pearson r correlation will help the study to messenger the relationship

between Facebook as a marketing platform and the increase on sales of Milk

tea shops. The formula for this statistical treatment is;


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the gathered data which were analyzed and interpreted for a

clearer understanding of the study. The framework of the analysis and interpretation is guided by

the problems stated in Chapter 1.

Table 2

Demographic profile of respondents per milk tea shop in Barangay Balibago

Name of milk tea shops Location No. of samples
Altambayan café Block 9 Lot Florenceville 1
Bon Appetea Prime Balibago 1583, Manila S Rd, 1
Balibago. Santa Rosa,
Caffé Arabica National high way San 1
DONY's Café Naturaleza 543 Bienvenido Tan St, 1
Leyco Subdivision,
Balibago, Santa Rosa, 4026
Driptea 31B PUROK 4 F Reyes St. 1
Ilovemilktea-balibago 1438 Rizal Blvd Balibago, 1
Santa Rosa Laguna
In-Tea-Mate Purok 5 Barangay Balibago 1
Sta. Rosa Laguna
Milk Tea Bar 2nd Floor CMS21 1
Commercial Building Purok
3, Balibago, Santa Rosa,
4026 Laguna
Sweet Tooth Purok 5 Barangay Balibago 1
Sta. Rosa Laguna
Ti Amo 694 Felix Reyes St. Talegra 1
Compound Purok 5 Balibago
Sta. Rosa Laguna
Urbanitea Francisco A. Canicosa Ave, 1
Balibago, Santa Rosa,
Weighted mean: 5.5

Textual Interpretation
Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents per milk tea shop and their location. The

location of all milk tea shops is Barangay Balibago.


Therefore, almost every business now has a Facebook page to mark its presence on social

media where every user’s action can minutely be followed (Vejacka, 2012). Facebook pages

enable a brand to attract more customers, identify online customers, effectively communicate

with them, and understand their needs and expectations (Hopkins, 2012).

Table 3
Percentage distribution on how long the business operate and how long it used Facebook as
a marketing tool
Items 1 2 3 Total Standard
1-6 months 7-12 months For more than a Deviation
How long does the (2) (1) (8) (11) 3.09
business operate? 18.2% 9.1% 72.7% 100%

How long does the (2) (1) (8) (11) 3.09

business use Facebook 18.2% 9.1% 72.7% 100%
as a marketing tool?
Weighted mean: 3.67

Textual Interpretation
Table 3 shows the percentage of how long the business operates and how long it used

Facebook as a marketing tool. In how long the business operates, 2 (18.2%) of the respondents

answered that they operate the business 1-6months, while 1 (9.1%) of the respondents responded

that they operate the business 7-12months and 8 (72.7%) of the respondents said that they operate

the business More than a year, same as the percentage in frequency in how long the business used

Facebook as a marketing tool.


Therefore, almost every business now has a Facebook page to mark its presence on social

media where every user’s action can minutely be followed (Vejacka, 2012) As seen in the data,

there were different intervals of business operation of different milk tea shops in Balibago Sta.

Rosa Laguna. Some operated for months and some for a year and some others were more than 1

year on their perspective businesses.

Engaging and focusing on utilizing social media as an advertisement tool is needed in

promotion and marketing strategies to improve the relationship and importance in every

enterprise of Milk teashop (Mallari & Ibay, 2020). Based on the data presented, it has been

proven that Facebook has been the most vital and effective marketing tool being used by

different business establishments including milk tea shops. According to (Nair 2011), Facebook

is one of the most popular social media platforms and its increasing adoption by businesses is

leading to the shift from traditional marketing to social marketing.


Table 4
Percentage distribution Facebook helps the business in increasing sales, gain popularity,

advertise the products, effective tools to advertise the product, easier to communicate, and

gain trust and loyalty

Items Item 1 2 3 4 5 Total Standard

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Deviation
disagree agree
Facebook helps (0) (0) (0) (2) (9) (11) 0.5
the business in 0% 0% 0% 18.2% 81.8% 100%
increasing sales.
Facebook helps (0) (0) (0) (1) (10) (11) 4.5
the business to 0% 0% 0% 9.1% 90.9% 100%
gain popularity
Facebook helps (0) (0) (0) (1) (10) (11) 4.5
business advertise 0% 0% 0% 9.1% 90.9% 100%
their products.
Facebook is an (0) (0) (0) (1) (10) (11) 4.5
effective tool to 0% 0% 0% 9.1% 90.9% 100%
advertise the
products of a
Facebook makes it (0) (0) (0) (5) (6) (11) 3.5
easier for 0% 0% 0% 45.5% 54.5% 100%
businesses to
communicate with
and contact their
Facebook helps (0) (0) (0) (5) (6) (11) 3.5
the business gain 0% 0% 0% 45.5% 54.5% 100%
customers’ trust
and loyalty.
Weighted mean: 5.5

