Bruck House Ladybug
Bruck House Ladybug
Bruck House Ladybug
summer winter
The direction of the wind is also ideal and effected the orientation of the building. In which the ideal wind came mostly from the south and north side
The sun radiation come mostly from the south, that’s why
the solar panels on the building all faced towards the south,
as its also the long axis of the building
Looking at the psychometric chart, after i checked the strategies, it increases the comfort level to 55 %. This means that with
the right passive and active design, this building has the potential to be comfortable even in china’s harsh summer/winter.
Although the comfort overall is increased, there are still some months in china’s 4 seasons that are generally uncomfortable.
-Spring (march-may) and autumn (october-november) is generally more comfortable, temperature often reach about 10-23
degrees celsius, with humidity reaching 30-55 %.
-Winter is also comfortable, although not as much as spring and autumn
-While the Summer (june-august) is the most uncomfortable
My understanding from these analysis is that the architect main concern is to let as much people as possible have an equal amounts of comfortable experience
in each of their units. The challenge he faced are the four seasons, in which temperatures can be uncomfortable cold, or hot.
View Study
The percentage here is focused on
how much of the SOUTH side view
that the
building is getting, which because
there is no building/other structures
in front of it,
the front side of the building gets
100 % level. While the sides behind
that get
lesser view
The percentage shows that the front top side of the building is the one The east and west are less
that is exposed to the sun the longest. This is because the building is exposed compared to south,
oriented towards the south, and because in china (northern hemisphere), because its only when the
the sun rise would come from the south. sun rise and sun set
Incident Radiation
Receive most amounts of light = most amounts of energy → the roof top
As china is in the northern hemisphere, the sun rise came
mostly from the south during the day, thus making the long
axis of the building exposed to the most heat
As the sun came mostly from the south during the day, the
There is also other buildings behind the site, although north facing part of the building receive much less heat
doesn’t provide significant effect, as it is quite far
Outdoor Comfort
From here we can see that in china, the 3 months of summer is the hottest temperature
Indoor Comfort
From here we can see that in china, the only neutral/warm pmv is
during the summer (in morning and evening). Although there are also
mush more hot temperature during summer as well. Other seasons
such as spring, winter, and autumn, generally have cooler overall
temperature According to the globally recognized standard ASHRAE 55, the thermal
limit for maximum comfort is between -0,5 until 0,5 (this means its at
neutral). We can see in china, its quite rare to reach the neutral zone
Annual Daylight
balanced ventilation
The passive/natural system can be seen in the general form of the building itself. Its oriented towards the south to get the
most amounts of sun (whilst having balconies on all the windows and a terracotta facade to protect the summer heat). Its
focused on reducing the effects of the climate naturally, without the help of machines.
Although the architect also understands that passive system is not enough, so its active/built environment of the building is
created to support the passive system.
The things that can be improved in this building may lie in its lack of vertical cooling. Because even though it doesn’t need
cooling much of the year, it still needs it during summer (thus the need for active mechanical system). The building mass
itself is very thick, thus simple horizontal wind that came from the window might not reach the deeper part of the building.
Adding vertical voids that goes straight from the top to bottom to let hot air rise and cool air in, creating a stack effect, may
help in cooling the building more passively, and save more energy.