Textual Interpretation

Table 4 shows the percentage and frequency of Facebook help the business in increasing

sales, gaining popularity advertise the product, an effective tool to advertise the product, easier to

communicate, and gaining customers’ trust and loyalty. In Facebook helps the business increase

sales, 9 (81.8%) of the respondents are “Strongly Agree” while 2 (18.2%) of the respondents

answered, “Agree”. Meanwhile, Facebook helps the business to gain popularity, 10 (90.9%) of the

respondents answered “Strongly agree” and 1 (9.1%) of the respondents answered “Agree”, same

as Facebook helps the business advertise the products and effective tools to advertising the product.

On the other hand, Facebook makes it easier to communicate, 6 (54.5%) of the respondents

responded Strongly Agree and 5 (45.5%) responded Agree, same Facebook helps the business

gain customers’ trust and loyalty.


Since social media can be a big help, business enterprises should take it to aim for their

sales growth and marketing. Effective advertisements rely on the tactics and techniques that

every business enterprise thought of. One of these tactics is social media usage. In addition,

Srinivasan et al. (2016) found out that if a business enterprise increased their time spent using

social media platforms, the market share would also increase. Giving some effort is a must toga a

brand trust for business enterprises' sales growth and market. Thus, implies that it was seen on

the data, Facebook has a 90.9% of effectivity in helping to advertise, gain popularity and

increase the sales of milk tea shops in Balibago Santa Rosa Laguna. Thus, Facebook can be an

effective marketing tool to promote research and educational activities within and outside classes

and spread them using viral marketing techniques to affect the intangible factors influencing the

choice of prospective students (Khan, 2013). Also, the data implies that Milk tea shops were

helped by Facebook to boost their popularity and sales and also increased the connectivity and

interaction between the sellers and consumers As stated by Ertugan (2017), Facebook

advertising helps make bonds between consumers and sellers.

Table 5

The significant relationship between Facebook as a marketing platform and the

increase on sales of Milk tea shops

Items Mean Standard Mean R-Tabular R- Interpretation

deviation difference at= 0.05 Computed
as a 3.67 3.09
marketing Very high
platform -1.83 = 0.89 = 0.94 positive
The correlation
increase on 5.5 3.5
sales of
Milk tea
Decision: Reject Ho since= 0.94 > 0.89

Textual Interpretation

Table 5 shows the significant relationship between Facebook as a marketing

platform and the increase on sales of Milk tea shops. The mean of Facebook as a marketing

platform is 3.67 with the standard deviation of 3.09 while the mean of increase on sales of

Milk tea shops is 5.5 with the standard deviation of 3.5 . The means difference between the

two is resulted as -1. 83 with the r tabular of 0.89 and r computed of 0.94 which interpreted

as very high positive correlation.


Therefore, the null hypothesis is being rejected because the value of r computed is

greater than the value of r tabular.. There’s a significant relationship between Facebook as

a marketing platform and the increase on sales of Milk tea shops.


According to (Nair 2011), Facebook is one of the most popular social media

platforms and its increasing adoption by businesses is leading to the shift from traditional

marketing to social marketing. Researchers claim this statement that Facebook is the most

popular social media marketing tool that businesses use especially milk tea shops for it is

the most widely used application by many people in all parts of the world including the

Philippines. Since social media can be a big help, business enterprises should take it to aim

for their sales growth and marketing. Effective advertisements rely on the tactics and

techniques that every business enterprise thought of. One of these tactics is social media

usage. In addition, Srinivasan et al. (2016) found out that if a business enterprise increased

their time spent using social media platforms, the market share would also increase. Giving

some effort is a must to gain brand trust for business enterprises’ sales growth and


Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter discusses the summary of findings, drawn conclusions, and the

recommendations made by the researchers. The gathered data presented in the previous chapter

was utilized as the main basis of the study, The Usage of Facebook as an Effective Marketing Tool

in increasing the sales of Milk tea shops in Balibago Sta. Rosa, Laguna. The results were

thoroughly analyzed through the use of statistical tools such as frequency and percentage

distribution and the Likert scale.

The main objective of the study is to measure the use of Facebook as an effective marketing tool

in increasing the sales of milk tea shops.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following specific questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name of Milk Tea Shop

1.2 Years of Business Operation

1.3 Location of the Milk tea Shop

2. How does Facebook help increase the sales of Milk tea shops in Balibago, Santa Rosa, and


3. Is there a customer relation management benefit gained with Facebook advertising?

4. Is Facebook an effective marketing tool in increasing the sales of milk tea shops?

Summary of Findings

1. Demographic profile of respondents per milk tea shops in Barangay Balibago.

Based on the results, there was a total of 11 milk tea shops in Balibago, Santa

Rosa Laguna that are being given out an online survey questionnaire and they are all

currently in operation since the opening day of their milk tea shops.

2. Percentage distribution of how long the business and how long it used Facebook as a

marketing tool.

Based on the results from 11 milk tea shops, 8 of them operates the business for more

than a year, the other 2 operates the business for almost 1 to 6 months and the other 1 operates

the business for almost 7 to 12 months.

3. Percentage distribution Facebook helps the business in increasing tales, gaining

popularity, advertising the products, effective tools to advertising the products, easier to

communicate, and gaining trust and loyalty.

On the results, findings revealed that Facebook helps the business increase sales based on

9 out of 11 milk tea shops (81.8%), Facebook helps the business to gain popularity and also, the

use of Facebook helps the business to advertise the products and Facebook is an effective tool to

promote the product of the business based from 10 out of 11 milk teashops (90.9%). Lastly,

Facebook makes the business easier to communicate with the customers, the Facebook helps the

business to gain popularity-based form 6 out of 11 milk tea shops (54.5%).



Based on the statistical analysis and the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


1. The Milk Tea Shops that were highly active in Balibago, Santa Rosa, Laguna based on the

data that there were only 11 milk tea shops that were very responsive and the majority of milk

tea shops operate their business for more or less than a year with the use of Facebook as a

marketing tool.

2. The majority of the Milk Tea Shops strongly agreed that Facebook affects sales through the

use of advertising products and by increasing sales.

3. Half of the Milk Tea Shops strongly agreed that the Facebook app enables the company to

easily communicate with customers and gain their trust and loyalty.

4. The majority of the Milk Tea shops strongly agreed that Facebook is an effective tool in

advertising the products, both to gain popularity and to increase sales of Milk Tea.


1. The Milk Tea Shops in Balibago, Sta Rosa, and Laguna should use Facebook to run their

businesses to maintain their advertising products, gain popularity, communicate more easily, and

gain more trust and loyalty from their customers.

2. Future business owners should consider looking at and browsing Facebook to develop a good

marketing strategy and ideas for their company.

3. Customers should create a Facebook account to be informed that the other businesses are still

existing and have easy access to a particular business.

4. The researchers should have a broad knowledge of the usage of Facebook.


5. The respondents should allow Facebook to be the channel of their business so, through that,

the business can gain information, opinions, and feedback that will help the business develop and


6. Future ABM students should study more about the effects of Facebook on other types of


7. Future researchers should conduct a study showing the comparison or relationship of the use

of Facebook to other social media apps in terms of increasing the sales of a business to come up

with a better recommendation.


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The main objective of this study is to know how Facebook is being used as business platform
affects the sales of the milk tea shops and does Facebook marketing contribute increase in the
sales of milk tea shops in Balibago Santa Rosa Laguna. Also, the aim of this study is to
determine how milk tea shop owners made use of Facebook as a platform to showcase their
products which can help them gain customers in every parts of the country that can help them
gain profit and popularity of the product.

INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly always be truthful as possible in your responses.

This survey questionnaire is STRICTLY FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES ONLY. Rest assured
that any personal information (e.g. name, age, gender, etc.) will be STRICTLY
CONFEDENTIAL and anonymous to anyone but us as we are the only one who is going to be
handling the information input into this survey questionnaire.

Shaina Dyanne Gonzales, Collin Buniel, and Yssa Jade Solomon are the students who are
undertaking this research.

You can reach out us here if you have any additional inquiries, concerns, or information:

Shaina Dyanne Gonzales (shainadyanne@gmail.com) , Collin Buniel (collibuniel@gmail.com),

and Yssa Jade Solomon (yssasolomon29@gmail.com).

Taking your time to answer these questions truthfully and willingly would be very much
appreciated. Thank you very much and have a great day!

Page 2

1. Name of the business.

2. Year it was established.

3. Location.(State the whole address)

4. How long does the business operate?

a. 1-6 months

b. 7-12 months

c. More than one year

5. How long does the business used Facebook as a marketing tool?

a. 1-6 months

b. 7-12 months

c. More than one year

Page 3

4 – Strongly agree

2 – Agree
2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly disagree

6. Facebook helps the business in increasing sales.

7. Facebook helps the business to gain popularity.

8. Facebook helps the business advertise the products.

9. Facebook is an effective tool to advertise the products of a business.

10. Facebook makes it easier for businesses to communicate with and contact their

11. Facebook helps the business gain customers’ trust and loyalty.




Address: Blk 75 Lt 24 P4 Laguna Belair 2 Brgy. Don Jose, Santa Rosa,

Email: shainadyanne@gmail.com

Contact No.: 09293796734


I am a woman of ambition. I am always on top of my game. I am also making sure that in everything that I

do, I always going to give my very best and exert a lot of effort towards it. Because I believe that in

everything you do, you should always the best version of yourself for it will lead you in the path of

opportunities that will lead you towards the epitome of excellence and success. I am also a trusted,

dependable, proactive, reliable and a productive person in all aspects that will ensure you such excellence

not just in words and in aim but also in actions that will help provide unexpected excellent outcomes.


Date of Birth: September 17, 2003

Place of Birth: Daet, Camarines Norte
Sex: Female
Father: Danny D. Gonzales
Mother: Sharon A. Gonzales
Civil Status: Single


Most Improved

Silver Awardee
Conduct Awardee 206-2020

Seven Pillars Bronze Awardee

Catholic School Conduct Awardee

Silver Awardee-Top
Knight of the Pillar
Buwan ng Wika
Secondary 2019: Kampeon sa

Peterson Student

Chair of St. Peter With Honors

School 2020-2022
With High Honors

English week: 1st

runner up essay
writing contest

Bible Quiz bee: 2nd

runner up


Most Diligent
Michael Andrews Academic Excellence 2010
School award- Top 2
Best in Reading


Infant Jesus Most Generous

Montessori Center Most Respectful 2011-2013

Best in Filipino
Princeton Academy Best in Civics
Bronze Medalist 2014-2015
Best in Performing




Address: BLK 1 LOT 4, Samasikap Homeowners Association,

Brgy. Macabling, Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Email: collinbuniel@gmail.com

Contact number: 09062894023


I’m accountable, a good listener, good at communication, competitive and exceptionally talented. I

accept criticism and look at it as motivation and inspiration. I love to explore and discover new things

with my own abilities. I believe in myself, my capabilities, and my strength. As what Paulo Coelho

said, “ You are what you believe yourself to be”.


Date of birth: June 28, 2004

Place of birth: Brgy. Macabling, Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Sex: Female

Father’s name: Emelito R. Buniel

Mother’s name: Concepcion Q. Buniel

Civil status: Single





Secondary Chair of St. Peter Peterson Student 2016 - 2022

School Awardee
With Honors
With High Honors

Buwan Ng Wika:
Spoken Poetry
Champion 2018
Balibago Integrated Math Camp Spoken
High School Poetry 1st placer
Math Camp Spoken
Poetry 3rd placer
With honors

Elementary Macabling Top 4 2009 - 2016

Elementary Top 10




Address: 680 Balibago Felix Reyes St. Sta. Rosa Laguna
Email: yssasolomon29@gmail.com
Contact no. : 09632289225


I would describe myself as a kind and a friendly type of person. I love meeting people and I love making

friends with people who are social. I am who I am, and I make no excuses for how I have turned out. It is

a common knowledge that I am a good student and I love to read a lot. My favorite subjects are Science,

English and all about histories. I also believe that Knowledge is the key to success, to power, to respect in

high societies, moreover, the key to one's personality.


Date of birth September 29, 2004

Place of Birth Santa Rosa Community Hospital
Sex Female
Father. Teddy Solomon
Mother Judy Solomon
Civil Status Single

Level School Awards Year of

Chair of St. Peter School With Honors 2020-2022


Blessed Christian School SalinAwit

de. Santa Rosa (champion)
Tagisan ng Talino sa 2016-2019
Filipino (3rd place)

Top 4
(grade 3)

Balibago Elementary Top 6 2010-2016

Elementary School (grade 4)

Best in Science

Best in Araling Panlipunan



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